Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - The Motion Picture 2018

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Watched it, was OK only for me. Audio was time compressed and that lost something for me.

Read the book and comics back in the day and enjoyed them, but hasn’t aged too well.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/porktornado77 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
when you when you bring new things into a society you can either select the balance of the force you can either use it for good or you can use it for evil and what happens when there's something new people have a tendency to overdo it they abuse it when Star Wars came out everybody said oh it's a silly movie it's just a bunch of space battles and stuff it's not real there's nothing behind it I said well there is stuff behind it's not just a space battle there's more to it than that it's much much more complicated than that and but nobody would listen so they just know how simple like the spaceships we like to stop so they said fine so the spaceships and the that part of the science fantasy whatever got terribly abused and of course everybody went out and made spaceship movies and they were all horrible and they all lost tons of money and you say well you know there's more to it than that you can't just go out and do spaceships my son Nathan is he did you know you'll say Oh dad you know they've cloned your hand there's an evil you know he tells me I have a beautiful redheaded wife you know which they kindly provided ten years after I finished so it's I mean it's overwhelming the amount of the amount of ancillary material the video games the comic books the role-playing games etc etc [Music] [Music] [Music] you Anton Doubleday del audio publishing presents Star Wars shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it looks like a walking pool she's also like a mummified body dead a thousand years amazing he is still alive much less the most powerful man in the galaxy Jesus stood four meters away from the Emperor watching as the man who had long ago being senator about the time moved to stand in the hollow Campfield the viewer on the other end of the Halloween would see a close-up of the Emperor's aides ravaged face shrouded in the cowl of his dark saved cross Rome the man light-years away would not see she thought those sees or could see him it was a measure of the Emperor's trust that he was allowed to be here while the conversation took place the air in front of the Emperor coalesced and blossomed into the image of a figure down on one knee a caped humanoid dressed in a jet-black face hidden under a full helmet and breathing mask done later what is thy bidding my master if Caesar could have hurled a powerful through time and space to strike Vader dead he would have done it without blinking whistle thinking Vader was too powerful to attack directly there is a great disturbance in the fourth the Emperor said I have served it we have a new enemy Luke Skywalker Skywalker that was Vedas name long ago who was this person with the same name someone so powerful is to warrant a conversation between the Emperor and his most votes through creation more importantly why is she those agents not uncovered this before now Caesar's ire was instant but no sign of it shows for his imperturbable features the villain did not allow their emotions to burst forth know the fellini ancestry was not served but scales not mammalian but reptilian not wild but including calculating such was much effort such as much silver he could destroy the M percent he's just a boy over one can no longer help him the force is strong with him the son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi son of Skywalker beta son reason David couldn't turn it would become a powerful ally yeah yes it would be a great asset can it be done he will join us or Die master this was most interesting most interesting indeed the emperor finished his communication and turned back to him now where were we Prince Caesar the doctrine smiled he would attend to the business at hand but he would not forget the name of Luke Skywalker [Music] Chewbacca roared his rage a stormtrooper grabbed at him and he knocked the man flying two more guards came in and the Wookiee battered them aside in another second one of Vader's troops would shoot Chewie Leia stared unable to move unable to believe this was happening Han started yelling at the Wookiee trying to calm him Chewie they'll be young other times the princess you have to take care of her they were in a dank chamber in the bowels of Cloud City on P spinner where Hans so-called friend Lando Calrissian had betrayed them to Darth Vader the stink of liquid carbon like permeated the air two stormtroopers jerked Holloway backed him onto the lip plate over the mixture freezing chamber as Leia what's the word erupted from her unbidden I love you and Han not a debtor I know a little egg lower him into the pit he locked his gaze with layers held it until the cloud of freezing vapor boiled up and block their view [Music] laya sat up abruptly her pulse racing the sheets were sweaty and wadded around her a bad dream she sought that solid one but no it was a memory seized or leaned back in his forms here hand looked at the women standing on the opposite side of the desk Gouri was beautiful with long blonde hair clear blue eyes there was a coolness about her that was easily explained if you knew that she was an HR d a human replica droid she could pass for a woman anywhere in the galaxy she was his personal assistant and she was the only one of her kind programmed to be an assassin she'd cost him 9 million credits she was worth every decade read beautiful and deadly he himself was over a hundred years old but he looks 30 it was tall had a topknot ponytail jutting up from his otherwise bald head and a hard body accosted by stimulants it also included natural pheromones that made most human stock species feel instantly attracted to him his skin color normally a dusty green things with the rise of those pheromones shading from the cool into the warm spectrum his handsomeness and appeal were tools nothing more he was the Dark Prince under Lord of Black Sun you could also kick a son fruit off the top of a tall humanoids head and he could lift twice his own weight over his head his galactic influence was surpassed only by the Emperor and the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader he was the third most powerful being in the galaxy but about to become second if his plans weren't as intended it had been months since he'd overheard the Emperor and Vader talking of a threat they perceived and now preliminaries accomplished Caesar was ready to move in earnest only an hour remained before his meeting it was but a short walk through the protected corridors to Vader's no hurry he did not want to arrive early by going there instead of insisting that Vader come here he was giving away an advantage no matter that was part of it there must not seem to be any contention between them no one must suspect but he felt anything but their disrespect for the dark lorises not a despair over trying to succeed they'e sat in a bad cantina in the bad part of Mos Eisley calling this place a dying would have elevated it for noxious must've done it on purpose tequila strips of a meeting place to get a rise out of her for a time she hated him until she understood that his apparent betrayal of her had only been a ruse to save them from Vader Lando had given up a lot for that and they all owed him for it Chewbacca sat next to her glowering at the assorted patrons the only reason she had left her with Luke after the last encounter with Vader was to go with Lando to Catherine to set up and rescue one Slayer had arrived Hughie had stayed as close to her as part of her wardrobe it was irritating Lando had explained it Julio's are like that that's a big deal of milwaukee's buy you a drink beautiful somebody said behind him play attack it was Lando behind him were the droids r2d2 and c3po I think we've got Slade one spotted that was Boba Fett's ship the Bounty Hunter who had taken home from Cloud City where a moon called Gao circlings are a gas giant out from one of the far rim systems the information is third hand but the employment chain is supposed to be reliable I've got a contact in that says I'm an old gambling buddy who does a little reward we last cargo delivery name is - Brenda he's checking it out for us play a smile freelance cargo delivery was a euphemism for smuggling Thunder listen yeah I'm afraid so any fence a missile a draw is an imperial Enclave got a couple of destroyers base there plus all the attempting size fighters if that ship is there it won't be easy to get to it you Cesar left his four bodyguards in the antechamber and when did the darth vader's personal meeting room the man was though he did not know it a mortal enemy ten years ago Vader had a pet project research on a biological weapon he established the hazard lab on she's our home planet of saline there had been an accident that the supposedly secure facility in order to save the planets population the city around the lab had been sterilized 200,000 saline had been killed by the sterilization lasers criss-crossing the doomed metropolis from order among the dead had been she Zoe's mother father brother two sisters and three uncle he the North world at the time cementing his control of Black Sun otherwise he would have been one of the victims himself he had never spoken of the tragedy and he had been patient data cut into Caesars thoughts we shall need 300 ships half of them tankers are dry cargo transports standard imperial delivery contracts there is a large construction project of which you are aware can you supply the rest yes my lord you need but tell me where and when nudism and I will make it so again she's or allowed himself a tiny smile everything was going according to plan [Music] Luke stared at the little furnace as if so doing could hurry the process inside the ingredients for a lightsaber Jim cooked at an incredible heat and pressure intense enough to collapse yura steel and all it would fall Luke look around the place that had been Ben Kenobi's home it was a small place on the edge of the western sea made a first local rock mixed into a slurry and sprayed onto frames to harden Ben's house looked as if it could have been a natural rock formation seized and rounded by centuries of desert weather been struck down by Vader on the Death Star for Luke the memory was equal parts grief and rage according to the book which he was sure Ben had meant him to find the best lightsabers used natural tools but there weren't a lot of the kind who needed lying around or tattling he managed to collect most of the electronic or mechanical parts in Moscow a Power Cells controlled a high-energy reflector cup but he'd had to make his own focusing jewel if everything went right he'd be able to cut the jewel polish and in story Tim the photo harmonics and then he'd only have to hit the switch to have a working lightsaber I believe you felt something for a moment he had a flash of recognition wasn't familiar he buckled on his blaster and went outside a hot wind blew grip off the desert in the distance he saw a thin dust cloud somebody was approaching across the barren from Mos Eisley lair Chewbacca are two and three teal followed Luke and Lando into Ben's small house as soon as they explained why they'd come Luke was ready to hop in his x-wing and leave Lando held up a hand hold on a second first we have to make sure sets on golf then there's a little matter of the Imperial Navy Luke grin wagers in command of the rogue squadron now and he told me if I ever needed them they come running [Music] back in his private meeting on Cesar asked Laurie will have assembled all the information on Skywalker yes my prince very well let the Bounty Hunter's know the price was guy Walker's head black sons and must be invisible there must be no mistakes there will be none my prince Jory stood silently as Caesar considered his plan Vader wanted Skywalker wanted him alive to give to the Emperor if Vader should fail in his quest if it could be made to appear that he had never really intended to produce this young would-be Jedi for the Emperor either could be made to assume that he had killed the boy rather than risk facing him if the Emperor thought his trusted right half Darth Vader his own creation had failed him even the Dark Lord of the ship would not be immune to imperial anger she's our news he had found the perfect weapon with which to finally defeat Darth Vader the death of [Music] the Millennium Falcon broke from hyperspace in the vicinity of the gas giants our Lando and Leia preferred that they all stay together but Luke had argued that if any trouble showed up they would have to arm ships to meet it rather than what they bondo was a good pilot but Luke trust of his own skills more he kept the little ship close to the Falcon as they entered the system what was Bubba Fett doing this far out on the rim yes he saw the Blitz on his scope about the time he got the call over his comm Hey look welcome to the end of the galaxy hey wedge how's it going buddy here they came the rogue squadron a dozen ships like his own which continued good to see you again Luke I hope you've got something interesting cooked up for us things have been a little slow lately Leia looked around at the cavernous cast Plast prefab building that wedge antilles and his rogue squadron had set up as a base on a moon in the planets shadow opposite call wedge led them to a corner of the chili building where a table and a hollow props unit had been set up a man sat sprawled in a one-piece cast last year looking as if you were asleep it came to his feet to have made a low sweeping theatrical bow prez's layer of the lights would get a visitors here and a humble cast of darkness Lando made introductions wizard - render seat karcsi smuggler and an okay pilot - his grin increased putting a meal Cape pilot calories you know I could fly brings around you even a one wing copper with a plug jet and modest - lesson - bow low I see that the princess has a it was a stunning beauty brother like I thought this guy he's gonna lead us the Bulldog wedge showed them the holographic maps and recorded images of the moon where Boba Fett's ship was supposed to be docked the Imperial Enclave was home based two Star Destroyers one standard destroyer carried a wing of TIE fighters each wing was made up of six squads which meant 72 times per destroyer a hundred and forty-four of them against the twelve in the Rogue Squadron that made the odds a hair less than twelve to one - considered the information and we're gonna sneak in the back way it'll take some pretty fancy flying treetop level stuff to avoid local sensors - drop in grand transparent he grinned at Luton which they do keep the TIE fighters and the Destroyers busy I get Lando - and Boba Fett shippers that's turned to live they want to see something yeah he opened the door to another large hangar like room and heard Luke explain Wow a ship sat perched on the cheap plastic flooring it had smooth lines heavy cannons mounted above and below and its own with a dark gloom like chrome that's presented his ship as it were close friend they out [Music] inside his x-wing looked at the deep breath you ready r2 this is rogue leader locked to your foils into Attack Position accelerate the sub six and acknowledge acknowledge as ready as they were going to get the dayside destroyer laid dead ahead and by now its long-range sensors would have spotted the incoming x rays rogue six called up here it come a score of TIE fighters viewed from the Destroyers strike they force double up on the forward seals taxi targets of opportunity look at the smile there was nothing in the universe that felt like slugging into combat [Music] on the Millennium Falcon Leia crouched down behind ceiling and Lando in the control cut that Freetail stood behind them braced more or less in the doorway do be careful master Lando will also be close to the tops of those trees ahead of them - through the outrider and the wind of his passage was enough to fan the tall evergreens below Lando flew past jagged outcroppings of reddish rock that looked like giant fangs the Falcon zipped through a three-sided tunnel with what seemed like very little clearance below and to the sides - had said that there was a long range Imperial sensitive coast at the edge of the great plateau above the canyon they were negotiating the only way to avoid being spotted was to sneak long below the sensor scan the outrider twisted on its long axis like a screw - came on the comm they leaned forward to see there it is this vector pulled up in a hard time and rocketed toward space Lando called where are you going - blast you forgive repair broken Lando's attention came back to the situation before them company we've got half a dozen time fighters on that tail they was already on the way I'll take the dorsal turn as the rogue sped from a battle Luke felt a sudden wave of something he couldn't fight identify wash over him like the sense of danger that couldn't be aboard major controls things he knows we decide without questioning further Matheny from a laser cannon flashed past but there weren't any tiles behind him only Road six as he watched less his x-wing altered course to follow him yes what are you doing West yelled a short burst of one of the firefighters let lease with a blast of weapons barely missing the boba stick back into his belly and control structure behind him Wesley's a paramedic atavism entire story Houston for long time the TIE fighter ran into lessons fire and scattered Luke ducted the x-wing around West compasses northern climate workmanship tremors and splashing at Lansing sat on the rear so Luke focused himself pinpointed the weapon control Nexus turret firing now as his guns with dead person fire the lasers or the belly missiles wedged you can get a magnetic line on West and let's get out of here [Music] go around them she was too close to home yeah I hate to be the one to say it but their doctors [Music] back at Rogue Squadron secret moon base the malfunctioning r2 unit accidentally shifting settled to the ground Luke turn to r2 r2 you ever seen anything like this before rocky knees closer extruded being increased and plug it into the other unit r2 says the Droid wasn't malfunctioning it was programmed fortunately without an arc to rein in the shipyard and died 15 to have instructed fellows twisties or to side with Leia unbuckle yourself in the turret and purge the control company vandal what are you doing saving our lives I used every trip in a manual closer to I made up and I couldn't get past those fighters there were too many of them about folding I lost any get scattered all over the lands [Music] [Music] [Music] you it was all we could do to restrain himself he almost took a swing at - wedge saw easy Luke but Luke was poked raped you just left them there hey kid I was fired as a guy it so I guided end a story - turned and handled off one of the sensor crew ran over we've got a ship coming in no communications but the scopes say it's a Karelian freighter the Millennium Falcon they were alive [Music] laya watched Luke take off in his x-wing with r2 it had been tough to persuade him to go back to chattering but see that managed to convince him that he needed to go do some business for the Alliance and someone had to be there to keep an eye out for Boba Fett as the x-wings engines faded away she called - Brenda over to her side are you available thread job sweetie I'm always available if the money is right I want to go to catch away and keep an eye on Luke - raised an eyebrow body gun sure I can do that get Bo like it if he finds out so stay out of sight somebody tried to kill him and I think they'll try again after she paid him half up front and - was gone lay awake to find Lando let me pose a hypothetical question if you don't mind a hypothetical answered go ahead but would be the best way to contact somebody high up in Black Sun what somebody just tried to kill Luke maybe it was Vader maybe not black son has a vast Spina they can find out who's responsible you have the connections right it's still a bad idea blonde oh yeah yeah I know a few people [Music] [Applause] [Music] Arthur fired a crackling beam of electricity at Lutz Catalina's desert morning air sizzled with a spot that arced the full 2 meters law Luke in the grip of the force snapped his newly completed lightsaber to blocking the charge cascaded harmlessly on the blade to easy he heard a distant drone getting steadily louder engines somebody was coming to call maybe we better get out of sight hide inside r2 with our to safely in Ben's house Luke circled around to a sandy hillock that will crouch down the noise of the engines was an echoing racket now and he recognized the source swoops swoops were long raped repulsor craft with a fire like scoop on the front the two-person vehicles were fast and maneuverable but hard to control most people associated them with outlaws their smokes roared in and began to circle Ben's house there were nine that doesn't [Music] all carry blasters Luke wasn't as well hidden lesson thoughts all of the men spotted him jerked a blaster up and fired he sizzle casting turn send into muddy blast well there are some feast fanboys Luke hurry to a couple of large boulders to find better cover up or at least set himself and as the second sweeper approached he swung his lightsaber in a feint and slammed his boot into the rider is kicked top of the attack the chemistry youth hopped onto his group grab the handlebars and twisted the start ring no way they run him down as he struggled for a short turn heard the hoarse yell he looked over his soul asleep anything's off roughed in silent freefall the writer fired a blaster older self missing but making the scoober skipper the descending spooked after eating a ham spam the ground and stop sniffing that was flying and then Folgers helmet off Luke couldn't believe it - what are you doing here saving your butt from swoops gala looks like Vader is no longer your number one admirer [Music] and it would seem more than coincidental that this woman who is known to be close to Luke Skywalker is probing Black Sun your suggestion killer killer wookie and gambler companion I think not eat wizard we should find out exactly how much she knows and to whom she has told it then I want you to bring her to me Gouri was about to leave for Rodia when she's lost doctor before you go there I have another errand boy oh there is a secret document in my personal files under the heading route you know what it is yes download it and see that it gets into the hands of our buffing double agent on buffering make certain he knows that we are responsible for its delivery he could feel giri's reluctance and said so you disapprove it does not seem to be in your best interests to do this ah but it is by having Black Sun put this kid bidding to the rebels hands gratis they will be much more apt to trust us in the unlikely event the Empire should lose this war the Alliance will remember us as friends and not enemies so where is that new gas - they had returned to Ben's house each on a swoop Luke had not been pleased that Leia had sent - to keep an eye on him yonder Rodya to connect up with black son Luke merely dropped the container of cold water he held but son I shall ever mind the representative from Black Sun had arrived while Seth last yes banda would be hiding with his blaster drawn when the Black Sun rep showed up Chuy would watch the door from the hall and Threepio would stay with her leia moved to a desk at one end of the room and sat behind it there took a deep breath send her in whatever lair had been expecting GUI was not it the woman from Black Sun was strikingly beautiful moving with the grace of a professional dancer she sat across from Leia and spoke how may we serve you princess directed to the Primus woman but leia had been too long a diplomat to blurt out what she wanted to a stranger there needed to do some ritual circle first [Music] a hundred stores who flipped around as a building glasses ready to cook anybody who twitches two troopers emerged dragging a man between them they brought him to where Vader stood and Walker escape made a French physicist and a man claw didn't vote aye the man choked his eyes grew wider Vader waited for a few seconds during open his hands the man yes despite his anger they do with sleeved the boy still in his power wearing people I understand that someone else wanted to die we we heard that it was Black Sun fade instead of a man didn't want to Skywalker at five no my lord they wanted him dead [Music] all right no I gotta I think this has gone on long enough excuse me GUI held up her empty cup as Leia watts she squeezed it in one hand and it shattered into tiny bits I can do that to your head you probably have a weapon hidden somewhere but I warn you I am much faster than you Leia played it out propose I believe you what do you want you are going to accompany me from this place you will tell the Wookiee in the hall to stay here as we leave otherwise he dies I don't think girl whoever or whatever you are I bet she wants faster than a blaster bolt the doors slid open land up stood their weapons aimed at do it Chewie came in from the hall with his boat captain level that giri's back Rory looked at them you have the advantage it would see him what do you propose Luke is in danger and this person who says she represents blacks he is our only link to them I'll contact the Alliance and have them supplies with a small ship excuse me Corey thick they attended look at it what there is an easier way but he's talking about you want to go to Coruscant and meet with the leadership of Black Sun I were sent to provide you escort for such a trip then wipe effect in fact the fastest way why should we trust you because anguish [Music] as Greece ship dropped out of hyperspace off the court fan she insisted that Leia and Chewbacca put on this dice it would not be wise identity keenly they addressed herself in the disguise of a newbie bounty hunter who went by the name bar Chewie had reluctantly agreed to have his birth custom died muffled with large patches black gory handed them a better coordinate after you clear customs beat me here [Music] [Applause] [Music] a guard sent by Gauri led Leia and Chewbacca through a labyrinth of corridors and passageways into turbolifts and down yet more passageways eventually they reached two tall carved wooden doors the guard stepped aside in there Leia entered the room Chewie behind her a tall man no not a man but an exotic looking Amy's clothes and flowers Princess Leia Organa and Chewbacca welcome I am Shiva last hope dead 70d messes with the brain edge bond over here she was that last they think a person in charge of the galaxy's largest criminal organization cheese or was pleased the young woman sitting across from him was every bit as delightful as he had hoped the father had only spoken a trivial thing but already he had allowed some of his potent pheromones to seep into the air the Wookiee didn't seem to notice but Leia had responded to a chemical attractant he exceeded she felt drawn to him he knew and he knew how to use his advantage you must be tired young auction you should refresh yourself change clothes relax a bit before we delve into his period nothing I didn't exactly bring my wardrobe with me she's a way to have such things are easily remedied I'll have my servant husband show you to your quarters I have pressing business to which I must attend this fish your dog and rejoin me in a couple of hours Leia was shaken as housing led her and Julie down another convoluted hallway she had to take several deep breaths to calm herself what exact then about that emotional attraction that rolled over her like a tropical ocean breaker she's never been wonder stare dumbstruck get a handsome face before besides she was in love with Han House mean stopped Athens your room the rookie will be in the next few the black carpet in the room was so deep layer nearly sank to her ankles in it there was a white leather couch around bed with black sheet and the comforter under a translucent canopy held up by six carved posts a white desk with a computer on it and a black chair tucked neatly under the deck occupied a niche next to the bed a quick scan of a clothes in the closet revealed that they were first-class and in her size she blinked could it be a coincidence the leader of Black Sun just happened to have a closet full of clothes in her side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laya put on a dark body before she slipped into a trap then she made her way along the corridor to Prince I mean your friends were here to die while we conduct our negotiation Leia nodded yeah wait outside Chewie from Chewie tone he did not care for that at all but he did oh she asked the door when Leia turned around she saw had moved to a small bar behind the leather culture something to drink there any and Brandel Chamblee [Music] when he rounded the couch to bring her the tea his hip brushed against the back of her head it sent a shock through her a rush like dropping in freefall he handed her the cup and that at the other end of the couch Leia felt a pang of disappointment that he hadn't said closer to her and a stab of worry at that thought she's are regarded her as the fifth at his green drink so the Alliance might very interested in doing business with lassen chief scramble to collect her thoughts yes we that is the safety alliance we have been considering such an alliance alliance considering an alliance every layer you lost your [ __ ] yeah war does make strange bedfellows doesn't it [Music] they talked for a while layer feeling herself lit more and more under the strange spell he seemed to be casting on her then she's all leaned over [Music] I came a pounding at the door Leia pulled away from him straight into a rumpled dress I I better see what he wants Leia touch the door controller than the earth Ben I'm in the middle of a delicate discussion here can't it wait Leia turn to Jesus he seems upset maybe I'd better go and see what was in the hall outside she's or a sanctum Leia glared at Chewie he knew what she and she thought had been doing and there he sensed it somehow he was protecting her and protecting Han the desire she had felt evaporated shame flooded into her that was not liked her she would never behave that way certainly not with a stranger was he using some kind of drug she looked up at you me I think maybe we better consider an alternate plan [Music] as later expected the emperor was not convinced you disappoint me lord Vader I sense that your gentleman is shaded by something of a personal grudge here no my mother I am really concerned about the criminals treachery if he is in fact trying to kill time Walker really lord Vader I would certainly need more evidence than a rumor from some bounty hunter the Morrigan so valuable an ally as principal Shira as he lost could his vast shipping fleet at our disposal they were trying to keep it worth steady and even I have not forgotten but I have also not forgotten my promise to bring Skywalker to the dark side but not if he is slain before I can get to him [Music] laya took a deep breath and opened the door to see those chamber the head of Black Sun sat on the couch where she'd left him the best in his hand I was beginning to worry about you you could still feel the charisma he if you did but now she could resist it maybe her anger and become a shield upon which used attractions flashed and was repelled that is a drug that worn off it didn't matter why as long as it worked he went to meet her then to kiss her she slammed her knee up between his legs hard he groaned and jumped her away he stumbled back except when he could straighten up his face was cold he seemed to have changed color too and looked cooler and ashen green so you reduced me you should be fed yeah here is the drawback to bright and strong women sometimes they are bright and strong when you leave working today he bowed I am pleased that you wanna work we finished about glory a panel with a side in the wall behind him and the HRD stepped into the room she's got turned to her it seemed you were right take her to her room and lock her in the image that ghosted into being the possum some wookiees with a bad haircut Luke didn't recognize him until he started talking yelling was more like it bando translated lay is being held on by Black Sun yeah they tried to kill Chile but he escaped she made him go wasn't his idea abruptly the transmission ended what happened blue cat I don't know just one blank let's go to Joey right wrong somehow I knew you were going to say that Luke and Lando flew into Coruscant in the shadow of a gigantic cargo freighter then disguises beggared made their way through chorus gas underground tunnel system [Music] she's or left layers room and return to his kingdom to dress for his appointment she had repeatedly refused his polite invitation to dine with him so he had informed her that he had allowed Tsubaki to gate deliberately knowing the wookie would leave Luke Skywalker back to lair and thus to him our agents say that a Karelian freighter answering the description of the Millennium Falcon is hidden somewhere in the hostile naughty warehouse district music gospel are you paying Skywalker and the gambler have come here have eluded the Imperial picket line and landed on the planet as bold as you please anyhow with Tyler who knows the fatal trick and managed it our own smugglers do it all the time alright check it out if it is Skywalker she had it watched when he shows up other people kill him circumspect [Music] right right and slow down okay okay later thinks it's Black Sun that wants you dead Luke they're behind the assassination attempt not the empire the dialogue in with abruptly at the black dirt Bowl glanced through the shops open door and shattered the flowerpot hanging from the ceiling outside the shop for non uniformed man with flaxen used more shots Luke Lando and Chewbacca dropped to the floor Juhi raised his blaster and fired several rounds blindly back to the shooter is there another way out of here Luca Randall Kersey I got a spot before they can think about what they were gonna do somebody outside the back exits cream there came the sound of several blaster discharges Luke whips up from where he lay prone on the floor planter ground into his stolen uniform and saw a figure walking across an alley then Johar what are you doing here saving your butt looks like follow me you Luke took a deep breath let it out slowly and sought to clear his mind now that they have the time and faith he wanted to try again to reach Claire he said the name aloud Leia then he reached out through the fourth layer I'm here I'm coming for you [Music] there was not telepathy though much is empathy and since it has happened before on beef and she recognized this sensation quickly she took a deep breath and let part of it out held her silence Luke [Music] all right - that here's the idea we know that they're really big buildings on this planet extend this far under the clearances they do above it the building is because this one generates a lot of waste they have to break the solid waste down and pump it away therefore we are talking about pipe lando not it Jerry points out such drains would be hard to locate given that every building will have similar systems probably amongst amazed under the ground right Luke said but there will be fewer guards posted on a sewage drain then the doors above ground assuming we can find a guide you are saying you want us to wade through kilometers of sewage to get into this place that's smile exactly what the guards would think it would be that stupid my lord Raider in the voice from behind him he turned the man who had been feeding him information on seizure of activity stood there yes my lord we have uncovered a pirated copy a certain territory Cyrus what the liens start to be destroyed why should I find this interesting it contains some material about professors family his father was king of a small nation on Selene there was a regrettable incident all appreciators family were killed a light dawned and readers like dark bring nuts it was not simply that she door considered later a competitor for the emperor's invention it was personal you - is contact one Benedict Victor who was more than willing to scan the systems make maps lead them himself for and whatever else they might want as long as they had plenty of credits he knew the sewers by heart the sludge in the tunnel was pinis black v oily and it's still worse than anything looking at a smell before the tunnel was lit by a row of dim overhead gross things but it was bright enough to see as much as they wanted they were startled by something that found it as if somebody had dropped a couple of head size and stones into the inky liquid hey that's it look out oops fern roses lifesaver from his numbers just in time to see a large eye pop up on a fleshy stock contracted something slithering through the murky affiliate oriented ienaga [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] new step closer and brought the blade down chuckling Diana's body and her the five of them continues to wade through the mire finally Vincent pointed just ahead fine you go first Lando said yes exit to the left great he handed a plastic card to Lando he turned to leave - stepped in front of him where you think you're going I can't see the floor plan sort of place that was the deal - scratched you said well thank you stammers there was the deal but you know like we'd like to do it until we come to a place where you can safely wait we insist Lando said they'd construct well and before anybody could react he pulled a small blaster from his coverall and started shooting wildly the first shot seared past Luca the second hit - and a hit the engineer didn't get off a third shot because - snapped his blaster up and put a bolt right between the man's eyes Luke went for him okay okay just got a little wide it do it Vanda said we weren't gonna hurt him yeah like that he figures he sold out why should we wait that said let's hope the guards to the hero's duty [Music] Luke peered through the half fogged cover plate on the recyclers door guards behind him Lando tried to keep his shot to a whisper six the goddess's plan - laughed softly so what that's only one in a happy Luke looked again true there was six men only a few meters away but four of them sat at a table playing cards blast-rifles stacked against the wall two others stood near the card players watching and apparently offering advice but they had their weapons slung over their shoulders - was right if they moved fast they could cover the guards before they had a chance to use their rifles then disarmed them tied them up and be on their way with nobody else the wiser okay here's the deal - you pop - I'll go first Chewie is behind leave then Lando you come last on three one two three left out brought his lightsaber up into a ready stance nobody moves shooing jumped out behind him his weapon slid on the war and he fell flat on his back - Gugu Lando tried to leap over to Eva from the falling will be installed face now that's dog over Lando and suit so the road once [Music] so much seating in quietly [Music] Cesar was paying the cultural minister his monthly bribe when Guri stepped into the room the Dark Prince made polite noises and dismissed the minister what a problem in the sub sub-basement a kind of problem chief ugh we don't know that area is to require extra surveillance and the guards are not answering Caesar was not especially concerned down with the pipes and conduits and heavy Durasteel beings were thick engineers have not been able to resolve some calm wave interference inside there a common glitch [Music] Skywalker is faster and smarter than we thought if the drain sensors picked up any armies mutts immune under the building no brother it is Eve Skywalker he's totally alone perhaps the working send a unit to check it out two squads are already on the way sending the moths on your way out security will cats got a walker there is nothing to worry about [Music] comlink on his phone and meltdown at it we're busy here's just what he deflected another beam left forward and found himself within reach of the man who'd shot him he wits the lightsabers down and the hand holding the blaster dropped to the floor just a sidekick until I give him squarely on the nose and knocked him flat the other wires were down as well take this [ __ ] out of there now just like we talked about Martino's resistance movement operate the controls call me back when you're in the air keep it subtle of a gone under the stratospheric security scanners you got that lost contact with the second unit of guards curry told she's our same area no four levels up she saw her from that was well above the normal area of calm problems in the castle and an unlikely coincidence for executor to on full alert Bala Dida but it'd be Skywalker had he somehow gotten into the castle without being detected cancel my appointments Master Luke we have successfully left the building Luke pulled out his public video where are you [Music] [Music] [Music] Swee'Pea what is going on I'm sorry Lucas thanks to our do is were these the magic which instructions we've accidentally destroyed an advertising billboard and a broadcasting tower all right listen bring the Falcon to the coordinates I told you hurry and gain enough how to do so you don't hit anything they're out at another corner zigzag through a side quarter and sprinted toward the door at the end of the hall they saw the door start to slide back - and Lando brought their guns up Luke yelled no don't shoot the door opened wide to reveal yeah she and Luke ran to each other and then braced Leia stepped back and looked at him took you long enough she wrinkled her nose yeah but have you been swimming in they hurried down the corridor to a surveillance Nexus where they could access the feed and see Holograms of the holo can enter where is the image going ask the computer all out cam and sensor feed on level 15 is currently non operational display level 70 again the image state blank display level 18 there are 17 there blowing up the breaker supports them if they got me to eat to me yet that floor would also be gone Skywalker is doing this will go to level 20 I will dispatch skinny personally [Music] [Music] Cesar and Gauri stepped out of the turbolift and into the prototype she's our southern first five over layer included the Dark Prince smile he turned sideways lowered his blaster and extended it one-handed as if he were shooting targets in a competition lined his sights upon Skywalker's left eye Luke spotted a tall alien just as he brought his blaster commands he jerked his lightsaber from his belt flipped it on and let the force claiming he felt the impact of a shock - his blade reflected in comic book look out player young the droid woman Lando had told him about girly hurled its share and group he couldn't use his saber to cut it down and risk another both from the shooter Suey brought his bow caster lung fire the chair exploded in destructor a dozen guards rounded the corner and started shooting at Lando reached into the small backpack he warned death took the ball from Lando don't shoot lower your weapons Skywalker held up the device you know what this is and we have a pretty good idea but do you want to leave my friends and I if you release the bomb you'll die so will your friends the boy shrugged as it stands we're dead anyway we have nothing to lose I love you you're ready to give all this up he waved at the building around them I think you're bluffing only one way to find out your move she's or thought about it there are life leave nobody would stop you four of them edged past the guards who nearly fell on themselves trying to get out of the way Skywalker stood facing she's all alone Skywalker you've caused me a great deal of trouble that's too bad you had it coming I could still shoot you you could try Skywalker flicked the lightsaber on it was a standoff and Skywalker knew it suddenly the dark man reached into their bank and produced another shining ball suzhou had an awful premonition yeah but the man tossed the bomb into the future hmm you have five minutes to leave the building if I were you I'd get moving as they ran toward the landing pad Luke heard something he reached out with the force couldn't find anything he waved the others on go ahead I'll be right there he pulled out his lightsaber flicked it on he heard a woman's voice behind Kim will be home the Jedi Knight the man of legend knew where the Droid woman called goons today well he'll have caused by must in much misfortune you should die forth and Luke aimed the sword point at her you know at that blade and I am alarmed she held her hands away from her sides empty palms facing him he had maybe three minutes the smart thing to do would be to cut her down and get moving it clicked the lightsaber on reflected to his votes what do you want a test my master picks himself against the deadliest opponents he can find there are no men my equal in hand-to-hand combat except perhaps if the stories are true and Jedi Knight this building is going to blow to pieces in three minutes and you want to play games it won't take that long are you afraid to die Skywalker he spread his feet slightly and dropped into a fighting crowd dori smiled and slid into her own fighting stance [Music] she took a long sliding step and punched Luke backpedal but her fists hitting in the belly hard to follow up with an elbow but he died the way rolled and turned she slapped him next to the ear and he went down fazed if he didn't do something fast she was going to kill him Liu Liu he managed to breath as Brewery raised her hand formed now into a blade instead of a fist a grim of triumph lighting her features became up pivoted thrust his open palm against the descending shot from Celtic aside he used his left leg in a sweep that caught Rory behind the right ankle her feet left the floor and she fell flat on her back Luke pulled his lightsaber igniting dying on her back stunned she managed to smile you won fairly go ahead Luke lowered the blade shut it off come with us we can have you reprogrammed she sat up no if somehow my memory is downloaded it will be fatal for me and my master we have much to answer for better to kill me now Hisoka said there's been enough killing I'm not adding to it today he nodded at her once turned and ran she's our personal ship the Virago was on the soft level of the palace he hurried on board and closed - he touched the lift control the Virago rose from the pad and into the bright sunshine it was a few hundred meters away clear enough to be safe when he saw a beat-up Karelian freighter coming at him the ship seemed to be under control enjoying and fairly mischievous what kind of idiot was in control eleven Luke told his coming video cut your drives bring it in on the repellers only and hurry the ship hops upward 100 meters is a pillow from a sling bring it down you fool droid Lando yelled the Falcon drifted down toward them then dropped like a stone sub 3 Theo aside and slid into the cockpit his pans gemst over the controls [Music] the Millennium Falcon spun away as it did Luke saw the building's drop smoke low and blacks of fire erupted into time giant electrical conduits sprayed multicolored slugs the ship rocked under the impacts - hit the thrusters and the [Music] [Music] he would fly to his Skyhawk he had his own name a position in and around the space station [Music] [Music] [Applause] double Corvettes a few frigates hundreds of rebuilt surplus putters by the time Skywalker's ship maybe into orbit is maybe would be waiting [Music] you [Music] as the Falcon made its escape the group stood together and heard Dash's voice of the comic right for the ride - had called his droid who had brought the outrider to the Falcon doing a much better job of flying than three Theo and r2 and now he was on his way out Luke said more fondly than he would have believed possible a few days earlier you really ought to consider signing on with the Alliance you're a good man and four fighters at three five nine goes on Imperial ships who are these guys we've got to go [Music] Cesar stood in his command center on the skyhook surrounded by a transparency of place that allowed him and almost 360-degree view of space he heard the voyagers commander engaging the ripples in space [Music] thank you sure to be extremely lucky [Music] [Music] one of the attacking fighters came straight at them cannons winking through the cloud of debris its feathers like hardwarian you good shot who got it was that you laughs not me must have been chewing Mandelson then who did [Music] wait what are you doing here [Music] [Music] red leader standing by three things only in 20 degrees by copy moving in I copy [Music] I thought I'd pick my mother labor power free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then he saw the TIE fighter spilling poisons a dozen that Lisa Anderson yeah he was wondering with the keeping them oops all the time [Music] [Music] next to him a communications tech wave frantically she's our fix the man was available fair it's better being good you're like it's lord Vader he wants to sister leaders in each world in front of him cheese or went on the offensive immediately jock data why is that maybe attacking my hair because my trying to stop a rebel traitor who destroyed my castle you have two standard minutes to return your vessel and to offer your the coldness that his are poor blossoms uncontrolled into an angry heat he tried to keep his voice come I will not I will take this up with the Emperor the Emperor is not here I speak for the entire people I warned you to stay away from Skywalker recall your ship and the wrecker into my custody or pay the consequences later what the chronometer enjoy the time nope not much left for the doctrine now seven five [Music] second understand little angel attachments to run come on the busy boy [Music] [Music] you - didn't get any time to react look look out at this warming theory are you crazy we can't fly through that blue flash and pivot for the record Lando yo Luke glanced up to see a blockbuster skyhook the size of a letterpress mat into the outrider [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] captain I do not understand why do you not want commander Skywalker and the others to know that we survived and made the jump to hyperspace well as much fun as that was I don't see us joining the ranks of that crazy rebellion too dangerous and too much money to be made elsewhere my friend on top of that someone from Black Sun will take she's horse place and when that happens you can bet your servomotors they'll send every thug in the galaxy after us but if everyone thinks we're dead who's going to be looking besides it's good to be remembered as a martyr without actually having to be dead wouldn't you say [Music] you [Music] [Music] join me on the dark side of the fools my son it is the only way [Music] what a forsaken place this is why couldn't that bounty hunter have taken Captain solo to a more pleasant environment I thought he was going to rescue captain Smee we're going to that horrible fortress alone why we do [Music] of course I'm planet and you should be too Lando Calrissian and poor Chewbacca never returned from this awful place they really don't miss you sure understand if I tell you half the things I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt you'd probably short-circuit [Music]
Channel: Kazuya Hartless
Views: 318,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Shadows of the Empire, Dash Rendar, Xizor, Guri, Full Movie, Virago, StarViper, 3D Animation, Outrider, Novel, Steve Perry, Legends, Expanded Universe, George Lucas, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Motion Picture, Billy Dee Williams, Joel McNeely, Night Sky, Kazuya Hartless, Lore, Movie, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia, Millenium Falcon, 2018, Han Solo, The Last Jedi, The Force Awakens, Episode IX, Audiobook, Bantam Doubleday Dell, Solo a star wars story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 52sec (5692 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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