Platformer Minecraft「Terraria Ep1🌲⛏」

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it's a brand-new game for me more or less the last time I played this game was six to seven something years ago all right it's been a long time but now I've been invited back into it I'm going to be giving it another shot with some friends of mine and if it wants to load if you want if it wants to be there we go welcome everybody to terraria and I haven't talked to them yet but welcome to the stream rar training Goldie there we go okay okay how you guys doing okay you're a little out but let me just like lower terraria volume okay people say I'm okay no probably I can quickly adjust that okay let me do this let me do oh yeah you're mad quiet Goldie I don't know what you're already at 200% okay no no no I can fix this I'm gonna turn everything on my computer up come o gonna blast terraria in your guy's ears for a second hold on what do you want first so it doesn't well here we are oh do that this alright good you are rare shouldn't talk hello okay Goldie talk no I deal alright not you not talking more of just the general audio levels of ideal perfect to say one thing congratulations on beating the hat in time tutorial oh my god it feels amazing to have done so hey everybody welcome to terraria I know I just play the open issue well good morning you never good afternoon viewers depending on new times that end of this bill with YouTube okay let's login to the level does it remember the last like settings I had I don't know okay okay we're gonna figure it out in a second it should have borderless window on it but it's definitely oh no it definitely is on okay cool well let's see again I haven't actually played this in in a very long time I loaded it up like yesterday just to make sure the server was working test you were getting a tacky dug a hole in the ground and then close yourself off come toy remember completely okay oh that's where I need to make a character cuz the last one I made was quick test nice name dummy thank you okay oh my god it's so small on the screen yeah yeah I struggled making characters in this because I'm like squinting like moving close to Miss crazy I'm going to make a character that's just completely red now I'm gonna go completely yellow I got a build full branding status in this game oh you could use skin color perfect well you can choose like any skin colors it's so much more diverse than like a me or something you can be blue if you want oh I'm gonna be yellow I am lemon I am role-playing as a lemon and play through my characters just me so you're gonna be able to tell easily I am green style oh I can see I guess I can change the style I got it but don't have like van to the armor oh yeah and it's also possible to have family items that make it look like you're not wearing any armor oh god there I am your yellow creation did I just press back instead of create I'm hold on it congratulations all by the way we're gonna get this the yellows to be honest yeah yellow and all the colors okay fam and then clothing we're gonna have a shirt color perfectly yellow undershirt perfectly yellow pants yellow the shoes you had never guess perfectly yellow and then the style is just gonna be yellow and create all his name yell nope we're going in Oh reboot it in oh wait under eyes I see it there I see it there hold on I have to like we like hide it and then okay this and then the password is you shouldn't say it I know okay they definitely saw the IP but like there's a password so we're fine okay that ah yes where it is egg McMuffin ooh delicious okay and that is Oh Oh perfect it's like perfectly censored so I can just keep it on nice nice nice I already did the setting okay this should work well that's definitely not who I am oh okay zoom in the camera yeah if you press plus or minus a little plus or minus oh yeah I always have a kind of jump in because for some reason it doesn't feel right like Oh completely like a little bit loud but hold on let me just ever so slightly okay we're you stupid well where's volume okay there is Sun side that's show unfortunately like with the console I can set the time of day but I can't tell it to stop ranting oh really a lot of had what you like oh there is a UI scale all that's so much better okay here we go this is Goldie even though I am way more Goldie and by nature I will what's hold on a minute yeah we got a rare show what's operation how old it does me tree ma'am hey what's up tree okay all right cool so I I remember very loosely how to I'm sorry I guess member Chet didn't want to turn on that's cool be walking I I did the little check mark of a member Chet didn't turn on it error has occurred making your changes dude it's really simply just turn on the member set there it goes okay like I checked it on I guess you two was not about it okay wonderful well sit here I fighting game Aaron I was about to be like tell me no no don't parasol goes flying can't think this up no understood it's the Gib you can get a parasol later hey you coward you can't give me again I know how to minecraft sprint we rock at the exact same speed I totally didn't place this sign are you slow down you thought I would look at it oh yeah everyone should go on the yellow team I'm not so sure if that's a good sign I think that I went through the effort of going to my other world creating a sign just so I could place it and that's how you treat me there we go okay it's been fixed there we go fine it's a flopping fish here yes down and oh let's go all right cool I'm liking it yeah that's right okay so let me let me let me recall what I remember oh I know you need like a worktable to actually craft things I have ok sick I know that this game has a lot of combat in various various combat elements to it wastes way more so than minecraft this game will try to kill you all the time wonderful oh do i how do I gain a sword instead of a stab okay oh I was a good wooden sword because the copper short sword I think this would be so awful okay okay cool then it's damaged press escape the best option for there should that be rebound okay okay then what does shift definitely did something before but now it's not doing it it's like a so if you have nothing selected it brings out torch if you have a block um hovered over able you basically sorry it'll try and figure out what you like if you're looking at a block it'll give you a pick if you look at a tree oh oh that's really nice other thing is then control is to turn on the smart cursor which is great for like mining cuz then if you just look at something it will automatically select the nearest walkers individually oh I know which is which wait wait which is like oh wait which is which cursor Oh EP use if you see a little yellow box around a tile that's marker okay your your person will be a little bit there i whoa oh I know you're like the world the hug eater of souls that's right I remember these guys very loosely from my time all right time to go into the badlands like dark in here okay okay well what what what's my first like mission here cuz I just remember like house sounds excellent I'm gonna live underground like a mole person general did all my culture to spawn that's always best we don't immediately get killed by okay cool in real fast could you guys explain to me your your history with us gaming me and chat at home here I play video game I started playing about a week after the game came out okay I don't remember when they started playing cuz I have I have like some memory loss at least that's what I think it is I don't remember what it is that's how bad okay Benham I'm pretty sure my sister I'm trying to get me into this game a long while back I this is so much endgame stuff that it kind of put me off and playing it but I version when when is when did this game first come out was it years ago I remember I remember when I was like yeah would have been 2011 dang man I think you're ready by the time I started my channel really cool okay so once we got some wood and stuff we'll find a place we want to build the house alright yes sounds good to me yeah the resources you got to worry about cool okay and I remember there's like potions yep those are gonna be pretty useful to not immediately dying like I am they're not a heavy focus early game aside from like healing potions and stuff but I always use potions okay just personal program hold on get it can we save that good I have now cooked our Miranda's Goldie yes Goldie you look like a Chad you got like us they can hairdo going on right now thanks it's made of wood okay the thick wooden air do you can make wooden armor as well it's the most basic on there okay and who was this guy oh he usually dies and he told you how to Bank stuff okay Yogi's also a very bad shot he's trying his best no okay he'll also open up the door in the middle of the night while all zombies in or at least that's the meaning oh man dude please it's like starting to get dark so yeah that would be a good time to quickly throw together oh yeah yeah that's it all right please okay thank you in a problem god damn it I thought you were the bridge you're already frustrating me just because of an gonna kill the rabbit Oh cruel okay I'll still seeing the yellow blocks Amit Oh interest it's the yellow box will still always interesting okay oh and if I hold the shift it will always just give me the immediate thing I'm looking for got it got it got it got it got together also if you have healing potions you can you press like eh I think you don't kill you oh okay but watch out buzzers motion sickness we need this cool okay so I also know I have like you craft the the mushrooms into potions right your mushrooms are you okay Oh a shooting star Oh sick yeah I always collect those for that I really want to try and that's right oh my god there's a lot of different enemies now whoa so many different zombies out tonight or there's also an eyeball is trying to kill me Oh God I'm at least aware of that one okay that's a boss i delicately remember literally the first boss yes a surprise this thing doesn't go down to a single sword swing I'm cutting it through the eyeball poor guy yeah you can make some goggles if you like hollers when he takes damage there yeah I mean you hit by a floating eyeball so fair enough but like I'm gonna make a cactus chair there you go and I grab rope is up uh yeah up the climb and also press down to move it's half an eye ill I ain't messing with you okay how do I make a torch ah okay you need you just need yelling wood okay okay how do I not die to this eyeball monster Oh Oh God well I definitely find out how to not die to the eyeball monster oh you just died - the zombie instead perfect strategy oh my god you got you big eyes were working fast gosh all right normally I put the house right at spawn but oops hold on so the other thing I need to do I need to do more time settings I need to make it so the game volume is even lower also take note of my goggles yes take a seat I just put the chair down for you it's made of cactus oh actually you can't sit yet you'll be able to sit in one point for I can't sit well okay sitting here yes yeah so you right-click to use things up I could close it back in their face yep yep yep yep we all we all want a shot I got it well I got a zombie banner you losers can go build a ball got in yes you got a chair I believe in you there we go some weapons you can hold click ok that makes sense wait why do I have wooden breastplate I got nothing man I I dropped it because I got a cactus one which is okay here Dan take this free armor oh thank you alright how to equip armor right click on in your inventory until we're in the right spot you can also drag it to the artists spot ah yeah that's all it's going to do I see I see and then yeah there's a bunch of accessory and stuff oh no I'm just because I know you have more minecraft experience for the love of God please do not shift-click things it'll automatically put them in the garbage unless you disable it like I do is very important to know thank you for the advice I have accidentally thrown away my stuff too many times now if you have a chest open it will go into the gym well that seems like incredibly stressful stressful hockey alright there we go you ever just like trying to put away like some pickles into the fridge but instead you just throw them on the ground this is like yeah we don't really need these I'm trying to press e to go through all the doors this is a bad time to go outside ain't it I'm ending the corruption right now which is a very good idea for someone it's little gear so okay Bertrand there's knocking on the door they can't get in what there's a bunch of eyeballs and I think there's like two zombies blenheim in they seem like no people oh okay do they like I think they like our interior decorating yeah I'm just getting out ah help why did our guy just go outside he does that could he not know that's what he does shot me in the head oh you haven't joined the yellow team either oh yeah you should do that oh yeah it's wrong when you have your very open there's the little cross swords kind of over earth little sword side-by-side overthrow it and blow them there's some badges like things and there's a yellow one yeah yeah oh okay the wooden sword or are you using wooden sword are you using copper okay I'm using a wind sword I have a zombie arm I have officially died I'm the first death I'm just kidding it's a tie for your heart this foretelling I'm doing matters welcome back yeah oh yeah I got like absolutely nothing right you just stay indoors at night it is dangerous to be wandering around in the dark thanks Bradley you should also stay indoors at night it is dangerous to be wandering around in the dark we can reach a mutual agreement at all times okay what was my next mission here don't run pcs okay you can never have too many that's charging that's definitely charging that's definitely charging I don't like the noise that's making that's definitely stop ah I feel safer with the zombies than in this room of just ringtones okay then well do I have here I got some acorns probably unneeded I can do place things on the outside of the world yes I can no I cannot I see the little red block stops me got it got it got it no I uh oh yeah advanced oh the main way to make progress in this game is to defeat bosses as usual you're like oh pose yeah usually I'm gonna okay oh oh you put it up me hang down I see I see I see I see hmm branch goes right good block oh well cool okay door will kill this will kill this tree there we go how about that branch so you used wood to place this right at ah yes didn't give me the sword when I needed it okay perfect I can choke point the zombies in the water oh yeah okay we do you like you put it on that level okay Bam Bam ah nope that was not that or can you have lied to me hey well this is not wood I mean it technically is but that wasn't our platform oh yeah sorry I didn't realize you meant that okay alright where's the crafting platforms you can make just banning anywhere but how yeah open your inventory owners like that little like scrolling thing oh okay yes I remembered this I remember this yeah that's right hammer to open up okay okay okay okay okay okay or our we're we're on the right track now now we have enough so uh once we're able to get another NPC we have a house room let's go I'm not just reminded me of the stupid meme I saw it was this picture of a house made only of spikes in a cactus toilet or something stupid like that and I said this housing is suitable so Bradley I want you to level with me Bradley why are you increase them but yeah they used to be really loose it was possible to make an infinite house right are you taking a back I know it existed I'll leave you to your mecha nations buddy it was also possible to have a house that was only one block tall okay I was there is fall damage right yes okay we'll die of it okay so I go right to death or do you just take damage at some halfway point oh yeah you'll just start taking damage first and if it's enough damage then you die yes as as I has explored accessory second cancel fall damage how do I make a hook shot that little car you to get shot I am aware of the a grappling hook thank you I'm aware of it or you can find a hook from a prop or skeleton epic camera and all I've done it yeah then deal oh I can semi reliable way is yeah it's like no this language is definitely to go one way dive off this cliff sorry buddy there we go don't worry so I'm to find they don't take fall damage they're too gooey okay actually no mobs take ball damn it oh that's okay yeah completely Avery wants you to die not the mobs go get him buddy that's all I'm just doing his own thing that's coming from me and see one - oh that's perfect OOP something all you go slam be on your way so the next stack in this game is like $9.99 yeah hands-on for general materials yes and then blocks are an item okay I appreciate that um the slimes are just migrating on their way they don't just always come after me they're just chillin yeah might as well get some of the things like you oh no wait a minute is it a worm a worm yeah little worm crawl across the bridge right now oh you're gonna love the other ones hey I heard oh oh no it's uh once we go warm he does not the worm is living not being taste ball damage but you that's all you need to know okay not even the NPC's take fall damage no that's really rude you have to drown them if you want to kill them oh okay noted I'm this advice for me okay I'm gonna follow this little worm he's doing some plays all there we go good to know you're spending your time wisely dude I am enjoying my time with terraria thank you only gives me more time to setup devious tricks a nugget yomet how did you meanwhile rare trans and riedel organs are ruptured by an antlion charger yeah the deserts kind of cruel that would have happened if you had a worm friend not sure I can agree on that okay where you do you have fun down there buddy do mom's despawn easily they they only despawn if they go like far off screen can I capture this worm I began a bug net certain critters can't be captured oh we have a merchant you can get above that how do I capture this worm please the merchant I am too far gone I am NOT a worm we can i I need it to be navigated to me if you can provide me a bug net we can we can move some move along in the stream here just I'm on my way okay thank you Chloe oh there we go I like this holding shift to just do whatever it's very powerful dad is really my Ferrum was being loud despite me specifically telling them hey I'm gonna be doing this thing at this time can you please try not to you said mom said oh sure okay okay she is me in a lot of notified me the net oh he will be mine where's that oh there's the worm give come here oh okay hold on love me mine the block for you cuz otherwise can be killed by he's gonna drown no no he would just be killed by the pig potentially okay okay now you got it I got him I got him it's consumable I would never Oh consumable meaning it uses up the item understood okay yeah this guy get up ah carefully well you can't just place platforms in the background yep you just need some back wall I mean actually for anymore just pops often eat work eat it consume I'm gonna name them consume consume the worm wait what is this special enchanting Nightcrawler I can make him special oh yeah it makes them sparkly oh I'm gonna make them sparkly there's even a like a terrarium I think their name is consumed okay you know there are cage you just need to get materials for it okay yeah how do we make terrariums again glass just glass okay didn't make last nice and yeah too powerful to Jack let's go me and consume against the world here you know there's another worm in this game that consumes a lot well yeah I'm also aware of that yeah quite a few now we're of the second one not a weird some of you nothing special about them yeah they're just regular worms drops a whoopee cushion tell ya I really wanted to try and get one of us I wanted to sneak it onto my character and doesn't bring it over and make fart noises but I couldn't get one yeah I had no idea that they were as rare as they actually are cuz the first worm I killed drop on just like oh that's cool I mean in my ever world I have a fart jar which is made this seems water physics are so nice you guys have talked about farts I'm like wow the water just looks good you can use a fart in a jar to double jump isn't that great this game okay hold on I can't want one now yeah well good luck trying to front get yourself a whoopee cushion give it a second just provide me the material I don't know what I will do so I think over the course of me playing like vanilla terraria of these I've gotten a total of maybe three yes is it like one of those consumables no no it's reusable all it doesn't make a fart noise I think the Department jar double jump the whoopee cushion is just Department all I want to do is be able to double jump yeah yeah there's lots of us in a bottle items that allow you to do so okay on the ground okay so how am I making a hook shot you need a hook or gems ah so I pretty much just say go underground that's where two things I look up that you knew are okay understood does that start making me vomit like top of my priority list right now or I could go up and find it well so how do I make rope a very good thing i you you just get it from pods and stuff I don't know how you get hand buy it from the merchant I believe but uh not worth it not really worth it yeah you get so much from pots which are everywhere okay understood so I should be this video and some venturing down into the cave system below yeah if you open up your map and scroll out you realize the majority of your world is underground okay okay yes I am aware that this game has a very very underground like designed to it okay walked into somebody's screened it's very pleasant so do you guys have any like scrolling underground areas that you've discovered so far that I could like a leach from I'm not really I'm making one under the house I'm just starting to go underground in the jungle which is an area I shouldn't be there's a reason why I'm only at six half at the moment okay I really I'm just making down the house cuz if I deities to get back to it okay yes what do you what do you lose if you die depends on what option you chose we're making a character if you chose softcore which you should and most people do and you only lose coin okay it gives medium core then you lose items so it's based like minecraft choose hardcore you know hey I do it I was at rare trans gay grave and you popped out like what yes got intentional okay you sand slime you're strong little sand slime if you keep going to the right you'll end up ending the jungle which has some pretty tough enemies for you alright is there a natural regen life yes it is kind of slow you can speed up using a campfire which aren't that hard to make I'm a-goin at home right now okay I see yes there is a very very slow natural reason okay okay there's items also increase this okay I was curious okay I'm getting the hang of it I'm getting the controls down again nice to do yep that's really got squished somewhere Mary yeah perfect all sorts of rows it's getting night time how did you teleport I had a potion that lets you do it gotcha you very anything in the inventory Tata bucolic ocean our wormhole pushing me give you some the teleport understood at least you got a magic mirror and then they're useless well except I use them if I have a magic mirror and it just happened to be mandatory because they're consumed a lot faster but that's really it how do I get these potions they're droppin stuff and just how did you get your potion Goldie I break pots pinafores even I have my inner link okay gotcha I have not seen a single pot yet that's because I have broken all of them thank you um I broke the rest okay use you're able to see them they're pretty obvious usually just like anywhere literally everywhere yeah yeah normally on the surface they're just covering it well in fact I just found like three miles underground stop you all right yeah weird little slime there we go okay that's trying to get here there we go okay I'm gonna make our way back to the house I'm way out yeah I'm going to go back into dangerous areas where I shouldn't be because that's what I've been doing this entire time I'm going to continue to mine way too deep okay yes you have to make what people call a elevator which is just it's an elevator straight to hell oh yeah I forgot about those oh my god Academy welp I fallen down a ditch sorry I know I found it in the ground Kevin to you I got shoes bikes chandelier eyeball hot on my trail right now I got the bottle oh hold on I'm at four else there's two eyeballs no what the zombie jumps - yep no I played that perfectly' out played oh I'm in a very sticky situation hello I'm back oh my goodness whoa you see there better be something at the bottom of this they can safely oh I see I mean yes but no gotcha here just uh yeah mind that little divot out of there I think I appreciate that going forward yeah there we go that should be good okay cool here I come hello also congratulations now you're stuck okay that sounds good oh wait I do have a bunch of rope tomia heaven okay well there he goes oh by the way uh-huh the double jump yep oh you got one well I'm sure we'll find more okay oh hey my rope now we're not stuck yes I'm I made the work longer oh and we got a campfire yeah I put that there Oh worth worm one second one second the worms are at my heels big ones the worm worm big threatening worm the threatening warm that isn't big enough to be the boss worm but big enough to give me a startle those are the ones that probably cushions well it was also the one thing we do you kill me you just got killed by trap oh yeah oh that was a skull not a rock I knew it looked a little weird the just dander ground shows absolutely like wired with fly traps everywhere and you almost have enough to buy a well I almost have enough to buy a baby back come back you can put your worm in this thank you oh you use a crafting table no I use the piano yeah it's just decorative you admire it that's how you use that how do I put the worm in the the crafting workbench thing that's right here not up there yay now you can put on display like on the table let's see bear in mind I did turn them into yes and enchanting night crawler Cades I would not trust you within two feet of my worm friend thank you we can't actually do any like there they're not craftable the only open Rayquaza throw it in ugly hit rare Trin what she will break it I would never believe that Oh also one important thing to remember in this game is that items don't despawn normally there's no like time limit just if you go over why is it not placing them mm-hmm I'm trying to please go ahead Oh make sure that they're on like notice the background moves here that means it's not actually walls mmm I see it now place it yeah now it down here where it's stationary you can okay a parallax I like gemstones are pretty that's my only reason they do I need anymore ah this game is satisfying I'm feeling the I'm feeling it again yeah it is I like it very much here dance like Hayati played this game yeah right I'm getting back into the rhythm of it again ere we go uh Daniel when is online not for not for a good bit right now we're primarily focusing on just world building and getting things ready I will turn this over eventually to to a public world but I don't think it will be happening immediately soon this is the warning there right now that's gonna be primarily a three-player kind of thing for now until I have a better understanding of things where can we make it so this world is inherently oh like oh you can only go on here if you have a new account kind of thing with mods really there's not a way to make it so you people can't just bring their like level 90 characters and stuff is kind of a way where you can tell it that if someone tries to join with another any other inventory it'll basically say ignore that we're handling it all on the server instead so it'll be more like minecraft but it's require setup oh I wasn't wearing my ability shoes it's terraria is a very different game for Minecraft so it doesn't it isn't really meant for like small birds yeah it's not inherent there's a ton there's a ton of leg compass cities I would come with trying to make like a a minecraft server level world such as like you only have one of each a name you'd only be housed in one area resources are actually limited like the world isn't like endless huh now modding can fix some of that um but even things like just NPCs there's only one of them yeah you're gonna have some issues yeah they got it so in that case yeah we're definitely just keeping it to this group for now now of course if it was to be a large server from what I think most servers do is they just kind of have one communal area that no pvp or anything like that and that's where all the NPCs are in that way one safe zone gotcha gotcha gotcha okay Wow now it's best to try and go into a cave system or to do like strip mining well like to find a cave system reduced strip mining to like explore do the opposite of what minecraft you just do dig straight at them since you have the advantage of being able to kind of see through walls strip mining isn't as beneficial most you do kind of one mean well elevator straight down to the underworld and then from there you can branch out got it number five ongoing war here okay I now have gotten us a piggy bank yay okay Oh dad do you know much about the piggy bank put in there so your money doesn't die when you drop drop when you do yeah basically it's personalized place to store it so everyone who looks in there has their own inventory oh yeah the other nice thing is if you just always put your money in there um if you ever need to buy something it can automatically take it out of the feedback yeah it shown us like your savings yeah okay that way then you don't have to worry about like it used to be you had to always get it out and that sort of thing and that way you just don't have to worry about that you can just go buy what you need but anytime you sell something you do need to he'll always go back to it and put in there but there's the quick stack or little yeah quick snack button okay oh god they were all locked on Goldie I was wondering what was going on with these stupid soul things you see I've been trying to get past this place for a little while Goldie let me help uh I'm currently over here I'm gonna make myself some arrows okay those flaming arrows I'm just so not you having to go to the guide to look up how to make things hey quietly is the guide often cuz I'm good Steve I've been playing so much modded recently and I'm so I just used to OH middle click on it and then I'll show you everything okay I only play vanilla I'm just that kind of person okay meanwhile I was just trying to load up a mod pack yesterday that had 350 different mods and the game does not want to load at that point I do you want a spear I don't want you can love it hey thank you here's a good yeah I just mind my sword stronger back to do me the same thing I was doing before which is walking oh it was good all right of course upgraded my pic and it's slow meanwhile like I've had games were like I get a legendary wooden sword Sunday yeah so what's it gonna take for me to get a hook shot uh hook or gems we've said it's like free time no but like what can i buy like what do I do to get those things what should I be actively doing right now the fur what yeah dig dig okay understood yeah now you can I guess try your odds like if you want you can go to the jungle piranhas will spawn on surface they have a chance to drop hook they also have a chance to drop robot hats like those are always fun but in ma did they get annoying cuz no they just fill up your inventory when you're trying to look for other or items understood that case I will dig okay Howard come down here stupid eater of souls come on are you the spear there we go come on something to snack on oh great the corruption doesn't end there it's even bigger coward all are they flying away so I thought coming in big swoop I see come back here buddy you're drooling everywhere it's not your buddy he's the opposite of your buddy he's the opposite of laven a second here what how do i how do I bow oh I think I think I feared I had a bow let's go Oh like a blind shot in there that was sick okay no I absolutely adore this music yeah this game has good music I like the music of the Crimson even more because it's just it's weird I like weird music game game so you want to go you want to around hey buddy buddy yeah yeah you back off I'm gone going down here no I'm not how I build a rope building is rope the best thing to use to descend into caves and such well the best thing is actually just all but you take fall damage currently so exactly rock will be great when we need to go up as well though yeah yeah yeah accelerates quite quickly okay well once again what should I be doing to get that rope going placing it hmm but to place it I need to have it yes you get it from pots oh yeah I finally found one of these pots these legendary pots I didn't even think these were real they're literally everywhere Oh God okay okay well if I finally been located there yeah and they look different depending on where you are okay there's no other student pots in the underworld and like the jungle in in the corruption it looks like weird gross flashy things yeah they definitely look like something here bless their healing potion sick here we go I'm finally on my way to actually doing some adventure in here I finally made it past the corruption - now I get to act on the old places perfect rope wooden arrow okay cool hey I see it's a background thing gotcha okay okay I'm getting the hang of it again BAM yep okay once again I am getting the hang of it oh I'm going into a scary-looking area here okay oh yeah you're using being a fun zone yeah oh I'm the boulder okay laughs you want all boulders everyone's favorite sit I definitely see the pots are everywhere thing yes incredibly efficient at making them not everywhere but were just everywhere first exactly whoa okay okay here comes the giant worms Oh in the corruption bow those are special no nope I don't I don't believe I mean the corruption zone I think I was close to it but not actively in it they say there's no corruption there's a worm it's gonna give you any more time it was exactly the worn-out worm I was fighting before so it'll be obvious or like a lot bigger the worm before was just a basic yeah yeah that's all he looks like right now oh my god I am very low in health yes that does happen mushroom die yes mark your note is not good survival to advise uh my love works in Mario I use a potion to heal I see a little cooldown on the top okay okay okay now can I heal even when it's just in my inventory or do I have to have it in the hotbar doesn't matter it'll find the first one even in entire inventory yeah I remember perfect that's all I need to know for the longest time I wasn't I never liked things they I started playing modded then I was this is great okay I hate convenience I just I was never big on hotkeys for that sort of stuff and then there's mainly with potion he's actually there's one button that I know will automatically use all of the right all other post or whatever you have gotta be boss B button is for boss feels like drink away your boss potions so II mean I'm gold you found me found my children thank you sometimes III claim ownership oh I found an amethyst max ooh amethyst that's the weakest gem I don't care is that one that I can use to make a grappling hook yeah it's the weakest grappling hook yes but it's a grappling hook you see Goldie you see you need like 18 or 12 I don't remember also uh tapas topaz whatever that's gold colored okay that's all my favorite is the diamonds so I mean it's the strongest so get burnt some path so yeah do the hook shots have like a durability no you just use them no tools in this game break so what makes them weak they don't be shy and also everyone's just have better like basically they have speed and the length how far it is only someone will shoot out by multiple looks sometimes will allow you to adjust your position for uly4 that's like okay okay no good it's this but this is sort off you'll notice that you haven't getting a hook like makes it so much easier to do anything any hook just so that you can grab on the wall that's exactly I'm getting that makes like skis I've been with the slime hold on this time is experiencing some lag there yeah a whole first game the first part of the game is just getting mobility yes no I would agree that have mobility than the boss become a lot easier I think you wanna get those harmonies boots you wanna get those double jumps wait it's like a platformer like I understand that much yeah I think this game does have platforms in it okay he doesn't get this thing out of the way and then put a torch here like I can put a torch like next to a waterfall that's okay yes there's a difference between aesthetic water and water water yeah yeah okay Thurston Frankston is uh it's tungsten is it useful for a hook shot no no but it'd be used for our goals yeah they make a hook you need an iron bar which is later on okay how far can I fall okay I get far a little bit fall a little bit before taking something to the dungeon what the heck what it's it's kind of weird the gent kind of where did I didn't do anything like that like the floor is missing yeah why are you jerked abyss I I did count him a quick overview in the world Bansi send a screenshot in the chat I'm curious yeah well KITT give me a second oh let's see I have never seen this before what's very nice is like again the water is just like you can divert it to go in other places kind of thing very proper water physics to it and it's incredibly annoying when I'm trying to dig straight down but I had to funnel it out to another like area yes so you mentioned I needed iron yeah if you if you are hook shot using the I've certainly acquired some iron yeah you use that iron to make chains oh I found low so oh I found like a loot chest or something I wonder how low down I can go before I unleash hell upon this blood what's a great way sorry what'd you say don't worry don't worry oh the answer is that low okay sting very different science what are you doing science uh-huh I have a golden key it is completely useless right now provides around um how much damage do I take for a second or do I just die uh you take it really rapidly yeah okay I don't know exactly but it's fast I don't like drain an ocean the ocean and dig straight down okay I'm in underwater area and I can't see anything yeah you need a glow stick for that how do I get a glow stick okay noted you also get a mining helmet from the merchant but it's like okay but just be warned to get all the other piece of film of the mining armor set you probably won't yeah I've been trying to get in my game but I can't get the pants yeah there's a shirt in the Hat but not the pants like I got one set legitimately and I was just like okay that's good enough for me yeah deep-water area well they don't give you any same back thank you really needed that caustics thank you they pick that up freely no I wrote him around ah could you provide me with one yes well I got a hook it's mine though you can't have it that's perfectly fine I need oxygen okay yes you take the majority of my sticks thank you oh yeah yeah I just got explosives meaning I am that one able to be really chaotic um well I got some glowsticks in there sorry you said I could press shift when in a chest and it would get me I wanted to like delete the items in there you can okay cool it's your shift cooking and just your regular inventory when you're on ths we'll put it in the trash can immediately yes yes yes got it got it okay I'll there I can do too much exploring down there before I die alright cool got yourself something all right well for now I'm going to oh no what just happened nothing nothing I didn't just die in front of you apparently you didn't glad Oh No all right granite III I stepped on a detonator ah that would suppose that would detonate yes okay I I did get old info so phenomics fabric question I have this mirror I can just freely use this right yeah you home whenever you want uh yeah well that's a great thing to have hey want to see something I mostly just keep mine or one when I get it I normally keep it in glass I can't open look at me there we go I got you I got you I see you I can teleport to I can follow the ways down yeah I can do it a - I have a potion - alright I can't get of course just doesn't let me through it's got weird Airy go I need to look at the recipe for more more potions okay all right yeah I just greeted by a change to our to our little lower area yeah I wouldn't mine yeah no longer drops in the same way it did before oh you don't have to have the torches in your inventory you can just have those as like a passive oh I see oh that's very nice okay I am greedily putting all of my valuables in the piggy bank so you know anything can happen I am too far gone to come back oh yeah an accessory because whenever you have let me just you're killing you that you'll be doing some mining nice yeah hold on you're both talking at once are you what was that region oh I hit a mushroom biome and a granite biome site more biomes and mushroom holy sheep spikes put them on and you can slide down walls and if you get climbing claws you can just stay on the walls oh okay thank you and moose calves are my precious resource if I hurt nope oh they old slimes down here you know there's a gold worms very nice to know 50% they've power yeah but it's better to solvent yeah or put them in for a weight that's moderate yeah oh oh oh over the leg al uh-uh-uh-uh oh thank goodness water down there yeah I bounced one thing to another there oh I'm alive with three Helen to the psychedelic zone come on down okay hold on one second that mother slime teleported on top of me thank you black slime which are very hard to see and that's on purpose obviously why do the doors sometimes not work there we go um it's because something's blocking them yeah and part of that is we have Blood Moon we don't have to worry about things smashing our doors down and filling our bill NPCs they'll just open up the doors on their own okay I hate this game it keeps knocking me everywhere so are there caves just like passively existing throughout all of the underground oh yeah okay they're everywhere and there's also like a ton of water pockets which is a most annoying thing so it's better than minecraft yes okay because minecraft definitely has a way a way more like you will mind infinitely Caves have to be discovered kind of thing something that can definitely enable me being a naughty person yeah I decide decide here in my mind and like it's something that you like then you would not understand it but definitely would why you you know I'll do it I'll do it when I get the chance and you'll know what it is okay okay also I like collecting statues if you find them please give them to me they totally don't have any on a second purpose that isn't decorative of course dude killing the thank you for this spear by the way this spear is just frankly yes peers are good I just prefer to have my sword for some reason I also have a wand in a ball you know I'm generous like that I'm very humbled there's a lot of eaters here give me a second I did get enough gold if someone else wants to make a ball this is my death yeah thank you is there a it's really go save I can do if I like place rope can I like place where open immediately uh here's here's a good save you can use a grappling hook there grapple the ground you're about to fall on you and now cancel your damage I didn't do that because I'm stupid oh okay so grappling hooks are even more useful I thought perfect okay wonderful to know oh I got I got the Trident which is like a sphere but it's a little stronger but slow a vile mushroom huh those I use for like potions yeah I imagine all like that stuff is its use to create a vial powder okay which you can you can put on things to do absolutely nothing at this current point it's always trying to do okay oh I mean I haven't seen in a long time we need to make this building bigger yeah probably having at least one more house oh goodness I'm in the thick of the corruption here or at least the part of it yeah craptions quite big yeah wait I don't have my Oh I'm gonna try to get into a little bit of fishing okay here oh I just can't mine the corruption wait did you oh yeah I know you're not strong enough easy but blow it up or get a strong pickup how many did you go up by uh just one above the regular place for it I'll mostly I go like that but okay you can do it I like having that extra Headroom that's fair oh I can wall jump now with these little spikes shoes yeah that's what I told you you'd do oh I'm sorry I thought you I thought you just said I could slide it you can slide in welcome I did not understand the wall jumping in my bed okay my brain is not work they back a weird little like turn up looking things there we go alarm going off yeah stupid things out here there's too many of these little world leaders friends breach he'll have to do is stab them in the face when they stay back there we go I knew an iron guess I have behind there you go it's in this chest now okay the whole wall jumping thing definitely takes a little bit of doing here yes da how much gold do you need for a pickaxe ah twelve I already made one and there's fifteen you need some more yeah I use it for building mmm chat you're right and I'm dumb but thank you wait what did they write at that wood well I've been trying to wall jump up this little chasm for a little bit but someone put rope unbeknownst to me nice oh yeah we're back on the track stay back why don't I if you got any qualms I would love to have them once again my top ten list of things to not give you if I require right up there with like any type of firearm oh don't worry I'm gonna get my hands on those uh-huh don't worry any time now any second I might be my I need the bombs oh yeah I like together yeah you know you you're getting your ideas from me you're not allowed to do that it's illegal I was going to do it first remember if you do too many you saw mine Satan whoa I entered a new area to give some like oh yeah me and Trudy underground corruption and out of grand corruption music swing this definitely don't look like underground corruptions one close to enough to enough corruption tiles it will consider it Suffolk we entered an ice biome oh yeah me people will see us play I'm actually a mystery no I just got really lucky I'm not either souls can drop like the ancient shadow armor which is stuff I usually need like shadows scales and like oh yeah yeah I just got the chest plate for that when I have like seven defense extra nice yeah okay don't think you wait can you actually get the full thing just by random drops yeah yeah yeah I have actually done it before because they would not stop pestering me and then it actually gives you two set bonus and is exactly like the in by the way by ancient and means it's it's the one riff it's like old texture before I was up yeah before they updated yeah there's a few there's a few sets like that are all dropped by a random enemies yeah like ancient kobold are yeah agent cobalt which isn't related to cobalt in any way yep yes I'm now understanding how you build a road wonderful like to BIOS do explore here well okay I haven't killed the 50 feeder souls when you kill 50 of a enemy better some creditors for some reason you get a banner that gives you a bonus against them well I slime is unhittable those guys will freeze you so his life is definitely not taking two oh he's just probably within a wall kind of thing no oh goodness that's a much bigger worm that I was fighting before wall it's called a devourer oh yeah that's he undergone crouching where I was talking about and there's an even bigger work yeah I that died I am aware of he's it's like it's a tower but bigger and scarier the corruption does not have the same enemy variety that the crimson does I never I was telling you that prison but you didn't wanna be spoiled but as well doesn't even have friendly okay okay one second hold on hold on I'm making um okay this button and kill you I was like prioritize my list of actions here hold on then I need this area to be a little bit more lit I need myself to be a little bit more alive okay next time you jump out yeah I'm trying to like I don't know where I killed the stupid thing call you stupid I mean he can no longer do so very survival of the fittest here know what oh well I guess I'm just gonna go to where you were killed by a blue jellyfish huh alright yes it does a few variations was green blue yeah what the heck has been going on up here oh now this is convenient I don't even have these bombs it's not what it looks like I don't know what it looks like I'm gonna be real with you okay don't you not be alarmed by the message in the chat it's not suspicious at all nothing to be scared of okay oh my goodness this area's been nicely here okay okay this place is looking pretty nice let's put another 15 minutes into this segment and call it a day all right it's looking very good though do you not have any fear of anything that you won't my dreams at go around you yeah I don't worry about it okay seems fair you know couple screams hey I hear me my day today I may have a thing that you didn't want me to have I mean that's a very large list of items oh it's broken [Laughter] yes garbage hey yes I'm get her oh-o-oh water out another house don't dear God I got it ma'am you're incredibly bad shot actually I can't damage you I've actually hit your hitbox a few times I okay everything I don't know if you can turn people oh yeah Julie yes yeah oh we don't have that either don't whine I'm referring to the death here I'm fine now says who me actively right now my grappling hook allows me to be faster that's okay I'm cool ah slime did more damage than you so I just so yeah I just came over here and just gave Archer and a broken musket was a strange plant - it can be treated for rare dyes I seems like none of us have found any like life crystals which is really strange what I usually come across a lot of them but yeah I'm not too worried we'll come across it funny idea so what what's up with my man account in the top right use magic weapons yeah and you regenerate man as well over time but your magic mirror does usual oh wait did they remove that I don't remember yeah yeah no it definitely does not okay you know the real orange by 200 face I'm making out of stone that you cannot break it you will oh no no not actually is oh well Richard we can't build up a will there be sacrifice for the wrong way anyway see this phone you can't break it so now you have this stuck here unless I use bombs okay there it is wooden platforms or I take the explosives out of the chest they don't have wiring you need wires which means you need to get it done oh that's adorable yes and you can't break it try trial you may this is here to stay oh not like that that works how about that though yes I cry well I tried you know what that was fun now it's Oh Elmo got yet the gun oh you just made me ugly smart yes I do have gun thank you for reminding me ah good you don't have PvP turned on you should totally turn it on it's very fun to mix I became a lot more easy yes yeah sure thing don't let me equipping my weapons ready for you love you need to press like those swords that are crossing or something let me kill you I want death I definitely did not hit me you need to try an EVP turn on so I'll kill you I've no idea I do the death turn it on what's gonna have no idea how to do so you know we're done menu for like the teams was the swords above that present oh goodness those definitely do more damage than my small bullets no but you eat it from that slime is all I'm saying you got disrespected I win I am winners do like you're all still on the top you don't get to anymore you've ruined that chance this is just a dirty oh whoa oh hey we have some flowers there is it possible using console do great like a you know to natural summoning of you know the way off can't happen right now deficit no enough us use a life crystal wait took I can't the only thing I could really do is change the time of the day with the console yeah you know that happens oh that's the sad oh yeah Oh so is it only PvP for you hey it's only PvP some of people have a turn oh I see I see I see we have the dealer of armies selling stuff oh I can know I can now buy more bullets for my good way from the house and going okay now he's Spears so nice I wonder how maybe maybe what time okay oh yeah probably there we go sorry you cut out what yeah Goldie Goldie hello Goldie is dead looks like I win this round of PvP Goldie you might have killed me in the game but who's still wrong we do my Internet we take these wins let's go all I had to do is call up for telecom provider easy double use you know what I say no idea the sir seems fine you know what I say the vet ha ha Oh actually be careful we don't want like the goblin army well yeah in my world I haven't broken the herbs actually some in the army manual because I just hate I hate the meteors they keep breaking my lanes at the same point thing that I mean meteorite is good for early game yeah but like out I was in my world and I'm definitely not early game character anymore well then just place a bunch somewhere in here also though won't be able to spawn there's a max mount that can be in the world I got an idea well thanks Emily close them again I'm totally not going to do something sneaky oh I'm gonna do this climb on the eye of the oh whoa okay yeah it's a kind of up started oh whoa let's see where is the wooden platform okay oh let's play this game again yeah I'm very excited for you to see how hard I was trying to talk about what my internet cut out oh you know nothing about hard mode right Oh No gonna be a blast well first let me get myself properly equipped and that will will begin the other legs of this game hard mode is like it's not a small like jumping difficulty okay that makes sense some end of the ocean yet I know I went as far as I'm sure that's it okay I just got a quest fish oh what the angler wanted and you haven't even met him yet just a second totally not doing something alright well hey while we give you guys uh your your time to plug your socials on all that good stuff what's that oh I think that was a giant bow oh no I'm just fishing yeah I got you uh start with a rare trait and go plug your socials into anything else you want to plug right now my socials uh I do have a youtube channel it's the exact same name rare trim are a RTR I am I got Twitter just whatever you'll see me on the discord provide you to real fast we're trained as well all right it's the same everywhere perfect all right goal to go ahead yes yes good yes that's not that is it thanks for telling me about your art I need a second okay I am trying to trying to get something as fast as I can okay and what was this meteorite this just landed uh it is um Bernie fire okay of basically an asteroid the crash lands on earth it's a meteor and so it crashed lands and then up huge areas now meteorite and we need to go there and if you stand on it you light on fire so question I have a glow stick and throw it on the ground well that just stay there forever um for about five minutes until then it picks itself up and then either turns into an item or disappears this is important I wanted to do this here we go the best way to like like the world is just torches yep okay okay later on there's torches that you can get that don't like these ones if you submerge them of course they become an item again but uh later ones won't gotcha is there not a more nicer looking thing like a lantern or something yeah there's lanterns I closed the game again what are you doing being an idiot Oh fair enough I'm trying I'm trying to find you something but I I'm trying to be careful about it I just need a minute my I'm just a big stupid dummy I don't know how to video game just a sec very fun fighting the the flighting fighting flying demonized like I'm enjoying the combat in this game a good deal yes yeah I need to get myself one of those hook shots I can move on with my life yeah I'm sure next time you play if I can get almost sorry it's kind of my computer is not like the fastest the reason for that is because I have so many of my drawing so you've done it and I don't have too hard to delete them but I'm totally not getting something very very suppose okay I do warn I do kind of kind of have a hard cutoff on this stream in about 10 minutes yeah that's fine okay I'm be I am being Sonic the Hedgehog here is slick right now right now I'm just under the biting the night by did you know poking things thanks for being patient I brought things and I just need a second okay it's got a copy and paste to some surprise oh hey goalie you by oh you might want to join yellow team again yes okay I'm going to go somewhere where you cannot see what I'm doing of course what if I see what you're doing you are you will die instantly Oh finally wait how do I use this potion actually how do I use potions uh you just you can either like put in your hotbar and then just use it like an item or you can pick it up from your inventory and click okay how do i oh I see but I forgot word I believe in you thank you very big brain oh I've been fishing everything off the same all right I see this working Firefly but you were working on that drinking away so you brought in like wiring stuff yeah I brought in an outside box my grand design and so Marzano here's another fun one ah I see your yo gonna sit back and not give you in context while you realize like oh why do I hear boss music how do I make it like say it there we go [Laughter] that's all I need there's a way to put in like colors but for some reason it wasn't working I want to see I want to try again to see if at work yeah you can do colors and items and even tell it to oh dang and I out of 8 rip no more fish okay you can even tell it to do like different buttons from the Xbox Playstation girthy oh yeah that's true let's see does it call it cat flu you know what you know what it was nighttime I would summon the actual one well we are out of time right now so thank you for letting me do my funny yeah that was fun all put it back to bed poor thing well hey this is vana well what the heck was that oh you actually I stand right there while you're talking they doin all that do you just birth that swirl no just end this day where you are don't don't move just to keep doing your outro okay thank you all for no stay where you are don't move y'all for watching our air train that's been Goldie and I have been failed oh that's a bunny Oh God the button well he's officially gone what that's actually so cool you doing that yeah those are called actuators you're doing this oh boy we can move a block on no keep going oh honey if I get like catch it at the right time kind of thing well I think I'm all set with this oh dude it's actually so cool okay see that my grand design tube about iron do I work hard for us Bobby can I can I like use it for a second yeah but you don't have any of like the ammo for it so I can't really do anything okay oh I just want to see the grid oh that's so cool yeah give it back okay guys you got it oh it's like moly oh you can you can disable it actually just oh oh yeah yeah the grand designs like a bunch of um different tools combined together yeah how do i I have it in my hand st press the T button right click that's all I needed to know thank you all right I need where's my grand design where's my spear use drop thing you gave it to your keys oh I have oh here we go is that here's that thank you hey look a bird what do you got to say Bradley I do artwork I I did the artwork you see I'm done using and I made a new one and he still isn't using it that's what Bradley said that's wild thanks Bradley for the work anyway uh that's all that's all from me man I'm gonna I'm gonna how do i anyway there it is perfect I just the second before you left I made a sign say subscrib tickled thank you wonderful people for joining I am gonna hang up the call for now but uh I hope you guys have a wonderful day very very happy to played yeah thank you guys for finally joining me on one thing I'm happy to finally have played this game yeah all right so now thank you all for watching you guys have been a wonderful audience we will be returning to terraria at a later date maybe even next member stream I got I mean I had a lot of fun with this one let me read out some donations and then we'll move on with our days thank you all for watching uh sorry uh I think was a sport rather uh Huskies are best is hand sanitizers effective is pepper spray I don't think it's as throwable or as much of a projectile as pepper spray so I think it's be pretty alright same for the sport to Noah ain't no I know I know it's been sounding like I've been bragging about thought you'd be genuinely interested I beat challenge wrote hey thank you very much for being that for me I appreciate it I do want to take that thing properly down but that will have to wait to another time uh thank you for the support Robert single main please send this money to Goldie I'll could pass around pass along two bucks for her I think even support huskies are best twice in a row can't wait to play with you smiley face lol yes it'll be fun to bring up the server eventually but not right now right now I just want to take my time with it also someone definitely donated but I can't oh no as a new member new member coming through watching the stream is supporting it to spam some Farrell's and check is its are cute well welcome wooly log gaming ng underscore peridot go guy or pterodactyl guy William with a question mark a more like William uh leave that is all Caleb Advent edge sky blaster killer roblox gaming Huskies are best blues Widow okay Katherine yeah and okay Katherine to the fail fake screw that is all the messages let's find someone to raid and let's end off today I'm gonna turn off the member chat so that way people can people can be free
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 22,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Terraria
Id: 3krFpXtTijM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 26sec (6086 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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