Hotel Luigi「Luigi's Mansion 3 🏨Ep1」

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I hope you guys are all comfy be sure to turn off your lights have a phone nearby in case your heart stops you have to call 9-1-1 because we're about to get scary today everybody we're about to get spooky on this almost Hallows day just think what if Sonic the Hedgehog was a centipede you think he runs fast with two legs how about a hundred centipedes of hundred it's that Senate yeah probably what if he had a hundred legs I just wanted to set the mood for you guys just something some some really startling really jarring to think about just I wanted to ripen the water don't ripen the water really hold on not not not ripe in the water warm up the water for Luigi's Mansion let's do it everybody well good morning Connecticut afternoon viewers depending on your time zone and we're going right into it everybody this is Elvis YouTube we're here it's finally here I've heard the reviews glowing about this game I've heard fantastic things about this game so far well we got it we're all set we're all good to go and look at this beautiful beautiful hotel now we're gonna be checking into as one of these five beautiful people here we go well this is cool so I guess you have story in screamer can we just start with screen park can you do that for like a fresh save file wait this game as ghosts or cannon what this game looked peaceful and nice I did you tell me you tell me that there's a single go okay well now okay well now you just spooking me I'm just lying to you guys nothing's ever spooked me before there's two things I've ever been scared of before giant centipedes running up my leg at 3 a.m. and Miss Robin my third-grade teacher in middle school don't want to mess with her I guarantee any ghost that we see here today has got nothing on her scowling face when she finds out I miss my homework basically say this game saves automatically Oh wonderful all right that's what I care about you don't mess with miss Robin is all I'm saying oh oh this is adorable configs Aggie wrote ahead careful that's a sharp left turn you think they would have pave these hills by now or something also why are they taking a bus they could probably just backwards long jump all the way there he starts pulling at the belt goes right into the sign yeah there it is okay we got it ball oh there he is unlikely hero [Music] God why does he sound his voice just sounds like a chair creaking oh it's weird chair not sure who's sitting to make it creak like that here we are oh I can't read why did they make this letter out in lines ah what should I make my little like boarder spookier I'm gonna make my border spookier here oh yeah I like quickly I like make it green I like how they didn't have any more voice lines for Mario Charles Martin a cashed out his cheque for the Mario corporation here yeah he has no desire to do any more of these voices so they have to make do with like the three voice lines they have catch Mario going Yahoo whenever he goes uh sing you know never he takes a single step up a stair yeah also this looks beautiful may I just say I'm taking this for granted but this is wonderful I don't know have you seen my apartment maybe not three storeys tall but it's a little bit better than this weird a wedding cake look intensity oh my good fisheye lens to fit it all in there beautiful but is this Luigi's Mansion in fact this isn't even a mansion it's a hotel when do the lies stop Nintendo oh he oh he's filling him you can tell he's vibin the pelvic thrust is all I need to see oh oh oh now what are the rates scuffling I don't know what the heck that guy on the right was doing that's not how how someone walks oh why was when I spin around learning mechanics for spinning around like Pokemon nothing understood yup does he say yummy hello Mario brother oh you do with that cake Mario good why does that delivery feel not at all what how it should have been Oh doggie delivery felt super out of place but I'll take it Oh God what the heck is up with this guy hold on now here is a gent right here you know it's a jet when their pupils are going in completely polar opposite directions oh that's when you know this is a man of a real high caliber oh and he talks like a radio et with a voice like a radio static how could I not swoon okay beautiful hello peach this hotel is so big Luigi its gorgeously decorated too we're so lucky to have God an invitation to come here you know a guy like Tom back here looking mighty agitated you you want a lozenge steward you okay buddy so I just want to make sure you you're going through something at the time they don't let you take many sick days do you do they okay sick no I'm not ready checking just yet okay I want to keep you looking around a little bit hello toes [Music] I'm not gonna do it forget to pack anything oh wow that's all peaches stuff I Luigi oh this game is so charming this game is already stupidly charming that's the way just internet to them again it's good that they have like a second little thing that you can interact with it's already delightful man all I'm gonna dig this game what else we got over here we got mr. suave food carrier please make yourself comfortable perhaps you'd like to sample our selection of beverages can i sample our selection of beverages nope okay I can only sample you oh oh don't move your eyes like that hold on a minute I take back my free sample please can I take the do you do returns on it does that happen every time I talk to someone and I just missed it wait Luigi just made a a power plug what is that face of Luigi's makin I don't want to know what kind of power face that is oh gosh look I'm already digging this oh yeah bad there's a guy I wish I gave her a rose I'm sorry I'm sorry oh I meant Oh first of all he's got that face he's got that stance but he's got them plants oh my gosh Luigi's hips like look I'm just saying when a game's got good design I'll point it out but like that man swinging hold up okay just get like a okay one more time one more time one more time okay that's good I need to put like a cumulative oh my gosh someone had to animate that and whoever I animated that needs to be put under control my apologies with inconvenience but the elevators temporary surface wonderful because they're so well animated so satisfying whoa what do you think the hotel see pride in the luxury and splendor it offers yeah no kiddin remove your own wrists oh you even laughed and secures the mask do with the subtle animations oh my gosh just like the smaller things are so good and it looks really good like this game looks really solid lately this is I can already tell this gonna be a really strong title I really hope the gameplay lives up to it but of course you know I have heard it does but just like the dog Oh interacting with everything on their own I can literally push things around dude okay I am I have in on this already also hello okay can i interact with you now you're on the phone okay understood wow wow wow he's a li I think I think we're about ready to check-in enough walking let's do some talking hello hello I'm pressing X nothing happened though there we go okay well the last resort only has five is five powerpoints only can be checked in once all of their hotels have been checked into of course so much heavy tarah wait is this like a language weekend a sec is this actually something we can figure out also why your hair look like a Swiffer like I can honestly clean this entire mansion with your hair looks like an actual broom what's up broom groom the brim groom wait go go grouping someone you know what the broom hello we got Helen gravely and I'm the owner of this hotel I am absolutely delighted that you decided to accept my invitation oh she moving oh she's moving she's like a slug you all must be very tired come allow me to show you to your rooms sure no need to worry about your luggage your exceptional staff will take care of it for you ah Oh God the kitchen sitting with the first jump-scare like that he doesn't seem too into it stop stop hope oh my god haha yeah private VIPs after all yes we've prepared a first-rate experience with you all the trappings of luxury shall we get going he said the line he said the line he did it it's Mario come in toggle I'm a good boy wait does she appear in the mirror a little smile oh my goodness I eat too much earlier well does she appear in the mirror ah she doesn't that's such a cool touch that's so subtle gave us sick um we have Mario Luigi both got home let me let me like let me get some water no no no her hair did her hair and her clothing did her actual complete her face does not watch again no no she appeared for her face didn't Mario Luigi and peaches rooms are over here and the toads will sleep outside in the dumpster where they belong we prepared rooms for your toads as well this opens the trash can one way shoot right down hope you enjoy your stay I dare say you'll remember for the rest of your lives ha ha ha nice if I didn't know this franchise I think like humans for elementary schoolers just by by that like one line I don't like that that door just locked but okay oh look at this dude this is sick what's in here oh we got a cup couple things at home I guess oh the heck are you doing huh you've heard of a bidet but how about a good day whenever you give a thumbs up to a toilet it just flushes that's a sudden the toilet makes imagine being like a public stall so when outside the stall gives a thumbs up to your toilet it just is it pops off well don't make that face Luigi what's up with that okay what about this that innovation caveat guard oh my god he's looking he's like it's like a ten-year-old that's actually 10 year old me trying to get on the counter so I can get the straws for the tap cabinet it's it's so good we got robes Oh also how can you pay him he's not gonna go poriyal how whatever he's a good boy though see like it gives me it gives me X prompts but I press X and nothing I guess is just like everything is a far interact range kind of thing because I interact with the dog from over here interesting gotta learn the way the game works first me what does mash X at every nearest opportunity yeah the detection is just super big I have no problems with that though [Music] usually push things around so well what the heck Louie what are you doing buddy have you no shame literally crushing flowers you know destroying that crushing flowers flipping a chair walking into the light oh my gosh they really don't they don't hold back the bloom at all on this third in the start here they have to fit the entirety of a normal games bloom into this one horror game start this is the brightest you'll see your screen for the next like 16 hours of gameplay okay got him see you tried to flush me it gave me a thumbs up the thumbs up of flushing that's all people know how to do in this world no I said open don't close automatically like that what sold me the weed you is way to entertain by that sliding drawer it's okay buddy it's not magic just guys just come motor or something I just push this over game is entertaining oh yeah wait here we go here we go topple the gifts topple the gifts and our key and our key dude I wish this game had like achievements that oh oh oh let's go Luigi who do like a shuffle okay so apparently holding bean means I don't move oh look at him go oh look at my guy go is the first vacation he's had in so long he's really he is feeling himself that's when you know you're having a good vacation walking fees first into gifts yeah topple a baby Wow that's all he got me dust and disappointment just like my last birthday hold on we're going to bed now time to rest it's more gone okay and let the game begin [Music] it's a power-play of a packing trip flashlight a book and some clothing I'll let him get all settled in all relaxed [Music] he's enjoying himself aside for the chill over that's good all my man is out my man is out so he's off he's already dead you've heard of Link's Awakening but how about Luigi's slumber oh okay I know hello all the balloons are angry they were mad that we killed like presents dude I'm gonna spend so much for this game literally just walking around it well oh all the reviews actually tipped me terrified oh my poor guy look at him all the thumbs up and gonna be a thumbs up anymore is it oh wow look at them just suddenly walk away that's not even me holding it or maybe it's my pro controller drifting the most horrifying thing that it could be dude I gotta check out the bathroom oh my goodness totally gonna flush who put you in devil put you in the toilet oh hey uh can we call a broom service I think the bidet is malfunctioning it's supposed to spray water instead it only blood comes out I don't know why I also feel something sharp down there and not into that oh my god I love what every interaction is messed up now this game is sick what the heck okay uh-uh don't mind the hiccups um I need this game to scare him out of me well off those balloons go they didn't die though well there we go first kill of the game interesting so I shouldn't mentioned by the way I've never played the original Luigi's Mansion oh here we go here he comes beware ghosts I don't know where I'm going and baby you're gonna go straight to heck okay and VI damn I've never played the original Luigi's name should should note that what the heck the illusions wear it off just took a long time in my room here he comes I love about even the footsteps like work with this though I like the footsteps match up with Luigi's like weird spinning that's very impressive interesting dude this is all this is sick Mario live oh gosh well ma'am dude Mario got an awful room I am sorry my guy no dude poor thing you got the bad end of the deal didn't he doesn't even have a working bathroom oh so cool Pete's on the ground balloons in the air I saw I saw an ex to interact so I'm gonna match ex they just installed these everywhere don't they this is really cool I gotta get used to this aiming it's really interesting the aiming strat is like okay so quick clarification how you aim well how you aim is you have to like if I hold right on my stick on my right stick I keep rotating if I hold left on the left on the right stick I keep rotating so it's like you have to drive your your field of view and then I'll hold me up and down looks up and down definitely gonna take me a little bit of control okay it's gonna take me a little bit to get used to but I like it definitely I definitely don't mind it at all alright so cool well this definitely gave me something Easter eggs if I shine a a shadow at something but it like it looks like a different shadow dude this game is sick like what the heck of an I'm actually stunned with how cool this game is this is already like a 10 out of 10 game like knock this over I like Kalin and the candle goes out elbow talks about the other games attention to detail part 27 oh my gosh this is awesome what else we got over here so we got peaches stuff they say the courtesy to bring up the the bags now can I get into the bathroom by moving the bags out of the way the ultimate easter egg or is it like pretty scripted like you just can't get in hey I'm not getting any progress on that bottom bag I think the top bag is movable but the bottom bag is sort of anchored there so that way you can't get into the bathroom okay that makes sense I won't be dwelling on everything forever I'm just having my fun I want to I want to open every drawer that I see though it really oh gosh this is good where she has tea I build bulk of peach what's in here paper airplane hello now it's dead and dissolved life be short life cycle those paper planes have there's anything that curiosity what are the settings its wandering a brightness and controls oh hold on interesting so you can do like moving a ball Poulter gusting ha I was curious I might as well check well we have a we have a second so you can't do up and down like this oh oh but by doing this I can constantly look in whatever direction I appoint so this is the way I thought it was going to work where you can like I'm holding down right and it goes down right I'm holding top left it goes top left this is like the expected way of it working interesting oh but I would actually like the other one seems more fluid so I would love to learn like how did how'd it get good at the other one how nice for them to include two like versions of the controls are there motion controls now we'll see no bounce iam how interesting by the way chat no spoilers please we will ban on site hello doom broom well well well if it isn't my most extreme VIP I was just on my way to see you it's a room living up to your expectations does a screen good taste oh I can barely contain myself you have no idea how much I wanted you to accept my invitation why is that I'm sure you're wondering you'll see there's someone I truly adore he's the inspiration for some of my greatest ideas like inviting you here such a huge fan of his that's why it's most so wonderful that I get to introduce him to you that's right Luigi I hope you're ready wow the big guy [Laughter] surprise Luigi it's a me kingboo old coot that coot had me locked up tight in his lab oh but guess what I got out the hotel owner here has just was just dying to meet me so she busted me out pretty lucky uh I mean I see what she likes at him he's a man with a good good size to him all I'm saying he's got the perfect male proportions he's just a ball who needs strong rippling biceps when you have like pegs I take him man he's got like kirby arms most attractive feature anyway enough about me I didn't think you'd actually show up here I was already there just in case in fact my vengeance is nearly complete what do you mean by vengeance Oh glad you asked your silent buffoon I'm trapping you and everyone in your little vacation body it frames ah there there Luigi you know I'll be over soon it's time for a family reunion booyah booming oh wow whoa no they went to a bigger frame Oh ha ha ha ha thank you back oh and there's one more frame of course I saved it especially for you stay right there and put on your best terrified face Luigi this is game over Oh No I don't know I'm a fan of art personally I don't mind it arts pretty cool which is then game over we night time time time well at least we were frame perfect uh good night good night oh my gosh uh yeah restart Wow and think well I can't have my own frame perfect joke oh my god wow he's he is mad oh my gosh hey I don't know anyone who could toss stuff around geez ha ha go go Luigi go Luigi down the chute oh boy here at call this a past Go Go extra jump x2 jump breathe in breathe out think of the better Luigi do well there he goes it's just like ah Luigi's Mansion 3 how do you thought oh that's such a cool title transition that is actually so cool I think they had to copyright two different logos just to make that intro Wow I am already in on this God not my eyeball that's a little bit weird not gonna lie am i dead have you have you come to welcome to me to my afterlife where one thing thing of all laundry oh don't remind me that I literally have to do laundry ah God things are exploding don't remind me of chores Oh King boo just threw down some dirty sheets go get a machine take no prisoners well man he got some soiled pants we'd use a terrifying fellow if you're looking at I'm straight in the eyes no cool Oh Oh go easy booby dude his little minor face features okay okay okay I've got to stop talking about it every single time it happens but like this is so good this is so good oh my gosh I love this so far man okay oh it was a pupper gold up there boy expert laundry always Audio good for you guys I think it is looks just like enough to work I can't step all those oats though you'll see this painting gonna come alive or something audios good right-oh parking garage my next greatest fear after laundry it's arriving and collecting money in garbage all good look at that rat go I've got a super square tail I can't okay okay this is bunny understood hello rat I'm gonna shut up whether I go through some of these seconds man the people store in these chests that's also sick animation I like that it didn't auto collect you have to pick it up yourself but it has all the physics they really just designed the physics engine we're like you know what Luigi's Mansion three we're making it oh gosh right into a spiderweb huh Wow that's a bouncy spiderweb man this games so unrealistic no attention to detail spiderweb doesn't even break I'm ashamed to have been playing this game do this a Mario title you know what's up buddy how'd you get in here wouldn't be surprised if you had to like to clip out of this game you gotta stand on this game just like jump backwards is there a button that makes you say Mario I got no wait a minute it's over now it on d-pad makes him say Mario oh it's over well welcome back to my let's play hello your fool if you think I won't literally call all grip this controller just to say Mario every other frame oh no could we GTA ourselves out of here huh an old friend let's go baby [Music] this is music hello hey [Music] goodbye dog I'm sorry you had to be like this oh yeah a flashbang the dogle it's that oh sorry sorry I'll do the things first always to do the tutorial on the dango what's the L do but blow oh it blow well I see oh I was like II may him right here I of course huh yelling Zr sorry sorry sorry ah I the dog teaching me to do tricks Lindsay definitely doesn't wear the pants in the household does he comfortable what you'll learn yes I am well there he go hmm Luigi's mmm that spoke volumes he is a well I guess I'm here now oh wow he took one step and immediately that happy facade was broken into tears ah give me that much thank you oh now it gets good oh yeah I'll come back you're at come back here all your cover with me do we actually suction up the vet the rat there's a living what the heck spit it out spit it out I'm sorry I didn't mean it well I just killed it with that tire so I guess we move on with our lives Justin I can't move when you do that job the writers imitate me well join your brothers there we go okay don't mind me part-time plumber full-time exterminator we do the job right here so cool try flash banging the rat not like actually turn it I can't I was like claw grip a chat how's it going when you use light mode at 3:00 a.m. all air we go tell anybody whoa there's like a hole in the wall sick there's no way I'm making more than like three minutes of actual in-game progress right now I am just going to be here forever suctioning up everything I hope you guys know that we're literally gonna clean up this entire area the wet sign come here wait so we can blow it away too we can come here get away from you rats fly fear me I am your overlord [Music] Ohio where is he where is he where is he come out come out come out buddy you cannot hold on you cannot wait there is his giant that rat is flying right now this is actually animal abuse I'm sorry but boy is it entertaining hey there at he just go Dhoni huh just broke through the vacuum that what sorry buddy Harry go huh okay oh let me try flashbang in this rat here buddy say cheese oh he didn't just say cheese oh no he said Brooke he said he said I'm out hey buddy goodbye oh my god come into the light buddy he said poop alright then oh my gosh the luigi's the real monster the real monster in this mansion there's a phone book that was in he was entertaining this game has actually so many hours of replayability I can tell right now maybe it's just me like going a little bit too fast here but like I can literally vacuum up the cobwebs Luigi's about to clean this entire area I just picked up a smash invitation hold on a minute rat confirmed for smash as he would be if I wasn't messing with him just so you can't jump oh you can't but you can't move it's not like a telling of running a jump or anything oh hey hey come back here come back here I might have killed everyone in your family but now you're next Luigi dies - rats the game okay okay okay let's get the doughnuts - dude I'm already in this this is sick what they do again is a yeah all right are you GU eg you Oh Oh Luigi covered in blood not sure what just happened to him interesting so these three elements we will free this gem eventually oh this is so satisfying this is actually not look at us go it's so much money why were you keeping like I like $300 just kick it around in here oh my god we're robbing this whole place you took my friends I'm taking your towels fair trade fair trade it's Hotel towels they're naturally very wavy you know very nice I got money smooth wait come here ma'am don't run from me don't run e money please please I'm very poor I bought this game I want it back what was up here yeah you didn't like the noise the smell huh okay okay okay let's make some progress here I've had my fun I've had my fun all kind of hold on a minute I'm about to have a lot more fun because get that money yes I can whenever something gets stuck you can use that and get it this is amazing I can free the money and then grab it from the air that is sick okay okay okay let's make let's make some progress let's make some progress I'll see you apparently gonna hold B I don't know what the purpose of that is but maybe I will find a purpose later okay there we go we got that progress ride well I I definitely see some money up here whoo whoo yeah Mike it's a blow here we go kind of there we go well there's one more up there that's a done action yo oh we got over here a bunch of literally golden bars all of which would give me 20 gold fascinating oh why is that shaking I'll have to flash it dice come let's not give me any any hints old move on from that actually fantastic yo hello that's definitely like a locked area oh whoa but not locked to us we don't pop off you press the button well you'll be okay man what kind of vending machine is this this is a machine gives me money and apparently everything on the bottom row why can't the gatoring machine III have do something like that you kidding me I want to go to my colleges a Gatorade machine and get everything like that best vending machine in my life gin drinks drink some drink once again otherwise I should note I made a Luigi's Mansion video earlier today not on the actual game but on the hype surrounding Photoshop I really wanted me down the channel right these guys wanna take a look at that our busy cleaning this place up oh my goodness please fall or something it looks got something it's so it dude it's so entertaining just like cleaning up everything the splatoon player in me is going nuts I feel like complain reversed turf war dude real talk if Nintendo learns from this game and realizes that like this is a really fun thing to do I'd be so happy let's go back invitation don't hollow like that Luigi now Carl eyes all weird hold on there's something down there I hate to double back where there's something right there I see like a yellow gem and those usually involve secrets of some variety at least it seems like they do I sleep my boots next time I give me a bunch of money okay so everything has to have three checks from what I'm seeing everything in this game will have three checks suck a blow and a push what a way to live life here okay interesting what are you on here also a flash a suck a blow a flash and a push that frankly this game is a little bit it's stepping it's a age ratings overstep in the age ratings a little bit but you know guys we just take the whole couch with us one either I get a fine for Mikey at this rate my gosh okay we just get the whole couch absurdity also I'm definitely like learning those good the controls I'm getting used to them what diagram it's just satisfying doing that oh hello okay I like I like like nah okay sometimes we can't we can't mess with that yet understood all right of course [Music] haunted power tools oh look at him go oh he wants to pet the dog oh that's adorable kill him kill and life die you're dead come here buddy oh it's a flashing first don't I have to be like yeah and then I can start the oh come here buddy hop on it okay get him get him dead I'm gonna have to claw grip for this game aren't I Oh Oh my home do percent about the claw grip this game you get them all the dogs getting involved to all this sick though well you don't like that sending the sending the Lions Luigi can't mess with living flesh okay oh my gosh punchy for quite a bit okay like do that well I know I'm working I'm working on it yeah help me out buddy right right right oh my god this is the mario game that's so cool such amazing game fly man i so does never played the original Luigi's Mansion this is sing I love how we have dog to help me oh that's such a clever guy dude I am loving so much about this game it literally wow I can't believe I have to do there this game does everything so well like literally I was I think they just told me how to get like like if my next objective is to get up there by using literally the good old popper there's no way I can't get this right it was actually just banjo grabbing a jiggy don't tell me that wasn't literally the banjo animation of him grabbing a date holding everything that oh oh flash networks oh ho vacuum it up please can't do that doesn't like that bay-buh I will be super Luigi all that money yes and the rubber duck a treasure more valuable than life itself I'm adoring this so far bad I'm not sure if you can tell this is looting all I did was loot one small subsection and that entire bit took like one minute at least it was fun the entire time thick alright get all the pumpkins first what the heck no way no way yo what's up oh one second one second carefully aim geez oh I didn't do it I'm sad I thought that was the play what's up phone yo we just ate that pumpkin though the phone just will eat that pumpkin I don't know who's calling but I don't wanna mess thanks Pam calls me never knew my car insurance okay good like no don't eight okay yeah okay stop yes hello rings oh stick like I like can I not get that open maybe I need to use more pumpkins on it is okay huh wait wait wait one more pumpkin I really figured this is gonna be the strat no it's not even budging I highly doubt that's the answer sucking all this stuff and the heart what does this game has all the way it does it does seem to have a little bit of auto-aim oh wow huh interesting yeah I know this game definitely has a little bit of auto-aim I appreciate it though Gaming is very finicky it seems so I think that's a very good idea considering how odd the aiming is Oh a nation how far we can I shoot that see what's up there what's in this what is that a bunch of money if you got the whole capital in there and more pumpkins I wanna shoot myself not the whole line okay well I mean I guess let's progress well damn [Applause] so you you have to leave the key behind I see interesting the key you still here though the next time you get it okay okay that's good to know the key is always gonna be used in in the area that you're in huh okay okay well I don't believe we've actually gone up to where our daughter was instructing us before let's go on up sorry for the detour buddy where we going dude anything over here is gonna be the tagline of this series man I'm gonna be constantly looking around for this stuff [Music] okay that's a smaller key that I'm sure mmm good Tim cops oh honey good I know your flesh and blood are no longer flowing and functioning well I got some money to grab do you see those cups they look mad destroyable poor guy we got a freedom Oh kind of like oh I like hold on hold on dog Oh dog oh thank you dog maybe this game was ready of this pup or a name what we calling this guy very helpful second implant doesn't matter hello hey off he goes hold the pup Oh him Oh hold up up oh oh I need the key yeah holster pup is a little bit of a mouthful though Polti Oh Jo giggles hello okay double clever sack of money oh it's a giant sack of money oh here we go we struck it rich ladies and gentlemen dude there's so much to be gained by just infinitely things up oh hello what a cleverly hid thing y'all have this game ain't the sickest thing along I can tell right now I'm gonna be surely entertained buddy this entire experience there we go sir what is this I can take off the clothing what the heck huh what that's so weird do a quick flash they're so cool we do where you put that gem Luigi what oh I can tell what that phase exactly where he put it and we keep on walking I see they aren't too keen on me are they lots of get him get him double flash oh I know he's a runner he's a runner no running here da oh you know you don't NATO NATO ah well I need a better way of hitting the flash button I was like claw grip when I'm in this mode there we go if I claw grip it's nice and easy oh let's go man oh yeah I am terrified let's go back like normal for all this segments let's clean this up real fast I want them to know they're I'm being looked for [Music] is there another bun I can press so it's like flash oh oh right trigger oh never mind oh I mean they're so smart now they have left a bumper you left trigger notice I left bumper left foot right bumper I knew how to say words you can use right bumper to like games sick real dog okay right right can we call them flop I actually love flop I don't know why but flop is such a good name whole line where a who said that so I can remember that for the future who said that can we please call him flop for the fail pup or also maybe it's like floating pup I like floating pup call him flop who said that it's a mystery name the uncredited genius I apologize well flop exists now oh is Graham people are saying thank you Graham flop the pup okay [Music] okay I was a flop hey what's up flop dude this is I can tell right now this is the this is the name set in stone this will go down for the ages I'm sorry buddy what knows that you'll sleep what the heck oh what a strangely convenient thing to have locked away [Music] oh oh is that my left bumper now tried to guess some I would look at this guy what [Music] that's plainer bothers me Oh what's up with that spider I'm sure he's like i some sort of collectible that was when luigi knew he messed up why the hag this is sick bring the stuff to life nah okay goldfish better give us money okay sounds right all right to take them all this thank you very much pull that pig that pig is stuck in the way oh let's go Pig you're coming with me buddy that much determination nice buddy this is not supposed to work seems suspicious in here I wonder how many puzzles are gonna be able to be done by blowing considering how sucking seems to do the job not alive with his game oh there we go now we did it feel like it's gonna be here oh it's money I understand okay baby you guys I'm busy smashing piggy banks Luigi's striking it rich here the perks of being the only one alive in this staying world who's gonna have ten grand before they take a single breath okay hate sake they made this game way too much fun here go flop let's go flop what the heck flop is within the flop was within us all along okay then do what he definitely just jumped into me well okay then here we go bring him out [Music] he dies on impact oh yeah oh yeah oh okay mm-hmm my spine is shattered that's the guy right there oh I love him so we'll animate oh my god if you aren't Lee Lewis management you are drooling at the mouth for this game are you oppa oppa is Luigi you are precisely the last person I'd expect to find here now isn't the time to catch up what matters is you know you'll do nicely come on Luigi do I get the suction his head and shoot his head like a melon the hotel is filled to the brim with ghosts let's make a run for it man to man right am i mad of course well that's a sucks the same as ever I say yeah yep okay I'm not thrilled about it but I Professor elven GAD we have to get to my car will you take me there oh yeah hey the new Poltergust gue you're wearing Oh G zero zero excuse me you took that out of my car right we've got to get back to the underground garage let's go is this an escort mission oh no you say I'm a handful huh huh well well I just need a second this is the boss my right here is like a Final Fantasy zoom in on him I'll just let him do his thing let him get it out of his system he's look a lot a lot goes through your brain when you're trapped inside of a painting for that long can I just um [Music] don't mind me just uh where's my boy give it a second I love doing YouTube way all I there it goes [Music] God do I love streaming yeah that's a Sukkot gee by the way that's my guys to go jeans cover oh god where's my normal view shoutouts to my boy sue Koji good old sue goji DejaVu initial d cover eventually its first one even though I searched for it search for the second one I bought gave me permission to use that in the last video and save my skin he's a beautiful guy I'm sorry Kay like can I help you okay you know what you don't interrupt a man on a mission look if he's doing his own thing I'm clearly not gonna stop it yeah a little bit winded are you oh yeah but you're not done going back for round number three you can't stop a man with passion it's all I'm saying right number four right number four you feel it it just keeps going he takes a break who needs a ring for adventure when you have ring oh good I'm gonna I'm gonna let him up with some sympathy here and actually try and leave the room come on there we go he's making his way over woah that's what we call a backwards long jump a backwards long spin his spinning the circle for long enough they you built up speed for 12 hours it's buh uh hey Luigi over there give me a second man just give me a second oh my god that's so funny dude if I walk away and he does it again I'm actually exiting this game okay elevator garage sick don't do it follow me peace Lee yet dude I love having him follow me it's really cute so okay now he reacts to it woo hey cheese buddy no eg why please don't wait oh oh you can use gyroscopes for this for this what hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on controls horizontal only wait so if I do this right between the title screen oh I can what the heck this is actually so cool dude part numbers 28 of this game is actually amazing I gotta get it like used to doing it this way now oh that's awesome alright sick well in that case okay so I got the full range of motion now okay hello please okay so oh there we go would you look at that it's money in lots of it don't worry I'm still getting all that don't go see interesting grabbing it what's the saying you can't take it with you well I definitely want it anyway good keep your eyes peeled you grab as much as you can of course of course well now that I can like all it's so much easier to control I'm just done I gotta get used to it again this is a masterpiece so far all this someone has removed all the elevator buttons oh my god know where the damn many bosses I love this game already okay I missed you for later bye suppose go ahead and put input give that be one button to push hey you can aim of course again so menu always a thinker it didn't seem like any of her friends were trapped on to floor with me or floor to they must have been taken to one of the floors higher up in the hotel which means yeah we're gonna need those elevator buttons okay no need to like scream and follow anybody understand me five feet away in the hotel like I know there's some clingy people out there but come on man we need to hover parent Luigi he's okay he can take care of himself sorry is this money tree it's a money tree okay I have to get used to the controls to the aiming now because the aiming is like sorry it's different than what I was just doing and it's throwing me off a little bit because I was just learning how to do the other aiming right yeah using this but that's are you okay so what if I like look up and oh it's gonna be so much easier to aim like this well first of all yes sorry buddy oh my excuse me gotta get all this money oh good okay where is floppies fellas chillin oh gosh oh okay yeah coming from you that's rich buddy Parish that's what I thought yeah Oh back off buddy Oh looks like you're getting lost where'd he go Oh long live the king buddy what thought also incredibly intimidating this seems oh he's coming hurry Luigi go little thing we ever-- oh he's not combat suit it is oh there's something in that one maybe never mind hold on a minute first of all get him where is he what a mess you want to mess buddy I don't think it worked hold on there we go there we go mess them up there we go I'll destroy everything that you had here where is he where is he I'm ready for him we locked and loaded as they say definitely down here Bob he's height there he is he's not hiding well though I always seen easy stick hiding from the flash there we go always on the wielding yeah leymah bio we can I use it against him oh no he's using it sorry buddy the suitcase is already occupied boy bird come here ah yeah o'clock wish for death but you will never truly get it what the heck yeah ha ha you found me one just pops out yeah Oh buttons Oh was it definitely the elevator button I never would've guessed the ghost had taken them all there is flop flop flip flop how would be buddy but there are only two maybe there other ghosts out there were the rest of the buttons no matter let's go to my car I've got something very interesting I want to show you I guess I'll go [Music] hold on oh my gosh you crazy old man oh [Music] okay what have you given me oh it's green are you so into what the heck it's a lab [Laughter] that's good photos some about that stands out to me oh I see what back oh I get it the home base of operations wonderful don't call it a frisbee dungeon chat you know this is the frisbee guide welcome to my lab it's another my brilliant invention the portable laboratory it's 30 safe and air-conditioned I always knew I'd need this one day you think I brought it along with me right music even in here it's still the Luigi's Mansion theme so good like adaptive music hmm you want to know what I'm doing in this hotel it's a bit of a long story but in short I was tricked I got an invitation from someone claiming to own this hotel they said they had a fresh precious collection of ghosts gathering from all around the world no self-respecting ghost researcher would pass up such an imperious lien when I arrived the invitation was only a ruse they captured me and took my precious goes collection that includes all the ghosts you work so hard to catch for me before even kingboo losing him really got under my skin not out of his lo he has none of that he's my favorite what they've released kingboo that hotel owner what is she died and Luigi y'all our only hope against all odds without any hesitation and at any cost get my ghost collection back and speaking of ghost collections why don't you give me all of the money you've captured so far yeah that's a joke by the way I'm I'm not actually joking though double joke I'm very poor technically homeless if it weren't for this turtle all right keep on catching those ghosts out be sure to come back to the lab I'll set up the gallery so that you can view with a ghost that you've captured what's that look Luigi never gained something important kunibert patina Wow oh of course that's right I forgot about your friends and family completely and totally forgotten regardless the fine ghosts in your friends you'll need to explore this hotel to help you out I'll give you one of my greatest inventions yet of course it doesn't go against copyright obviously they call it the virtual boo maybe for short I think I think I saw references before it's a state-of-the-art virtual reality device fitted with a fancy red screen really cutting-edge stuff and red it's all the rage you know just wait till they finish the marketing materials on this it'll fly off the shelves that's a really huge reference I like that you can use the VB to communicate with me at any time hey maybe we're gonna test out the communication system later first plus to look at the VB it still the display your current objective for you buy useful oh one more thing to give you a brother a very serious thing you'll need to install this elevator tracker inside the elevator for me that's for what it is he'll tell you later go on and get it installed and for the elevator I'm counting on you Luigi Oh Oh see okay so this is Ari this is the big hub ain't it well this is a whole lot of hub oh oh oh oh wow so now we're in the game now at least from what I can tell we are in like like the the proper game guy yeah I got ya well hello there all I have to be some money down there there we go it also [Music] yeah gem in here area so I guess every area has a bunch of different gems as well as I got it dad check okay look man professor you guys only person I'm gonna trust in this cruel world sometimes you gotta accept that okay now we make a to the elevator let's hop on it hello hello I love how they have mirrors that help you like a detective oh hello ah simple communications hello Luigi seems like the installation was a success now then as to what that device actually does well it extracts map data about the floors from the elevator and then it takes all that data in this space at all on the monitor isn't that great hey why don't you take those elevator buttons you collected insert them into the panel Hey ha ha oh my god he's popping off Oh [Music] squirting nice and tight apparently it's all about elevator buzzes just smooth don't they huh good a job now able to view the map of a new floor with a nice surprise Luigi it's that device links with the virtual booth the map data is automatically sent to the VB so you can view the map anywhere any time if you open the map for the VB menu you can check out an even more detailed map don't go forgetting about it ok let me break it down for you Luigi the map is super useful for exploring new floors well you're exploring the hotel you should hunt down the elevator buttons those buttons will let you reach new floors right for exploration oh you might find your friends there one more thing you before you go Luigi we need you to go do a quick test of the VB communication system open the revealer plus it's like the egad hotline don't click any of the other High Line's of Luigi those are for my personal use alone Luigi I'm counting on you Luigi whatever you say buddy that's really clever beautiful alright so uh we're going with ya testing testing 1 2 3 this is he yeah resident genius am i coming through loud and clear fantastic if he is that the BBS communication system is working perfectly that means you can use this to contact me anytime you need to you feel you need to talk to me there's no exactly what you did for the test in Luigi I may be able to offer some advice in a tough situation oh you could also look at the at the catalog using the very same system let me know if that's why you're calling and you'll be able to see your progress okay testing my inventions is fun but we should get back to work and speaking of work I have a job for you so you're able to take the elevator to up to five floor right now right for floor 5 I was actually staying in a room on that floor there's a briefcase in my room would you fetch it for me Luigi there's artifacts in there I know what getting it's the wrong hands Luigi you understand how easy they relate to the other hotline I'll do my room numbers was it what was it yeah you got the map you'll figure it out good luck Luigi try to come back alive yeah please please I really don't want that suitcase falling into the wrong hands especially Twitter please inside that it's very near a dear to me please don't hang up Luigi I'm very lonely okay umm how about that so so this is I guess where you can see the settings Oh interesting okay sick basil oeg don't hang up ah so our pause menu has now been taken over by the by the hotline here provided by the by the pause menu interesting I never thought a persona 5 looking map screen would uh wait we fit so well in a Luigi's Mansion game oh how interesting also my it's drifting Oh No Oh the most horrifying thing to encounter realizing your pro/con is drifting no okay hold on one second city city city the city tttt nope no nope not that doop doop de doop this isn't the best way of doing it but at least might help it yeah it's freaking out um calibrate hello be canceled wait a minute what calibrate their egos this might at least help it that's why I did for the right stick when it was drifting it's still drifting no yeah it doesn't gonna it's not gonna help it did help my right stick it's definitely gonna keep drifting that's okay at least is not drifting often it's a good controller too man this is this is actually a new controller this is a brand this is like a three month old controller at maximum and maybe a little bit more blow on it oh there we go fixed okay cursor level a presume dude I am actually getting like I'm getting really happy just looking at this game dude I'm getting really happy just looking at this game okay okay all on he said five four five right I understood dude I am really into this and you can walk around as it loads the level this is so cool man this is so cool so you have something to do all the game loads can I just say this game my quick thoughts on this this actually has the making to be a Nintendo masterpiece I really hope this game keeps living up to my expectations the entire way through because I am I'm really liking him over getting out here spooky scary my four guys horrified whoa oh oh we're gonna call yellow yellow no it's red Luigi you stupid creature I've told you this I'll await you hey I just remembered I just remembered something important I collected to mention you're an idiot a failure and a disgrace well lock Luigi that potagooo of yours has a new feature that I had to call suction shot it'll work as a weapon for you and your benches it use why defy a rubber plunger you can stick it on a flattened on to fly and smooth surfaces they've used the poltergeist go to suck up the rope and then present you can toggle objects and pull off a powerful slam to break them you should stop shooting it yeah things right away practice makes perfect if they're all and we don't forget to get my briefcase Luigi yeah please Luigi hi it's really not a joke you please don't open it either oh god please it could ruin me Luigi well ok bye it was amazing everybody the smash grabs that's up with why what okay I think left bumper would do the same trick oh hold on okay a little bit heavy for me what so okay so why fire is that it's exactly as I thought left bumper also fires this so you can use left bumper in conjunction with with right bumper to do all your normal face button inputs the only face button thing that you can't do with the the it's so good this game is so good cuz I was literally about to sleep the only thing that you can't do okay ready right bumper does the a input left bumper does the Y input but then I'm like oh you can't do the X input wait a minute you hold them together and it does the X input you don't need to use the face buttons like at all in this game which makes it so much easier to do a dual stick this game is so good that means you could always just like let me do this I never need to press X or use the face buttons okay here's why I love that right here's why I love that it's just intuitive if I'm using my two thumbs to be moving and aiming I don't want to be in the middle of calm and be like oh I want to flash them let me move to a oh no now I can't turn because I'm locked into this Direction thing but that's not the case apparently though if you hold B you can actually still do that apparently holding B and also a allows you to rotate which is just another control option sure do not want to use the bumpers but then you just use the bumpers and you can do every control option on the go while still aiming this game is really good like this so far is more impressive than Mario Odyssey to me and I might actually end up enjoying this more than breath of the wild which is a scary thing to say that a Luigi's Mansion game could potentially be the best game on the switch well we'll have to find out as we go through that that's a bold claim like that's a really bold claim I don't I don't know but I'm just saying man like this so far it's good it's it's really good I think so what time is it right now currently an hour and 40 minutes into the stream we can keep going a little bit more okay I wanted to go through everything right now but I'm fine with doing this God dude this is oh I'm knocking okay I'm not gonna unnecessarily talk it up any more if it's necessary to talk it up I will but if I keep on talking it up like this I'm gonna start disappointing myself okay so you do need to press anything that's not a problem cuz you can't aim it that you can't aim during this time so it's like fine like there's no problem there if I keep talking up this beam forever though here's my worry right if I keep talking about this game forever it starts to number one get repetitive and number two I don't want to be like this on day one and then by day three be like yeah but it just doesn't have enough content look you know what I mean like what we'll talk about it when we need to talk about it but for now we're just gonna enjoy as we do what happens now I see it's just over there some tells me we might need to jump out of there you may not be able to point out its flaws yeah exactly like the more you just overly compliment the game the lore is is just like a I don't know like I worried it's gonna turn into like a like a going a little bit too much I don't know we'll figure it out we'll figure it out for now though just know I am impressed that's all I will say and we'll keep going from there Chris exit the window oh oh I see I see ah Thank You chat yeah careful buddy look before you step your nerd always scared straight I'm sorry didn't mean to insult you like that I'm working on it buddy are you gonna move on Luigi hurry please you wimp your brother's jump man and you are certainly jumping man gosh what is this haunted bathroom in a golden rat okay so we can get the lay of the land before we actually go in okay my one worry is that there's a lot of inputs on my shoulder buttons for now I'll likely review resolved later through this music getting mad creepy oh I hate it oh it's my old apartment No oh no please okay I said I didn't like centipedes but I'm also not really partial to spiders Oh No thank you yeah goodness me oldest music is wall this is Monica s music I've ever heard it I'm getting like guardian vibes just listening to this what the heck someone get that guy off the piano he needs to be controlled please it's okay my guy you can play something more common like ode to joy you don't have to keep on having like you don't have to keep on flopping around on the piano just to play a song I'm trying to figure I might be able make something happen there you probably need to like go in the opposite way they tried suction coming in that I got to no avail this is where I came in from that's right okay so this is where I came in from can't do that puzzle all right let me kill the last spider just one of those kinds of things they're killing spiders nothing yet already today okay yes I did the whole [Music] no-nothing seemingly doing the trick yet yeah no that's okay I'm getting a strange suspicion let me try this one more time yeah I know I'm getting the suspicion that is that we can't do that yet oh yeah there is a fan so potentially that's a gooey G kind of thing Luigi can you not oh come on buddy can't make it up there all right I'm suspicious I feel like I'm supposed to be able to do something there Chris X on the whole you need GUI G okay that makes sense yeah yeah let's get ourselves a GUI G oh oh oh he's not a fan Wow he just goes Donny no scream no fear just acceptance after all that caution of not falling I was really sure you would jump or something sure buddy sure like a break no kidding okay I guess this is my face yeah I know Kim the poor guy that really caught me off guard hold on okay okay I see what's going I see what's going on right um do we look into this window I know we looked into a window and then we also um we went in an area so is this the window that we looked into I know there's an X input around here that's this one okay but we can't mess with that yet I don't believe okay okay all right understood let me through there we go use the dark light on the gap wait you mean like the dark light you mean this this feels suspicious leaks like something I can't do yet dark light cannon via reveal invisible things get to press that very close together interesting up I've like got DuBose look I'm going to assume okay okay okay go to my room we get the briefcase okay so eg I'd yells at you a bunch we get turned around you can always double check no with the VB alright alright I'm working on it interesting yeah there's clearly other things we can do here so likely let's do that everyone's right the graveyard I just bring them back nah okay all right what's in here hmm the old spooky room filled with various pick up apples and other such balloons bathroom included in hiding time vibes here it's okay buddy it's just a spider you've killed so many of them before okay we're definitely getting gooey G soon I've seen a lot of gooey G evidence I'm also learning how to control the Queen from the floor guide huh yeah I'm getting the hang of controlling this thing still a little unwieldy cuz I got used to the other control scheme even though I think this is the better one for me it'll take a little bit use the dark light you when you see dark low you are referring to like you are referring to like this right I'd imagine you'd be referring to this yes okay say well we're not going to worry about it for now I wonder who is here what if there are other residents in here that we can find like almost like spoilers of ahead of time from being around here you know what I mean like this might be waluigi 'he's room for all we know a blue toad you're in the bathroom god I wonder what secrets you can find in this game I can't wait to watch a speedrun of this game foreshadowing what did I say dude watching a speedrun this game will be so cool hey hey me Rhett okay use those controls again that's okay hello not sure if you're giving spoilers or what but let me enjoy my blind playthrough it I will I will miss things I'm not a perfect gamer but let me enjoy my own personal play through this game all you know when suggestions are open and welcomed online will not be for today we'll mess around with online another day this is gonna be a yeah okay dude in the puzzle mechanics what a game man yeah first of all all these spiders are more please huh oh I never go all these spiders and more there we go also I think I just get I'm getting a call no I'm not gonna get a call I thought I saw the the VB acting up in the top right that's just the map we're standing still for a second so good oh good well not gonna interact with literally everything I do you want to keep on moving how you get it early oh this is Australian copy this is just Australian well thankfully they still speak English there's no like issues technically I can also forgotten the Japanese copy for that you know would've been too good for me considering I don't speak Japanese the beautiful power of having an open are quite simple gameplay upside down Oh chat oh you the beautiful power of having a Inanna region lock switch which is all of them very nice Japanese copy has English oh that's good to be fair though I wouldn't trust it cuz you never know if they don't have a fair like every area I'm working on it the elbow is the true gamer yeah no kiddin the bowling ball thing we are armed you are no longer feel good I'm almost sad I'm playing this game on my own like on a stream it seems like such a like a strong non streamed game you can't interact with things when you look we just knocks himself out oh boy we got over here we have a golf course of course we got over here a baseball where's the golf ball you can't just give me a little hole but not have a guy not have the golf ball unless that baseball is required huh actually one thing I didn't realize yet I didn't think of but um wonder what happens well first of all I love the Ottaway me very nice wonder what happens yeah yeah buddy give it to him Luigi give it to him yeah you're not a fan of that are you what happens when I reset a room like what if I come back in here does it like reorganize itself it doesn't oh wow interesting so once you destroy something is you you kind of commit to destroying it I mean I don't know why you wouldn't want to do why you would want to be set it huh oh boy here we all over to combat well don't worry now now I'm trained in arms here hey hey hey don't try and attack me don't try to attack me buddy I'll combo you from one to another come here yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought get out of here buddy I don't like the back on to give them the good old greens so putz weighing at 300 pounds comes Luigi himself the green missile okay oh oh oh hold on a minute what the heck is that like a bat drill no good every little thing about this game is crystal Pollock you can't give me money or something huh Wow okay dark light was this just thing like the last gamer was in this game - Oh Jack what the heck oh yeah what are you lost spirits join my vacuum cleaner okay whoa are you telling me there's even more to discover beyond the physical plane whose name is not Oh him here there we go allow me reflection dad you ruined me there's no I can't just do this all the time goodbye cruel world as far as Louie didn't like freak out yeah well hold on different races there we go oh it's a whole storeroom cuz we're Waluigi was staying in the back room where no one can find him his own private stash of gold and crowns like the king he is okay I'm feeling like this is another GUI Jie thing if I had to guess okay okay okay I'm definitely feeling like it's a GUI G kind of thing oh let me get let me let me let me back out of here before I progress it was like stretch for a second here oh can you just able again harassing you over Virtual Boy text I mean I don't mind it cuz it's just like me taking a super long time Oh answer me yet probably you can probably turn this off but honestly as a streamer I kind of like having it so it reminds me to keep on track I like it a little bit but it does seem like you can turn it off which is amazing that you can actually if you so desire turn it off so you can infinitely explore beautiful beautiful hey hey no no no spoilers chat I will ban I will ban don't give me hints about the gems don't do anything any of that let me let me let me play the game myself I mean I'll just lick Valerie chat but like for other people that are in the chat - okay you guys room well we got all I made you're doing a horrible job by the way that mop actually just produces dust oh we gotta kill someone now oh we gotta kill him whoa oh no oh that's really weird you fool wait what what yeah what's in that suitcase the way you get I'll take this all back with me not a book will be left unturned I got you covered buddy taking all your money too hello good for you keeping money in the pillow hope you didn't want to see yet again egad you guys my guy what is this he yet eyes are gonna be money or a body hidden in here frankly I'm scared to check he has a trusting smile and that's probably the most worrisome part what's in here you guys huh well we'll never know hey did you destroy that blue potion that was in my room you know that that that blue potion that contained the key to turning your brother back from a being and painting fogged you you destroyed that by any chance the Ouija how fast can you run I have a gun loaded but you better get started Luigi you better get started running Cerritos hey Luigi sorry I was busy and I just got back to my desk did I miss anything important what's the status of my briefcase what a ghost took it off with it I won't do know what I won't do it all don't just stand there get after her bye I mean I'm curious witzy give me a second gamer I gotta check everything hello what is this is GUI G all the same beautiful yep I knew it I knew this give me something ah I knew they'll give me something get out of here also by the way die what are you doing our crystal goes come on you can't run we literally can't run you have no legs I will not allow you to can you jump off okay like yes well here I go watering the telescope look at me like a good homeowner rub that yeah okay just like a mitt nice and easy and just oh alright I can't launch it oh hey hold on there probably wouldn't be two secrets in the same room the usual gist take all those drop it drop it Louise drop it Luigi put it down Luigi I want to stack everything up in front of a door and go into the door this is launches it okay well first of all yeah I was already ready for this one oh my god OOP what is this oh well hopefully this wasn't too important buddy it's a my knee toes in oh wait that's a seven excellent okay look at the back I'm attempting to but I'm not getting any in any X input my X inputs are about the drawers like all right no it doesn't seem to be doing anything no I'm not getting anything from this that's okay we move on oh boy water the bed now that's an option having tried chat Oh Ricky why you caring we've told me so many of them so far is that go here's like off well I'm next aren't I wait open up that bed yeah yeah get all the money out of it big brain plays let's go Luigi deal all the money from it that's so clever John Justine is so intuitive who's in my mind sucking it all up to oh I got to replay all of these just as ooh oh my god egad you're bald you don't need to use any of this stuff what what do you have the scissors for you yet you got one giant like turnip looking hair but like I don't even want to know what some of these are for Luigi why do you hate your head would you know he just hangs his head when he's like in the middle of the scissors and to me oh god poor guy okay what do we have here [Music] atmospheric music I got some I got some like I just got so many questions for you again what do you poop gold got in it that's pretty high up on my list of questions why do you literally poop gold also why is your toilet paper made of dollar bills you guys we got a talk buddy also where's your recycling oh I guess it's in the top-left corner of the room yeah you and me got to have a conversation especially about where you keep your money no jacket all right no wonder he became such a credible person oops golden bars but wouldn't wanted to be his friend after that here we go well hey I'm sorry sir this is actually a cash-only restaurant oh I'm no problem gonna use your bathroom uh sure cool thank you five minutes later comes out so I have what you asked for but you may not like how I got it okay in advance toilet paper yeah right it's just like tier five toilet paper it's like a level 20 unlock there we go where else with the money from dark moon of God clearly right there in places where the Sun don't shine curse room 508 I'll remember that forever for the next three seconds two seconds I have no idea where we just worked okay so we can't go in there yet okay here's my assumption let me check the next room over before we started wandering here she technically went into the next room okay so I thought hey everybody up Oh scrubbed up blood popped up oh I see I see which is so when she stops moving it's officially like oh no no stop it how dare you how dare you okay okay I see but I see the course of action to take it's gonna be a flap into blop into yeah there we go pull it right out get out of there no one doing what don't you want that he's too fast too slippery yeah right now man you call it the worst time I'm an Luigi here's a fun bit of trivia for you every time you open a door you go through a door all of your progress to that point saves automatically but it might not be if you move too quickly from door to door to door to door so you get the idea I'd say waiting 10 seconds should be enough you know they say a patience is a virtue keep up the good work covering up for autosave not working all the time good to know good to know that is actually horrifying also die yeah I know I couldn't be seen for a second who knows where I could have been yeah come here come here hole in one baby come here come here no no no don't don't don't die I was on par for good dunk you right in there you would fit okay now we got to go all the way over here probably oh hello oh so this is this is the final room at my bad my bad my bad release her it's a stunner use the plunger give them a quick slam and that's the game get her get her all the way [Music] another one to my collection why am I doing this oh please just don't open it for his save Chris Luigi would you put that suitcase would you wait wait you where you put that suitcase no not there how many things can you he's a talented man what can I say hey seems you all so quiet a new elevator button along with my briefcase well done Luigi come on back to the lab right literally a pocket dimension huh all right uh and so we progress I suppose wearing aunt Fanny Rembrandt Brown wearing aunt Fanny my fanny I'm a bad smell I'm opening a button so no one find me I'll be undetectable all right now return to the lab understood and so we progressed yeah so why doesn't lead you have like two islands like he has the like I casing but then when he blinks he has another I like internal eyelid it's like a lizard or something anyway Weezy looks like you're able to get the third floor the third floor now but before you had there bring my briefcase back to the lab I need it understood I believe that is b1 if I'm not mistaken hmm but if hot you can shake the elevator like this I like reveal something yeah if I like airy gal cross the streams no nothing all right also we go what a great way of doing transition times I mean of course it's still a long transition time but like it's very acceptable one also do you like don't get you have to do it every time or is it just like a bonus yeah it's just really got bonus I see I see weird okay now where Oh what am i doing wait timeout now where hey there it's a GU easy time go back and read me my briefcase jumped up huh please don't make me pull it out oh what I wanted the time has come to use an embattled I'm too old to be catching duis myself rather than give up on my ghostly pursuits I thought create a helper just to take my place oh there he is there he is Oh was that your latest invention from the brilliant mind of a professor you got I give you flubber I heard about it in a movie once the development process was a real challenge to say the least fortunately I had a little help from someone to test the prototype how's it going to help now now take it easy here Luigi I'm going to attach this to the Poltergust goo turn around for me would you what there we go load it up Luigi let's practice a bit follow me outside eight would you move Luigi Luigi do not be standing there Luigi hurry Luigi well interesting odd then you had this all rigged up and couldn't just now and I'll use a normal great showing up okay yeah I've got you in my trap Luigi don't worry I'm just kidding kind of you look inside the suitcase no I was just kidding then but I am going to meet you to stay locked up why are you asking because I want you to use GUI G to try and escape from your saddle oh yeah good I think what we do with our we call him to us saying press R twice here we go oh there we go ah behold is your very own personal assistant Joey G wait you can slip through tight spaces like great servants listen vanes I can slip through veins and expand killing your enemies from within hey what am I doing with my life his body is incredibly soft and malleable not malleable it's really quite amazing come on see for yourself woof Ouija there you go he moves in basic the same way you know so controlling him should be you man shouldn't take much getting used to oh and that reminds me forcing one sang-gui G is active let you switch between him and yourself remember that aren't you such a prankster Luigi's isn't even waterproof Luigi if it gets wet at all you'll melt and disappear so please don't cry on him we know you cry a lot so it's all I ask Luigi ever feel sadness he destroys himself from within it's actually quite poetically sad Luigi I don't know why I designed him like that I feel it though okay so now we just gooey G mesh through that now I created you Oh interesting huh cool cool cool I got yet those are anyway I can like yet might yeah but you ever get myself out of here okay clever we can't do that go go around it let's see don't follow us hello okay that did no don't worry I understand don't teach me a tutorial again we got we got to use the okay gooood you just like you magnet it to that not a fan of that one [Music] so this don't ever take a single step in there understood there we go long live the king disconnect asleep long live the king brother okay like I said before you switch between oh I see oh that's so cool Detroit become girl let's go man hey well done Luigi I feel like I can let you run loose with Joey gee alright we're done with your training at least for now let's go back to the lab hmm okay I've been running the sensors in the lab and they've detected the presence of a mysterious being in fact the Omni of the ominous-looking towers very close to this very hotel Luigi I know you want to find all your missing friends but if you want a break from that you can head over to that Tower it probably is crawling with Joe so you can catch come on test your skills there for science no one's ever said that wouldn't you know bad intentions I've made arrangements so that you can access the towel for the lab so it's multiplayer so just speed this up a little bit screen park for when you're lonely understood I do scream when I'm lonely so yeah it sort of fits with me I'll to eat people can play and compete with one another fun hey hey hey hey hey alright you can also get a new floor now head to the elevator go to the third floor wonderful if you're tired of saving your friends well look he doesn't get it oh wait a minute hold on okay okay I just no way this works No okay it's not giving me after me okay I see here's what we're gonna do we're gonna throw GUI G through the pipes get ready buddy go oh my god this guy's getting some speed when you vibin I understood well now that we got now that we got GUI G in tow I believe it now we can actually get through this area yeah here we go we cannot obtain that gem yet hold on there we go the money just gets stuck in GUI G there we go you think when Luigi is hungry he just takes a nibble out of gooey G just for a quick snack I don't know man something I wondered okay that ain't opening oh boy something I miss it though I'm hearing some clang I'm unaware of what them what am i doing I know what I'm doing yeah okay I didn't try the goo plunger the Gubler arey go demonic noises we didn't bounce now these are the jiggle physics I came here for let's go buddy hold on they do this correctly so anything else I get it done what are they also get it done I feel like I didn't take full advantage of everything here know if I look down sorry I'm trying to nope close the googas vocal cords yeah something like that okay we apparently I don't think we can mess with anything back here there's an X input though hold on it's the chest no I don't think we can mess with anything else back here okay the chest I think there's a hole behind that and I just think I just think there's something there I don't think it's anything we can get that okay oh I just realized if we're like whole I want to try something so we're in GUI G mode if I just double tap okay so it brings it back to us and also gives us GUI G H is buddy you just hear a muffled scream from the other side well there he goes dead why would you do this to me brother why would you curse me with this fate brother okay where am I going also may I just say you guys kind of styling can I just say my man has a rocking car I'm not sure what this is oh no no real talk though my guy is rocking this car got the wagon in the back got a nice pink over carriage there like like this is a car worth having time to tear it down sell it for scrap tops everything in the air aim upwards I love that threat huh okay I'm feeling a little bit of something from this over here yeah okay exactly what I thought Oh Oh money Spider - spider lighter there we go we're getting used to the better control scheme in my eyes I'm just not super nuanced than it even though it is way better it's a little bit weird to remember I have to use motion controls ok hold I just want to test a little bit aim that up okay up we go ah hello got that he must be down here wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I'm not thinking with portals yet can I like go down the ladder oh well there he goes dying okay okay it's exactly what I thought gooeys you can't climb ladders oh this is great ah what is a god poor spider something to go all this game once again actually nasty okay I think we G gets like all gross when he walks over things like this he is literally just like walking over like dust in dirt and stuff you think it gets started on his feet nobody doesn't sound too pleasant okay the gooiest of Wheaties anything else up here nothing okay wait wait guys do a quick check all right go easy eat the spiders Oh God all right dude I just came off of Super Metroid you expect me to like not check every single possible room and 100% out the map buddy you're insane okay I will scour every single corner of this entire dungeon I like cannot give a thumbs up Terminator style here all right so we progress fly you fool aah floor 3 I believe was anyone if grand lobby and the hotel shops you ever watch your run like it like you said yesterday yes I did I watched one from I believe a agdq 2013-2014 also nice nice sari nice kin sign nice sign there's a hotel a lot of dungeon have you not seen it I call it are you okay all that that must be all good cup of coffee look at this man satisfied smirk you know it's good if you see that idiot how you put on a tie your dummy over is how you hide money thank you very much I'll take all that thank you okay keep on there we go so trying to get used to the control scheme now I have like altered my play style still think a little bit hmm telephone oddly suspicious nothing okay sure if I should use the dark alight in here some tells me something might pop up that I don't really want the pop-up no can I make the whole mansion become real become Luigi's Mansion it just ports you went to the other game into like the first one beautiful okay wait what come on I see it come on you can't tell me this isn't the puzzle there's literally a thing right there bro it's right there use dark light on the floor Oh what my main body the host I get it I'll say goodbye Luigi okay so so so you can't just do it you have to you have to dark light it careful the water okay they'll turn this no this is gonna be a blow in it I now we can progress also I'm fairly common that's not how toilets work all right yeah it'll be okay buddy oh I get it I'm good oh I get it now no no no no no we're good we're good it's like a pipe in the middle well there I go okay so I want to plunger that mash that take the very mario esque fight over there and grab the poop Jim wonderful okay okay useful as always now the next thing on my list here first of all I was a double tap Olo not gonna lie this one has me a little bit suspicious oh it's a key of course poop key there yeah and a little bit more of the same Oh your doll doesn't be scared of Luisi this is the doll in a toilet why would you be horrified of that at all perfectly natural Luigi someone leaving a doll in the toilet the poop doll okay a bunch of pranksters putting poop dolls and don't put poop dolls in the stalls man security will come after you for that kind of stuff okay [Music] we go man looking like egad for a second there god this game is so good oh boy here comes paul Blart roaming the halls oh ok ok he's a little bit of a chicken though oh he's terrified dude if this game isn't a masterpiece I don't know what is and up we go so good the Gus is even more scared than Luigi dare I say it man alright you're that key ere we go hmm of course the shapes it's ok Luigi I got that part no worries my guy I was able to somehow decipher that indeed a star is not a diamond I am a little bit suspicious of what else we got over here this is a GUI G what oh I guess it's the ownership of the key transfers interesting ok oh I can look around hope he doesn't look over in this exact direction okay interesting interesting okay so we have the club's over here I'll kids who the club's diamonds okay I've got it yeah no it's okay I appreciate it I'm trying to make the connection real best okay here we go yeah luigi is a little bit slow sometimes don't worry it reflects the get here relative reflects the player okay let me in let me in let me in also let him in you actually can't keep him out okay all these anymore please hello we stealing the money ah of course get baited for get beautiful you thought I was dead you're the ghost here though buddy stop running stop running into the glass ago that's not only gonna break your back but also numerous amounts of laws alright come on there we go there we go I want to follow you this way grab hold here's what's gonna happen one two three I couldn't get them all that's unfortunate okay I'll get what I can wait a minute he's still alive well they're mice what whoa Vicky raised his own leg oh okay under the chest oh yeah I forgot about that oh yeah good point good point of course they would keep a way for us to actually make the progress moreover a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit controls are a little weird but only because they work so well I know it's a weird compliment there we go yeah break it open almost does somebody want in here there it is thank you very much what is this I can only came for the money okay life will change starts playing in the background we have stealing your treasure sinner of gluttony now we are here to steal your heart okay yeah wonderful thing here understood nothing in here okay well just like that I'm feeling pretty good you have the heart thing Oh like I think I can get in through there yet I'm getting through I believe this way no wait hold on a minute was there a door over there why is it some reason it doesn't detect what I'm caressing both at the same time interesting finicky keep on remembering to use this and it just check something real fast well you have to keep on taking the key now they're away no I'm seeing no response no not something I'm seeing negative response all right here we go move it back over grab the key okay okay no with a flash man yeah it's just a little bit too far away as I suspected okay no problem for me well kind of a problem for me I never - not a problem there we go hello hello so what do we got in here oh I'm dumb don't mind me I wasn't fully paying attention fool you the thrill of clothes guys I just assumed that that would be the next clue yeah we all have a memorabilia here well goodbye to all of it hey brother please dude I'm so glad they finally restocked the amiibo and they are out of them we just took that cup to the head go easy got no chill also no nerve endings so like it doesn't surprise me too much believe that flower its resilient got the termination okay so would that we make some progress um that was the star now we got to go down here I could only imagine okay okay it's clearly marked in a very convenient way okay let's do it okay give him the thing and give him the key no understood in that case it is specially a couple more things up if I feel like it a hold on a minute sorry we have to do monetize the stream now good weed you what are you doing buddy not only is that route but now I can't make money from this stream oh never mind hold on I got all that money back and more from just a couple process of the a button means how much money yeah I'm just killing a person noted and remember okay almost can't wait to actually spend this money that I've been getting we're like kind of cashing in right now okay very nice the Spade key well seems to be just attached possessed hold on just one second there buddy hmm does not seem like I'll be able to make too much progress here I'll probably need to take it what up hold on mmm-hmm oh why hello there oh that's okay you can keep it no that's okay noooo that's okay noooo that's okay let me have the money back off back off back off I want to be rich okay what the heck are they doing back off Luigi is in the middle of his lustful stage okay now you're - y'all messed up oh there we go like popcorn except dead and also not popcorn very weird analogy now I think about it you hit oh I just hold this looks very yeah okay whoops mess up the ceiling there okay so I'm gonna use the blow thing too much okay anything else I can do here are we pretty much done so I use that once I think that's all I can do okay well let's go brother hey every gal collected and got it uh-oh hello a little bit more complicated okay and break down the window can't break down the door can I have a break down all that one feels like it's happening okay so first of all that's the wrong room second of all maybe I should have eyes okay there we go also there's a little bit too much time on their hands goodbye I just want to be that guy we've already story messed up this room so is where they're gonna teach me about collecting secrets oh yeah bah okay okay what an excellent little tutorial okay there we go Luigi with the sleeping Popoff rolling around in his dreams he wasn't popping off at anything relevant though don't ask him about it it would just embarrass him Oh glasses oh I got ma he kind of stylin oh wait a minute guys take them off don't I yeah oh you don't like that do ya yeah I know you have those sunglasses on how do i combat that though a man's got perfect hundred hundred vision okay okay so I deflect them I got us all stun glare double stun I get it I get it I get it your armor is going buddy and so is your life you messed up you made a fool of me you should never put on the glasses if you weren't prepared to keep them on there we go stun them a little bit then suction take them off quick flash and in the four goons light just like that oh let's get it we just come in a smash we just come down your house we'll check into prison bolt was the same time for some reason don't know why they'll be give me some resistance though cool all right I'm sorry already okay those are expensive glasses yeah well my venture is definitely more profitable than those last 900 coconut mall starts playing death-dealing you okay we're back in action oh my god are those like massage chairs all those are floating scissors never mind that's not any kind of massage I'm interested in okay so it's talk can I go through this thing yeah let's go let's go go eg a man against the law okay okay tell me what is my action those just come off immediately they are hold on oh wait we were in under the arm like this okay how about this though was that nothing River the resolution me and I'm a little bit mad I thought that was the play okay when do the search shuttering well it's shudder I do any any other damage to it wait a minute what if I what if while it's doing this nine still can't make it through what do you mean pressing our while trying to suck something up of course your breasts are while you're stuck in something up you can switch between Luigi and Luigi oh it just took him saying it wow you're such a failure Luigi I can't believe you didn't even think trying that Wow such an idiot that's an inch man I'm angry at that okay well I mean okay that's like you ever just have this issue we're like you're trying to resolve a problem and it's a really simple like computer issue and you're like hey Frankie help me out with this for a second if Fred walks over then the computer solves it itself and you're just like I said thanks Fred for helping Presley yeah no problem buddy goes back to his day that's like that in a nutshell I feel attacked Hey look if you got okay all right I don't think all that a ghoul shampoo oh I want to know what Mario brother has this one who are you huh this is a ghost and the gun goes the gun coming in here spiders in debt of course okay anything else in here wild okay I'm feeling yeah okay that's what I thought getting here buddies there we go [Music] what that button would it it it do oh hello hello Oh wonderful key for a wonderful gamer sword within my belly let's kill me weed you know Joey Gino okay nobody misses money of course is as anything producing liquid money am I going to abandon my brother no no oh there he goes yeah okay then coconut mall music stops Oh Luigi run run dylaney come on Luigi [Music] hi buddy what whoa what is this oh my god it's like a refrigerator or maybe a swamp bring them that's oh it's approaching I am not liking that ah okay okay get him get him wait this is one hello I'm not seeing the answer yet hold on this is a whole little battle ain't it [Music] thankou eg in this warm I can da of course maybe I should also like well this work no it doesn't know it doesn't know it doesn't return oh boy also he's got a but real talk so if I splash him it works for a second it's got to be from the same direction doesn't it no no no no I know it's definitely got to be the same direction do that start absorbing him then start absorbing him again after you flash that's not the place that's not the play [Music] he's not a fan go around him and plunge the man what if I do this hold on stall him solemn all the way over here keep looking buddy there it is ah give him by his coattails yeah smack him around that's the answer I needed let's go buddy the tale of two tails in one suck your buddy oh now we're going flash gooey G okay keep stalling them go over here yeah yeah let's go no hope for you buddy oh that's wonderful man okay now we got a deal with the cop okay progress will be made so I am a little bit low on health thank you for the dollar bill Oh wonderful mm-hmm such a cool fight uh-oh what's he thinking which he's gonna take a dip for it well he's good he's gonna try and make it dip for it coward what is this oh he's gotten his gun get out here buddy put that away Luigi time your we're ready for us to divide into buddy okay okay does the little roll okay oh my hold on here come here okay so we need to take those glasses away from him all right that's step number one no no he hit us with the squirt that's okay that's okay there it goes yes salute buddy you better start saluting cuz only thing your servant now is death itself no no that means I don't know why I'm even it who is this guy hold on a minute I've never seen this guy before in my life what the heck I thought I was fighting the cop ghost what was this one there we go there we go Messimer mess them up what's gonna happen now like I like that pineapple looking mad suspicious right now there we go not an eye on nnnnnn I'm gonna get you an the pineapple duck and roll all you want buddy you should have used ring fitted venture maybe then you would have been a little bit more acrobatic it will not escape get in there buddy hold on oh I imagine this into extra mode there we go going full throttle to suck that guy up get it Bobby how long sure you did it buddy forget about GU easy get all the hard work ere we go but acquired and Bubba quack hey boy oh thank you all right well I think you can I absorb here as spoils of war Oh hold on a minute security cameras you wonder if there's anything useful about these hmm doesn't seem to be oh hold on a minute an X button up some money mm and a toy car oh poor guy I think we can do here this drawing understood I suppose we could technically animation cancel with this couldn't we like you check out the drawer nothing in it huh I wonder if that would be useful in a speedrun too bad we're doing a slow run and no big deal sincerely wonder if using GUI G for like animation cancelling might be faster on some things that's where the speed ride is to figure out okay have you said how are we looking on this map um we didn't go to the bottom floor no we did we did we just not there um a plus hold on try to got it understood okay so we actually have been everywhere from what it seems except for right up there the coffee shop well I mean I think we found our destination okay cuz I'm just saying this is the last place we need to go I'm feeling mad suspicious about it let's start one by one anything that we can see from here nothing nothing there understood hmm anything we could use I mean I don't believe we were able to check it out when we were in here before oh yes we were I just didn't see it hello hello another thing steer clear of it there we go thank you for that I will take all your coffee there we go hello hello raiding the pantry oh hey don't run don't run buddy come here back off back off I mean literally die are you different see you there you will not run I mean technically you will run but I will catch you you're a ghost of gold don't steal all of your money and the food you've been eating we're raiding the entire pantry and I'm dead there we go Kelly they also turn the lights back on huh how do you turn the lights on in your house a light switch one of those clapper things oh no you gotta kill a man the tiller to turn on these lights one of those old-fashioned houses from like you know medieval era there we go very nice okay interacted and stuff probably Jory give you this yeah money oh my gosh and you were like in Candace's business nothing okay understood okay sounds good to me Phillip everyone does it outside that's on me hold on behind the tables I was trying to look I think I left anything there okay um let me try something real fast I'm curious I can't go back dressing how do I get back elevator I'd imagine definitely this is the elevator literally seeing elevator buttons on the seat unlike the little [Music] huh he's on the lower floor on the map it looks like there's an elevator oh I see the door of the elevator okay not a minute I got it I got it I got it I got it it was it was just the door of the elevator was on the other side I just saw the elevator block and I wasn't sure if they're like hiding it okay okay whoops Hey and just like that this floor is now complete level three done and done totally a Luigi proudly looking at you yeah off it goes Luigi the elevator can take you directly to lobby two or the lobby second floor you might as well head that way and check it out I say oh I got to the mezzanine I suppose I don't want to be on here for too long though I got a life to live in videos to edit I produced the ouija while I'm in the elevator haha I can I gotta get advanced Luigi setups while I'm in this elevator time I gotta cross the streams oh don't mind me what do you mean the door opens decided that's the thing you see what's going on buddy all my gamer you want some food Oni stop I say they definitely never stopped me and goose game a simple sign [Music] well seems this is a whole other segment ain't it Oh put that down buddy put that down also how do you bring that through the wall other person has some issues huh I do oh geez hold on a minute give me a second I'll have to check each one I like I just there's no way man well I don't think this is exactly how you play pool but I gotta admit it's definitely working do we get points for putting the eraser in the hole has anyone dared to try that there we go okay well I guess that's one way to win one last one please all this one's tricky the number three perfect game perfect game wait actually hold on a minute there's achievement throw this game just changed theirs xbox will have achievements in this game it's over for me there's so much to do Oh sword let me have that one let me have that one let me have that one we're killing everyone who needs a vacuum mm oh boy who wants to mess with me now oh you want to call me a coward now huh you want to call me a coward now oh it's all fun and games until I get the chainsaw sword that's right better back away yo I didn't really realize this sortie into Smash Bros oh god playing Martha be like you can't just give me that target the name of a champ I'll come on is that not an achievement you can't tell me that this is not an achievement come here we're going right in pixel-perfect goodbye I'm so mad that's not even Louise you don't vacuum that the wrong way you definitely won't like what happens aha I take it the gems dude these gems gonna be so fun to collect oh my god bullseye hey I'll see that's exactly what you're supposed to call that it will go with the bullseye okay oh man I thought we were just gonna open it who needs to open the locker when you can just yeah getting all that at least airy yeah hold up wait a minute give me that sword again we're not done here die okay I see you just took that one to the face he's fought too many mouths before he knows the matchup too well okay don't mind the sword the sword needs you now more than ever goodbye sword given I actually feel like a kid when I'm playing this game this is so entertaining okay please stop making really I know I can't I know I can't but like what if I could well they're good oh well everybody I do believe that this is where we're going to be ending today's episode we've been playing for just over three hours and it looks like the next section is right in front of us the last thing we will do is we will report to egad and we will you'll give him our ghosts and all that but uh I will let you guys know no no right now I'm gonna let you guys know that next day I'm gonna be streaming this today is I believe Thursday if I'm not mistaken a mm-hmm the next time I will be playing in making story progress in this game Saturday first segment or potentially last segment of the Saturday stream Saturday screen by the way starts at 2:30 est same time as always I will see you guys on Saturday for the next episode and I believe what I'm going to try and do this is this a little bit of a shadow drop announcement for the channel there's no promises on this yet because there's a lot to coordinate on my end and I'm not amazing with schedules especially if I denounced them beforehand but I want to add two new weekly streams to the schedule which I know does put me at five weekly streams so that's why I'm a little bit cautious about announcing it this is more of a tentative thing but um I want to stream storyline games every Saturday at every Wednesday potentially every Monday I'm still I'm still trying to work that out but I think every Wednesday and every Saturday would be a great time to make progress on on these games so that way just as a note when Pokemon comes out for example we will also be playing Pokemon on Wednesdays in Saturday's as well as Luigi's Mansion in the most ideal case maybe I'll take a break from Luigi's Mansion or to play some Pokemon but that's what I want to be the goal is every Wednesday and Saturday we have a stream featuring the new game that's the goal so that way you guys can keep up with the episodes while they come out live without them coming out at random when you're not expecting it that's the plan anyway let's report to e head see how it be he's what have I gotten myself into now just wondering I do you think you'll have a nice relaxing vacation at this luxury hotel this happens I guess the beautiful appearance of the place was all part of the trick to get us here huh the hotel's true form is downright creepy did you want to speak with me oh you want to check out the log okay I'll join you collected so far you'll be able to line your pockets while you're here it's wonderful okay so is this quick dialog interesting Oh okay use the gallery then ah ah yeah here we go oh oh in the gem so this is where you can view ah Wow nifty what if you can check that in other areas oh my god this there's so many gems look at them all we are the endless gems you'll never see the day when you collect this all will always get away oh no how many is that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 times 6 I'm sorry can I just help you later I'm bad at math 17 times 6 100 in to secret collectables to get to be fair that is 1/9 the scale of breadth of the wilds yeah 'has but like that's 102 secret things outside of storyline progress and some of those seem very complex to get I mmm-hmm the game ain't it oh my gosh let's see the ghost here oh and they have names - so we have a good they're called groups it's a golly it's a bunch of goop's we have a ghoul we have a hammer we have a mini goob Oh booze Oh interesting so if ghosts you have booze we have boss ghosts huh how interesting it was so rare guys see that's the crystal ones right in there oh how actually nifty well hey everybody dare I say thank you all for watching tune in next time whatever I feel i doing wait oh we definitely says Mario : I gotta check a tech I got see if this works there's a lot of Mario's anyway um yeah go for watching tuning next time whatever I feel like doing reminders that the failing for uh is going to be taking place on Friday not Thursday we're taking a quick break from on that break or take you're delaying it so everyone can work on their own Luigi's Mansion videos but on Friday we will be doing the failing four so we're gonna do no stream tomorrow Luigi's Mansion video for tomorrow from the stream but no stream tomorrow followed by failing for on Friday then on Saturday we're gonna be doing more Luigi's Mansion as well as the normal things we do feeling for scary at some point oh definitely how do you say huh hey everybody one more time thank you all for watching - next time for the I feel I doing and I'll see you around the kind of I didn't do the pulling you think I would do you think I would remember to do the raid right you think I would remember to actually press the red button okay who is playing luigi's mansion right now well I'm not so sure if I want to throw you guys to Luigi's Mansion because I don't want to spoil you guys by accidents let's search like smash bros if you guys want to if you guys want to pull up Luigi's Mansion I ain't gonna stop you but I don't want to be the one doing the rating of a Luigi's Mansion thing just in case I end up spoiling you guys I don't also want to spoil myself personally hmm who do we got here wash gamer oh they're playing okay I like this guy I think they're playing as the Luigi and Smash Bros first of all everybody no idea who this guy is I don't know if they curse I don't know whatever they seem like a cool guy uh they got a fun name to their tag is sweat rag hop on over there playing Smash Brothers with viewers who hop and they're getting a couple games Luigi did Oh him drop some hearts in chat and I'll see you around everybody thank you all for watching this has been it's been a really good one see you around
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 104,525
Rating: 4.9192939 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Luigis Mansion 3, episode 1
Id: Z9Oa6JWCgxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 59sec (11879 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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