It's Mario 64, But 1000 People Are Trying To Destroy Mario!!!

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[Laughter] video game experiences I have ever had in my entire life we're doing a super mario 64 crowd control thing so let me explain this here's how it works you'll notice on your screen there's a little thing that says crowd control you can click that and let me kind of explain what you can do to me with crowd control you can kill me for 500 bits you can take my damage down to my HP meter down to one with bits you can give me health basically it's gonna be a constant battle of good versus evil do you want to help me do you want to kill me we're gonna start a brand new file here and as soon as Mario is set to move you can start you can do as little or as much as you want basically I'm gonna try to do as many stars as I can but we have almost a thousand people in here trying to either help or hinder my progress in trying to get my way to save Princess Peach again this is Mario 64 traditional it's not a randomizer it's just straight-up good old fashioned Mario 64 but you'll see here that it's not quite as normal as as you might think now I'm playing on an emulator because you're gonna see that some people can help me and some people can hurt me is this a speedrun no this is me just trying to stay alive hey thanks for the coins [Laughter] let me in the castle what is oh gosh I am disoriented as heck yo we got in the castle let's go let's go welcome no one's home now scram okay here we go you know thanks for the coins we made it to the first level here we go we got coins galore baby give me all them coins Oh I'm fast I'm super fast who gave me super speed oh no no no no [Music] [Laughter] okay I need coins ASAP don't kill me don't kill me okay my goal is to get one star if we can get one star this is a win someone pancakes me I can't get all right here we go no wait okay I'm invisible I feel comfortable here wait am i surfing can't see what's going on okay all right okay all right I feel good I feel good here I feel comfortable here with yes thank you whoever gave me health you are my new favorite person maybe I'm just trying to save the princess picture all active oh this is insane wait I have a star who gave me a star okay we're getting it we gotta start you know someone gave me the the Infinity Gauntlet thing I got the Hat I got the invisible hat the metal cap and the wing cap let's go let's go you are a benevolent person whoever did this yo two stars toxic toadette gave me a star let's go I feel good here it's gone and it's gone Oh let's go let's go let's go let's go come on baby come on baby come on baby [Music] don't kill me don't kill me yes oh let's go whoo I don't know that will get any more than that but we got one I don't know if it tells me which stars oh I got one in Wong's fortress and ku ku mountain let me live it uh man okay I'm going to Castle princess secret slide now actually I should take this time to unlock doors wow we have stars I'm gonna unlock doors let's go okay [Laughter] I'm using oh I'm using og strats here no I'm not oh no this is the worst powerup to give me right now what does go I'm going back up [Music] [Music] [Laughter] video game experiences I have ever had in my entire life okay here we go not this time not this time [Music] let's go let's go yo someone gave me more stars we got more stars let's go don't kill me don't kill [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you all are monsters okay come on this is a leap of faith I want [Music] No No yes let's go let's go oh my goodness I was so scared I was so scared someone was gonna insta kill me right before the star look at me go baby look we can actually use this to our advantage oh we can use it to our advantage let's go yes okay yes let's go let's go let's go clutch daddy okay we got to get to this get to Bowser real quick we got to open the Bowser take my star do not take my star don't you do it don't you let go man [Music] oh yes yes okay we're all right here my goal is to get at least one star from every level that's the goal [Music] I guess we're going here now this could work [Music] I was not expecting oh you yeah oh let's go no no I'm too fast I'm too fast okay what are you two doing to that rock it's not healthy it's not help okay okay let's go let's go come on give it to me give it to Daddy no yes now if it's not helpful this is not helpful [Music] get the lead out of your shoes Mario oh yeah from zero to 60 way too fast you think I need to see where I'm going been playing this since I was six man no need to see beat this game blindfolded [Music] [Music] that wasn't very nice being fast is actually helpful here yeah yeah am i oh yeah can someone work me to the end slow and steady [Music] oh my gosh we've been here so many times guys we're going back to Bhama battlefield I do have eight stops if I believe hard enough if I believe in myself and have faith chat chat is good people here no just get in there get in no yes yes okay okay okay as long as we don't die as long as we don't die we got this oh no no as long as we don't die we got this come on come on yes yes yes yes yeah oh my gosh I'm going for the Red Coins [Music] okay that's okay [Music] oh yeah Thank You dick this is hilarious oh that now that is clutch whoever gave me that you will get a nice Christmas bonus friend let's go let's go let's go yep let's go let's go [Laughter] Alan I didn't even die once there didn't even heck and die like why are we still at six stars there we go we're good we're good neener neener neener uh-uh no I'm okay I'm okay here I'm just a little fast okay no when you say you're fine but you're not really fine would you have to pretend to be fine okay there's a chance all right [Music] [Music] No oh gosh if I were invisible can't hurt me oh we got we got some stars back out let's go we're up to 11 nope no talk to me yes 16 stars let's go let's go wait no if we had 16 easy come easy go it doesn't matter we got MIPS that's all we need MIPS is all we need to take all the stars you want friends all we needed was MIPS all we needed was MIPS I haven't done this in a while [Music] no no no okay we still have sick No okay we can still do this everything's fine everything is fine here everything's okay as long as we got it into the loading zone or good we got to the loading zone so MIPS will still be here okay here we go I have never seen that before that was amazing there we go alright alright alright come on come on come on come on come on come on oh I forgot we got a desired Iron Dog still I forgot we got a do dire dire docks still Triple D okay that's all right oh no we're so close to running out alive we can't game over we can't game over no we cannot game over please no get to the coins get to the coins Oh No what what what Oh let's go let's go clutch Chad I love you oh gosh I love you no Chad I love you I love you we can work with this this is fine okay that's all right oh the the lag is so real okay let's go yes oh that is a big win big big win let's go all the same the same oh the save we're so close if we beat this Bowser we are so close no who's doing this little shocks this okay this time for sure [Music] that's got to be good yes let's go let's go gotta grab the grab the grab a god oh god oh god I've got it oh wait wait a second there's a I'm a dirty cheater I'm a dirty cheese Perfetti counts I'm a dirty cheater but it counts let's go let's do the big bully big bullies is super easy [Music] okay this is a solid second half now no no no ok I don't need to see ok I need to see I haven't oh my gosh I haven't had this much fun playing a video game in a very very long time this has been one of the coolest experience experiences I've ever had playing a video game like no joke this has been an unforgettable experience I am NOT giving up on this one oh who gave me the super speed not the super speed No No oh he's dead he's dead we can still get this no no no [Music] [Music] [Laughter] here we go again come on come on please come on papa let's go whoo-hoo let's go let's go let's go let's go No well I'm counting this is a star we get joke's on you now we just got a blj we go [Music] dang it let's go let's hack and go heck it heck it heck it we're going for final Bowser let's go cuz I don't want to run out of lives [Music] okay who keeps killing me come on baby I'm not even trying it I can't even try it this is the worst time no what is it who was it stuff is going too well right now me I don't like how I don't like how good everything's going right now [Music] who [Music] [Laughter] well joke's on you I'm not going back in till this wears off hey that's actually helpful right now this is helpful five lives thank you thank you hey that's alright [Music] Wow okay that's okay yep fine here fine okay all right all right all right [Music] ate all of you and all of you oh my goodness where am i dead I don't even know why I'm trying to get to the end o speed speed someone gave me speed in them on fire yeah thank you now I could get the lives what in the world that lasted forever that lasted forever Oh [Music] get that one up get the one up okay I'm the man he is the wind oh thank you for the one up the real MVP right there it is so hard when your speed changes like that you go from super slow to normal I'm so fast I'm so fast [Music] I've got six lives to make this happen short-cut City baby we got a blj again friends one blj wasn't enough but what I can't jump no I can't jump it took my jump away took my jump away oh wait there we go oh yeah let's go let's go I've never seen metal mario blj that was worth it it was worth it this whole thing was worth it to see Metal Mario PLJ slow down slow down stop stop oh no okay we can we can avoid this wow this thing lasts forever stop I'm honestly enjoying this so heck and much I hope you guys are having a great time with it too this is this has been an an unforgettable experience like legit this has been one of the craziest video game experiences I've ever had like the Bowser fight for me is so hard without being trolled it's gonna be even worse [Music] Oh [Music] we almost had that that was so close no [Music] I thought we had it no [Music] I got greedy I got greedy I got greedy I was gonna try and ride that as high as I could I hate this spot I hate this spot so much [Music] no that was it that was oh yeah [Music] [Music] yes yes yes yes yes oh heck and go you were too slow you're too slow oh my gosh no no no please sir oh my [Music] this is not good this is not good oh my I have a quick spell and I'm in Canon mode I'm just running baby Oh yo death spells over okay let's go I'm blaming the I'm blaming the emulator cuz it has input lag the emulator has input lag so it it messes with my timing no please no that's not a troll that's just part of the game no no no this looks no no no no please do yeah I can't even hit him at point-blank range I can't hit him at point-blank range not what I was hope I'm alive [Music] no kill me Bowser kill me someone kill me no no no no no no no no kill me Bowser I think I owe let's go my money I gotta get this throw down dude stood it a little by little [Music] [Applause] I told you don't even need to troll me during this cuz I can't even I can't kill Bowser normally it's so hard to do this with an emulator like this fight is hard enough on an n64 console but having an emulator which has some input lag makes it even rougher give it to Daddy give it to Daddy I missed oh I missed oh please please [Music] [Music] come on no oh my gosh Oh oh my goodness I don't even care of you guys that was like a pity win I don't even care it was there's no such thing as a bad wind oh man whoo I gotta say GG chat that will go down in history is one of my favorite video game moments I've ever had as well as one of my favorite video game achievements as well that was a wild ride well guys that's gonna wrap it up for me thank you doesn't even begin to express my gratitude for each and every one of you guys I hope you have a great rest of your day I love you all I love you all [Music] [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 723,224
Rating: 4.9088726 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, dgr trolled, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, mario maker 2 new courses, new courses, new courses mario maker, new courses mario maker 2, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, mario 64 crowd control, crowd control mario 64
Id: 4aRf7rLL108
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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