Managing Collaboration and Student Engagement Using MS Sharepoint, Onedrive and Forms

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like that [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon teachers and welcome to our stream for today um and uh this is already the third installment of our um june series or the microsoft series questions a quick survey so please uh indulge us teachers this is my quick service speaker for today know where you're coming from and how he can actually help and contextualize the sharing for today okay so again we're gonna happen a lot of teachers i'd like still to uh greet all of you uh give you a shout out teachers now for this uh afternoon okay um okay so teachers uh let me first greet you with uh let me first to um put that uh survey again okay so that um we can all okay let's um so while i'm beating you teachers and giving a shout out hey do let me uh greet you uh and um give you a shout out i'd like to start with uh miss maritas kabusi from sdo at extreme for today and more educators will be able to uh to make use of what we're going on um so this is a perfect time to actually this is the perfect way not to get introduced into this uh different microsoft tools so teachers that microsoft office microsoft tools is now beyond just microsoft powerpoint presentation microsoft word and microsoft excel no sobrang let me continue uh with your good uh i shout out uh teacher ludes good afternoon uh teacher danielle um also liberty of course okay as always okay uh always with asking um teacher uh m.a abigail okay who's uh giving one to all the three uh tools today picture rosario trevillas teacher daniel quinto i'm going to have one patient maria anna festo malino from davao city okay and the copper teacher marisa gomez something to look forward to of course pastor man is always here with us blessing our streams i apologize shout out to teacher micah sanchez teaches from international philippine schools in jeddah in jeddah okay i will be no uh in philippine schools in oman soon um from july sorry june 29 to july 2 i think on july 1 for the google workspace for education training of the teachers from uh philippine school in oman okay um then you mentioned since mayor of the palatine philippine school international philippine school in jeddah so shout out to all the teachers right there okay and of course um from question province teacher joy rasel okay teacher orlando ben okay let me just check this one okay um and uh of course [Applause] um good continue further later you know um our um shout out to all of you uh to greet everyone okay uh again uh we'll be talking about managing collaboration and sustaining engagement now so again alumni collaboration that's a 21st century skill that we all have to target okay and of course okay uh engagement no how do you sustain engagement okay can i uh hear from the audience teachers no i don't have tips no no if you're going to be the one who's going to give your ships today what are your tips and strategies kate that uh will allow okay or not engage or not sustain an engagement amongst the gentleman perhaps that's the most i don't know challenging well so it's so easy to to make excuses um so that uh our students lose engagement in our class so just uh please do share know in our chat box you as teachers and educators what are you doing right now okay uh in order to promote collaboration and also to sustain engagements okay so that will be what will be the focus of our discussion for today now will be um looking at no uh three tools from the microsoft office 365 um system uh the first one is of course a sharepoint k i already asked that no and madame different tools that promotes collaboration and sustains uh engagement okay um teachers okay uh so those will be our three toes for today um sharepoint uh one drive and ms forms okay so teachers uh just like us always know uh that um our um our webinar for today is a certified webinar so you will get certificate player make sure lang that you get to accomplish um um evaluation okay so make sure punatin that we get to accomplish the evaluation that will be given towards the end of the session okay and then um and also please make sure that whenever you uh accomplish the form please make sure that you put the correct information email address okay so that will be uh teachers know um some reminders and of course okay for our flow for today teachers know um we will just like always we will have a q a midway of our session for today after an hour to entertain your questions so that our speaker for today will be able to address your questions your concerns etc and then we proceed again for the second part of the session uh for today and afterwards we will have like a full panel discussion towards the end we're in we're going to have our resource speaker of course and i will be joined later you know uh by um by our uh by my um beloved wife who's also an expert in um ms um office 365 to also uh discuss these tools with us okay no uh before sigur timon proceeded speaker for today let me just first um uh this i don't know um highlight some of the questions okay some of some of the insights okay of our teachers now this is from teacher louis de for her what she does is to do follow-up check-ins when they are absent or disconnected from online class give positive reinforcement and comments not correct online just to check if your students are still there and also to always um keep them on their toes now okay and okay of course um if the students feel um um they belong okay they're at home they're comfortable they're safe in your environment they will engage okay because the moment they feel that they are like being threatened that they don't belong okay they will automatically know or almost immediately disconnect from your um from your class so now take a teacher and do this from that suggestion okay this is one this one from a teacher angelina carpes to sustain engagement make the topic or content relevant to the students okay provide novel and student interest based activities and allow reflection of learning and so design your activities your assessments your instruction around your students and that will almost immediately know make your activities your in your um instructions okay um uh no no a more engaging no since then therefore whatever you have designed is perfectly not really perfectly but uh most suited for them and most appropriate for them okay this one and the last one now before i introduce our speaker for today and she said okay uh teachers can increase engagement if they know the student's journey individually use analytics or pre-test to know the next learning steps use visual engagement tools support community you know that we all learn and we all share you know these kinds of um of things to our um to our community okay so teachers uh let me now uh introduce to you know um our um our speaker for today and our resource speaker who will be um sharing with us now um this three wonderful tools um one man team unlike our previous webinars samara entire and uh two to three people invited for different tools what we now have is this one um my one man team no uh discussing all of this uh wonderful tools ms forms onedrive and sharepoint so let me introduce to you teachers okay our speaker for today mr andrea s ayuro um fondly called no uh i also know him as uh sir andy uh is a licensed faculty member and currently the educational technology coordinator of assumption antipolo who graduated bachelor of science in chemical engineering from the university of the philippines he obtained his certificate in teaching from pasig catholic college and has taught junior high school mathematics senior high school stem mathematics and empowerment technology he is also the school's microsoft administrator for teams and security and compliance okay sorellas welcome into our stream for today sir andy uh ayuro okay good afternoon teachers good this is how warm and how how much we have uh become a community again over a year okay uh we're close to uh our first year you know um in kagapai teacher support in giving webinars no our first webinar was set last um july 4 2020 so we're like a week before i don't know a week away from celebrating our one year of giving webinars okay so that is answer andy okay um welcome and we're going to happen say i know um [Applause] before i start and give my overview of the course or the webinar on the three tools that we have i would like to thank miss jinky and also sorry prank for inviting me and on behalf of my institution also and proud to be a newbie um proud to be one of the supporting teachers or for for for our online learning uh and teaching or microsoft also okay thank you um okay so big question yeah a brief overview okay so i i'd like to discuss about um yeah i would i want to anchor the three apps i'll first discuss um microsoft as a whole uh suite of tools and also go to ms forms directly and we will have a break and and i will discuss um one one drive and one sharepoint because they are related so so you know but um i endeavor to focus the three apps towards collaboration and management of collaboration and also for sustaining engagement so union team nothing for [Music] the microsoft transcript you might want to also give our audience some reminders about that miss jinky um okay we're uh while waiting for miss jinkin reminder from his jinkies about the microsoft transcript don't forget that this webinar will be uh i don't know uh you can get two certificates from this right so one will be directly coming from microsoft okay the other one from kagga by teacher support so please take note that there will be two things that you'll have to do now of course our regular evaluation form for kagapai teacher support and then you'll have to um use the code that will be given by miss jinky later and sir andy so that your uh this webinar will also be credited to your transcript and you will also receive a separate a separate certificate from microsoft okay so please take note of that okay so i think uh we'll just wait maybe later on uh from miss jinky's reminder i think the calgary problems uh microphone settings anyway so let's now proceed uh sir andy we now um you now have the floor okay so uh good luck sir andy and teachers enjoy the session for today okay teachers i will now start so my talk today is about um office 365 specifically forms ms forms um onedrive and sharepoint this is a third um of the series so let me start first with a quotation uh in times of small instruction led classroom tend to be the exception electronic learning solutions can offer more collaborations and interaction with experts and peers as well as a higher success rate than the live alternative this is by keith batchman okay corporate e-learning executive from wi approach and association okay so about my session we focus on collaboration and instruction no teams uh i highlighted that one and i put yellow experts and peers and as well as the high success rate okay so what is the reality of the teachers and in reality okay um yeah okay we have a pandemic okay online and remote learning teaching okay some of us work and study from home and we have internet and learning teaching platforms we have the affordance of google microsoft zoom and other apps and we undergo teacher and student trainings and we have new skills and roles and we survived okay it's hard but um we're doing okay so in reality that now i'm a teacher in education okay um we had collaboration okay we survived because of collaboration um skills okay it's a 21st century scale so um for digital collaboration is to collaborate with peers or as a team okay or we start with the cloud or start with the team okay real-time co-authoring or real-time everything so like we have an open communication present and engagement okay so hello hello hello sir andy we can hear you you're clear okay okay we have open communication presence and engagement so important collaboration is we have a team uh hello sorry yes sir andy sir andy you're clearly don't worry how are you basically yeah we're thank you okay um all right okay um teachers now we'll just wait for um sir andy i think uh is going to pick something up okay okay um and let's just uh wait for a moment no um for say andy to to go back to anyway let's take this time for us for uh miss explain to us the things no import important matters for your certificates or microsoft uh try for your microsoft transcript okay go ahead miss zinke hello yes yes it's now clear but it remains sound wave my background noise yeah that's clear now it's clear now yes okay go ahead this jinkies so just like you know the previous two webinars that we had for microsoft series since this is still no uh talking about um microsoft applications specifically office 365 applications so at the end of the webinar we will again be giving an achievement code you know to to our teachers microsoft education center for a custom training training training achievement code for that one so similar no like before um they can redeem that no even um so long as uh i think there will be 200 achievement codes um [Music] excited enough for the training here again so uh questions i'm also excited to know more um i think okay necessarily so let's uh welcome back [Music] okay okay but anyway but don't worry as we mentioned we'll uh notify you if we can't hear you okay so uh just um continue okay enjoy the session and say andy good luck on your session okay so good morning teachers okay um unreality reality is digital collaborations now some goal nathan is to have uh collaborate with peers or as a team okay and sometimes we use the young cloud manager servers and um applications to collaborate with the peers or and sometimes we do co-authoring or real-time okay so so for digital collaboration there's should be an open communication presence and engagement um for attention curiosity interest optimism and passion okay so what one way to increase engagement is engagement prompt so so i would like to use this um community engagement framework now so sometimes um validation first okay so we like to view first like share and comment and subscribe okay sharing of notes and you have to be contributive you know and sometimes we we give we ask answers uh we ask questions um answer out loud okay what where and how and who why okay so and um um collaboration is all about partnership no so we explore we have open-ended questions ambiguous conversations and this is the prime objective of collaboration so we have to produce something okay so so now i'm going to discuss microsoft 365 ubuntu remote online remote teaching and learning okay i would like to give you a scenario personal um uh five scenarios for for using uh microsoft okay one i am a club moderator for a school publication and i want my club members to create an internet site accessible only to the school community where they can share articles commentaries and literary works i also wish they have an online hub where they can collaborate and develop their works and two my supervisor wants an updated soft copy of my lesson plans for her to review and possibly add some suggestions distort in my laptop i plan to save it in usb and personally give it to her or better send it to her through messenger chat i want to measure my students learning i also want to get their opinions and feedback about the amount of tasks i give to them every week and i don't want to stress them out i'm moreover i don't i don't want myself to be stressed in tallying the results okay some of the video files created by my students for our final performance test exceeds 500 mb it will be tedious on my part if i ask them to send the files as an email attachment is there any other way for me to get hold of these files okay and we have we have a big authentic school project and recycling and we need to collaborate with other members of the community and other best experts on the subject matter we need a central hub for communication collaboration of documents sharing of resources reviewing literature and planning lgu presentation an msteam channel devoted to the project and our subject is not enough okay so it's unreal that nothing teaches also and we have also microsoft apps on our hands okay a toolkit where we can use for collaboration and sustaining engagement okay for this discussion i will discuss first forms then onedrive and sharepoint okay let's start with the forms no um um so some discussions or giving like um assessments so what's microsoft form it easily captures the information you need okay in which online learning engage your students and track their progress with enhanced lessons and assignments okay if you click on the forms it will be directed here in that in a dashboard okay so manga forms here okay okay um one example i have is this form okay i created when i use all my students on how to use microsoft themes okay so as a student what is your preferred way of learning how to use microsoft themes okay so as a student i uh what is your preferred way of learning how to use microsoft teams asynchronous training sessions with us in the school team channel synchronous learning sessions with the teacher webinar events and lecture so about their preparations on how to use microsoft teams and i use ms forms now okay so after the responses i i i i have the results okay so my guitar nut and i have a graph here and the synchronous sessions we got 743 for 436 and 47. so this is one example where i can use microsoft to have a poll for my students okay next i want to measure my students learning i also want to get their opinions or feedback about the amount of tasks i give to them every week i don't want to stress them out moreover i don't want myself to be stressed out in tallying results okay so forms can give us an assessment for learning assessment of learning automatic grading result summary collaboration and design and hassle free sharing okay so my kitten at the new microsoft form okay we can have it um distributed sway some other part light and teams okay so it's it's so big okay so one one way of giving forms is we can have a pre-assessment okay so pre-engagement one and so basis of reassessment re-engagement given at the start of the unit of study okay we gauge um prior knowledge interests or feelings and perceptions and there are no right or wrong answers and sometimes we pray posts and surveys no okay so another one is a formative assessment we monitor students learning we give them a low stake quiz and usually assign points but not graded and we have summative assessment measures students learning at the end of the unit and high stakes we have we can provide it as a high stake quiz okay and it can be graded okay so here's one example of our um quiz it's a formative assessment in filipino uh we can we had an exit ticket after a synchronous session the form posted as a link in an msteam assignment or an announcement okay okay i also use um microsoft forms for a teacher training in teams and we have some survey and self evaluation amid training and skills acquisition okay so how do we create a form okay let's go first with the five basic steps no okay um i wanted to prepare your survey or quiz items and content okay we design and migrate serving with items and content to the forms as a desired question type we can create and send collaboration link to work on forms with peers and assign sharing permissions and other settings forms through communication channels apps and assignments so so i will demonstrate to you how to create forms now okay so okay so so when you create the form um again you can have uh a new form okay so we add um the title of the form so let's have a company test press one and you can add description here now okay yeah so thank you so there are different types of choices or questions you can add here so we have choice one okay we have a question um pictures no i think uh say andy are we uh doing uh with the presentation okay wait no no i'm saying your sharing screen is not anymore showing i might want to reshare that again okay um can we start it in one drive and then we can um like uh put it in ms teams if we want yes sir proper uk um you can store it in one drive also okay and you inform squash you can distribute it in most of the apps like ms teams you can post it with the link okay okay so um maybe we could continue sir andy with a demonstration of the forms on how to create forward it's the most important uh thing that um our teachers would want to know how to create forms because of course um many of them are actually beginners on how to create but i'm glad no uh that uh it does also the same i know um if you have a mistake you know if um based on the google form that i'm using it's very same functionality as well so uh features uh you might have like questions already um please do let us know uh in the chat box if you have uh uh questions okay concerns uh regarding ms forms okay um awesome you will be here not to be with them monitoring the youtube so if make questions i will also be answering them okay let's go back now now okay um i think miss jinky will keep will stay in with uh so that he can also she can also monitor some questions and concepts go ahead say andy okay so let's say lay belt test one and here andy while watching okay good job teacher karen okay so okay you're ready there uh you have uh ms forms like this okay you click another form okay we have okay you put the title okay let's say this one and it's important also to put a description depending on your your task no so i i can add one choice okay you can have multiple a question multiple answers okay what is capital rome of italy sorry so we have room all right um okay so we can also ask question text okay and sometimes what is the purpose of u n okay okay and you can add the long answers and gb you have to require them also this one again um okay we'll just wait for uh screen teacher please um okay this is a question from teacher eye somewhere beginner palang no one's you can type office so i will retype it office at reforms another way is um so it brings you to the portal office 365 um applications nino and you can get it here um i don't know if you can see the pusa side bar puna they know my home it's my word excel etc nothing books and from here yeah and so babbling launcher and then you will see the different apps and so you can also click the forms so there are many ways for um for you to be able to enter and then yay sir andy by default no this one is a new update uh 2020 quiz plus new quiz so but if it's not a quiz then you press this uh arrow down then new form some microsoft forms let's say uh maybe that's how to answer no question one more question sigurdan is jin kino um a very important question here um while we're waiting for sir andy to um to set up his um shared screen key um yes um little question on ernesto meredith corresponding pointer points about items ms then you manga accepted answers kites are short responses by the time answers and then emanuelli checked on partial points i think we can now proceed now uh with uh sir andy sandy's back and uh his presentation is back okay so again teachers enjoy and um i'll see you in a while oh okay [Music] that we collaborate with them also okay also teachers but also okay a reservation form so away use some forms is to get data from parents okay so instance already so we might go out on a form like this one at the entitled reservation forms and here are the instructions no so i think i tell bar nothing the instruction of the forms no okay so in content forms and questions emma types the predicate to get their data okay and uh i i i i have an input tool text box okay getting the name of the students and i also i have a drop down box to get the the grade level for the next school years and we asked them yes or no do you intend to enroll your daughter for the next school year and we can have also an upload file for a question for we can upload the files and this is the question tab no so do not indicate um forms and we have the other tab which is the response and we can get the responses here no yeah okay one way to to to sustain engagements among about is to pull them to give them paul so minsan sah sir before i give uh give the lessons no so to give um to to gauge their understanding or or um prior knowledge of the lesson okay i think you know okay as a student what is your preferred way of learning how to use microsoft teams okay i just got one question okay and it's a multiple choice single choice answer okay and i got responses from them um can inform my teaching okay so means microsoft teams and as a pre-assessment okay hindi grade that no okay so i can also give them um i can view the results and i can give them a summary link okay so a summary link is just a link where you can tap um the result that the the students can get also the result when you're you're discussing this to them or sharing this to them so this is one way to collaborate in i engaging them first hand first hand okay um a new preferred way of learning engagement okay so this this form will help me inform my next set of questions um discussion okay this is like um uh parameter meter or that okay no collaboration collaboration any collaboration asynchronous training compared with their webinars or with lectures and asynchronous or microsoft forms no so we can get data to inform um our next set of discussions or our next set of collaborative discussions lectures or learning experience okay so i thought i i i will focus now okay um when you create a test you have the tests test questions there okay and yeah um questions no summary questions this is like google forms also okay if you're familiar with google forms okay so uh you put here the the title okay i'll just put a title here okay and it's a set of instructions for your for your forms you put it here now and if you click add new okay okay um i can have a choice a multiple choice right okay so again let's say uh what is the capital of italy uh right so milan budapest munich berlin okay so so i'm sorry so mas maganda is um this is not about the topic maybe i can um this is just a survey palace so that's why in the illuma correct answers for this one so so this is a let's say a poll okay or a survey nice okay i can delete this one no problem okay i can delete and create another question so so there's a the probation to delete the questions no okay um let's say um do okay we can have a question like um [Music] let's say uh what microsoft apps are you familiar with okay it's very important oh wait wait okay so this is just there's no correct all right i'm sorry i'm just i said okay so let's say a word powerpoint excel okay and sometimes you can have multiple answers okay uh for for these questions sometimes from about them um they know more more apps uh more apps so you can have multiple answers to it and they can click here or something oh no you can add other options let's let's say teams and i don't sway wha whatever you need if i can down a microsoft suite number okay so uh that's that's one way you know okay so this is a multiple choice question multiple answers okay and you can also add text okay describe you can describe your previous previous um experience working with working with ms word okay let's say again by default this is a short answer that they can write on a single uh phrase or the word but sometimes in an essay form you you put long answers there okay all right so don't forget if you want them to answer um without skipping the the question you put requirement okay so this is this is simple this is very important so also to avoid skipping the question okay so okay i want to put this required so so so at the moment i think this is the question okay um there are other settings here like uh these three dots here okay more settings okay i can shuffle the options no problem it will shuffle the options of that one okay and i can add subtitles for them okay so i can put a subtitle here let's say for next training okay explaining all right okay and later i will discuss branching now so the one way to and but we'll focus on creating personal design that's one one way to learn okay um you can also have rating now this is very important no so um please rate your proficiency in using pulse okay so scale of one to five okay okay so we have this one so you can have a symbol of stars or a number so by the game for that one so usually um [Music] since since i want the data to be numeric i like and choose number and sometimes visual they put stars so so some students they prefer star so it depends okay and other okay other questions or that we can provide them so you can add also date okay please enter date today sometimes or form up with this no all right uh okay so we have okay another one also we go more questions and we have rankings though somewhere around kings um um ranking so we we already um arrange the following uh apps uh according to your expertise okay so foreign they can they can run okay so let's say word excel and powerpoint okay this is a call now okay um so we have also a likert scale okay so let's say um we we agree so we're going to strongly agree so in my question style that probes under perception agree okay disagree and strongly disagree so we have five disagree okay okay so you can also remove some options right so we all know um no category so so do you like the following okay or are you familiar with okay territory or i mean palazzo so or let's say um lectures okay uh group work okay webinars okay okay add another statement so so that you like okay so i agree i like the following i i like all right so and there are others no so like a file upload sometimes we need to um add a file upload okay so we request files from them okay so i print a request a file to be okay upload file here now upload file here okay number of files and the number limit we set it and then required okay and file type you can put um money requiring a file for for the students no okay so you can set it there okay word excel powerpoint pdf okay so you can you can specify now so i i can also i am willing to it's okay for me to to to get two files from you okay so so so so i designed my poll okay so something like this and definitely there are no responses for for this one okay let's let's take a preview okay you click this one here preview and and we can answer it okay so you test your questions no so okay so bits and like that okay so so if this this is okay um so collaboration on forms always [Music] don't forget the words design we design it share okay and put some settings and also deploy later i'll i'll i'll show you how how we deploy it okay so uh this is very important in the settings now okay this is the preview where you can test your your forms okay you can provide teams okay for added engagement also for your forms okay so be careful of putting two bright colors and depending on you so so sigurus it's a great school magandameruma okay and also for her masks for malnour for upper levels to use okay plain colors for for this one okay so i'll use this one okay so you have a team there okay uh don't forget you can also uh provide your own image okay yeah yeah and so later this is just not in one drive no but i can add images and using the bing search engine of microsoft okay let's uh all okay so again let's say microsoft you can add there okay so yeah let's research okay okay so i customize the theme for that one okay [Music] of liquid now so okay um another one for the preview is this is the computer view and you can also get uh the mobile view okay this is the mobile view in the phone okay so the appearance okay um i'll go back to the share board okay um in collaboration to manage collaboration um important is options like you can give your form only to the people in my organization so they can respond okay so if my organization is assumption antepolo i can give it to them okay or you can also write um specific uh people in my organization that can respond let's say i can uh uh i can send it to miss since miss stinky is in my i know um okay but usually uh um for my students i we we give one um okay i'll remove this one for my students i i open it only for people okay in my organization can response okay so okay um you can also this is the link now so if i copy the link and paste it in my envelope okay okay i get to the form okay yeah so the appearance of the form so but going back also you can also shorten the url okay so sometimes it's important so i know so i'm sorry okay so let's copy the url and yes it will be directed to the same um okay so uh there are many ways to distribute this or to share this form no so one one is the link um you can also download uh what the qr code so permissibility access you i know they will not type those long long links or you long url okay and sometimes you can embed the code um in a web page or sway oh yeah okay so later we will i will show you how how we use and sometimes as waka said they they they use uh what's this what this one uh a code to embed this one and uh so so you can copy that one and also you can send it through mail okay but contextual teachers versus students giving giving this form it's best that you can give them the link okay um sometimes you can um get a link to duplicate and then support that casino some teachers also they want to get a copy of your form no so i want to keep this one and share it to miss jinky so miss jinky can can use my form no my phone okay yeah all right so i have to clarify that one um to copy the form okay uh to give the template uh for her to use for her students the man okay the last link is ibn montoya share to collaborate so always a collaboration lagging we're not shared also so we we want to get the the collaboration link okay so sometimes we want people to work on our form okay so sometimes i want your coordinator to check your forms before before no no before you distributing it to the students it's important okay and okay so i can okay specify um yeah specific people in my organization who can access me i can access all right um let's say miss is my coordinator she's not my teacher so i can good access to her okay microsoft now when we're when we're attending like in microsoft solar employees teachers and some staff employees now assumption but they're they're they're available in microsoft and antenna so yeah i can i can i can just type anywhere those are my collaboration links or a chat they go to facebook okay this is just one platform and everything we can and that's the purpose of collaboration also so so when you share don't forget um think whenever we have a quiz or an assessment that we have to um have our supervisors check so we just um either we get the link we just get the link and then send it to our um department um chairperson via chat no ms teams or puedering specific access na puma pass of narendra outlook [Applause] how we use the duplication during the school year now was when um um i think we have used it in teachers even for evaluation sometimes activities be careful with those collaboration links and later i will discuss i know uh and also we have paperless circulars and paper listeners to parents and reply forms they just answered the forum okay so all right so i i i'll show you one one one by example okay this is a quiz no okay okay all right okay so okay i i i thought i know um stem mathematics last time okay well i'll share it with you but definitely this is not uh we will not use this anymore no so so we have a comprehensive task now so sometimes get into your maguisco or or this is a this is an assessment for for oh no of learning none oh no so this is not a summative assessment okay so so i i present the problem okay so imagine that inside knows forms so if you you add the question um you can also put images or videos okay so yeah and sometimes i put there and uh sometimes that they want to give me a screenshot of their solution so you know an affordance of up giving an or putting an upload file question okay so upload your excel sheet using the methods okay so sometimes like in this problem that i asked them to use an excel app to solve this problem okay and in this case number screenshot of your solutions sheet okay so so so so you know another no okay um and i got the responses here ramisila when they open again the link okay uh when you post the scores um final score nila when they open the link so that's the one that's the feedback um feature of the forms okay um i can also open the data using excel okay here so i'm gonna open a pair of uh private jungle but you can get the data here okay so paramedics organize if you know how to use excel and also to to migrate it to some other platforms or great books the um that you have okay all right so so so going back okay an important is the the sharing though okay all right another one is the setting you know and share important share and settings okay um settings is the permission okay um who can fill out this form okay anyone can respond okay well okay you can click um only specific persons and candy commander i'm a info file upload only available when okay so yeah um all right so foreign in public because when anyone can respond kite outsider archive um an antenna can respond so this is an open and all so um i can only uh only people in my organization can respond and i want to record the name and the one respond per person okay now if you want to deactivate the form you can toggle it here using the accept response so you can accept response okay and you have right or not not accepting anymore okay anymore for this for this form okay let's say and sometimes you can add the start date for the forms okay so we can accept response on put start date and end date okay para automatic no so yeah yeah there's a date there or two time duration for for for um putting the response or accepting response okay for me i usually you know toggle this one along okay um sometimes you need to shuffle the question but uh most of the times in deschamps okay so okay the there are other optional response receipt okay uh you can also put um customize thank you message okay this is one way to develop or increase engagement one way to increase engagement is communication or means okay so or my reminders parent a gentle way okay thank you thank you okay and that's that's that's how we put presents okay engagement okay um now your receipt you can allow receipt for your responses after submission so okay and get email notification a bit more sometimes we're not gonna take one attendant because i don't want a relevant i don't want to get email notification for let's say you have 200 students uh outlook so so sometimes i don't then okay um but this one okay um prove that the responses uh was submitted okay on the side of the students okay so you click that one that's on okay all right that's the okay the feature of the forums now okay um so when you go back to my forums okay um here's my new form new form usually but new quiz is i think it's uh like a some summative quiz no grade that sometimes or whether than formative okay so i'll show you some pictures now so so generally the questions are um i mean the question options are the same certain features okay so let's say when you add a question okay so we have a quiz one yeah okay so our destruction okay okay let's add a new question okay okay anyway let's say um uh let's say i have a question though um let's say uh okay what's the first gospel that you say on a the first gospel in the bible okay so so let's say no that's not an option first gospel nature okay so let's say john look [Music] okay the correct answer will be let's say mark i'm not you know okay so you you you put a correct answer there toggle it as a correct answer and the rest um sometimes you can give feedback okay display a message when they select this answer no okay that's it um good good job okay yeah engagement no okay comment good job okay so all right so and sometimes okay you can also uh um order some messages for those who did not give the correct answers now so okay please try again okay please try again okay okay engagement now i know you can do it i'm a message just now you know you can do it nurturing money okay so these are examples now of giving feedback directly from your forms now while their answer real-time units time is real time okay so uh one important so quiz is the forms can automatically create your your your assessment so so sometimes you add a point here okay give her one i'll give him one point okay okay all right so i click it again okay yeah that's a required item and same thing okay we have okay multiple choice okay um you can also have a choice that selects from a drop down menu okay okay so let's say um the first book for the old testament i'm sorry okay oh that's okay so i am first boy let's say genesis usually okay so please select your answers like that oh one best feature the forms does not allow um insertion or attachment of images uh some are choices no sorry right so choices yeah yeah okay so but but in the question drive or you can upload okay you can add there oh usually surrounding teachers would be this question my image my abcd oh yeah mastered the system and sometimes using also critical thinking or [Music] discarding okay and everything is possible now okay so so that's that's one one way okay okay uh yeah now i discussed that one so so when you preview it okay ah i forgot all right so let's let's put on up here so correct answer genesis yes and add point one point and required okay all right so sometimes you need to have an essay question okay um let's say question if you have an essay question okay you enter the answers you can add some um no no no no that's not correct answer so it's a long answer no so you put it there like that nothing okay so give them five points here depends on the rubrics and if it's it's also required okay um sometimes you need to fill in the blanks the the second book [Music] answer so our own case sensitivity yeah so we can can do that one okay okay um another one uh let's have a choice now so there's there's a matte function equation or no don't solve uh [Music] so apparently x equals so you can also have log there okay you can can add them suggested [Laughter] [Music] again so if you want to share you can share it with you know you can post it anywhere in microsoft teams anyone can respond anyone can file upload microsoft though sometimes when you share it or let's say put into the settings no okay any yeah [Music] you can share the link with a qr code with uh and you can collaborate with your teachers now so i'll go i'll go back to my presentation also again explain the fundamentals of the where will i retrieve the form answers answered where did it go i'm trying to follow the examples thanks for the reply i am at a loss really okay this is the form yeah um teacher training them in that you meet me with training evaluation so so the first step is the the form itself in the same way my questions per individual option to show the answers per question yeah so at least um the feedback no will be easy um um um sometimes you want also to share the result to your collaboration okay so don't forget to tweet us and get the summary link okay so sharing sharing because we want to give the data also to our stakeholders okay to our students and also to guide also in trainings and seminars nothing okay so i know affordance system might be listed okay so well so let's go in but we can create a pre-assessment post okay formative assessment and summative assessment ethereum copy the link you know your ms teams say some discussions ms teams now so if you're familiar with ms teams and everyone can can answer the list okay um yeah we're done with this one um one one technique also to create or increase engagement to your students also issues branching logic now so by adding branching logic to your survey quizzes okay changes the setup question based on specific response so nobody know okay so uh [Music] can can adjust to to the answers of the students and customization learning i'll show you uh later an example of this now so we're going back to the responses per person actually even the questions let's say if i'm knowledgeable in excel and i think the discussion aren't you can also organize human resources using an excel note so you can download the excel arc open here okay so we can have all the results here and since it's just a poll same then you can have the results of quizzes um imported or exported to excel or for your organization or siguro in preparation for a transfer to your let's say another great book okay okay so microsoft for for us okay so i'll close that one and it's important also for posterity or for archiving purposes my new set of students better to see or save your excel rather than the the form okay with i know um okay so for me um personally i prefer hope um saving the excel all right so so so i'll discuss to you branching now so going back to branching i have an example okay okay so these are my polls now so these are my recent posts and yeah i don't know okay uh these are the polls shared with me okay and your forms i mean shared with me we collaborated okay on these forms and not necessarily okay or i know so when you go back i could go down and you can click this all my forms so also i can also have some deleted forms okay so importante to be conscious who animal forms are not deleted for small okay so let's and also to the load the number of forms in your account okay so uh where's my excel i i i have pin okay my favorite okay um this one i'll show you an example okay a quiz with branching okay the topic is data privacy no so one example is to customize also the learning and let the form give its feedback they must do this okay uh so if i mean sunday so when i give you the formula like this one okay uh what are the four general principles on collecting personal data so that i think the correct answer is so next question is should we report data breach yes okay describe the procedure in reporting database also to literally questions so i can it's okay i can put in there and i submit it okay no problem thank you okay um i go back okay i'm another student okay i answered this one okay and i put it here first one [Music] i need to review you on this question also so if i have the review then answer oled based on the i have checked based on the video engagement [Music] sorry i forgot this guru you can add here a comment or a feedback that it's wrong and you can you can put it here okay direct him here for a re-test so this is our intervention so to make customization customization learning approach um dear teachers major this is a very unconventional way of creating uh a form parallel i think this is uh very engaging also okay foreign oh [Music] so remember we're using first we collaborate with one another so technically collaboration is to achieve those learning goals okay and one way is to get data from them and you know affordance and technology now that the data the automation upgrading and giving feedback also helps the teacher know thank you for i know okay yes sir but uh sadly now we have to move on with more um videos or something about the forms no then definitely will will do something about that more questions [Music] um [Laughter] [Music] see the need explores um ms form so we'll just teachers know we'll definitely find a schedule for a complete walkthrough emmys foreign because this is basically an introductory to ms so what we want to do now is to introduce which are equally powerful tools as well okay um for a report no no for uh for us teachers to use case so i hope nah next and again for those who are looking forward to a more comprehensive we will have another session for that okay yes the mohan grabbing brain works [Applause] comprehensively they just go to their assignment tab on even the time even the schedule so questions sir [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's fully embedded you know uh into the forum okay so i think uh miss jinkin already for our um uh um for our second part okay which is sharepoint and onedrive okay these are two powerful tools for collaboration so let's welcome back no uh sir um sir andy okay back into our stream for the last for the second part of our session he discussed dedicated webinar for ms forms and we will definitely give that to our consciousness because our july series has been set already okay i will give you a sneak preview about our july series pero uh for now let's uh hear from mr andy about sharepoint and um and one drive okay for for the last or the second part of his session for tonight before i see guru digital online usb palla okay so it's a cloud-based app for you you can store your files and personal files traps documents and all other files that you want to share with other people in your organization or the community greater community so we're going to need one drive no um comparing it with sharepoint [Music] [Music] and also latino one word excel na yuma classic classic classic tools and teachers and these are the new innovative tools yes like a manga i know automatically for example forms some microsoft powerpoints office 365 are stored in your onedrive okay sharepoint is like a shared um storage uh for the next 45 minutes not for um the sharepoint and one that i again teaches a longer session for sharepoint and onedrive we will give it to you for now let us say and you know give you like the surface like uh like an introductory uh fundamentals of sharepoint and onedrive take away to take it away say andy and i suggest that teachers also use them okay they're a big help talaga and collaboration and engagement with our students no so uh in a for for s for the usage of these apps no so in collaboration pray when we engage in okay hi hello is to have an output okay uh i'll put a shared output each one contributed to that greater goal or output so i know framework no so so you always uh view young spear hello uh around the individuals files last messages and so this activity okay um is present or in your inner circle prince okay so outer okay but not directly i don't work uh directly with him or her okay but definitely since we were one institution no okay example for that six [Music] so those are your outer groups though so sh training same social engagement okay you receive the same news okay or announcement from the school same same calendar okay say sometimes common interests same kaiyong party or attend the same party or christmas party you know okay so those were alternate and on the bus uh other sphere so you open external communities you can collaborate with them also okay so so what's the difference between one note i sorry one drive and um sharepoint no okay specifically thingamabob right okay so so we connect with them through twitter or okay so let's let's let's focus on that framework now so one drive i got going nothing um it was one drive that's your personal i know uh hard drive okay um not the physical one but the cloud base so so we have a personal file initial drops okay before they're ready for sharing so the tokumunaga going the privacy of me working on the file alone okay i can publish it in using a sharepoint site okay a team or a group site okay and remember um on teams is also a sharepoint site so okay so um yeah it's also a workplace for sharing okay siguro deployment is channels and i know um channels and banners but in sharepoint different yoga but we can consider sharepoint as the primary storage or primary site for ms teams and what teams okay so um they can collaborate here also it's a sharepoint and also you can use sharepoint as a publishing site a communication site no so like an intranet site where we can post messages okay publish something okay all right so after you internet in office 365 my files i'll put it here mono one drive okay team files it's set in microsoft teams department files i can also use sharepoint and in the context of us in school remote department files now i mean usually nasa ms teams but technically it's also shared in sharepoint okay so so technically thomas team file snap and as a shared point and there are other i know um apps that you can also store like your video for ms streams and that can be uh a topic for another day and like bread okay all right um um this is the life cycle or circle of life of a document no so but if you're part of a community microsoft communities just a click away now to share okay deletes a usb or hana pinpoint drive a hard drive b so um i want features also to use onedrive because this is free i'll take note that um [Music] if you're a microsoft a1 account or a3 account um in that case you're entitled to one tera to five terabytes of yeah uh i know storage unlucky no no five there uh technically yes when [Music] um you have an option to increase it for a so the best way is to store first your your files useful or need privacy when dropping documents no okay you draft person one drive or sometimes you work on it now on the sharepoint site sharepoint site like a team site or a communications site now if you're ready then you collaborate on a team site yeah ms teams okay and remember um real time on google docs then you know among the words but mining words you know and chickens migrated into something that's why it's called the share point so hindi so if i left the school and i i don't have uh anymore an account they activated note of that limitation or or you know okay so yes very relevant how to start with the one with the one drive and do i have to sign in yeah and so i think framework or young circle of life okay so it's a team site um you can move it to another i know um team site usually you can see young teams like nato where we collaborate ms teams usually collaborate or some some some companies can say they work in sharepoint they they they use sharepoint foreigners but in education we find it and useful also for foreign okay so that's why some companies they use sharepoint masters okay but and then manipulating it's important that you know the difference between the two one so you can also move copy to another site remember sharepoint can be ena um another framework can be considered as a website parang or a site or it's another hub for for collaboration okay so sometimes we either iterate okay okay we work on it and post it again you can it's a sharepoint site okay sometimes we delete it okay it continues or the content okay and sometimes we give it to the owner the original owner or initiator no no no so you have to work it again yeah then again collaborate on circles for the appreciation of my stl or my coordinator oh we collaborate or sometimes um we want to show the lesson plan to other teachers okay and they can't give up give comments also your new collaboration union collaboration in education okay and and post it in a separate we don't post the website okay so sometimes proposals give it to the team okay approve or a report okay send it to the site for dissemination okay then second right so okay let's go to one drive now so you're now okay with the framework okay so so onedrive me and them i need them us okay young sharepoint okay okay one drive is a cloud storage and file sharing for business education access share collaborate your files from anywhere shampoo anywhere you know advantage one drive element it's cloud i can access it anywhere that's my internet channel and i'm gonna say us because i cannot access that one i have to get it from my i know so siguro let's let's uh debata from that uh mindset now we save it in our computer oh so i wish we also save it but it's a computer as a backup problem problem done okay so you can also have one drive and you can also have a physical drive for backup but because it's a collaboration okay so one drive so you you have the app launcher so how to open one drive sig okay one drive okay and i will share to you my one drive okay sorry here okay done so okay this is my i know this is my app launcher so so common and we have here all my apps and where's my onedrive okay so i open my onedrive it's just like your explorer file explorer now windows no same thing okay so this is my account there are my files here are my recent files and here are my shared files okay shared and this is my recycling with my recycling binding bindings so important in recycling okay the recycling bill will help you oh uh that's the savior means okay okay i have a sharepoint site here two sharepoint site here and also if i go to my other account okay okay okay these are ms teams okay some are share points that ms teams are technically sharepoint site so you can create them but you can create another library um a group that will collaborate on something okay i want to collaborate with my students group one okay group one for my peep okay group one pt okay for let's say uh be specific third quarter no okay is my jinky is a member or my student okay i can add them here or i can also add the edtech coordinator i'm using my other account okay so we collaborate on something okay that's not a that's a shared library okay all right we we can post uh files here okay documents okay we can collaborate on storage common storage or anything okay okay link others to your site or to your sharepoint site for you to collaborate online something you provide on that collaboration table converge a file a document a video also so that's this is very i don't know okay important okay for for us to unlock okay um and go back to my files now again sorry um these are my faces um file explorer so i think familiar files folder file structure no okay so i can upload something yes i can upload a file or a folder okay and i can just invoke a new document whether in okay excel worksheet and one note pattern or a link and at the forums for example you can create and a form okay using this the feature no okay para when i click that one okay form another fourth form by getting a nice form i'm going to create and i can create another form again using [Music] yes instead of downloading the excel from the forms now you can create your forms for excel [Music] yes microsoft and i will be also on giving you trainings for for microsoft also for this one now i'm going back to onedrive okay so of course i don't like these big folders i can just make it like this okay i'll send this okay so okay take note of the i know take note of these um details no it was modified here modified by me file size sharing there are five bit folders and one i have a shared folder okay a dpo folder okay another one submission okay yeah and these are my files no okay um importante is uh how will i share it so so important here is the three dots again okay so go let's say i want to share to miss the beach recommendation document recommendation document okay so i want to share it to miss jinky okay beside the beach recommendation document there's this arrow and right angle okay you want to share it to me okay i'm prompted here to unlock oh beach recommendation she wants to access it so definitely i need to add an access or send a link to her you know link okay we share forms kanina by a link we create links and an important thing important is a link is it should be secured okay it a link to anyone and can add it no okay um because of one drive better put it in a sharepoint site no suppose he you can also have the option to edit it okay anyone can be have a link that's not secured okay must be stockhold limit the person so actually accessing your files no okay so let's say for a lesson plan limitless coordinator legitimate interest lesson planning plan english teacher teacher [Music] [Music] people with existing access nah okay or materially um you can also allow editing right when you allow editing they can collaborate okay but they're in review mode and okay so may option do none [Music] only see the document and apply oops i forgot to write miss jinky okay okay there another okay um um i can share it using outlook okay copy the link and send it to her okay i can invoke the chat here and post it in the microsoft teams like that okay or another one okay so we can copy that one okay all right teachers now so it's already shared with jinky okay um yeah this email or i'll send it to her okay so she can view it also okay um okay so you can also grant access to them but sometimes again what this is one drive one drive um it's best for for you not to and okay share it unlimited number of people only foreign maybe i can post this one in the grade level themes okay okay all right um last i want to have students submitting works directly to my one drive documents okay so one one way is uh is to create a dropbox okay one in dropbox american i can only view their submissions say some folder who's gonna say some folder long okay so i attempted one like this one submission if i click it oh open okay anymore [Music] so one way to create something like that is create a folder okay um let's say um i will share it i will not share it okay i want to limit it only to myself but it will retrieve files from my students okay so copy link no are you on request files okay so um let's save this one what files are you requesting okay um what files are you requesting okay short film or short film for peace the third quarter here's the link people can use to upload your files okay anyone can with the link can upload the file or you can name nanaman any individual group via email again email whether and but sometimes just saying engagements email ma bye no better send them um the copy link or their link to a chat directly now notify a godzilla microsoft teams okay sharepoint site that's [Music] yes okay so um oh let's test okay open i i copied okay [Music] for short period philippines okay select the files okay i uploaded no no no not the movie i have an excel for demonstration purposes so are you sister andy next submit now okay oh yeah union concept it's me it's all your files but um collaboration planning is uh possible okay engagement paren per day we engage the students by getting their data and submit okay working on it on i don't know we can collaborate but uh you know you have a free minimum free it's i think it's a five terabyte like digital online usb or drive okay sharepoint okay it's an intranet okay it's a network also share management content knowledge application to empower teamwork with defined information seamlessly collaborate across the organization we have a big authentic school project in recycling and we need to collaborate with other members of the community and other guest experts on the subject matter need a communication a central hub for communication collaborating on documents sharing of resources reviewing literature and planning lgu presentation people usually go on a project base i devoted to the project in a subject team or subject it's not enough okay so puerto rican okay you can also um train um your students before you can have a team site communication site and a school internet no okay when you create a web a sharepoint site television and options a team site ms teams no you can share document have conversation with your team keep track of the events manage tasks and more with that site connected to a group okay union keyword it's connected to a group okay so but communication siteman which is simple no it's just a dynamic beautiful content to people in your organization to keep them informed this is a communications it's just a plain website paranganon pero more than a plain website and also okay so i know aim for a team site for a group of people collaborating is a collaboration of a group of people work together but definitely when you create a communication site uh make collaboration for india because it because you need to work on the content okay so the purpose of the communication site is to broadcast information to the white group of people you know few so later on application for this one okay for team site latino editors most likely all members are editors and websites pero for a communication site only a few okay so who are the leaders in their team site okay so technically all the parts of your team are the audience partnership active audience receiver of information also creator of information or outputs okay paris communication site widen audience the company wide but not necessarily everyone will be i know of setting up the communication site okay so the impact will be okay tama meronsha office 365 group like huma groups not then okay okay all right so on the application okay i i listed one okay collaboration site it can be an alternative classroom hub because i wanna have some microsoft teams so you want to explore other stuff okay edition community for clubs okay yeah extracurricular activities no prior project based learning school activities if i put it on another place okay where they can collaborate and sometimes cause school activity will demand uh more members to collaborate okay and also indeed a school-wide organization can be in like um administration staff they're reviewing the curriculum like that okay that's that's one another okay here's an example of uh what collaborative when i open teams okay i'll go go to to my teams now okay okay okay um go to teams okay yeah again all right uh i'll go to our and okay so these are teams now so a team is also technically a sharepoint site so we go to the three dots in the option in the general channel you can open the corresponding sharepoint site for these teams the open attend okay it will invoke the browser okay okay so it's like a team site for anyone so you know i can upload documents here oh this is your ah no level up one drive two drive three drive four drive and drive oh summarizing one so i can upload it here okay segura i can upload you files i finished which recommendation and i can post it here for that okay and then there are no shared okay um activities notebook and these are the people with inside the team okay so uh going back to the i know i go back to the sharepoint site okay um you have the pages on site okay technical it's a web page okay class materials distributed um shared document no class okay so and other site contents that you need to run okay so yeah other assets students work my students work students work so remember man we use assignments no yes okay submitted files and yeah okay so uh again you can use um sharepoint uh to access relevant okay and if you want the recordings of your meetings okay and um yeah maybe things but [Music] okay open okay and let's share it shiguro this is a level theme and site content and [Music] but these are the recordings of your meeting so technically you have ms team implant reception the facade pero da back office or the storage nasa sharepoint so this is a team site no okay so don't forget this is a team site okay and so at least you have an idea now how sharepoint works no okay as compared to onedrive okay i'll close this now okay i'll go back to my power point again okay so um another one okay um a communication site okay it's just information okay information site dissemination so you can have school activity promotions called publication research publication officer department site okay advocacy awareness or community interest group okay so okay here's an example no my issue it means and then you can create a topic no or advocacy on waste voice management okay didn't compete in information site a case and put it there so we can share it to the whole community discussion on waste management suggestions plans for the school i'll show you my angle so remember how do you get to how do you go to sharepoint now so go again to your site okay and this is my sharepoint site okay so later nothing sharepoint click sharepoint sharepoint okay be careful sharepoint site so okay let's let's go to the school management okay okay and so i created my own link so union purpose yeah no so i wait i close it again okay so these are just newspala okay these are news okay so activities coming from the site so these are not the site itself no okay so the site are actually this one so go to the virtual fair okay i know such a web page okay so they can add documents okay and don't talk about the pair okay and you can add widgets widgets yata when you edit the i know this this requires some knowledge on parang web editing or not then coding so when you add it like this i know you can you can create widgets when you add a page this is the page no you can add okay you can add image a youtube as another site a calendar a countdown timer okay a button and other text media content list that is [Music] but this is just for collaboration for for for everyone to i'll show you as compared to the other communication site this is collaboration so you're exploring so um i think um we'll also give some trainings in the future oh we can also do that um no this is internet now sometimes kasimah teachers they use facebook now to to create guru manga sites or groups yes the okay share okay oh let's say i can share it to grade 10 let's say yeah okay i can share it with then to the whole school okay yeah okay so so you can create now so you can republish and edit and then add those those blogs okay and sites okay so you can also add news yeah my basement admin newsparation blog the old school blog okay and you can add events okay we have been our palatal with waste management again okay this is very simple remember you can share this to your to your community and remember also okay um to young spear no scope no internet then um sharing okay so i think you have an idea now microsoft 365 is a rich platform for managing collaboration and engagement for learning remember um the tools you have you have all that will support to engage the student but generally you're you're the teacher to design those engagement or learning experiences okay it matters most parent okay um no don't forget you you can share it will okay that's collaboration but always take control of your pies initially okay take advantage of the ubiquity of the cloud storage okay cloud source so you can fast transfer of information or files to okay so common column for student to sustain engagement and use of app in their learner knowledge on how to use the platform is critical so important and shampoo for you the students to use the platform okay if the teachers use the platform then i think the students will embrace them also okay because super a business okay um if you want to inspire you can continue innovating okay with continuing innovation in an online teaching starts here be part of it there's a microsoft education center there okay so teachers can visit dumbing on the detail information if you want to absorb training and also we have some good friends to support us along the way thank you for the um teacher support group for giving me the the opportunity to share my knowledge engagement okay so i think it's uh hope you learned something from from my sharing and what's an action plan for us and news teachers their teachers use the platform and explore and learn through usage and collaborate and engage to learn more okay so yeah thank you happy to share [Music] okay you know it's it's his first time uh in a live webinar like this and uh enthusiasm generosity to share what he uh he has not what he knows as an expert in this tool and um so for a question answer a quick question answer let's now proceed with um uh let's uh present uh this um this certificate of appreciation to um to sir andy for um sharing his um uh invaluable um um input for today for our teachers let me just show you that that's uh miss jingkip can you please read the citation for um sir andy ayan okay so certificate of appreciation this certificate of appreciation is respectfully awarded to andreyo s ayuro for sharing his knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled managing collaboration and student engagement using ms sharepoint onedrive and forms awarded on june 24 2021 signed by the different teacher support administrators thank you sir andy thank you um before i can have fun to our teachers okay to our live viewers right now um um something to say or something to to encourage them about go ahead okay thank you guys start go [Music] i [Music] and it's the collaboration with the teachers the i know and i think siguro with uh supporting admin and the desire to learn more and also young new knowledge everywhere that you can get from people like sir pranco and other i know like you some youtubers oh you can even know you can you can learn but you can learn the theory but to be to be confident also to use the system to engage in your content okay marami maraming have been used to increase engagement okay so and don't forget also to manage collaborations sharing that and the key word is sharing lag you know so so face to face by the time bug share a real time period in online also real-time okay so just be confident in using the tools promo um engage yourself in self-discovery okay with our families with our friends yes agree with that [Music] for us educators teachers for the student yes thank you thank you comprehensive teachers the evaluation part of our session for today so again teachers let's now beat goodbye to sir andy device as well as uh assessment device i think yeah so it's a sharepoint now for example a portfolio i'm thinking like portfolio assessment or um [Music] so i think we'll have to commit to that and do that no teachers um we will definitely you know schedule that no uh sharepoint ms formsuke for august jinky would you like to give us before thai guru evaluation would you like to give us like what's coming up this saturday because i think uh this is the end of the june series the microsoft series and we have reserved the best for last perhaps no go ahead say i'm sneaky ayan okay so for our last installment of the june series about office 365 we have um on saturday 2 to 4 30 p.m spark sparking creativity so we will be talking about uh powerpoint no um point must so we will be um hopefully moving farther apart from just the basic how is the power point of the office 365 different from the static power point that they may have installed and then we have this one sharepoint no pair now this is uh sway microsoft's way is of sorts but it is also another way to um a digital storyteller of sorts and so microsoft's way is something to look forward to and then the last but not the least personal favorite microsoft onenote uh one note no we will see no but definitely these three are something that we will look forward to on saturday yeah yes again where we're ending the june series uh with the bang okay uh definitely something to watch out for now uh at saga teachers uh please um uh enter okay https i changed the link now teachers uh for now like the month uh usually i use bitly uh shortener so usually you see their bitly but now we're using ms365 part three for your evaluation because bitly right now is having a problem though um down at the inside nela so you can access um all links created via bitly so if you're accessing by the way no the links previous links using bitly from other webinars from last week you might be having a hard time so please just uh wait for it to uh to i don't know to for big league to fix its uh website now but for now let's uh and also by the way teachers now let us know if it works okay um and then uh make sure that your uh your name and your details are correct uh teachers know because that will have repercussions on us sending you your certificates okay so make sure that that's also correct okay um foreign what's coming up for july okay we have a massive uh eighth session okay for july okay so it's packed with um under one theme for july it's called uh 18 for july note our july series will be uh distance learning 2.0 okay since we are ready in the second year of the panda pandemic school year no um so our um our july series where we all started miss jinky you know this is the month where we when we had our first ever webinar okay so we are restarting teachers now okay we're we're now um come full cycle now our first webinar was july 4 2020 okay and our first webinar you know uh for the july series will fall on july 8th okay uh that will be on introduction to chatbot for education using facebook messenger can you imagine that miss jinky doing a full lesson by a messenger okay like a lesson without using any other application we know how important that is because many of our students is the messenger okay we know of course it's going to be much better if it's ms teams yes or um or google classroom of course we will have to uh to endorse our own i don't know uh tools but for those who have no access to these tools messenger is perhaps the go-to and we're going to bring you the the concept of chatbot which allows you to conduct a lesson full lesson i'm telling you teachers so pull lesson by a messenger okay no joke about that okay we'll be following that up with um a session on increasing and promoting student engagement we have an international speaker for this and i'm so excited about that okay uh followed by after that we're also going to have supporting learning through formative assessments um the hood quizzes and explain everything right um we know everything we know how to use them but how to elevate the use of cohort and quizzes and explain everything that's going to some to be something that you have to find out as well uh fourth teachers uh on july 17 we're going to have effective management of the digital classroom by yours truly i'll be handing that okay and of course some other guests now uh guest speakers now where we're also going to invite to uh to help us know understand how to manage digital classroom like routines etc procedures and so on so forth okay and and uh of course also we're going to have another one on digital education okay what does it mean for students and teachers about digital education or digital citizenship digitalization etc okay and um second to the last four july series we'll be talking about uh ultimate guide to google chrome okay about google chrome tips and tricks advanced um features etc and the last one would be i think it's been a useful thing for teachers creating video lessons okay process techniques and tools okay so we have invited the teachers who are uh experts know and um and uh used to making video lessons uh using powerpoint presentation and other tools ah sorry behind the background i'm going to look into that okay that's the correct evaluation thing guys so go online picture skype in title okay i'm going to change that later on okay um and also teachers let me now uh post this okay our achievement code okay let me just put that in a banner for easy um okay this is the achievement code uh from miss jinky and that's uh sir andy okay so again teachers do not forget it's going to cover that and the let's uh try to manage that okay let me um okay let me just scroll that below okay teachers i'm showing also below the screen the achievement code no let me also put that in the chat comment uh in our chat okay um [Music] this the achievement pro teachers is for your microsoft transcript okay don't forget that you can you will have two certificates no one from uh teacher by answering that link ms365.3 and if you use your achievement code for your microsoft transcript you will also receive another certificate okay let me just put it there in a chat yeah yeah a little bit the achievement code that's already been posted okay right there okay and okay thank you teacher liberty um so we have packed that with so much snow um let me also put here where to um log in for a while yes sir richard um jung last week merundinian certificate no from microsoft uh i think sir franco nasa ano puba description yes okay it's in the description of the video and also the link by our um uh page no kts page yeah and so i think you don't think nancy richard okay okay so uh i think um miss jinky any other last words or reminders for our teachers okay before we let go yes i call in for what let me fix that i haven't been informed about that okay let me fix it now okay so that our teachers are not confused i think i was not able to uh to change it some m s forms parameters [Laughter] [Music] i think that's the last row if i make an account that could spell out like uh like um okay so i'm not doing i'm not creating an account to protect myself to protect myself answer again reminders a teacher sat you know there will only be 200 no achievement codes available no so perception nothing is that there are 200 nah participants again so whether it's during the live or um team replay so make sure um yes that has already been edited okay so that's already a correct one let me just uh edit also the and put our link now so that our teachers could easily log in edit that okay okay so um okay okay i just added um yeah i know okay the the link okay so that our teachers would know okay because uh we'll leave you at that and uh again for joining us today uh we hope to see you again on saturday for the last installment of our um june series okay have a nice evening teachers no i'll see you again bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 86,268
Rating: 4.8185406 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Office 365, MS 365, Microsoft, Microsoft Sharepoint, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Forms, Kaagapay, Distance Learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 2sec (12662 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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