I LOVE KIRBY! | Kirby Star Allies Playthrough

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] unmuted how's everyone doing welcome to the street guys thank you so much for being here everyone how's everyone doing happy Friday my friends Saturday for some of you guys how's everyone doing tonight hate ya guys we got the we got the kirby shirt on yo oh my gosh man thank you so much Duran Missy dude sponsor stream this weekend foreshores got my kirby shirt on boys I've been waiting for this game for a while now the demo was fun but I'm excited to dive into the pool game here Thank You peachy let's come on Lindsay what's going on genbu raccoon it's just e wolf it's just wolf just John little bit but just Wolfie Yoho new sponsor do so confidently guys let's get some love for confidently hi dude marybelle hi do Nathan thank you so much new sponsor look at this oh my gosh this intro is gorgeous yo Jimmy happy Friday Jimmy thank you so much dude what's going on Conte thanks for the retweet this is gorgeous this is gorgeous yo confidently thank you so so much it's gone Matty yeah if you're a sponsor make sure you welcome confidently by throwing out those sponsor Modi's hey what's going on Elise chick it's gone on Jimmy oh my gosh Jimmy I love this shirt I'm so glad I got it there's Maddie how are you tonight Maddie all right guys so let's get it started up here oh so it's not just a story mode we got star slam heroes I have no idea what that is we have chopped champs as well I don't know what any of that is it's gonna on Vaughn Randi Matthew J rocks you'd it yeah the animation so sick Jimmy so sick let's just go straight into the game here maybe maybe later before we end we'll try that other stuff eating Dom ninja Bobby treshawn cool Cathy alright with the the story in you know thanks for the follow the story and Kirby as you guys know super important Archie thanks for the sub got to pay attention to the story here we don't want to miss anything yo Catherine how are you yo Penn how are you man it's pretty epic intro here pretty epic here it's gone unlucky Luca Anya the amazing thanks for the retweet yo fire fish thanks for the sub eating Jake hon yeah what's going on hon yo yo Isaac thank you for the stuff I appreciate how you didn't call in James Isaac thank you so much for the dollar donation man I appreciate it yeah Jackson how are you dude oh good old Kirby taking a nap you know eat Kirby's either gonna be eating or sleeping that's just how it goes say to you Lily yo lost debt you are doing great and look out for number one y'all lost thank you so much man I appreciate it any Micah Jake Aaron the DragonCon see good Infini I didn't flowerpower good to see you Starbound all right guys world of peace dreamland I'm excited Harrison thank you for the sub oh cool there's like a map okay so this kind of reminds me of Yoshi's woolly world a little bit I like that I like the map feature that's pretty cool Mario 3d World a little bit too I like that now I wonder if there's a way okay we're gonna roll with it thick yeah what's going on tank how are you in hating flare Paul w hiding Paul Mazzei more Super Mario 3d we're the only world I get that yo you like stay Aki my dude thank you so much I appreciate it so much man you're the best man happy Friday to you speedrun ain't no key K beta Thank You brick I love this shirt I'm glad I I was really worried I ordered it like last week and I didn't know if it would make it here in time but I'm glad it did is there another ever another new super mario bros game oh yeah agreed jimmy agreed it's coming i creeper bobby the catfish I didn't mean to skip that dang it just beat the game Caleb we're literally two minutes in the think I'm gonna try to beat it yeah what's going on ad in the building it's gonna man I still don't fully understand that whole copy ability but are the like double powerup kind of things you can do it oh boy alright slice open the nuts boys get the goodies inside j-rock sings to the sub man appreciate it there we go one up I'll take that it's got on Anthony Daniel Archie you like my shirt thanks man I got it on a website called nerd feel they have the most amazing shirts out there they're so good I need hyrule warrior alright Bobby thanks for stopping in man I appreciate it yo Carson thanks for the sub there are two spots in the game instruction I probably skipped the one Nathan have you played this yet Nathan what we really need to do Nathan you need to come over to my house and we can play this co-op do be down for that I'm coming over here and doing some co-op yoke Whitney how are you okay so X is the throw I got that and tilt the control stick up what I guess I'm more confused on I'm more confused at like not all the powers are combined about you have to figure out which ones are from barnable I don't even Dave that's pretty sweet though it definitely gives me that kirby 64 vibe which I want to go back and play kirby 64 really bad mad I think the demo still out the demo should be on there for good okay we learned last time from the demo you can still get hurt yo what's going on Phil the boss how you man what you beat it you beat the whole game hey man I forgot to ask VIN still Mary that's my thing to ask but I already forgot somebody Smash Brothers news yeah [Music] well that you can run over I can't believe you already beat this hating Brian's welcome to this street man good to see you fluff Looby DJ thanks for the sub no get away get away get away it's gonna pikachu you beat it already Wow is it really short you're a madman can I charge up my sword yo Martin yes I am excited man very excited Martin thank you so much hi dude Amanda few hours rushing force yo Martin thank you so much well maybe if we don't beat it tonight I can be the tomorrow or something you know I'm okay with it being a short game honestly I [Music] can't even tell where I'm at I can't even spell of it yeah we just made really quick work out of him [Music] can we have dude we got hot ice baby hot ice hot ice let's go you Mario be jorge13 thanks for the sub oh wait I guess it just replaced our fire never mind it's gone Jaden's Bashan gallon oh [Music] okay that's cool we in there don't bunk I don't think we can bunk in this game ah thank goodness we can't bomb I'll find another way to fail though now what would happen if you didn't have enough friends there Green's from the neverland's welcome Jorah thanks for getting him in yeah did I just I forgot that you can kiss your friends you can also you can also suck your other words - I learned that in their demo - how you Cameron ninja Mike I appreciate it man thank you so much I called you Mike milkman is what I meant to say that was the absolute worst that you could possibly do that really Jimmy I didn't know it'd be that quick yo Tedric I'm so sorry dude how did I miss you tedric dude have a great time tonight whatever you got going on man I hope I'll see you soon hopefully I'll see you at the sponsor stream Tedric I didn't even good to see you blaze I didn't dank star writes thanks so much I Dean Jackson can't can't a hacker Ryu I see that right what's going on man how you puggles how you doing Jesse overseer samurai Caleb Blake Smith two hundred like hey thank you guys so much two hundred lights so how many worlds are there I don't like no spoilers but yo jakey boy and Ravi what what thank you both so much oh my gosh you guys are too much jakey how's the family doing man thank you so much too and Ravi dude she's being a flippin legend guys let's welcome let's welcome our new sponsors should they get the warmest and welcome alright fun with more dolls have a great night kriste Tendo sonic how's everyone doing Robbie I'm not worthy not worthy Robbie hey Heidi and Simon good to see you man [Music] alright I know there's a stone last well I was playing the demo I couldn't figure out how to do this one part I want to figure out how to do it here [Music] I've heard the game for it and like I said I mean that's gonna be a big deterrent for some people but honestly with short games are good with me yo camera B thanks for the follow I didn't nks song I I mean I'm only on the second level but I like it yeah this is the real game Dan it is too mushy thank you so much okay so we want this guy let's get rid of him someone said there was a way to a button you could press - no no wait a second wait a second wait a second oh I know what I want to do I need to suck my friend here I need my friends power how do i how do I suck my friend how do I suck my friend I need his power what do i press I guess I gotta figure out how to suck my friend here I need his powers can I throw a hard on hold why hold why drops my ability though I want okay I need this guy okay so now why are we not combining powers I still don't get that yo is David in the job David you have the knack I don't know how you do it man you literally have the knack for coming in at the absolute worst times wait wait I want this guy I want this guy no how did I mess that up how did I mess that up how did I miss that I'm so confused how I messed that up it's so sad it's a character that's some would say it's a blessing hey Shelby how are you yo okay that's pretty sweet yeah let's go on Felix Nitro Keeley's Rico basic editor I still don't get how like I had the ice power why wasn't I able to I don't know Kalin cartoons I say right we still hung the way to choke City yomo Bros thank you so much okay so dang nabbit I can't get it I don't understand anything it's gonna Bobby y'all a silver bullets thank you so much silver bullets Oh what if we do this I got an idea all right Tom must have a great night thanks for stopping in IU Cassie thank you for the sub got any food um my wife made brisket for dinner that's pretty good all right so now if we do that wait a second why can't he what so what am I doing wrong here that we won't combine what's wrong with this why can't I combine with the rock dude it's gonna shine yo what's going on silence like I don't get why can't I combine with him yeah IDK about how are you man you have to be raw you have oh I vote ice on him but I want the power I don't want him to have the power blow on him oh gosh curvy just lends itself to so many bad things oh my gosh so I I'm not even gonna go there not even gonna say anything we're not even gonna say anything she did make brisket pen you can come over man I thought you were coming for dinner but you know oh my gosh oh my gosh I didn't Randy alright let's go I like the game so far okay so we blow on him he becomes oh that's now we're talking follow him to freedom boys yo now that was sweet so I could just blow onto him at any time no I can't no role this is rock Raul that's it right this is the actual game here yells crisp eating the chat was going on crispy head UGM Jake what's up there oh wait yo okay that's that's pretty satisfying I'm not gonna lie that's really sad so what's gone on Whitney and Leah Clegg what's going on click I'm really liking it so far man I recommend it someone said it's really short a lot of people say he's really short but I said I'm alright with that it's been on SMA geo gaming minecraft uh you click the sponsor button I don't know if you can do it on mobile though yo Robbie Congrats I just became a sponsor thank you so much man I really do appreciate it dang it I wanted his Eagle powers I wanted his Eagle powers you know dead bear yellow master thanks for the sub who would dream palace what does that mean we open the dream palace by never mind there's so many things like it's a yeah cowbell I do know awesome 23 happy birthday again happiest of birthdays team I miss the new Saab thank you so much new Saab and Kevin thank you for the sub don't kill the waddle Dee's okay I promise we're gonna do better this time [Music] okay you only get one chance Babu you only get one chance apparently so in the original Kirby game on the NES it keeps going up and down until you press a but what if somebody said they hate Kirby Ocean I totally respect that totally respect that not everyone has to like I failed you can I get ya Catherine you should be able to I don't have it set to ultra-low latency so you should be able to alright minecraft have a great night they didn't air it sonic donut dome so I'm talking about yo emerald thanks for the sub I appreciate it hi didn't Gabe your copy didn't come today I'm sorry to hear that man that's that really stinks Eddy Nathan Jose how are you man this is the dream palace you can meet a dream character here if you use the dream rod when you grab the dream rod the roulette will start press a to call dream friends they never played chat roulette oh okay we got this yo Aaron Pascoe thanks for the sub Aaron preciate it man all of your squad TV yo thank you so much oh wait no that was a donation dude why did I think that was a sub thank you so much Aaron an ultra squad I appreciate it guys you guys are the best okay now what do I go am I stuck I have some funny stories sponsors dream on I'll tell you guys some about my chatroulette experiences so am I stuck here hey you tonic thank you so much again ultra squad David people are saying it's a really short game wait where's the door I knew there was a door there I knew there was a door there the whole time I knew there was a door there the whole time guys I was just seeing if you were paying attention yo it spooky how are you man hiding Tyus can I try to do a speed run ah it's just Wolfie I mean maybe but right now I'm just doing a casual playthrough yo yo yo yo let's go go waddle dee ha ha I got you man should we swap waddle dee out for yo yo man what do you think chat actually stones pretty useless I just seen if you guys are paying attention yo a pig Peppa Pig actually I want that I want that how do i drop my ability okay no oh yo Eric I'm doing good man how are you this would be a lot of fun multiplayer this would be a lot of fun maybe we want to come over and play yo thank you so much Isaac hey d'emic y'all hey we rob you what's going on man ok sweet there we go whoo a flame freakin flame yo yo are you kidding me well there is brisket left yo Oh get in the get in the cannon we got one in the chamber boys there we go sweet your birthday jumpin happy birthday man James Smith thanks for the sub it spooky it's gonna be a good time for sure I just love the music Kirby I just love how simple kirby is it's one of those games it's a pleasure if you've had a long day of work or school you can play stress-free just have a good time I love it one of my favorite things about Kirby with honey Bart that sounds really good actually mr. J mine what's going on dude oh I forgot about this part this was in the demo I think you need to get this game silver bullets I like it man oh thank you Thank You Khan friends yo machi how are you tonight good to see you Eddie Blake thank you for the sub Blake I appreciate him in and John thank you for the sub I didn't Mason it spaghetti spaghetti he's always good I do like this shirt guys I I'm glad I ended up getting it said I was pretty worried it wasn't gonna come in on time but yo that's a bunch of Holy Writ yo it's gone mr. digital how are you man thanks so much ultra thank you so much yeah vegetable dinner a vegan dinner was that the same thing no we're kissing cousins here can I not hurt this okay apparently you can't hurt the waddle dee cluster I did ultra I did complete it thank you for the donation I appreciate it yo that is that's a big cluster there my favorite one is actually Kirby's Adventure on the NES I need a little jelly I do an arch madness so Nathan how long did this take you to beat okay we got the yo-yo again gotta be quick here boys gotta be quick here boys given the chamber no we don't got time to be kissing there we go ramen noodles hey there's nothing wrong a little bit of ramen hiding j-dog oli I see minicabs oh gosh no run always if we get a dream rod oh its key its key never mind never mind so does every level have one of these switches I'm glad arch crochet being here six hours so okay I got you yo Maryville hahaha thank you so much Mary Belle happy Friday to you so glad that you're here tonight hey Dean Ryan who's my favorite character in Kirby like my favorite copy ability I don't know yet I haven't got all of them yet so I'm not sure getting Reagan I'm sorry sorry Peck that's all right don't be more breaks [Music] we don't need that [Music] alright guys let's go get in the chamber boys yours is link King Dedede oh my gosh you're just just doing work guys soon please come on March the Emerald gamer we're excited for a Nintendo lab lab oh or super-smasher is probably lab oh I don't know if I'll get I'm sorry yeah I can't talk Nick thanks for the sub I'm probably more excited for smash I'm not sure if I'm getting lab Oh or not Mario ought to see a Kirby's oh there we go not quite not quite what we needed I plan on Reagan Jordan T I would kind of like to incorporate that with the is it possible series I'd like to return to it and kind of thrown is it possible twist on it I'd touched me I've not forgotten about that series but I'd like to kind of meld it with the is it possible series yo ugly Stewie in the chat it's not ugly Stewie ugly Stewie's another awesome streamer I do man I would I don't have room for a bunch of cardboard is what it comes down to you guys yeah Nathan I don't know yo what's going on Jack Jack McDowell a new jack uh I was actually in your stream for a little bit inside how'd the UH know float challenge ago my dude sorry it ripped on you streaming the song dude wave so good it's so good I love it so much [Music] it's so good I love it so much yeah that's my dance for the club you guys when I go to the club you know people are doing bump-and-grind stuff I'm all about the shimmy oh did I pick the wrong way oh wait now I pick the right way yes I love this song all right which way do we want to go here pick their own away later jaqen oh no no no I need to ice where's my where's my ice boy favorite glitch I'm not sure Ryan the thing with 2d games or doesn't seem to be as many glitches Nathan I'm sure they'll find glitches in this game but there doesn't seem to be as many glitches in 2d games the mustard shimmy yo he just speared that nut you guys see that spear there not again spirit yes that's so satisfying spirit spirit yes oh I can't wait Matt wait we're gonna Thea look at the key where's the here the real good stuff pickle juice flushes you gotta be kidding me is that a real thing wait where's the key I feel like I missed the key boys I don't watch Dragon Ball super oh dang it that's all it is Nathan 100% fly up I did fire that's yeah it's all good we don't need we don't need no stinkin ha ha ha yo Jimmy thank you so much me I'll be streaming tomorrow and I plan on doing a sponsor stream on Sunday too oh gosh not paying attention thank you so much Jimmy always happy to have you aboard my friend that sounds absolutely awful [Music] silent oh gosh no I see red how you doin Randy Dakota I wanna watch Dragon Ball super super yo hopeless crew thanks so much for the sub you know who is this guy [Music] yo wait actually what am i doing no I'm gonna drop my ability and suck this guy I want his goods yo we're ninja we're ninja that's freaking awesome now we're an ice ninja freakin ieast ninja doesn't get any better than that it's good on Jack stood out here have a great night Jackson yo tank are you in the deer in the discord right yo oh my plan yo what was going on there yo I just made a ninja ice yo-yo all Bulls are do you actually yo bonkers can become my friend bonkers is my friend Wow I can't even tell what's going on there's so many people on the screen can we make her my friend yo who is this the V the Vedra vivid I can't read sorry everyone wants me to keep Waddle Dee so we'll keep waddle dee yo mr. fish thanks for the retweet what is this Yoshi's gave us goodies some home cookin tried to see what she could bring to the table I just think she can bring the table yeah 330 like hype you guys are the best thank you all so much for the love tonight so much fun playing this game yo Thank You razor let's go we're getting the farthest one right here I I will post it in discord tank I'll post the sponsor stream in discord probably Sunday morning yo Dan PB raid what's what's going on me ro Jesse Luke died ray it's gone on rad million James the retro popsicle what's going on Maki Maki was already in here fantastic it's gone on silver peppermint asteroid Dan there used an dude what's going on wrasse Freddy keys Gator this is a strong rave what's gonna max Chiba yo thank you so much got a 118 1901 1819 this is my face for that Dan a1 1819 all right that means I'm coming after you now Dan I gotta come after you now dude thank you so much welcome Raiders thank you guys so much for coming if you've never been to one of my shoes before my name is Dave do a lot of Nintendo stuff a lot of Odyssey stuff right now we're playing the new kirby game which I'm absolutely loving so yeah Dan you beat my PB by a minute and a half man and in half I got my work cut out for me but yeah welcome guys thank you so much for coming I really appreciate it yo mayro dan is the true better Dave Deanna's true dgr what's going on chat mommy mommy huge congrats on that PB man what a way to go out on a break like that's gonna be a great feeling dan you're going on a break for a little bit focus on school going out on a high note like that where you got the new PV that's gotta feel great great yo this guy's got a rope or a whip I mean can we combine yo a cold whip cold whip now Paul thank you me and I don't know about that Archie I've done so many man many more on the way for sure [Music] yo whoa yo we're invincible well now I got to come for you Dan I'm coming for you man you're the extra motivation I need it now what is going on right now okay hey do you know me yo do we just do a wall jump dude we can wall jump that's that's so awesome it's gonna Espen Espen Espen or could I say that right I'm so sorry I know you've been in here before SOPA had it for numsy yo retro popsicle thanks for coming in the radio and I just hate it yeah guys and if anyone was in my chat that doesn't know who dan the man is make sure you check them out especially if you like my Odyssey stuff dan streams a lot of Odyssey does a lot of Odyssey content so do yourself a favor check him out editing Katie I didn't dot dot dot you have the demo Freddie if you like the demo man I recommend the game if you can get it what does this do [Music] no I didn't ask for this I didn't ask for that I didn't ask for that yeah tack em this just came out today what ask for that wait can I throw my eight can I throw my heart at like one of these things and it will still get the power up bro I want an army of ninjas though [Music] I didn't know you could do that see we're learning guys or learn any I didn't think you could do that yo awesome James welcome to the discord man yes yes let's go we're gonna look at the screen that's enough spamming us being it's going on IMG love Mario games welcome in melee stage yeah giant apples yo we just like hit check your hand in the enemy thanks for the cell yo oh my gosh yo yeah Anton um how are you tonight oh it's a tree tell bro how are you enjoying it you Lance Sam game gee thanks for the sub it's very wispy here 375 like height it's awesome thank you guys you know look at that heart I do Miguel Kim quiet I know I feel bad I made the tree cry guys I'm not proud of that not proud of that you're the zealous guy thanks for the sub fruity forest Mario thanks for the sub thank you see him you can throw your heart of some bosses to this sounds cool [Music] wait a second we can what did I just do you an electric yo-yo zap Yeow yo that's what I'm talking about let's go look at that can't wait what is that does it this is not very good this thing sucks sings sucks I don't like this got a friend them all yeah Kiwi ooh I like this guy this guy I've used him before in other Kirby games he's awesome No take that let's Pokemon in a nutshell [Music] Brandon I'm up to the challenge chicken noodle beast the sir thanks for the sub oh this guy's sweetie he's like the Captain Falcon okay that was stupid no no [Applause] friend this guy yo we can friend this guy take you on I don't know what you can do for me but we'll take y'all yo Marmon thanks for the sub me and I appreciate it even doubt one gamer welcome why is donkey congri shake your mutt up and down oh so you're telling me I should have the electric guy [Music] wait I think I did that in the demo I think I was just as amazed when I did that in the demo too bananas weren't right but not yet hey thanks Larry I appreciate it man oh there's something hidden up there [Music] I'll take that yo Samuel spit thanks man for being here hope you having a great night we should be stopping it man there we go I wonder how waddle dee he feels about killing his brothers Darrell hello thanks for the sub man [Music] should you cough this game or get this game I mean I like it so far Wilson come jmb can Gibbs Kirby bullies his friends [Music] favorite song in this game I'm not sure Ryan I haven't played through the whole thing yet yo we got a kink 'read what's going on it's got thank you so much guys were getting ready to buy kink a double rainbow are you kidding me what is going on guys thank you so much played it up boys Mon there you go this one yo James thank you so much welcome Raiders it's gone on Dan welcome to the stream thank you guys so much for coming in the raid I really appreciate it you guys don't know my dude kink please please go check him out he's seriously one of the best out there one of the best streamers out there I'm really good friend of mine make sure you check him out thank you so much if you're coming in the raid I really appreciate it guys you don't know who I am my name is Dave aka DG our play a lot of Nintendo stuff and yeah do co-op I don't have anyone to play with it's gonna make I thanks so much for the sub we're coming in the raid I mean I'm sorry nope I forgot to blog how much does blocking do yo yo granite thanks so much for this cell what's going on in 10 deliver oh my gosh that never gets old that never gets old there's King there he is my dude thank you so much all right blocking yo blocking that's why blocking is pretty ope in this it does barely any damage when you block thank you so much new subs I really appreciate it you can't remember the block DDD is buff my dude he's buff that is for sure we almost have him boys he's almost down guys again if you were in my stream and don't know who kink is please please go check him out can we get DDD as a friend yo he's our friend he's our friend I'll do a good kink how are you man how was uh brothel I'll treat you hey 94 central that's all right man thank you so much I totally understand that I'm the same way with certain games dude thank you so much thank you so so much it's gone on fuzzy Hideyuki thanks for the like I appreciate we hit 400 likes it's pretty crazy pretty crazy thank you so much deirdre Venus you need to get you Gigi we beat it we beat it okay we didn't beat it we didn't beat it oh if we beat it like people were saying it was sure but if it was that short I would have been like I would have been like that man that would have been my expression if we actually beat the game that quick I'd been like it's gonna 8bitboy now we didn't need it yet plot twist it's not over funny thing about that face it looks like I'm raging like it looks like I'm this face makes it look like I'm extremely angry um but if you guys watch my Halloween special you will know that this is a face I make when I am scared out of my mind as planning game called PT on ps4 and I'm so scared that's the face of it so that's the face I make when I am petrified just so you know one world $60 oh can we pick where we want to go or no wait this is where we were at right yo it's going on Kevin Tendo how are you min wait what's already here I want to play is King Dedede tonight's ro King Dedede yo we can throw DDD how satisfying is that and we have not played this level yet I saw that Nathan I saw that man I can't even I can't even handle it [Music] you're a plump nugget sweep do your job get down here sweep thank you give one job man one job are you Freddy [Music] [Music] yeah that's true Marmon was true yo thank you so much for stopping in arch I'll see you next time ma'am have a great night yo can you still get the sleep dude the most worthless powerup in the game not Felix you're right on time I'll take a broom are you an a drew or a do [Music] a bluster spear that sounds fun I want one I didn't gunner yo what is that dude is one of my animal buddies wait what is down here [Music] that's pretty sweet hitting cool Cappy wait is Vinnie with yeah what's going on Vinnie yeah they are the save any one of the same okay that's so cool I like that a lot have items' Mike no Connor it doesn't let you edit your control scheme I'm just trying to get used to it it's not too bad once you get used to it the jump button is in a weird place when you're used to playing Mario Odyssey but it's still pretty good yo he just speared that ropey strand wait there's two different sets of buttons really can I change my dude you can change your control menu well now it's like I've played I've played like an hour of this do I change the control scheme now do I change the control scheme now that I've played an hour I'm like kind of getting used to it dang it that's unfortunate it's ganya here well we'll beat this level and I'll try the other control scheme yeah well we'll try the other thing no Joseph don't change a thing Joseph I was lurking in your stream today man tap mommy I do notice you man appreciate you being here get rid of the street sweeper there add it nope there we go yo rocker chick how are you today rocker chick good to see you good to see you get up there what's he doing what's he doing I did what you told me to do I did what was asked of me oh I know what I gotta do I need it I need to suck in my friend so will suck my friend here and then we'll get it we have to get this guy up here so bad oh my god yeah Travis I like it man I liked a lot so now we okay that's pretty cool that's pretty cool I like that Eric I didn't see the fearsome fire video before I started streaming Oh Oh rocker chick well I'm glad to hear everything safe I meant good to hear well it's cool that you found out though agender excited are you telling people are you waiting a little bit people we won't find out until they great before my birthday in May that's so cool I like how you do luma I was in there when fearsome fire got the jump ropes that was really impressive it takes a lot of dedication do that to see when I did the jump rope challenge when I did the jump rope challenge back when he first came out when I got to a thousand I distinctly remember my mind like completely wandering like I was thinking about cats on a spaceship and stuff like my mind was going to weird places when I was doing the jump rope and a rocker dude oh that's so awesome huge congrats have you decided on a name yet rocker chick even pro trainer Johnny beat that's awesome John Congrats Amanda would like another little girl to MGP make JA I'm not sure the name of the song ma'am just look up Kirby look up Kirby star allies official soundtrack on YouTube and just go till you hear weird Alfonso thanks for the sub yeah Holly I've actually talked to fearsome since that he's got something pretty cool planned as well for an upcoming stream you guys will be really excited about it [Music] yeah what's gonna mike and then there's curvy yeah indeed indeed Mike are you did you see you [Music] I like how it's telling me I have to jump over the cliff I mean I do know that much [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] oh look at all those goodies look at all those goodies man can Chris Duke happy jump I didn't even know oh dang it I didn't even notice that Nathan that's awesome for instance how you liking it welcome back arch thanks Kim I appreciate you like my videos lighting Derrick you're eating popcorn popcorn sounds delicious I could go for some like movie theater popcorn Extra Butter I like you gunner or should Maru thank you for the sub hopefully I said that right well we unlocked another dream palace [Music] it's a friendly field is done I'm so confused how this works okay so we okay all right I think I'm slowly getting it looma thanks so much for the sub just eating bacon oh wait I wanted to I wanted to exit to the main menu really I want to try the other button combo guys I want to try the other button no I go to the main menu oh wait yo ultra squad I think I did know that but thank you so much man I appreciate it all right I'll make a have a great night thanks so much for stopping in I'm gonna try the other one man even Eduardo [Music] hi I'm hi hi Chris so let's try the other control menu or control options comet Rider thanks for the sub much appreciated yo that's what we're looking for right there boys this just became my new favorite game it's became my new favorite game y'all like fried potatoes I do yeah what's going on Chris how are you man Chris speedruns it's going on my friend hi Aaron hi Ethan all right I'm excited now so unfortunately it looks like we lost our our friends here but that's okay it's okay I need Mason God can be the King Dedede back alright Kalyn have a great night man all right now I got to get used to jumping again I keep pressing the other button for jump so I gotta get used to that Kris I like it so far man yo Brooklyn just finished a toast and she's smiling and waving at the TV she'll be one years old next month September jakey thank you so much man I really appreciate that guys please get some love for jakey in the chat the coolest guys out there oh my gosh this music it's music dude that's so awesome man yep September ma'am I always hated the umbrella [Music] your friends disappear that's kind of I mean it's a little bit sad but sad but true that would be fun eaten that'd be fun to do one for a man that I'd be like a fun April Fool's video I'd actually put this dang it we need the umbrella oh I'm sorry Cal I think you're gonna bed No No there we go that's what we're trying to do Ipek I'm not sure I'd you an Olivia blocked how do you Benjamin good to see you man all right guys [Music] what's my favorite game Aaron I'm not sure that'll be awesome with y'all it'll be awesome man you mind mind play fans ya rocker chick we're playing on the switch this just came out for the switch today mine Plex fan there we go arch the reason a lot of people have asked me to do that and I'm definitely considered it because saying I've so many other videos and things that I'm working on I just don't have time for it but I can definitely recommend you some great videos to watch my good dude and Nathan Heath in the channel is another Odyssey content creator and he he has a bunch of videos on tips and tricks in mario odyssey how to get better so definitely check out Nathan click on his picture there check out his channel there's a lot of good stuff on this channel [Music] you bet you're screaming at me that doesn't sound good everywhere was sold out no James no comet Rider I have a capture card have an Elgato [Music] feels like there's something on today [Music] forsaking the remote does or shaking the controller does nothing here didn't a Johnson don't question the underwater fire indeed yeah this isn't it okay I knew this look familiar this was in the demo come on umbrella no what are you doing [Music] apparently we need two umbrellas okay [Music] yeah cool is boy I'm very excited to smash man very excited it's gonna sell for number three I have not road to bikini body but they just announced that Sonic mania is they're doing like a complete edition and it's gonna be a physical copy instead of just a download only in June or July I think so I'm definitely gonna get it when it comes I'm glad I I'm actually glad omar thanks for the sub I'm actually glad I held off on buying it because I much prefer to get physical copies of games I don't like to digitally download if I can actually buy you know the physical version of the game so I'm really excited I held off because there's gonna be sonic manias coming to switch in a physical company it's got a scorpion it's actually out today man just came out today it's gonna power up gamer you know 150 digits of pi that's impressive I know two digits thanks gang kid appreciate it who do I hope ya hear um who do I want to smash five you mean like that has it been in smash before and then you can quote out banjo from banjo kazooie in there do I think that will happen probably not [Music] 450 leg height oh gosh yo Jimmy no I've not seen the new infinity war trailer pretty good I saw the new Harry Potter trailer well it's not actually Harry Potter it's uh it's a little bit fantastic beasts I've not seen the first fantastic beasts yet I really want to though I saw Toys R Us is closing chef Cowell Okawa comma Kawasaki chef Kawasaki that's where the oh dude he's reaching into his fanny pack let's go we got chef in our party man [Music] it's a very good movie awesome Holly I definitely want to watch it [Music] yo he just put him in the stewpot guys he put him in the Roewe spot get in the rose pot son dude he just he just cooked our enemies I don't know I don't I don't know how to comprehend this I don't know what to say to that game kid I'm having a lot of fun having the time of my life I know it's so sad rocker chick let's get on NBA pro given the row spot [Music] my first tree my car live for me will do two doozy thank you so much for being here man good to see you your name is Jeff yo we almost have a painting completed a leg is so itchy you think you sell your blockbuster card oh my leg is so itchy so dry you huh groans Chris I mean it's too early to tell man so wait this is it just keep it I guarantee this isn't it yeah there's no way that just these stages are so this just must be like the first okay this is probably just the first world although I'm curious how many worlds there are ah slappy slappy bara I got it from a website called nerd fuel all right John take care I forgot what the jump button was I forgot what the jump button I was pressing the edit button that's unfortunate yo spider Oh throwing our webby web sauce do this look at that oh my gosh get covered man get in my web sauce well here's the thing kink the default setup is a button which is on the far right and that's what I was playing with the first in an hour of this game and then I changed it to be as my jump button now all right retro popsicle have a great night thanks for stopping in man I appreciate it yo friend bounce yo that's so awesome you don't gotta do that man think your world for fireplace believe it or not Jimmy I'm not proud to say it but believe it or not I'm not a huge superhero guy not I don't dislike them it's just something I never got into really not which sounds crazy with the stuff that I'm into like I'm huge into video games huge into like sci-fi stuff you'd think superheroes would only be natural right but yeah man I never got into superhero stuff and I know I'm missing out on a lot of good stuff it's just something I never got into all right Eric thanks for stopping in have a great night see you guys you can be 28 years old and your voice can still crack happens forever your friends have been bouncing the whole time music and Kirby 8 yes Connor I wish I was 24 again dozens of us doesn't all right tank I'll look forward to it man yep I will like said I'll put it in the discord I'll probably be Sunday afternoon unlimited web sauce it's pretty freakin nice [Music] why can't I use much like how comes my friends can use their powers underwater I can't do anything chef put him in the rose pot put him in the rose pot chef [Music] give a shout out to your friends recent joshed it's on deadlocks and recent josh thanks so much for watching the street guys appreciate it you guys are having a great Friday evening Saturday morning depending on where you live not privileged people something I got a hundred percent this game ah maybe maybe not on stream but at some point I'd like to [Music] what's wrong with caps is that nightbot will time you out for typing in all caps so that's not good eventually the robot will time you out plus it just makes it look like you're kind of yelling at people [Music] super splat awesome squeezy yes the game is easy but did not mean that for that to happen um the game is he is easy but that's what Kirby's made to be easy so it's like people that like there's been some reviewers that have reviewed it negatively because it's easy it's one of those things name me a Kirby game that hasn't been easy like Kirby's our Kirby games are always easy that's just how they are and that's one of the things I love most about them is they are easy oh gosh give me the web sauce I need the web sauce back to me to me I look at the difficulty as a actual positive thing let's how many I mean I could play a hard game anytime I wanted to I would rather play it easy ah fancy games you're here right on time yo it's got on kopitz are you dude nothing's going in good to see you my friend go you'll be getting rated well we're getting raided wait what small MMB raid and then be raid what what's going on guys welcome Raiders guys what's going on Metal Mario hi do man thank you so much for the ring dude I appreciate it guys we got that rare triple rainbow tonight ready to buy my man kink Dan to man and metal mario bros thank you so much man welcome if one of the mods could please grab metal mario bros this channel so you guys can check him out thank you so much man I appreciate it [Music] [Music] we almost completed the picture almost got it I see you Randy how are you man Metal Mario Bros what were you doing were you doing more of mario 64 rom hacking huh probably not DJ I probably won't speedrun this I don't speedrun all the games I do in fact the games that I do speed around on mediocre at so I have to pick my games that I speed around very carefully thank you mods you guys are the best shoutout to the mods and there they're just the best best more rom hacking I'm excited man I would love to when you have like a working prototype of your rom hack I would love to play it sometime dude I do like the game Eduardo again I mean I just started playing it so not just started but a lot of time for me to not like it or like it even more yo I can ride DDD dude not only never mind never mind no get back on him no I want to ride you how did I ride him how do I ride DDD how do I do that what's going on well Bandicoot how did I ride him no that was let me ride you boy whoa whoa whoa sorry chat mommy twisted apparently you can only ride him once hold down I mean I'm holding down right now yo I think we there we go oh okay we can't ride them in small places we need lots of open spaces in order to ride them well that didn't work out doing good metal how are you ma'am flower power it's when you play curvy things that you don't intend to say just naturally come out it's just the way the game works I can ride anyone I don't think so look at DVD just such a such a cuddly little guy what's gone circus blast I appreciate the kind words man preciate you being here no I don't want to dismount [Music] no actually I want the music ability music has changed lives for years we're just gonna destroy it Zander Newton thanks for the sub appreciate it man yo it's sweet [Music] yell bonkers is back [Music] well we made quick work of him yo Jacob thanks for the sup man I appreciate it I'm not supposed to go here feel like I wasn't supposed to go here I didn't friend him I needed his power up no it's come on Zbot thanks for being here DJ Williams thanks for the sub TJ appreciate it man the undying thank you for the sub yeah Vince the this I was really happy it's one of those things I'd never ordered a shirt from this company before so you never know how things are gonna look you know you hope they're gonna look great and turn out good but you never know but I'm really happy with how it turned out [Music] I mean Evan if you like Kirby I say go for ma'am all right we're getting rid of chef he's done absolutely nothing anybody got time for chef sorry chef it's all about what you've done for me lately lately you've done nothing for me Joe subdued Johnny Cooper thank you so much thank you so much Johnny you miss Club Nintendo I miss Club Nintendo too man [Music] yeah metal bro absolutely man absolutely thank you so much Johnny blue Jasper means so far I like it a lot I can't really give a rating on it but I like it a lot I'm gonna play Kerby yo Jimmy thank you for the donation I mean what you mean this kirby are different curvy mean more yo Donkey Kong confirmed for Kirby will I play more Kirby I mean after the streams I'm probably not hey Emily Thank You yo pokey cats I don't know if that's I don't know dang good repairs rings a bell how are you pokey good to see you hope you're doing well cool kid thank you for the sub I need to catch one of your mario64 are you gonna be playing mario 64 anymore [Music] green-tailed you got to think that how you liking it I need a Mad Max yeah I'm a huge fan of the Kirby games oh that's kind of cool it's kind of neat I like that a team toothless nightbot will time people out for excessive caps excessive emoji use setter like that so no worries man late but just nightbot can be a little over active sometimes so don't don't stress over it y'all good man friend bridge it's gonna be kid oh oh oh no don't die don't die on me boy Oh Jimmy I was like here's the thing Jimmy I people actually asked me that question those kind of questions for real thank you so much Brandon no why is he doing that I appreciate what's gonna daniel all exotic I was in the stream a little bit I know I know what he's doing with it I'm excited for it yeah it's out the game is out thank you so much Brenda maybe he's got a bounce off the wall there okay makes sense look at all those goodies dude [Music] Nathan I said can't leave you already beat this do you not work today Nathan [Music] [Music] took the day off that's awesome Nathan I wanted to man but we were we didn't have we were kind of short-staffed at work today I didn't leave it three today though that's kind of nice yo we completed a picture let's go let's go do you run I still don't know how you play with a keyboard how do you do that oh my gosh dude wait [Music] yo is today your birthday he didn't work on meeting this game and he likes to hockey thank you so much wait is today your birthday yo did we hit 500 likes 500 likes it's crazy thank you all so much [Music] yo clay thank you so much ah scusi I mean I hate telling people yes you should get this game it's all personal preference I mean I like it a lot but not everyone likes Kirby so if you like kirby games yeah I recommend it well fire at will what's your PB right now in Mario Odyssey did you hear Dan get a new PB of one 18 19 I think I'm the weakest link right now I think you guys all have better talks at me now I need to get back on that grind man yo what did I just throw you guys don't know will he's another awesome youtube streamer content creator mario odyssey lover well will you still have a better time than me yours is a full minute better than mine I gotta get I gotta get back on the grind man yeah I do I do like Star Wars not so much the newer Star Wars I like the original Star Wars a lot now fireball this is the full game that's so cool [Music] to dad's birthday too hey what's going on roids oh I need to get back on that to see my biggest thing will is I don't do it consistently enough I need to like take a week two weeks and just constantly grind it I think this thing is I can't I don't stream long enough I there like I stream like two hours is about my tops for streaming because if I've had like a long day of work it's hard for me to stream longer than like two hours sitting to watch Star Wars I recommend it Madi by the way welcome back man Sandcastle dudes yeah I'd like to give a lot reviews later Chris have a great night hey what's going on got a run Jake Mario Nicolas so many awesome people in here tonight what's going on guys oh gosh oh wait okay so we need to be the ninja and combined with [Music] let's get rid of the rock oke cat what is going on Voki cat guys let's get some love for funky cat in the chat pokey cat what are you doing to me thank you so much cat wait why can't I why can't I you know what I hate how you can't swap out like that guys make sure you welcome poca cat to this back to the sponsor squad it's so good to have you back cookie cat all right Kyle have a great night it's not Stephanie I think you've been in here for a while I've not said hello to you I sincerely apologize Stephanie thank you for being here tonight so blue Jasper sponsors get custom emojis there's a sponsors only discord chat I do sponsors only streams they get early access to videos and there's sponsors only videos as try to make more people as well as much as I can spend a hundred dollars on a toy I mean I spent 60 bucks on this game does that count [Music] how you go Slayer [Music] so good man music and Kirby games never let me down yo tomorrow is st. Patrick's Day isn't it does anyone do anything fun for st. Patrick's Day yo Daniel happy birthday man oh there we go I keep pressing the wrong jump button still it's still not in muscle memory yet still not my muscle memory yet look at all this good stuff not that we really need a 1-up right now but well happy birthday to your sister shortly later Zachary have a great night just chilling at home on spring break that's awesome I miss spring break or hate King Dedede [Music] sorry teeth lists like I said they can be a little over strict sometimes pokey cat um I like to get bad news first and then good news in hopes that the good news will help me forget the bad news so bad news first then good news hey Dean Anthony no I don't wanna go here uh yeah Metal Mario of course I would man Mario 64 is my favorite game of all time I love Mario 64 ROM hags you can friend bounce yourself that's good on tanuki [Music] dude [Music] I'll get the friend throw again [Music] thanks Mick pickles I appreciate it yo wait we can jump we can fly with him [Music] if that's what it is to keep typing King Dedede dddd it will time you out heading Hector do this music is so flippin good Abdallah ya doll smash was playing this earlier [Music] yo yo Dan dude those are fighting words Dan those are flippin fighting words what is this nonsense yo thank you so much Dan but I do got a I do got a respectfully disagree with that statement I think if you were born after 1990 you would say that anyone born [Music] yo-yo we are just doing work here what do you guys think whose side are you on your gun team Dave side our team Dan side yo I miss what polka can sit no is that what you've been on Twitch more if that's why you've been on twitch I totally understand but I would love to hear the good news now let me hear the good news [Music] team Dave I don't have anything against Mario 264 on the DS but I just didn't I did not like the control scheme that game was meant to be played they did a good job with making it so you could use a d-pad but that game was meant to be played with a bucks bogie akka that's awesome being busy is a good thing it was made to be used with a control stick really liking this section I would play a full kirby game that was a shoot-'em-up like this I really would know what was that okay that was pretty cool I like Kingdom Hearts a lot I hope Kingdom Hearts 3 eventually comes out you know it's game is unlimited how are you been make people make pickles I got it on a website called nerd fuel why do we have so many fire people we have a fire army guys well Nathan you just confirmed that there's more than one section so that makes me happy makes me very happy that there's more than one of those sections that that's awesome pokey I saw it see I saw your picture I saw your your one drawing on Twitter and I wondered I was wondering about that that's awesome so cool Congrats on that it's gonna amethyst I think I I think I'm pronouncing that word right but I always seem to pronounce it wrong amethyst I didn't see him cool kid I liked Kirby Hayden Hayden Logan yo freakin Mennonites see I'm taller than Amanda but I'm not that much taller than that's it that's that's a considerable difference that's like my sister and her husband my sister is about five waterpot too and her husband's six burgers so it's pretty funny met a nice pretty easily you know I don't even know where I'm at where am I keep looking at the wrong curvy I mean there's only one curvy butt which ones what there's too many people on screen right now kiss me someone kiss me [Music] what what we died that's right yeah you know we don't have lower bodies uh Eric I think they're I'm not sure who was first actually that's a really good question I'm not sure he was first Candace you went to meet me come to the college where I work at someone said if you shake it creates a force field that's opie okay that was pretty cool that was pretty cool wait I missed what you said of me I'm sorry I'm sorry who I grabbed the sword baby we grabbed a sword it's all over wait I don't want the sword anymore I don't want the sword dirty rotten now let me stalk my friend [Music] no I don't want to suck DDD I want I wanna suck the spark gun there we go [Music] No oh okay all right we gotta take I gotta be careful here [Music] kidding me [Music] yo Odyssey fan thank you so much for the donation Odyssey fan guys it's good some love for Odyssey fan in chat thank you so much man I appreciate it so much dude dang it get them get them guys got him okay that is pretty Opie there that's pretty Opie move I like it oh wait can i friend him yo I didn't friend them dude I didn't friend them dangit I didn't friend him I wasn't paying attention no mistakes were made mistakes were made dang it yes Pookie burger he basically looks like a black version of Kirby like a darker version of Kirby I do me s'en that's unfortunate hey I do nem boy yo MJ dude say no more man I'm the I'm the exact same way when it comes to so good to two games man it's so good to see you I'm J we're gonna have a sponsor stream on Sunday so does that mean to friend him we have to go through the boss fight again is that what that means yes Buki I believe so I am liking it em boy I'm liking it a lot wait but I just pick [Music] damn Bastian [Music] no problem pokey thank you so much for stopping in and have a great night I appreciate it well we gotta go we gotta go back and friend him you don't think I'm allowed to friend him I think I am Evan I don't think that man I think whatever I want to see whatever makes you happy man whatever makes you happy splatoon too is a great game to you you won't you'll have a you'll have a good time with that as well ah Nathan do I have to play it again to front him or well I have another chance to friend him thanks Joseph I've appreciated you being here man go to the dream palace cuz I didn't have to fight him again I'm not doing anything for st. Patrick's Day honestly oh he is there he is there sweet guys are the best the best Oh a piano do that piano [Music] [Music] alright guys I think I'm going to end my stream there however isn't gonna read it's gonna raid it's gonna read guys I want to go on a dgr raid I want to send some love to my dude will will is playing super mario de si he's going he's doing some speedruns and he deserves a lot of love guys he's only got eight people watching him he deserves a lot more hype in that chat for watching him play some super mario de si so let's go in there with hashtag dgr read thank you so much everyone for hanging out tonight I had such a good time playing this we'll probably continue playing this tomorrow morning at some point so hopefully I'll see you guys then but let's go raid my man will fire at will make sure you hit them up with a like hit him up with a sub seriously guys great streamer great content creator go go check them out thank you guys so much have a great rest of your evening and I'll see you guys tomorrow take care [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 20,022
Rating: 4.8975739 out of 5
Keywords: kirby, kirby star, kirby star allies, kirby star allies speedrun, kirby speedrun, kirby playthrough, kirby glitches, kirby nintendo switch, nintendo switch kirby, switch kirby, super mario odyssey, dgr, dgr is it possible, is it possible, mario odyssey is it possible, mario odyssey challenge, ryu, ryukahr, ryu stream, ryukahr stream, ryu mario maker, mario maker ryu
Id: _LfWgr5CqxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 11sec (6731 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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