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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is going on everybody welcome to the stream how is everybody's Wednesday doing just let me make sure we got microphone audio we do need you guys to tell me do we have game sounding audio click thank you for the retweet my dude I appreciate it creator thank you for the sub already welcome to the stream everybody I am so pumped tonight is the night guys I'm telling you tonight is the night we do it I I practiced a little bit I practiced the Bowser fight we can do it we can do it I did it without taking damage yesterday so I'm pumped I think we can do it I think we can do it can you guys hear the sound effects please let me know if you can hear the sound effects in the game it might be a little bit low I'm gonna turn it up a little bit and turn it up a little bit how's everyone doing tonight oh my gosh so many people in the chat I love you all thank you so much for being here I truly feel that tonight is the night I'm the dude Jacob thank you for the retweet much appreciate you I need to turn that up I can't even hear it what's going on guys thank you so so much you guys are seriously the best this is craziness this is craziness all right let's go let's get it all started up I am changing it up a little bit because I forget to split every single time oh my gosh Connor thank you so much Connor what's going on Tedric that's alright dude keep practicing I am going to uh that's what I want to see we're gonna stick with just a generic timer for now because I forget to split it's gonna be one less thing my mind has to do so we're just gonna what is going on inside with a $1 donation notification squad we got it this time dude thank you so much inside let's get it going guys Thank You Connor and inside to the generosity both are amazing thank you all so much what's going on Jen poo welcome to the stream every single one of you guys there's so many awesome people in here I appreciate it all so so much guys the game volume is good awesome awesome awesome let's hit 36k let's do it let's do it how's everyone doing how's everyone's week going schoolwork whatever you got going on yeah Auto split would be nice but I don't even to do that thank you for the follow Matthew much appreciate its content she a you like stay Aki sky blade Maddie the King the king you the king man split boys will still be alive in spirit there's just gonna be one split at the very end of the game so you guys got to stick around to spam split boys thank you all so so much I cannot wait to get this guy's I have so much confidence that it's gonna be tonight we're gonna do it tonight the king thank you so much again dude I really appreciate that I really just got a great feeling about tonight's run I don't know what it is but I just think we can do it guys I think tonight is the night what's going on Alexander so good to see you man come on Jon the Fox shimmy Glen hurricane Irma sea bass Nick disaster gamer person Shelly how are you tonight Shelly good introductions Connor with a $5 donation Tedric you're the man you got this tonight thank you so much Connor and Tedric what's going on all wait I didn't announce the stream in discord crap I forgot to announce it in discord discord squad I'm letting you down I think Amanda can make an announcer Amanda can you make an announcement in the general discord or one of the mods that the stream is tonight the stream is going on right now I totally forgot I felt like there was something I forgot and that was it that was it what's going on brace JSL BB Master Pengo Jayma are waby how perfect Dax Jesse hiding Jessie heirs are Adam mutants bang Tendo cat dogface k-dog it's gone Kay dog generic Lego animator chatterbox sans Ulysses snap oyster 3d printing dude you've been been kind all night 3d printing dude I've been seeing a bunch of your comments man thank you for your kind words what's going on armadillo lunk ice wolf Archer JJ penguin dragon flames Gretchen Brandon inside was worked better today dude it's just been a crappy week of work but you know what it's all good because I'm here hanging out with you guys it makes it all better man makes it all better it's gone Toby [Music] absolutely ghosts thank you so much again for the donation inside you're the man you're the man go it's gonna blah blah skittles master it's gonna on ntg good to see you tonight oh my gosh cutter can you tell me a recap of the end of last year yeah I can definitely recap flash stream it's going on yo.hannes anima now so last stream if you guys are missing it and if you're kind of new to the stream as well so what we're trying to do Hannah banana with the $1 donation oh my gosh guys I can feel it this is the night this is the night but if you're kind of new to the streams what we're trying to do we're trying to beat Mario Odyssey without taking any damage we've gotten to the very end of the game twice now and I made some stupid mistakes O'Connor last stream I decided to try a new strat that I've never tried before I tried hiding in the very back of the cave and spitting fireballs and it it didn't work I still got hit with a still got hit with a falling Boulder but tonight we got it tonight we got it I'm I'm confident I'm JJ penguin cabe clash with koco's it's gonna actually yeah only the main timer tonight guys just because I keep forgetting to split that gives me one less thing to worry about so we're gonna wait for you guys can spam split boys once at the end of the run once we beat it that's how confident this is the run I just know it it's gone choy stir so I'm getting our guys spooky burger Maddox durian Jamin Parker sir soccer deluxe pyroar Seagal man Matthew power star Mario yeah yours Nathaniel McGregor yeah this is the day guys [Music] George see what George thank you for the love man thank you for the love it's good on big bear and we got D vortex oh my gosh thank you guys so much it's gonna mister chant Paul Finch thank you guys so much for the love and donation haha Connor thank you so much man you got to the darker side last night use the flying glitch that's awesome dude yeah New England Patriots I do I'm wondering if we will meet you guys in the playoffs I'm a Steelers fan so we'll see inside with another one taller donation was thing about streaming sometime soon any tips basically make sure your PC and Internet can handle it that way you have a smooth stream there's nothing more frustrating than having technical difficulties during a stream cuz it really gets you flustered Connor thank you again for the donation that's my biggest tip inside is just make sure do some like unlisted streams just to make sure your PC and Internet can handle it that way when you actually do a real stream you won't have any issues it's gonna nibble cactus Jocelyn thank you for the sub much appreciated hit new puppy power master Gaming eastbound galaxy hiding Carl Khaleel games marjoram how you doing larger I'm so good to see you tonight man thank you so much for being here you'll haunt us with a $1 donation good luck Dave you can do it thank you so much man Clau what's going on call oh crap I'm new you're Canadian I'm American ghost I live in Pennsylvania Arctic night how you doing man thanks for the Saab Arctic let's gonna an internee welcome to the stream no way an internee that's crazy for real it's got a TK fire that's crazy man there's no way what's this what are the chances of that dude what a small world it's gonna run in Michael Salas you Australian so what time is it in Australia right now it's got to be late or early in the morning all right remember I just need to remember I got the bird I'll take it bonk percent complete I got to remember I got the bird already so we don't need to get the bird I do a linear and you saw I missed a new Saab thank you so much new Saab it's gonna not choose Spencer welcome this dream how now dude you've made this game fun again thanks for being here Spencer appreciate you taking the time to hang out thanks to all you guys that have been supporting the streams lately it's been it's been an incredible ride I know we've failed many many times and it's been there's been some disappointments but you know we've we're hanging strong and I think we can do it I think tonight's gonna be night guys so you're gonna want to stick around I truly feel that tonight's the night as I do that well we got a new sponsor sigh - what guys can we get some love for Sai - how - bacon and Connor what is going on sigh - thank you so much for the sponsorship dude that's so cool man thank you so much and thank you Connor and how - bacon thank you both so much this is craziness guys she's gonna Matthew dub hi dude Matthew it is worth it thank you coughing let's get on Squidward I do man let's get on nyquil do a bond close % dude I seriously think a bond CLIs % would be harder than this yes guys if you are a sponsor please spam the new EEMA or the emotes i did add a new note we did add a nipple cactus emo so if you were a sponsor I want you to spam the crap out of that here in the next two minutes or so what's good on Lindsey it's gonna battle clone Ryan UK with a one dollar 35 donation thank you so much new sponsor oh it's going so fast I got to wait till it pops up on screen thank you so much new sponsor let's get ready to spank the sheet boys spank the sheet the Eternals the eternal sword the eternal sword what is going on what's going on science welcome to Street man thank you so much eternal yes yes I love seeing all the nipple cactus ha ha ha it just makes my night dude them sands the sands thanks for the sub I love it so much thank you guys so much new sponsors please make sure you got your YouTube account linked up in discord poeple with the six dollar or five dollar donation wow I can't read thank you so much papa what was that what was that hey boo oh my gosh is that blue for real the eternal sword thank you so much again man my boy blue dude it's been too long still carrying that piano around it's okay in that piano on your back cat 808 8 thanks for the sub cats here we go guys let's go let's get through this part here all right there we go mr. J mine hi Dave you are so amazing and this is my first time to donate to anyone thank you so much dude [Music] thank you so much my boy blue oh my gosh guys you guys are absolutely breaking me tonight thank you so much thank you guys Wow why did I just say guys that way why did I just say guys that work boys I had like a British accent for three seconds Ryan you K up late watching the stream from Liverpool England dude thank you so much I feel like I'm missing people thank you all so much for all the love this is just crazy and thank you for the love for the nipple cactus I saw ally in here what's going on ally sigh - with a Canadian $2.00 spam the nipple cactus oh yes yes yes oh gosh you guys you guys are crazy I love it what's going on will boys boys I don't even know what came out of my mouth honestly hey what's going on Travis good to see me I'm Nick disaster with a $5 donation and Connor lives in Arizona thank you so much Nick in Connor you guys are guys are killing me you're you're ninety seven years old Alex we don't discriminate young old all are welcome here what's going on blue I've missed you man hope you been well it's gonna Innokin Joffe Grover 24 thanks for the sub do American eat I don't think so Alexander at least I don't Benjamin thanks for the sub Conor we are almost at 400 likes guys thank you all so much that's absolutely insane I've been streaming for 15 minutes and we're almost at 400 Blake's [Music] thank you so much again Connor we are a madman dude you are an absolute madman cutter why would you notice be Mexican Pikachu I am trying to notice anyone everyone trust me it's going on Joshua ham cheesy chaise 400 like hi white what I just looked at where 500 likes what oh my gosh what oh this is crazy this is absolute crazy let's come on Comic Sans oh my gosh that picture dude every time I look over and see that picture I like shudder hmm Firefox good to see you tonight Firefox oh wow that was close first close call tonight notice me slime bros Isaac everyone I'm trying to notice everyone trust me I cannot do this without you guys support seriously oh my gosh mr. J mine not only did I'm his first donation but he just sponsored - dude thank you so much mr. J mine let's get some love for mr. J mine guys thank you so much dude [Music] thank you so much dude you are amazing man thank you so much nu sub get rank bone son get rainbow so is that the new meme hey what's going on Tuvok my dude - bug show - what no dawei is that like the new meme [Music] what do you exploit just what do you Oh lakhs I didn't understand that what's gonna copy how to bacon oh my gosh you guys just love herein beetle from Wind Waker don't you you can put a thank-you on a piece of bread thank you so much thousand viewer hype this is just madness guys this is madness it's yacht's thanks for the sub if you're just new to the stream and have no idea what is going on we're trying to beat Super Mario Odyssey without taking any damage if we take any damage whatsoever or die we have to restart from the top we've almost beat it several time whoa oh my gosh blue you're watching from Melbourne Australia that's awesome Jayden McKinney thanks for the sub what is you must note away I I'm I must be like too old for this or something it's gone carrots wolf - a flush productions trust me man I really appreciate it even if it doesn't show up you are very much appreciated dude what did she just say large circle thank you so much sigh - Jazlyn thanks for the sub now you're supposed to pick that up just pick that up Chum got your cat [Music] six-hundred like hi boys that's insane madness madness hashtag pay to win friends pay to win phoenix how are you man it's going on Finn what how did they even what does that mean thank you so much for generosity but I have no idea what that means thank you so much guys we get some love for how to bacon you guys have literally broken my dang it you guys have literally broken my alert they I love it we might be able to do a bond class run sometime we might be able to do that sometime thank you so much how to bacon split boys Ricci is 750 in the for me here let's go boys Preston thank you for this sub much appreciated man the music in gaming the to be brothers thank you for this up much appreciated man nice and easy here that was stupid [Music] knuckles thank you so much man I really appreciate that dude guys let's get some love for knuckles in the chat thank you so much man the King Bond CLIs would take like six hours it would it really would indeed all right we in there boys we in there thank you so much the King this sonic game looks great I still don't played Sonic mania I really want to play through that I watched this speedrun on hanging an agdq it looks like it's so fun well I didn't get to watch all of it I was at work but I watched some of it it looked like it would be so fun oh crap I always do that I need you I need you onion face come to me onion face onion face should be the new Pokemon they still just like are they still making new pokemons if so onion face should be one I'd really need to look up this knows the way I don't know what knuckles told me what it was but I still even with knuckles explanation I'm so old that I don't know what that means pixel F what's going on man welcome to the stream thanks for stopping in dude onion face for smash Pokemon's you go how many new pokemons they have out there now huh back in my day there was only 150 of them home are they but literally are they up over a thousand Pokemon have they reached the thousand plateau it's gonna Joshua hi dude man I'm sorry Josue Josue and think you new sub much appreciated Pauline for smash five too many hey what's going on Red Raven good to see you it's not Pokemon it's pokey Pokemon not pokemons noted noted stop bullying only eight only eight hundred so far pokemons alright let's go let's go boys we got this thank you new sub I appreciate it Jake candle thank you so much for this up man hahaha bonk person I need a bonk counter it's gonna pokey Rick 7 whoa I thought nevermind we didn't hit 700 likes I thought I saw something say 700 like I other clips nah Carson you're the best you thank you so much for the kind words E is obviously worth buying a switch for in my opinion blue absolutely but I'm a huge mario fan so that's a no-brainer no bueno but I mean I personally think it's that good I really do plus we don't even hit my face on plus the switch has so many great games coming out that I do think it is [Music] spewer aka the best superpower in the world you guys think I'm joking but I'm not there's no better superpower than being able to throw up on command [Music] Nestor with a $2.00 donation and flubs homework thank you so much Nestor [Music] and flubs homework thank you guys so much I really sincerely appreciate what's going on pewdiepie it's fluffy sports fun gamer you guys are crazy what's gonna on Andrew good to see you psyche spewer is dead back in my day we use cucumbers as we remove it it's good and Chelsea strong any relation to Chelsea weak wooden boats holy crap we did hit seven hundred likes thank you guys so much Jay man Wilcox my day job is I work at a college I work Monday through Friday 8 to 5 molding young minds actually I'm not a teacher I can pretend to be though it's gone Ruby thank you for the sub Tarot wits Raisin Bran what's going on Raisin Bran dirt hollow motto get thanks for the sub see where that we wrote remote for your parents amen to that call I thank you for the retweet people I appreciate it very much sign what's going on son Brendan Cottman start you're sad man it's true it's true Ryan thank you for the sob I appreciate it I forgot about the blue Wii consoles those weren't around very long were they how do you get a switch I mean are the switch I don't know I've had my switch since launch day I was really lucky to get one but are they still are switches still really hard to get like are they're still switched shortages I do in Cuba Cuban welcome to the stream or cube Sun sorry right down the middle boys yo one more time one more time long time the ocean person so far so good it's got on golden ninja alright come on not the best placement but you know take it [Music] there we go we'll take that he's gone on Andrew Murphy side - die vows or die with the nipple cactus oh my gosh dude it's got a NYX open-world my favorite Mario game Connor oh my goodness Connor hey what's going on squanchy thank you so much guys let's get some love for Connor if you guys want to play splatoon - with Connor let him know he's always looking to play and thank you so much again sigh - sincerely appreciate it's so awesome to have you part of the sponsor squad all right here we go oh gosh gonna choke here okay I just fell through the nice and slow here boys nah no need to rush no need to rush I'm just gonna take it nice and slow oh but clenched every time but clenched every single time I hate that jump is probably the worst jump one of the worst jumps in the game now normally if this was a normal speed run I wouldn't be getting this moon but there's a moon that I always seem to have trouble with and I don't want to die there so I take the extra seconds and get it boom oh my gosh blue where have you been all my life dude thank you so much for your definition Oh get in the get in the hole it's gonna noob alien whoreson hiding alien good to see you Oh got it so many moves favorite animal probably from the Fox I just think foxes are so cool ah get in there [Music] sonic mania for four months that's where you've been why do I sense a little bit of truth in a little bit of sarcasm oh my gosh Connor Connor dude you don't thank you so much Connor you don't got to do that man but thank you so much guys please give some love to Connor I think my donation alert is broke I need to oh no ok it's good good to go what's going on Wiley Rhodes or Willy Rhodes thank you so much man it's going on cats Jacob young there we go we in there we in there boys hey Mike how are you dude how are things going man Thank You Ryan appreciate the confidence the real windwaker how are you tonight that's a game I've been really wanting to go back and play again I really want to play the Wind Waker over that's one of my favorite Zelda titles I just feel like it's time for me to play it again Connor knows don't waste our coaster how you doin star a rod hi doin a rod slick Vic it's good on Strix good to see you Samuel hoc Quinn thanks for the sub Mitchell McHugh thanks for the sub nob pokey finders you crazy man but I appreciate the kind words Jack January how are you Jack Sam Riley thank you for the sub what's my PB the real me Murr it's Mike with a 15 dollar donation God let's give some love for Mike which Mike is this dude I know it's several Mike's thank you so much Mike which Michael is this dude thank you so much Mike those guys let's get some love for Mike please thank you so much man [Music] thank you so much my dude I appreciate that so much what's going on Ryan welcome to the stream 800 like hype let's get some love for you guys like likes is all about your support thank you guys so much for the love 800 likes that is just I'm sorry it's mind blowing blows my mind blows my mind what's my favorite song for probably Chavarria and or the wood Caleb [Music] thank you again Mike I appreciate it very much man hope tonight's the night we can get through this jump I'll feel a lot better so I'm not even gonna talk about it we're gonna kill you guys who is calling me on discord Jesse Jesse if that's even you you with a three dollar fourteen cents donation thank you so much I'm sorry guys I gotta close out of discord you're gonna keep hearing it hearing the discord phone call sorry about hate when that happens it's gone Silas it's probably I guarantee is Jessie it's probably Jessie there we go all right one of the worst jumps that jump and the Lost Kingdom jump are probably my two least favorite jumps in the game so it's good to have that out of the way all right let's get to this boss fight we should be good for a couple kingdoms just gotta get through this one guys let's go it was gone hey hey hey hey Amos dark ace thank you new subs I apologize guys I gotta focus on this boss fight you don't pay attention you can easily lose a run to him we don't want that random like button my day is going alright dude work has been pretty stinky this week but other than that it's going good man it's going good oh my gosh dude Connor Connor did you just do that dude for real Connor Connor dude ha Connor dude you did not have to do that man dude you did not have to do that Connor oh my gosh and guys if you haven't thrown some love out to Connor please do so oh my gosh on Cat in the Hat I saw motion in here what's good on motion using a gaming gold train rider Colin we review oh my gosh dude what is what is real what is love baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no wow thank you so much Connor I I don't know what to say man but thank you and I really appreciate it and I don't play roblox but I just might start now goombahs odyssey with the $1 hauler thank you so much Goomba so glad to have you here can't see almost jumped off the ledge [Music] I'm still like thinking is this real life right now I can't even keep up oh my gosh man geometry - Fernando thanks for the sub no goo but I do don't think of it that way I'm still really appreciated man Kobe Kobe can you add me on discord as a friend yes Connor I can do that I'll do it after the street my dude it's gonna tech the mind man Kyle see hey I haven't failed yet Kyle I mean I'm not I'm not doing amazing but I haven't failed yet the run is still alive my friend the run is still alive [Music] it's gonna see gap welcome to the stream this is crazy what's gonna hoist blobs huh thank you guys so much I oh my gosh this is just madness thank you all for real 900 like hype guys oh my gosh could we get some height for you guys please give yourself a clout give yourself a hand 900 likes that's all you guys thank you all so much it's going to Zell zeri wery welcome to the stream go to roblox comm all right Connor I'll do that man I'll do it after the stream okay dude can't do it right now in the middle of a run but maybe we'll have to try it sometime [Music] uh Doge the dog that's it I we have this conversation all the time I don't know it I don't know if that's pronounced Doge or dog or doki-doki Doogie I'm not sure thank you so much for the song guys everyone that has sub thank you guys so much for the love tonight I really appreciate it it's been crazy crazy amount of supports and I really really appreciate it [Music] [Music] it's gonna my o2 welcome to the stream it's happened before my you to not with not with Connor but other people it's it's unfortunate but you know can you do you know thankfully Thank You Luke I appreciate him in turn on Duke Lucas kitty cats spinal v welcome to the stream Catherine card thank you for the sub much appreciated all right sounds good blue thanks again for the donations man and just for being back it's good to see you what's going on Pig it's going on Darcy go eat your poop thank you for the song man jazz cat with a $5 donation oh my gosh dude that's so awesome dude Jessica thank you for trying it out that is awesome I appreciate it sweaty thank you so much for the kind words I appreciate what's going scribble welcome to the stream beer some fire welcome to the stream fearsome fire few guys don't go fearsome fire he is an amazing amazing super mario odyssey player jacob pokey finders the nipple cactus thank you for that $1 donation Jacob I appreciate it but yeah guys fearsome fire is an awesome awesome content creator and streamer talks of a possible collab going down sometime it's gone bred thank you for the sub it's got a mighty juice box Darth ace I got rid of splits because it just gave me one less thing to focus on for this from into Fame thanks for the sub much appreciated George valina thanks for the sub almost 1k likes that's crazy talk to up good to see you man welcome to the stream sky storms how are you tonight welcome to the stream 1k hype boys let's get some hype in the chat for you guys 1k likes that's that's crazy that's crazy it's got em boy pleasure having you here my friend they call me Meisel welcome to the stream sonic and the beast thank you for the sub taki lord welcome to the stream well there's some ice there that's an ice pillar dang it hypothermia is real kids jasc out with a $10 donation what thank you so much jazz cat yeah I think one is on this Court Connor what's your discord name Amanda my wife has something to ask you or something I don't know sigh - oh my gosh jazz cats I dashed goombah Odyssey rip the split boys I don't know if you heard that Connor but my wife said you can DM her please do that she has something to ask you I appreciate it guys geometry dash would know there is Connor I'm looking into it I haven't downloaded it yet thank you so much it's gonna Silas super mario caleb pasty thank you for this so much appreciated math days welcome to the stream cameraman welcome to the stream Chico the Chihuahua I try to Jack one two three okay Jack I got you I got you Jack thank you for letting me know now I know who you are thank you so much honor thank you so much man Charlie Brown Hayden Charlie bonk bonk take a drink we should do it every time I bonk you take a drink or whatever hey no problem Dan - man thanks for stopping in dude I appreciate it should we go it's gonna go so welcome to the stream beasty for gaming with a $1 donation thank you so much beastie oh crap crap crap crap oh gosh that was really close Wow normally if he blows if he blows you you're going flying off that was close that was close yup with a $1 donation good runs thank you so much uh con thank you so much Conner it's Amanda DG are in the discord oh gosh guys if you watch the video today let's get some good luck with the goombas here good luck with the goombas come on baby I'm just gonna sneak up on them no no no my nightmares are coming true my nightmares are coming true you should do a nipple percent I'm thinking about it it's gonna insert coins and Wesley thank you for the sub thank you guys so much I'm sorry I can't look right this second these goombahs these goombas can wreck lives crane the wolf oh my gosh you guys are just leading skull King that's awesome your new dog city very cool I'm just hanging on to the goombas for a second Wow ai ai I'm speechless right now guys I'm speechless boys thank y'all so much got basketball all right some we've have a good one man best of luck at basketball chronics chronics yes we will do the nipple % sometime I swear there's a lot we have a lot to do my next one I haven't told you guys what my next once we get through this what my next plan is dude jasc thank you so much Josh that thank you so much they didn't click good to see you again dude sounds good Connor sounds good Connor my wife said to check your DMS dude check your DM do you smell the choke do you smell the choke hopefully not Alex hopefully not I'm feeling good about tonight's round dude we've had many block clenches hey what's going on Kevin Bell do I ever think I'll get sub 110 probably not eventually I'll probably go back to doing any percent runs but there's just so many other things that I want to try like the no coin run the no jump run there's a bunch of different stuff I want to try thank you so much William thank you for the sub I appreciate it hidden thunder penguin yeah I always I got rid of the splits just for this run if I was doing like a real speedrun any percent I would have this splits up there but because I always forget and it's one less thing for this brain to worry about I figure I'll just make one timer just for now I'm 28 years old Jeb how do you adjusted your app boss Gaming good to see you my and it has been a while how are you tonight tiny bee bee thanks for the sub much appreciated nightbot with a $1 donation I've become a where day oh gosh that's a scary thought that's a scary thought thank you night but Jose thank you for the sub thank you for the again for the donation they but detective PAC what's going on man I Colin I actually work at a college I don't go to college anymore believe it or not I did get a college degree sometimes I wonder how but I did actually did pretty decent college okay graduated with a 372 GPA I'm pretty proud of but I wasn't really I wasn't much of a rapscallion in college I basically went to school went to work and study that was that was it man played Mario Kart Wii online that was I was pretty much the extent of my fun what do I do it my job great question Nick I am an admissions counselor so my job is for when students apply to college and want to you know come to the college that I work at I'm the guy that like reviews their transcripts to see if they're they're eligible to come to our College thank you new Saab much appreciated check out that mustache thank you sob much appreciated all right let's go boys let's go yeah Parker I know normally the first run is is death but yeah Diego I have a wife something amazing yeah I know crazy right Connor is a madman no I don't ever respond like that trust me we want we want all the students we can get I feel really bad when I have to deny students that's definitely the worst part of the job alright Jacob thanks so much man hopefully we'll get it for you all right John Deli thanks for the sub we're skipping that moon down there we're going straight over here boys pay to win boys pay to win sometimes you got to do what you got to do do a part two of exploring new donk has there been a new discovery I'm not sure what else has been discovered I'm 28 years old yeah you know what we're not going for that one we're gonna go for this one Dory's nipple it's gonna Burt welcome to the stream this is the night bird I hope so man I hope so aw crap let them chase me over here no why are they all hanging out over there why are they all hanging out over there dude why are they all hanging out over here boys all right there we go here we go Josh Kat oh my gosh jazz kid guys please get some love for jazz Kat that's insane thank you so much you are way too kind honestly I'm not that great I just I'm here to have a good time and hang out with awesome people I'm super blessed super super blessed thank you so much Dory's nipples hurt they kind of feel like cactus thank you so much again Josh Kat you are crazy galaxy gamer thank you for the sub Jolly Roger moon air Jolly Roger Bay dude I want a plate that's another game I need to play through again sometime soon I really got a plate through banjo kazooie Egon I haven't played that game in many years Oh what college do I work at um I'd rather not say if that's okay you guys don't mind let's get on JP good to see you do you even know I'm here skinny kid new I do Thank You black minecart I appreciate it chaotic sparks thank you for the sub cake or ice cream I would say ice cream and I would rather have a pie over cake oh my gosh my buttons like stuck there for a second my heart literally sank there for a second I'm like a buttons so everyone always asked me what's the worst Kingdom in the run I think the luncheon Kingdom just because a lot can go wrong really easily with the pink goop you can easily make a bad jump and land in the goop and you're so far into the run that you don't want to make a mistake Connor with a $5 donation I will do my best Connor to call man I can't guarantee but I will do my best man I'll definitely add you on discord though thank you I appreciate a man the king thank you so much the king this is crazy what's going on Mathew Glover I do Matthew the splits will come back honestly Jim our boy Connor did random life thank you for the sub melanie ponder thank you for the sub crazy guys the wither killer do you watch Rick and Morty I do not teenager thank you for this sub Snoopy thank you for the sub if I miss the sub guys I do apologize I'm trying to trying to see everyone Niko thank you for the sub how does that happen Rob thank you for this up Anderson the official hi dude man welcome guys let's go let's go boys Thank You Anderson I appreciate him in anonymous thank you for the sub much appreciated favorite music artist great question man I there's too many to list I'm pretty much a fan of any music other than I'm not a big country music fan not a big country music thing and hey t-bone idea t-bone I'm trying to even think who have been listening to you lately over the summer I listened to a lot of Huey Lewis in the news so right now I would say if I had to pick a favor to you Lewis it's good on Amy Rose shadow filt fighter how you and shadow favorite video game play what mario odyssey is definitely up there I like Mario 64 ocarina of time or probably my other favorites mr. Gustave thank you so much all right guys one of my favorite parts in the run right here I just love the section is so much fun it's good on D dog [Music] [Music] go inside with a $1 donation also with me about country music you while you are a dude inside so [Music] [Music] sorry I just need a second I just need a second I just need a second the absolute but clutch oh my gosh guys that was insane oh I thought I thought it was over I thought we were rip city dude choke City we choke city wow wow wow there's just no words and there's these guys sigh - with another $2 donation dude Oh sigh - you had an out man thank you so much thank you so much for all the donations and the sponsor dude I'm so excited to have you part of the sponsors Bob my friend oh it's a non pokey nerd welcome oh we're dope and a favorite movie wow there's so many good ones out there I'm actually not a huge movie buff but I do like some movies there's a lot of good movies out there welcome back NTG world record for any percent I think it's like a 104 or something all right raisin bran have a great night what made me start YouTube Anderson I just started on a whim inside you don't gotta apologize man you don't gotta apologize at all thank you for the donation though man 1.1 K likes that is crazy thank you all so much in love I did like lost Alexander I like to lost a lot me and my wife actually just watched that like last year I watched it when it first came out I watched the first couple seasons and then it got late and they started doing flash-forwards I got really confused and kind of stopped watching but then um like I said a couple years ago we started watching it again oh my gosh they came out with an n64 classic or we classic while Connor to the n64 is my favorite console of all time so for me the n64 classic uh way more for my job currently I would love to someday be able to do like BT full-time bit I'm not worried about dude I'm just having I'm just having a lot of fun doing this as a hobby yeah that is cool fast choke City averted indeed GameCube classic will be pretty sweet to Lindsay the n64 is just my favorite console so I would love to have a n64 classic all right boys here we go let's go yeah GameCube classic would be awesome it would need to have double - sunshine Pikmin 1 & 2 F 0 G X trying to think of some of my other favorite GameCube games ah there's so many good ones gameboy classic whip that's actually really cool Gameboy classic would be awesome I do Benjy angry potato that's awesome Alexander I have the NES and the Super Nintendo classic Paper Mario how could I forget Paper Mario Lindsay how could I forget that mr. J mine it's time I'm not even thinking about it dude I'm just I've been really relaxed this whole round and I'm not gonna change that now I'm just gonna it's gonna you know go into it and see what happens no worries John welcome to the stream woody franklin egerton I didn't Kirby 77 all right I really gotta look up do you know the way can turn I did spank the sheep Colin I did [Music] I think you do solve much appreciated oh my gosh David hunter Petey is my favorite game of all time oh my gosh guys can we get some love for David hunter one of my favorite people in the entire world David we need to have an in-depth conversation on dark that show blew my mind man that show absolutely like blew my mind Wow Wow thank you so much again David let's go let's go boys let's go I'm so sorry I missed to the donation was from thank you so much man thank you so much we in there we in there boys let's go [Music] you must know who I mean bush cat uh zero suit and Captain Falcon let's go boys Aaron white thank you for the soap my favorite food is anything breakfast really thank you for all the Gigi's guys I appreciate it very much very very much well the clenching is not done yet the clenching is not done yet but that was a big butt clench release there so we were at about a ninety nine percent clench we can release to about a 70 percent clencher basketball bros thanks for the sub man I appreciate it Thomas no do thanks for the sub come on honey it's gonna Curie it was me Conor well thank you so much again man thanking you sob much appreciated Marcy for sunshine for me Mario 64 but I do really like sunshine I think sunshine gets a lot of undeserved criticism I think mario sunshine is a lot better than people give it credit for whoa let's go it's gonna GMD nights yeah if you guys are just joining have no idea what's going on we are trying to beat Super Mario Odyssey without taking any damage or deaths if we do either of those things we have to restart from the top so that's kind of what's going on if you're just joining and if you're just joining thank you so much I really do appreciate it and can't thank you guys enough hey Connor you didn't have to say to give me of it thank you they will make a switch classic then probably probably before that all I know is that I will not be here to enjoy it I'll be the long-gone my dude [Music] thank you so much again Connor gosh let's go boys I hate those bombs man hate the bombs whoo let's go hopefully Raven wizard hopefully man anything can happen you know that you know that at this point anything can happen in these runs but I would like it to be tonight yes I would [Music] they'll be too risky traitor family agreed get through the if we can get through the topper fight and then the section after the topper fight I'll feel pretty good thank you for the retweet Miguel anyone that's followed on Twitter and retweeted thank you guys so much really I do appreciate it sunshine err galaxy for me it would be sunshine one point 2 K like height thank you guys so much for all the likes tonight then absolutely insane you guys are seriously the best I appreciate it 1.2 k hype let's get to topper here [Music] nothing risky was nothing risky nothing risky boys thinking you sob whoever that was I appreciate it [Music] all right I hate the top or fight I hate that dude I hate it Connor what are you trying to do me thank you so much Dan Thank You Khan oh my gosh dude all right nothing silly here again I'm just gonna I know it I'm just gonna take it really safe your boys on Harriet there's much quicker ways of defeating her but I just don't want to risk it when you get this far it's like you don't want to risk anything make you new sub much appreciated get out of the get out of the lava get out of the lava thank you new solid guys I'm so sorry I'm missing them I just can't take my eyes away from the game right the second thank you so much let's go let's go one more time one more time one more time let's go oh crap [Music] [Music] all right let's go let's go yeah Avery I do min hey what's going on little tiger um I'm sorry why are you mad at me don't be mad at me dude Arina falling oh gosh don't say that don't say that thank you for the donation whoever that was oh man little tiger I wish more mad at you man can barely drink right now dude I'm like whew I'm all shaky let's go thank you for the follow I appreciate it what's going on Street Daddy I would love to visit Arizona someday call Connor it's um it's definitely on one of the places I would love to visit someday [Music] all right all right we should be good now we should be good now it's that little section it it doesn't seem like much I know guys but it's it's ridiculous it's ridiculous I hate that section so much I can't move [Music] let's go let's go let's go I do nebby Oh little tiger thank goodness man that was like no I never want little tiger to be mad at me this guy thank you for the song much appreciated [Music] alright guys let's go let's go thank you so much wolf thank you so much for the donation wolf I really appreciate it man [Music] Nikki knew solves much appreciated let's go guys let's go all right he's gonna do a spin here then he's gonna be five steps five steps one two three four let's go let's go Connor oh my gosh Connor thank you so much man thank you thank you thank you and sky to tiger thank you so much what's going on Gabe let's go your life is a lie well that's awesome Connor I hope you like the new house man [Music] yes Mike Michele thank you for the tip I appreciate it very much whoo let's go just gonna shadow gladiator will Carter thank you for the sub philosophy so much flage 'god's let's get some love for flage ax plus you didn't have to do that thank you so much for your generosity it's greatly appreciated they do nipple cactus night zero thank you for the Gigi's everyone that said Gigi's thank you so much roblox gamer a nintendo lover let's go guys yeah butts are still clenched butts are definitely still clenched Lumet gaming thanks for the for being here and welcome can take 3 hi you and Zack Jeeva that blonde kid what's going on man and rob new sponsor oh my gosh guys we got a new sponsor my dude inside oh gosh dude random falling rock who is that who is that because I want to punch you in the face - oh my gosh and guys let's get some love for inside thank you so much for joining the sponsor squad so awesome to have you you are a sponsored police are out all the custom emojis to celebrate especially the nipple cactus there it is thank you so much inside much appreciated dude that's so cool you do dude seriously [Music] game domain with another $1 donation I'm glad to hear that game domain I'm so glad to hear that man thank you for the donation I really appreciate it you did not have to do that but I sincerely do appreciate it oh dang it all right let's go let's focus here that should be good there we go that should be good all right boys let's go oh it's not I'm gonna think about it guys so I'm gonna think about it we're just gonna be relaxed do our thing here boys it's gonna relax do our thing here we've been here many times before been here many many times before let's relax do our thing all right right off the bat we're gonna have a hat coming out our face always the easiest one to get right there [Music] let's go let's go let's go oh crap crap crap crap pull my headphone out my headphone was wrapped around my wrist I'm like [Music] [Music] oh my gosh did we go through the fire there did we literally go through the fire there [Music] alright guys let's go let's go let's go let's go here we go here we go let's go [Music] thank you so much appreciated my friends I only need to know who that is so bad I want to know who that is so bad I just feel like it's something mayro would do thank you new subs much appreciated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay shake your the computer oh my gosh I feel like I think I might throw up Thank You clicking oh gosh I'm like shaking oh my gosh we finally did it finally thank you sigh - oh my gosh you feel like a failure GG oh my gosh we did it guys we freaking did it yes yes it took forever it took a lot longer than I had anticipated but we freaked admit it yes yes yes Wow the king with a $2 donation oh my gosh Brian thank you everyone say gg oh my gosh once before Nathan with the $20 donation haha thank you so much Nathan dude let's get some love for anything oh my gosh mr. Jimmy still with a $5 donation same Mike with the $50 donation Mike thank you so much man oh that feels so good to just finally I mean it just feels good to get it done honestly inside thank you so much thank you all so much for being here guys this has been insane insane a lot more stuff planned with Odyssey but this is good this this feels good to get out of the way finally finally like I said it took a lot longer than I had anticipated this is our 14th stream but we did it we did a chronics thank you so much oh my gosh thank you all so much [Music] Wow guys I can't believe we did it doc but who's that I missed you that was me just go back up dr. bullit it's time for the no bunker on he says thank you so much every time I hit my head I'd have to refloat oh I don't know I don't know I don't know let's finish out the credits we got to finish out the credit you want to voice-chat after this Conner I got a couple things to do man I can't promise but I'll do my best dude thank you so much Conner oh my gosh thank you so much Conner [Music] I Troy might choice through my wife's dreams actually sometimes to just come to one of the streams sometimes she'll be there you're gonna get on the table thank you so much again doctor bullets all right guys let's let's just finish the credits out we got to fish the credits out thank you funny dog man I appreciate the sub or I'm sorry the donation Thank You Connor we will dude we will I promise and our John what is that rawr John say wow our John one two seven seven Congrats but you've done something I've seen very few try and do good luck with the rest of your mod party I see thank you so much our John I hope you'll be along for the ride dude thank you so much for your generosity guys I just I can't believe I know that took a long time to do but it feels good now that it's finally done finally feels good it's done I do have a wave Clark with a $5 donation thank you so much Clark [Music] alright guys and with that we're gonna go on a raid yo.hannes with a $1 donation thank you so much man that was insane that was absolutely insane thank you guys for being here to experience this with me this would not have been the same without you guys kool-aid thank you for the sub alright guys you guys ready to go on a raid we're gonna go on that hashtag dgr raid don't go anywhere guys we're gonna go spread the love to another awesome streamer streamer thank you click and I appreciate it man I wouldn't say that wouldn't say that at all but I appreciate the donation alright guys we're gonna go in that dgr raid we're gonna go raid snap click Kat she's playing pokemon red let's go give Kat some love she's a great streamer and you guys are gonna love her so make sure you go over to Kats stream hit her up with a like hit her up with a sub and let's go on that raid guys there's gonna be a hype raid hype hype raid hype raid let's go boys let's go boys I'll see you guys over there thank you so much for the awesome stream everyone take care we'll see you next time Wow thank you all so much have a great night we'll see you again soon we'll see you guys next time take care
Channel: DGR
Views: 120,981
Rating: 4.9446902 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey Ending, Super Mario Odyssey Ending, Super Mario Odyssey Review, Mario Odyssey Review, super mario odyssey speedrun, mario odyssey speedrun, is it possible, dgr is it possible, no damage speedrun, super mario odyssey no damage, mario odyssey no damage, beating super mario odyssey without taking damage, beating mario odyssey without taking damage, mario odyssey is it possible, super mario odyssey is it possible
Id: QJ7YyZLvjt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 53sec (5693 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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