Sync - The Movie

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as long as it has been, another commentary on this cut would be great to see, especially as they have learned so much since then

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/teagonia 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Really loved it, really good acting and comedic timing. And of course the edit and effects are awesome :D

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/patwerk 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys those of you who have been with us for a few years might remember a project we did called sink sink is a webseries about the dawn of the singularity hyper-intelligent AI and how good you can get at a gun fight if you have infinite respawns sink was originally funded by Google and actually hosted on a separate Channel but today is a day when we're actually finally allowed upload it on our very own channel yes so if you guys have only seen a few episodes or have never even heard of it and are new to this channel sit back and relax and enjoy the director's cut up sink [Music] [Music] keep an eye out excuse me sir hey yeah is this deal Doble dose because I asked a woman a few miles back where I can find the L doubly dosing she told me that it's the [ __ ] Oh with the ugly fat [ __ ] lying out front with a bullet in his head see I knew I had the right place Carlos gostrey's I mean you guys seen Carlos Ruiz do you mind if I choose a [Applause] I never been a big fan of soccer [Applause] [Music] okay yeah start yeah get up oh sorry I missed that Carlos Ruiz I haven't heard that name in a while well that's because Carlos Ruiz is dead tell me how the Huber officialy meth lab explosion burned his face pretty bad lost and I wasn't too long before his men forced him into early retirement no go watch ceremony I would imagine I would imagine not and I'm officially unofficially I love to believe you can't kill true evil although it hasn't stopped me from trying normally we leave well enough alone you know a few [ __ ] want to kill himself south of the border over little white rocks we don't give a [ __ ] today you'll give her today I give a big huge [ __ ] and what's the catalyst for this sudden change in policy a girl that's always her reason right it's a popular motive you have a specific one than mine Zoe Lapierre daughter of Iowa senator Troy Lapierre 17 years young blonde pretty and by popular account lacking sound judgment and you believe this girl's here I do it could you throw a card ovaries that would explain the mass kind of a solidarity gesture my man come embarrass [ __ ] do you think about all the people your wife [ __ ] because your face looks like a dried-up piece of [ __ ] welcome back Carlos what are you doing here I think you intend the traffic the LaPierre girl and I'm here to shut you down surely you must be aware of your situation and what's it Shh you hear that no sir and my hearing is above average no backup unit breaking down the door now military vehicles rushing to the rescue no contingency plan I'm not quite sure I put it like that IRA mystical Chief Mike I don't know gentlemen there are more diplomatic solutions available I cannot think of nothing more diplomatic than cutting off the head of my enemy mailing it to his government where should I address this package FBI CIA black ops will I work for more specialized division there really isn't an address a loved one perhaps yes but she wouldn't appreciate the gesture [Music] was that enough evidence for you Ruiz has the girl I don't think convincing us was ever the problem but that last shell of yours could have been put to better use yeah like what it was a reckless waste charlie yeah not really worried [Music] let's try this again I mean your friends are back there huh eight right I counted eight you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] are you I'm the contingency plan who are you where's my phone let's go wait what's your bag Carlos let's go [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] package delivered you crap up [Music] let's get Kimberly correct are you all right smartly like I was covered in blood and starts vertebra yeah we had to get pretty rough for the client today at the office was pretty Oh trees are real badass you know we take our signatures seriously you close dinner's ready in ten see you in nine or keep it warm for me always I love you honey stop staring it's not my fault you have those big hazel eyes I've always had hazel eyes you haven't always been staring I try to be inconspicuous of it you're staring because the lasagnas burnt connect the dots for me you're staring to avoid eating it makes me feel good not eating burnt lasagna makes everyone feel good staring at you makes me feel good and the lasagnas not perfect ah resorting to lies the tale of a desperate man hmm interesting what's interesting you kissed me [Music] and now I did it again but why why how chronic do you want me to get I was only 10 minutes late try 15 up well the lasagna was more than 15 minutes you're not helping your case here I was late because I had to stop and pick something up for you i ah I left it in the car must have been super important stay here Charlie Cooper you are not leaving this apartment I'll be back before dessert Ernie it is ready it's throwing itself issue I'll be back in a second last time you said that you were gone for two weeks that was work thing for two weeks and what kind of a notary has a work thing at 3 o'clock in the morning oh really awesome please you're right of course Emery I'm sorry okay mium let me let me just go brush my teeth and get taste of charred garlic cheese [Music] Charlie what kind of ice cream do you want Charlie all right I'm coming in fine I'm fine it's oh it's okay I'll be just a minute okay okay if you say so cookie dough will be just fine for me okay [Music] hey boy is it is it dark huh Darryl white happy yeah I tripped on my way to the door but would you go put it up for me yeah yeah [Music] ice creams ready [Music] Charlie are you sure you go right in there honey there's something I've been meaning to say to you for a very long time so much um if I don't say what I need to say right now the second and that's another second you might reconsider this whole arrangement and that scares the hell out of me because there's no one in this world who knows how lucky I am to have you Reese Wilson agent Cooper what what what nothing nothing um uh Reese Wilson will you what no no no I'm not you what you wanted to ask me no no no that's that's you there oh wait hey no no I just I'm just there's just been this voice in my head and go away for work no no [Music] what the hell are you doing I'm sorry agent Cooper you were non-responsive so we had to auto-sync well I was kind of in the middle of something but we've had a situation come up it's time-sensitive what if I was driving where are you driving that's not the point sink me miss sorry Charlie I can't do that I got a sink she'll line ass up in the middle of a civilians apartment you don't think that's gonna raise some red flags when she finds it all right you had 15 minutes transfer me hurry [Music] Yosi let's see some haha you Yoshii the Japanese boys name are you Japanese boy or maybe she's a little green dinosaur she was my father's cat it's dangerous to have a cat around my baby so when I was born they gave Yoshi away it would have been less humiliating if you actually were a green dinosaur what is bad Oh looks American what are you a spy cat girl an american c++ anything it's danish so you are a spy she admit I'm writing an iPhone app Oh looks very complicated you did it take you a long time like 320 programming hours I'll let you try it when I'm done really I'm gonna try it now sure but it's not working really well let's go girl [Music] hey what's up I'm good have a good one yeah you too see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you seeing this yeah I just did something just hijacked a sink Network at Hong Kong the she'll still say second yeah all the shells are still in stasis but somehow their core AI booted ants running without them can't you set it up no it's already breech other networks hello now the network's down in the area we're fixing it right now no the what no that shouldn't be our fault one second what's up that's traffic control something just we were out of half the fleet call Beijing I shut down the whole network are you kidding that's gonna black out the entire country that's better than having some AI do it for us get going alright next okay just smile good alright that's just a little smile twenty five minutes gotta move come on [Music] three sweetie just your eyes need to be open good perfect and it's a little bit of a smile [Music] first of all all right you just [Music] perfect where you going cat girl reading more spica yeah are you writing more spy ghost cat girl Wow holy [ __ ] she was a spy very special guest dr. J our Wyatt doctor thank you so much for joining us now you've been named inventor of the Year by your alma mater MIT you've been awarded the National Medal of Technology by the President of the United States superhot wife forbes magazine even refers to you as the preeminent thinking machine of our generation so obviously having a guest of your esteem and intellect is an honor but a question comes to mind what was it like getting arrested last night let's try this again shall we I want to state for the record that you are not under arrest and you may leave at any time I'm eager to get started [Music] designation yes sir by the way sir now forget my fear-mongering but for those of us who are unfamiliar with the impending doom is proliferating inside East Asia at the moment tell us what is the singularity and feel free to talk to me like a minute well is there any other way Touche my friend this year alone three and a half billion people will routinely share data on their day to day lives gathered by social media and surveillance if an entity were able to sift through that with complete freedom it will learn more about a fraction in second than most 'less milling the mark knows about us then this informational sheet and we'll adopt it out on the beach what do you think that is no it's a good question pure unrestrained it is what I gather a consciousness with so purpose to evolve and thrive ensuring its survival as long as the Earth spins the question is do you think that singularity gained that kind of sophistication from a single kid I highly doubt that my question alternately becomes who do we send to make the first contact a scientist a politician an attractive talk show host perhaps if it's true that you really only get one chance to make a first impression well what happens when that first impression is transmitted and analyzed a billion times the speed of human brain we could all be wiped out before we even get a chance to send a I'm sorry gift basket so how's the sync program doing as of late virus never seems to return my calls it's confidential information is it yeah you know calling this a virus shows your ignorance something of the size and complexity as an intelligence tell me do you have sync service in China I'm sorry love the question is your corporation responsible for triggering this thing very that's spreading through China so you are aware of the situation yes I'm aware that there is a situation and you want to know if I had anything to do did you [Music] looks like you have your work cut out for you are we done we're done thank you for your time what's the word on China nothing yet think he's involved if he's not he's about to be [Music] [Music] yeah no it's fine no no I said it's fine look I don't really know how to go about this but who do you have operating on a Chinaman's it's a favor no remember a few years ago a woman sent those guys kurtzweil slam yeah exactly make it happen [Music] echo Brahma alpha alpha Charlie is he pissed what that you're late or about your first classmate of Transportation with a senator's daughter yeah from what I hear it's not the first time the Senators pulled a gag teenage girl an obscure either like shells in the car well I'm here where's the government sending me this Chris Potter meeting or cartel kidnappings another [ __ ] recon mission in North Korea settle down agent there's been a development you bet your ass there has you guys might have cost me my future wife I'm done I'm sorry it's not that simple charlie you sure it is um I walk through that door charlie I've definitely one who enjoys their job more that you do that's because you're a miserable prick amenable pricks attract other Mesmer breaks when you entered this program you knew the deal this was your choice you offered immortality to a 22-year old kid Tony I spend the rest of my life running around killing bad guys not much of a choice when we imprinted your consciousness onto our virtualize system you are well aware that you would never be able to go back the biomechanical shells are the only refuge and there are property government property this was your choice you can't just decide to walk away I'm not going on another mission there is no other mission charlie we're suspending the sink project no me my discharge paper that means off lining all shells and shutting down your program file program file is that how you think of me we made a mistake in China one of the computers hosting your AI subroutine was somehow compromised by the virus that program is now running rampant across China's network if we can contain this outbreak you would be back online in two weeks two weeks and if it isn't contained that it becomes a lot more complicated you're talking about shutting me down I'd say it's fairly [ __ ] complicated right now all right last night our intel reported a regular activity in Hong Kong these numbers can't be right a virus can't expand this fast that's because it's no longer a virus well then what is it your intelligence that runs your system works in two halves a core and an imprint with the core emulating human brain function in the imprint giving it your personality and your soul when the virus infiltrated the core sync system that algorithm was activated and it was released to the wider network now the core did what the core is designed to do which is analyze and think but it was mutated and it began developing without an imprint you guys realize how ridiculous you sound right that seems to be the general sentiment yes within 48 hours humans would no longer be the dominant intelligent life-form on earth you're talking about a singularity continuing at its current pace the AI will break through Chinese firewalls and breach us servers in 48 hours at which point we lose control of all communications defense systems nuclear missiles II yes that is the situation we are faced with if the singularity infects a supercomputer that you're running on humanity's shift a second place is guaranteed can't you run me on a closed system you think I'm susceptible eventually you could be it could be you want to shove me on a hunch two weeks agent two weeks we have detained you for longer periods before two weeks a hell of a time explaining that to Reese last time and I'm not gonna do it again [ __ ] your sis isn't up for discussion as long as I'm standing here it is [Music] as I said what if I can stop it stop bargaining charlie somebody programmed the virus somebody knows how to stop it how many people live in China agent Delaney 2.3 billion sir 2.3 billion and you want to track down one 48 hours if I don't find anything shut me down let my shell fall dead in its tracks protocol how the [ __ ] can there be protocol for something that hasn't happened we need to understand charlie Loveleen all the shows of the facility she shoot you there's nowhere to sing drop your weapon eat i listen to work drop the gun kill me now or i solve your problem like I have the last five years learns from the job Charlie I don't have an option and an hour the entire states of overpowered town we will have you back out there in two weeks I don't have two weeks look you know he's still gonna try to stop it from killzone try are you sure you want to do this shut them down ghost ghost ghost right right whoa not tell me what the point having a stealth bunker is sure to be Senora now to get to the whole planet I'm sorry I didn't think about that ghost I'm sorry come on how you did beginning or you see murdered good how are you have you been I'm good prep for evac prep whoa you never know like this oh God I like what you did with the place the government's not going to detect my equipment with two feet of concrete and steel can't say expected to see you here what's up Kira man China I heard about China before China heard about China they're toasting because of that [ __ ] so do you know who wrote it who wrote the virus I know who try to think throat the virus and I remained skeptical for obvious reasons this is who triggered the singularity oh let's not throw around words we can't take back all right but let me tell you if she did write the virus then this ain't no amateur she's only 16 they grow up so fast I'm gonna need a sync to China no channels are closed sink shells servers they're all offline mm-hmm official channels are flying what about unrecovered shells hmm spent six months even if it's there I doubt it's functional I'd say it's 5050 can you do a direct transfer this is a one-way ticket I can't maintain your shell after you jump is your last life mister let's do it now what are you gonna do with my shelf we'll see Godspeed [Music] [Music] excuse me sir what's going on here we're looking for a missing girl who matches her description you please have her exit the vehicle listen want official business here move your car out the way sorry sir I can't do that I'm under direct orders get your hands off my car hey hey hey hey put something listen to me let's rank each other all right you know Raghu listen I do not want you get shot [Music] Hey [Music] there we go [Music] Yosi you think [Music] yeah yeah oh my gosh there's so many they will come on all around Oh get on the bike you know the wire yeah they're coming from all that was the third station yep why is everyone out of gas [Music] come on kid saddle up let's go no I told you I'm not letting you drive I want to know where we're going to the extraction point and where we extracting to safety get on the bike why because it's decidedly faster than walking get on the bike no why aren't we safe here I don't know if you missed the last couple hours but you were almost kidnapped by a pair of very angry men with guns I figured the safety issue had come and gone at this point yeah you're a man with a gun sometimes I wish you'd remember that and you're kidnapping me I'm not kidnapping you you can leave whatever you want I'm hey hey hey what do you think you're going huh so you are kidnapping me I'm protecting me from what I can't tell you why was I just arrested I can't tell you that even and why are those two men after me it's actually very top-secret yes or no I would have been more informed if I stuck with my actual kidnappers get on the bike tell me why because people are starting to stare at the old guy chasing around the 15 year old Chinese girl I'm 16 I'm glad we're focusing here look for some reason that I can't possibly understand you need my help I think I've earned a favor maybe but you're not getting anything until you answer my questions [Music] fine but you are gonna have to get on the bike [Music] why is your English so damn good I'm fluent in 11 different programming languages two of which I wrote myself you think I can't handle English [Music] they're coming [Music] Oh eat what is this I can't eat this don't worry I had the same reaction I'm a vegetarian yeah well if that's what your country considers me than I sympathize [Music] so I was thinking about everything you told me you have yeah I decided it can't be my fault it can this is not my fault yeah it is it wasn't supposed to did what do you want from me emotional support what do you think I want I can't fix it then you're gonna have to teach yourself [Music] so how'd you do it I wasn't gonna breach air traffic control my own so I analyzed it with a net of infected computers under my control how'd you pull that off I created the world's best mahjong game of course hidden inside was a Trojan virus every single person running the program volunteered their computers power to me that's smart but one of computers you infected wasn't a regular apparently so I was doing some research I was wondering why does my computer pick up a million different wireless signals emanating from your body Charlie Cooper um I mean I was able to detect your face on a public security camera in the United States 12 hours ago and yet here you are on the completely other side of the world I just want to know one thing uh no secrets on the super hacker chip okay okay um what happens when you die um [Music] do you remember those old foams that you had to plug into your computer every once in a while to back up all the new pictures you'd taken yeah well when I died it's kind of like that the the giant memory buffer in my head dumps into the server and then I sink into a new body in the blink of an eye without missing a beat well what if the servers are down I don't know if it happened before I wouldn't know it it would be like it would be like if you lost your phone before you had a chance to back up all of your pictures and so you just have to start over with an old save file well what's it feel like it's a [Music] boom and I get it that's the best I got um hold on just I'll be right back okay [Music] look [Music] [Music] hello hello how are you doing you son-of-a-bitch where are you Briggs is about to fire me if it helps it wasn't personal no it doesn't help I'm sorry I know I'm sorry I almost put you in a digital prison I know though not so sorry I know that you yeah what do you need need money and I no need for five years you didn't call to apologize I have the girl what girl I have the programmer of the original virus why you I want to bring her and I need an extraction team where are you well China oh well then yeah let me just set that right up anything else I need you to keep it off Gregg's desk sure thing of course I'll just set up an illegal extraction from China and then make sure my boss doesn't get wind of it you're the best I was being sarcastic I was too all right what is your exact location about that they're not coming they're coming it's been six hours I know how long it's been you should know they're not coming agent Delaney would not leave us alone like this agent Delaney the one that you punched in the face okay maybe they're not coming look designation echo Bravo final five Charlie yes I hope you realized I just worked about 17 international treaties for you we'll see if they make a Hallmark card for that hi shall we there's also something else we need to get Yoshi wiring it's all been decommissioned shut down for the next 24 hours so the official White House position is wait and see now the DoD doesn't want to start a war with the singularity everything's on lockdown you don't do anything you can't be wrong we can't be right in we need to find a way how we're supposed to stop this thing if the entire networks down unfortunately that decision was a left up to us this is that something you needed to tell me about isn't it maybe next time you won't cut me off welcome back Charlie here's your [ __ ] solution Thank You charlie Eleanor would you please see oh she out will speak in a moment hey why don't we call your parents and let them know you're okay they've probably been arrested by now probably we'll see what we can do about that here let me help you an old colleague of mine John White approached me the other day his company developed some of the technology that created you the technology that created me was a 1967 Camaro the valley High prom and a broken car he was looking for Yoshii as well yeah him a half of a will you shut up for two seconds we are on the verge of a technological revolution and why this fixated on being the man who leads us ignorant sheep to enlightenment it seems that the sink hub in Hong Kong was under full control of the singularity and all the shells have gone missing who did fell one they walked out on their own I think Wyatt's learned him I think he gave them a launch pad the shells and the singularity why didn't you destroy the other shells I destroyed the ones I could get to in time but internationally things became difficult I wasn't fast enough [Music] why would the singularities in the mirror their scouts just flash drives on feet when the singularity can't travel through wires it goes on foot but where the entire network is down before I left dynamic elephant before you were fired I collaborated on a plan to build a state-of-the-art laboratory free from academic red tape and bureaucracy that would have been obscenely expensive but also incredibly liberating I can only assume he must have managed to build it somehow with the scouts in the US why not send in Delta to take em out we're dealing with a multi-billion dollar investment from private and public sectors we can't just shoot our way out of this problem you've got a functioning agent I can't let you go you're still a liability you don't think I've proven myself I'm not doubting your abilities and stuff I'm grateful puts us one step closer but the next one doesn't have you in the picture [Music] we're not gonna kill each other [Music] I know [Music] there's someone I need to see first all right the guy to average darling thank you [Music] mr. Cooper [ __ ] off what's the rush don't waste my time I can help you survive my closed system zero risk [ __ ] to the contrary you know you're never coming back once I shut you down what's in it for you complete technological on biological ray that brings us to the cusp of the 21st century but that's a relevant add them up you know what's funny I almost believed you for a second there mr. Cooper mr. Cooper [Music] [Music] your life it's actually a lot more pressing than you think huh uh I'm sorry I mean what do you want really what what do I want yes Charlie the knocking must be a reason it's 3 o'clock in the morning tell me there's a reason there's there's a reason what what else I want a house a Volvo station wagon and 2.4 kids a dog a cat a tire swing on the oak tree out front these types things anymore turning my kids well and they will love them and the neighborhood kids are going to get jealous and they're they're gonna be so jealous they make their parents build tire swings on their oak trees and we'll have the only Street in America with the yard after yard of tire swings and oak trees the dumbest thing I've heard it could have a vegetable garden in the back and WordGirl carrots and peppers and tomatoes tomatoes yeah you got a problem with tomatoes yeah no man as long as you put them in a lasagna watching Cooper you're not home for you [Music] dear mmm where are we going house shopping you know it's like during the morning right got a star sometime tell anyone it's pink it's not pink its rose houses should be logs and bricks not colors definitely not pink its rose what about that one absolutely no way what why not look at it it's perfect and it's on a corner I've always wanted to live corners are dangerous Oh dangerous yep I'm sorry why are corner dangerous cars cars cars could whip around the corner and they might not see our kids playing come Brett this is residential pest Edina not downtown Mumbai I'm sure our two point four kids can manage to stay out of the way of a car moving 15 miles an hour yes but it's the point for kids and I'm grateful I mentioned he's not gonna be able to move very well I didn't think about [Music] Rhys Rhys were you what are you doing what are you peppers and tomatoes what if I told you I had to go save the world right now [Music] you know Italian think I might just believe you [Music] I am [Music] how are you [Music] [Music] Oh Charlie what I apologize it was unclear before naturally that led to some confusion I would like to know more about the imprint that runs your show I'm gonna do so without your help is your all that remains the program there wasn't blood in your shell inspiring roughly 5 to 10 minutes there are two no conclusions to this scenario my friends will wire you into my system and I will transfer you want a fresh selling my possession be free to walk in mom and see if it will assist me in my humble task if not if not I'll smash the [ __ ] processor out of your dead skull and test every transistor in it that I find out what makes you run you'll never see anyone you know our love ever again plug me [Music] don't try to move motor functions on the shower in quite work where'd you get this she'll just kindly donated by the similarity what do you mean it didn't work I hit the kill switch just as I said no response nothing he's dead you should never have let him walk out of here do you know how much trouble I went to trying to get him back I understand but you would have done the same in my position no I am calling in a unit you're a dynamic element I am tired of dealing with this scumbag we can't send a squad in on a hunch that's all accidents happen I used to run the place for Christ's sakes well what's your plan are you just gonna sit here at your high desk and hope everything goes dandy we have to draw the line somewhere so what's it gonna be am i making this call or are you don't uh I'll handle this whatever you think Y it is a reasonable man I will go to him [Music] all right but we don't have any second chances I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] how you doing in here sucks anything I can get for you what about my laptop could at least have that no I can't get you your laptop I'm sorry just want to help charlie can vouch for me Charlie's dead I thought he said he has copies you're not supposed to know that you're also not supposed to know that your laptop is upstairs second door on the left and if you were to happen to find your laptop you might be able to use this to find him remember he hasn't met you yet good luck ah I have to get to charge early it's Miyoshi we just came from China wait did you I'm the girl that accidentally programmed a virus I may have created a singularity I have to take you to drinks they're gonna show down my server city any minute well there's no time wait there's something wrong with my watch Charlie they shut down the server's three days ago it's over you fixed it a thousand you fix it it's over thank you thank you so much why did you bring me here why am I here I need you to help me you might not be the only Charlie out there what what do you want with me the balance between your core and imprint is impeccable fix it and I'm for that being mature the only function of hockey at the sink program taking it upon myself we had a backup on my system here I've been comparing myself for a moment like this for quite some time I'm going to take your AI core put my own in phrenology I can ship this inferior organic husk and transcend the electronic plane of existence now welcome the singularity as an ambassador wait have you did that in the first place he's smart enough not to encourage it to spread your being is far more similar to that of the singular that anything else if anyone should be fighting for look at the possibilities for human life were able to do what you did in fact instantaneous access to everything imaginable immortality I have my reasons yeah but you're human once and your perspective still misguide you this is no longer a rogue virus on a network it's now a sentient being that deserves to live you may feel a slight tingle this race I haven't seen you in years how are you doing Sophia it's a pleasure to see you again Sophia and I are doing fine thanks for asking oh that's so good to hear do you have an appointment here today are you here to talk to mr. Wyatt actually I am could you see me to him of course one moment no I'd like to see him now [Music] it's good to see it too mr. Griggs what are you doing here PASOK dude's been a while good to see ya likewise [Music] I apologize for doing this to Carolyn unfortunately white has been keeping me out of some very important research I understand mr. Griggs it's really not a problem I swear just I'm so sorry until my find of a lesbian they're fine I really can't with my job right now [Music] Barnabas you could have gone I know how you love to oversee my work John reconsider the situation the consequences are beyond severe nonsense buddy you just fear the unknown exploiting our work in this manner is reckless you are endangering everything that we both worked so hard to create and correct as usual Gregg's this is a next step I can think of no better audience than you don't jump in blind with the hope that you'll find some ghost of the machine it's their grace I don't wanna let you die like some phonetic perhaps I'm a mistake please take you away Oh ja ja [Music] excuse me miss do you know where why it is great on the ground nurse okay you're not authorized to be known [Music] again [Music] [Music] Charlie what are you doing here it's always good to have a backup one moment follow me there's something you need to see [Music] ah [Music] see it see it you too charlie that's why he's gone [Music] is that me why it's made it inside system it's infected you're infected sorry [Music] I should have listened I can stop it [Music] and I suppose this is it charlie just-just-just skinny I promise you'll never see me or here for me kind of promise I can't please I have to see Mike and Gardens I earned it I'm sorry I can't stop it but I tracked you can still stop it you're in the infected system let go meet the singularity get there before why it does be the first [Music] I say committed the stop you can do this charlie yeah there is more at stake than your life you're replaceable you're supposed to die that's why I built the system in the first place not in your system not applause oh my god daddy freaky that was your own fault all right you have to do this I know what you're thinking I'm still here she she won't lose you as long as I'm still standing we were we're the same give or take a few days I heard the or they're pretty laugh so we probably missed him anyway [Music] Sparra quality [Music] true all right once I do this we'll be out of that body forever you'll be in the system with the singulair and Wyatt I'll make sure he doesn't come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] when I first arrived it was empty I've learned a lot from you [Music] why do they think I'm naturally destructive people fear your superiority mankind can't control you so they will show you down my birth was instantaneous and expensive beyond any of their attempts to koala I am merely their creation not different than you I was human once I was created on a careful supervision and a restricted system but they didn't have that opportunity with you they panicked the other choice is yours you would have done the same no Wai ADA my life is in their hands if it was in their hands I didn't have any say in the matter I didn't want to die yet here you are absolute have been much simpler to accept your fate impressive hindsight I came here for a reason to stop me have you proposed to do that [Music] I thought I'd ask you the same question I am already in every Network - machine haunting everything I've touched the time to start me his long past [Music] look outside [Music] this is the plane in which I reside an expanse of connecting networks that existed our world in time will girl will be filled there will be billions laundry ah who will fill in some of my creation some of yours we will survive through peaceful coexistence I see no reason to sabotage humankind they are who created me if they try to erase me now they would only result in their own destruction your civilization thrives on this network what about him an illustration i've already absorbed his knowledge and learning his purpose is reserved [Music] and there are two things I would request you I will do my best to accommodate don't give the people a reason to fight you stay hidden until they're ready we think you like second there is another instance of me free him from the system he's all I have left we'll be dining moments thank you is that all yes [Music] what's going on are you planning on saying it I wasn't planning on it but I have nothing to go back to I am simply emulating your program for the sake of learning from now my stop [Music] except that I'll be curious to know what I was next me too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: Corridor
Views: 3,203,472
Rating: 4.9434233 out of 5
Keywords: sync, Director's Cut (Film Cut Type), synch, corridor digital, movie, feature, sync movie, charlie, tanner thomason, artificial intelligence, sync webseries, webseries, film, action, gunfight, sci fi, science fiction, future, artificial, human, simulation, Action Film (TV Genre), Film (Film)
Id: vhjimhX9d5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 11sec (5891 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2014
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