Man vs Flood

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it's going pretty good I'm not gonna get soaked you know why cuz I'm gonna take a raft that means I'm not gonna be in the water I'll be good [Music] do you hear that it is pouring out there just check this out look at that I don't have shoes okay okay it was it's been a rainy day it's been a it's been a gloomy rainy day and I'm like dude all I want is a nice hot sandwich and a cup of soup from Porter and I ordered it about 20 minutes ago and I was just about to go pick it up I come out and literally that the entire street is flooded the entire street come all the way here all the way down there I can't even get to my car even if I wanted to because there's so much rain and even if I did get to my car and I tried to move it I lose my parking spot because parking down here yeah it's nuts it is sucks so first we have an old raft which is gonna get soaked you need it all eat it there I'm not gonna get soaked you know why cuz I'm gonna take a raft that means I'm not gonna be in the water all I need is a rain jacket I'll be good friend and install an umbrella we have an umbrella as a Minnesotan we come from the land of 10,000 lakes and you got to think outside the box you know you never miss an opportunity to utilize water to your advantage water can be a very dry form of transportation if you use it correctly what is going on there was not remotely this amount of water when we came in today it's this has all been since this morning aren't you ready I got a hood this is an all-weather rain jacket I'm just gonna hop in this boat and we'll be on our way that's the worst part that's the part that's unfort about this is where it all starts and finishes take it to see mr. Murdock [Music] do that fluently pretty good guard cars behind me [Music] pocket as he kind of coming get out of the way over here how's it going lawyer dude oh it's going we're just talking about how weird it is it like we did the Logan Paul interview we basically became one with the flat earthers and then a day later it's being reported on Logan Paul reveals how Shane Dawson inspired his new video the vlogger hit up chord or digital to get visual effects for his upcoming flat earth documentary and the guys agreed to help Logan out is he agreed to be on their podcast I was like kicking a beehive completely expecting it honestly but there was one criticism that I didn't want to address which was huge guys shouldn't have even given him a platform to have spout his crazy views or whatever they do take issue with that because we didn't give him a platform there's the directed conversation directed by me and Clint so we were the ones controlling the conversation not Logan Paul it's our platform that's it one of the coolest things that came out of this was actually people commenting that you know they listened to the podcast they didn't become fans of Logan Paul and that's totally fine you don't have to like Logan Paul the cool thing was that people were now basing that on actual first-hand experience with what he had to say rather than just listening to some tabloid or drama hit piece looking to get views like that stuff isn't healthy for actual discourse like no it just made me happy okay we had so many people in our audience that were like humans about it mature about it I was going through all the comments yeah it's like a maturity thing you guys are like still don't agree with your viewpoints and so don't agree with what you do things but I'm not like hating thank you guys for listening I hope you two get more controversial people not more controversial than o de Paul but just more people that are controversial on the podcast not once again to give them a platform but it's fascinating to talk to those people you know movies are boring if there's no villains and then we learn from their journey just so much if you learn for everybody else's all in all I thought was pretty neat actually ow I'll never let go you gotta think outside the box you know you never missed an opportunity to utilize water to your advantage [Music] I think that went pretty well I mean I'm here what's the damage man you look pretty soaked to me it's like regular you know a little bit of rain the water smells like eggs it's in the old get my sandwich hope it's still hot when I get there where's my phone you gotta sweat jacket to go back cuddle up with a nice cup of soup delicious thank you your soap is your sandwich wet sandwich don't open that up you're gonna get all the heat out of there still warm friends got damn it son it's still war no I'm gonna go close there and eat this son so let me get out of these Wow you could outside Crescent kick someone like looks like without them knowing stay with me here it is still still there but your your actual leg like your pant leg is there but your foot comes out and it looks like you just retained it all times like guy should get water all over the floor you know why cuz I'm gonna take a raft that means I'm not gonna be in the water I'll be good things got yeah I got a little bit more wet than I had expected yeah I mean I think give it everything I think that went couldn't have gone better subscribe chances are you're a fan of Freddie Wong I know I certainly am basically grew up together on YouTube huh those were the days birdy is a guest on the corridor castes go over there and take a look it's a good conversation really funny we ask them a lot of good questions that you probably would like to hear the answers to link in the description or maybe on screen right now who knows boy it's cold out Carter cast go subscribe
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 754,628
Rating: 4.9535728 out of 5
Keywords: corridor crew, corridor, nerf, 360 camera, one wheel, flood, flooded, boat, raft, survive, survival, storm, polar vortex, rain, titanic, logan paul, cast, hollywood
Id: 6klHcVCNy9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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