3D World's BACK BABY「Super Mario 3D World w/ Etce🐈」

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man oh man you know what i love about mario you know what's like my favorite thing about mario you'll never guess it playing mario is my favorite thing about mario you know what's one of my favorite modes of commentary when i'm sleep deprived when i have like two hours of sleep max and i'm riding on fumes in my commentary is just delusional erratic and like a little bit uncontrolled a little bit saucy because i don't care about anything you know what i also love playing with my amazing friend etz at sona etc and baby we might be playing mario but tonight we got the triforce we got the best of all three in one short episode one stream we got x in 3d mario world thing for the switch and i only slept an hour and a half i am not just riding on fumes i'm riding on the goddamn gas i guess that's what a fume is i suppose by definition i don't know what a fume is i guess it's like a i don't really know what a fume is i've always said it i've always genuinely understood if you asked me to define it i'd probably be able to give you a close enough explanation i've never seen one or maybe i have seen a few i don't know what i'm saying can you tell i'm sleep deprived yet i'm so tired i spent a lot i spent so much energy tonight just editing the minecraft video that came out earlier today please check that out if you haven't seen it it just means a lot to me and now i'm going to play some mario x and the cool thing is x hasn't even seen this game x hasn't played it this is etz's first time going through super mario 3d world and i'm going to be joining it with him oh boy are we in for a fun one today welcome everybody to the failboat livestream well good morning good night or good afternoon viewers depending on the time so god i wish it was night for me and this is phil it's youtube you guys ready to bring your nets i'm ready to bring your nets my boy we're pulling him in uh after i unmute hello he's also he's told me he's still muted never mind up the intro did that whole build up he's not even he's not even here yet oh that's okay that's okay we'll we'll synchronize our first cut scene i'll just jump around until he's unmuted don't mind don't mind me i'm gonna know i'm gonna speed i'm gonna speed run i'm gonna see how fast how much of bowser's fury i can be before x unmutes x is also streaming by the way um it's not like it'll matter too much because we'll have the same perspective uh but yeah he'll also be streaming oh also should mention um i really haven't played any of 3d world proper i played a bit on the wii u um i played a bit even super less on the switch um never beat it but i know the final boss i'm aware of some things but i haven't really experienced all of the game uh for all sakes and purposes we are seeing my my first like playthrough in in in a hot minute here oh man i'm i'm exhausted guys that's a that's a terrible start god it's been a while since i no it hasn't been a while i've been grinding this game furiously dude that was experience i have been grinding this game speed run it's so much fun maybe i can do cool things maybe i can do a cool looking little vector here like do you guys know the speed run for this game the world record is currently at 31 minutes it's a 31 minute world record currently that's so fast also wait hello hello mister x is that you indeed it's me oh my god welcome dude you ready you ready to play some mario i i think i'm ready to play some mario everybody else seems ready to play some mario everyone seems right away i i don't know if i'm ready like truly because i've actually never played this so i don't know what's going on i just know there's like cat that can turn into cats and i played that in super mario maker observant um so pretty much uh well okay so are you on like the main title screen for like both games uh uh yes okay yeah and just select the super mario 3d one we're like if we press new game at the same time we can like synchronize our uh our cutscenes before we get into the multiplayer okay so i go to i press new game right oh yeah i haven't pressed new game yet i'm i'm happy let me win all right you ready three two one go oh wait i forgot this one yeah okay which character are you going to be oh this is going to be mario who are you thinking uh well if you're going to be mario i will be luigi no i pushed a button oh okay i pressed it as well i didn't mean to push the button oh it's a cut scene oh yeah it's a cut scene i'm i'm a little ahead but that's okay i'm a little behind but that's okay they're walking through the um mushroom kingdom why does that always look different like is there a reason it it changes every time i i really hate toad's face i don't know i'm sorry that really i'm sorry that came out of nowhere no he didn't i was like wow that's that's pretty hostile of you to hate i'm sorry he opened his mouth and it just looked a little too hd and i was like i'm sorry tony what are those cherries i saw some cherries fly out of there oh god i'm oh the sherries are wild in this game oh no the green thing has told us that bowser has kidnapped the uh seven heroes of light uh princesses i don't know what those are are they prince they look like princesses they all have the crowns we'll use those fairies so we gotta save because mario has responsibility for every living thing bowser's size always changes as well that's that's my favorite thing about mario bowser is as large canonically as he needs to be for the scene i like it and it's good oh oh wait so has that i've always been there in the road or is it just like now who put that there why is that there right now okay mario i see you yeah no there's not a single person who plays this game for the first time that fails to comment on the positioning of of their orders [Laughter] i was like okay mario all right so you're okay i'm you're in the overworld yeah yeah luigi's panicking for some all right all right perfect perfect all right so if you press r right now you'll have online play as an option yes i see it all right i'm gonna create a room and then uh i'm just gonna join a room i'm gonna turn this off right here yeah i'm gonna turn off the the view i got i mean you can't even get in unless you're on my friends list so i just ask that my friends don't snipe this here um i'm gonna give you the password in a in in discord there you go okay so i just click join room and join right yeah yeah god i can't wait to see how laggy the the game is gonna be it should be it better not be laggy it's gonna be a little laggy just because that's how this game works right now but like the friends just don't snipe the lobby come on okay do i should i just cover my uh we'll be fine yeah no i'm gonna cover it so they don't don't see it take this yeah yeah that my password's on screen like just don't enjoy it yeah yeah just just just get out just just leave oh no hey there we go oh they're called sprixies someone just told me i'm in i'll be telling since you hate his like i don't face i don't like his face either what'd you say about me oh god i always hated his voice i remember there was only one game i liked his voice and then they changed it i can't move this feels responsive it does it's good internet yeah yeah oh only you can control this on the map yeah i'm sorry i'm in completely control i love how panic they look together why are they panicking what is this uh because all the all the sprites were taken and now we've been warped to a completely new location in the world we just went through like a glass pipe and now two of our friends are missing like we've been through a lot today yeah i was gonna say it like that thing has always been there in the road like was it stuffed with dirt like what happened why is it oh this is the only page i've played in this game here we go man oh wow just really get into it whoa hold on a second this is like there is like no delay i told you boy oh how are you running oh yeah you hold why neat yeah so you haven't played fury yet right you haven't played bowser no i haven't played biologist fury either okay sick you want you want to kill that goomba it's coming in fast i can't help me you you let him hit you no you let him kill me i think you all take that yeah there we go yeah yeah yeah you can get everyone on this come here wait what get in the cat catsuit yeah now i like his head i like his face without the stupid mushroom oh i guess i'm like types of ears going on how you killed oh you pressed why so so why is your dash and your attack button you can hit me stop can i oh yeah yeah die no absolutely wait what you can dive yeah if you hold it you like dive oh okay okay okay all right [Laughter] i am quite what is this that's a crab dude how do can you catch it no does it do anything you killed it i mean i think you killed it like that's not even like a fictional mario animal that's just that's his crap he's like a crab angry oh stuff give two time okay yes okay oh you can do that bounce jump yeah yeah you got the bounce jump you do a little dive you only do like the ground pound and then attack what did you do to me you just spin spin a circle then just jump and you hit me when i was in the air and i started spinning oh it's hit high okay there we go yeah yeah you go through the fight and goes like whoa how did you do that oh i held up can you hold up okay yeah yeah i got it i got it i got it yeah yeah there's three green stars in every level and the goal is just to collect those what do those give do they give a special anything at the end like oh no no you get to play more of the video game oh i like that i like playing more of the video game yeah you unlock things super bell this is the song i always heard when i uh heard any music of 3d world it's so good isn't it is it the normal song of this like is it the um theme song of this yeah this is like this is the main song okay does it ever change hopefully there is other level levels in this game don't worry how do you swim uh directional stick okay so it doesn't it it isn't it does not swim faster but oh oh well why is always gonna be like your sprint oh okay i see oh kill him kill him this is your first lesson what is this this is your first lesson you must get blood on your hands toad die die oh man you gotta eat that fast oh here we go now the blood pours yeah i like this die like a beautiful river can you turn into a big cat i don't think so in in one of these modes get it get get the green stuff there's we don't have a no we gotta go i don't have the cats oh dude uh press uh well first of all um yeah you threw me off yeah yeah press press up on the d-pad it's kind of like super mario work super mario 3d hey yo you can store the power-ups i see i see no no i see what you're trying to do hey climb up the cap better hurry dude no did i die you flew why you didn't make it in time i don't like that no no i didn't i didn't know that would happen we have to do it at the same time oh no you just get like whoever hits it first just like sets the bar for the next person you dog hey even though you got the bonus how at the last sec okay okay this kind of changes things a little bit i can see where uh the dynamics it might go from here yeah oh that's a green so the green star on the pole means we got them all yeah okay exactly that i hate it too oh um what is that what is the point of the coins in the overworld i don't know because you get coins you interact with that i actually i i don't know okay i'm just making sure what is financial wealth there's always a cave level um second is that that's just a thing like green hill zone from sonic yeah it's just like the 1-2 all right can we climb up that yep i don't know what's up here oh i caught a little bit faster oh yeah you're not holding y if you hold y you climb a little bit a little bit faster it won't let me go up further yeah i don't think there's anything up there okay goodbye hey i just i just keep the crown forever until you well i mean until i like come here i just want the funny crown i'm here to serve you my liege that's it serve those fi can i hit you with this no i cannot oh no you see this my boy i told you pro at this oh that reminds me is the hey is the movement the same in browser's fury for the most part it's pretty much the same movement different camera angles and stuff but like yeah same movement okay wait oh why not thank you okay okay all right that was definitely mine i didn't even know i was there we actually share we share lives oh okay yeah yeah so we have one of us that okay all right yeah exactly i just jumped right in there i like this this is cool it's dude this game is fun oh yeah we gotta find the three oh okay careful there we have to find that he blocked his head such a visceral my crown's gone everything's gone i don't wanna i don't i don't i don't like this anymore it is dumb i didn't sign up for this yeah dude god mario's never had a good game what oh you're being being uh kill kill them for green for the green star oh okay okay i'm going to get this green star hey guys i'm getting i'm just getting some points don't mind me oh i couldn't throw you off yeah there's a visual oh that's a fire my bad get out of the way hey i need some ammunition all right i'm get this oh well you have that okay if you if you pick it up it'll it'll add to our like inventory yeah yeah oh i didn't know that thank you very much we got inventory of like two items okay no come back come on up buddy i can't reach that alternatively i will come on down wait how did you do that i got pulled away how do you get up there throw me up there oh right hold on wait uh wait come here come here don't move don't move don't move hold on so i think if i like go ha awesome what hey one second one second there uber's leaving without him oh my god wait go in go in zeal i did okay there we oh that's a go shell what do these do hit them how dare you well we didn't even get to take advantage of them that's unfortunate that that's unfortunate oh we did it at the same time and we did a thing like a combo compound yeah like what is that like does it hit a lot everybody oh beats me can we go in that pipe that's the one we just went in okay okay i know i know it's been about 20 seconds but oh wait i don't like that dude can we go down yeah i got it is the most painful experience in mario games i hate it especially when i die from it yeah all right can i go up higher ah all right let me try the thing get out get on my head oh what oh oh yeah there's some invisible blocks here hello i didn't know that so if you ground pound it shows stuff i guess yeah what just happened oh hey hey he put me down he picked it up without me hey what was that screw oh that was a stamp we'll see that we'll see that in a minute get that oh no we love the oh and all those points jesus christ i didn't want that i didn't want i thought about it after after you actually got it but now i know i can just take your crown so yeah i think it'll be okay is there anything in here no i love this this is i you i thought it was gonna be a laggy mess but you you this is like it is not it's like actually good it's like genuinely good internet oh i got the moment now okay okay i tried a bad flip onto the wall and wall jumped onto it but i couldn't go for the trick shots 1 2 my man's going for like the speed run movement i i love it i love this i like this i like this game isn't it what that's a lot of stamps that's awesome you get them all there's one per level uh it takes so long it takes too long to get the stamps oh yeah you totally crushed me right there i just realized you don't have a hat what happened to that well that's been fixed now hasn't it i mean like you didn't have a hat during the stage either yeah children cannot legally wear hats i'm surprised that wasn't oh no you didn't understand that i'm actually doing something incredibly incredibly off the grid right now by wearing this crown please do not tell me i can jump i can jump in this map but i can't control it what is this what is this one we're going into your house all right i'm gonna pick the big present okay you wanna go for dude really oh that's a good pickup thank you for the cat suit yeah yeah um so what what what is the so the small one always gives one all right oh no i mean it's random so it's like a haha you know you know you played like the mario party oh i hate that so the big one was probably going to give the small presents yeah we just happened to get lucky that it corresponded correctly okay i'll have to keep that in mind what is this thing so we is he a boss or maybe a full mini boss chuck charge and chuck blockade world one dash a oh one ah one ah oh he's dead oh my god jesus look at that thanks for the work buddy wow and then you get the points at the end for wearing the crown oh so it's like the rich get richer that's nope thanks for doing the work toad that was a tough boss fight no it wasn't you no it was not it was not i killed him oh ah vertical climbing level oh yeah i like how there's like a little diorama of the level when yeah i like that dude a real talk though but like actually this is probably one of my favorite like ways to do like level selects like kirby kirby star allies had something similar to this yeah yeah yeah it did it didn't like you you could see like the stages and like yeah i loved it i think this one does it a little bit better than star yeah it does yeah it does it does i love this wow this is a nice game also in the wii u version you can destroy this level um you can like you can do like a crazy glitch i'll show it to you later you can like fly out into like the bounding boxes i don't think that you're not supposed to that doesn't sound good yeah yeah that sounds terrible not a thing in this game it's been that's how it out yeah yeah i heard this game moves faster than the original it does all the run speed is increased and also you're toad so you're playing as the character that runs fast wait they they have specific stats to him yeah so mario's the all-rounder toad runs really fast peach can float uh yeah luigi can jump really high and peach can cheat yeah i can do the mario odyssey dash in the air yeah so yeah yeah so like they added a bunch of new movement to this game they were like oh we're gonna add a bunch of odyssey movement to uh to the 3d world engine that's good whoever did that is that that's nice oh look at these guys by the way they're kids they're turning up backwards you don't okay so holding the thing doesn't make you do a backflip anymore yeah you have to like run forward for a second how do you hit this i think you need i think you need the cats oh you just ground pound there you go thank you oh there's a stamp there did we just skip the whole stamp oh not now we're getting it thank you he says oh okay go over this side see ya little bit of a sloppy oh god we're terrible here we go oh is it a timer yes beautiful yes yes yes take off your head i love this we're going to find out if that's a hat or a hat real fast realize you still had your hat on yeah i still got the crown i don't think we train train ground pound what oh my god it does it does no no no no no no that's okay i didn't think it was gonna do that but uh oh come on come here man come on up come on up come on look at you yeah yeah yeah come here that's a good swamp impression i keep trying to oh yeah careful oh that was awful awfully close to this ledge come on up toad i have the high ground yeah now and you'll have no ground in a second no how can he do this come on there's a belt his jump was like the shortest huh it might be a little bit i don't think he's short of jump i think he's just strictly faster i don't know here's a cat suit for you buddy there you go come here i'm going up here see you dude wait you can go oh yeah i'm getting getting a little down one up see you buddy well oh you can't keep yeah yeah yeah well you know what what's up yeah yeah thank you no problem oh you saved me thank you crowd now you don't have a cr wait what wait yes i do see ya speed level buddy wait no no where he is oh no come on oh sea level funny speed level oh the crown whoopsie what happened to me i don't know i hate that thank you so much germany and historian this is stupid i'm no come back what did this guy do oh no he doesn't have a crown though so he's clearly not the target i don't know what to talk about man come on that's killian oh die oh loosen your thing yeah i need to make you die no dude i'm going to keep this crowd i know where this flagpole is no you can just back off now feeling you see ya thank you oh what a gift from a friend to a friend thank you oh god i don't like this i don't like this at all is that your expression right now yes and a little i keep wanting to call them a tanoomba but that's yeah tenoma's the one with the tanooki tail that's my favorite lion king character i hate this god someone said i love cooperative mario have you tried connecting with friends yeah we're working on it i love this connection i i i was so prepared for uh a terrible lag fist i'm surprised it gives you that pop-up if you're already playing it but you know oh god is it because it's my first time yeah well which one you want to go to here you got the pick up down we have uh i want that little toad oh you want to go to the toe level now oh god you ready for this five what is this so this is a bonus level where we don't play as the mario characters but instead we play as as our favorite friends the toads oh i'm a blue toad yeah i'm captain toad your glass you're like nerd toad okay oh it's like captain toad yeah it is i don't know what it is i haven't played it all right fearless hunter of the green stars okay he's a coward he walks in this minecraft world and picks up stars where the threats are minimal i can't jump yeah no dude yeah the toad can't jump you just pelvic thrust in place back off buddy yeah so okay so i have to ah i see what we're gonna have to do you wanna know the uh you wanna know the worst part about this mode what hey try moving the right stick you see that stop oh okay yep that's the definitely the worst part about this it is a completely shared camera experience i don't i don't like that oh there's one down here it is the most unsatisfying thing ah stop we'll go no just come on up making up the little thing okay we have to have a designated camera the strong survive the strong control the right stick don't die all right i absolutely won't i see me what oh there's two there's two athletes okay let's see how slow they are you think with being the fastest character oh this is captain toad right yeah yeah we're we're both the same can we pelvic thrust this enemy i don't think i wanna even i don't know no no you did that to yourself i grieved myself don't clap toad he didn't deserve it tripped myself up no that's that's did we get scores on this stage do i get a crown yeah yes i do oh look at that that's crazy it's almost like i got four stars and you got one do you get the crown yes yes what yes oh that's dumb i'm still royalty it's cool no now you have your head on dude congrats you you got the high score there dude nice job oh i almost broke my only rule i don't know you almost got me you got me oh we're going to top the bottom though uh let's put water stage out of the way yeah one nice three this is a i will say this one this is a uh teamwork level so this seems like the perfect time for that oh dear oh my god yeah this is uh pretty much we ride on a larger yoshi dinosaur friend uh named plessy who i have affectionately dubbed the big p it's cute that's a different kind of yoshi oh it's plessy like you said yeah all right so are we griefing or like so we have to complete the level we don't really have okay okay yeah yeah yeah we have to okay so it's it if we both do a certain thing at the same time yeah so if we both jump at the same time we get like an extra high jump oh okay so just tell me what you're gonna do one boop well there we go yeah i'll just gauge it and assume when yeah yeah exactly we're both gamers here oh right right oh there's red coins no oh there's red points can we turn around no plus he only goes one speed fast and also wall um can we get up here oh no but we can stall plessy until they die of old age that doesn't count what is this oh that's what that is i like actually i think it i i don't know what it is oh do we do are we going up there yeah i hate these little fish they're so weird they look gross where are they they look like axel i think that's how you fit excellent i i like yeah we timed that great that was great look at this we got oh oh yeah if we keep doing this we will fall off the stage we got to get that over there right yeah go left oh right right right right right get that wait a minute yeah this is what happens place wait what yeah sorry take off without you okay so we push up to dash yeah just go forward exactly oh okay okay see this is like mario at its peak right when the when the first levels are just nothing but trolling and then all of a sudden you're forced into a cooperative level that that's just like peak mario okay you want to control this or me it's both oh it's both left oh let's go let's go unless you got those hips right which one you want oh let's go right here no no no no no no no no we got to get a stand oh yeah let's go right okay well hold on we've gotta perfectly time our jumps it's impossible to miss it's because we perfectly timed the first one exactly i like this why is the camera like that okay at the end of the day we're both at each other's throats for a minute here but we're both good at the game so like yeah yeah that like okay we have to go to the right right yeah we're all right we were together there's like nothing in this game can stop us we can we're only our biggest enemies are each other exactly exactly wait okay okay i get it that would look like animal crossing flowers up there i like they do look like animals okay so we just avoid oh god maybe mario should have one original idea stop taking from the other ips we couldn't make that oh oh there's so do you does it count as you get in them or both of them well we'll never find out apparently yeah we just kind of missed she just missed with her on oh we can't what now we killed that that was some perspective that i was like oh he made it now we kill people i will finally get a fight for the animal that's okay i'll get a top i hate this i hate this this game is stupid were you holding wide to the to the sprint yeah oh yeah until i jumped way too early oh yeah yeah you pretty much always hold y in this game it's it's very always held down big p i like that oh that's a good thing it's fun someone told me to go behind the waterfall at the end but it's too late oh was there a bonus of course there would be a bonus star back there what is a bonus star i mean this is a star that wasn't necessarily on on the road that we expected it to be okay yeah yeah oh wait we don't have to beat the bottom one we don't it's it's a split road but to be fair the bottom one is very fun i know what it is i i've played the first couple worlds of this game okay well let's go kill it that's it what is it what is it what's in here there's something coins or something i don't know oh it's another thing that's you up again no you know i already did the last one okay fail i want to see you fail oh when that's pretty good that's pretty good that's pretty good is it now isn't it yeah that's pretty good i guess we're going to keep going until one of us fails oh this is a circus oh yeah oh this is a fun level also i think i think this is my house there's a little there's an extra mechanic that we haven't used yet uh so press a right bumper oh yeah so uh hey there toad hey hey buddy how do you move it come here uh how dare you how dare you get back here get back here with my crown come here i'm gonna smack you upside the head with my ex-real hands like yeah i got it how do i oh you don't always have to be holding our by the way i can see you you're doing that yeah yeah if you press r on the switches you can actually activate them without jumping on them that said uh come on up buddy come on up come back it's crazy but now that i have it all right no i'm good no stop hitting the switch you got some crazy movement there pal take that oh also uh if you can also like stun the enemy if you like press r on them that's cheating you can like you can give him a little rub that's cheating dude you jumped off of me but the crown didn't come off i didn't ground pound you okay wait we got head we didn't get all the bubble you have a little crown in the bubble oh hey there oh i thought you hit me oh no i hit the wrong one i'm just gonna like a little bit a little bit divine intervention here how do i jump there you go oh don't go with that i didn't whoa i almost did there we go anyway got me man yeah that's good why are you attacking me dude you're the one you're the one yeah oh yeah i'll just like kill him i'm so used to not having the crown oh god this this little car right here oh i've been bubbled good take these guys out real quick or you know you almost got me i almost forgot hell stop hitting it hit hit the other one no hey there hit that one so it seems we have something that each of us want from each other how do i no no no no no come here come here come here oh no yes yes go away oh you're gonna get beamed down wait you didn't get beat down oh i almost killed myself i'm gonna get the start see you okay [Music] hey what's up keep keep using that right buffer see what happens i i just noticed you were doing that you just did a lot of progress why did you do that i didn't mean to i was in silence stop what's up we're getting low on time dude look what you've done with that damn crash come here okay yeah you know what where's where's the end of the level come on come get it where's the end of the level come get it yeah yeah committed a little bit to that dive here all there right go okay yep yep yep oh the pipe oh no the perfect intro no how dare you why did you do that why did you die [Music] [Music] you know what oh no i died seems like the world has changed that's this is all your fault i had it i had it and you ruined it oh that was nice movement thank you very happy with that no no no no yeah 10 000. somebody say a tailbone but he bullies heads for three minutes oh man you take that crown you take that crown okay as long as i get the crown back ooh i like this this is a good game like i can i can see now it's genuinely an incredibly fun game that's crazy that i would have won if i had my crown that was a sick 10 000 you got there man that was yeah yeah if only i just touched it oh and you didn't have any oh that's like the difference of an actual single coin yeah there's one car yeah and i found out i figured out that we do have coins on the overworld so i guess if we hit 100 then we get an extra life i think so why can't i oh you're doing that what make it i can't control it right that's a tiny tree obstructing my pet i love pokemon games i hate pokemon games what was that slot machine doing that i don't know like that wasn't there okay let's find out i think it just gives you like an item oh you want to give a shot at this you have to try and line up four items in a row okay we should do it at the same no you go over there and we both push at the same oh we do three two one go yeah all right three two one go oh three two one go what all right that's do it early i want the frame count i did that i had a lot of coins well you still got a three up that's right i'm all right with that that we would have got what what happens if you get like off that's cheating what we just did it feels like a five up or something i'm not sure oh that was that was fun i like that we got a lot of green stars too we've almost got all of them here are you ready to take on what is that block over there oh the boss gives you a coin i don't think i don't think these things do anything else but give you a coin they're just like a thing for you to hit whoa beam us out here i like stop doing it oh there's right there i'm so angry oh i can't do anything but jump but i can't give you come on grab my hand i'll just do this level i mean if you're gonna mess around yeah you see that i got the true hops i jumped from the bottom i didn't even mean to get you caught on that by the way i just hey hello triforce riku he's happy that we're doing streams again let's go man honestly this is a fun fun time and and like the the connection is so good it's just like playing normally it's like a normal game to me what oh i forgot don't worry about it don't worry about it yeah yeah you don't have to oh i it's not that i just tried to kick that at you with some fun soccer some funny stuff wait what is this the green coins get dang it i don't know what that oh it gives you the star of course it does yeah you probably knew that yeah i actually forgot it i i genuinely forgot what it did are they shooting oh get up i thought you just dropped the crown i was like can you do it oh my god yes yes oh yes yes died die twice wait no stop wait a minute we could talk about it i use your cap powers hit the ball wait the ball yeah we have to hit the ball into into this oh never mind i i i finessed a goomba over to it [Laughter] wait what's up here uh i don't know level some variety you actually got up here that's crazy oh that's that's crazy that you can't that's crazy that's wait i didn't know if you could i was i wasn't sure i wasn't sure i was like wait a minute he knows a tech really else there's something else up here i think i think you can actually do that in the wii u version you can use the hand to get stars that sounds like cheating there's something else up here i don't know go ahead and get it all the way down here oh it's points oh i don't want i don't want to give you those i don't want to give you those come back down wait yeah yeah you should you should get that yeah what's up i'm gonna yo no no no no yes i'm gonna get it i'm gonna go ahead and just wait something stop hitting me take that oh can i like activate the ball by like poking it can you yeah whoa what that's crazy that you just zoomed by and drive by threw me off the cliff what the heck that's where am i i don't know i lost my pal i think oh yeah if you hit it with your hand with like the pointer you can like okay do we supposed to hold it oh no okay we can't hold it you just tap it let's get to that can you triple jump oh no you cannot you cannot triple kill this game i dude i got that bowser's fury movement i've been speed running out of that mode hey i guess it carries backwards long jump up here no you probably can't you can do you can do like a bunch of other speed tech that's not the one you can do oh look at this by the way is that a car that has got some uh got a whole ride going on here why doesn't he have that in um mario kart right but actually right you know what i'm surprised i didn't announce another mario kart yeah right the mobile version is too good yeah yeah they ain't gonna have too much money oh wait are we supposed to hit that yeah it batted back at him how do you hit what did you just do i i just tapped it i think you could i think you can ground pound it maybe you know what maybe you can't how are you doing it okay fire power stop sorry i'm trying to shoot fireballs okay you use the fireballs to shoot them you're actually hurting the car oh there we go oh yeah there we go it has battle damage we're destroying this ride yeah you got insurance on that one buddy yeah yeah just keep poking it up geico cover your weird dinosaur car oh you can just touch it as long as it doesn't explode on you that's a good like this is like i think they call this self sabotage yeah because he's that this is a long bridge get it this is a very long bridge like who built this what are the supports like where does it go no i'll throw you into it uh okay so you can't hit the the red ones ah some are primed yeah summer prime those are the ones that'll blow up get it they go with me wait did we win i think so oh no we're just on like the next it loops we have to shoot him shoot him with your no don't shoot those yeah you kick those and you shoot the other one yeah got ya can i get on this rail whoa whoa whoa it's lagging a little bit yes i can you want to try it i wouldn't mess around with the input delay on it but oh there you go what are you doing down here oh i was supposed to get up here that's crazy oh oh katsu all right so that one's not prime no don't hit it don't don't hit it that way fail i just took out some fishing to see some whale on the on the eastern side of the screen it just suffered a painful death his poor car yeah man is it going to break hey it's like that i always like that he did that and the little looney tunes fall there's a lot of blue in my chest oh you could have pet bowser i like this oh the fun i should have pet bouncer didn't realize i love the victory music [Music] very very okay i have the victory music i have all the sounds turned low because i don't want the mic to pick up oh can i truly faster than you nope you have a cat suit on yeah i got some extra speed so what happens if we grab her do we i mean if we beat the stage without grabbing her oh no the flag will just auto break it don't worry okay yeah yeah anyway i'm just going to cheat my way up here oh yeah that's a good long job actually though yes [Music] this is cool i hope you guys are enjoying yourselves i really hope so because i'm enjoying myself and it's been a while it's it's been a while this is nice i think if i swipe at the pixie would i be able to take her crown i lost again no i lost well it's okay it's okay because soon i will be the the god toe looks so weird when he's in baby form like his head looks a little too big for his body on top of what it already looked like is that like a special toad like it or is that just toad buddy blue oh i know what you're saying i mean blue toast blue toad seems to be like a specific toad and pink toad is a i mean toadette is a toad and then there's blue toad doesn't his head just look a little wide am i insane it does kind of look a little wide it's a little off there's something about his head it looks like um i keep thinking about super mario brothers too there's like this mushroom that isn't a mushroom that you can pick up and it's like a break and you could throw it at people this is his arm his arm is clipping into his body you see that he has a very spherical body a little bit too wide for his forehead help him cat mario wait what where we going oh world 2 baby it's a desert but it has flowers yeah i think i guess that's why that's a bigger castle isn't it that's a cool castle yeah where are the koopalings uh yeah they're actually i don't think they're in this game i think it's just replaced with boom boom we'll find out about them because it's my turn this time right i don't know what is this oh it's stampable you're a piece of trash oh somebody i had i just acted fast i didn't know what this was until it happened yo what's up oh yeah you can cling to the wall that's that's unfortunate i'm dipping anyway someone said uh this uh it's uh they think that this blue toad has a specific name in japan oh does he yeah that's neat somebody said the koopalings are dead yeah i don't it it wasn't they might have died in 3d land the branding isn't strong enough i'd like bowser oh no oh no yeah select your character you can change it to a different one if you want i can change i don't want peach i just want blue toast i heard like there you could get someone else too oh yeah uh at the end if you like collect everything you can get rosalina that's cool what does she do um you get like a like a extra attack in the air at all times that can like shoot like the galaxy spin attack oh that's cool yeah no it's odd of all the games we've all we played with each other we haven't played smash together we haven't played smash together have we never played smash again we haven't ever smashed again really we have never played smash together it's crazy i i gotta know that we haven't yeah good for me i i don't want to embarrass my friends oh i it'd be cool if you yeah you know if you want to be a pal and you can go in the thing can i just bubble myself okay the wind's nice up here and that says dead so i'm gonna let you hit it oh oh dude oh oh my god this is this is i almost jumped down there died you might have like oh my god i climbed it from nothing oh my god that was dead and that was the plane you you and you failed it that was optimal i got so many coins from that i'm not pleased with this die you can't get them now oh no saying quicksand can the can the crown i'm gonna throw you in oh you almost got me killed you jerk i am really fast yeah no kidding can we kill that yeah can you kill it please i mean you have a better kill option than i i don't have an attack button what is this thing called bird it's just a i don't know it's an ostrich of some variety how do i use her uh if you just go up there actually sure do you have to use it you do it you gotta do it i it lets you see more of the level but like we can just you know okay we could just go to more of the level oh wait a minute wait wait for what hold on whoopsie i'll just take that because you don't need it oh a cat suit thank you like that yeah if you pick up a power-up i guess it just you know it boots your current power up to the little zone in the bottom there this is a little uh [Music] that's confident in my movement oh okay i see you yeah i got like i got a cat suit i have a fireball oh i don't have it anymore oh my god they like lie over dead when you when you ground pound them that's a little sad they do my overdid can you go up here oh wait what oh you can't does that green thing do oh it just gives us extra time extra time oh what the heck what the heck hey hey stop getting money stop getting money how do i spin around that's really cool i like that that's a cool effect so you're gonna stop doing that at any point nope because this is co okay okay okay okay it had to run out eventually yeah i got to get that crown off of you so i am going to throw you off wait a minute hold up though we have to get this guy to detect this oh wait really oh yeah that was really nice with you don't kill yourself yeah right ah no wait wait wait wait wait come here come here come here hey it's captain toad hey toad you want to give me a star that'd be cool no no no no no no no no no no see you later oh yeah hold on the path is still coming back oh i better still have one even though you had the crown oh wait dude not a chance because i had so many coins i got i got you got a lot of coins i don't know how much a coin is worth in this game in wave points it has to be at least 100. oh we got the mario stamp oh uh someone says hi failed they love your videos oh hello there anonymous viewer oh no yeah i told you bro i told you i called you yeah yeah i'm big and i got the thing oh it's there's a blue toe with glasses named holder that is the one that they're thinking of oh what is that statue it's tollberry with with contact lenses oh rosabina is unlocked after you've beaten one level once you've beaten the game 100 isn't needed for her oh do you know but you need her for 100 oh okay okay okay so there's two levels we can pick from what is what is this one actually what is that that oh we unlocked it oh yeah i guess this is the level on your do you want to go to the silhouette one or that one i don't know that one oh i don't like the silhouette one silhouette ones it is it's got some fun design to it i'm in for both i think i might try to have you ever hosted like oh touch controls oh oh yeah they're just explaining that this level you need to use the the hand okay you're the you're the guy all right you're the guy oh wait wait [Music] stop [Music] i love this that must be so annoying can it can i oh yeah it's killed it doesn't die oh oh yeah have you ever held a smash lobby for your viewers before oh yeah what what is happening oh i'm feeling up the block there ah okay no yo what's up you almost got me man that's crazy right that's crazy how do how do we get the how do we get up there one second i'm just going to freeze this guy in place he doesn't assassination kill on it he doesn't move fail you have to tap the block from the order and then it creates a staircase stop that was close man yeah you were in the ve that's crazy right that's crazy what just happened what stop no no you're coming up here on my terms no i'm not what yeah no okay we got to get that yeah yeah go for it hold on one second beam you up here oh no he pulled me down wait and we could just tap this whole wall right like yeah it just activates when you tap it like like this wall okay never mind um deactivate that oh my god that was almost good that was close fail you almost got it that was really close yeah yeah man it's crazy whoa i'll beat me up i'll beat me up if i run away whoa why did it beam you down i don't know baby i'm going i'm going i'm running i'm running i'm doing the thing there we go there we go all right i know i can trust you yeah of course man anytime oh come on share the elevator out with me buddy no i'm good no no i'm the king no almost threw you off by reflex but i don't want to kill you because it kills me okay i'm gonna whoa whoa dude yeah i i i cut hey come on come on over buddy i'm good i'm good yeah you know what jesus that's a confident toad there oh my god oh oh look at that look at sitting in the bubble like oh he looks like he's kind of lounging yeah free me from this bubbly prism i i love it oh it shoots us up oh this is nope not happening this time boy yeah yeah none of us have the thing what i i just think i can like kill them because i have the speed wow i want the ending i want the ending oh yeah yeah yeah boy you see you see what happens crack my skull against the concrete wall here hey that's exactly what i need not even like a concrete wall it's like a very like comfy looking wall okay we need this okay okay okay okay we have to collapse trust me trust me trust me okay i'm gonna trust you all right you're the hands okay i like that that's cool it's okay nice relaxing ride this is all the way back up free me from my prisons i'll die oh my god i look good i got i got i got that uh fury movement how do i oh no i'm going i'm going to see you buddy i don't know how to go go go i'm i'm going well i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm okay i'm gonna help you just do the thing [Laughter] mario is the funniest the i don't know who on the dev team is the masochist but someone looked at the bonk animation and gave it like so many revisions just to make sure it felt bad like they wanted if you bonked they wanted you to feel like you messed up i hate it at least he doesn't say wrong whenever he hit it in like 64. that was like a do that again that's an incredibly accurate mario 6 if someone pointed a gun to my head and made this incredibly irrational like demand of like make the mario 64 bonk sound right now are you or are those bullets going or your brains on the wall like i would not be able to make that it used to crack me up as a kid you gotta hit it you're up dude oh it's my uh oh my god i love it okay i guess okay i get i guess i don't jump straight through wait what is this place so in chat says i hate ads and frankly that's just an unwarranted comment that that makes me feel bad we're having some fun here in reality i i genuinely enjoy this this guy's you guys incredible you're amazing if you aren't subscribed to us go go check them out oh that was the shout out i liked it yeah see that one act of like selflessness will pay for all the trolling i do for this yeah exactly exactly thank you very much and people in here love failboat everybody say you like failboat in my chat and maybe we will summon him okay i have a question for you um is this a mario 3d land level so let me say that do you know what 3d land is i have that but i never played it um yeah it was like the 3d version there was a 3ds version of like of this that came before world was this a 3d land level it it for some reason strikes me as a level that reminds me a lot of it i don't i don't know early like the level like the layout looks similar i don't know what it is that's a that's a double negative huey like i know it's from the wii u yes but like it looks it yeah it kind of has this feeling i think maybe it's these swirling donuts can you get up here like it might be the doughnuts yeah hold on once i can hear the ball sorry i didn't expect to hit you so dead on the money i didn't think it would bonk me either here's a ball bale it's like a mortal combat kill screen oh that's about you you got to get those yeah get these away from me it's such a cute kitty cat dude in in the wii u version i did not like the catsuit it just didn't play right with me it did it didn't work i'll just grab this i mean i did i know you won't yeah so it i i think the game is fast like and it was slower before that's silly i mean plus i mean this little dive is so good having that little ground pound dive oh my god it changes the game so much can we go up here i think no it's a wall i think it's getting on the wall oh that was that was perspective that was definitely a little bit uh i used a nice try i used to love the the the slide levels in um this mario world 3d world i get it again look at me go look at the dust cloud i'm kicking up here get up oh you can't oh my god that's okay yeah i was gonna say you just do the thing oh there we go how do i there we go oh where are you going oh there's nothing else up here wait is this the one that has the skin no okay there's i think it's actually a level in world one that lets you skip to world three what yeah yeah it's pretty cool oh ball level and there's like one in the bottom oh there we go oh that's what you were trying to get i see now please don't throw that ball at me you're just oh we're thinking for the little bug jump appreciate that dude i actually just want to hit you with this with the ball i just wanted to hit you and get and get it back that it's just i'm just casually oh is there something down there there is there is head on down and i'm glowing oh you're dude you're you're you're playing uh you're playing it close to the liar i'm gonna get you with one man you got one chance yeah that's okay as far as i'm concerned i got i got all those stars i still think i took that away oh yeah you did get all the stars oh my god the one you snuck for me yeah i i didn't i didn't very much like that i didn't i did not very much like that okay here we go yeah right clear score this is an amazing time i don't like it that was like actually one star's worth of points i don't like this dude you know what you know what i gotta give this game credit for do you remember the uh super mario bros wii yes like like the 2d one when it was like the first time you could do four player mario like yeah that was i think so much fun to play when i had friends over and i'd be like oh i can grab my friend and throw them in the pit and we like couldn't progress forever because we just i used to hate i was i just have to outrun everyone because yeah they grab me and throw me it this game really took that formula and perfected it yeah like it makes it so we can still progress you know even if we hate each other oh what is this stage that's why like when when they added fury to this game out and it was like oh now there's online play i'm like dang this might actually be like one of the switch's best games yeah i i you know what i think i oh what does this do welcome to the mystery house i don't know i've got to figure that part out there's a green star in each room okay huh look at this i might as well not even take the crown because it doesn't give me anything in this place yeah oh i see we just i think we just have to grind for us wait i mean i mean go not wait go faster yeah oh yeah everything's on a timer okay you go one way and i go the other okay okay i got him killed but got the wall bounce i got the thing gonna get beamed through here i got those okay so we always just go to the right what did you just do get it taking that take that yeah we don't yeah yeah we don't have a oh um birds we can we can kill them though yeah we just peck we're going to slash their heads because we have cats mario i we i when's the next time we can stream my boy i i don't know man i i'm down i i would love to play through this whole game with you man oh yes i love this oh and the the fact that the connection is perfect it's like it makes it i don't it's not lagging i don't hate it exactly dude mario maker had like the worst experience possible i'm so glad they they they oh is this one on that is that this one on that new system they were talking about um what do you mean oh oh the new internet no no it is not okay yeah yeah someone asked if you are matpat [Laughter] very quietly yes yeah yes oh dude i got to show you this so peach peach is like the floating ability and oh my god like peach was float busted never mind i hate this game oh thanks never mind no no so how do we kill them uh step on their heads once and then give them a little smack i can't jump high enough i have toad oh you do you jump high enough i don't i don't think his jump heights decrease yeah it said it at the screen it was one of the screens it said everybody has different jump power and run speeds you're a piece of trash she's so tiny child peach she looks like an actual child like she she's just child piece little mario looks like just a short dude yeah like a short mario with a mustache like she looks like an actual child it's crazy oh my god i got that extra royalty jesus yeah yeah you got a crown on your crown that's crazy all right oh oh yes dude the uh this is the double cherry level oh there's a double cherry level oh yeah i'm go uh i i'm gonna let you you uh get this power up because it is a it's very fun what does it do pick it up dude really oh yeah it's a double cherry for a reason oh my god no no your hitbox is grown yeah stay away from you freaky yeah what's up man oh no they're decent yep you control each one completely independently hang on come here come on i'll give you a wall to resync on yeah ah i killed you guys the real me died well it's actually kind of messed up because like you don't know which one's the real one what the heck there was a star in there oh cool i never knew that yeah you haven't played the game so yeah that's pretty neat yeah huh this is so cool yeah you can have a lot of them going around at any given really yeah can i get like a second one yeah exactly if you didn't lose the oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he stops assassin's stop don't hit them look these are my favorite enemy walk up to just listen to him hey there i'm like this is so cute i should have hit you when i had the chance but can we and then they followed this then disarray and then they're like wait a second kill you'll come here we had two players so that was mute that was move wait i didn't mean to go up that one wait wait wait wait how do i get my other toad oh no he died he went too fast no i am the double oh i thought you would have two crowns yeah yeah you double the hitbox now now oh i gotta keep the one with the crown away from you no no yes yes thank you this isn't you know what i thought would happen if you touched it with the one without the crown if the other one would disappear and you're not heaven oh yeah all right okay all right it gets a little ridiculous with the amount of like characters you can have i mean uh i'm kind of i'm kind of like like a one man army here yes yes which one is the real one it's it's this one with the crown no no how dare you how dare you my army get them yeah they're gone i got four of my mario friends together in mario 3d world to try and catch a single toad and they all die can we catch the toad before he completes the end of the level this challenge was crazy oh he's oh that looked like it hurt actually like hitting halfway yeah we didn't get the we don't we don't have enough people to hold this down wait a second right think can we can we throw it like where'd it go where is where does it go it goes up we unfortunately also do not have a cat suit so we are kind of at the mercy of our own gravitation i slammed into that thing i got four mario's together to try and catch the single prick who's running around with a crown i like this this is good this is cool this is mario manhunt hey this is this is mario okay all right yeah all right oh get that extra life wait is this save file on your game yeah so every time we play we'll just have to load off of my save file okay that's cool yeah oh i like this how do we get that down there oh we have to go around like the start of the level and like just walk around the outer path it's a cool secret that's neat oh we're at the end wait no go back oh sorry press day yeah that was an extra there was an extra stage it looked like oh yeah slash tank 2 dash tank 2 dash tank baby welcome to this auto scroller what is this oh she's waving who is that one why isn't that one taken down ask around sometime maybe yeah okay all right can we die if we stand in front of that noise oh no it's just a moving wall oh wait wait just hold me for a second [Music] oh hey wait wait wait wait a second wait one second here what we both died that was terrible we hit the end of the auto scroller oh no wait we could hit the end of it and die i guess so yeah or we must have gotten crushed by something off screen if we both hit oh so okay yeah if you touch it we die yeah and the other thing is if we're if we both get bubbled uh that is another death condition oh okay okay yeah yeah let's both okay i wanted to see what happens if we both ground oh i'm gonna read this cool thing at this level here i'm excited to show you it oh is it here yeah look at this what is come here come here yo step up there's a gun ah ouch yep that's a gun that's an actual yeah we just have we just have an actual gun it hit me that's dangerous oh my god point me at him bam yeah yeah bam i'm a little a little far back i'm a little far back i'm a little far back okay i'll hold him still boom i love this boom hey wait you got that without touching it yeah i can collect with my ball oh i didn't know that i like that this is cool ouch hey you know what yeah no no you like that yeah oh careful those spikes buddy you like that i hope that enjoy it enjoy right now i can't believe you just smashed brother's gain inside of us i've tried to just if i can't win no one can no i didn't mean to do that i'm so upset because i can't win no one can if i can't win oh that's so terrible we can do this we can do this all right so what happens if we hit this button wait is that or oh it shows us that there's a hidden block actually i think if you just ground pound anywhere it'll it'll reveal the black i think that's just yeah no no i mean like it's a little thing that's on the yeah if you hit it maybe up okay so i will say that there's actually two of these guys if you wanna oh no there's not you lied anything i just died that said there are two of these over here let me just here i got to be careful not to shoot you because it hurts you jump into him jump into him over here oh wait hop into the bottom of it oh i couldn't ride slightly off oh okay hold on a second you got down mr president the the piranha plant no okay go well i mean like i don't i'm not even aiming at you i'm just taking shots at the piranha plant right here please let me win that's all i want how do i get up here oh don't die oh yeah i'm gonna keep this oh i know we can get a green star at the end of the level if i keep this to the end oh okay so keep it i'm not even aiming at him yes you are i'm not you're definitely aiming at me oh my god i'm just getting like the trick shots here hold on a second oh i got to be careful ah [Music] dude i never real talk this game is so much fun to move in oh jesus they scattered like how much did you play of odyssey if at all uh i got to the third king okay okay wait we gotta break that yeah i don't think we have the ability to we don't have the cannon head that's unfortunate yeah like this game is just fun to move in i like it i i i feel like i should play and beat odyssey as well oh what is this it's a boss fight buddy [Music] can we land on them i don't think we should yeah yeah this in this form doesn't matter too much well i don't like do you get all these points here what i got yeah i don't like that that you just took the final hit green star green star oh no no he's so much faster than me vector vector you can't no you use a speed run stretch you can't do that legs that was good i extremely enjoyed myself oh that was a good that was a good stream it's just great dude it's actually really close to 5 30. i have one i have one more request can we do this last upcoming level yes oh wait we already did that was the last level wasn't it uh the first level of world three okay there there's a glitch with it and it's really fun it's a really funny i don't know if i'm gonna no no no no no trust me this is not a this is not a griefing glitch this is uh a fun glitch all right yeah this is we're gonna work together for for the beauty of this because it is far and away like one of my favorite things like it's a glitch those in the wii u version that they just left in the switch version for no reason other than it's amazing i i i'm wow that looks pretty i gotta see your reaction to it because it's so good um i i i this is gonna be oh my god it looks very pretty wherever we're going what is this actually could you do me a oh it's ice level dude that's beautiful could you give me a favor do me a favor and give me control give me give me let me play as toad because it's better with toad okay yeah yeah we don't have to even beat the level i just want to show you it this sounds like it's going to be oh it dude it's like a i just press b to change off of him yeah yeah cool all right now i think i can do this fairly easily oh i like fire princess do you need a cat suit i'm not sure yeah dude fire pieces so cute i love her the ponytail thing going on i love how you just kill these guys they fall apart okay okay so the glitch happens here so first of all i'm just gonna there there's a block back here can you turn the camera no if you walk more to the left it's back here somewhere oh come on a little bit further there we go it's a helicopter block if you hold bu you get you gains a lot of height right so uh do me a favor we need to clear this path can i clear it yeah yeah just kick kick things off the road here oh i thought you meant like killing the icing yeah oh yeah we're not beating the stage so it doesn't matter you can grab that if you want so now just uh sit back and enjoy okay wait a minute all right well hold on we just gotta get this out of the out of the way all right all right i'm trying to yeah just toss that over the ledge all right we're good we're getting anything else nope this should be all good i think you'll end up getting bubbled here we go okay see ya what uh-huh oh that was a bad one too we can get so much faster really yeah yeah so um oh what the heck you came for the neck ah i helped i'm child peach so yeah with um on ice for some reason they left the scene if you rapidly crouch after gaining there he goes after gaining some speed you can just go flying yeah there's like a really matte match crouch okay i got it i got it hang on so if i run in go for it go for it i like oh i hit a certain speed and it stopped me oh because you you turned pretty hard help me ah yeah so like oh it's so good here you know what you know what uh what let's restart the uh the level here so that way you can you i'll let you give a shot at it you have to get the timing right it's a little weird okay i'm gonna get it i can do it with okay we're gonna try with peach yeah pretty much all you wanna do is be sprinting uh yeah so so get in that block in that block there you go yeah yeah so your insides are really simple uh just just hold b just hold me yeah yeah okay yeah so what you're gonna want to do is just mash right trigger over here or crouch or whatever once we clear the road um and then at the end of the road when you pray pretty much right once you pass those blocks right there uh you just want to jump in a whole jump yeah yeah all right whoopsie okay you're good you're good wait wait wait wait let me let me let me clear the runway for you all right you ready take off hold me what i'm sorry i might have ate back here here uh go ahead shut up one more time you gotta turn into a bubble how do you bubble that's not it can you kind of like manually bubble oh what that was cool fly fly yes go hold up hold up yes just keep going what what you got a really good match dude oh boy that was a really good match why did they keep that in here i don't know it's really dumb but i love it i love it i i just appreciate that they did it's so much fun i love this oh my goodness thank you for showing me that face dude no problem oh apparently ellen art if you press eleanor at the same time it bubbles you oh i don't know that wait if you press eleanor right now does it just kill us it won't let me oh yeah that makes sense because you know otherwise it would literally just game over us you can do that in the first super mario bros though oh my god that's really funny i like that thank you for showing me that face oh yeah i i had to i had to i'm like this is always the level i look forward to it when it whenever you play this game yeah go for it go for it go for it i'll stay in bubble mode yeah it's a little hard to see usually you can turn the walk up to the not be on the tree yeah walk up to the fence just hold up and then jump okay she's looking up at it at one point oh yeah that means this will look like right here yeah perfect all right let me clear the road a bit for you why am i stuck oh you're on the tree okay yeah i know and you can do this on any ice it just so happens that this is like a broken part for it i just realized i don't have to push just one crouch button i have two different crowds but yeah yeah you ready go for it [Music] oh my god oh geez she shot off the edge okay all right we can do this i want to try one more time and then i'll end stream dude that was a good attempt that was a good one man you got some distance on that that that was kind of dude all right you ready yeah i i guess i am i'm sure nothing will get in my way if i'm going fast enough well whoa i mean nothing did nothing dared to oh oh my god uh we're a little bit stuck okay that's all i wanted to do i just wanted to move that's so much fun thank you so much fail oh absolutely man that is my my pleasure far and beyond oh that was good oh hey everybody watch it on my end please once again check out at youtube.com it's just right yeah yeah it's c yeah thank you everyone for coming out and thank you fail i'm gonna go do my goodbyes to my chat all right i'll i'll unmute and talk to you after after i'm done my end too all right talk to you in a minute man yeah oh everybody that that is x please go check them out man i am a i'm a tired gamer after all that peach peach peach that was so much fun i love mario i love this is a good game isn't it it's a pretty good game oh my god dude all right all right we gotta we gotta give my man a shout out everyone please go check out the mr youtube.com for more ads based content we will do an episode two of this eventually um hope you all sincerely enjoyed the stream because i oh my god did i have fun you guys like that stream you guys you guys like that segment oh that was so good who's live right now other than that's other than that who's live right now oh so we can do a raid and get out of here man you know what it's been a while since i raided him let's let's raid that bald gamer he's playing some minecraft right now with viewers i believe for a 12 hour stream give this man some support i am tired i'm gonna eat some food and then i'm gonna do a smash brothers tournament because i i hate the feeling of resting thank you all for watching tune next time forever i feel like doing once again check out x and i hope you guys have an absolutely wonderful night goodbye everybody i'm gonna go eat some food
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 11,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Etce, Mario 3D World
Id: Dpv_yDkTIEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 16sec (5596 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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