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[Music] [Music] damn guys you guys ready for this people wanted JDM and not supercars I think we got here's that van again car engine in it it does look at this thing in the light it's insane you guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics this is going to be a bit of a crazy evening we're here in Tokyo Japan you know we've been doing supercar content and some people wanted a little more of the JDM life so this is gonna be any parking area this is a lot of guys come here on ice not necessarily like tonight but we put out the word that we were gonna be here and people came out to see Vee a moon night we got a bunch of cars together some fans got our X sevens everything else do this a hangout where people come and then they get on the highway right here and you do the loop around Tokyo on the stove and you're cruising so clean check it out I love to build on it like look at all the carving canards in the air oh the headlights look at this thing look at the wide body kit on it you guys wanted to see like real Tokyo Drift action this is the VIP pro rhino crazy build CP magic is it's an old soccer based company look at this look how wide that is it's crazy and then the hood and everything yeah look at look at this this is my light in the quarter panel it's almost got like almost kind of like the you know the way that the LEDs are yeah kind of reminds me of almost like a Lambo yo you're right he looks quiet whoa so this crazy bro the base herb oh yeah course turbo in here this is a ported rotary engine with a Porsche Turbo hook without looper is great how much power does he know wah-ah 460 ponies under such a light carpet like this out of control [Music] look at this thing this seems wide-body - it's like so freakin wide Dave you see this way that a way that is pulpit on over the doors and everything and then look at this look at how much that comes out on the front fenders but this is what you really got to see dude you wanted canards he's got a canard that's look how big that is the surface area no it makes it totally makes it look tame doesn't it do this he's got canards that are on canards coming off the side this kid is all race parts like this is like real-deal expensive race stuff for the arts especifically [Music] [Music] what it's so cute look at this pan and some Honda it's a Honda it's all decked out inside with all the accessories look at that screen this is a cage it's a super cool looking really cool the wheels Oh and tire stickers you have tire stickers on it do this backdrop of Tokyo in the background I mean come on it doesn't get any better than this man this is a good way to blow it the final night to start off I mean this is this is amazing [Music] wrapping animation nice this thing looks crazy and the light like this because now you can see all the angles yeah that's it yeah you're driving right I want no part of driving thank you dude I love how all the doors are just automated and open up for you lose this weight all the RACI this is these seats are insane I met this guy I was driving the event the door one day the SV right I'm lasting down the road and office I look at my rearview mirror I see a van a high a span just coming up on me kits next to me ground round round me just oh but he just takes off leaves me in the dust I catch up with him I said dude that's not a normal high no it's not alright here we go Steve's taking me for a ride in a hour 35 powered fan Dave how you doing back there ray seats in races oh dude you said the clutch punch grabs really quickly be careful it's gonna lock it up man yeah hold on give it a little rope it's a van think about this the same mansion that snack car is in this thing see ya baby we're ripping Tokyo in a van [Music] well the brakes work that breaks the work the race to work we're these streets the streets of Tokyo are my favorite man like driving in a videogame [Music] we're Horning in the man see it's so insane [Music] back here she died you couldn't even afford right oh by the club she'll open up let you all right you got this at the clutch there you go yeah I got it [Applause] [Music] okay this is what we were all just in I can't even explain how crazy of an experience that was [Music] [Music] well I get my mom's believe that never shot flame yeah Delta my facial hair up the green glow under my car the green glow this would go with your car pretty well wouldn't it I think it's for these wheels like this and with the spin the green under glow what do you guys think comment below so if you already get some lights on it because in Japan everything has lights on it the highways the street for people our lights like that the plane lights does that have a hot menu in that vending machine right there perhaps sure hole you were joking I don't joke about I am NOT in hot food yet alright remember I was looking the other day hot dog I thought you wanted a hot dog did you not should we get a hot dog I'm scared don't it good good is it good look at that thing does that look good hell yeah that's good yeah I thought we'd give me 370 n jokes okay we're going I thought don't she's telling you it's ready it's ready open the door please thirsty me accept wow it's got ketchup on it already - oh look at that they must have modeled this after somebody we know what did you buy oh we we just ordered us a hot dog from the vending machine behind you if you fight my weight good in there get in there well not bad for a vending machine [Music] he's asking me to sign his room I'd be honored this van is the craziest man I've ever been in here's a new plan and we're gonna take this thing yeah this thing's so cute it's gonna be the camera car yeah now we're gonna have the van do some exterior um get a capture at ripping by oh yeah I can't wait we this we get the ride in this dude look at this let me man seen here is strong bro you gotta step up your van game Dave into the monitor monitors always as big as the windshield then the mirror and the monitor to get our because oh this has got the mirror I like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what an amazing group we had such a good night below freezing that's it for this section downtown [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so here we are so you're saying I know some guys from the aquas alright so this is the area Connor where they hang out alright the area where I've got some connections in value agreed to meet with us to give us a story these are gangsters these are these are mobsters two gangsters but at the same from Japan but the same time they do amazing like philanthropist stuff for like when the earthquakes and stuff it hit ya Tek ting themselves their community the people around them and letting people know you know it's almost like this kind of quiet agreement with the police here yeah you know the police do what they do yeah but the opposite do what they do yeah goes down in this country the obvious I take care of their people in their area they got a we got a private club we're heading into alright we're gonna talk to mr. Kay yeah we're gonna play in an interesting part of town yeah man a little differently what you've been seeing now this is late night this is like a red light this drug this is what bars and other things are a lot of people drink in here not partying here but we're heading into a kind of a little little darker portion of this town all right all right we arrived at the joint we're going downstairs all right let's check this out what meet them in back feelin okay you guys so we have mr. kay here with us so mr. Kay is part of the Japanese Yakuza day it's just interesting to us that we're here checking out Japanese culture and I thought you know we were able to get a hold of mr. K to ask them a few questions about how how do you even how do you get to be a part of the Yakuza [Music] what you see so much much it's a very simple what's the matter normal girl so essentially this is people she liked anything that's reasonable what we're gone funny [Music] we won't tell her [Music] Jacquizz are known for having tattoos which are outlawed in in Japanese culture they're not allowed to show them ask him does he have mini tattoos we love we the same ammeter cheating people he saw his little garden when he saw something that he lost once you don't think you didn't want to know more affordable because she to cheat you and also she's an associate a canonical it does come you don't we will problem or go slower shields I'm Eric do you know I'm not gonna be like okay I got a minute oh yeah maybe battle night oh oh you know and naka naka muka higher tone day night you amaze you out in the schedule so the mascot sequel intentional misinformation about you you know before why do they cut off the finger and like is it any finger does he choose the finger why why why the pinky No but Nakata what doe even is done yelling stop with the equipment [Music] tella calls a night Cochino eat castle many cosmetics an ex-con Setsu what moist Otsuka knife pocono no.19 no cut a demo [Music] and a gang like this and having tattoos and not being able to show them in public here does that have an effect or impact on his life even though he is he's out now [Music] I'm a god you know how the hey that suppose I got blown up a bit Juba I forgive that for you to walk [Music] but oscillatory solution lucky night [Music] named Peter mio - they called suni gionee advocated - you know honey yeah buddy you've gotta [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 2,807,854
Rating: 4.9079514 out of 5
Keywords: tokyo gang, yakuza, tokyo vlog, daily vlog, dde
Id: yj8LICHvWbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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