Super Mario Galaxy 2 Challenges | IS IT POSSIBLE [LIVE]

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome to the stream how is everybody doing this is attempt number two guys fingers crossed we don't have any technical issues like we did yesterday hopefully we can actually do some streaming tonight that would be great welcome guys how was everybody doing thank you all so much for being here happy Friday to you all I sound kind of cranky I will say this I am very tired this was this is my first week back to work after having two and a half weeks off for a new baby so I am definitely tired going to work and then coming home and you know playing with the kids and things like that definitely a little bit tired but that's okay we'll get into it we're gonna we're gonna get into this challenges here and and go from from there let me kind of explain what's going on in case you weren't here yesterday what we're doing so as you can see by the thumbnail this is called Super Mario Galaxy 2 challenges is it possible we're doing it live and let me explain why just a little bit so now that having an extra kid is great I love it but it leaves me with even less time than I had before so the thought process behind this is it possible live is that I'm going to be able to film some footage and make a video out of video out of it while also live streaming live streaming and getting to hang out with you guys so we're kind of doing two things at once and I'm really excited I haven't tried this we tried it yesterday and the stream messed up which I hear was it YouTube like a bunch of streamers were having trouble with YouTube so hopefully tonight it's fixed and we'll be able to actually do this so yeah that's kind of the explanation thank you all for being here really do appreciate it how's everyone's day going you guys having a good day I'm going to show you the challenge so the challenge we're gonna take on last night we're actually not doing we're gonna be doing a different challenge um you guys know Mayor Romero is a really good friend of my marrow actually called me out on a challenge which I'm gonna play for you guys right now give me one second let me see here maybe okay let me see if I can get this working oh crap now I can't see what the invisible yes okay now we're on top so now we just need to finish the level guys I really like a mning a viable I do have to cut the amount of times I've just been jumping about shooting I'm trying to think of a really satanic chat challenge to send them back but don't have any good ideas yet so yeah mayro has challenged me which is gonna allow you and video what challenge we're gonna be taking on here actually let me just get to the challenge so right here here we go this is the Challenger going to be attempting courtesy of Mae Romero has called me out so I have no choice I have no choice guys he called me out by name so we have to take on this challenge so here it is they're gonna be in the fluffy Bluff galaxy which this is a great video by the way they wrote did a great job editing this video I like so here we go so we're doing the fluffy bluff galaxy without using the cloud and cloud jumps do suck you guys don't know cloud jumps without using the cloud suit because it's really hard so aunt we have to use Mario and if we beat it you'll attempt anything in Super Mario de si of our choosing so guys we need to complete this challenge so that mayro we can challenge mayro to something else ah crap there we go okay okay so that's the challenge you know what's gonna last second so that's that's what we're taking on yo it's kind of sighs silent yeah it does sigh hey what's going on King J and I saw Tedric in here earlier what's going on peachy thanks for coming back what's going on super noob white bone ten meter Sam Veridian a Super Mario see Sebastian Ludwig no game sound ah there should be oh I think I muted it thank you there's game sound there we go two top games should have game sound now yo son thank you so much son guys here we get some height for son in the chat thank you so much son I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you let's get some height for son okay I need to put my headphone in so I'm really excited to try this we'll see how we do well here we go so far the stream looks like it's in decent shape so that's good that's good why didn't I'm not sure why the donation didn't show up or did it show up let me see oh that's why let me replay that son I apologize that's what there's a reason why it didn't come up and wait wait I miss spooky and Bradley spooky burger says woo first donation how you doing today buddy thank you spooky I appreciate it yeah if we have one from Bradley and Bradley says hey David I've been busy with school and stuff and shadowing high school so I've been able to catch a stream for a while but it feels good to be back thank you both Bradley and spooky burger I appreciate it hahaha and then vexes thank you so much max don't lose this challenge you are the man vex uh you are the man hope you're doing well dude I don't even remember which which world is fluffy Bluff in where we're even is fluffy Bluff where is it at that's it it's in world one okay thank you I wasn't sure where it's at we're in trouble if I can't even figure out where it's at we're in trouble alright ah there it is here we go guys let's go it's gonna Thomas Mad Dog it's gonna energize knuckles yes true it is galaxy so we are doing search for the toad brigade captain and again we have to be Mario and we can't use the cloud power of so this is gonna be pretty epic let's come on DP z all right so I've actually not watched this challenge done before so this is gonna be we're gonna be totally flying by the seat of our pants here yeah Ryan thanks for the bits over on Twitch me and I appreciate that all right I wanna can we do this without [Music] wait a second okay so that's not gonna work oh gosh this is not gonna be good guys this is not gonna be good yo Lauren thank you so much Ellen I appreciate it DBC it's so good to see you man hope you're doing okay I don't want to spin that's right gosh thank you Lauren how are you doing tonight you okay this is good practice right here I can't remember how I did this before okay so there I was able to jump there it's weird like my jumps aren't registering for some reason it's like I'm pressing jump when I land on the cloud okay I think I'm just pressing it too soon okay we're in trouble we're in trouble here friends I can't even make the first jump all right yeah maybe we can try triple jump that's not a bad idea but we're gonna have to be doing some cloud jumps later on in the challenge that's so weird why are my jumps not registering side flips well well we failed but not really we can just we can easily take it we can just do that and that we haven't really done anything with the all right I may have bit off more than I can chew here this might be out of my range here it's gonna Shivan you know a sleigh remember what I said it before the stream started man okay we saved it but not exactly how we wanted to do it well get it what's gonna charlet um wait wait wait wait I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea here yeah I know it's coming I I mean I have I know what I remember the galaxy very well from playing it I know what's coming up but it's definitely gonna be crazy I just got to remember I got to get back in the groove like you know what before we do this one you know what we're gonna do guys you know we're gonna do we're gonna get some yeah let's go on Katie how are you how are you in the man candy doing we're actually gonna get some practice I want to go to yeah we're gonna get some practice here yeah baby number three is non-existent at this point no plans for baby number three will you answer no to this question aah smash ultimate I plan on it yeah for sure thanks Randy I appreciate it man this one yeah we're gonna do this just to get some practice you know I'm not worried about doing this cloudless right here I just want to get to the part yo Raven thank you so much guys get some hype for Raven thank you so much for the new member hype I appreciate that yeah for my own sanity for sure all right so if you guys don't know what I'm doing this is actually a challenge I've done in the past and it's pretty crazy difficult [Music] but basically there's a pond with a bunch of clouds on it and you can do these cloud jumps and it'll be good practice to get ready for that challenge if Raven thank you so much again I appreciate it yo guys we have 100 lights to thank you so so much okay so now I do need to die to get rid of the cloud power up you know and Tom thank you so much I appreciate that thank you so much for the $1 donation okay like something weird is going on like when I press you try something here we'll get it figured out we're gonna get it figured out we got this it's gone dB I see you like look at that like he's not jumping as soon as I land on the cloud I don't know this we're remote is weird like I don't know if something spilled on it or something cuz like normally you press the minus button to pause and it never pauses you know Jeff thank you like I you really have to Congrats RAC baby thank you so much Jeff I appreciate that man that's really cool of you I'm gonna try a new Wii Remote actually I'm shiny we were about yeah I'm gonna try a different Wii Remote it's not frame-perfect like I didn't have this much trouble when I did the challenge before so I don't know if it's just something with the Wii Remote Jeff the new baby's doing great she's slowly starting to get adjusted to date getting her days and nights straightened out but that's been a it's been a heck of a process I mean there is a little bit of input delay because I'm actually playing on a all my wii remote's muscle i am playing on a wii u what's my other Wii Remote this one doesn't even ok well this one doesn't work at all so I must have used I think I was using my white Wii Remote which I have no idea where it's at at the moment yo ah cueing Yoshi you're playing you're trying my childhood game thank you so much guys let's get some hype for octiline Yoshi I appreciate that so much man I'm looking for my Wii Remote you might just have to make do with what we had what we got we're just gonna roll with it guys we're just gonna roll with it [Music] yo shinobi Mario Jesse would it be possible to complete the cap I've actually thought about trying it I don't know I I think it's definitely possible but would I be able to do it I don't know yeah what's good on geese we're just gonna roll with it guys no johns no johns we just got to make do it's gonna Michael Scott okay all right so yeah you can definitely long jump in that wool like that's so weird why am i hearing double sounds now I don't know what's going on right now now I'm hearing double sounds I'm such an idiot oh it's such an idiot I had it coming through my computer and my gamepad all right I swear we're all good we're all good we're all good we're figured out let's go no more messing around this is the one let's go we're good we're just we're just flying right back we're jumping right into it man no more mr. nice guy fluffy bluff here we go well thank you mr. pancake I appreciate it we're good we want to do search for the toad brigade captain oh look sucks Ryan what's up is your leg injured all right mark my words guys we got it [Music] that's so weird like I forgot how different mario odyssey or mario galaxy controls compared to like other Mario's like Mario controls so differently not in a bad way it's just different what if we can do this what if we can okay so we're definitely gonna have to do the oh I know we can do let's do this let's do this that'll definitely work I like that we got this well maybe that'll work does it take Sebastian depends on what challenges I'm taking on some challenges are more easier than others that like Wyatt what how am I missing that now in that video mayro said checkpoints are okay so we're definitely gonna be abusing the checkpoint system spin before jumping on the wall you guys you guys are so brilliant so brilliant okay so now we have the checkpoint at least so worst case we can come back to the checkpoint part one down guys let's go part one down all right here we go okay we really got a okay okay that's all right let's get on Nathan do you solve the world record Nathan in Mario Party I was thinking about that today why why why why why this is gonna be tough it's gonna be tough it's gonna be tough too we're just gonna have continuous long jump I think what no dude no we're building choke City like it's our job boys [Music] I wonder if there's a one up we can get up here is there one up hidden around here it's not looking good for a infinite one up maybe right here stop killing Mario okay we need to we need to think about this it's gonna burn toast Austin boy Gavin yeah what's going on Jimmy I'm just doing this one tonight because last night stream was a fail we need to get I think we need to stock up on some one ups here guys yeah exactly Mario's used to the abuse by now we're gonna try this one more time without stocking up on lives and then we'll go from there yo Shinobi dude you're too much man you're too much I really appreciate that very kinda man I don't deserve that appreciate exactly I'm not very good at this game but I appreciate the kindness and the support do that means a lot thank you so much all right so at least we got this part down we should be able to should be able to get through this part pretty quickly maybe you beat this game when you were three dude that's like legendary status there man there's a one up in the tree Ethel I checked there I didn't see any shinobi dude thank you so much man [Music] anytime day comes get up there thank you so much man I hope you're having a great night and I hope you having a great time hanging out with us I know I am I have an awesome time hanging out with you guys thank you so much I didn't mean to spin that early there yeah so YouTube had like was having a bunch of problems last night I guess some people were fine streaming but I was talking to Dan dan the man and he he was having a ton of he wasn't able to stream last night because of issues get up there how did I do that so easily before well not necessarily easy but what if we do this how did I do that before man I'm not getting any lift with my first spin yeah it doesn't seem like how did I get lift with my first spin like that feels like we should be but I don't know man hmm don't touch the wall while spinning yeah that's it that's definitely what it is good call wait from huh there's so many I was trying that was second but my second jump doesn't oh my gosh what if we do this okay that that idea didn't work favorite game to speedrun um a game called The Adventures of little Ralph which I've been practicing offline a lot oh my gosh and I can't do it well what second I'm a pretty big noob myself I mean I've played and beaten these games many times but I'm still really bad place your last triple jump on the edge of the cloud okay [Music] like I'm not trying to okay right here not right there not right there [Music] yeah definitely not getting any lift with my spin for some reason spin earlier whoever said spin earlier you deserve you deserve an A+ you deserve an A+ my friend so someone said there's a mushroom around here I should do this with Luigi just to get a feel for it because Luigi makes apparently Luigi makes this makes this challenge really really easy yo is mayro in the chat no come back come back come back to me Mario thanks Jade and then we died and then we died okay so I need to figure out a way yo BB Master thank you for the $1 hauler I appreciate that I need to this is count does that count mayor oh he's still good I did that I didn't mean for that to happen let's see no well it doesn't matter anyways we're dead we're dead it's gonna on teal you an a JC okay no we definitely have to wasn't see if we could somehow glitch out of bounds but we're definitely gonna do this the old-fashioned way I'm not even worried about about making it to the third set of clouds I just need to figure out a way to long jump from the second set of clouds to that bottom area because then we can just wall jump our way up to the star but this is it's tricky so so mayro made this challenge up we're not allowed no why did you do that you know Austin boy thank you for the $0.99 donation man I appreciate that thank you so much all right [Music] [Music] hey Red Rover skill you need Sun no truer words have been spoken oh my gosh shinobi Summa LUMMA dooma LUMMA you're assuming a human what I gotta do to get through to you I'm superhuman innovative and I'm making a make of rubber so that anything you say gingerly a human what I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman innovative and I make of rubber so that anything you say be ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you Thank You shinobi nothing like hearing a British woman rap that's that's nasty need to be its own genre of music british women rapidly yoin solid-gold dave you're doing great i wouldn't seem doing great man I appreciate I appreciate the motivation man thank you so much bro bro bro Oh Miro I hate you but I love you I hate you and love you at the same time yo Ryan hurt your knee but hope you can run on it tomorrow well good luck to you man all right so let's uh let's do some one-up farming also do you guys know how to make how do we do the infinite flutter with Yoshi like I thought you're just supposed to press the Z button and then you should be able to infinite flutter how do you do the infinite flutter I need to know this I need to figure this out [Music] bump what's going to jacob fly flying crouch for a second flutter crouch shake oh you have to shake wait a second I just want to think I'm there's so many challenges I would like to do that involve the infinite flutter but I just don't know how to do it don't shake you do not shake it's gonna figure Wiggy mid flutter press see so I was doing that Mario jumps off Yoshi see what I mean flutter Z flutter Z use must have to find rhythm to it which I don't have rhythm I am letting go of Z it's just not doesn't seem to be well well we're going back to the cloud and I just was trying this whatever we'll come back we'll worry about this I'm getting sidetracked we'll worry about that after worried about learning the Yoshi's infinite flutter when we successfully beat this one after you crouch you flutter again I see I was trying that the timing is very difficult this is moist lord I definitely can see that I know I still have it Nathan I haven't even turned on Super Mario Party since I streamed it when was that last week I'm slacking man I just have no time I'm so tired I'm so flipping tired the week has finally caught up with me yo AJC thanks for the bits man appreciate it hey tre Shawn okay that's too soon I'm spinning maybe not yoshino me thank you so much get some rest man how old is your nephew man cuz if your nephew is like my daughter's age like two years between two years and six years lots of energy man you're gonna need your rest thank you so much a Super Mario game okay I have six hours to sleep before I have too much sometimes it feels really good like I knew right off the bat soon then I got that one I don't know I don't understand all of Mario galaxy's physics yet we'll get there let's get on click [Music] why am I going right through the cloud man okay what if we know man like that's she good we literally jumped on midair how is that not good hey Lindsey how are you how is that not good um this is fluffy bluff galaxy yes the life of having Rugrats indeed all right we got this five months and kind of cranky cause he has a call a dude it's cold and flu season it's officially here man best of luck to you I wish I had some tips for you but uh stay strong yes oh say stay strong and go get some rest man we do need Cappy we need Cappy thank you so much dude have a great rest of your night okay No [Music] no dude okay okay okay okay all right we need to figure out a way once we're on the second set of clouds are we how do I get my long jump back okay let me try a side flip I may have to watch how my road did it and see see I if you do a side flip and then try to long jump he does this back flip thing which does not help us and if we just do a regular jump off that second set of clouds we will not have nearly enough distance to make it ah can you reach over here I can should be able to reach up here without [Music] I see you're saying trying to like get up here tri triple jumping and then long jumping to the platform yeah what's going on Jessie [Music] okay we can't do that have I beating this game coinless no I have not so we can't use the Ouija mayrose specifically said in this challenge I'm not able to use Luigi it's good on emerald you know thanks mr. Parker I appreciate the bits man we're gonna get this guy's I just got to figure out what we need to do I just got to figure out our strategy for that second cloud [Music] [Music] gets praised dies alright ah it's gonna go Sparty try back flipping and spinning I don't think you can backflip off the clouds because they disappear too quickly Jacob they're just going to my twitch channel and putting bits not a YouTube channel have a great night man dang it okay so what do my pet were playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Music] you saw mayor use that technique I need to watch Mira's video on this [Music] long jump and spin on to the second set of clouds then side flip onto the there's a where where you guys seeing a question mark blog so you guys are seeing a question mark blog somewhere Oh up top right there I don't know if we can get up on that no Nick I'm using my Wii U console to play this hmm [Music] long jump off the first set of clouds then go towards the wall then wall jump of the wall to the second set there's no way I can wall jump off that second set of clouds so so let me practice doing a long jump okay [Music] no dude white why is that doing that so this is a fail but I'm just trying to let me see something [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] yeah yeah Mario not I remember what it was like 9 916 or something I like them both Zubaz twitch is definitely the better like it's definitely more optimized for streaming so I definitely can't reach over there [Music] no what hmm [Music] you dirty birdie hmm well at least that like saves us from dying so that's kind of nice [Music] this is tricky man I didn't know I knew who's gonna be tricky I don't know who's gonna be this tricky tricky he always got on tour viewless what a pleasure having you here tonight man maybe if we [Music] hey Michelle yeah for sure not gonna help us sadly all right well here's the thing Kai we're not allowed to use the we're not even allowed to grab grab the clouds brutal man [Music] yo Mason thank you for that $2 holler man I appreciate that Mason thank you so much dude get some height from Mason I need to watch the video I was gonna try and do this without watching the video but I just need to see what technique mayro uses alright quick break let me check out mayrose video here let's pull up mayrose video see how he does this fluffy Bluff cloudless yo double out thanks for the bits I appreciate it so here's my rose video let's see how he does it so he definitely gets on top there so we're we're doing the right things here guys we're doing the right things so he long jumps somehow somehow I don't know how he does the side flip there [Music] all right I'm really not sure how he's doing a side flip now I do not have Instagram I need to use Kathy Cappy would be nice for sure you can triple jump and backwards long jump [Music] [Music] I need to practice that hmm okay [Music] No okay so I feel a little bit more confident I feel a bit more confident like tidbit II man tid bitty yo roughing the dolphin thank you so much man I appreciate it no way Dave I don't believe you a picture that doesn't exist pumpkin salsa I'm really not sure how that would be you'll have to let me know let me know how that is no glad to see you're back today Dave I feel we're on the cusp man thank you wrapping the doll fan again I appreciate that man oh we're so close all right Sam you're on man you're on do Maude's it will help mmm that's good that's good no I'm not Caleb I'll extreme on one or the other I think you just defend a little bit higher than the crowd but not too high slow down your long jump can we get some there's someone up so we can get here isn't there there like some one ops laying around here build a ramp using materials no there's where I'm looking for we might be able to get one hey helpful pup she is doing great thanks for asking I'm trying to think do I need coins for anything this song always reminds me of so I'm not a huge anime fan but the enemy that I won that I really love is Yu Yu Hakusho and this sounds like a song from YuYu Hakusho yeah what's come on Seth okay come on no no way oh my gosh okay let's try it let's try that again I did watch hunter hunter I liked it too Hunter hunter was good Bob Billy welcome thanks for stopping in man I appreciate it you mean I don't really know if there's a point to farming 1ups because I don't know how much it's really gonna help us like we're having the worst luck here there we go we got a fiver we got a 5 bagger boys alright we're gonna go with that I've never played perfect run in this game I've never unlocked it I'd like to do dune I've always wanted to try the perfect run but yeah I've never unlocked it hey conquer come on say a stop bem-vindo I haven't learned much more Brazilian or Portuguese sadly but it's good to see you ma'am welcome the there's an infinite one up in supermassive galaxies it's like a spicy pumpkin pie filling dude I like pumpkin but I don't know I don't know about that man is it like weird hey Scott how are you tonight man it's good to see you Tedric Cedric I can tell there's some harsh bad memories there so see like I can easily do the side flip front to back but side to side I don't know I don't know ma'am its need to get good as all the kids say do you have to get all 200 some stars to do it it works surprisingly well I'm not very adventurous that would be I'd have to be feeling daring to try that why am i doing what @midnight it is not even 9:00 o'clock where I live you dare me try it if you read this you'll do it within the next ten attempts all right fierce no like why am i grabbing that here's what we're gonna do guys I'm actually going to I want to see what's next here just to get an idea of what what else we need to do how did I never get that star corn Star Coin [Music] [Music] thanks max for the bits again guys I'm not we're coming back to this I'm not we're not we're not just skipping that I'm just seeing what lies ahead for us now oh no whatever we're gonna jump in yo Connor do you have the online plan I have the family deal I actually do have beyond beyond I haven't utilized it a whole lot but I did play a little bit of the NES games online I had a lot of fun with it I had a lot of fun with it it's not perfect but I know a lot of people have problems with Nintendo's online service but I mean I I don't really have a problem with it from being a hundred percent honest I get why people do but for me it it's nothing it's gonna enter do you like turtles this challenge man [Music] we got it we got this I know we can do this I do have splatoon too yeah so there's like an easy Zelda dude okay we were onto something there we were on to something there we we had something going there we had something special there guys yo angel you're a bit under the weather but but weather but I'm doing okay don't give up on this challenge take the donation I don't deserve it I don't deserve it at all angel just gave me goosebumps thank you so much for your kindness this one's for you angel not that one the next one where we actually get it this one's for you angel yeah I know we have to side flip I'm trying to things to you and your family I'm a bit under the weather but I am doing okay don't give up on this challenge and take this decision much love to you and the entire dgr tomorrow growing heart growing heart growing heart Wow okay I'm gonna try it closer to how mayro did it and we'll see if we get it angel I hope you get feeling better to be ins being under the weather stinks so he kind of went not like that he kind of went [Music] thanks Kyle appreciate him him thanks JK yo Andrew man how are you what a pleasure having you here dude how are you tonight I wish there was blj's man blj's would make this much easier the pain and the pain local inna so we're trying for those that are joining have no idea what is going on no we're trying to be getting the first star and fluffy bluff galaxy as mario without touching the cloud power up we cannot use the cloud power up [Music] hmm and it's really difficult it's extremely difficult at least for me least for me it's tough it's going on big eat if I have week you pro controller you still got to be good at the game which I'm not you can touch a cloud but not that yeah yeah yeah you can't use the cloud powerup suit mission complete Oh [Music] yo marybelle how are you tonight good to see you thanks for being here I mean lives do we have oh gosh we're just flying through lives here [Music] your iron kit thanks for the bit appreciate it do a triple jump but a triple jump isn't gonna bridge the gap for us I don't think anyways I don't maybe wait there where is the 1up someone said there's a one up in the tree but I don't think there is one in the tree [Music] [Music] like we still would have to spin to land on it I don't think you can Rafa Nadal I don't think you can cat feet I'll jump there is one up in the question box above the piranhas where I don't see an item box above the Piranha plan [Music] yo bTW thanks for the $1 man I appreciate it oh my gosh which other one are you guys talking about [Music] hmm by the mountain on the right am i blind or something where are you guys talking about up there the only other oh you mean you mean getting that one okay some hot potato mayro didn't do a spin are you sure oh okay there I think mayor did do a spin he had to do a spin yeah mayor did a spin right there it's been long jump spin jump spin and somehow somehow I don't know how he does it it doesn't make sense to me somehow soon as he lands he does that as soon as he lands he does a backwards side flip so he he lands I just need to practice that on land here I just oh my gosh what do you want to know about my collection Geo well we just wasted 13 lives do with my eyes closed maybe that one maybe that's it that's what I'm thinking zero bump button do you triple jump fast he never long jumped and spin don't think that wool thanks higher you know what's gonna on lucidity just do it well why didn't I think of that man oh he did pick the chimps challenge didn't he did he pick the chimps challenge maybe he did I don't know what he picked no it's not a chimps challenge change your own diaper that's putting a very funny image of my head of me changing I'm picturing Amanda pooping having a giant diaper on and pooping herself in me change it it's not it's not a very pleasant image but it's a funny one are you kidding me that about sums up this night on my twitch there's a link to my twitch right in the description there yeah I plan on getting the new smash and I plan on being very bad at it so there's a 99 where do you get 99 1 up some super massive I meant compared to like the newborn diapers that were using silent they're massive did I save it did I save it [Music] by the giant turtles all right we'll go through these set of lives and then if we don't make progress here we'll go get some will go farm some lives that's super massive oh that would be nice dirty dirty Mero get up there you dang plumber you are a dirty plumber [Music] yo lair what is going on man just so you know I'm doing a challenge someone mayro dropped my name for this challenge he said he called me out on this challenge so I had no choice but to try it all so guys say hello to lair lair is one of my absolute best of friends going to pack South you guys are gonna pack South make sure you look for that dude right there big old lair gaming on his hat dang it this is ridiculous I had no choice man there we go dang it I'll have to get you a new layer hat Oh get up get up there man Lera I will trade you my Xenoblade Chronicles for your worn layer hat [Music] say hi to lair hi guys hi guys is left yo Talan fellow PA youtuber here love your channel keep up the awesome work Thank You Talan dude is that your beard is that is that like legit your beard like that's not like photoshopped like you extended supermodels you know give themself disproportional I'm saying they like airbrush but that beard is so nice it's so nice that I don't I I don't know if I can trust it it's so nice yo Luis thank you for the $1 donation video about this map to see if it's puzzle yes and here it bro go watch it though What did he say thudding you know someone made an in-depth video about this map Steve as possible it is possible I've seen it done I've seen it done but thank you for the dollar donation I appreciate it all right we can't give up guys never give up never surrender did I say that silent I don't think I did those words never left my mouth so rubric man we are trying to dude dude dude did we almost make that long jump feed the child I can't do it that's some one thing I'm I can't do [Music] [Laughter] oh beard is real congrats on the new rugrat thank you so much man you can smell the dead mouse in our basement apparently we have a dead mouse in our basement dude I appreciate it Talon thank you man I'm I'm extremely jealous of facial hair guys that can grow facial hair like instantly intimidate me so I work at a college and I go and visit like it is real face with tears of joy Congrats on them yet I see a lot of like high school students I sometimes I see freshmen that have like full beards and me after a month I can't even grow like anything so I'm always like how can these kids take me serious when I can't even grow a beard you know let's go on thb all right [Music] all right we're gonna go farm for some 1ups and come back you may or may not be a college freshman you are an exterminator um cover your ears if you like hate to hear about small rodents dying but so we mean Amanda we live out in like the country honestly it's a miracle that we have internet fast enough to stream and I truly mean that like we live in the middle of nowhere so the fact that we had internet fast enough is crazy anyways where I'm going with this is since we've moved into this house about five years ago I would say later we'll i've caught [Music] couple hundred mice one hundred two hundred mice but I'm bi when I say caught they're caught on a glue trap and they die so again guys if you like small rodents but my house is the where they come to die essentially sorry to break that to you yeah but I mean we just we live out in the woods so they just somehow get inside our basement our basements unfinished it's like just a non-normal unfinished basement so apparently we can get infinite 1ups over by the Koopas so let's figure out how to do to do that yeah we've done a lot of work on this house okay so how do we know I don't okay so how do we what's the key to getting you jump on them so you just jump on and that's it finish the basement seat I have to keep buying house cats it's crazy the things I've caught on them man I've caught my smol had a snake on one before you know that will work won't it that will work dude genius its genius its genius [Music] okay but I just got a ok how did I not know about this man okay like you can't you have to find a perfect spot to do this mind blown mind flip in blood I didn't I never knew about this I never knew about this this is satisfying we might not complete the challenge but we're gonna get a hundred lives you better bet your bottom dollar exactly hey Nathan okay can we get more than 100 lives so you tell me I wasted all that money wasted all that money to get like 10 lives ridiculous you know it's gonna make one UPS for days all right so now we can just we can just go to town we can go ham here we can totally disregard Mario's life and just do whatever we want I'm just do it everyone that's how you do it man I never knew about that Jesse that's uh it's pretty pretty spectacular alright no more messing around guys first try let's go this is the one it's meant to be here okay maybe the second one later Geo what is argon matrix what is the Ober challenge tell me more I'm intrigued just blj to the star why did I think of that pack mania I don't own pack meaning you know what's gone kam thanks man dude I talked about my hair cut last stream but they dude they cut my hair where did the sexy and sassy moustache go um I still have a little one can you see it I trimmed it for work when I went back to work but uh I know shaved November's coming soon Hey it's killing oh my gosh epic plays welcome to the Seinfeld Club man you instantly instantly became like you were cool before okay anytime you can do a Seinfeld reference you get on my good side silent how many days till the wedding man oh gosh Andra I can't wait man I'm really excited to see it Super Mario 64 d8d s um I have it and I've played a little bit of it couldn't get into it man it just controls too weird for me I like that there's new levels and stuff dang it [Music] King J okay how did you do it I've watched how mayro did it how did you do this section right here as as Mario being the key because I'm really really struggling with this so garden hose we're trying to beat fluffy bluff galaxy without using a cloud powerup it's perfect on an arcade stick wait how did you play a DS game with an arcade stick that's the real question here jump from the one thought for the next one and win channel clutch daddy alright [Music] something me and a friend create a few years back basically we just created a special challenge for each galaxy that's really cool man I love doing those kind of things so that's what I'm trying to do King J but I can't do the side flip won't the side flip doesn't happen man like I can't get Mario to do the side flip not your daddy baby I mean be clutch daddy time [Music] mmm [Music] maybe the backwards hat was just a little too much clutch daddy tone it down to like clutch step daddy here like like he won't for some reason look like rock guys from Odyssey oh my gosh thank you so much Talon you look like the rock guy alright I just it won't register the side foot man it won't register it I know that's what we have to do but it won't do it like like I'm doing the pool go forward and back and jump and nothing man nothing just nothing [Music] see you can't do a normal backflip because as soon as you crouch like you don't have time to crouch because as soon as you crouch the cloud disappears [Music] well thanks Jew I appreciate this up man I do need to practice that yeah that's a good idea Sebastian let's just try and do an aside flip on the cloud Yosi ah I might have missed here applying to my thank you so much man no I didn't respond your coming I appreciate I'm thinking about modding my system that was weird I want to play the new mod that's coming out by skelux the master mode it looks incredible like I can't even do the side flip on these clouds here hi food sook I like like Mario looks like he's trying to do it but not actually doing it hmm dude what second doesn't it look amazing I wonder if there's a way I don't know if it might be frame-perfect I don't I don't know yo vex I have a great rest of your night man thanks for hanging out we'll see you in the next round dude am I gonna tries till I succeed probably not I'll probably give up at some point [Music] hmm yeah I didn't think it was frame perfect I just for some reason can't do a side flip off these clouds just like won't let me well I'm not saying it won't let me I can't pull it off clutch daddy's death actually King ji did that one off stream made a video for it all right I wanna again I want to go I want to see something alright so we're just gonna pretend I got past that part for now I just want to see what's after that one part [Music] look at that skill yeah we're trying to do it cloudless it's not not going super well but you know just making do all right so that's definitely gonna be the easiest way to do that maybe maybe no I've been done in hyrule warrior i just skipped a little bit to see what's ahead oh no a trying to be Bowser jr. doomsday bunker without the cloud suit hard but insanely fun I'll have to look into that one well that was lucky that was really lucky okay so after we get here [Music] so after we get to this point we would make our way up here okay yo what's going on Chad Lee yeah I mean I've not I've only played Super Mario Party one time which kind of sad to me too I've only played it since I've since i streamed it last Friday so what's the key here [Music] okay well I think if we can get I know exactly if that online would be perfect the minigames are fun I mean the boards are a little bit lackluster I will give people that but graphically it looks really good just the online is just me and they just missed out so much teal prodigy thanks for the follow on twitch so I want to really want to try this stone cyclone claw CLIs that's one I really want to try King J but I haven't I haven't the Butchie McCall it the challenge star the daredevil star hasn't landed there yet you know Dan what's going on Dan I got your message on discord and I will get that to you man I'll get that to you hey you in Landon don't spin well I don't think even if I don't spin it's still it's not gonna make it any any less hard that's what she said if you know what I mean if I could just long jump that would solve everything but you can't make it at least I can't figure out a way to make it to make the long jump got to do that man thank you [Music] you're the man you are the man you you truly are the man and what can I say I [Music] appreciate it man long Oh can't I just can't I can't I can't Wow how do you say that dark wavy is [Music] like look that hitbox on that cloud it's crazy ah we you man alright chat give give Dan some suggestions for Wii U games well I think pikmin 3 is really good I wonder if I can I wonder if I can do a double jump there and and do that 3d world high just I don't get why people think I look like you on mas I truly don't I truly don't see that you on MUSC comparisons honestly lego city undercover is really good yo Kalina thank you so much I do use Twitch I'm doing more of my speedruns over on Twitch and other streams on YouTube thank you for the donation for Nina but I don't live stream to both at the same time I love the stream do you use twitch so I can sub no you're not big dumb at all so we're trying to do fluffy Bluff galaxy without using C normally you would pick up this cloud platform or this cloud suit and you can easily make these jumps and you can land on clouds and you don't fall right through that way but without the cloud suit you can do it but it's it's really difficult because you have a couple frames to be on the cloud or you fall right through it it's tough it's gone pseudo boom wolfy star I'm not sure what you mean but I'm super appreciative people I don't ever expect [Music] that's it that's it that's it double jump boys we can do it with a double jump we can do it with a double jump let's go we got it now filled with determination filled with determination you can do that you DEP the side flip is definitely the way to go but I've been trying the side flip for the past I've been trying the side flip for the past hour and a half so Yoast calina.that sub over on Twitch thank you so much thank you so much Kalina if I can do the flip and double jell-o flip in headache do this okay I'm trying to think where I want to land [Music] not what I meant to do the cloud suit I will say this the cloud suit is a lot of fun to control Mario like just the different jumps you can do with the cloud suit and you feel like you get so much distance and stuff it's awesome stick Studios thanks for the follow over on Twitch not what I didn't mean to spin there I didn't mean to spin all right we're all right here we're okay we got this that's what I'm thinking that's not what I meant to do Yoshi's vids hi okay stream daddy's stream daddy clutch daddy's coming back boys no more mr. nice guy whoa what is going on there we go here we go y'all get good night Ryan I mean your night Ryan good luck in your race [Music] [Music] dang it I can't okay ah fees our daughter's name is willow [Music] you know what we need need the krusty krab hat dude [Music] I need the bolo tie I'm sure the bullet weight is that the bullet are underneath me we've wasted a party wasted 40 lives you know can we make that long jump trusty Gracia crying a pizza don't question me you look better with a backwards hat yeah that's fine I'll be up soon I'll sleep where I wanna sleep yo face yeah dude I sure do remember I sure do man I was I never knew who that was but now I know like that was the double jump that was the double jump man that was the double jump Pittsburgh retro gaming convention I signed his controller [Music] small world man I don't know where the bullet Izod actually oh my chats gone my chat says internal error there we go okay why am I not landing there double jump man that why [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe I just need to like alright chill out here chill out I'm not ready to give up guys I don't think I can pull it off I don't think I can do it I don't think I have what it takes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks Kyle thanks Lindsay gosh I I just if we can get past that part we can grab the checkpoint and I'll feel a lot better okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right yeah what's going on Harry dude I heard I heard Toys R Us is coming back man that's their calling you like I heard they're offered you your position back [Music] double-jump you is DJ the rascal Super Mario Galaxy gunner it's looking that way man it's looking that way wait what's the new name of what's the new name of Toys R Us it's something really silly like if he would just double jump there that'd be great that'd be great what no what are you talking about Joffrey Joffrey's toy box like why are you not double jumping Joffrey the jerk giraffe I know dude here so I know it's Geoffrey but anytime I see Joffrey or spelled like that I think of yeah Game of Thrones yo dude by the way what second before you go I understand if you miss this message how was the concert last weekend and who's the I hey listen Theon Greyjoy dude has a soft spot I I know everyone hates Theon I know everyone hates reek he's my boy though all right yo thanks BB Master I do feel bad about that but he learned his lesson man that's he deserves a second chance why everyone's so willing to give like Jamie yeah yeah Jamie can bang his sister for years but you know that's okay because Jamie's are cool he has a he has a metal arm and can hold a sword but Theon Greyjoy does something wrong Oh Jamie Lannister is good-looking there's nothing good to look at I think reek is a fine upstanding dude that see and with the sausage can we all just agree that what was his name oh the the guy that tortured me Ramsay Bolton can we just all agree he was he played such a great Dylan yeah what's got an epic potato chip is no longer a man listen listen all all bets are off when it comes to Game of Thrones all right [Music] it's almost back we're almost there okay [Music] TGR after dark it's good on kinda I mean there's anything that that have we you're a biology teacher I agree Dave 100 percent a single player gamer we're trying to beat fluffy-fluff galaxy without using cloud power up and it's not it's not going well don't even bring up the bended knee I love saying that John snow bent one knee De Niro spent both that is so I came up with that though I came up with that right when it happened that was so like I was actually proud of myself for being in that quick the white walkers a win she was mad Amanda was literally in a bad mood from it it was really funny yo Tyler thank you for the $2 donation thank you so much Tyler the troll HD you are saying my name seaman name say my name of course he double jumps there you know you don't need to be rocking your bed when the ship's already rocking on its own you're going too far I'm not hashtag too far I just say too far buh-buh-buh [Music] fearsome oh my gosh Harry Dave in my step that Dan both knew it was coming and they did not even give me a warning they'd let me watch it by myself it scarred me it was terrible oh my gosh not as much as John but I did like Rob spoiler alert everyone say it louder say it say it say mouth Tyler Tyler I say Lana I can't say too loud my 1 daughter's sleeping get out get out my favorite characters are Jamie I don't even know their names no I like Jamie sidekick dude what's his name I'm playing I'm the Wii U I do like Jorah bend the nae that was Jon Snow how's my Jon Snow MP dave says he looks like Jon Snow don't be post any pictures Amanda's already told me many times if Jon Snow showed up at our front door she would leave me she has told me this to my face he's married oh my gosh I'm I'm over I'm over I'm over this I'm trying to do the double jump in its double pump double pump leads to the double jump double jump see I am NOT the dirty part of the stream you guys know this it's Amanda Amanda always takes it one step too far always always like he does he's a Winterfell he is like why is I think I swear it's my Wii Remote man I don't know what can you see my YT remote anywhere Carmen had it somewhere what what happened what happened to it what what are you talking about Carmen had it somewhere and I haven't seen it yeah spant spamming the a button doesn't doesn't work I'm going only one person to blame and that's you I'm gonna have to I might try this again sometime hmm ground-pounding is a great solution it's good mystery starter all right I'm gonna give it five more tries and if we can't get it we're gonna call tonight guys five more lives to make progress I'm not saying we have to beat it but progress sadly I have to work tomorrow normally I don't work on weekends but I gotta work tomorrow well there's one [Music] so it doesn't work I've tried the triple jump like it it doesn't work it does suck lair especially when I've worked I worked Monday through Friday and then we got it work Saturday but it's not too bad I I don't have to work Saturday's very often why why [Music] [Music] we touched it that was epic I should put a deathcounter on the street I should it is possible Jack for sure it's possible dude okay we're onto something here we're were we're onto something here we're on to something here [Music] we totally are on to something here okay okay I can't let me row Besim because I need to come up with a challenge for him you'll hit 300 likes you guys are too much thank you for the support 300 like hi that should have been good after all and I should have been good yo are gone I would love to see that man are you in my discord cuz I would love to take a look at that I don't know if I can pull off a triple jump Kyle oh I don't know if I can I think what we're doing will we work [Music] [Music] I'm so scared I'm so scared I don't want to mess this up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh what we're like getting it we're getting it decently consistent now you know it's gonna Natick and Sarah oh my gosh man did not mean to spin there okay all right I can't give up I can't give up here okay can't think about it can't think about it I think about any new new pair of slacks boys I think I'm gonna need a new pair of slacks after that one let's go it only took us two hours to make it past that part it only took two hours let's let the let the record state we did not give up we did not give up and we hit a new checkpoint well now we got to finish it out listen I am so thankful to those that have stuck around through this crazy stream you guys are the real MVP s you guys are the real MVP s and I appreciate you all all right so now we're at the we've made it guys we've made it we made it all right okay so I don't know if that way will work I think we'll have to take a different route there Ashton you came at the right time you just skip the whole two hours of fails to get to the good stuff I just realized okay I just realized we have I actually need to be a little bit conservative with our lives now because I've wasted ATM ah I've wasted 80 of our lives ah it's gonna pixel Luigi dang it yeah hopefully this new section doesn't take two hours oh I got an idea so I don't even have to mess with this there we go okay that weighs a lot a lot more consistent I don't have to mess with leaner than that jump okay [Music] whoo well I'm glad Sarah I'm sorry mouth like a lot of people yeah I'll take the one up every time a lot of people don't realize how bad mouth stuff is bad like because anything revolving around your head including your mouth it affects your whole body okay maybe that's not maybe that's not the path I want to take all right I'm gonna cheat and look how mayro pull it off this uh pulled off this jump yeah okay so he did do he did do what I did all right we were doing it the right way the first time we did it we were doing it the right way yeah marrow has done this one No oh that was nice we'll take that every time boys [Music] okay think this I think we're gonna get it here guys honestly maybe alright let's go let's go I can't wait when I actually edit this video I can truly use that spongebob thing where he says two hours later it's actually true this has taken two hours [Music] dang it I think I would have made that long jump I think I would have made that I don't know why I spun there just watching mayores video one more time [Music] okay mayor gets like a huge head of steam here okay you did this on purpose yeah I did it just so I could use that clip mayor like started back here one more time one more time I want to see where he starts long jumping from okay he starts here we go [Music] no that didn't work out like I had hoped I could go style points on the big cloud we'll see ya the live stream will be done after this challenge for sure it's cuz I have to get some sleep but it's not the end of these is it possible live streams for sure guys be thinking of a challenge you want mayor o to take on in mario odyssey one that we've done on our channel you guys think of what's one of the harder challenges we've done in mario odyssey yo Sarah thank you so much for the new membership so cool thank you so much let's get some hype up in here for Sarah the dude perfect one getting this okay spinning athletics jump liz is top pokeo room without but there are some tough ones it's actually been so long since I've done a lot of the Odyssey challenges that I've forgotten how how tough some of those are that one is tough day for sure alright this next one I feel like we'll get it this next one I just got to wing it I got to stop worrying so much about how mayro did it do my own thing I'm just trying to personally think which one I spent the most time with some of the dude perfect to challenge own was tough the one where you have to fit the scooter in the manhole was pretty tough there there are a lot of tough ones the top of the pipe type pipe one is tricky we got to really think about this a no coin a no damage run now that's just mean making him do a no damage run is just mean dude oh my gosh okay I swear we're gonna get this we've come too far to not get it like the star is literally right there he did say anything but I also want to have him as a friend after after we're done as well Pierson's balloon-like mayrose not bad at Odyssey two so that's like I think mayro is better at Odyssey than I am at galaxy like compared to my ROS skill set in galaxy whatever Molly I don't think I can do it I can't get past the one section in Metro Kingdom it's it's tough hmm okay me okay okay c4 we're trying to be fluffy bluff galaxy without using the cloud suit which is being crazy but we're at the home stretch we're at the home stretch you should definitely check out there there's the man I did go back and do it the at the end of the one video Dave I did go back and do the small manhole one I feel like that one I don't want to do that one because there's been enough people that have done it and if he if he watches closely it's actually getting the football in this smaller manhole isn't too bad if you know which angle to go at so I don't think I'm gonna do that one it's because it's not too bad what what what what what what what just happened why did that not work anyone have tips for high school um what kind of tips you looking for phase like how to make it more fun how - in my opinion getting involved is really key whether that's a sport whether that's a club getting involved it's been proven the students that are involved in school maybe it's the band or whatever for one do academically better it's this like studies have shown that students that are involved do academically better and you make a lot of friends that's just that's my opinion t-rex across see I'm not gonna do one that's a great one Ryan but I'm only gonna give him one that I've actually completed myself you know what I mean I'm not gonna give him one that I I know that one is possible to do but I personally haven't completed it so I'm not going to make him do something I haven't even finished yet okay to my twitch is in the description below there's a link that will take you literally right to it you studied till 5:00 a.m. already hot dang man man I don't know then it sounds like you need more free time so maybe you need to like I don't want to tell students to never apply themselves but it sounds like maybe you're trying to overdo it you know what I mean trying to do too much what do you think is a good place to work at part-time oh gosh spooky when I was in high school I worked at an ice cream shop part-time that was cool but I will never work in food service ever again I have so much respect for people that work in food service because it's a thankless job very few people like you could cook the best food ever or make something really good and you know some people might thank you but not very much thanks yet if you do something wrong in food service you get some of the most irate people some of the most irate people it's ridiculous I made a mean strawberry sundae I'll just leave it at that I put special ingredients in my strawberry sundaes well it's my favorite color red Michelle Lera I was so lucky that in college I got to did get work at a retro game store which was no dude why didn't he long jump there okay so this part isn't as easy as I thought blaze pizza that sounds sounds lit see what I did there anyone um so I have a pretty famous story of I made someone a strawberry sundae and there's about a 50% chance I got some blood in Hershey and I served it to her I had no choice we were busy I had no choice but to serve it and like a lot of people think I'm making this up when I tell them she came back and told me it was the best strawberry sundae she ever had I'm not proud of it I'm not proud of it but things had it had to be done it had to be done so all right here's the story I didn't like me I didn't mean to get blood in it if I did so again crazy busy all right so we're I'm I'm mixing up her her me just a strawberry milkshake mighty mr. berry milkshake mixing up her milkshake I might have even been trying to do two at once which is a big no-no and it wouldn't have been much okay so my hand slipped off and hit the blade on the mixer and you can I don't know if you can see the scar or not of a big scar right there cut it like instantly when you get a deep cut there there's a little bit of time before like blood actually starts to come out it's not usually instant like it's a cut and then the blood rolls out so I'm thinking it wasn't like I didn't like let my hand drip over the sundae I pulled it back as soon as it happened but I didn't have time to there was no time to make a new one so I served the to her [Music] why dude oh wait why is that not working I gotta get this man yo Caitlyn thank you so much well I I was hoping to be done about a half hour ago but lo and behold we here we are still trying to complete this challenge we almost had it that one time I don't know what I did differently that time yeah yeah my blood is clean I if I had like a blood disease that I'm not that bad of a person I wouldn't have given it to her if I but thankfully I'm I'm packing some a positive blood man [Music] I clean my blood twice a day yeah I do blame captain toad he is a dirty boy I mean at least this part we I feel like we're doing better here than we did when we spent the first two hours on that one section I feel like it was this has been better but not by much we actually closed the one time I am gonna watch Mira's video one more time so he gets a full head of steam where does he jump from Wow okay I feel like that's what I'm doing man but I must be like just missing it [Music] maybe this is to Scotty didn't I got you Amanda I'll let him out does anyone want Gatsby free to a good home a java class [Music] dude programming people that can program blow my mind I like both sebastian gary play fortnight I'm too old for that too old for that fortnight stuff man okay [Music] like why am I going through the cloud there that one's a fun one Ryan it's not too difficult though I think that um that one only took me like 15 or 20 minutes to complete it's gotta be we got to give him something that's like on par with our the three ish hours we've spent on this one Dave you do programming stuff oh my gosh you you guys are hashtag blessed thanks Gary well it's a cloud sounds good Kyle oh thanks so much man thanks for hanging out [Music] hmm I would love to someone to hack my switch now the part that sucks about this it's not as hard but the first checkpoint was uh you know we got to try that jump right there now this one we have to actually do a little bit of legwork to get to the spot we need to do it thank goodness that one up is there is all I'm gonna say what I bet rebuy Mario Galaxy probably anything Mario I'll buy it says Mario in the title I'll probably buy it yeah the green screen makes my shirt can I see can you send me a copy of Super Mario Galaxy I only have one copy and I'm playing it right now so sadly I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that I wonder if we can [Music] long jump to this one [Music] like I'm wondering if there's an alternate route that we can take it's a little bit easier [Music] [Music] hmm probably not [Music] [Music] well that was it that was it well that worked that was it that worked yeah you're exactly right Zack I mean it could happen but we'll see man we'll see you never know you never know what Nintendo's got cooking they always pull out something so you never know what car brain do I own a Chevy I'm not a car guy I don't get into I don't really care as long as it runs like my car has a pink pinstripe on it I don't care it gets me where I'm going yo Nicky says what's going on Nicky oh my gosh it's been a hot minute how have you been hope you're doing well all right come on please let this be the one like we literally can't stop here I really don't feel like doing this over your chopper thanks for the follow on Twitch [Music] doing good Nikki thanks for asking probably the biggest news it I don't know if you've heard or not is that I literally three weeks ago yesterday we meet Amanda had our second second baby so that's keeping me busy our things going for you Robert Logan Johnston's disliking [Music] like what moved to my town moved to my town thb we have less than ten thousand people and looking for engineers constantly it looked good right lair that's what I'm like oh my gosh I don't understand the hit detection in this game completely things are finally going decent I'm so glad to hear that life can definitely throw a curve balls at you so glad to hear things are going well no for real I live in a really small town and I work at a college in my town we have an engineering degree offered in the ethic College I work at with a hundred percent job placement rate dude it's crazy every student that goes into the program has a job by the time they graduate as an engineer dang it oh my gosh man I believe that layer especially with where you live [Music] dang it I'm just so bad at math I actually looked into be an engineer at one point but I'm really bad at math I liked math up until a certain point in my life and then when you're starting to throw in like three or four letters into your math you lose me I always liked geometry geometry was my favorite there's a much easier way of doing it please tell me please lots of Technology jobs [Music] I had a pretty cool physics teacher I didn't really like physics but my teacher was awesome ah blaze I'll be playing I had math where was more logic and more words so I took when I took calculus in college it sucked my professor didn't allow us to use a calculator that's tough hey Maddie that is so gross I don't even know what you're talking about you're speaking a different language this is the one okay yeah thank that I'm gonna be depending on my wife to help my kids that's for sure that one if Nintendo offered me a job Mike my dream the dude that works for Nintendo minute him and that him and that girl work together I want to be that dude I want that dudes job that could be me man dude's got nothing no I'm just kidding he's really good at it I actually really like him he's entertaining but I would love like something like that it would be awesome really boom Reggie's replacement yeah I'll just walk in and run a company what could possibly go wrong although I would listen to people that say Mario Party needs online yes we're doing that Nintendo needs to add a Gamecube Virtual Console I agree with that we're adding it a plus B he did not equal V plus a that just hurts my brain go to the cloud on the left without work [Music] what what [Music] oh gosh okay do not we we got to finish strong boys there's the finish line is in sight I will not lose this I refuse to step on that cloud okay okay okay we cannot touch the cloud power up either because if we touch that we literally have to kill ourselves come on [Music] [Music] how did I do that the first time I don't trust it man Thank You Love how do I get up there [Music] how did it I was so close that first time [Music] maybe backflip that work oh my goodness I'd no no okay okay okay okay okay just jump higher this is [Music] all right um I don't care I mean everything I've watched on my arrow I've done the I've not done any of the way the mayrose Mara has done this yet guys we have to make this is gonna be this is what we have to do guys [Music] what just happened why did we rock it off the side there like why did we just go flying off the side like oh my gosh well at least we know we can at least we know we can take the other route but now I can't remember how I even did that how did I do this part how did I eat how did I even do this part okay all right that's not too bad that's not too bad at all actually we're just not gonna think about it we're gonna do it [Music] [Music] [Music] we have proven that it is freaking possible baby let's go oh my gosh it doesn't even doesn't even tell us how long we spent it doesn't even tell us how long we spent looking for that store normally there's a timer in the bottom corner that tells you how long you've been going for a star it doesn't tell you oh my gosh this was amazing though I I know it was kinda cruddy me failing in certain spots over and over again but that's what these challenges are about it's about persisting and just keep trying and trying and hoping that you will eventually get it and thankfully our persistence paid off it took a while but it's cool to say that we were able to accomplish that beating fluffy bluff galaxy without using the cloud suit um thank you guys for hanging out I'm gonna have to sometime Phil film an intro and an outro to this video but at least we flippin did it that feels good thank you all for hanging out tonight I really really do appreciate it goodness gracious me thank you guys so much thank you thank you thank ya I think we're gonna call the stream there do you guys want to go on a smallish raid how's that sound yo Louis thank you for the $1 donation there's someone I've actually wanted to read for a while he has never been running who's never been standing Lauren thank you for the $3.00 we just completed the challenge thank goodness you know Connor with the $2 donations and still a weenie great job little weenie guys I'm still a weenie thank you guys thank you [Music] he's playing a scary game let me see what I don't even know what this game is I've never raided him before looks scary what the heck let's raid him we're gonna be raiding master red coin I've never raided him he's good dude i lurk in his streams a lot thank you all so much for hanging out tonight hope you guys have a great rest of your evening go over to make sure you go over to stream hang out for a little bit leave them a like leave them a sub and yeah I will see you guys again soon take care thank you all so much later [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 26,309
Rating: 4.905817 out of 5
Keywords: dgr, dgr is it possible, is it possible, is it possible dgr, fearsome fire, mario galaxy 2 is it possible, mayrosmm, mayro mario galaxy, mario galaxy 2 challenges, super mario glitches, glitches super mario, mario glitches, mario glitch, mario challenges, ryu, ryukahr, ryu stream, ryukahr stream, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, dgr mario odyssey, mario odyssey dgr, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: pqS8Ya_3Gyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 33sec (10293 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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