Mario Kart 8 DELUXE Tournament!! Open to Everyone!! #AmandaNotDave

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[Music] guys I think we're live Hakan ding-a-ling wait [Music] there we go all right hey guys what's up oh let's see who's here Christian welcome fanatic stuff nice to have wanted to work I hope you can work lurk fanatic gamer hello Luke Moshe anastagia sure you are need to rich furs hello jack oh my goodness y'all are flying in here face and Bret I'm wonderful how are you Bret stench fries Jenna mobile gaming plus hey Cory that brainless Everett hello call me more Dave hey gab Nintendo boy no Mike most three it's The Amanda Show do alright so if you guys can see we have the tournament ID on the top of the stream so it's going my own tournament oh I think is that for one [Music] that's why I have the tournament starting at one o'clock because that's the only thing to let me do I haven't set up for one o'clock I figured will let people like get in here hey Jesse oh you can't stay and play don't tell me you're working hello mom how are you mom you can hop on a dance which and play Mario Kart with us hello Jamie hi Marcos I'm wonderful how are you oh my gosh Sal oh is here game is louder than mine I don't really know did that help hello Chris Stephen hello hello Brandi hi okay so again if you have not I have the tournament like pulled up on the stream I haven't played this in forever ice cold sonic no I'm DG ours wife hi stream on Sunday so I take over for day ah Chris why do you gotta go litter sand I are gonna play soon oh my gosh later I hope you guys can jump in with us or I guess it's just me that'd be awesome I mean Sydney can blow you away bye Chris thanks for stopping girl I don't even have switch well Jase you better get on that better guess which hello is Donna sure 24 lair is in the house one of Dave's BFFs your D you don't have to go you can still play and watch we're still going to chat and talk and have fun Sal my mother is in the chat you keep the behave okay I didn't have time I keep looking at myself in the stream I look so pale didn't have time to put on any like lipstick Jamie we're gonna play some Mario Kart 8 deluxe on the Nintendo switch there is the tournament ID code why can't I join this I'll just wait it's gonna be long 10 minutes hello reg first how are ya I can't even tell how many people oh we have 20 people watching I have a think so hate to leave but later by Luke thanks for stopping Billy Hill who are you and where is the guy I am Amanda the guy is Dave and he is my husband and I take over on Sundays and I stream Dave does not yeah Jamie go ahead the tournament ID you can see it it's like up with the where oh my arm see up there in the corner know that it's weird and a webcam that quarter oh okay Dave is in the play some practice races okay I can do that join yes doing alright let me get a set up here Thank You Billy alright I don't remember the car I've certain cars that I like to use really what Mercedes tires there's a slight echo from what Dave hey Cory oh I think artisan hi to you Cory [Music] the echo due date you're not letting me play under my own account jerk Oh make sure the stream is muted in YouTube well it's not that's why all right here we go been a while since [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh I'll fix it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] because it's set up on my other Elgato it only runs at 30 frames per second okay sir we are eight Aloha you're just like a little tiny head did I share carbons asleep like she's on just go back out there [Music] hold on Dave's trying to fix the street just making sure it's not choppy is that how Dave slid into your DMS one yet what's that mean i watch this game okay I watched [Music] [Music] [Music] hey watermelon can we don't know why my assets of 30 hmm let me hold on Jerry go check on her no I'll go check [Music] [Music] [Music] mom Billy [Music] trying to get it figured out dude it's like we almost didn't even have a stream because it was so harder than having such issues with OBS gonna sit here not really I don't understand the meow I need to go check on Carmen she is asleep want me to try it again just keep chatting oh all right we're behind seas how's your day guys this is like so irritating it took Dave literally like 45 minutes to get this even working something's like going on with his cuz I have to Oh God owes it's being ridiculous what why would a YouTube network oh my gosh I'm pushing buttons that I don't even know what they're I want to join my tournament yes no see any Jen it's good huh we can't see my face they can see your face which is great but that's all I need what do you told me like play so we can like see well it's not even that it's that hello Guinea tug gaming WD gaster hello my face I'm just gonna keep uh oh no I can't see my game Thank You desi my face is his favorite face fingers crossed come on baby oh there goes layer layer with the helmet all right we're gonna try something on the fly here could be a bad idea lo this could be a bad idea oh oh what are you doing well it tells me my uh in 64 for testing that this is what it does guys because that's who L gotta to go to my old al Donna so could that be why sheer 64 was on no has nothing to do with my 64 whatever we'll try this see what happens cross your fingers and your toes hey Mari 64 [Music] [Music] I'm so guys let me know it still as copy bili my tournament doesn't start for a whole other minute so I have time [Music] I'm gonna roll with it sorry if it looks like poop alright so looks like it's gonna be moo moo farms capital n capital [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get on my team that was dirty I'll play dirty if you guys want to play dirty I'll play dirty my mic is low yepper Sal that better oh we get a crown oh my gosh and I want the crown I want game all you needs now [Music] let me know how that is Oh guinea says dirty are we playing dirty Jack McDowell hello how are you hi Betty thanks mom I try all right we're playing dirty the boys wanna play dirty I'll play dirty that's fine ask Dave Dave knows I can get nasty in Mario Kart I will bump you off the road whatever here we go here we go here we go all right litang get in here Jack I'm doing fabulous now you're in here [Music] [Music] Oh never Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm loved [Music] [Music] I are we [Music] hold on than anybody else like him [Music] sorry I'm [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] give me I really only have time to play on Sundays just because like Dave and I have a daughter and I normally I'm watching her while Dave streams and I work too maybe during the summer I can hear you a little audios too loud I don't know what I need to turn now we'll try that again oh my gosh Seth thank you ooh Rainbow Room went off man to crank the game volume way down okay which one Dave I have like four different things I can turn out uh-huh Jamie charge it all right here we go here we go oh you're watching with your dog we have a dog here we go here we go thought I heard Dave coming down the stairs he just can't stay out of the spotlight he needs to be on camera [Music] what are you doing in here turning this down which one is it yeah that's the one on the bottom I've been turning down I just turn away down oh I did I've been turning it down the whole time not enough obviously shoot man anyone been complaining about being choppy no is it that bad I don't think no no one said a word I want that double all right get out of my face I need to focus lair just took one for the team he just took one for the pixels team all right come on we're on a planet let's go it's not helping sixth place if you're not first you're last oh shoot man this is ridiculous I don't even know why I'm playing this because my blood pressure and just boils during Mario Kart I am so competitive it makes me sick oh my gosh this is just pure chaos pure chaos this is ridiculous and my my earphone is gonna fall out of my head I can feel it it's hanging on by a thread I'm gonna hit the wall oh my gosh playing with you guys makes me realize how much I suck oh and I'm gonna vomit oh ho that was a rough turn Oh who's in first I guess they won't be in first much longer oh my gosh nice place this is ridiculous Oh Sal you know Sal you never ever ever cease to amaze me ever just that impressive alright let's turn into Bullet Bill shall we the only thing I don't like about bullet bill is like you turn out like you go back to normal I like the worst possible times oh my gosh oh snap gotta beat lair Oh cute my blue shell oh my gosh I hey blue skies how are you how did you say you're taking your wife to Bali House Bali if you have been there already ah oh my gosh I hate every single one of these levels if you are just joining and you have a Nintendo switch in Mario Kart 8 deluxe please jump in and join howdy matte and McQueen lightning how the heck are ya dad brainless you're not even fun to play with would you stand first like the whole time Luigi does gaming hello blue skies that is awesome I want oh my gosh I looked up pictures of Bali oh you can take me with you if you want to I'm pretty small I can actually fit in a suitcase I can can I donate to you oh my gosh Billy I would love for you to donate just kidding you don't have to donate if you don't want to but you really don't have to ask I will take donations any time as you can see how about for every race I lose you have to donate $5 so just get out your wallet whose every single race I suck now this was Dave playing Dave would be Dave is really good at this game actually Dave's pretty much good at everything he does so I'll just leave it at that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh okay I really don't like this course it's really starting to tick me off how bad oh my oh my oh gosh oh goodness sakes oh my gosh feel like I need to like chill I need to find my Zen place so I can win a race oh oh oh my oh my oh my word oh my word oh my gosh sometimes I just get going too fast and I can't handle myself who's hitting me with the boomerang um blue skies that's because Ryu is nuts like for real for this to be anyone's favorite course they have to be like out of control seventh place that seems to be where I stand the most is seven huh don't read my name what do you need help with you go to find my tournament like go to the tournament plug in my tournament ID where see I'm so far behind I can't even see anybody no don't read my name I'm saying I'm out of control can't even function right now sixth place do I hate Sonic ah challenge Bros thank you for subscribing oh don't read my name it should be open I have it open it opened it one o'clock so try and plug in the tournament ID good game good game let's play again okay ooh there's only one two three four five of us get in here hello Tom check out you little wat - that's where we are going you can check out my photos on Instagram if you feel inclined if I can share my username I'll send it privately don't want it yeah blue skies just DM me on discord and I can look Oh daddy oh I wish you had a switch - you gotta get in here guy in blue shirt is you alright here we go oops lost it dang it actually like I am actually a really big fan of Rainbow Road I like I love it I don't know if it's like the tight corners or what but I love Rainbow Road shoot and there you are so dirty dirty dirty dirty wait till I get rid of my red shell then you throw a shell at me oh you guys are jerks could let me have one good moment of being in first place that's it breaking out the dirty here we go guess I should have saved it to go through the middle huh oh well I don't even see oh my gosh you guys are so far ahead of me right now I can only hope and pray that one of you falls off the edge as I fall off the edge oh my not my best and there goes Bullet Bill doing it I really wanted first he's I how are ya what's up spooky burger burger sounds good maybe Dave and I can have burgers for dinner dang it 3 out of 5 you sucked I sucked this is a tough group oh all right oh yeah that's what I like to see a huge crowd how do I talk oh oh Dave's dancin oh oh hello Bob Mayfield how are ya all right now I got it's serious time my name in the game is Austin all right here we go again I'm craving non kaizo levels wait you guys want me to play Mario maker oh can someone delete that I don't even know what that means it's not good now I'm now I'm all thrown off never it was gross save this to throw it layer later oh my gosh holy rip holy rip of course I get hit with a red shell and I fall off the edge why wouldn't I who's trying to boomerang me you all are dirty birdies yeah I'm gonna lose my mind guys you guys are gonna make me like have a heart attack for real oh gosh BAM good you can have those green shells they're awful weapons are you kidding me super daddy I see you said insta block I I'm hoping it's the same person that I wanted blocked dang it well there's last place for me oh my gosh I can't even handle this right now seriously this time last year okay I keep telling date this time last year I was still pregnant and I would have had my daughter this coming Friday I'm like imagine if I was pregnant right now playing this game I would probably stress out so bad that I would have gone into labor by now while on stream while playing Mario Kart oh here I come are you kidding I got your discord message blue skies I'm gonna watch I am gonna live vicariously through you guys what I want to go no we're good DVR tag-team pass the baby oh my gosh all right we'll have to play it so I made it you want to get pregnant again I don't know ace I'm undecided at the moment I'm like good with being the mom of one right now but Carmen's still little she's only gonna be one on Friday so we'll see we'll see in the future but as of right now I'm not uh I'm not ready for another one carbons enough I bet Dave swishing I was racing under my own account okay here we go I need to focus I mean business seis yes Carmen's birthday is on Friday she will be turning one here's what we all need to do we all need to get up on layer because layer won't give up his crown ooh when the lightning strikes did somebody join the cheese sub Club welcome James thank you for subscribing as you can tell I am focused on this game right now because if I don't focus I will lose well actually I've been focusing all the whole time I still lose I just haven't found what works for me of course and that's gonna blow up in my face oh my gosh oh my gosh fine surprise oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Jaden we've only been playing since one o'clock so if you would like to join in please feel free to do so all right Panda no go yes I remember you ooh someone gonna get booed oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm so nervous right now like I have like sweaty palms you don't want sweaty palms in Mario Kart oh my gosh ah you dirty son of a Wien dog yeah guys I can see that the stream is lagging my apologies I don't know what to do I'll take second can I join from your friends list David Mann I don't know Jayden I have the tournament ID right up at the top of the stream so just go to the tournament and type in the code dang Alang Alang I don't know why it's so choppy still I'm sorry ooh baby park alright Billy I don't cuss I said Mario Kart couldn't make me doesn't mean I'm going to like join the club I've been Chokin this whole time where is lair I don't see the lair delay early Bob Mayfield hello if people are just joining please tip in the tournament ID and play with us it's more fun when we have more people to crush me Oh lair got disconnected darn it now he's gonna win uh Bob dave is watching our baby and know he will not be joining me unless I have a technical difficulty and he has to fix it but I removing that now wait which course are we playing baby park oh my gosh I don't even know why I picked this one you just go around and around the same circle for five seconds baby here we go I bet I stalled out great holy rip holy read holy rip holy rip this is just like a frenzy of just pure chaos you oh my gosh this is ridiculous this is a just out of control insane come on give me something good give me something I can actually use please to get me out of 10th place ooh that's wait someone lapped me because the blue shell hit this person who was in first and they were right next to me someone lapped me I need to speak to Dave well ice cold he might be in chat so you can give it a try why do you need to speak to Dave here we go this is freaking ridiculous oh my gosh this is just like I was wondering why I couldn't like make it up through the ranks cuz everyone's laughing me Wow that was painful what a cluster muck you are correct Mike there's another guy live doing Mario Kart deluxe yes Jamie but I am a girl doing live mario kart deluxe so I Trump the guy how many cc's I think this is 150 150 which is - obviously - uh hi for me where'd everybody go oh I would have voted for Rainbow Road had I seen it I like Rainbow Road oh good Daniel I'm glad Cory please Amanda for the win I hope so okay this is my course here we go oh yeah I am not starting off seriously don't get me oh that's dirty Luigi I'm coming after you now I will be after you I will get you all great layers back I'm so happy can't wait to race lair yeah I think that's why I like rainbow road so much because I love the drifting I like to think of myself as someone advanced in the drifting world and then I do that dang it doing it hello Channing sorry I can't look at chat really quick guys cuz I am in the Battle of my life and they give me a freaking banana what do I need a banana for uh bananas are useless here we go shoot man ugly no you put me back where I fell off I didn't not fall off right there oh my gosh I can feel the rage just coming trying to keep it under control this was me and Dave playing I wouldn't be under control that's what I get for looking at chat someone donated Oh someone donated $10 who the heck was that someone tell me who was now I'm not focused was it Ron I'm seeing Ron Brennan hype Ron Brennan was that you Ron Brennan if that was you Ron Brennan thank you so much for the donation hey Ron hey Ron is the bomb diggity thank you Aron guys hashtag hey Ron for the donation please oh my gosh I'm gonna this suckie suckie [Music] hey Ron you're awesome thank you so much wait what happened motion three where's the notifications I'm not sure enjoy the races Amanda bye everyone goodbye thank you for the donations don't read my name thank you for subscribing you know why cuz I I have this turned down so I can't hear level Smasher what's up the cow one super check donation oh that's probably why if it was super chatted oh no Dave does have that set up don't read my name sub club alright here we go don't hit the cows actually all of you get speed boosts if you run into the cows it's new to Mario Credit deluxe so everyone run into the cow Devon thank you for joining please make yourself at home here of course of course level Smasher I would love for you to join my tournament when you get the game except it's only set up for today but when I set up another one you can join my tournament you guys are making me feel bad about myself and my skill level out of my weight layer here hit my banana whoa whoa whoa cows seriously whoever the heck is Luigi you are like flying no one's gonna even catch up to you like you're not even on my screen radar anymore someone's gonna hit me because I let go my banana and I just hit a banana dirty dirty dirty dirty you guys are dirty see you layered it you kids had speed boost from hitting the cow layers gonna drop a banana right on my face I knew it oh this is making all of us not friends come here I have a star and I want to touch you I got ran over hello Imperial bagel yeah level Smasher I'm not sure when uh my next tournament is gonna be this game is why friendship sent you're telling me layer I thought we were friends huh Sal oh that can be your new pickup line I have a star and I want to touch you tick tock clock where to play tick tock clock hey pep-pep king hey Billy I know and I didn't get last you're Negative Nancy aren't you a little sunshine in your life here we go David Horner what are we waiting for Oh Kurt Seth thank you so much for the donation Seth I'm trying Seth Seth I will do this for you I will win for you Seth Seth oh my goodness blue skies thank you oh my gosh you know I missed my boost thank you for the donation okay I will dedicate this race to blue skies and Seth fly thank you for joining the cheesy sub Club please make yourself at home all right here we go this level seriously makes me sick all you do is spin ah wrong one all right here we go hold on I need to win I need to win for Seth Seth me winning constitutes not getting last just to make that clear someone's trying to hit me with their boomerang I don't want to be hit with your boomerang Devon H how are you oh that was dirty dirty dirty dirty oh my gosh Cory thank you for the donation you guys are gonna make me come in last thank you so much Cory holy rip here we go here we go Seth and blue skies and Cory this is for you red man thank you for subscribing please join into the tournament if you have not already this is actually kind of fun ooh mushroom mushroom baby I guess I'll take your mushrooms I ruined it donut I tried Seth I'm so sorry I tried this is only 150 J no we're just doing the racing tournament right now Oh music park is my favorite course you guys don't like when ice cream another Amanda screen you didn't like it site so too loud Thank You Seth I really tried hashtag refund blue skies I will refund your $7 to you okay what kind of loosen up okay here we go here we go okay redman' good I'm glad you joined here we go let's do this the world is in my hands got the whole world Seth enjoy relaxing thank you again so much for the donation ah by blue skies oh my gosh have so much fun tell your wife to have a ball I will be following you guys I don't have Instagram can i still watch your pictures I'll try it we'll see where's everybody going why is everybody getting plucked out what happened there's only three of us where'd everybody go what the heck happened oh let's wait for more players mark Bradley thank you for the sub a communication error has occurred uh-oh let's try this again try and rejoin Billy you know we put up with your crap last time not anymore BAM banhammer Turnham is currently closed no it's not my Seth we'll see you later your Nintendo switches broken dragon that's not good what the heck happened yeah Jase I was warned about him and I gave him chance after chance but not now BAM ban hammer all right let's do it let's do it mmm I don't really like any of these courses there we go that's what I like to see all right let's do this if you guys are just tuning in please join our Mario Kart 8 tournament I finished his banner I was making for him just time to check discord supa Koopa I will tell him I will tell him you finished in two all him to check discord pup pup king this is on the Nintendo switch retro for the first time I don't know why it won't be letting you Everitt welcome back give it another try give it a try and see if you can join 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of us Oh Redmond I sucked too so you can join the club Zelda all right all my word I really don't like this course never have I can't even collect a rupee to save my life sure let's all just gang up on Amanda put her in last place oh sure go ahead and hit me red shell what's new huh jerk Oh Dirty Birds Oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my word holy rip piranha eat everyone in sight oh I'm still in control of my car I thought the piranhas took over your car my bad great now I'm going to get hit my red shell holy Rip here comes everybody everybody in there brother huh lair tell Sydney I'm right there with her I'm gonna need like a cool down family walk after this or something this is ridiculous seriously you should never play Mario Kart like before you go to a stress test at a hospital or something they would go in and think something seriously wrong with you oh cool gamer thank you for this sub [Music] Sydney you can just watch me and I'll have an aneurysm for the both of us ah Panther how are ya dragon I don't know why I wouldn't be working right for you it should be open I mean it's not like for anything yet just keep trying oh my gosh my sister's trying to Skype me right now off to call her back wait ah not intend oh boy thank you you're pretty all right let me take a typical laid all right now I'm ready here we go Smitty hello it's been a while no it is metal peach I'm the metallic peach Nash boop-boop here we go starting out last place like I like it dang it slowed myself down me and I'm telling you what after having a baby my equilibrium is so thrown off like this course like taking like sharp turns is going to seriously make me like throw up Cayden please don't cry all right here we go oh sorry to hit you when you're down ohmygosh blue shell whoever's at first that's a warning blue shell is coming for your face all right here we go here we go here y'all ah that was dirty of me I'm sorry I'm sorry please accept my apology that's like getting you when you're down eh [Music] boys versus game thank you for the sub I hate pink gold peach there ah that's metallic peach and I like her oh sorry for making you miss me I'm so glad you're here now I don't have to miss you anymore alright alright alright alright yeah Penda no Co that'd be cool secret carrier that you have to unlock dream to the music in my head alright this is your last game alright that'll give me another chance to win here we go here we go here we go fifty-eight people watching holy moly welcome 58 people watching please join my tournament play with us triple a gaming why can't you join I don't like this level I'm starting to get a headache from pure rage Ultra Devon now your metallic peach 200 my headphones going to fall out of my ear uh-oh huh rotten rotten rotten everyone just is just coming up from behind and just smacking me I love how everybody has turned into Sal oh my girl love it Sal oh look what you've done I should get a t-shirt made that says my girl or my boy depending I'll get one for Dave that says my boy and I'll get one for me that says my girl how about that Sal guys watch the caps it's like you're screaming or something all right here we go let's go let's go let's go of course it missed them normally when I do a green shell like that it'll like come back and hit me get off my back Yosh Oh dirty dirty dirty dirty Austen you know what thank you for not running me over when you were big because you could have hit me you could have you could have hit me when I was small what you didn't you were kind and I thank you holy rip holy rip can't see you can't see oh my gosh someone with a star is behind me they're gonna get me in a blue shell oh I see who's in first I see them I oh my goodness please let me win please let me win please please yes finally yes that felt great for once GG to me first place hi II finally finally finally finally finally one I've been cheated I know Mike I had to play dirty don't read my name thank you for playing um I'm not gonna play a whole lot longer a couple more races and then I'll be done so you won't miss much I'm on a rampage I'm out for blood here we go so much more fun playing with a live person I know isn't it you can talk back and forth I wish that they would have enabled chat on this though so people could chat actually like while playing the game online I think that would have been a lot more fun I really remember not liking this level I used to be decent at it like I would like switch between level floors and stuff but not anymore I couldn't even tell you before this game came out I couldn't even tell you the last time I played Mario Kart [Music] holy grippy debts oh oh I'm gonna get nailed I knew it Oh Mike they will have chat that's awesome no not that chap motion like actual I can talk to you while I'm streaming chat or while I'm playing seriously bananas in this game stink the only good thing in Anna's used for is eating it other than that seriously how many people do you know that I've actually slipped on a banana peel or like used it as a booby trap mmm doesn't happen oh come on Austin come on Oh blue shell blue shell get out of the way dang I was doing pretty good where's the hubby he's with the babe a pants are good bye thank you for stopping oh my gosh you make me cringe but you're awesome why do I make you cringe cuz I'm so bad you should see me play Mario maker okay here we go tasty like how I said Bibby retro-gaming 81 with the creepy lurk eyes ooh three lurking eyes there's only five of us yes ace I'm a pro Dave will not be streaming today he will not where are you and DG are met we met in school actually we are high school sweethearts by panda see ya Devon hi I'm gonna fall off Oh again the rust is seriously real three out of five this is great oh my gosh I see her so I think I'm gonna throw up this game is like making me nauseous well that did nothing a lot of the tracks I can't believe I forgot so many tracks this is crazy I knew you were altra Devin oh boy I can't do the shortcut oh wow oh my gosh it's a little bit ridiculous oh great bola bill I seriously this might be our last race because I seriously getting motion sick not lotion three sick just motion sick okay motion so don't worry I'm losing my earpiece again programmer I'm not going to stream Mario maker today just hey Shania how are you seriously we are heroes that's what I feel like everybody always said after you have a baby you know I used to be able to ride roller coasters and then you can't because your equilibrium is all thrown off and I was like I've never had a problem with that it is for real my tournament is now open was my tournament open before oh it changes every four races Dave and I'm going to choose what they play yeah Jaden we're not playing battle we are racing motion sickness why aren't you sure you feel about that one Sal oh there's like four of us come on y'all get in here need to see something really quick Jen poo I wish he had a switch so you could play because of the motion in the ocean superdad oh darn it I lost my boost daddy oh I know you would oh my gosh Dave I remember Dave used to be ridiculously good at this course actually Dave's really good at every video game he plays like I don't ever like to play anything against him because I lose he's not the type of husband that lets his wife win he's the one that makes sure the wife loses here we go oops hey Shania I don't blame you at least you're doing it the smart way and putting your money towards your tuition and not being like some people who take out loan after alone after loan just to buy stupid stuff and then they're up to debt up to their eyeballs you are doing it the right way my friend actually I don't miss college I don't miss college at all I hated college I just wanted to work I have behind me doing it Sal I bet you miss college I bet the girls were just lining up outside your dorm room I I mean I guess I didn't like hate college I just I was so tired of school thank goodness I didn't go to premed yeah should I you are doing it the right way that is for sure which is awesome because not many people do it like that wait I got third I was in second the whole time yellow neon switch controllers that's awesome alright guys and gals we are going to do when did I graduate from college oh my gosh uh 2012 so five years ago alright this is my last race so let's make it good 50 like hype woo yeah puppet King I'm old I'm 27 actually it's so weird to think that I'm almost 30 Dave and I Dave at the end of May is going to be 28 so close to 30 I always tell him he's closer to 50 now than he is birth he hates he gets so mad all right retro let's see what you got wait Cory did you just say your birthday's May 5th that's Carmen's birthday that's awesome yep Carmen and you have the same birthday Cory that's awesome all right I need to focus really quick because I'm not doing a good job super daddy oh I've heard 50s like the new 30 Oh here we go I mean six out of what like seven here we go here we go ah-ha-ha-ha weird brandy that's Dave's birthday and my birthday is long gone until next year have I ever dated older men are you talking to me like you mean like how old Dave's an older man Dave is older than me if that counts get out of my way swampy programmer are you talking like 35 years old um no I mean Dave and I started dating in high school so then we got engaged in college and then married right side up outside of college so uh I'd say no I haven't dated older men cuz I haven't had a reason to all right this is my last one that school's ice September 9th my mom's birthday is the 17th me and Dave we're talking about how me and Carmen have the same birthday that is a good day Corey that's an awesome day Eric welcome Joel I'm glad you're in all right guys last race last race last race here we go and here we go here hello yeah really glad 1 b1 b1 I keep missing my boost because I'm not paying attention alright it's time to get serious oh shoot this smells kind of fun I don't think I've ever played this freak hello oh boy oh my Dexter thank you for joining my sister skyping me again I should answer and put her on stream my sister just had a baby a month ago on Wednesday my little niece I bet that's why she's calling to show me my niece I tried to call her earlier but she was like exhausted so oh my gosh woman function this is harder than it looks [Music] I'm sorry I can't turn down my Skype volume there we go alright this is serious need to be super super serious holy rip holy rip fully wrap holy rip pull Europe alright guys and gals that is it there's not really anybody even streaming right now hmm guys this is so much fun we'll have to play another tournament um again this was a blast we are going to call it a day because it's like midday there's not many people playing anything right now so we're not going to go on a raid or anything we're just going to call it a day thank you guys so much thank you to all the new subs and for everybody who donated thank you thank you thank you so with that we are going to shut down the tournament I don't know how to let me see I don't think I can alright guys and gals with that um if you standing so mine's gonna be like last we're even am i oh I'm number six I'm in the middle of the pack that's alright I'm John thank you for subscribing alright guys with that Dave should be streaming hopefully tomorrow cross your fingers um and then hopefully I'll be back next Sunday so thank you guys so much for spending your afternoon with me I will say hi today for you all catch you later
Channel: DGR
Views: 2,217
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker ryu, super mario maker ryukahr, super mario maker dashie, super mario maker carlsagan, nintendo, nintendo switch, super mario maker, mario kart 8 deluxe, mario kart 8, mk8d, hot chick streamer, mario kart switch, girl streamer, amandanotdave, nintendo girl, girl nintendo streamer
Id: woGop71Ikn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 36sec (5556 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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