Super Mario Odyssey 64 | Taking Control of Bowser Himself!!

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ah let's go on Nick Micah purple chef Nick ones and silent Kanaga for zxm long time no see buddy how you doing what's up angel see oh man I'm super excited to play this you guys I played this a little bit the other night and it's been revised we can now take control of our enemies in this game so I want to see if we can take control of Bowser I think that'll be amazing it's up Mario dark Lynton David how're aah hey Kelly why we rush goldeneye gaming Santa skeletons as a plays Micah magic cold Davenport Dylan Holmes good to see ya guys uh new shirts are in now man so if you want a shirt Kelly I'll be getting these mailed out here very very soon very very soon and waiting on one more person to get me their address I'll be getting to sit out what's up cats retro-gaming 81 Moe Joe Joe Joe super Matt bros Travis Amanda all right guys spell it wrong I did spell it wrong No hahahaha terrible speller wait is that I spell it how do you spell it how you spell the word Odyssey that's the real question here what's up Dino how's it going man yeah what's up Attila B I'm gonna work on getting them sold o dy Y s ey wait isn't how I have a spell what's up a skater how's it going two S's that's it dagnabbit alright I'll get that fixed that helps when you have it spelled right right OD Y SS Qi that's the ticket it should be better now if it's still misspelled refresh it should be should be good now alright alright guys so we're gonna go ahead and get started here um so for those of you that are just joining this is a super mario 64 ROM hat but the key is we can control we can throw our hat and we can jump on our hat which is really really hard to do but it just got revised we could now take over our enemy's bodies so I played this for like five minutes I took over goombahs I took over chained chunks I took over the boss in world one King BA mom so my goal is do I want to see if we can take control of Bowser I think that would be amazing oh the amazing little tiger what's going on man what is going on [Music] what's going on sans it's been 10 years I haven't seen the cake yeah the guy that did this romhack is insane he does some of the absolute best ROM acts out there - he's insane ok that was absolutely terrible um but yeah dinah this is a romhack of mario 64 it's pretty darn cool so what what will happen so let's see if we can take control toad I can't move them but I still took control of Oh still took control of them oh no this happened earlier I got stuck in this door for some reason I got a reset sorry guys we got to reset what's up Stephen Hyde you tonight Stephen I do I can get stuck in that door which kind of sucks but other than that everything's good toad is the real enemy all along yeah so somehow you can possess the door and that's not always a good thing what's up ginger games how's it going man I'll know not to throw until we get into dude thank you so much cold do you guys just get a hashtag coal in the chat thank you so much man and while you're here dude I forgot to update this yesterday I have this board that has my PBS so while you're on here man get that updated thank you so much thank you so much dude that's you did not have to do that man so we're now at 21 31 we're getting out we're getting down there we're getting our gold to time down there what's up JP what's up super Matt and Matthew plushie how's it going dude good to see you all right let's try this again ice want another chance at the lack of to skip to be honest some Christian Vega AB star XD welcome back man ok so then my ultimate goal to so I want to see if we can take control of scary Matthew gamer thank you so much for the sub scary Matthew oh dude I should see if we could take control of lakitu no dude I should solve we could take control of lacking Matthew gamer thank you so much for the sub man really appreciate it dude alright so do not throw our hats until we get through the door [Music] what's up Trevor link dude Trevor link how you been man good to see you bro off you go with skata yeah penguins too so doesn't seem dude go animate Matthew thank you so much for this up going I mean I really appreciated man welcome so I'm controlling this Goomba right now I can't jump with him but I'm controlling him uh-huh dude that's so cool that's so cool let's control the Chain Chomp really quick oh dude that's so freakin cool that's insane man salad I am gonna do that man oh gosh oh gosh where am I alright so let's go take control of the big bomb guy [Music] ah you can't control the cannibals I actually did try that earlier you can't do it all right so it's so hard man on the n64 controller doesn't have enough buttons so I had to I had to map the left see stick see button that just ever gets old man that's just insane let's top a body doing a bob what's up Don Brown how you doing Don Brown what's up Jesse Felipe James McCarthy ah dude look up K Z man you where he's the guy that created man that's so freakin cool dude I'm sorry that never that just never gets old [Music] no I don't know what's up Jacob I doing what's up super me Mia burrows okay so some reason I can't pick him off there we go so I can't walk off the edge with him it still doesn't let me walk off the edge with them so I mean they're still limited in what they can do but oh yeah so guys if you like these shirts I'm gonna be um I'm gonna be selling them soon and I'm gonna be selling them you guys know my philosophy if you've been here a while you know my goal is not to make money off these shirts I don't ever want you guys to feel like your customers brothers gaming thank you so much for the stuff brothers appreciated man I never want anyone to feel like your customer I want you guys to always feel like you're my friends and you guys are my priority I don't want to you know profit off you guys so I'm gonna sell them as cheap as I possibly can like eleven or twelve dollars and Enrique vloger tuber thank you so much what's up Enrique I appreciate it man um any profit that we do make will be going towards wounded warriors I'm not gonna make a penny off these shirts all right [Music] uh well gamer thank you so much cookie Murr I appreciate it man what's up Freddie how's it going man what's up KP ohm it's up Sarah how's it going thank you so much Jacob I appreciate this up man what's up Kennedy Grimes spooderman gaming thank you so much for the sub speeder man what's up Enrico how's it going Enrico hey dude man hey motion what's going on dude okay no okay so we got to get back here I wasn't actually controlling Koopa too quick there I did take control what's up so Buress I do man welcome to the stream [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it guys we did it fazbear thank you so much with that sub fazbear's what's up each street ryan gamer alguma how you doing man turtle rider so now he's got to wait dang it what's up Jen poo I'm batad oh we got deep white deeps in here people is just streaming I don't think deeps in here I love my deep love deep dude what's up not Harris K agent dawn naps the blue how's it going man welcome sup Paul's to the day how's it going this is not a clickbait title clearly says super mario odyssey 64 what's up super koopa how's it going man sup new game what's up Lala hi doing Lala good to see you yes this is a romhack this is a raw mag what's up Triforce swag guy I didn't swag guy max cool thank you so much in sub max porn welcome to the stream my man all right let's take control of this guy here know what just happened we'll just have once off Doctor Who fan how's it go man good to see dude all right we're gonna exit this level get some other stars what's up Jame see and how's it going dude black parle lo thank you so much black preciate the sub man welcome welcome to the stream what's up Dan be Heidi and Dan Dan as the man yeah agent Don so this is a romhack that just released literally two hours ago and I wanted to play it so bad what's up Super Mario Bros thank you so much that's the plan super Koopa I want to see if we can take control of Bowser clan plays thank you so much clan welcome to the cheesy sub Club my man I'm just gonna get a couple stars here maybe maybe I'll get a couple stars control the out now we're talking dude see this is why once you guys in here you guys are reminding me of things like I didn't even think about coal I heard about it but I'm excited I'm excited what's up Dino and clan alright let's go take control of the big flop sup Mighty Mouse how's it going dude good to see you man alright let's try someone said try take control of the stars I can try I'll try taking control of a swamp dude did that not work what's up Chris tantino that doesn't seem to work on that guy let's try this guy that's so cool man I don't care how primitive it is that's so cool taking control the enemies man that's so cool it's up Danny Sosa blue what's going on my boy blue my boy blues in the house how's it going dude good to see man if you guys don't know my man blue he is a fantastic streamer here on YouTube gaming give him some love he is incredible dude thank you so much for stopping in my man I appreciate it okay so it's not it doesn't seem to be letting me take control of thwomp [Music] its cover your eyes what's up pooper its up cool boss spongebob what's up Sega fan 99 I didn't say good fan death of the outsider I'm not sure what that is pokemon nerd Andrew thank you so much for sup and welcome to the cheesy sub Club bro how are you tonight good sir thank you so much for taking the plunge and supporting the channel man I really do appreciate it more than you know man [Music] what's up images that sound thank you so much man I appreciate it welcome good sir welcome what's up flamie cake King James it's insane dude it's like messing with my brain what's up with Zam productions conquer yes kaze this is Ches I love Ches man he is if you guys don't know anything about case he's this mario64 ROM hacker he's done Super Mario 64 last impact he's done all sorts of crazy ROM hacks heat he's insane and he's so good classic Sonic thank you so much classic Sonic 1 2 3 4 welcome to the cheesy sub club my friend all right guys we'll get this star dude we're gonna take control of a Bullet Bill bullet though just like in just like in the mario odyssey trailer man yeah just like in the mario odyssey trailer let's go dang it no we're dead what's up Keane how's it going Keane Decker what's up Stevie Ray 13 items TV or agency man what's up mark is picking Marcus Darth whiffy Darth if we can find a t-rex we'll definitely try last I remember I don't remember the being a t-rex but Nessie is in this Sega fan 99 thank you so much miss sub Sega fan please make yourself at home times like these need to know that you are appreciated in this room not just a number really appreciate it so I'm gonna give that one more try that doesn't seem to work on him one of these has oh there we go well we got a one off anyways alright well we'll try something else here let's have a cool boo how you include boo [Music] dang now that I'm not used to these emulator controls are a little bit different they're a little bit different than an actual n64 controller sushi man thank you so much for the sub sushi man appreciate you I don't know how people can play on an emulator it's a papyrus I do man don't take control of me man I wish we could take control all right let's try taking control of the Al here guys yes classic sonic goombas do work I'll show you I'll show you a Goomba man wait there's no goombas over here I thought there was a Goomba over there steam you're a 13 thank you so much for the stuff Stevie Ray yeah what's going huh what's going on I don't know what just happened oh my gosh thank you so much Julianne now what am I what's going on thank you so much Julie I appreciate the sub ma'am all right here we go guys moment of truth moment of truth this is incredible nothing is happening but this is the most incredible thing ever it's the most incredible thing ever the butterfly oh my gosh what's up John what's up uh my ho d plays what's going on man so we couldn't do any I'll try a butterfly it freakin works it freakin works what's up my Inga how's it going finca dude we are controller we're a freakin butterfly right now what's up game boy three five three seven does it work with booze we will test it out on booze man we'll test it out on booze blue with that two dollar donation thank you so much dude you did not have to do that thank you so much what's up the Baconator Tundra portal guys if you don't know my man blue he's a fantastic streamer here on YouTube gaming what's up Koopa Troopa the real Metroid fan how's it going man good to see you Matthew Mahan thank you so much Matthew preciate the sup dude thank you so much blue I really appreciate it what's up Kim Kelly yeah sir yeah I know man it's insane it's actually really good oh wait I want to leave believe this place if you guys think of other enemies you want to see just let me know thank you so much rainbow Lamborghini I appreciate the sup man welcome to the cheesy sub Club my good sir phantom phantom I remember you man how you doing you're here last night bro Luciano welcome dude you were here last night - thank you so much for coming back Luciano appreciated him it's up the gummy Yoshi Wendy rice wonderful weather we're having Matthew Mahan thank you guys so much alright priority number one here this guy I'm kind of controlling him kind of controlling him a little bit [Music] yes we're controlling him we're controlling him kind of we were yes we were definitely gonna try Bowser Bowser's on our priority list to Stevie Ray this is on a PC normally I don't play on a PC though [Music] all right what we're gonna do first here [Music] Oh baby don't fail me now no we won't let me walk him off the edge it won't let me walk him off the edge what's up maiik cleb touchdown thank you so much for coming in guys I appreciate it you bet Blizz man what's going on good sir guys you don't know my man Blizz man he is another fantastic streamer here in YouTube gaming give him some love he's an awesome awesome dude awesome do you love that guy right there this is absolutely insane what's up Daniel Dan Daniel what's going on man all right so we couldn't do anything there but there's another guy I want to try out here what's going on Dylan what's going on Alfredo Finch Finch oh my gosh we got Finch in the house my man Finch ah so Nick normally I mapped it to one of the C buttons so that means I have less control of the camera which kind of sucks this guy want to try it on this guy oh my gosh dude it's just so cool [Music] can we do the big snowball now I can't do the snowball let's help a student what's up James car man stir yeah dude I remember you James welcome back and thanks for coming back appreciate it Tundra portal welcome to the cheesy sub club man uh you know I'm just gonna kill myself here I'm just gonna get the the normal stars I normally get what's up user rn7 Sara did I say hello D was gone Sara how are you tonight Jacob I was thinking that exact same thing I was thinking that same exact thing alright first let's let's get this star first here and go sub alerts are too quiet well here's the thing the sub alerts are quiet because I have to use my desktop audio to hear the game and so so that it's not blasting in my ears and it's not blasting in yours I turn it down a little bit real Metroid fan we'll try it man I'm gonna try anything try anything and everything to control a Stevie Ray I'm actually is there a poison mushroom I don't know um I I'm subscribed to Ches he's a Mario World ROM hat or a mario 64 rom hacker and he just released us today [Music] he also really super fidget spinner 64 a super mario fidget spinner or Mario's head is literally a fidget spinner [Music] what's up Jaden dude this is not your first time what's going on Jaden how you doing man it's uh pokey man's deep oh my gosh guys deep you guys you guys don't know my man deep he is one of the app most absolute insane Crash Bandicoot runners man he is such a cool guy love that man to death what's going on deep what's going on man what's up super Snorlax soda pop the cat thank you so much I'm sorry to hear that sir I heard you saying that in David hunter stream sorry to hear that man stuff Radek the hedgehog welcome back man how super we you typing Ches ah Emmanuel in YouTube and you he'll come right up what's up Warren thank you so much for the sub Warren how you doing man whatever we're gonna do it's normal cuz my controls are all messed up dude thank you so much wanna say thank you so much man man I'm so not used to using an emulator lol ok I'll CAC thank you so much okay what's up Andrea SSG how's it going dude [Music] you subscribe only for the earth effects well thank you man what's up Nick sir it's not click big man this is the that's the actual name of the game dude I promise you it's not clickbait alright I understand why people think that but it's totally not that's why I tried to make it I tried to make it as non clickbait T as I possibly could No [Music] what's up andreas SSG thank you so much from South Andreas thank you thank you so much it's gonna sit back let the penguin do this man aw Jaden this is super mario 64 romhack where uh we actually can take control of all the enemies man sup Mario gamer how's it going - thank you so much for the so I'm just gonna see if we win the race if we stay like this sup super daddy oh he's wearing a diaper let's see if we win man let's see if we win I'm curious if we won Doge with it Sanchez let's go Nando's we wanted we won the race oh my gosh somehow we won what's up Luca Luca what's going on man Guardian joined the cheese sub well thanks so much the sub Guardian welcome to the cheesy sub Club my friend I appreciate it somehow we won man all right let's see if we can take control of Bowser this is the moment where we're all actually waiting for right here tails gameplay thank you so much for the sub tails welcome to the street my man I really appreciate it hunter Mycoskie uh gado-gado BR what's going on man welcome to stream thank you so much done by what's up June 9 3 1-3 Nick Wendy rice thank you so much for the sub Wendy I appreciate it very very much dang dude it's so hard to control with an emulator super yo yo yo ur what's got super yo yo u're how's it going man can the goober run off the edge here [Music] Danya Goomba dang it what's up Valentin what's up Wario how's it going Oreo welcome to cheesy sub Club Jerome Collins thank you so much with sub drum welcome to the cheesy stuff oh my sir what's going on Jimmy good to see bro what's going on drum thank you so much for the subdued I appreciate it man all right work try and possess this guy that's so freakin cool man that's so cool what's up Roman state are you doing Roman good to see me Eric I'd rather not but welcome to the street nonetheless man how are you tonight sir daddy what's up Mario Bros what's up Cory and Garrett Quinn oh thank you Roman you'll be having one of these soon my man if you have one of these soon Oscar Mario and super Luigi no worries dude you being here is all that I ask and it's super cool of you I'm really appreciative of the support bro I feel like I'm playing on an Atari 2600 Nick that's the thing then all right guys I just got to get to Bowser man I just want to get to Bowser [Music] [Music] Vicki so much Victor Hugo I do man thank you so much for the sub I really sincerely appreciate it man super mario and super luigi thank you so much for it I appreciate it it's up zrj row and I go super saiyan what's up jacket puss how you doing man oh yeah baby we can control Bowser we can control Bowser that's what I'm talking about what's up 1s take Derek heckler how's it going man I'm see if I can walk them right into the bomb see if we can walk them right into the bomb dude let's that really random how's it going man our G raccoony games thank you so much to solve our G come on baby work please work please work all right sounds good cool have a great night man moment of truth you guys leaf village hero thank you so much for the sub leaf village I appreciate it man come on come on come on come on the black things that shoot fire I did that what's up Kenzi welcome to the stream good to see you back into something in all right so close so close close enough that works for me dude that works for me what's up super Johnny Bros I do in super Johnny Bros so he didn't blow up but he was literally right there so I just had to leave them and then throw them so we'll take it some want a Joan him and a thank you so much Joan I appreciate it instant explosion all right geysers we're gonna try and take control of some booms and stuff here no um oh I know what I want to try and take control of the giant snake turd thing snake turtle Durfee man thank you so much yourself dirty man how are you tonight what's up Gerald how's it goin Jeff what's up Cody Anthony and DG yeah anthe the monkey is definitely on my list I want to try taking control of the monkey for sure um Josh only relax all right guys we're gonna try and take control of the giant giant turd snake here what's up soldier how you doing man Brody Davidson thank you so much for the sub Brody how are you tonight get started [Music] No what's up Emery what's up nerd TV Jalen Ross that didn't work out too well sup shovel so I was swimming down but the hat still went straight so I gotta remember that MIPS dude how could I forget MIPS yes we are doing MIPS for sure what's going on Jalen thank you so much for the sub man I appreciate it yes that's another one superstore likes um for sure man he's on my list to do it sup Dominator of gaming uh pochi gaming pochi gamer thank you so much for the sub man really really appreciated [Music] so I'm wondering if I got to get them out of all right let's do a couple stars in here get him actually out of his hole there get the turd snake out of the hole [Music] [Music] what's up ahh ginormous giant what's going on ginormous how you doing man yeah it's a super mario 64 theme brahmam have we can take control of different enemies it's pretty awesome it's a romhack Fox for sure two wrong bag Jayden I didn't even see it man [Music] Victor J thank you so much the sub Victor I honestly don't even remember these stars very well I haven't played this level and so long what do I got to do to get him out I don't remember not that apparently what's up PJ blue this guy makes incredible raw max its off wonderful weather we're having cool boo yeah DJ our Dave I want to try Yoshi man but I can't get 120 stars tonight I would like to try and take control of Yoshi but I don't know how to do that I'll tell you what we'll come back to that guy let's go downstairs for a little bit [Music] oh wait I won't try taking over boo try taking over a boo real quick what's up T kg and Andrea thank you so much Andrea guys let's get a hashtag injury in the chat oh man thank you so much Andrew I appreciate it guys we should give a hashtag Andrea and the chat oh I don't have enough stars yet I was like where's all the booze what's up ZG how's it going man and we got TKG in the chat if you guys don't know TKG they're a great group of streamers Sam Koopas in the house what's going on Sam some of my favorite streamers right there guys make sure you check them out give them some love awesome awesome people [Music] what's up sundaes how's it go merry good to see you what's up Viper well dude I should try the bird or the shy guys hang it dude the controls are so weird thank you so much Super Mario fan appreciate this up man how are you tonight several take what's up sapphire bullet bill please don't stop - org mr. Elvin Nintendo enthusiasts it's really neat Sam it's it's insane what's up Jesse how's it going Jesse all right I want to try no oh there's a shot guy all right don't kill the shy guy ginormous giant thanks for the sub buddy hop thank you so much man I really appreciate it all right we're controlling shy guy right now we're controlling shy guy so I'm using a 64 controller but it still doesn't work [Music] that could have gone better what's up why am I here thank you so much Brodie thank you so much again for the subdued really appreciate a man all right let's try something not what I meant to do not what I meant to do at all is that be Shane cracker there's no way that's the Shane cracker what's going on buddy how are you man how are you tonight Shane oh my gosh so good to see you so good to see you man all right where's yeah there he is okay [Music] I'm doing well Shane is so good to see you man ah it's so good to see you dude what's up blue bomber what's up uh Jay Jay tight mix swag what's going on Jade all right whatever not what I meant again oh my gosh get out of here dude what's going on Tom oh my gosh dude how are you doing good sir oh my gosh blast from the past baby so many awesome people what's up anonymous thank you so much for joining a cheesy sub Club appreciate it very very much all right here we go this is what we're waiting for here you guys don't know John and she let Nick was on the stream with me before this is freaking awesome this is awesome sup studio crafts how's it going what's up June so we're literally on all right that's what I wanted to try there that's what I wanted to try okay now that we've tried it we can move on Tom kittens here dude thank you so much Tom I appreciate it man thank you so much Tom I appreciate the support buddy [Music] oh my gosh alright now we can go take control of it so I'm using a real n64 controller I have an adapter but here's the thing I'm so used to speedrunning on the actual n64 that the emulator controls are a tiny bit different like a tiny bit different so it's really throwing me off more because I'm used to how it controls on the n64 [Music] do you can take control that boo what's up Dylan plays roblox oh we're gonna do mitts man MIPS is definitely gonna happen sup chinko cat dude can we do the piano that's the real question here can we do the piano D Road uh oh I know who that is what's up going on zero thank you so much for the sub are you tonight so good to see you guys oh my gosh hopefully you guys are all doing well guys a bunch of my high school classmates are in the chat this is such a blast from the past and I love it yeah manda we have Shane craker in the house and D rode so many awesome people let's go to the room that scared us all as a kid not this one saw and the double a gaming thank you so much miss up in appreciate it guys all right guys the moment of truth the thing that scared us all as kids here dude yes it works dude it works it works yeah Beks them for this for this it is an emulator we're controlling the piano right now dude sing us a song you're the piano man what's up - Vito how you doin - Vito thank you so much and stuff I'm scared - stop controlling him we're gonna die oh my god she got that piano scared the crap out of me tails the Fox thank you so much tails appreciate the sub tails welcome to the street my man alright that's all I really wanted it here Dylan plays roblox thank you so much for joining the cheesy sub sub dude I appreciate it man very very much so holy crap dude we hit 115 likes on the stream thank you all so much for the support guys are insane Tom and D Road and Shane I got a no man how did you guys find how did you guys find this street how did you find the street what's up sonic sonic the fan - hunch mm and I RA Jennens how's it going guys thank you so much for the support guys okay we can't control the eyeball for some reason mr. fanciful how's it go mr. fanciful yes we're gonna definitely try the bully right now we're gonna try the bully right now Ibrahim Abraham what's going on Abraham I using tonight thank you so much for subscribing I really do appreciate it oh I got you I got you Shane I got you man that's hilarious and then you come and you see this ugly mug here live streaming dude how does that work out what's up just Jacob all right no no all right we're gonna get him to run off the edge here no no no what's going on game and Chris gage Carter what's going on gage how's it go man sup Phillip Talon so the bully did not run off the edge there for some reason so let's get this star really quick [Music] all right have a good one what wonderful weather suck yeah boy Peyton how's it going - boy Snite 12 what's going on guys alright let's try that one more time I know we can beat the bullies the silent little fireballs we can try it man we'll try it silent we'll definitely try that after this one dang it dang ash craft swag thank you so much for the sub Ashcraft appreciate it man stop silence slither don't jinx it thank you so much for the self don't Dixon I really really do appreciate it man thank you thank you so much my friend alright let's go try that what's up Niko it's gonna Miko gracias dude all right so I think you're referring to these things right here porch monkey what's going on porch thanks for the sub porch now you can't possess them cannot possess them I don't think there's anything in here we anything else we want to possess in there a game and Chris so what this is I don't know if you saw the new trailer for Super Mario to see but in Super Mario to see the big thing is you can jump on your hat you can take control of other enemies and people and things and that someone hacked this game to let you do that so I can take control of enemies I can jump on my hat I can do all sorts of cool stuff [Music] what's up saw what do you want to test lightning flash oh dude let's try this we got to try this guy no possess him I choose you hat hat do your job to hear your job yes yes dude oh that's so cool I always thought these guys were so cool-looking man look at that look at that look at that I would love to be Yoshi but I have to get 120 stars to do that and that's gonna be pretty difficult in one night it's up Jesse oh the bat the bat the bat dude where's that bad at there it is come here dude if we can possess a butterfly I'm sure we can yeah we're going to definitely try Nessie Plessy dory whatever her name is stuff squid Bob I do man no dude that's just a disappointment such a disappointment I see thank you so much to the Saba Seif all dude that's so disappointing man oh man I wanted it I wanted it so bad Texas I should have man I know did I kill him that's disappointing oh well hey all right Kelly I know this game was actually surprisingly scary as a kid you don't I mean right full table thank you so much the sub right cool table how you doing today man karate Mario for life thank you so much for the sub karate so yeah boy we did try the eel but I couldn't get him to come out of his hole that's so cool that's still really really fun blue shine thank you so much what's up flicky Fox yes we can be toad I just was toad blue shine thank you so much for the sub blue shine it's times like these you need to know to appreciate know that you're not just a number man thank you so much Alex Perez thanks for the sub Alex appreciate it man all right moment of truth here Dennis silvery oh thank you so much Dennis appreciate this up man sir plays a lot thank you so much for the sub sir plays a lot okay this is the moment of truth guys all I had him I had him for a second we freaking did it dude we freaking did it gaming Chris all right Gayle have a good night man I'm trying to control him but he can I can only get him to go up and down Alex with that $2 donation thank you so much Alex guys let's get ashtag Alex going in the chat man thank you so much bro I appreciate that so much man [Music] dang it dude all right let's get him through the door thank you so much again Alex [Music] Game Boy 15 thanks for the stop Gameboy how are you tonight good sir appreciate the sub and the support my friend don't die here I want to try being a chuckya get Oh woo thank you so much for this up judo [Music] I can't I tried being the star it won't let me be the star let's go check the upstairs out Carlos fun thanks what's up Carlos appreciate this up man very much appreciate it Alex thank you so much what's up Seth B Nicky Zhan vacations going on man yeah Nicky it did look like it was on the chair but I was like some what the shark the shark in the fish the fish oh [Music] no we're gonna die dues we're gonna die no all right let's try this guy yes yes what's up slows squads what's going on man oh dude this is so cool I don't care how simple this is it's so cool man it's so freakin cool oh we're diving baby dive dive dive sup crazy legends you bet said thanks for stopping in man [Music] alright let me be let me be Surya is it not man isn't so cool I thought so when I saw it was released I was like I have to drive in Michelle Rivera thank you so much for the sub Michelle appreciate the support Michelle thank you so much blue Gaines thank you service saw blue games how are you tonight good sir thank you so much from support fro Rob the nerd hashtag nerd nation what's going on Rob fungus yay what's going on fungus I don't think there's anything else in here that we want to try out super mario hero thank you so much dude I really really appreciate it I'm thinking I'm doing good Rob how have you been man control-d out we did control the al Jesse we did man dang it dude I keep not what I meant to do that's a fungus I do man Xbox do TV head how are you man the weather in Atlanta is horrible it's really hot here in Pennsylvania dude alright so dirty try that guy I don't think there's any enemies in here we really need to check out dang it I think that all the enemies in here we've tried I'll just control Bowser here and we'll walk them right into the right into the fire and the flames dude [Music] [Music] what's up Brasi how's it going man can you control the ball that shoots fire at you what's up surprised drive to nah doesn't go Mia what's up crazy legends what's going on snacks good to see you man alright we're gonna take control here Yeah right right motion exactly it's a dream breaker how's it going in what's up kid plays yeah man I I speed run this very casually I mean super casually like my my best time for 16 star is 21 31 so it's not good at all but I do play I do dabble in speedrunning here sup Captain LA the cheese enthusiast possess the vlg Heiser hey oz M yes this is real alright now we can go upstairs and mess around we can pet possess the monkeys the chukkas there's all sorts of stuff we can possess up here BL J stands for backwards long jump it's a technique we'll have to use here very soon Joe Watling thank you so much the sub Joe how are you tonight good sir I love that command I love that going but when nightbot works that's one of my favorite things that he says I appreciate appreciate it epic gamer I'm not really but very kind of you say I don't there anything in in in that level you guys want to see possess everything we're gonna possess I want to try the penguin up here Joe I'm doing good man thank you so much for taking the plunge and supporting me I appreciate it get the wing cap we could do that Petrey thank you so much for this uh Petri uh I'd love this one my favorite things to do it's one of my favorite start okay we can't oh yeah we can't possess them aw dude I can almost kill him I killed him I killed a little monster album monster Arrested Development's uh quote there anyone there's any Arrested Development fans out there not what I wanted to do I'll show you what I want to do come on work for once let me do a triple jump bro [Music] No not what I meant to do thank you so much homeboy preciate the sub homeboy now do these stupid controls alright we don't even need this oh my gosh what's up T DX wait can we can we get off here can we get off the edge can we run around the level that's the real question here wait isn't there a platform that you can walk up here dude get me off here I want to run around the level like Godzilla dude I want to run around the level like Godzilla that would be so freakin cool didn't work didn't work out [Music] I appreciate it deep oh my gosh guys if you don't know my man deep love that guy he is one of my favorite streamers out there he's such a good guy super kind to my channel he's he's he's an awesome awesome Duty super kind to me I really appreciate it that's what I was trying to do what's up stylism gaming how's it going man so if I push him I think ever anywhere I push him off he dies I wait right there right there all right let me try won't try the penguin real quick great idea what's up crypt agon stylism thank you so much for that idea that was perfect supper super kaiju guy how's it going [Music] dude it's up tap you do man [Music] all right here we go can we get the big penguin up here this star used to be super hard for me as a kid like I had so much trouble with this star so this would be this would be a huge benefit if we can it work dude it worked it worked now let's just pull our hat go flying off [Music] yeah bull's eye of course man oh my gosh that just makes everything so much easier [Music] that's awesome ah silent blow in my mind you let's check it out that silent just asks so in this level you can get your hat blown off if your hat gets blown off that's a great question can we blow it let's try this guy really quick no dude we were so close we were so close so close all right take care of bull's eye have a good night man we're doing all the science around here man we are testing this game to the brink we're pushing we are pushing we're pushing boundaries here man we were going where no man has ever gone before [Music] No yeah get over the hump dude no dick I hate this part so much man [Music] there we go what's up the existing gamer how's it going man now don't fall down do not pass go do not collect $100 do not pass go do not collect $100 all right so we actually are going to let our hat get blown off here what's up tanner the hero how's it going mate what's up Firex creative how's it going in [Music] okay there goes our hat that's what we wanted that's what we wanted now our hat come back to us no doesn't work it doesn't work so there you go guys if you don't have the Hat you can't throw uncle grandpa it's got on uncle grandpa thank you so much for the sub and tooth this is so freakin cool existing gamer I'm doing great man thank you for asking hopefully you're doing well too my friend [Music] alright so I think that's all the enemies in this level we wanted to try it out [Music] we got the star and that self notification like at the same time thank you so much dev gaming appreciate the support man [Music] thank you so much Fang I appreciate the subdued all right let's check the let's try the monkey out at the top here yes Jesse we did Bowser it's really really cool man dang it yeah who do these fishes what's up rocket gaming thanks to the sub rocket alright the fish is really hard to control he does not do what you wanted to do but he does get us in that out of balance though what's up I think Alex see doom in this is a super mario 64 romhack dang it let me get in there let me get in there do we get in the glitch there alright we're going to use the fish again let's go they make it so easy for us that's so convenient man so if I can't see there we go there we go alright guys this is the this is a another big moment we've all been waiting for this one dude we got him we got him what's up Harry Rance how's it going Harry thank you so much for the sub Harry welcome to the cheese sucker what's up Christina the game riding Christina thanks for stopping in hopefully you're doing well the only trick listen dude correctly oh gosh we're doing it I'm just gonna have him run around look at his little butt there's no hair on his butt he's got no hair on his booty I never noticed that before until just now the mole someone said the moles great idea I want to do chuckya too Squidward Tentacles quitter thank you so much for the subs good wood I appreciate it cyberbully thanks for the sub cyber cruciate a ma'am what's up hon yeah we took control of the baby penguin we did okay this guy doesn't work too well he doesn't work too well so let's go try the moles no I'm a monster [Music] dude is the mole just one mole no there's two moles dude I never knew that I thought there was moles in every hole thank you so much Felix Cordova for the sub I appreciate it man thank you what's up bucket nuggets what's going on Brandon how's it going man welcome to the stream how's it going dude I never knew that man I never knew that the things we're learning tonight guys the things we are learning guys you don't know my man Brandon he's another streamer here in YouTube gaming a really cool guy you should definitely check him out he plays a lot of cool stuff and just a stand-up gentleman give him some love he's awesome how about it Christina I know that's why I was super excited for this romhack is there anything else in here we didn't want to try giant wiggler we want to go the giant wiggler thank you so much Nexus reshape the sub Nexus thank you so much man [Music] [Music] hey your name's Dave - it's a great name it's a great name dude try lakitu I can try that except as I'm willing to try anything [Music] okay the Box didn't work box doesn't work guys alright can do that ah Christina no I've wanted to play the multiplayer version of this - thank you so much Mike yeah guys the dgr shirts are in dude they are in someone wanted to try it in the mirror if lakitu will work my mind will be blown if this works [Music] alright let's go wait wait a second yeah dang it it didn't work boss mode thank you so much for the sub boss mode I appreciate this up man yeah unfortunately we can't do lakitu lakitu is a no-go hacked tower thank you so much man I appreciate it Mike I know dude I saw a me has what seven more left Blu Scout thank you so much for sub blue all right we got to do the giant goombas in the wiggler's what's up at albertov what's going off Ozzy alright let's um yeah got it PVC brownie scum Pete what's going on Peavey's blue easy giant goo buzz we're pushing this one into the water yes yes I just committed genocide on his fellow goombas man so we get Inga no egg no gaming Mac MacFarlane takes for the sub Mac how are you tonight sir appreciate the sub my friend well this changes everything rocket Zubat thanks for the sub rocket welcome to the cheating sub club man all right no Goomba no but get in there no no haze aww thank you so much as I appreciate the sob welcome to the cheesy table club a so thank you so much for the support what's up Terry hiding tonight Terry all right so let's get let's take control of lakitu where's he at though we can do this lakitu now dude come here give me a lack of - MLG dankness thanks so much for the sub MLG all right come on all right this is perfect dang it Jamie Nelson what's going on Jamie how are you tonight all right we got a [Music] apparently we can't all right we can possess this fish what's up panda no ko Master what's going on how do we die how do we die panda no ko thank you so much for this up and inoko appreciate the support and taking the plunge it's really cool of you yeah pvz that's the whole thing with this romhack you can control the enemies it's pretty cool like like we're controlling the Goomba right now troy marsh join the TV sub club thank you so much troy appreciate it man please make yourself at home buddy i want to get lakitu man but he's he's a slippery son of a gun I thought we had him in all right we got him we got him here now I don't want shy guy master gaming 69 thank you so much master master master Wow where are you taking me shy guy where are you taking me no leave me be [Music] that red cat no dude I'm never doing that everything toad romhack dude all right wait a second how do I tanner the hero thanks for the sub tanner tanner banana we can try tiny Goomba hey it's smokey what's going on hey it's smokey how you doing my man tiny goombas sided goombas for life dang he died he lost a good one there folks we lost a good tiny Goomba there [Music] so someone said try the thwomp I would try this one but I can't right now because there's no thwomps in the area yes I'm trying to get to wiggler trying to get to wiggler what's up Melville and Tristan gamer thanks for the south man appreciate it dude oh we were upstairs What's Up mr. cringe kid effects is I didn't see what happened man I'm sorry if you something happen I'm sorry dude Zack the game what's going on Zack thanks so much to the sub man it's up Fosse boss jr. uh okay we want to get to wiggler I want to try wiggler what's up corex gamer how's it going man it's going on Teddy that's absolutely not a scam and this is 100% a real rom hack and it is glorious dude it's so amazing all right fly fly dude I want you to fly please fly fly dude there we go now we're talking get me over there get me over there what's up fat piggy no that way that way dude get me that way what's up turn table list what's up turn table list all right we're just gonna let him go thanks for the self anonymous I appreciate it [Music] [Music] where am i dude dude I'm a freakin Goomba I was like what just happened what just happened oh my gosh how did we get over here Xavier hole thank you so much for the sub Xavier stuff Kieran how's it going alright I might give up on wiggler cuz I don't feel like I'm gonna go through all that to get to dang it dude it's up the neighed waffles go need know he's the shy guy is out for revenge dude he followed me over here he followed me over here dude hey where is it at you I wish I had the backup camera ah Texas I didn't see what you were requesting is there something you need something I can do to help you my friend because it's been a pleasure having you aboard man I don't I don't want to see anything happen man it's love having you in the chat dude all right this is what we need okay we're good now we're good we got the wiggler there we go okay now I just got to be careful here on that same token though I do trust my mods 100% they're just trying to look out for the chat man doing what's best for the chat so it's all good all good yeah hacked our this is a super mario world romhack I don't want to die all dangit wigglers upstairs wigglers upstairs I've totally forgot I totally forgot princess attitude what's going on in and Brandon and Karina thank you so much guys for the stuff all that hard work guys and we didn't even have to do that we didn't even have to do that man I totally forgot I was totally totally screwed up yeah he's at the top of the mountain man I guess I could use the BBM thanks for the sub bbm how are you tonight my man thank you so much for the support dude [Music] there we go [Music] that's what we do all right we got this we got this what's up Mario man x8 Mario man thanks for stopping in my friend I appreciate it all right we'll just do this the hard way then it's so hard to control on this emulator game rager of destroyers thank you so much for this uh game rager appreciate it man how are you this fine evening good sir okay there we go Samuel Vale thank you so much for the sub Samuel how are you tonight Jason Vladimir how you doing man thanks for stopping in Jason hopefully you're doing well monster no don't throw me off No thank you so much Arturo hide you tonight Arturo captain sparkles captain spark is thank you so much itself captain sparkles thank you so much I appreciate me and how have you been ty good to see you my friend all right come on man there we go this is what we've been waiting for watch we'll get in here we won't even be able to possess them I like what's going on Ellie where's yeah there he is yes yes it paid off dude we are controlling wigglers fourth or third or fourth arm there [Music] dude we are controlling wiggler right now not very well but we are controlling him nonetheless dude [Music] I feel bad killing them now maybe all over his body hey Kaluga oh he's an angry wiggler he's an angry wiggler oh okay we got him no II didn't sorry wiggler buddy sorry man yes Jesse I know man what's up done Nintendo dude how's it going man I'm sorry I missed you how you doing dude I [Music] want to get Yoshi man I got a download a file that has 120 stars it's up game God how's it go man thank you Mark all right so I think we're done in there so is that I mean I don't think there's anything there's one thing I want to check in here guys one thing I want to check here one enemy I want to check can I control the road what's up Jamie yeah I do tonight Jamie this guy yes dude that is friggin awesome what's on the side there dude I never in the n64 it's so blurry you can't tell what's on the side it's a freakin Bowser sticker it's a Bowser sticker bro oh my gosh well that's helpful that's freaking helpful that's helpful ma'am that was cool are ellsworth going in there well the water bag I can do that what's going on Brody Justin Collins how you doing man open the stream Justin I don't think you can kill those guys I'm pretty sure sure those are one of the few guys that are completely invincible [Music] hating the sheet thank you so much Peyton we did I actually did though I think I did the water guy before let's go up let's go up in here [Music] dang it no dude we had it we had it so good thank you so much Jason I appreciate this up man please make yourself at home thank you so much for the support dude gamer in gaming I thought that said camera what's going on game room [Music] Okwe not quite just a bit outside clip them out of bounds gosh let's go maybe you should do this blindfolded that's that's another thing my see down button doesn't work it doesn't recognize for whatever reason it doesn't recognize the see down button yeah game Ranger of destroys thanks so much for the sub man I appreciate I will do my best to make you feel welcome and putting out good content man dude its stingy that door is stingy man grow grow vodka lucky 7 thank you so much man yeah I'm playing on an actual n64 controller this button right here doesn't work for whatever reason just doesn't recognize it man let's go [Music] let's go come on let's go get in that dude I hate playing on emulators dude I hate it Mike IT Mike I'm just coming Mike what's going on Mike thanks for the sub man I'm sorry I can't do that door is stingy bro that door is stingy as get out dude do this blindfolded um yeah I'll work on that let's go there we go all right finally dude [Music] finally we in there what's up mayhem how you doing man elite dangerous good on elite thanks for stopping in bro appreciate it all right is there anything in here any guys in here we want to try I don't remember if there's any specific enemies in here we want to try guys think of any enemies and tick tock clock here get 80 stars are we back are we back I don't know what happened guys I completely lost Internet mmm like super randomly I lost Internet dude we got to we got to 200 likes oh my gosh thank you guys so much in my departure you guys are you guys are getting those likes for you guys are the best oh my gosh welcome back gaming Chris link uh-oh we got some echo we got echo we got motion Christina hack Jessie link gaming Chris James Boyd rainbow Lamborghini cool boo Jerome silent cartographer JP Vinny thank you guys for sticking around I really appreciate it I mean one second why are we not a need to troubleshoot guys one second Simon Oliver vanilla core thank you so much Simon Oliver I appreciate this up man welcome to the stream sorry guys trying to figure out why this is not showing up all of a sudden it's very strange hmm where did it go yeah why is it not showing off all of a sudden oh I think I know why we try something else here oh gosh no no no not what I want not what I wanted all right sorry guys hang with me for one second in clothes tip thank you so much enclosed I appreciate art there we go whatever this will work for now it's not not exactly what we wanted but we'll take it we got to finish the game outright got to finish the game out Christina the gamer thank you so much Christina I appreciate the song Christina that's so cool you I sincerely sincerely appreciate it all right guys almost got it whatever we're gonna roll with this it's not it's not the prettiest thing but we'll take it we have we have video man we have live feed you've never been happy to see by his face which we could throw his hat in the demo here it's so freakin hot that's okay cannot relax - er thank you so much for the cellblocks welcome to the stream oh man I'm back cuz it's done buffering well welcome back game right no we're uh thank you for the saying I have nice hat dude we'll start throwing it at the screen here what's up games and stuff how's it go man good to see you we're just back man we're back my internet broke for a little bit but we're back we're back baby alright let's go beat Bowser we gotta we gotta beat Bowser right I mean we got to finish the game all right let's go [Music] that's what we want thank you so much for the sub Simon I appreciate him in very very much so uh what's up crazy Freddie how's it going crazy Freddie womp in the carpet we can do that man absolutely we can absolutely do that silent worth a shot dude [Music] No dang now - dude what's up Grabovski thank you so much again for the sub early man i'll rainbow lamborghini we are friends I don't know what your why you don't think we are but we are near good friends tails tails f/x miles thank you for the sub tails alright so the magic carpet doesn't work [Music] got a no-go in the magic carpet but we can try we can try the wall for sure I want to try lakitu man this is this is our chance yes yes so much win there so much when there dude oh my gosh look at lakitu look at them just look at him yes oh my gosh that is the best thing I've seen on a [Music] that is amazing that might be my new profile picture dude black a two and a hat which is something so satisfying about it games and stuff thanks for joining the cheesy sub Club man I appreciate it dude it's times like these you need to know that you are not just super hey Mario plays no worries man I was having internet problems myself dude so please no worries in let's go get the star lakitu let's go get it packed huh how about a little tiger this is like the perfect cheese man go over there lakitu over there okay okay I think we're getting there he only moves in circles I don't think we're getting anywhere I saw that game thank you so much me what's up kamikaze crackers welcome back to the street man [Music] can I do speed on FB FB I do do speed runs man [Music] what okay I don't think we're getting there I think we're almost there what's up gaster sans Martin what's up Ethan Oh v what's going on all right let's go come on No Oh [Music] what's up Hicks I do man all right let's go beat Bowser we gotta beat Bowser at least sup JCP let's go down man alright let's go let's go be Bowser [Applause] [Music] we in there what's up jellybeans Mendoza welcome back Mike let's beat Bowser real quick guys there's some flaunts in this level so we'll try try to swamps in here [Music] I know there's a shortcut guys that I want to try this wall dude what's up hey it's smokey how's it go man what's up Oh dog gaming I do man welcome to the stream thanks for stopping in my man very much appreciated [Music] [Music] I'm gonna try the yolo swag strats but it's probably not gonna work out we'll try out no it's definitely not gonna work definitely not gonna work definitely not gonna work oh gosh why would I try that when I can barely control Mario as it is Oh dog thank you so much for the sub Oh dog it's times like these my man you need to know you are appreciated know did you're not just a number thank you so much again for the sub Oh dog what's up Ayden how's it going man it sucks tell for Mia how's it going still thank you so much for this sub really really appreciate it [Music] you [Music] all right let's take down final Bowser all the night folks it may be maybe oh gosh oh I am blurry sorry about that guys thank you for thank you for letting me know was any paying attention it's going on Triforce I was probably for the better you guys don't wanna see this man you see this mug [Music] it [Music] turn your it whatever we'll take the long way take the scenic route here that's all right dude how are you liking breath of the wild man oh man I can't wait for the DLC cannot wait man it's going so good although I'm really interested about breath to the wild the second pack DLC like are we gonna be able to play as the four champions I mean that's the way it's it's looking good it's looking like we're gonna be able to play as the four champions what's up Seth how you doing man thanks for stopping to dude [Music] awesome I don't just play Nintendo stuff but without lying I'm about 95% at this stuff sometimes I'll play some party games that aren't on Nintendo an occasional game like ukulele oh gosh but for the most part I'm all Nintendo man I'll dude why am I not possessing him that's the real question why was I not possessing him why was I not possessing bottle Bowser [Music] that what was I thinking man I wasn't thinking the slow walk of boughs again we get this sweet angle look at this angle P ray dude stingrays the man I love that dude I just found out we like live pretty close which means really cool [Music] oh gosh come on Oh God well we got it we got to possess him one more time we got a possessive one with time Oh Oh dog thank you man if you did appreciate it he didn't that's alright to whatever you want to do my man whatever you want to do just look at this like that a rez Bowser right there and he's so beautiful he's so beautiful [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 36,969
Rating: 4.7891374 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Odyssey 64, mario odyssey, mario odyssey 64, mario 64 rom hack, kaze mario, super mario odyssey e3, mario odyssey e3, nintendo switch, mario odyssey nintendo switch
Id: 0aFEby2FKww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 59sec (6359 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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