Bowser's Fury Is NOT What I Expected...

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hello my friends and welcome back to another brand new video i'm super pumped because today we get to look at super mario 3d world plus bowser's fury yes my friends the day has finally arrived i'm firing it up for the first time and okay we're presented with okay there's there's not much fanfare for the introduction so you're presented with the two different options super mario 3d world plus bowser's fury in today's video we're gonna be looking exclusively at bowser's fury there will be more content on this channel featuring super mario 3d world down the road but i've already played this a couple times i want to see what bowser's fury is all about before we dive headfirst into this i wanted to say if you're watching this at the time of release i am going to be live over on slash djr underscore dave i'm going to be playing super mario 3d world and bowser's fury most of the day so if you want to hang out spend some time chilling with the dgr community i'd love to see you and get to know you a little bit better but let's go ahead and fire it on up [Music] so here we go friends oh my goodness i'm excited i'm super super duper excited i hope you are too i love the mario running animation for the loading it's small touch man i know i'm easily impressed okay being quiet getting major super mario sunshine vibes here okay mario's in the mushroom kin kingdom oh get some goopy coop does mario's sprite look there's something i don't okay just being quiet ah this must be how bowser jr did bowser jr lay a trap here for us falling into the ink pit well now i'm getting super mario odyssey vibes it started with sunshine vibes now i'm getting odyssey vibes that's gotta hurt oh can we actually oh we are now in control look at that wow oh my goodness i'm trying to throw i'm trying to throw my hat like it's cappy um right off the bat control wise very quick like the movement i don't know it doesn't feel exactly like mario odyssey but look how fast mario moves very quickly very twitchy what's over here let's just let's go out of bounds already can we get out of bounds here you can not a good start okay so it makes the sounds of mario odyssey when you take damage and it looks like you lose coins if you die okay we can ground pound you can still do okay that's kind of like mario odyssey you can do the high jump off the ground pound nice okay uh we have some bowser blocks here it doesn't look like we can do anything this looks like bowser's ship oh my goodness wow that escalated quickly okay let's go let's get out of here oh my goodness okay follow the coins okay oh there's a cat what is it oh you can you can wall jump nice can i not make this oh bowser looks very oh my gosh okay that works and they're called cat shines interesting friends i was this is answering a lot of questions but also leaving more questions as well there's literally no story sunlight hurts the crazy giga bowser thingy going back once he came into the goopy goop kind of reminds me of like a godzilla in a way whoa now everything's all tranquil okay all right i'm digging it call me a shovel i'm digging it baby we've kind of seen this from the trailers from the game and so here's the lighthouse okay we're getting a good view of i don't know if this is the entire island or if this is only a portion of it yeah all i can tell is i already feel like stop the landing i feel like this is going to be a speed runner's dream game there's no introduction it literally just throws you right into the game alright so we've met up with bowser jr it's a masterpiece oh look at that oh looks like bowser jrs is in trouble mario dad is out of control i don't know what happened that's a terrible bowser junior voice i am so sorry i am so sorry i tried to help him but he's too big and mad i can't change dad back by myself mario's a little bit skeptical yeah like mario's probably like why should i be helping you here i'd never ask for your help never ever but i'll do anything to save papa so help me mario all right we've teamed up with bowser jr how much should he help you okay so this is kind of neat you can decide how much you want bowser junior to help you a little a lot or none we're pro gamers here you're just along for the ride let us handle this bowser jr so that is cool this is a co-op mode does bound your junior not okay he still follows us you got coins galore look at these goombas dude okay i took damage on purpose i wanted you to see oh now we're tiny look how furry and fuzzy those goombas are that's awesome okay how do you get power-ups [Music] you can still long jump scamper shores oh you can do the back uh side flip thing okay there we go okay that works i guess um i don't know how many cat shines are in this again i'm going into this pretty blind i didn't watch any reviews i tried i watched the trailers at least the short trailers i didn't watch any of the extended trailers by nintendo or anything like that um so this is gonna be pretty much all blind [Music] okay that was lucky can we dive you can still dive like in mario odyssey if you jump and press uh zl and b at the same time you still dive that's so cool okay do we have a triple jump doesn't seem like we have a triple jump anymore but can i catch these kitties we got the kitties we caught the kitty look how cute we are i just chucked it oops sorry i feel like the kitties are gonna be the new penguins like from mario 64. yeah if we had the cat suit we could climb up there but uh i took damage so we don't have the cat suit oh my goodness okay let's keep going [Music] oh can you still wait a second wait a second okay no you can't shake and roll like an odyssey there's none of that going on here okay al i want that i wonder if we can get this let's try and cheese this let's try and get this without having the cat suit got it let's go gamers oh wait we got one of them wait what's down here this is really cool it's very open world as like a la mario odyssey only a little bit that's obviously not it's not mario odyssey in scope but still pretty cool starting to rain it does not make me feel good about this uh wait what's down there oh that's that must be like a big cat shine we must this must be like we must have got like a mini cat shot oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um goodness gracious buckle up friends um oh it was literally right there wait a second does this does this send bowser away that would be so funny yup it worked so it's taken bowser's hp down a little bit more i wonder if literally once bowser's hp is drained we win that would make this pretty dad gum short i have nothing against things being short um as long as it's like a memorable fun experience along the way all right let's go over here lakeside gigabell we're never gonna get the cat suit because i keep taking damage [Music] what so apparently we have a shadow luigi i'll uh shadow mario from mario sunshine how do i what am i what what in the world [Music] all right i'm gonna get them [Music] okay note to self you can't just run into him holy rip that takes a lot of coins nice there's a little now we're cooking let's go we got a power up and there's a shell there too that's it let's go come on come on got him got him does that give us a cat shine nice cat shine furry fury shadow by the shore oh we just unlocked another lighthouse let's go oh nice take a mushroom oh nice you get a reserve power up my webcam is blocking it you can see that there is a reserve power up that you can use if you happen to need it so the question is where do we want to go uh i think we want to go down here maybe oh yeah i guess that worked whoa it's a gigabyte i heard a cool saying about these maybe we gotta get this splotchy goop off first more cat shines might do the trick so first impressions as we make it to pounce bounce aisle control wise controls like a dream uh the the platforming's fun just the aesthetics look great too on the negative side the story is very bare bones i mean i know it's a mario game so the story is always bare bones i i get that but this seems to be even better than a normal mario story which is saying something what is that they literally just throw you into story which isn't necessarily a bad thing um but if you're looking for something with a sustain substantial story even though typically it is mario save princess peach yadda yadda this is this is not there this is not in the game at least at least not yet anyways oh there's another one but again i don't know that nintendo ever intended this to be considered a full game experience it almost feels more like a demo as of uh or a proof of concept if you will or just in addition for people that bought super mario 3d world for the wii u back 2013 like i did this is just a bonus of incentive to buy it again and hey it worked i bought it again bowser jr investigate so this is new there we go so what's he gonna do he's painting nice power up so you can send bowser jr to do some investigating oh butts dang it oh boy oh boy boy i think giga bowser is coming once the rain starts flowing friends you know giga bowser is not far behind uh i i don't know how to yeah he's back giga bowser's back oh boy all right we should probably while giga bowser's out and about oh that works i guess come on you know what i should have just done all along this that was way easier than what i was making all right we need giga bowser to hopefully bust open the blocks down here yeah yeah so the blocks are strategically placed here yeah yeah yeah need him to shoot here shoot here okay there he is oh my gosh this is risky this is this feels really risky feels really risky but it worked okay nice nice nice we got a cat shine got a cat shine it was a little bit risky but i think it paid off be gone bowser be gone we need one more to awaken the big cat thingy so i don't think we've gotten one over here let's go over here next oh boost pad fork flap trap that's an interesting name again if we have the cat suit which i haven't even got the cat suit yet uh we'd be able to climb this oh my goodness my internal timer is going to struggle here oh oh my gosh i don't know what i just experienced there but oh we got bullies come here that is so oddly satisfying come here bully come here be gone see you later see there we go i think we got a nice cat shine from our hard work let's go let's go it is hard getting used to the controls a little bit comparing it to mario odyssey mario doesn't dive nearly as far as he does in super mario odyssey so i have to like kind of unlearn a little bit of the move sets for mario odyssey and get used to the new controls in bowser's fury a message is ringing out from the gigabell when the beast awakens so shall i all right goku mario here we come friends you gotta power up each time you collect 100 coins you can also store up to five power-ups of each i actually was kind of curious um what the point of coins were so it's good to know now that we now we know look at that jump parkour baby i would love to start doing more is it possible challenges and i'm trying to think of while i'm playing here in the back of my mind think of fun is it possible challenges we could do within bowser's fury and even 3d world so if you guys are thinking of any um interesting challenges let me know and i'd love to try them i also want to give a reminder that if you're watching this at the time of release i'm going to be live over on it's last dgr underscore dave playing this as long as i can throughout the day uh in fact if we do well enough i may even end up doing some speed runs of this game just for kicks and giggles so if you are interested and want to hang out i would love to have a chance to chill with you over on twitch geek bowser's coming let's get over here to the the bell tower here and wait we're gonna wait for bowser to spawn the lighthouses have illuminated the big bell oh my gosh if you've seen it from the trailer you know what's about to happen but if you haven't seen the trailer get ready get ready is all i'm gonna say wait for it super saiyan mario and now we get to actually fight giga bowser i'm i'm curious okay so we have a cat scratch this is really okay he's blocking our okay wow this feels straight out of a godzilla film it really does like do i gotta get behind him oh let's go oh let's go oh i should have dang it oh he's almost dead he's almost dead wait there it is where is his back where's he at where's he at okay come here bowser got him got him so what does that mean surely we didn't beat the game and don't call me shirley [Music] i don't think we beat the game i just think we staved him off for a second i think he's gonna be back whoa look at that spray that sprayed is awesome it's raising new island so cool okay so i don't know how many phases we get to do like how many different times we have to defeat bowser there's plessy this is amazing look how smug mario looks right now he looks so dang smug looks like bowser jr has more to say he sank back into the lake but trust me it'll take more than that to beat my papa we need to make him really see the light the way to do that is to find more cat shine cool cool so it looks like we have another phase we're gonna have to do another phase with gigabowser then another one then i'm guessing there's a final boss so i'm guessing there's like three phases and then a final fight with giga bowser there's a mama kitty she looks so sad don't cry kitty we need to find your kitty okay i can help you i got your kitty i got your kitty right here there she is all right easiest cat shine to get in the game right there i wonder if there's a total amount of cat shines we need to get to beat the game there's uh plessy do i always want to call dory all right this is pretty sweet all right oh gosh all right here we go the foliage is no match for a giant dinosaur with blue hair i wonder if plessy's related to yoshi at all do you think plus is related to yoshi i think there's some i see some family resemblance there now what is over here okay [Music] well that is something i was not expecting let's go that's new i mean that i don't think that was in three was wait a second was tanooki with tanooki tailed mario in 3d world i know it was in super mario 3d land i was a big fan of super mario 3d land was that in 3d world i can't remember let's launch ourselves up here slip skate slopes [Music] oh i'm here for this baby oh man i'm just tail slap you all there we go oh now we got a okay we got a red one here here we go dang it i missed one okay we're still good still doing good oh man we just missed that one i don't know if i've ever got all of the five hidden cat shinies on one island yet don't mind me i'm just casually trying to climb back up top here back to where we started there we go we got five and that gives us the catching now we're good to go so i'm already thinking about speed runs and obviously you're going to want to encounter gigabots or probably as least amount as possible so you want to probably time when you get um cat shines so you can keep giga bowser at bay that's that's what my first thought is in terms of thinking about speed runs we'll see if my theory uh proves to be true or not but we'll find out um let's go what happens if we go through this you kind of like an obstacle course all right i'm game let's do it okay he's giving us coins giving coins does not improve your time 10 seconds can we can we be one shot johnson here one shot johnson let's go oh yeah no doubter no doubt or one shot johnson to get that cat shine how do we get this one in my next question so now we're at scamper shores have i been here yet yeah we've been here already oh [Music] now we're talking now we're talking let's go wow look at this creeper piranha plant oh my goodness okay let's try getting on top here there we go now we can fly up here nice [Music] oh the cat suit belt looks a little bit different okay uh is there anything else hidden up here just more kitties following us around kitty's blindly following an orange box with a propeller on it so this lighthouse is backed with shadow again so we need to find the other hidden um okay water gets rid of that i think he said we can enter the shell whoa yo that's so cool that's so cool i don't know how to stop this yet i'm just i'm along for the ride here oh and you can go across the water oh only for a little bit okay this is a different cat suit this is like a special cat suit you can turn into a lucky cat which i believe is a s uh i believe it's a very popular um i don't know i don't know if it's a mythological mythological creature in japanese folklore but i know it's part of japanese culture lucky cat i really want to find a way to cheese and get that but i don't know if there is i bet you there is a way to cheese that do we try for the cheese i like how the enemies are different at night too oh gosh i don't want to take damage yet oh gosh stay alive oh my goodness gracious now what what are these things okay okay we need one more oh all right let's go let's go there's a big cat shine here got it god that's our 10th cat shine which should put uh giga bowser at bay for a little bit and also i want to try for that cheese if possible never mind we don't need to cheese it we don't need to cheese it anymore the cheese has been taken care of what i was going to do anyways i was going to put on the tanooki tail and just flutter our way down here and grab the cat shine but again we were we didn't get a chance to try the cheese because well it's gone now i'll tell you what this game definitely has a way about it makes you want to keep at least i want to keep playing it okay like each time i think i'm going to end the video i keep wanting to keep playing more all right i'm hustling all right we got it we got it and it seems like more cat shines are added as you go along but i gotta cut myself off this video is gonna be way too long as is oh but it's so hard to stop oh so this is a new power up there's star power-ups in this too okay i promise i promise i'll be done here in a second i promise stay with me i just want to get this all right that's that's the last cut that's the last cat shine cut me off cut me off all right my friends i am stopping i'm cutting myself off we played about 45 minutes and end up getting 13 cat shines as i've mentioned i don't know how many cat shines there are in total in bowser's fury but if i had a guess it would be like 30 between 30 and 40 because i think we need to fight giga bowser two more times then i'm guessing there's a final battle on top of that again i don't know for sure i haven't watched any reviews or any gameplay this was a brand new experience and one that i really enjoyed as i mentioned if you're looking for a grand mario story you're not gonna find it in bowser's fury at least not from what i've seen so far but what you will get is a ton of fun platforming and just a good time it would most likely be even more fun to play with a friend so if you have a friend and want to play this two-player or someone plays as bowser jr that would be fun as well lastly i just wanted to mention that there is some super mario 3d world content coming very soon and i also wanted to mention that if you missed the end of this video i'm still probably going to be live over on dgr underscore dave if you want if you want to see more bowser's fury and some super mario 3d world content i would love you to swing by a stream and i'd love a chance to hang out with you for a little bit we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up thank you guys so much for watching i hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: DGR
Views: 332,909
Rating: 4.9341812 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryukahr, mario maker ryukahr, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, super mario 3d world + bowsers fury, bowser's fury, bowsers fury, nintendo reaction, bowsers fury speedrun, bowsers fury walkthrough, bowsers fury speed run, bowsers fury playthrough, bowsers fury review
Id: vsKOzHfhyUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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