Mar 6, 2021 Ki Tissa When You Take

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i saw the posture when it was sent to me the the verses wasn't crazy about it um it's a tough one you know you'll you'll see what i mean um okay so let's get to the um the torah pasha that we just read and as we said you heard it i'll read it again i don't know he said to moshe go down hurry your people whom you brought up from the land of egypt have become corrupt so quickly they have turned aside from the way i ordered them to follow they have cast a metal statue of a calf worshiped it sacrificed to it and said israel here is your god who brought you up from the land of egypt not a not a great time for israel obviously the people of israel you have to um understand i'd like you to understand you don't have to but i'd like to understand that when god first gave his laws to israel he was he was marrying them he was he was marrying them and he takes by the way just just for the record just so you know god takes the marriage covenant a lot more seriously than you realize even for those who realize it trust me it's a lot more serious than that and um so he's giving his katupa he's he's telling them how he's going to take care of them he's saying the diseases that befall you egypt will not befall you israel i mean he's he's going to guide them and provide for them and protect them and and bless them and he says but you know this is a marriage so this is what i expect from you the crazy thing is we think we have to be obligated to these laws these laws are for our good yes anybody should be well aware of that anybody who reads the torah anybody in their right mind unless they're mentally ill or emotionally unstable could not say if we do this it's going to be bad nothing in there it's all for our protection so when he was given his laws to israel he was dealing with a time you have to again go back to this time of 1250 bc when when there was polytheism which is just a fancy word for worshiping many gods just or some people call it just in case you ever hear this term in theological circles which chances are mostly don't run in theological circles i myself don't but religious pluralism i just threw that out for those who have a high iq because they like to hear stuff like that every now and then it strokes their intelligence so as a preface to the ten commandments god started to give a couple of laws before they were really specific laws for instance exodus 20 verses two and three verses one we don't have it just says i am the lord your god so it's him talking not moshe he just wants everybody to know that he says i am i don't know your god who brought you up out of the land of egypt out of the abode of slavery don't have no other gods before me so basically what he's saying is i'm sorry who delivered you from harsh bondage which god you follow that's what he's saying i know you can understand that because it's more modern-day vernacular but he's saying listen he's saying i am and they're not okay they're not and then i i italicized they asked to italicize yes roxanne to italicize before me before me is a hebraic expression it's idiomatic it it means in my presence so in other words god's saying don't even don't even bring their names up um i've only been married to bernadette thank god i am i had one other serious relationship um but i don't think it would be a great idea to bring her name up on a regular basis do you you know what's amazing all the women go like this and the guys look confused probably that that tells me a lot by the way tells me a lot of the issues you might be having in your marriage right there just like huh wow that was really telling yeah but he's saying don't even i don't want to hear their names don't even i don't want to hear nothing about them don't tell me well this one did this and this one nobody likes that dude do you like that you know no um the next verse which is really part of this okay verse four says again not not only don't i want don't you you know don't don't bring them up but you're not to make for yourselves a carved image of any kind of representation of anything in heaven above on the earth beneath or in the water so again 1250 bc the gods of both egypt and canaan okay both where they were enslaved and both were they going to were usually associated with some aspect of creation and worshipped as the object that represented them that's what they did now mind you of course the idol doesn't have any power and the representation behind that idol has no power but satan has power so satan fools people that these idols have power but it's him who has the power and he does he was the highest cherub it's not like he has no power of course he has power so the people were very religious but again they were polytheists so when god implemented the ten plagues he was bringing direct hits direct hits they weren't haphazard he didn't just go yeah we'll try locus no no god doesn't do anything haphazardly okay just know that nothing and he was bringing direct hits against very specific deities for instance happy in egypt was the god of the nile so what does he do turns into blood at this was the god of the sacred bull what does god do sends candle disease imhatep was the god of healing sends boils you're getting it and on and on seth the god of the crops sends locust robin out of the sun he sends darkness so the lord was saying very loud and clear it might not be as loud and clear to you it's probably getting a little clearer but to these people it was loud and clear through the plagues and through the exodus that he god has the power over every aspect of creation so don't make idols and don't worship them now i have to divert for a second and this is not directed to any one person there are always people here who think i'm talking to them first of all how do i say this nicely don't give yourself that much credit i would not take out time from 10 000 people to talk to you directly if i have something to say to you you all know that we will talk and i don't say there's a big shot i just say that according to matthew 18. that's how i operate but when the holy spirit convicts somebody of something why don't you give god credit as opposed to giving me credit i mean so because if you give me credit you can get mad at me but you can't get mad at god so if you don't give god credit then the conviction won't stick because it's just greg being angry but if it's god being angry then you've got to repent ain't that a slap in the face be careful man be careful at least at least give god the benefit of doubt of discerning whether it's him or not at least pray or ask him when we hear the word idol we think of statues and objects worsened by pagan cultures don't we the average person thinks that guys i don't know how to say this nicely that's why i hate this torah portia but today we have replaced the golden calf with an insatiable drive for money prestige and success in the eyes of the world enough our society admires those self-serving idols you have a a dad who wants to give his kids everything he didn't have what did you have i had a great life in the projects without a vehicle i had a dad who loved my mom a dad who loved my mom she couldn't walk by without him give him a little tap burning there right now his life and now i know where he got that from he was so proud of her because he was uneducated and she was the first one in all our family to go to college he was just so proud of her he just thought the world to her and she was nice enough not to take advantage of his love but give him love and kind i had three sisters we were incredibly close they brought me out with them they were older they brought me out with their friends they didn't treat me like the dumb little brother that they had to watch i was their brother they just wrote to me this morning we didn't have anything no not according to the world standards we had everything and if you would ask me if i was happy i would have said what's there not to be happy about you would ask my mother she was happy you kidding me having some spaghetti with relatives on a sunday and playing a board game they thought they were on the riviera so so when you're working 40 50 60 70 hours to to give your kids everything they don't have think about it think about what they really need are you really working that hard to give them what you didn't have are you working that hard for self gratification glorification and aggrandizement if you're taking your laptop with you on vacation you got a problem i know i didn't need this nobody does nobody does an idol can be anything we place ahead of god in our lives anything that takes the place that takes god's place in our hearts such as possessions careers relationships yes relationships yeah jeremy was my idol and at five when i got called into ministry the same week i got called into ministry was the same week he almost died i think god was trying to tell me something hobbies sports entertainment goals greed and addictions unfortunately god is often shoved out of the way as we zealously pursue our idols there's one idol though that's the most insidious to me today and it has nothing to do with the aforementioned idols it's drifting away from sound biblical teaching the bible mentions that there was going to be a day when people would not embrace sound biblical teachings but they would literally search out teachers of the word of god who would tickle the ears and tell them what they wanted to hear and i'm telling you if we are not living in that day we have never lived in that day many have redefined god by making him into their image forsaking the god of the bible and recasting him into a gentler kinder god who is less demanding and far less judgmental who will tolerate many lifestyles without placing any guilt on anyone's shoulders this is the god the church in america serves today and it's insidious because obviously they don't see it because if they did they would cast down their idol this new and improved god is nothing more than an idol a god created in our image um guys i'm just not warning you i'm not in no position to warn you the bible has more warnings than i care to preach on be careful assess where you are with the lord even for those who think they have arrived be careful be careful moving on verse 5 you are not to bow down to them or serve them for i i'll annoy your god i'm a jealous god now the thing about with me is i look at a verse like that and i want to use that to talk about god's jealousy but then there's this comma and i could just talk about god's jealousy and i'm sure nobody would want a refund but it does say punishing the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me now let me get there in a second okay god is jealous what does that mean has anybody ever had a jealous boyfriend girlfriend spouse i shouldn't really say spouse because some of you can't raise your hand right now [Laughter] it's not the same kind of jealousy okay he's not envious of others happiness it's a it's a righteous jealousy he has a right to be jealous of worship and love from his people he he has that right just by nature of who he is and what he's done now the second part of this part that i want to say is i can't begin to tell you as a believer who's traveled throughout america how many people have used punishing the children of the sins of the parents of the throne fourth generation and spiritualized it to mean generational curses the trend in christianity is to talk about generational curses this does not talk about generational curses nor does the bible there were many kings who were righteous that had unrighteous sons that took the throne and then those unrighteous sons had righteous sons so if this was a generational curse how could a righteous son come from an unrighteous father if you want to read more about it read ezekiel 18 where it says that the sins of the father will not be bestowed so what's going on i'll tell you what's going on it's a blame game well i'm this way because i think my great-grandfather was a mason you're this way because you got a problem which has nothing to do with your great fair father being a mason well i'm this way because i believe my grandmother was in the occult you're this way because you have a problem and your problem is you think your problem is because a grandma was in a cult don't you read that what first of all don't you read that this is for those that hate me you're not people that hate him so this doesn't even apply to you all it means is that chances off you have parents that have steeped themselves in an unrighteous lifestyle it might be passed down to you but at any time you can repent and break it [Applause] listen don't jump on these christian trends study the word of god study it in context do a little word study and don't worry about what this one said and what that one said okay because most of what they're saying is not accurate now i wasn't gonna add this but i added this just to show you because i don't want you to miss the sixth verse but the sixth verse has nothing to do what i'm trying to to to to teach today but it says but so i'm not into multiples because it's not math here it's not about math but he's saying the sins can be passed down possibly to the fourth generation but my grace goes to a thousand which which is idiomatic to mean forever because if you're a believer you're going to eat from the tree of life according to revelation 22. that means his grace upon you is forever it's not just for right now true okay well somebody should be a little bit more happy than that just saying do i need to go back to idols do we need to go back there again did you not hear me okay good yeah it's it's an abused teaching like so many teachings within the new wave aftershave newfangled charismaniac church nonsense poppycock boulderdash all right let's move on so we can get to the message exodus 24 because this is the message it has to build you've got to build it you've got to take people somewhere you can't just do a drive-by that's just the way it is exodus 24 15 16-18 moses went up onto the mountain and the cloud covered the mountain the glory of illinois stand on mount sinai and the cloud covered it for six days on the seventh day which this significance between six which is man and seventh which is spiritual perfection but i can't get into gematria because we'll lose the message on the seventh day he called to moshe out of the cloud moshe entered the cloud and went up on the mountain he was on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights this is different than exodus 19 where god was speaking to him now he's going up the mountain okay it's different when when aaron and her went up with him he's going up okay with joshua it's a different ascent third time okay is that important i just don't want you to confuse i want you to read in context for god's sakes okay for god's sakes really um moses enters the cloud and he's staying for 40 days and 40 nights now that might not sound like a long time to you it's a long time now from exodus 25 to 31 i just want you to understand what's going on here it the bible records the instructions that moses got to build the tabernacle and instructions for the priesthood because god was going to be in a local people going to meet with him they needed a mediator so these were very important instructions to meet with a holy god okay at the very end of those instructions in exodus 31 i just want you to see the last verse verse 18. it says when he had finished speaking with moshe so like i said i just want to bring you to this place he just finishes giving him all the instructions for this tabernacle that he's going to dwell in and the priesthood that's going to serve him adenoid gave him two tablets of the testimony the ten commandments tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of god now we go to exodus 32. okay obviously there weren't chapters when this was happening but that's why i want you to to go on this journey with me so you know what's happening i don't want to preach at you i want you to feel it i want you to be there okay so now moses is got all the instructions he needs and it's the end of 40 days and 40 nights okay let's look at thirty two one it says when the people saw that moshe was taking a long time to come down from the mountain they gathered around aaron who was left he was left in their care moses did say aaron and her you stay here and take care of the people if there's if there's some serious uh confrontations of some sort i need you to judge it keep the peace they gather around aaron and said to him quote get busy and make us guards to go ahead of us because this moshe the man that brought us up from the land of egypt we don't know what has become of him now i can't begin to tell you also how quick believers judge them right i mean you probably never have not us right that yeshua we walk on water um but how many people like you got to be kidding me they saw the plagues they saw the red sea open and how could they question god in such a short time this is only a little over three months into their journey now let me just throw something back at you you've seen a lot more than that yes why do you question god first of all i'm not defending them i don't want you to think well you're just being really jewish here and trying to defend your people no i don't defend my people i don't defend my wife i don't defend my children i defend what's right period so why are moses whereabouts so important to them we're just looking at their sin right why why are they so worried well for one thing you have to realize that the people of israel had been living in a pagan culture for a couple hundred years okay it's not 4 30 and i don't want to get into the numbers but it's not it's 4 30 when abraham first moved into a pagan culture that's a whole other issue but a couple of hundred years they're enslaved right under pharaoh who was a god in egypt now are you getting this over 200 years okay they're enslaved in a pagan culture under a pagan god what do you think has happened to them they're lost they're totally far from their roots you think you think they're close to god they don't even know god anymore that's some ancestral god moses had become like a god to them he was their caretaker he was their spokesman he went before pharaoh he had all this power you know staff turns into a snake hand goes in leprous he had all this power he became their god and they were totally dependent on him and 40 days is a really long time to be without your defender your guide are you feeling this a little bit now yeah are you starting to kind of understand maybe as opposed to being so quick on the judgment trigger they had to be thinking where's moses where is he what are we going to do without him what's taking him so long i thought he'd be up there he didn't say how long he was going to be there for they thought maybe a couple of hours maybe a day tops a day would have been too long 40 days i'm surprised they didn't build this calf after a week did he leave us oh no maybe he died did he die fear anxiety and panic came over them not like you know what that's like has anybody here ever been lost from their parents anybody for any length of time i don't mean you know in the store for five minutes do you remember what that was like though i was lost one time for a whole day my sisters were supposed to be taking care of me i was about four we went rockaway and i got lost and man this is 58 years ago and i could feel the anxiety right now where i didn't know where they was and i started to run i had ice cream i remember dropping it like it was yesterday i remember running up and down the beach and then down the boardwalk and then into the city and some husband and wife took me in older couple took me in the house and then started to look that's what they felt like without moses so i'm not telling you it was okay what they did i'm just trying to let you understand why sometimes you've got to figure out why a person's doing what they're doing before you can help them okay exodus 32-24 aaron said to them have your wives sons and daughters strip off their gold earrings and bring them to me the people stripped off their gold earrings and brought them to aaron he received what they gave him melted it down and made it into the shape of a calf they said not not aaron they said israel here is your god who brought you up out of the land of egypt clearly this is in violation of the first and second commandment that we just read you probably don't have this question but i have this question why was aaron incapable or unwilling to help the israelites deal with moses's absence without giving in to their desire for an idol i mean why do you give in to your kids so easily oh they just asked so many times why did you let them ask so many times you should be able to tell them with a look it's worked in my house for years now just to look it's beautiful too because then you don't have to slam them and feel guilty about it it's a beautiful thing these are my thoughts okay rabbi who cares about your thoughts i want you to start thinking i don't want you to be just uptight religious evangelical christians who like well the word of god says you don't even know what it means feel it man feel it taste it aaron had no leadership experience right the people aren't willing to follow him people listen people want a leader your kids don't want a buddy to have a dance party with okay they want a leader they want boundaries they want to be led be a dang leader for god's sakes everything rises and falls in this world on leadership leadership if i could describe it in one word it's influence there's leaders in every walk of life be a leader don't just be a follower and people aren't willing to just follow anyone wasn't the leader that moses was he didn't have it he had no juice so he had no ability to lead them two i'm just thinking out loud here maybe aaron's thinking if i distract the people of the festival i can buy some time till moses returns that's a mistake a big mistake and three the bible tells us that he was just afraid of the people you can't there are parents afraid of their children listen when my dad died when i was 15 i started to mess around by the time i was 12 and 13 but but he still kept me in check when he died that's when the check was off and i just went pretty wild but up to that point i just want you know it wasn't his teachings that kept me in check just throwing that out there for some of you new wave after shave time out parents i'm going to have to give you a timeout honey i'm going to count to three what is this sesame street are you teaching the math or you're disciplining them now go to your room with your television your computer and all your games and your little refrigerator you're punished i was jeremy and max would say ask him how many times they got timeout i'll tell you when they got timeout when they got knocked out one two three it's over and rabbi greg is still the reigning champion in his house now this is why the word of god is why i do this not because i'm just add i want you to see things where did they get the gold from they got the gold from the earrings but slaves don't have jewelry where did they get it from yes and how do we know that it tells us in the bible what does it tell us exodus got to be exodus they got to see it's got to be because they had to get it before they left so you know in exodus and you know they left in about exodus 12 lo and behold it's in exodus 12 verses 35 to 36 so you can you can you can figure it out if you start thinking as opposed to just memorizing regurgitate it doesn't work guys it doesn't get in your heart it just gets in your head when you memorize and regurgitate in your head out of your mouth not in here and if it doesn't get in here it's not going to happen here you hear me the blessing the gold became a curse hear me do you know what a mirror is made out of it's just glass with a thin thin thin sheet of silver on the back if you don't have that thin sheet of silver when you look out of the glass you see the people and you see their needs you put a little piece of silver there and all you see is yourself stop looking at the mirror look out the window that's how mother teresa started her ministry she was living in a the high life teaching rich indian kids in north india people with big money they were paying a big money to teach my kids english big bucks and she was living lodge living in the castle and eating gourmet food and she saw somebody with leprosy outside the window and she prayed god i hope he gets food i've never seen it rain down food exodus 32 5. on seeing this aaron built an altar in front of it and proclaimed tomorrow is to be a feast for aranoi now he was saying a feast for adonoi he was but the problem was he's mixing pagan practices that they were familiar with in egypt with the worship of the one true god they were just beginning to become reacquainted with it was just the beginning of their journey and you know satan's going to come in strong and hard every time you go a step forward he's going to oppose you some people have given up i know we say look i'm tired of being attacked i'm tired of being attacked i am i am but you know like they say an officer and gentlemen i got nowhere else to go the bull was a symbol of strength and fertility and it's also an animal of sacrifice so aaron's bull was a mixture of the powerful god who delivered the people and the pagan practices of worship religion must be pure and undefiled pure and undefiled it's not even it can't even be ivory so pure not 99 and 4400 pure that still makes them pure exodus 32 7-8 aaron said to moshe go down hurry your people whom you brought up from the land of egypt now we could have just spoken on this it wouldn't have worked there's no message in just this if you don't you follow what am i giving you context yes i'm just giving you context today we don't get context in the new wave after shave church we get a verse and we get some cool guy talk for 45 minutes about how you can apply this verse in your life to make your life better i don't know i said to moshe go down hurry your people whom you brought up from the land of egypt have become corrupt so quickly they have turned aside from the way i ordered them to follow they have cast a metal statue of a calf worshiped it sacrificed to it and said israel here is your god who brought you up from the land of egypt first thing i want you to see maybe you don't see it there's five exclamation points in two verses right man exclamation would display intense emotion and volume god is not happy the god that we are creating in our churches today in our houses of worship synagogues is is a santa claus now although the people had their reasons why they did what i did which i've already tried to explain sin is still sin and cannot be overlooked or overruled meaning it can't be excused or cancelled it can't in god's economy which is what we operate in not the world doesn't i don't i'm not interested in god's economy sin cannot be excused or overruled cancelled it has to be paid for it has to be satisfied if you don't pay it then it has to be transferred somebody's got to pay somebody's got to pay because if somebody doesn't pay then that's injustice and god's a god of justice so ditch the whole thing the other thing i want you to see is what i italicized is what do you think moses was thinking when god said i know if i was moses i would have thrown the penalty flag my people you asked me to go before pharaoh at 80 years old i've been in hiding for 40 years he has a bounty on my head i made him look like an imbecile he definitely wants to take my life i go before you give me almost 2 million people that i gotta trek through a desert with two million people and then you have the audacity to say this is on me but you know what moses is learning how to be responsible which most people don't know how to be anymore it's much easier to blame somebody else blame the government blame society lame blame blame blame it's been going on for a long time right okay exodus 32 9-10 we're going to be finishing up very quickly i don't know he continued speaking to moshe i have been watching these people and you can see they have a very they have a great relationship man you know i mean even his sister and his brother who were prophets a prophet and a prophetess still a prophet speaks for god he's speaking directly to moses remember when he came down when they got that little hissy fit about him being a leader remember sometimes people get this hissy fit right yeah well who are you to lead i'm the leader if you feel like you're called to lead then i would start a congregation nobody's stopping you surely i'm not in fact with an attitude like that i will bless your efforts in starting your congregation so he's learning how to shepherd people this guy is an amazing guy look forget about yeshua for a minute that's hard enough to follow just go to hebrews 11 when you come home and see if if if it kept on being written if your name would be on the list this guy's an amazing guy i mean i don't know if you see it or not he didn't get into the promised land because he hit a rock with a stick you imagine if god held you to that level yeah good i'm glad you see it now i'm holy rabbi yeah sure i've been watching these people now they're friends they're they're they're tight they have an incredible relationship and he's he's he's pushing moses he's bathing him is he i think so he's saying oh you can see how stiff neck they are you know better than i mean you you're living with them you're dealing with them right you know them you know nobody knows a person like their spouse nobody my mother used to tell me my mother was one of the wisest people i've ever met in my life simple wisdom in spades she would tell me i don't care if you date somebody my son and you see them every day i don't care if you talk to them for six eight hours a day you will not know them till you live with them how right she was so he says you know how stiff neck they are now leave me alone he's saying to moses like leave me i want to take them out leave me alone so that my anger can blaze against them i'll put an end to them i'm taking them out i'm done but listen he doesn't he then look what he says to moses but i'm not done with you i'll make a great nation out of you from your loins the abraham and isaac deal and jacob it didn't work they'll be the god of moses man you want to talk about you you feel it now do you feel it you could feel it like this every time you read the bible if you just take some time and try to feel it as opposed to rushing through and getting your theology down your theology down you see in part your theology down mr evangelical right wing white christian your theology down get god down i'll make a great nation out of you man god's over it what a perfect opportunity for moses to wash his hands of this they're obstinate they're difficult start over right hallelujah right most didn't say hallelujah he probably said hallelujah like what's going on here i think there's something different happening here because god cannot exnay abraham isaac and jacob he has to keep his covenants he's not wiping nobody out he's testing moses like he's testing you and me god might say to you sometimes she deserves that give it to her he's testing you that person is probably going to buy drugs with it he's testing you he says that he tests not so he can figure out who you are he knows you and me so you know who you are and who you're not this is rich not because we're teaching nothing the scriptures are doing the work not so fast that was a joke it was a joke okay let's move on exodus 30 to 11. now here's there's moses reaction right good let's start over i'm still your guy i get rid of these people don't give me two million how about two kids a boy and a girl we know that routine right i got my how about the people one kid why have another one when you have one perfect child you are a perfect idiot if you think your child's perfect moses pleaded without noise god he said i annoy why must your anger man this guy is it they'll never be another moses never never never never ever moses is our guy my mother had a statue of moses can you imagine don't make any graven images and there's a statue of moses is that any different than has a catholic that has a statue of peter but look should we even have a picture of yeshua in our churches how do you know what he looked like i know isaiah 53 says he was nothing to look at those pictures he's pretty cute and guess what he didn't have long hair because corinthians says only people with long hair very feminine it wasn't appropriate so sorry nope nope men of israel didn't have long hair really but but i thought what do you think you saw a picture who took it peter didn't you think this through rabbi my pastor said that peter on the lake of galilee when he came back restored him he says hold it can we just so let's just look at the highlighted word pleated just so you know moses's heart i love him it means to become weak to become sick to become not demanding not even appealing he's sick he's sick at the thought that his people are going to be wiped out what a guy what a guy he has a pastoral heart oh yes he does now let's look at some of his strong arguments real quick 32 12 almost home guys why let the egyptians say it was with evil intentions that you led them out to slaughter them in the hills and wipe them out in the face of the earth he was not talking like that no i just want to see if you'd catch that no he's pleading he's begging he might even be weeping turn from your fierce anger relent don't bring such disaster on your people what's he saying guys he's saying if you kid so much that you delivered them from the hands of the egyptians why let the egyptians gloat and say you rescued them with evil intent these are your people you're a good god don't do this verse 13 remember now this is his next argument remember abraham israel your servants to whom you swore by your very self you promised them i will make you descendants as many as the stars in the sky and i will give all this land that i have spoken to a descendant they will possess he can't go back on his word he can't begging and pleading moses is saying i don't get it you promised you have to be true to your covenants i've lived my whole life according to this where am i going to go now i've given up everything for this that's why when the guy said to me when we sat down he told me he was going to hang himself i said look i don't fight anymore i used to be a fighter on a pretty regular basis i said i don't fight anymore but i said there's one thing i fight for and that's god's glory and for you to tell me that you're going to hang yourself that means god made a mistake that means god's not god and i'm not going to let you get away with that not exactly the way suicide hotline would hold handle it but that's the way the lord told me to and it worked exodus 32 20 this is an important little scripture i just wanted to put in there seizing the calf they had made he melted in the fire and grounded the powder which he scattered in the water then he made the people of israel drink it it's almost like moses declaring our sins returned to us as bitter poison yeah it's a no i know 26 27 of exodus 32 moshe stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted whoever's father noy come to me all the descendants of levi the priests they rallied around him he told them here's what i'm annoyed the god of israel says each of you put his sword on his side and go up and down the camp from gate to gate every man is to kill his own kinsmen that means wife and child his own friend even his own neighbor guys what they're preaching today is inaccurate okay this is not the god of the old testament because in the new testament it says that the lord is the same old testament i don't know if you read revelation right but the blood will be up to the horse's bridle that doesn't sound like santa claus to me yeah i got to take it seriously sin has its consequences there is no way around it no way around it 31 32 and then we come to the finale moshe went back to illinois and said please these people have committed a terrible sin they have made themselves a god out of gold now if you will just forgive their sin but if you won't then i beg you blot me out of your book which you have written another another come on moses is moses make any excuses don't make any when you talk to god the conversation will go well instead of making excuses you know the sun was in my eye i was really tired he begs for mercy that's a good approach that's a good approach see to me this is the crown jewel of moses's character block me out it's a figurative way of saying end my life doesn't mean i don't want to be saved i don't want to see you ever again listen for the people that teach that god has written everybody's name in and then we blot out that is a false unbiblical teaching sounds good it sounds romantic you know it sounds romantic you've got to be inscribed in you're not already in how do you get in then what's the point of yeshua dying it's nonsense but we want to romanticize the scripture we want to see yeshua coming you know with a beautiful outfit and giving us a french kiss and run off into the sunset don't romanticize this stuff this is eternal life and death it's serious moses was in a league of his own and if god was putting him to the test which i think he was this man passed with flying colors as i come to a close i have three things for you to take home with you today take home number one isaiah 53 6 we all like sheep went astray we've turned each one to his own way yet i don't know lay on him the guilt of all of us god spared moses but he didn't spare his only begotten son god didn't break his law for love god broke his son for love the just dying for the unjust it's amazing i pray to god that i'm never it never lacks any luster i pray to god that i never get tired of hearing that and every time i hear it it's more amazing to me that's the beauty of this journey more incredible more unbelievable more to the point that i just can't really believe it how could you not fall head over heels in love with a god like that take home number two exodus 32 33 34. i don't know i answered moshe those who have sinned against me are the ones i will blot out of my book now go and lead the people to the place i told you about my angel will go ahead of you nevertheless the time for punishment will come and then i will punish them for their sin he sent the plague guys even though we can justify our actions through reason or logic if we are violating god's commands we are sinning against him and he will hold us accountable in the long run we reap what we sow make no mistake last but not least in regards to our new testament reading acts 7 51 53 this is steven speech one of the table servers one of the sha machine by the way we could use some machine here i know it doesn't seem like an important function oh it's over the top important to serve the you know these are servants who are supposed to be filled with the holy spirit righteous men not just somebody wants to tell somebody what to say he was one of them and they falsified accusations against him that he was speaking against moshe speak against the torah and the tabernacle god's dwelling place not good they were false this is what he says in one part of it you can read the whole thing in acts 7 quote stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears you continually oppose the raw hakodesh you do the same things your fathers did which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute they killed those who told in advance about the coming of the saddiq that's the righteous one and now you have become his betrayers and murderers you who received the torah as having been delivered by angels but do not keep it last point stephen knew his life was at stake he could have easily spat himself all he had to do was to deliver a nice compromising placating speech like you'll be able to hear at a lot of places tomorrow but he would rather die than betray his savior this is a very very important principle to grab on to especially in the days we are living in for if we will see the persecution of the saints in our day you will not get a pass god will not give you a pass if you deny him before people yeshua will deny you before the father that's scripture don't romanticize it last but not least better to die a free man in your grave than to live like a puppet or a slave let's stand together i'm gonna go home to an empty house [Laughter] you know what it's worth it may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle of peace yeshua is [Music] is i love you guys shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,446
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: iij8LAxP9Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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