More Mario Galaxy「Mario Galaxy w Fyrus🌌🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️」

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[Music] you know it fell apart in the late stages but i got him in hello everybody it's pretty good execution throughout that you added a nice little holy he did that the one you did in the beginning was like perfect it was like a holy sound did i just screech i can't remember like but yeah but you you ended it on like i was like [Music] oh my god that's incredible well see as as virus is demonstrating right now that's what it sounds like to hear someone in space and because of that we're gonna go to play mario galaxy i will shoehorn this transition as much as possible welcome everybody to uh mario 3d what's longer 3d also that's the title mario 3d all-stars but it's gonna be me and virus playing galaxy but he's he's not playing he's just here it's a banter here we go [Music] like genuinely good well good morning get out of here you're yeah that was that was like actually strong oh it's paying attention and this is filmable it's youtube welcome everybody yeah as mentioned we're just gonna be hanging out playing some some super mario galaxy because i already made a video on it a while ago so i was like i want to differentiate this without having to make this chat plays again so this is the way we're doing it what's up phi hello i'm okay i woke up like an hour ago but now we are ready to i mean you're not actually doing anything you're just hanging out i'm just talking i'm just hanging i'm just watching you play you're playing you play this on your channel though yeah i did yes because everyone was like play galaxy and i'm like thank you for saying galaxy i'm not 64 because i played 64 like a thousand times oh yeah yeah yeah playing galaxy like one through god yeah no uh also by the way i'm just gonna read this off real quick thank you guys very much for the support because people were done even before the stream started thank you vemocam to noah me gaming like four times over all with their unique peach butts uh two noah thank you and then we got is that jerome jerome thank you i vote for the shine to be called uh failsprites we'll figure it out as oh god we have to call everything things um danny g consume the money and also new member coming through watching the stream it's pointing in two spam some fail chickens to check cause it's our cue and welcome donald livingston to the field fleet group [Music] i love this top screen dude it's very pretty dude dude galaxy yeah it's very it's such a beautiful game but it's like very serene as well because it does like the whole epic and it's like really chill after oh yeah no it really made the game feel incredibly grand okay so i will say the motion tracking is already it oh this feels so weird just i like just let's play this on the wii u recently are you using a pro controller i am using a pro controller right now i mean it's so strange but it doesn't feel terrible i'm a little sad there's no mis but there's still the row for the mis yeah i don't know why there's no mis considering the switch literally has me capabilities but you know yeah and the planet i was about to say i'm told on the planet live on me stand who wants to live in my iris climb into my mouth [Laughter] travel all the way to the core oh dude celeste but you're climbing up toad's head it's just a giant toad it makes bob says every time you just dash into him ow every hundred years a comet appears in the skies above the mushroom kingdom the comet was so large one year it filled the skies the same cat lit shooting stars raining down just takes out toadette i just want to say it literally is an extinction level event every single time [Laughter] the toes are born and raised from the crops around the mushroom kingdom and so life continues uh the toads brought the shooting stars to the great castle they became a great power star excellent uh it should have been a very happy time for the the citizens of the mushroom kingdom why do they have faces yeah the stars have like a smile but does that mean they're alive do they feel pain all right i thought everything i thought like the hills were alive quite literally in like the mario universe you've played galaxy before right you shoot the stars into like a fiery core on the comet observatory [Music] do they feel that they do they do get like shocked into there don't they yeah like a big fiery core uh first you want you want to hit me with a quick peach voice yeah mario robot peach there's something i'd like to give you from peach there you go i love dubstep peach i would i wasn't gonna wear this pink peach little bit of tea painted tee peach the teepee she literally she just has the big old sunglasses dude this part in particular made me pop off because i was like oh my god i'm like it's like i'm 13 again it's very pretty oh oh wow the controller huh okay yeah control's a bit odd it feels very like it's i don't know i'm not sure how uh sunshine feels it feels a tiny bit stiff his movement oh it feels like i'm doing splatoon aiming again oh this is this wasn't expected it would have been cool if they like gave you free camera controls but i feel like that would have been asking too much oh they aren't giving you free camera controls no because think about it there wasn't a second stick on the uh oh you're wrong i don't like that you actually use the d-pad oh nope nope i'm going to joy-cons forget this [Music] i played like three hours on the pro controller and the pointer controls are so strange no way dude i am not there's no way i can play that game without using the second stick yeah oh god okay okay i mean well having joy cons being able to like use one of them as a castle would probably feel better oh yeah oh yeah this is definitely pretty nice that seems that seems optimal all right oh my gosh dude this game is very funny okay i feel like this game leads like like lens best to being upscaled as well just because it already was a pretty game oh yeah for a 64 there's only so much you can do for by putting it out in like 4k there's only so there's only so sharp you can make those polygons oh yeah i i know what you mean here dude it it it seems a little weird to see toad with a spear like i've never seen them weaponized usually they don't have those things yeah i don't know it is very oh yeah it is very strange he literally he has a spear he has a sword and a spear is just like it's him just walking around with sharp weaponry going it puts it gives me a type of anxiety i wasn't prepared for bear want have you noticed how inconsistent the mushroom kingdom always is why peach's castle is always in a different place i kind of like it it it it's it's a fun little like it is but also it's really funny when you play this game how inconsistent bowser's sizes oh oh oh i mean like it's not a spoiler because you know everything about sunshine essentially you've seen how big he is in that game right oh of course he is as big as the scene needs him to be he is like the size of a building in sunshine also he has a voice oh yeah yeah and then misty's just like a foot taller than mario look at this toad right over here which one oh they gotta spit go up to him right okay you won't be able to probably trigger yeah oh no no i wanna oh no hold on he's gonna die he's not like that yeah he just crushed him right there yeah he's dead no i wanna see it i wanna shoot a starbit at him i wanted to shoot him and then galaxy 2 is bigger than the castle never played galaxy 2 but i have seen that for some reason bowser is just really big i also haven't played galaxy 2 boy would that have been a fun addition i was going to say that would have been a good addition because i never played that one but yeah this came out hey oh this hey how's the planet 2007 huh i was 13. i was a little baby boy i remember getting this in the mail dude and i remember opening the case i was getting excited i don't know what the uh the disc was in the states but over here it was like black and red and it had like the art on it it was really cool i think i think that's the same yeah yeah yeah i was very like i was like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i was the same with brawl as well oh god memories dude dude such a golden era i remember checking the the smash dojo every other week this is see what new news dude an assist trophy would be announced and i'm like oh like they would announce characters through the dojo wouldn't they as well yeah sonic sonic was just dropped sonic was just dropped on the dojo they would never do that nowadays oh my god whole events like they aren't about to tweet out like crash bandicoot smash 9 a.m it's coming like sonic was revealed just by like a png and then oh yeah like a 360p video okay let me like shoot this guy i want to see if i can like down him remember snakes reveal trailer oh yeah oh is there like a wall can i shoot any of these guys no oh here we go oh hey look his head his head's got jiggle physics i like that oh wait this one's also spinning perfect perfect fodder look at look he's just spinning on his hand yeah it's incredibly impressive it is but also he's not like spinning on a finger it's just his whole hand is planted into the ground i'll take him down too although i like how he just immediately goes back into that position you know he's dedicated well there we go that actually crushes like three toes actually yeah that toad is actually dead now um i like how this is also like the most violent attack bowser has ever done on the mushroom kingdom probably it is pretty bad i was gonna say that people have died here there's no way nobody died in this attack zero chance i think i've seen at least four deaths like verify it's live and ammunition this is a whole raid i do love how there are they just wasn't pulling his punches on this one look at the seagulls they just chill though this is just like flying through the ship like oh what oh i said he's a star but he has a face just like the others but for some reason he's different also what is bowser's obsession with stealing the castle when he also steals the princess why does he take the whole building what does he hope to achieve yeah he looks like he looks like a zelda cdi character talking like he has that kind of like bouncy anime she like licks his lips uh-huh yeah i know for sure i like how we also went from having a full voice that just growls in this it summons a ufo mario what has he ever done this any other time no other time this is like the most like you know edgy bowser we've ever seen apart from like in smash bros oh yeah mario how dare you interrupt my family vacation yeah that was beautiful right the toads are singing oh sitting down why do i why is it so funny so imagine that's how mario sits on our benches he really compresses himself i don't know why he like that's not natural he he is like an orb how could this happen i don't know what happened i don't know dude mommy mario's marrows mario dude you can breathe in space the festival is ruined yeah yeah just the festival don't worry about it yeah not not like there's many toad casualties and like that the entire surrounding area has been destroyed billions of coins worth of damage no yeah they're just the festivals ruined you know that's the important thing as long as they don't literally totally cryostasis around the whole kingdom [Laughter] i thought there's like a couple of players just like chilling as well in one spot like that one like that guy to the right if you look at him he's standing no animation he's just like well yeah princess over there go go get her slugger this is i guess this is where right i take my final stand she's up there darn she's out of reach uh it's just not a rage dude trying to take a shot i remember making it like i thought you got like stopped earlier oh i guess you make it ultimate ah you make people the castle here so i like how that ship isn't flying it's just like there it is suspended what a cool little area this is though like actually yeah you rem you remember like what happens when you get all stars right you get yeah yeah you get like three rounds it was super cool to be able to come back here after all that wait when it wasn't you know being decimated by like a war criminal yeah i mean i'm definitely taking i'm i'm you know taking my sweet time to really soak in the environment oh yeah it has been a while why would there be a rush right now i mean she she seems to be doing good yeah she's fine i mean if you stay there i'm sure she'll just be okay there we go hey where did the ufo come from why why yeah as if airship shooting cannonballs made of fire wasn't enough now there's a ufo and it has nipples it does have nipples that's three of them that's kind of weird you should only have two if i i mean they should they shoot they're talented they're very talented good good job nipples yeah why is he so intent on taking the building like what does this do for him dude i mean like i don't know where he got the budget for this ufo but if you got a ufo like this you gotta drive it once in a while true but also how do you lift an entire building and its foundations with four chains by pulling really hard yeah like the chains aren't even stiff that one in the back is slacking yeah dude they're just look they're they're sucking come on there we go everyone puts in their work you imagine like he does this like of course like as it would the castle falls out underneath because dirt doesn't work like this yeah there's billions of uh damn imagine think how odd this whole scenario is he lifted a castle into space why where did he get a ufo how did he get a ufo how are they breathing there's a lot of questions here this is the this is like the biggest w like why why did why did bowser just go all out on this occasion i love this shot though i love the shot oh yeah can't wait to watch that every time there's five turns left in super mario party he's [Music] it just nukes the castle wait all right if they could teleport the castle why didn't they do that on earth why do you need the whole show and command with the chain how did bowser have electrical powers how did he summon the ufo i don't know i mean we're we're we're adults trying to figure out the logic of a super mario game so dang non-fictional games can never keep their stuff intact i never could figure out what that big star was above you know like there's like a red star that looks like it's on the surface of a planet um hold on let me try to make my way over oh yeah like it's a bit to get used to for the first time it's that galaxy whiplash it just takes a second so where is this let me look did you see it a minute ago you probably look up if you're a first person there it is what is that hold on oh oh oh roll up on cam oh like this i can't i can't undo the first person you should be able to like press down on the what it's like no you don't know move around oh wait is it there you go oh oh you press up and down i was trying to press in on it yeah up and down what is that is that just on a planet i thought it was a constellation because that's in like a oh yeah i think that is on a planet very flat like are you above earth right now how did you end up on this you were just above dude you were in like the atmosphere of earth and somehow you ended up on this tiny little planet god hey i'm so sorry if you're watching this we're just picking apart the logic oh there there we go yeah there it is i think i think i think the law reason is the luma saved mario from falling to earth and probably dying i think that's what happened they were like yeah mama was right you have to uh go to the rabbits oh that's right okay all right do it yeah i remember first playing this and my my it was like so oh my god my head was it took a lot to try and get used to this oh whoa they they're like hd i don't know the eyes look very strange it's very like human eyes on these i don't know dude it's very strange oh and there they go i guess well i know where a few of them are just from my very faint memory [Music] one of them is it should be in the hole somewhere oh there we go this guy you're in the bushes oh yeah he when he like dips around again boy bill have to get used to this you got me hello i love the loomis i love the lumas the lumas are very good i'm a big fan of loomers i wanna i wanna uh luma plush hello friends how did he hide in there i just held on yeah fair enough oh my god why didn't you jump why can't you jump through one of the holes but not the other yeah you can you can jump through the planet through one of those holes but that one like makes like just drags you out of it oh the other one you can jump you can jump all the way through the planet never thought about that very strange okay there we go i like the glow this planet has as well it's very good [Music] oh katamari meets mario galaxy come here please oh i hate this okay there we go [Music] they just look so cute and cuddly maybe you really can't help mother mother they never explained the law really behind rosalina i mean she's not saying space lady no they're just like she's a space lady i think of ellen character isn't she the character i'm so dumb there's the whole storybook thing isn't it i think she's the only character with lore yeah you know i can for some reason my brain just decided to block out the fact that she has a whole storybook yeah he's also like seven feet tall like oh yeah hello apart from the end when she's like 60 feet tall for whatever reason yeah but you know hey are you just cute very cute she's got the fringe i like the fringe i've been watching you oh yeah yeah i mean she has your hair so i think it's fitting a few years you go for a rosalina voice okay um uh okay i've been watching you from here this place is called the gateway to the starry sky and protect the cosmos to save your special one you'll need the power to travel through space [Music] luma can give you this power i'll entrust you with his career have to check in on it yeah she's she sounds like the thing of personality core from uh from portal 2. [Music] can't fool me you silly robot i know you're just dressed up in the rosalina rosalina's dead you're like space court just murdered her this is actually portal three yeah what's the chat that wasn't auto-tuned this is what it turned out all right disaster struck us jesse has visited you with luma i hope you can rescue the grandstand i'll try to rescue them once i learn how to pronounce it may the star shine down on you well there she goes rosa please no she's screaming i didn't want this she just fades out of existence man so who is that you know the woman's like we don't know who that is that that yeah we have zero clues she just kind of turned up anyway here's mother it's just like a bum it's a big star yeah you know like an act like something that makes more sense uh shake this and press y okay yeah she just lives outside i love the idea of that being the loomis voice yeah is just freaking out seeing mario fly away he's just literally pulling himself into a planet well i guess there he goes i mean all right dude i don't know how mario's the legs to comprehend this he's literally launching himself so fast out of one planet's atmosphere into another yeah yeah i i imagine you've been training after this for a while yeah i mean to be fair he was in the olympics so he's probably got probably got those cars i can handle you know the g-forces he's been in the olympics he can probably handle interplanetary travel [Music] i love that cheese is really good um i also just punched a goomba into it the vacuum of space he won't hell yeah brother yeah he no longer has a soul he will go to neither heaven or hell he'll be comprised into a single atom that's what happens in a black hole oh yeah why do these goombas look like they're sick do you know what i mean thank you that's not correct they're like rounder and they're slightly green they look like uh they look like galumba variants but they're not gulumbas are like red aren't they yeah yeah yeah but they they're like jews it could be like look at them great guy honestly dude the amount of times as a kid i would try to get like the perfect equilibrium it's like oh they just keep going all the way yeah yeah yeah you know you know oh my god absolutely my favorite thing there's a uh in battle rock galaxy there's like little discs and you can do it on that oh yeah so good yeah you can just like flame yourself endlessly yes i remember you i remember that i remember that [Music] i see so maybe it is a gloomba it's just a sick lumber it's just a very sick goomba yeah i also like like one second yeah i'll transform into a slingstar after i transform they do actually scream like if you listen to him he's transformed into like a into an inaudible object just for you for transportation it's crazy i do enjoy having a pointer okay like oh yeah i gotta double down on this you can point and have a little zoom oh it is i can't imagine how many like how much time in the dev room it must have taken to make this 3d effect feel right what do you mean walking upside down yeah it must have been wild look at one of your thumbnails oh he's stopped doing it now could you imagine how many iterations they had to go through of physics to try and make this game feel right this game was like like this game could have gone incredibly wrong oh my this could have been like like an impossible game that like no one can play because everyone gets sick while playing it had to get global refunds from nintendo because people were walking away with hernias just looking at mario gosh why is how is the met the metal planet called gravity inside and outside that's not how gravity works oh yeah that isn't how it works is it i'm not i'm not i'm gonna stop pulling apart the fact that this doesn't make logical sense it's a mario game no that's the first time you've said that and i'm like or at first time anyone's pointed that out that there's like outwards gravity yeah there's like outwards gravity but the gravity should be pulling you to the middle not like to the to the crust it is like a really thick planetary shell pic pig said gra magnet says mario just made a metal now i mean he wasn't 64. [Music] [Laughter] yeah i want to actually play 64 without like the gimmick covering the chat play yeah see what you like again you got you killed the big bob on king bob spinning really fast so like this the planet is normal but the instant you step inside it's like all right here we go it goes in the overdrive in order to like yeah a min of gravity for you to artificially walk on the planet good chat you never heard if you've never played galaxy before be ready to hear the best victory jingle ever beautiful dude i love that so much that was great you got a grandstar they make it grand [Music] yeah no they absolutely do go for a little dance goodbye my son goodbye can i at least get your number [Music] it's really funny to me i agree i just i think it's like i i didn't i didn't expect you just like goodbye as he spins around superman he's got eyeballs and he launched himself into a fiery ball he's dead now uh it shines weakly uh maybe only as bright as a class six star but at least the four lumas will survive now oh wait sorry this is a guy oh thank you for saving the grand star these star people are my family they mean so much to me [Laughter] welcome to the common observatory it's my home and also home to the loom she's just a fake your head for this whole place you see we travel the starry skies we pass by this area once every 100 years but we suddenly stop in front of this planet a strange huge force had latched onto our ship pulling away star bits and us power source power stars our ship had lost power so it's entered a deep hibernation state in which it could not move is this funny to you rosa who's who took your special one picked up the power star wow interesting i guess we'll just go along with that story please i have a request [Music] and there is a chance we can use our few remaining stars to look for other power stars sorry press a little bit too soon these round rooms are called domes we observe college uh galaxies from domes such as these rosa you've gone up and pitched a little bit yeah sorry about that i had something in my throat the only one that is working now powered by the star power you you restored is this one the terror [Music] oh wait you're going through a lot right now apparently please go to the terrace and try to recover the power stars from the galaxies you can see from there wait what's up with our pinky sorry i just looked down don't don't uh don't bring attention to it oh you okay rosa listen listen we don't need to talk about that you gotta it like stitched onto your palm yeah um it's fine it's uh all right guys i won't bring it up is that a loom if we do that we'll be able to restore the comet observe we'll be able to restore the comet observatories of the abilities huh that is definitely a chat luma oh yeah then perhaps we could pursue the thieves that who ran off with the power stars [Music] they really gave me now they gave rosie's face so much more attention than mario's and it's a little bit of a shame but then they gave like so little attention to her hands apparently oh god mark mario's face during that zoom in looked like a dang swamp oh good lord i didn't like it mario dude guys trying his best please shade this man welcome the domax is an eye of the observatory from here we can gaze upon distant galaxies once this luma transforms into a star help me i really i don't want to do this i don't want to die i'm i'm just a child quiet he will guide you he will guide you to those far away galaxies simply point your cursor at the star pole star and press a okay you're playing in handheld mode you're not so i'm gonna shut up [Music] good good job blue i guess i'm now 9 000 incomprehensible miles long size of a planet these are the galaxies that can be observed from this i need more water from this dome that's actually him he's like please i need more water but i can tell you how to do this the numbers represent their distance from the observatory the bigger the number the greater their distance like get stars fly can we talk about the big bowser head that's just in space the school bully right and now imagine his head is just a planet with piercing red glowing eyes good egg good eggs [Music] it's really annoying that you can't choose the star without pointing at the screen like when you're using a pro controller dude oh yeah this one and uh gusty garden i like how it's timed when he lands as well that uh new donk city kind of feel yeah [Music] oh yeah here we go here we go the the the long jump yeah the long jump you can like uh you can there's a part where you have to kill a goom no gun but a a loomer and turn them into a launch star you can completely skip it though i think by just long jumping up the wall oh cool we're going to save a life yeah we can stable like uh oh hell yeah so kill that goomba right oh it's this so you can you can long jump and then if and spins that luma can live another day got it got it got it here let me we we must we must preserve all the life that we can so you got like long jump and then spin oh you nearly made it okay you can do it you can do it i believe in you the theme of this game is but i know you can't hear right now but god is so it's really good there you go here we go there you go we saved the life today chad one of 27 in the last five minutes saved thanks to us i also like how these star star pieces have been broken into very equally like sized dorito chips you're also being i was yeah to get the timing down i suck at that okay it's really hard to get the timing to to break the little gooey red thing god i only i only remember this loosely from when i last let's play this game like you're learning the timing of it sucks i'm going to get all these star bits for the luma luma bop guy later on there yeah dude my favorite thing in this game is luma lee lumabob welcome to the luma shop best branding i've ever seen in my life let's start that little thing stuck with me for years ah what are those things [Music] can we talk about how messed up it is that we call the piranha plants as well because they're like they're just chilling they were planted there and you come along and spin their heads off yeah it is like there's their natural environment it's not like they're running after you you just come into their home and just literally decapitate them mario's kind of almost dead yeah oh yeah about to be really bad don't worry i got this i want to get it potentially not as perfect as i could have wanted oh are you trying to are you trying to break it with that thing yes i don't even know you could do that i think that's the enchanted away i don't know no i just br i just spin into it like into the into the red crystal thing ah there we go okay okay oh yes literally right big big i don't know you can do that perfect i thought you were about to try and walk into that oh yeah no no no i'm not an idiot yeah true look this guy's just a pawn like before you got there he existed i mean what was he eating i don't know coins there's a couple coins around there come on buddy trying to hit you in the face there we go there you go i do like that they're a very interesting dynamic to this game the little green ball things mm-hmm do you know um strawberries are based on like a japanese candy yeah i do know that it's really cool i want to try it there we go money bag money bags some of the enemies in this uh gross like the blue little blue things that kind of just attach themselves to you oh yeah oh yeah yeah and those are just like little octopus goombas those things they really are uh shoot things at you like they're like little little octo rocks i like that they made actually like aliens for this game and then they just threw some of bowser's guys in there and then they just shoot you onto a giant like pill oh yeah oh boy here we go this big friend yeah big buddy is that a good egg that's i said the thing knock knock the name of the left no no [Music] who's there welcome it's a boy welcome to life you've been born yeah this is another thing of how mario is incredibly messed up he just landed he prematurely made this egg like you know be born and now he's just murdering it yeah and he does it does it pretty pretty well here he's rehearsing yeah this is a baby piranha that has just hatched and now he's he now he's dead he's bald and dead yeah i shaved him yeah you did that's unnecessary also his peers his scream is like piercing i i used to be really freaked out by as a kid to be fair the concept of that fight is terrifying because you are literally on this planet trapped with a storming child who you have like no escape from it is a kill or be killed situation is terrifying anyway star [Music] he looks like a dang muppet what was that sir he looks like a muppet he looks like oh mario i don't know what the bottom of his chin says no no he looks like he looks like the dang um uh splunky characters when they look up [Music] i also like how this is his weight era he wasn't really animated his facial features kind of just changed do you know what i mean like he had like five different mouths he could oh yeah yeah yeah and like there's no animation between them it just kind of happens oh exactly oh yeah by the way if you didn't know how to do this now now you now he's showing you how to do it shoot me please just aim yes yes ah yes i i enjoy the pain oh oh yes i enjoy it i enjoy the pain good tasty now i will shoot you shut up huh this one doesn't have a mouth how how did he he didn't eat that yeah you just inflicted pain on him masochistic illuma there we go that's the guy i'm looking for um i'm sure starbucks will be a big help on your adventure because the ones that you that you feed to turn into planets have clear defined mouths they're not when you just shot into the side of its head and he was like yes he's just about it shower me please pierce my skin the star bit please oh am i feeding him is it our friend oh it's time for this there he is there he is mike good boy he is an axe actual top five mario character for me oh dude hungry luma is so i love hungry luma my top five mario characters are hungry luma hungry lumo when he's big and the other various stages of hungarian are all filled with the rest of the world dude you should make a tear list and just have every single frame of hungry loom dude i don't like it when you feed him like like 75 of the way and he's just large but he's like on the like seam of bursting [Music] oh i just got the tutorial on that yeah but they wanted to tell you again he's so happy about that it's like a dopamine hit god me when i look at my legs wow why feel depression when you could get shot there we go yum [Laughter] instant serotonin boom serotonin in a bullet bullet serotonin it's time to kill another luma just one more congratulations [Music] what is the biology of these things that they can just transfer transform into transport like this star dust of some variety i imagine yeah oh i understand i understand the star turning into a planet but like a star turning into a ring that launches mario across space i should i can get a good look at it you can spin mid uh watch this do it do it do it do it try it i'm trying i'm trying to do it yeah you're gonna smash okay there's a part where you smash through like a rock as you're flying through the air i'm like mario has clearly got a concussion at this point all these big yoshi egg [Music] yes is this a planet or not i think it's a planet that just looks like an egg maybe because there's grass but like why oh yeah it has to be grassroots like flowers yeah yeah it just looks like an egg hello oh my god look at this lad hey you hey yo guy tasty star bits if you feed me a bunch of star bits i'll burst well i'm famished i need 100 star bits to curve oh god here we go oh no you're gonna you're gonna get him to just on the the brink more oh my god that was fantastic i want a meal for serotonin oh my god i need a i need to find some more here look at china they're bringing you back to where you just was oh wait no oh wow excellent this is this is the the part that you skipped yeah oh yeah i mean like as far as i'm concerned like this entire place can just pad my bank account so i'm just gonna like true get a bunch of these now because you'll need to feed the hungry little later so you ever had someone on like two player they just started like chucking your starbucks randomly oh yeah i've had someone in my chuck the stove it's at me oh does that like stun mario i think it does yeah oh i hate that the omnipresent god of player 2 controller remember when uh when like i mean i say remember it's been in the last two uh mainline mario games where they've had like actually no odyssey's multiplayer was a bit more full featured at least i wouldn't call it full feature but it was more intuitive you could be the hat which was cool yeah um and this is just the second point yeah put some respect on his name i'm sorry oh i'm sorry that i caught that i called cappy the hat the head isabella's the dog [Music] not like a cap is a hat oh actually you're not wrong oh there we go okay he's gonna leave him there he's on the brink he's smoking look at him dude there's there's actual smoke coming off of him god just one more bite how much do you want dude i need this so badly right now we'll come back well after the next galaxy i go catch you just throw one from a distance but go long quit out the galaxy what ambitious game this was god there we go all right buddy sit what who's sitting oh right of course you have to like you need to actually like be there otherwise you're just literally eat it smashing it into the side of his head eat it you are smashing it into his face it is just it is just hitting his skin and your this is the equivalent of taking someone's food and smashing their face into it you have to catch you while spinning it's a trick shot oh i didn't know you could spin them here we go obesity what a power up why is this actually screaming over the top of that anytime you fire one of them yeah by like three-year-old humor oh my god it's my favorite yo i want to get these like trick shots in the goomba gotta practice my flick shots clearly i really gotta practice them phase you hiring there we go nice first time first track okay oh i think i would like those here nice really fun hitting that guy look at that guy just stood on top of the crate always go back around the world everything the sun touches his mind including these hands come here buddy [Laughter] [Applause] this is this is the equivalent of me throwing like dollar bills at people just like throwing like a handful of quarters yeah no you're just bullying this guy you knocked him off of a liter a literal cliff oh no [Music] well yeah well i'm just going to continue my day i'm leaving him alive so he must learn he must learn from his mistakes long live the goomba [Music] i think so goomba in japanese is that like a google search away yes in japan goombas are called kuribo which loosely translates as chestnut person doesn't mean yeah apparently sorry i i knew it was kuriboh yeah what are you doing back up here wait that's what i thought he's trying to claw his way back up oh yeah so you have to learn take an extra shot how did mario literally not shout out that yeah what a what a great game this is oh yeah this game is fantastic this game is just so much fun like it's aged really well i was playing it on stream and i was like i was having a blast dude but also i recognize like i remembered a lot of it so i could just like do really ballsy moves oh yeah yeah i was long jumping and like i knew like the distance and stuff i needed it it plus this game has amazing course correction we like the little midairs oh yeah yeah exactly absolutely like um odyssey absolutely took cues from this one in terms of course correction oh i mean yeah because like cappy's literally just sort of that but it's also just the movement mechanic too yeah yeah like the movement and odyssey just uh took this and like um improved upon it it's crazy like mario's movement is a little stiff in this whereas odyssey is like you know he's loosey-goosey well it's like sunshine with this game's course correction sunshine i feel like mario moves a bit better than he does in this game i don't know if that's just me remembering wrong because i haven't played sunshine a long time probably more like he moves more like i don't know yeah yeah no no because like sunshine doesn't really or has a very different style my glass is covering my eyes oh yeah you don't need to get the blue part started or you literally can just long jump to the star oh is it literally just you literally can just like okay [Laughter] wow that's like a broken up a little bit of water here cheating yeah cheater drinks coming at me smh it's like time traveling in uh animal crossing wow did you skip a jump did you skip a gameplay mechanic to beat the game faster and next up next world record holder out here [Music] mario does look just so proud in this game oh yeah welcome new galaxy the enemy base save yours you go to the first boss now then i think mega leg oh mega leg i forgot about it well it's like a the lat that's like 10 times the size of the planet that he's on that oh no mega leg is a versus honey hive [Music] um this place sparks the nostalgia for me oh yeah this is very much like a normal mario level as well yeah there's not much in terms of weird gravity stuff yeah there we go big old mario m they knew somehow they knew three bits yeah oh one up oh green shroom there you go press r to look around to see hey did he make the sound or did it not there's there's certain signs that like make a sound effect and it's really funny wait nope there's certain stamina they just say hey to you and i'm like uh uh oh have like a like a toothy smile i think so you can zoom in can't you because uh switch yeah maybe i can they they look like angry they look like evil i never i never saw them like that i mean to be fair you played this on a crt so it's like yeah look at them they look like spiky teeth and everything mm-hmm what they they i just thought they were like chill toothy smile and a spear yeah and they can fly i really thought about this place and think about this placement holding the light imagine one wrong move right there's no bars around the place that you live and you just fall into a black hole and you die forever yeah like these these bees live there there's a black hole right there yeah they really this is their home they don't live here they don't live literally anywhere i always thought that the black like falling into the black hole was always incredibly morbid because marriage just like spins around it was screaming i do love that there's like sewage in this world yeah where does it go though it just cycles back up it's an infinite waterfall an infinite loop i ass infinite water it just looks so out of place to see like a metal grate in the middle of this nature base i mean i guess there's like the robot bugs so um [Music] voice clips in this game he sounds very happy oh yeah i can compare like the other games where he's not as happy i guess castle's past this wall it's true bees never lie all right i don't know if that's why forever now you didn't go into the black hole i i i kept myself safe he'll land on another plane in like another like 20 years yeah it's true i enjoy when he falls into a black hole though because he it makes like a really dramatic sound effect [Music] yeah he's like and marriage is screaming there we go look at him go pops hmm he disappears into like a little puff of cloud like purple he gets condensed into a single atom dude he's dead he's being traumatized seeing that happen like twice [Laughter] [Music] why can we hear him when he's falling into a black hole true we shouldn't be able to hear him but also a black hole existing that close to him right now he'd be dead right now that black hole was really close to him yeah probably [Music] probably but it it's a cooler way of dying in games like this than um they're just falling off it is running face first there are a lot of black holes in in this uh galaxy that mario is in fairly unstable there is that yeah this whole like area is just unstable also this cloud what i just realized those clouds above you but like how the oh how do they i'm going to squash there are clouds here aren't there there are clouds but there's like there's no atmosphere because it's multiple little planets oh silly i'm thinking about that a little bit more now you open my eyes you look down and it's just like space and then you look up and it's like ah weird also um you probably already know but like tap jump the uh fly button yeah if you're trying to like clear more distance because he kind of just stays hovering as long as you even if you're tapping it do i gain and do i gain my my flight back by jumping off this dude's head excellent yes you do oh the tank dude next mirror galaxy speed running right here yeah right is that the bashing someone's skull for the whole run these things literally are off the rocks yeah i like actually literally uh okay yeah he shoots out stem that you can spin off of or no hello or [Music] as hello one of the perks of being a bee is that we can stick to this honey wall this guy has been here for 20 years he's he hasn't seen his family he hasn't eaten he's going to die soon oh he's easy don't worry the honey also sustains him he's been doing nothing but eat that one patch of honey that incredibly saliva ridden patch of honey for the last 20 years i like to i i like the logic that i human can't get stuck to very sticky honey mario can i get stuck to it oh no no the gravity stops oh i can't tell when gravity is going to change i feel like there's a little spin oh dude you're going to make it to the summit here we go time you did it [Music] the most furious itchiness and plays our entire being it must be stopped please find a source at once you guys got spears i'm actually not married technically but like i don't know man your body's your body's not in my focus quite literally i always blew my mind how they did the fuzzy effects i thought it looked really good until i figured out how they did it it does video straight there's a video showing how they did it it's just like a it's the same texture just pushing layers i don't want to be here i mean i am being [Music] you're going in the water honey i'm taking you down if i know anything bees are allergic to water in this universe i've played shadow of the colossus give me that knife [Laughter] oh every time you do a song like that it reminds me of cool guys beckoning voice oh that feels so good oh quiet you're weird aliens you have shown much bravery you pee we trust that we may rely on you in the future please don't why does the bee yeah she has to slay oh my god yeah use those things this lady [Music] oh myself in that crown oh yes you will honey oh no all right well don't mind me we're going to die down here i see you hopefully never again please come back you're so lonely christ i haven't seen anyone in so long always i was the first that was the first human touch i've had like literally 20 years that's the first embrace i've had from another human being oh god everyone yeah like just double tap the capture button on him real quick oh my gosh on the home button look at look at look how he's spinning okay okay like his whole head is just planted into that post it is yeah the post is actually the thing that's spinning here oh sure yes help me my index finger is part of the log [Music] oh please turn that off please light mode my retinas are a crisp uh yeah this is how it feels to use light mode on discord ah toad where did you have that where did you actually pull that from toad literally has a backpack no but he literally has a backpack that's not the size of the star literally how did he fit the star into there tell me literally look how big that star is look at his backpack then come on let me zoom in real close yeah this is just a kowalski to me i don't know man i like like looking at it again mario's just like could you please get on with it or at least not not have me here my eyes are deteriorating by the second [Music] mama [Music] well it's time to go oh at least i still can't get over what you said goodbye [Laughter] you did this to me don't forget me mario your name is your name is mario isn't it this is what i heard from your friends who just arrived [Music] i don't think they want to tell you something i think they want to tell you something so you'd better hurry look at captain toad is he t posing he's flying oh that's a shadow wait no he's flying and also t posing i think they forget the wait the oh well the ship is currently being built but like tony help me god of this realm i'm stuck in development hell purchase me on early access okay hold on oh no it's me on earthly access so glad we finally bought uh i'm so glad mario galaxy came to early access after all these years right is he still there like that like come on can't no now he's now he's fine now he's moving and walking i think i asked because that was like they were loading him in and they didn't for some reason even though the cutscene literally aimed at him they were like i don't know it's it's on a crt now it's in like hd we can see all of the uh all of the things it's way more jarring in hd it's like walk in and out of their texture range look at green green guy there oh is it because it goes from low poly to four part yeah yeah it's it's literally that but you see the low poly model helping to build the ship my voice is normal yeah i'm a normal guy what time is it right now one more level here yeah okay then that'll be like the hour and a half mark and then you can play some soon soon i deal how many shines did you say you go in sunshine um i think like five yeah i played a touch off camera not on the same file on a different file so yeah yeah okay mario dude one of my favorite things about playing with joy cons is i have this very casual pose i don't know when i started doing this but my right arm is perfectly normal like at my side my left arm though is like stationed over my head where like the it's like the pit of my elbow is on on the top of my head and like what yeah and like my my left hand is draped down onto the right side of my head what i mean like hold on do i have like a i i i i my webcam isn't working i have to restart obs like i okay so do that stretch where you like stretch your left arm you know when you like do like the exercise thing where you stretch your left arm behind your head and you're like yeah like you're just doing that yeah yeah but but let me like take a picture let me take a picture of myself doing what i think you're doing and send it in the chat yeah instead of putting my left arm behind my head i just put it on i just rested on top of my head so like this oh my god one second let me go to discord i got a timer on this for some reason are you doing this i look very serious in this image i hope you enjoy it uh um okay so like that but like hold on so this so this is uh this is virus everybody oh god here i am there we go oh showing it flexing the place on the tab like that but like more like like why like like the pit of my elbow is on the top of my head like all the way centered onto the top how is that casual i don't know i i just i just sit like this really when i when i play games sometimes i'll just like play like this like this entire stream i've just been sat here like this with the left joy con in my other hand wild you are an interesting individual i'll do this while editing i like sit with like one leg up one arm behind my head dude i just realized i'm just thinking from like a third person point of view someone's gonna come over my house one day i'm gonna be editing i'm like contorted on my chair it's just to clarify before we move on then i gotta make sure i know exactly what you do i'll turn my camera on so i can try and emulate what you're doing yeah sure sure sure we can we can do we can do a group yoga session real quick here forever i mean like you i don't think your chat can see what i'm doing right now because i think you've got a game capture on um can not like oh oh wait did they not oh they didn't see that no they didn't see that oh whoops i'm sorry i was looking at the wrong thing hold on this is what i need to turn on chat don't mind the reality slipping away anyway reality is flipping away yeah yeah don't don't mind that all right i see that yeah yeah okay yeah my camera my camera is on by the way um hold on one second how do i like how do i fix how do i make it work go to like oh there are there we go there we go there we go yeah you're right oh yeah so like you're doing like this yeah yeah yeah literally that literally that look at that let me get let me get my joycon real quick okay okay so you go okay so this is you right you've got your joy cons right yeah yeah um and then you're just like like this well i mean well you have headphones on so it's not going to like like like comfortable look at this yeah yeah well i mean the right the right hand isn't in like upright pointer position it's like casually at my side yeah i look over in the mirror right now i'm just like left arm draped over my head right now how is that a casual thing what oh let's go there's like a total of two people in my live chat who are like i'm not alone like this yeah just chilling dude i've been doing this entire stream i i've been doing that someone's like that's what virus looks like that's not the that's not the thing dude it's fantastic like like if i was playing galaxy of joycon i'd be like this right i would just like you know that's what's my other hand but you're like this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my right hand is just chilled my left hand yeah i'm literally moving the joystick like that yeah i'm just operating no no it's it's it's like a tick i picked up that i like what reason do i have to like create oh virus no fire she gets sucked into the black hole this is what mario looks like when he dies in the black hole could you turn into your webcam one more time what's up could you just make a screaming face real quick uh just like really look like you're in pain no pirate there he goes oh my god that really got my funny bone oh oh god very nice that needs like an ending with like a sound effect it's just like i'm just snowing in chess saying no my boyfriend got consumed by the void oh god oh wow that caught that that was no i mean well uh okay some sacrifices have to be made yeah true the chat was a worthy sacrifice i feel anyway back to mario gallagher yeah back to what we were like you know the scheduled entertainment i'm gonna tell my lights off now thank god yeah someone was like virus is a beard now i was like wait what you took mine yeah we traded oh yeah you did shape didn't you yeah we coordinated this household but as far as he used to edit his voice it's called a cockslaw yeah dan's got one too okay you have to press a yes there we go uh yeah let's just speed through like one more of these um fine do you have one you want to go to between the two good egg or honey we could close out good egg uh this is the only dome that you have right do you have another dome unlocked back out real quick oh no you need you need a ground another ground yeah yeah yeah the other one let's just close off good egg [Music] [Music] yeah it's like the main boss of this [Music] galaxy yes why is this house got your hair cut huh why does this house look like you it does the eye the the the one eye peeking through this guy's got the rosalina luma cut [Music] hello virus god for a long time oh god get in i left a long time ago use the pipe on the other side nope that's okay hop in no that's all right virus house can remain in the back hop into the back pipe field head into the rear failboard oh i'll i'll just give it my way onto onto your head there hold on one second the pipe in the rear fail become a well-timed jump scan myself right up top please let me up i don't want to go with him oh god dive head first into that rear pipe fail boat [Music] you can do it i you you could have gimmicked your way on top of that i believe in you oh you're going into the ranch excellent oh god where am i there he goes oh i hate how the speech the echo makes it like like work oh yeah of course because we're in space he's entered the fires house looks like simple clips i i've never heard that before except i've heard that literally all the time i only see it slightly because we have very we have kind of similar hair and that's about it oh yeah oh right that doesn't work unless i take the bridge i'm still thinking about you getting sucked away into the void like that's gonna be a lasting memory that's a core memory for me that was really good oh my god yo chat every so often i see my viewers do like very quick fan edits if anyone wants to get some free real estate on some uh on some failboat related clout do it just take that take that clip of virus getting sucked into the void and throw some sound effects on it oh god whoa you saved me thank you mario in return wow now let me tell you a thing about this place my left my article is breaking slowly yeah doesn't you usually have a lid yeah why do you want to be weird about it man i'm drinking a water bottle right now it's got a lid on [Music] it has a lid yeah how do i like kill you oh coconut yeah look at the chomps they're not chain shops they're just chomps oh yeah because they don't have a chance they just live there that's all they do is they just rolled out they parole that one that one oh yeah i mean they look happy about it well not that one i guess what happened what he hasn't rolled into the the core of the planet i don't know why they bark i really don't understand why they bark but i love it i mean i understand why change them spot because they're kind of like dogs but oh yeah that i think someone made a video documentary on why shane jumps bark [Music] i don't understand why the the just the chomps are bark though because they're kind of kind of rolling their mouths don't open those ones don't even chop exactly oh yeah well what are they oh no i was in cryostasis uh i've been here for the last 200 years oh no i've been freed i like getting there uh you're attacking me when i was last here uh you have to bounce on back all right i love minecraft fighting the game yeah look at the ghost guys nether update whoa that's crazy coconut in this game they walk on all fours oh yeah they do don't they they're so goofy i'm so used to them being like you know bipedal that uh i forgot that they originally were you know four-legged child stars oh yeah you literally yeah mario would have been sliced up though [Music] oh boss time yeah maybe did you go into the love nathan okay maybe maybe maybe i did it octavian from coconuts from within no no it is it it is really a little weird that he is he's like a uvula it's also really weird that he like just he has coconuts just coming out of him organically yeah he keeps distorting him at all times he has a coconut sack just like you know that disperses them as a offensive attack oh no he's dead so yeah won't be using that anymore i mean i feel like falling into the lava wouldn't kill him considering he was just swimming in it faster he has a water you fill up duh okay i was watching your streams hey whoa that was good and that's just about an hour and a half perfect timing you gotta start king kelly says battle fleet do you praise me on a job well done not who me no star idiot yeah sorry gonna praise me for completing this galaxy no yeah he didn't cat dude well well i tell you oh well well oh okay well i think i think i'll send miss mixed messages to this guy anyway this has been exceptionally fun paris this was this was really fun very casual i enjoyed it joining me on this mess of a uh i got i really had i went through like four my mario names really landed on galaxy yeah for this galaxy it's fun if you ever want to do it again let me know absolutely i mean i don't know if i'll beat the game but you know what i'm having a lot of fun doing just this this is a good little back and forth here yeah yeah absolutely uh do me a favor and plug yourself before i move on to the next segment gotcha yeah my name's fires i make nintendo variety content i've also been playing a lot of among us on stream recently it's a lot of fun to play for a lot of one of them sometimes um a lot of like content that i'm um planning on releasing very soon like i've got a hell of a backlog nearly at 60 000 subscribers as well like i'm super close to that so like i don't know head on to the channel if you like if you see if you watch something you like it subscribe that'd be great help me get 260k that'd be cool i'm gonna post my link in the chat as well i'm gonna i'm gonna theme this while i can i'll do it on it also while you were saying that i just realized that you can use wider spin i think they mentioned that before yes you can have you been just using like the spin controls yeah it feels very unnatural to press y i i've been pressing wide just so i'm using a pro controller i feel using joycon that makes sense yeah yeah i i can only play this with the motion it feels so weird to press y yeah with pro controllers necessary though yeah yeah that's fine okay well bye chat this was fun have fun with super mario sunshine yeah take care virus all right well hey everybody thank you all for watching the uh [Music] oh hey thank you all for watching the uh galaxy section of today's live stream it's been a new there we go one i will see you guys in three to five minutes for another mario game this being sunshine however chat with the sunshine segment i want to do some glitches and boy [Music] sorry and boy do i have some glitches i didn't realize you were still in the call i'm gonna be real you can be completely honest it did actually spook me at like a touch i know i know i heard a little bit of it i just assumed you had left again i was just like oh i guess he's just gone i just missed the little thing well everybody i'll see you guys in like 35 minutes all right man what a nerd what a nerd what a nerd go go check them out guys dude do it and i even rated that call as an excellent experience it was a wonderful time check out fires man's getting up to those big milestones give it to him all right uh we're gonna be moving on to super mario sunshine as mentioned in just a minute here i'm just gonna grab myself some water and we will be uh good to go i actually oh speaking of saying that i do need to restart the stream the stream is going to go down for just a bit and then it will come back up and then we will be glitching super mario sunshine i will see you guys in just a second don't
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 16,587
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mario Galaxy, Fyrus
Id: NvHmKT6arpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 42sec (5622 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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