All LIVES Matter || The Gospel According to Maponga J iii

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[Music] the Gospel according to my ponguj's here on your station brand-new space we're moving all our content and Simmons for your spiritual development right here you subscribe you share with your friends this is your new home for your spiritual growth [Music] hello my name is Joey Liberty Lizzie Kalonji and I am the founder and convener of millennial dialogue on Africa on this platform I urge young people across the continent and the globe to open their minds and have debates and discussions about Africa and Africa related matches just this past week we also engaged in a topic that was quite key about how being black in America actually matters and it was quite interesting now in light of that you look at what's going on now in the world and what has happened and taking place in South Africa just this past week with femicide on the rise we had an upper o of women being in discomfort women being hurt women being scared and living in fear in South Africa because femicide is on the rise again we have had a woman called Stella fat Sabula who pretty much was trending the whole week a very very uncomfortable thing to realise now we need to be reminded about these socio-economic ills that are happening around us so that we are constantly reminded about the fact that we have a God who cares and that this world is actually not our home now we are going to have Bishop Joshua makanga who's going to speak to the concept of all lives matter of course in reflection of what has been happening in America and across the globe we've had protests happening in the UK in the u.s. in all various states and some here even in Johannesburg South Africa it's very important that you get to hear what he has to say about this concept perhaps to also learn a thing or two but to constantly remind each other about why is it so important that we perhaps even follow you know the work that now V Broadcasting Network does so that we are able to keep abreast with not only what is happening in the world but how we can use it to empower each other as Christians and also use it and support it so that we are encouraged all the time so that we can be Christians who are adding significant value in our societies and in our communities I hope you enjoyed the segment by Bishop Joshua makanga coming up next greetings to all of you around the world our world right now is in turmoil and black people African people Alka bellum Coosh the sons of the soil finally they have come up to realize how evil and out the system has been undone we buffed in the sunset of this 21st millennium watching the dehumanization of the African children we wake up one morning and we discover that another black man has died at the knees of a police officer the same people who should have been working to protect the people who have now become the ones who are killing the people George Floyd is not the first one to have died in this fashion we look at the entire African continent the wars that we have fought with colonialism the wars that we have fought with medical wars the wars that we have fought in genetically modified foods landmines that have been planted in our fields and in our countries anthrax diseases that have been scattered on the ground cyanide that has been put in the waters of the African people and all these things is we are watching them trulia it comes up to my sight now that industrialization has never had its interest in the lifestyle and the welfare of the community it looks like our globalization values profit more than it values people that is why trees are being cut that's why waterways are being contaminated that's why the atmosphere is being polluted that's why industrialization is constantly in pursuit of materials but while they are collecting all these materials and developing their economies the lives of the people are constantly at stake we speak this message not only to the African Christian community we want to pass this message the African political systems we also want to pass this message to the United Nations and are the multinational companies we woke up in to Congo and the boys at the ages of 10 11 and 12 are spending hours on end in the great mines looking for that evasive metal that is needed for the reproduction of the cellphones and yet the same companies that are buying and selling these minerals are talking about human rights and preservation of the children I find this to be hypocrisy of the highest order when you look at the death of George Floyd it has come to us that the prophecies of the Bible particularly the book of The Book of Isaiah chapter 18 19 and 20 it clearly outlines that my children will be taken as captive in the land far away where they will be reduced to slaves carried in ships across the oceans without wasting your time tell me a nation that was taken as captive in both tell me nation whose children were sold as slaves and they paraded on the markets with their buttocks exposed outside if you find that nation they are the chosen nation but I love my black book it does not end with bad news it says but they shall be returned a great Exodus I know this might sound unfamiliar to some of you who are eagerly waiting for the second coming of Jesus and it looks like you want Jesus to come back so quickly before some of these professors actually fulfilled read it for yourselves it says they went away in ships in lands that are far off but I will bring them back now you can even enjoy the process which says therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing undesired everlasting joy shall fill up their hearts and there shall be full of gladness and joy this grand Exodus cannot be covered up because we're waiting for the parousia and the second coming of Jesus if the Bible is true therefore we need first before we preach about the second coming of Jesus preach about the exodus of the Africans who have been taken up as captives in the lenss afar off my mind is reminded of Marcus Garvey my mind is reminded of Martin Luther the mind is imagined of Malcolm X and are the progenitors who have been talking about the great exodus of the African people it looks like colonialism does not want to confront the issue of the Black Liberation they'd rather be talking about eschatological parousia of the Messiah without addressing injustice in our own generation what I have a problem with is crime and murder what makes murder one of the worst crimes on the face of the earth it is the first crime ever committed on the face of the earth Cain killed Abel the reasons are clear and human beings have not changed MV jealous greed thinking that you can reduce another human being so that you can uplift yourself what method are so complicated and difficult to process it went another human being decides within themselves to become God tech note I want you to follow me very carefully manda is when another human being decides to become God and in their decision of being God they make a choice to exterminate your life to reduce your life to cut your choices to exterminate you from your future they take full responsibility that you don't have a right to live now only God has that omnipotent decision to make but another human being because of resources because of a gun because of a knife because I have a misunderstanding with you because I disagree with your wife or with a girlfriend or with a country that has resources that I cannot access or for whatever reason you feel you are entitled to taking life in your own hands and then you make a decision that this one does not deserve to live I deserve to live as if when you take away my life you will end up with two lives you still end up with one life but the fact that you have resources he has power to make a decision to reduce the quality of life of the other even to exterminate that life it simply means that a murderer in his mind thinks himself as God now that's treason of the highest order because when you kill another human being you have killed the future you have killed your wife you have killed children potential capacity inventions and just the presence of the other person's life that we have removed from the face of the earth how can we have a system that puts its me on the neck of an African for 8 minutes 46 seconds until the person stops breathing they are not asking for your wife they are not asking for your child then it's asking for your house they ask you for air I cannot breathe I cannot breathe what they are asking for is not what you can give they're just asking for air to breathe what time are we looking for economic and political air religious cultural health I cannot breathe for me is huge fat much bigger than just the concept of I cannot breathe because I want air the air we are breathing is polluted maybe the world must start shouting we can not breathe it's not about black lives matter life matters doesn't matter whose life it is black or white Indian or colored life metals the business community needs to wake up in the morning when you cut down trees life matters when you pollute the water of life metals when you pollute the air light metals life metals and that's what black lives only that is life for the human continents life for the birds life for the fish of the sea life for the ends life for the crop life for the human beings themselves and whoever thinks that by having more money you'll have enough you'll never be satisfied for the emptiness that is in your heart will never be filled by the account reflections in the banks that across the world depress another man until he cannot breathe he dies in your hands because you are there to protect a system check note when you do that I love the black book but it throws a nice little curve ball Cain does what he does finishes what he finishes and he walks away tech note kept note please and this is where me and cultural faith sometimes we shake hands because there's some things that freaking customs understand far much deeper the democratic system actually understand to us who are educated killing a human being is nothing that's why we are selling guns you can shoot you can shoot if someone threatens you shoot them and kill them but the blood book says when you kill another human being the Lord appears to Cain and says where is your brother first things first remember you are your brother's keeper we need to start learning how to look after each other over and above the death of a man on a knee of a colonizer I have a problem with the people who are taking the videos and watching a murder happening watching a murder happening why did George Floyd die alone we should have heard that while he was shooting another ten brothers walked in there the policeman did not only end up killing George Floyd he killed George Floyd on his knee he picked up his gun and he shot the other four five six African men we are approaching to assist a brother because we think that our lives are only for us so it is far much easier for you to pick up your cell phone and take situation right now when a brother is dying in the me of another but hear what the word says black Bookman says Kane where is your brother to which is this I am NOT my brother's keeper fall of the concept very well it says your brother's blood I like that part there your brother's blood has arrived come on someone hold me there come on hold me like that I might just get excited your blood the blood of your brother has arrived before my throat did you hear that today I don't know how you talk about it in your Christian churches but allow me just to go to town that when you kill when you when you spill blood blood when it touches the soil it Richie's disguise when it touches the ground it reaches the creator when it reaches the dust it reaches to the one who created the person therefore blood speaks yellow the twice sometimes when you see people who have killed people in their lives they lose their minds because apparently when you are sleeping at night the person that you killed will be busy staring at you and reminding you why did you kill me because blood speaks way after it is done I've also heard does in many African countries why we never have peace is because there were Wars that happened in those countries and the innocent blood was spilled on the ground the people who spilled innocent blood are now sitting in positions of power apparently in cultural theology they say the ground is angry that's why the skies are locked up and catastrophes aplenty that's why so many mad people are there and those economies unmanageable because the land is full of blood that cannot be accounted just is therefore connect the land I beg to make a declaration on the American government I beg to make a declaration on the land of the colonizers I cannot I cannot for some strange reason something holds me back but when I look at Corona I cannot help it but remind the colonizer that you might remember you must remember that the god that you came to introduce to Africa he's a God of justice 20 million people later are dead in the Atlantic Ocean so when you think about God who is fair what crosses your mind when is he coming to give justice for what you have done so far if the God you brought here is truthful we need to start confronting this so that when you are going through problems don't cry like you're innocent don't cry like a innocent when plagues and catastrophes strike your countries don't scream and say we don't know what is happening if you don't know what is happening ask Leopold ask Leopold the Belgian King ask Ian Smith ask foudre ask david livingstone ask John Rose ask your fellow colonial masters ask France ask Italy when you are walking around the world shooting people and killing people to collect their land and collect their resources and you are the same people who are saying to the Africans that there is a God in heaven a God who is full of love a God who is full of justice where is the justice for the African people when blood is spilled on the ground the Bible says it has arrived before my throat and it is speaking apart the blood is speaking in the absence of the flesh the blood is speaking and the Lord says I have heard the pain of Abel when you think that you've accomplished your task remember God is just about to get started the death of George Floyd I want to register but his blood has been spilled as innocent blood and that blood will speak way after his death can I make a call for repatriation can I make a call for justice can I make a call for unity can I make a call for the great repatriation can I make a call all those with blood in their hands get scared the God of justice he's coming for you not you only you and your children and your grandchildren and your grand grandchildren from the first to the fourth generation of those that hate me from the 1st to the 7th generation of those that love me make choices as you make choices remember you're impacting generations to come blood speaks when it touches the ground may the god of grace rest upon us and bless us constantly African people let's unite it just to be about morning and when morning breaks we will wipe away our tears who'll sit underneath our cheese 1 what and worship in freedom that's what the god of justice proclaims to that glorious Exodus I invite you hold on a little bit longer it won't be long but very soon this salvation will come to pass peace be upon the land may the hearts of the bereaved be comforted peace be to my nation the blessings of yahuwah rest upon you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Gospel According to Maponga Joshua III
Views: 5,509
Rating: 4.9490447 out of 5
Id: mnUQUFcpkVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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