March 7 -2021 - 6 PM - Pastor Tommy Bates

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yes hallelujah sing hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] that was awesome [Music] is [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] yes yes he is [Music] yes where you can ask the children of israel they were trapped [Music] [Music] just like that let me tell you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may not come but who will be there [Music] loads of bread [Music] let me tell you he will be there well you can ask the 5 000 hungry souls he fed on the base of the river [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] but he will be there [Music] they had water all around them just [Applause] [Music] wait [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] he's he's [Applause] oh he's all tired [Applause] [Music] but he will be there [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] is well you can ask the children of israel they were trapped at the red sea they had water all around [Music] on their them [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh but he will be there [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] so [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah glory to your name jesus come on let's lift our hands tonight oh we bless you in this place lord [Music] father we thank you for your presence tonight jesus oh i need you more more than yesterday i need you more jesus more than words can say i need you more than [Music] i need you to sing i need you more i need you yes i'll do jesus [Music] yes i do come on let's sing that again [Music] more than words [Applause] [Music] yes i do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] cause i never want to go [Music] hallelujah more than yesterday i need you more [Music] [Applause] yes i do i need you to sing more than [Music] foreign i'll be by your side cause i never want to go [Music] [Music] is [Music] more cause i never want to go more than yesterday i need you all more than words come on just one more time you sing it tonight i need [Music] more than words oh i need you i need you jesus [Music] i need you more [Music] come on [Music] me jesus [Applause] more than anything in my life is cause i never want to go come on can you tell him that tonight oh we need your presence jesus we need your anointing jesus we need your power jesus lead us guide us direct us jesus we can't live a day without you lord oh how we love you we love you we bless you jesus need you more [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus we're just [Music] come on tell him i need you [Music] come on praise him like you need him praise him like you love him praise him like he's worthy of praise praise him like he's able to do exceeding and abundantly above all you ask for things praise him on the symbols praise him on the high sounding symbols let everything that has cried and everything that has breath giving price today come on angels all across the throne today singing praises to jesus praise the lord you may be seated in god's house today give me kia c just look i don't even know if i can do this song i don't really know it [Music] uh go a little let's go to a instead [Music] i need the o i need thee am i know this oh bless me now my say [Applause] [Music] because i need [Music] me [Music] [Music] i need goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life because i need [Music] today bless me come true come on if you know you need to get a [Music] praise [Music] my soul [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know it's jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] them [Music] that he's able to take the pieces if you know he's the partner if you know the jonathan and he begins to take the pieces that are mine and begins to put them back together give them a put them back together praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] just began to touch the hill of his garment and immediately she felt in her body did anybody get it immediately immediately got swept in immediately [Music] hallelujah [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] yes i believe he's made somebody whole tonight i believe i've got a few witnesses in the house today that god has made you whole god has made you whole the lord is my shepherd i shall not once he's the one that makes me whole i don't have to go to any other fountain there is a fountain and his name is [Music] jesus tonight [Music] talking [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] joshua sent me a video clip this week and it was down in the caribbean down in the islands and they were singing this old appalachian song but they were singing it caribbean style i said isn't it amazing when the holy ghost left or when the holy ghost rose up in the appalachian mountains a lot of those people like sister agnes moore got on the back of a donkey and rode it through the islands through the virgin islands through haiti telling everybody about this power of the holy ghost [Music] well i'm up well i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try my best this is with no practice matter of fact everything we've done for the last 15 minutes has been no rehearsal we're just letting the lord have his way [Applause] [Music] now brother to wayne as difficult as it may be you're going to have to get a little caribbean blood in you can you put that camera on the wane so they know who i'm talking about back there dwayne you're gonna have to try your best to be jamaican i believe the lord's gonna help [Applause] it goes like this let's go along let's go [Music] let's go you're doing good for white people but you gotta give a little this let's go on on and on talking about this good old way talking about this good old way [Music] let's give our musicians an incredible appreciation and a praise to god hallelujah [Applause] [Music] amen i'm glad to be in god's house to celebrate king jesus with you first time guests we're delighted you're here with us and we would love the opportunity to connect with you so if you do us a favor just reaching the seat back in front of you grab a connection card fill that out and when it comes time for our offering would you like you to take that connection card either drop it off on one of our offering stands here in the front the back or the balcony or handed to one of our friendly staff members or greeters or volunteers can we let our guests know how greatly we appreciate them with us in god's house tonight [Applause] amen we're absolutely overwhelmed as a church to see how you have contributed both physically by bringing items for the flood relief in eastern kentucky eastern kentucky is severely hit with flood zones and flood areas it's just unbelievable the disaster that's been taken place and so all throughout the day if you look into our main lobby you see that people have been bringing in food items cleaning supplies uh lots of things they've been bringing in and we've just been taking those filling in trucks matter of fact we sent a couple trucks today we had so much that was sent in and some people in our church were just so moved they said we've got today so this morning they were here at the nine o'clock service they came at the end of 12 30 they load up their trucks they are down in eastern kentucky delivering all these items uh we're ju i guess we'll be taking these over the next few days so if you'd like to drop off that's fine but of course the bulk of it was today we just want to be a blessing and not only in our prayers but also in contributing not only of course with these items but also if you're saying you know what i'd like to contribute financially let me show you what you can do if you text the word give to three nine nine 859-359397 that's where you do your ties and offerings there's a place that once you're in there when you text the word give you can actually on top of your ties and offerings give something to the flood relief there's a place where you can scroll you can select and scroll to where it says flood relief you can do that by text to give if you're having a check today and if you want to just mark on your envelope you can do that as well if you want to designate these are your ties and this is what you'd like to do on your over and above giving there of course we're just want to be a blessing to not just this house but it's so humbled to know that this church is a blessing to every nation to our state to across the world and say we want to make sure that we give into this so you can do that today as well let's go and say our offering declaration in faith together as we bring in today's tithes offerings and over and above giving we are believing the lord for a say this loud if you believe that say amen and i know you believe that because this is a house that tithes faithfully that gives generously spends wisely and saves consistently and we're seeing god's miraculous happening in our finances three ways to give text to give and of course you can give in person if you'd like to send a check in the mail as well you can send that to 11875 taylor mill road independence kentucky four one zero five one make your checks payable to cfc let's go to lord and prayer god we say we're so thankful today we're thankful that your spirit is here in this house and you're moving in a mighty way lord we're just so grateful lord you are great and you are greatly to be praised we love to adore you and to bless your name god we're so grateful that we can worship you with our hands clapping our feet dancing and our mouths shouting your praises but lord also we are so grateful that we can worship you with our giving lord we pray that you would win souls with every single god that has given and we give you all the praise and all the glory in jesus name and the church says amen with a smile on your face please stand with me across i'm standing right here in the middle of this incredible awesome children's facility it's right in the heart of our family life center right now we are 66 paid for you've been helping but i need your help i need to make it to 100 because i've got something we need to build right after this that's the new sanctuary thank you so much for your help and i'm praying that god's gonna speak to you today to help us continue to pay this off we love you let's go back into this service your name is holy holy you are and holy [Music] oh i know [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you know [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] your name is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you can be seated tonight we're so glad to have everyone with us especially when when different pastors and preachers stop by it's always a compliment to the service because they they know how to deal with strongholds of darkness and last sunday night we saw a manifestation of the of the bible signs the bible signs listed in mark 16. we heard people speak with new tongues we laid hands on the sick and they recovered we cast the devil out we tread on scorpions and serpents and all manners of evil and i'm sure the deadly poison of the tongue was putting out its venom but the bible said if we drink any deadly thing it shall not harm us and so we're so thankful today we want to thank god for the new partners and those of you watching by internet let's give our internet family a good warm welcome first [Applause] our average attendance on the internet somewhere around 46 000 and uh we just thank god for the people that's covenant together with us here in the hills of kentucky and had partnered with us to help us do a work for god uh we have been i cannot say this on daystar network and i don't know how to get the word out and people that's watching me right now this doesn't even affect them but if you see somebody and they only are connected to this ministry through daystar you can tell them that pastor tommy bates we've already done a survey only seven percent of our partnership comes from people who are only connected to this ministry through daystar the other 93 percent is on the internet that means a that's a great you don't know what that means it's a business situation you have to understand what am i going to do because the 93 percent want to help me build that church and if i would cut daystar off i could build that church i could build about anything i want because of the money coming in and i'm i've got a time limit in my mind but at the same time daystar covers at least in the united states of america over a million and around i mean over a hundred thousand that's how many watched this little church here in the country on day star a hundred thousand or more those are accurate numbers and then around the world today over a million we don't hear much from the foreign nations other than the emails and people that are contact that way we don't expect people living in third world countries to to have anything extra to partner with they need it in their country but we're challenging people who are connected through daystar to speak up and to help us with that ministry i'm paying the bills they're getting paid and there's money left over but not enough to build a church and that's what we're looking for but we do have some new partners and i'm going to mention these names and where they're from and we're going to and then when it's ended we're going to give god a praise for the new partners and this praise is going to believe god for more partners 25 a month you know i was in guatemala in the jungles and i saw this yellow look like a yellow rope i thought what in the world is that it wasn't a yellow rope there was a beautiful flowering tree and it has a high nutritional bloom on it and the ants know that and this big hill of ants every one of them took a bite of that yellow bloom and they had made a rope they were carrying it to the anthill so they would have food inside their anthill and i remember the scripture that said consider the ant and i've tried to tell people thank god for the things that are going good right now but you better consider the ant don't waste your money if you know how to cook you need to learn how to use that stove save some of your money don't let that restaurants we literally we literally had a family that got a job payoff a sizable amount and in less than a year and a half they went to restaurants it was enough money almost to buy a house they spent it all just like that you got to consider the ant you can't go around blaming the devil all the time when you're not reading the bible don't give him any more credit than all he's already got consider the ant now i'm telling all of you this while we're living and and we still got the ability put money back save it you young people ought to have money in your top drawer i did that when i was 16 years old i never had to ask anybody for money for a missions trip i worked and saved my own money i never had those things i put it back somebody said well what'd you what did you do did you not go out to eat well most the time we learned how to what you call make a sandwich [Music] anybody learn how to take bologna cheese tomato onion dill pickle mayonnaise stack it about that high oh yeah somebody wonder if you don't have bologna eggs onion fry it cheese tomato pickle stack it that high put lettuce on it it'll run down both sides of your chin it's the most wonderful thing ever praise the lord you sisters need to learn how to make gravy for your children gravy goes a long way okay let's get off of that i can t it's just like all my nutritional things i say people say oh lord is he gonna bring up the vinegar again not tonight we'll get that another night from newport richie florida we have evelyn from queens new york brother queens new york we've got nadine and from kansas city missouri we've got bernice and from green book new bring green brook new jersey hallelujah we've got marguerite and karen and then we got tim who hasn't given an address we got veen and debbie at fort myers florida let's give all of our good new partners [Applause] what are you gonna say i know what you're gonna say no i don't yes this wednesday is my brother our pastor's birthday i was sitting back there and i thought i got to do this this is my brother my only good brother that i have and i'm so proud of him he's amazing man of god so those of you that are watching on the internet a good birthday gift would be uh joining up with this partner come on sister get up tell it more look at that camera right there fellas yes that would be the best birthday gift you could give yes yes so i tell you what you're getting ready to say your scripture verse anyway aren't you i was going to show them my peacock picture oh okay well i wanted to sing happy birthday yeah if it'll bring in 300 partners let's sing it sister sing it twice it would be good if y'all would stand i would love for you all to stand to sing happy birthday to your pastor my brother our pastor and we're so let's do the old-fashioned one though happy birthday to you that one yeah oh happy birthday to you happy birthday one more time [Music] you can be seated now my sister turns her birthday's march the 9th we're the same age for one day one whole day so if you want to partner for her we'll take that also hallelujah if you feel led to give my brother a little gift that would be awesome the greatest gift you can give me you've already said it thank you so much sister and i tell you what you girls you want to look this good when you're 64. do you want to look this good walk the holiness way walk the bible away yeah you walk the bible way that world will work you over make you look make you look older than you are take your places you said you'd never go make you do things you said you'd never do make you say things you'd never say and i'll preach here in just a minute um i have i've had things to occupy my time like my chickens in my chicken house they're all filled with the spirit i'm not gonna tell you which spirit but they're filled with something they have laid eggs all winter long i told i said that something's coming you better store up while you got it that's a warning right there when hens lay all winter long but they've laid all i go back there in a chicken house i say all right girls you're doing a good job hallelujah and uh so they occupy my time they don't gossip they don't go through marriage problems i don't have to get their children out of jail and all that so well one of the things and i know some of you don't understand a lot of farm nature but chickens set on eggs to hatch them it's called setting and my hands are very when they go to setting on an egg to hatch they're serious and they don't care what's under them i put goose eggs under them now they'll look at that goose and go whoa i've put pheasants i put quail but another thing i put under is peacocks and i've had my peacocks it takes three years for a peacock to grow his tail and get old enough to be a husband all right but yesterday all seven of my peacocks i sold and i sold all my geese because i'm downsizing because i got other things i need to do but i'm not getting rid of my hands of a hen house because i need the eggs so i want you to see king solomon you got it back there here i am with my peacocks i'm saying goodbye this is king solomon i've had him now for three years sounds like this video has sound goodbye king solomon look at that whoa whoa all right they didn't need to hear what i was saying anyway let's all stand one more time [Music] thank you jesus we're gonna go to hebrews chapter 12. [Music] and starting with verse one he i meant to preach this last sunday night but those of you watching by internet and those of you were here how many of you here today were at one of our morning services just one of them okay half of you were about i mean little more than half there's no way we can get the morning people in here too we can't even have a conference because we can't fit the people in so that's why we talk about a new church it's not an ego this place is beautiful i love it here peggy richards preached here harley hensley preached here johnny carter's preached here we've had this this has been an old ship of zion we're going to still keep it as a church this will be where we'll have special meetings and things and teaching classes funerals and weddings this will always be a church in here i want us to turn to hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 through 3. wherefore seeing we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of god just for a few moments tonight we're dealing with that subject looking unto jesus let's pray father we come to you in the name of jesus lord as we sow the bread of life let it be seed to the sower and bread to the eater let your word be preached with such love mercy and compassion and lord as your scripture teaches the ministers of god let this word be preached with demonstration and power of the holy ghost we'll give you all the praise in jesus name let the church say amen you may be seated just for a few moments tonight we're looking at the subject looking unto jesus our text is found in hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 through 3. it was about 15 years ago that i had a night vision and as many of you were watching the service at 10 45 i called a sister out in the congregation uh they've been coming here maybe four years or more five i'm not sure and she appeared to me in a night vision and she had a greenhouse full of seed precious seed is what she said planted in that greenhouse and now it had come up and it needed to be transplanted into people i've had night visions since i was five years old the first one i had was at my great grandmother's house she was dying downstairs we called her ma'am sizemore she had 16 children it was her mother that received the baptism in the holy ghost in 1906. i i don't know maybe i was about six or seven i'm trying i don't know exactly on the age because i do know she passed away when i was eight but i don't think i was in school at this time mom was up visiting her grandmother and on an old iron bed with a feather mattress anybody ever slept on one of those they sing all night long i had a night vision and in this vision my great-grandmother was picking corn with a bushel basket just as fast as she could pick it she disappears and the corn keeps on falling in the basket and a voice speaks now i'm just a child and a voice speaks out loud and says will you work in the harvest i had another another night vision when i was 12 years old and this one i'm not going to tell i'm not going to go in detail but maybe one day i will but there was a doctrinal situation going on and the lord appeared to me and explained to me the scripture that's strange to do that to a 12 year old i wasn't on fire for god in either one of them i'm just a kid playing the piano in church but god appeared that way in this church many things have been done in night visions now i don't want you to start having to go home and eat a mustard sandwich and start having a bunch of dreams and and trying to get me to interpret everything so i have a lot of dreams 90 of them are stupid i don't know how else to say it they're ignorant they're crazy i got enough sense not to tell them and i pray you got enough sense not to tell something that stupid yeah and uh but i've had barbara crowder if she's watching right now sister barbara cheek she only had one daughter sherry a mask came upon her neck and i didn't know about it nobody knew about it she's very private sister she appeared to me in a night vision and she said i don't know what i'm going to do i can't tell sherry since she only has me and her father's not in her life i i don't know what to tell her i can't tell her and in the night vision i said barbara go to the doctor get it checked there's nothing to worry about this is nothing but a piece of fatted tissue they'll tell you there's absolutely nothing to worry about i came the next sunday morning told her the exact same i told her right out in the right out in the lobbies where i told her susan dunford could not have children her and mark had gone different means to try to have children in a night vision susan appeared to me and she's crying she's weeping and i said susan you don't need to cry you're gonna conceive in march and you're gonna and god's gonna give you your heart's desire well she didn't have one she had two she had twin boys and i think one of those boys has got four or five kids so she's loaded now grandkids hallelujah the lord blesses you can't explain night visions they're real they are really real and in this night vision since god is yesterday today and forever that means the holy spirit who is with us right now in us dwelling in us and working through us he is yesterday today and forever so the holy spirit has the ability to take you in to the past i was taken in a night vision to russia i've i've been to russia and i've been to ukraine it's before i ever went this is when russia was still under the communist domain i went to the country i could describe the country i told people everything i saw i described it i went by an orphanage i was in the air as the spirit was taking me through russia and showing me the oppression of the people i saw an orphanage with little children i saw them get them out of bed at the crack of dawn i saw their little gray outfits they were doing calisthenics outside i saw everything and i met people when i went to russia that confirmed everything i saw in that dream everything in this night vision the holy ghost took me back to the first century now this is before i was ever on a delta flight and i saw ben hur which is first century and i saw the gladiator which is first century if i would have saw ben hur and the gladiator because i i doubt myself brothers and sisters more than anybody you may not believe that but i doubt myself i don't go around saying i hear god and i hear god because when i hear something it sounds just like me i know some people they say they hear this voice it goes oh there's gonna be this there's gonna that's not how it happens in me it sounds just like my voice and i have to discern is this god or is this me not everything that passes through your head is of the spirit of god not everything that passes through your mind you'll be out to be a looney tune if you start following everything in your mind your mind conjures up things and makes things up so i doubt myself i doubt myself but when i have this kind of experience before i saw those movies before of anything and the holy ghost took me back to the first century the roman empire is in full bloom it's in full power the olympic games are going on and the spirit of god took me to a relay race in the olympic games i saw these runners every one of them like had on a little loin like a little pair of shorts is what we would wear but it was more like a loincloth they were all men they were all built they were built to run and i saw the first one kneeling down he had one knee on the ground and had a torch in his hand but it wasn't lit i don't know what kind of ceremony was going on it was to the gods i understand now because i went back and read a few things but they took and lit his torch he began to run on these roman streets which were made out of stone and cobblestone he had no shoes on there was no nikes on his feet there were no sandals and no leathers he was barefoot this man ran and ran and ran in the hot sun i watched the sun begin to beam on his brow you could see the redness coming up on his face i saw the dehydration in his body i saw his lips begin to crack i saw his feet that were beaten on those hard stones they began to bleed you could see the blood behind him i saw the crowd to the right and to the left on each side of the roman roads i heard him cheering and cheering and cheering and cheering and cheering and this man ran with all of his might everything that was in him he had a determination i've got to make it to the goal i've got to make it to the goal and where he was running to there was another runner and this runner was kneeling in the same position that he had been kneeling in this runner also had a torch but this torch was not lit yet and this runner began to run and he kept on running and running i cannot describe to you i saw his muscles twitch i saw him his body would begin to convulse because of dehydration i saw the lips crack the sun on the forehead i saw him running his muscles it was like the holy ghost was putting a zoom lens on every muscle in his body you could see his backbones retract you could see the muscles in his arms in his legs you could see them begin to shake under the intensity of this race and he kept on running and he nearly passed out by the time he got to the next runner and when he got to the next runner you could hear the people cheer well come on you can make it you can make it you can make it and he lit that torch and then it happened again and that man began to run he went through the same process he ran on the cobblestone till his feet were bleeding his his muscles in his body began to jerk his face began to be intense his lips were split from the parching and the dehydration in his body the sun was beaten on his forehead it was exactly the same i saw this race i saw this runner after runner after runner one would like the torch of the other one one would like the torch of the other one and then i saw the last runner that last runner knew that everyone running before him what they had gone through he knew that there was blood on their feet he knew their muscles were twitching he knew that their lips were split because of dehydration but i saw that last runner he could see in the distance the one that was coming for him he was going back and forth with anticipation it's my turn to run it's my turn to run i'm going to be the one that's going to go through the finish line and the spirit of god show me this incredible roman archway it was covered with every kind of flower the city had picked every kind of flower you could imagine there was an orchestra of maybe a 2000 instrument there were musicians over here you could hear them playing there was a huge arena this big coliseum it was filled with everyone that was waiting for the last runner to come in the last one to come through that archway of victory the very last one to finish this race that last runner he watched with intensity and then he got down on his knee put that torch up and when the last his runner came up he was so worn he was so beaten up but the people kept on cheering you can make it you can make it you can cross over and then the last runner it was his turn he did the same thing with such anticipation and with such excitement he knew that he was the one that was chosen that was going to go through those gates that was going to go through that archway that was going to hear the music that was going to see the beautiful flowers and the beautiful roses that were pinned around that archway he knew that it was his turn and he would be the last one that would carry the entire torch for the whole team it was his turn oh he began to run and he ran with intensity the people on each side of the street of the roman street they're screaming loud he runs his breaths are getting deeper his heart is pounding even faster his lips are now being parched up his feet begin to bleed as he stubbles a few times on those stone streets up his body is twitching but he looks before him and he sees this big archway it's covered with flowers he can now hear the music of those of those instruments playing he can see the coliseum with thousands and thousands and thousands of people that are cheering as loud as you could hear chair and then he walks through and when he comes through it was the most triumphant shout i had ever heard in my life and it was at that moment that the holy ghost spoke with a loud voice and woke me up out of a deep sleep and said wherefore seeing that we are encircled about with such a great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and every sin that does so easily beset us and let us run with patience this race that's set before us looking under jesus christ the author and the finisher of our faith i want you to understand tonight i want myself to understand that we have been chosen for such a time as this since the first century church since they came out of that upper room they have paved the way they have trotted on this highway they've been wearied they've shed their blood along the way but they've lit to us a glorious gospel they have given to us this triumphant word of god we still hold fast to the faith that came out of that upper room we still believe that jesus is the christ the son of the living god we believe he was born of a virgin we believe he was baptized by john we believe he was confirmed with signs and wonders we believe he was crucified on a cross and laid in an empty borrowed tomb but on the first day of the week there came an angel that rolled away the stone and said why seek it the living among the dead there's still a people that believe the word of god to be the infallible inherent eternal word of god there still is a people that believe in my name they shall speak with new tongues in my name they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover there is still a people that believe they shall cast out devils there is still a people that believe in angelic visitations there is still a people that believe in signs and wonders there is still a people that believe that jesus is the same yesterday today and forever i want you to hold your hand up you've got a torch in your hand and the generation before us they're on the other side of glory they have given you a lit torch they haven't given you a dead torture they've given you a lit torch they've given you a torch that says i believe i believe i believe you're to hold that torch up and say i know i've been chosen to be the last runner and i'm gonna run with everything that's within me i'm going to lay aside gossip i'm going to lay aside facebook trash i'm going to lay aside filthy garments i'm going to lay aside ugly vocabulary i'm going to lay aside every filthy trashy thing [Music] arch i've been chosen to hear the music i've been chosen to see the king of kings and lord of lords i've been chosen for such a time and and i'm not gonna yield and i'm not gonna quit and i'm not gonna give up i'm gonna run i'm gonna fight for no brother [Music] i don't have time to sit down i don't have time to give up i don't have time to quit i don't have time to hide my head in the hole i don't have time to get worldly i don't have time to become a cussing tattooed pierced up preacher and you heard what i said i don't have time to involve myself in the worldiness of this world i don't have time to sit up there on a bed and talk about my wife and i's rendezvous in our bedroom you hear me will you get married you ought to know better than that yourself hallelujah all you need is the holy ghost to help you out i said all you need is the holy ghost to help you out i'm not supposed to come in here and tell you how to balance your checkbook you want to learn how to do that from a financial advisor i'm in here to tell you there's no other name given unto heaven whereby we must be saved and that's by the name of the lord jesus christ i will not give in i will not give up i will not give out i'm not gonna stop my name is richard in the landscape of life and i shall overcome give god an overcoming praise [Music] [Applause] oh come on praise him [Music] i don't spread any germs on anybody but turn around and keep your distance and say i'm gonna keep on running [Music] i'm gonna keep on running i'm gonna keep on running [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna keep on running [Applause] [Music] now when brother johnson felt like walking around here with that torch if some of you brothers would kick the starch out of your britches and obey god we had a holy ghost pandemium [Music] i'm preaching my heart out about running this race and a brother in a church starts walking and the holy ghost i know he's told you i'm not backing down on this one there's some of you said you need to walk behind him and raise your hand how many guilty are here [Music] but you didn't do it so say lord forgive me next time i get a chance you might say i don't want to disturb the service do you think a movement of the spirit is a disturbance do you hear me tonight we need a move of god i said we need a move of god this isn't my house this isn't your house this is his house people need to be healed people need to be saved people watching on that internet right now have been discouraged there's pastors that feel like they're just about ready to give up there are those that's been watching that say i don't think i can go another mile yes you can i don't think i can go another mile yes you can i don't think i can run anymore yes you can i don't feel like i can keep on going yes you can yes you can we are the victory generation we are the victory generation this is the generation we've been through a pandemic we've been through hell we've been through communism we've been through political change we've been to every kind of thing you can imagine and we're not gonna give up and we're not gonna stop and we're not gonna quit if god before us who can be against us you gonna run pad not right now i'm asking you a question you gonna run you're gonna keep on running do you wanna run do you feel like running do you feel like preaching then preach lord god take my god praise the lord amen the bible says that in matthew chapter 13 it talks about how the wheat and the tares grow together amen and i believe the lord was speaking to me this morning when pastor was preaching that there's come in a time of of great separation amen that there's come to time and we can't be distracted when we look to other churches we can't be distracted when we look at other ministries we can't be distracted what other things are doing and i don't mean to have an attitude of elitism like we're the only ones who have it but i know what most of the mainstream christianity offers this generation will fail them they will find themselves in broken homes they will find themselves in busted up relationships but we need to have a generation that will grab ahold of the power of the almighty god and not get distracted by the cares and concerns of this world people of god that will make up their minds to live holy make up their minds to live sanctify understand that without holiness no man shall be god looking for people that'll be sanctified when the children of israel were about to go on the other side of that jordan god spoke to joshua and he said tell the people sanctify yourself today for tomorrow i will do wonders among you we need people that are sanctified that are holy that will draw a line and not go anywhere near it that'll say i'll live by the word of god all lived by the precepts of this world i'll give god all i got husband we need you to take a stand men of god we need you to rise up women of god get your babies together and pray and keep yourself holy and sanctified unto god because if you do god will do wonders among us amen god will do wonders among us we can quit talking about revival we can quit preaching about revival and we can live in revival when god people get hungry when god's people get holy hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah oh yeah put that torch up you're getting ready to run now you're gonna run in place because i can't have you running all over this house because i can't chase you hallelujah if your torch hasn't been lit i pray tonight you get a lighting of the torch [Applause] if you've been sitting on the sidelines with nothing but a damp piece of equipment it's time that god began to touch you when sister joanna began to sing i said my lord she said it's it is jesus yes it is jesus a woman that's gone through what she's gone through a husband that's suffering and can't be with her oh it is jesus yes it is jesus and when she said it is jesus i thought i pray every demon in hell every demon has tried to depress her every demon that's tried to tell her she's gonna lose everything i said i pray that every demon in hell hears her say it is jesus in my soul you know what the lighting of the torch is it's jesus in my soul it's god the father god the son god the holy ghost i said god the father god the son god the holy ghost hallelujah for i have touched the hymn of his garment her poor little daughter here the two of them living in a house that used to be a home and now they're trying to make it the best they can it is jesus it is jesus it is jesus it is jesus it is jesus in my soul i've got a torch you hear i've got a torch it'll go through hell it'll go through high water it'll go through the pandemic it'll go through the storm it'll go through the shadow of death i've got a torch it'll go through high it'll go through the low it'll go through the east and the west i've got a torch there's not a devil in hell that can stop this mighty torch give the lord a clap and a shout one more time [Music] [Applause] the torch is right he's got that torch of god the father god the son god the holy ghost sort of jog in place you're running he's running with all he's got he's running but don't you know just follow me just keep on running don't run over me though hallelujah don't you know that there's division between the democrats and the republicans why don't you just stop running say no way no way say it loud no way scare me with it no way that's getting there hallelujah i said hallelujah well they tell me the number one song in america is so filthy and so trashy and it's appropriate but dr seuss is inappropriate why don't you come over here and look at this no way huh no way are you sure no way are you gonna stop running no way [Applause] well they tell me that there's no need for this speaking in tongues that the gifts of the spirit are gone they're telling me that there's no need in what you're doing right now in this sunday night service this is meant for family it's not meant for people this is meant for you to relax now why don't you just come on over here and get out of there are you going no way oh no way i said can you say no way are you gonna keep on running wonder if your mama don't go wonder if your daddy don't go wonder if your wife don't go wonder if the church gets whirly no way no way no way do you hear me tonight if we keep on running just look ahead of you buddy i'll keep on looking up there is the arena there is an arena there is a colosseum there is there's the archway and we you're gonna be the ones that's gonna run and one day the church is gonna make it [Applause] hallelujah timeout brush out go ahead out for a victoria shell [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] let me describe to you who's in that huge coliseum oh that looks like stephen the first martyr stoned to death full of the holy ghost but he said i see jesus standing at the father's right hand well there's james the pastor of the jerusalem church he was thrown out off the porch and mauled with clubs and then beheaded there's simon peter he's been crucified upside down there's thomas he's in india he's preaching to the carolites in kerala he's pierced with a sword a pagan sword has nailed him to the altar and his blood is shed there's one of the deacons nyquenor he's been stoned to death another deacon by the name of simon he went to arabia to preach and they burned him alive there's parminis another deacon he was preaching and they arrested him and burned him alive there's simon zelotus he went to africa then to great britain and while he was in great britain they captured him and they crucified him like our lord and savior judas the brother of james he was in mesopotamia and was slain simon was the second bishop of the jerusalem church after james he went to egypt to preach in one of the churches and was crucified mark the bishop of alexandria in egypt they arrested him in egypt and burned him with fire bartholomew was in india he was beaten then crucified then beheaded andrew oh andrew went up to poland and went to those countries around denmark and he preached to the saxons and they captured him and crucified him the gospel the one that wrote the gospel of matthew he was stoned and then beheaded philip all philip had four daughters that prophesied beautiful young girls with long pentecostal hair and shirtwaist dresses one of them played the banjo won the man lend the guitar and the one played the fiddle hallelujah that's a country way to preach it but philip and his four daughters they were arrested crucified and stoned to death the apostle paul was beheaded and used of us about the year of 150 to 180 eusebius eusebius rights our people have been slain with the sword but i'm going to keep on running been burnt with fire i'm gonna keep on running they've been scourged with whips keep on running talk to the runner keep on running they've been stabbed with iron forks they were crucified they were drowned at sea they peeled their skin off they cut their tongues out they were stoned to death they were killed with cold they were starved with hunger they cut their hands off but they kept on running [Music] look behind you there's a trail of blood behind you look behind you the people that brought us where we are right now they left us a trail of blood every preacher every prophet every singer everyone has left you a pail of drugs a trail of blood it's not time for you to give up it's not time for you to be worldly it's not time for you to fit in it's not time for you to be a complacent lazy lethargic church it's time for you to grab that torch and look under jesus christ the author and the finisher of our faith [Music] oh runner know who else is there the waldenses the albigensis that's why pope innocent iii wrote the inquisition because these people would not deny there's no other name given into heaven whereby we must be saved yeah the huguenot in france the quakers the moravians the mennonite the amish what about the old saints what about harley hensley that stood and preached here what about sister trent and brother trent who slept on oak benches what about them ate sweet potatoes and got a little bit of coffee for the preaching of the gospel so that we could have a big beautiful place like we've got hallelujah what about amanda what about your great grandma and grandpa that came to this church in a pickup truck with a mattress in the back of it that put a pan of water they took their bath with a pan of cold water out of church where they had one spicket took their bath and held glorious revivals what about them what about the people you hear me what about the people down the old church when they came and took ball bats and busted out our windows they didn't want holy rollers in kenton county do you hear me they didn't want us out here in kenton county they didn't want those tongue talkers those people that had a bottle of olive oil in their church they didn't want us out here they made fun of us they called us trash i know what it was like i know what it was like to get on a school bus and as soon as you get on the school bus they start laughing they say holy roller holy roller and one will yell in the back his mother plays a guitar down at the hillbilly church and they all and at nine and ten years old i could feel myself begin to hide him and begin to hide myself because of the price that was paid listen we never started out on tbn we never started off with rich preachers riding a limousine you hear me we never started with some prosperity message that if you serve jesus you're gonna get rich and you're gonna be powerful and you're gonna be famous we started with the people that had an undeniable faith that jesus is the christ the son of the living god it took that faith to begin this race it's going to take that kind of faith to finish this race it's going to take the faith that is undeniable that jesus is the christ the son of living god [Music] i was nine years old you hear me i was nine years old they had all the little children that could was taking music lessons to play music and everybody got out and got the books out and some play go tell aunt rody go tell aunt road the old gray goose is dead you know that song is in all piano books i heard i guess i heard about six times that day mary had a lid on him and she put me off to the end she said all right tommy and i came up she said tommy where's your music i said in my hillbilly accent we all talk different because we from our appalachian roots even though he's in northern kentucky we didn't talk like cincinnati people when we were little we had hillbilly accents i said i can't read i said i don't have any music she said i guess you have it memorized i said no i can't read music and she [Laughter] would i guess you're going to play without music i said well i play at the church she went [Laughter] you know why because when he had the pta meeting you listen to me the holiness women stuck out like sore thumbs you hear me back when i was a child in the in the early 60s when that you know when that 60s hairdo was in that bright red lipstick everybody looked like ozzy on ozzy and harry everybody looked like harriet all the women looked just the same they all had harriet's outfit harriet's lipstick they all look like harriet but not my mom my mom looked like her mom her grandma her great-grandma and as many as they're far off they all look the same they made them look like old-time people when you're young my mom's only 29 years old she came into that p8 pta meeting they never seen anything look like that mom had this part of her hair up that long hair that ponytail hanging down all the women just rest just casual mom never dressed casual she had a pair of five and a half inch high-heeled shoes on and mom came in there and all of his head's turning it's a holy roller that's a holy roller it's a holy roller it's one of those tongue talkers god only knows what they do down there they throw their babies around the church they didn't throw their babies around the church when the holiness women would go to shout and they just hold on to their babies their babies got a ride for their life hallelujah [Applause] i told mom the other day was talking about somebody we knew it from the past it was pat doherty and i said i said i remember i was sleeping they had a they had a they had a baby grand piano and that's where all the kids slept and safest place in the church for a child to sleep under the piano oh there'd be nine or ten of us under there it's all bundled up and i came out from under that piano i woke up and i went to go get mom and when i did pat darty took off a shouting her high heels stuck in the back of my shoe and she took me for a ride for my life mom said she said oh did you get hurt i said no i didn't get hurt but i went everywhere [Laughter] she had that foot down and the other one going like this and she's sliding me all over the place yeah well they saw mom come in and the heads would turn there's one of them there's one of them coming in here there she is anyway that music teacher got me up there to play and all at once that little hand was going like this and that other hand was going like that i was covering that piano from top to bottom i mean everybody's eyes were dropping everybody's going like that but i'ma tell you something i never played again in the public school until i was a senior in high school no one even knew i could play i was not allowed to play because i couldn't read music i was pushed aside and i'm not saying that feels sorry for me i've got mental problems i may have mental problems but it's not because of that you hear what i'm talking about just because we're in this big fancy church and now we got a big gymnasium and we're on television and 46 000 people are watching maybe 40 000 now but we got a lot of people watching out there praise god we didn't start out this way there's been a lot of tears shed there's been a lot of crying there's been a lot of burdens there's been a lot of pain brother we were in store fronts we were in chicken houses we were in the in places that nobody else would go we've been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this bill don't forget where you came from if you can remember where you came from you're going to make it to your destiny if you can remember the people that flinch your torch you're gonna keep on running if you can remember those that gave you this power you're gonna hold on to it with everything you've got i i watched another movie on a delta flight i haven't got to see the end of it yet it's called fiddler on the roof i heard about it i remember when i was in school they said now we're going to learn a song from the movie fiddler on the roof you know what that meant to us don't you we didn't go to movies they might as well be talking about something from mars but i remember the song sunrise sunset sunrise sunset swiftly flow the years one season following on laid on with happiness and tears the song was about a jewish the jewish people of russia it was 150 years ago when the czar of russia he said i don't want these people living here and the movie is so it is so it does such an incredible job of showing you the jewish life 150 years ago it's the sabbath day they're running into the house as quick as they can get there i called my i called my uh my tour guide in israel i said i got to know about this movie is this stuff accurate is this what really happened in a jewish home the sun was going down the father comes on everybody gets dressed up like you can't believe there's a table in front of them there's two candles and the mother's voice is the first one she takes her hand around the candles and she says and i bless my children and i bless my family and i bless my daughters and i bless my husband i didn't even know this but my tour tour guide said that then the father would say i bless my family this is before they ate every sabbath it was the most serious thing i ever saw but i'm telling you my tour guide said that actually right now they do the exact same thing except for the husband reads but chants psalms 31 verses 10 to the end you know talks about a it ends like this he would be saying favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that fears the lord her work shall be praised i bless you my wife the mother of my children i bless you it's not a matter whether you sing or don't sing it's part of the culture it's part of the the tephilla the word being sung but then it shows how that there was legal papers signed and this is a part that just will tear you up the czar of russia decides he doesn't want jews in russia so the administrator the magistrate that was over that geographic area he comes and he happened to be good friends with many of them because they lived there for years and he said you're going to have to go and they said why said there's no reason you have three days to sell everything and leave and if you don't leave they're going to wipe you out [Music] and i'll watch that and i could see the hatred why did they hate that jew because that jew is a testimony of this bible you hear me that jew is a testimony of this bible and i said all of that to say people that are truly followers of the word of god it might get a little rough in the future [Music] but you got to look to jesus when we get ready i want us to go back to that song joanna got anointed on oh it is jesus yes it is jesus hallelujah i'm not telling you i've heard people say well this is going to happen and that's going to happen i think it's just going to be about like it is in europe it'll just become worldly open blatant wickedness is going to get more corrupt it's going to get more evil and more vile but we have to make up our mind there's going to be a hatred for the bible believers if they hate dr seuss over chopsticks you can't go to a chinese restaurant not see chopsticks if dr seuss is being pushed with such hatred what do you think they're going to do with people who actually believe this bible you're either going to compromise or you're going to say i've got my torch up and i'm going gonna run i'm not looking back i believe we got people we're gonna sing this song right now i'm gonna give you just a moment to think and then i'm gonna ask you a question if you're gonna run this race here we go [Music] as a witness and a testimony to your jesus who's looking at every one of us right now he's in us some of you aren't able to stand i understand that but if you're able to at least lift one of your hands if you can stand stand and lift one of your hands say my torch is lit and i'm gonna keep on running i'm gonna keep on running [Music] no matter what goes on around me now jesus this is this is your people we're going to join that cloud of witnesses sister trent i don't know if the lord will let you look on us or not but look there's some that's going to meet us over there [Music] glory to god sister richards we're not going to give in we're not going to give up we're going to hold on to this power the anointing of god through jesus christ [Music] glory hallelujah give the lord a wave offering a victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh looking under jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] in the house [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] if you're here tonight and you've let your torch grow them if you've let your fire go grove him it's not out but it's very dim if you'll just right where you are or come to this altar and throw your hands out and say i need you to re-light my torch lord i need you to set me on fire i started to win and i'm gonna run this race hallelujah this altar is open right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's the powers of darkness we cast the devil out last week i'm not saying you're possessed but i'm saying you are obsessed i don't know if the devil's in you or not if he manifests i'll know but i will tell you this the oppression where's those chains at go get me those chains [Music] the demonic powers the hell are gonna break what is that you've got on your hand is that just a bracelet [Music] allergies we were in a prayer meeting the holy ghost said we're gonna hear chains fall it took a lot for you to privately tell me what your problems are it took a lot for you to do that and i'm speaking to that power of darkness the devil wants to make you out to be a dog you're not a dog you hear me you're not a piece of trash he's shockable josiah the same power that took seven devils out of mary magdalene is the same power that will work today i cast those demonic powers off of you in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] i command that demon power to turn her loose in the name of jesus no it's not it is not it's not too late for you that's a lion's spirit i curse that lion's spirit right now you demonic power i command you come on church pray in the spirit pray for her a while we got to get the devil out of her oh it is [Music] this evil spirit that's in the world right now that is part of the roman empire it wants to make you listen to me sisters it wants to make a woman a piece of trash it wants to make you like a horrible i know you have pets as dogs but i don't know how else to explain it the enemy wants to tear you down the number one song in america makes women to be nothing but a piece of trash nothing but a lustful glutton that's looking for another man to satisfy them right now in the name of jesus i speak to that demon i command it sisters you need to throw your hands up and say my body say it sisters my body is the temple of the holy ghost no demonic power is allowed to take control of my body and i speak right now to that perverted lion demon i speak to that demonic power from hell and by the blood on that cross by the blood of the lord jesus christ i command you to take your influence off of this nation of this people in the name of jesus give the lord a clap and a shout of praise [Music] okay she's getting through she's starting to get through the devil talked to her first the spirit of evil talked to her and said it's too late for me i said no it's not now she's saying jesus help me jesus help me jesus help me give me a microphone put it down there by the ground when these chains hit this wood floor i want every demon in hell to turn her loose i want every power of darkness to set her free and i want there to be a shout of victory in this house that the blood on the cross has never lost its power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've got a question did you all tell her to jump up that's exactly what happened last week with you [Music] what's it feel like to have the devil [Music] gone he is able to do all things i have been set free and i've just i've turned all i can think of is just the power of god moving in my life every day my husband hasn't drank since i have been just so free i have there's just not even words to explain i know the powers of darkness had a hold of me but because god is so good and faithful he set me free just like he is here tonight two of you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the first three days of every month is our time of consecration it began today sunday monday tuesday we come here wednesday if you can put anything aside a candy bar soft drink do something you may say well i don't drink soft drinks you say in the name of jesus i'm not going to drink one and before you leave here you want to stop at mcdonald's and get yourself a coke that devil don't want you to do anything that's going to get you closer to god but this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting the chains are gone the chains are gone [Music] is [Music] well let's give the lord another clap and a shout of praise [Music] eric just a little bit of it it will never lose its power i don't know what chord they do it in hallelujah just a little bit of this little song glory to god and then we're going to let you go get your kids into bed and go to school and go to work and and whatever i just want to sing just a little bit of this is that the right key [Music] hallelujah it will never still [Music] plus about two one [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] come on up here brother i want you to dismiss us in prayer brother jonah little jonah here little jonah had a broken ankle and didn't get to finish in our community christian academy based basketball playoffs you did i didn't know that they didn't tell me that but anyway uh he was voted as i'm gonna say it wrong what was it mr basketball i was gonna say mr basketball and something inside of me said now that you're gonna say it wrong but i did say it right he was voted 2021 mr basketball for the christian league in kentucky so brother jonah dismiss us in prayer give god thanks for this service and let's one more time say hallelujah for this woman getting free tonight hallelujah thank you jesus lord we thank you lord for your goodness lord we thank you lord for your faithfulness we're thankful lord that you come unto us tonight god lord you met every need god lord a good word was brought forth lord i pray right now lord that each and every person god lord would let the torch that they have in their hand right now lord that they would run this race god with endurance that is set before them god lord we know lord that there is a cloud of witnesses god lord that would tell us lord when we're discouraged lord that we can keep going and that we can keep running so right now god i pray lord that we would go out of this service tonight uh running with an endurance lord that no devil out of hell can stop us lord we thank you for lord for everything that you've done lord thank you lord for your chain breaking power your freeing power lord and we give you all praise glory and honor and jesus oh troubles and triangles are more than enough sometimes my way gets a rugged and wrong the god that i serve is the same yesterday today and forever together with pastor tommy bates we connect others with the gospel of jesus christ for those who need revival in their hearts you help make a way for them to be awakened for those who need to hear about the saving power of the cross you open doors for the holy spirit to sweep into their lives for those who need strength to continue in life you help make it possible for them to know that jesus will carry them through when you sow your best gift or become a partner with tommy bates ministries today you join with us to advance god's plan and purpose in the lives of those around the world to partner or contact tommy bates ministries visit write us at p.o box 30 independence kentucky 41051 or call [Music] 1-866-411-1032 you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 5,593
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Id: FqMvRsusHJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 20sec (7880 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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