Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 16

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I do hope they get Charlie Cox on

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThatIowanGuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is that Gui DaSilva (or however you spell it)? He’s awesome, and served as the Stunt double for Black Panther as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Musicnote328 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

F for the flies tho, what great timing when the other fly landed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beandemort πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dig it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Transposer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loads of respect for that guy, stunt performers go through so much to bring us the action and thrills we love and get so little of the recognition for it. They should given him better padding for that fall!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stroopwafelling πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Clint: Dude that move, that move Gui: There's been times where I've been to the verge of tears Niko: It's actually giving me a headache trying to watch this and like analyze it Clint: This is all i'm seeing [Laughter] Niko: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Stuntmen React Niko: We're happy to be able to finally film with guests again and Gui has graciously come in Niko: Gui is a legend, he's done some incredible things Niko: He's going to give you that professional insight into one of the most unique and coolest jobs that you could ever possibly have Clint: So yeah, we're gonna hop into some clips here Clint: Let's get started with one of my favorite Kung fu movies of all time Clint: Kung Fu Hustle is directed by one of my all-time favorite directors Clint: I could go on for hours about how much I love Stephen Chow Gui: I love his versatility Clint: Same Gui: Definitely one of my favorite directors of all time Clint: He is a genius [Yelling] Clint: So good Gui: So he's in... he's on a Hong Kong harness Gui: Which only... it's like a belt and it goes through... it's similar to what climbing harness looks like Clint: Okay Gui: He's picked at the hips, so that when he jumps Gui: They... they time it with him and doesn't lift up his shirt or anything like that Gui: What I really like about the Hong Kong harness is the fact that it allows Gui: Your athleticism to be part of the performance rather than you just going for the ride Clint: Yeah Gui: In a sense, which they need him to do at this moment because he has to Gui: Be in rhythm with them and bounce and jump at the same time and throw the kicks and land Gui: And have that weight on top of it Niko: Kicks them so hard dust comes off of them Niko: They need to wash their clothes some more Clint: Wait a second Clint: How'd they get that dust puff, on that face kick right here? Clint: Look at this Gui: Yeah Clint: Did he throw it with his hand? Gui: No Gui: It's on his foot Niko: It just flicks off his toe Niko: Also in a little bit later you can see there's a part where he just slides his foot through a pile to kick it up into the air, also Niko: Gui, what do you use for that dust? Gui: I mean usually you use baby powder, but there is another kind of dust that's a little bit thicker, that we use Niko: You just slam his head on the ground Niko: Nope Gui: No, he didn't he saved himself Clint: That was a shoulder or something Gui: That was great Gui: That was actually a really good reaction Clint: He got caught Gui: Pow! look he used his arm to save himself Clint: He was like, "Boom!" Gui: Just enough Gui: Just... just... just enough Clint: Dude that enough got launched Clint: Look at this guy... roller coaster ride Niko: That's so rad such a sick reveal Gui: well this part's cg, right Clint: That's real Gui: This is real and then he goes [Metal clinking] Gui: Absolutely VFX Gui: And then this is just glued together Gui: I believe it's Hung Ga Gui: It's a northern style, so it's very deep stances Gui: The style tiger that you see in kung fu films for the most part is of that origin Gui: Which also will explain why a lot of the... Gui: Martial arts movements of this style is it's always so big and round Gui: Because they're actually hitting with their forearms more than their fists at times Clint: Dude that move Gui: Yeah, that double the jump split back kicks Clint: He does a really good job of making impossible moves look possible Gui: Right, He's very anime inspired Clint: Yeah Gui: That's what I really liked about Kung Fu Hustle and resonated with me Gui: Was his ability to take ideas from animation and put it into live action Clint: Dude, 100% Clint: He is the best director who's done anime to live action style Gui: Yes Clint: Um, like Shaolin Soccer Clint: Dude Gui: Right Clint: Dude Gui: Just doing it non-stop and everybody's just running out Gui: "Ahhh... We're going to get hit... Ahhh..." Niko: Dude aim for the top hats [Laughter] Gui: So much style, so much, like, that... that soul that's in it makes it even more fun to watch Niko: He's got the craziness in his eyes Niko: He's got that desperate... yeah Niko: He stomps with his foot when he hits at the same time and he holds it and everything just shakes because there's so much force behind it Clint: Yeah Niko: And like his chest is back, you know, it's like [Grunts] Gui: Oh, man [Grunts] Clint: Yeah Clint: It's so sick Gui: It's so important [Fly buzzing] [Smack] Gui: Oh you.... mot- Niko: If anybody catches a fly on screen by the way Gui: I'm gonna... I'm ummm... Gui: By the end of this episode that that fly is mine Clint: Hey, we love hearing from you guys Clint: What's your favorite martial arts movie, in fact, what's your favorite martial arts scene? Clint: Leave a comment down below Clint: We love taking a look Clint: We'll break it down on the show right here Gui: There's... there's been times on this show, where I've doubled, uh, Turk, where I've been to the verge of tears Clint: Whoah Gui: Because of how... how... how much it hurts working nights, in New York City, during the fall winter is not fun Clint: Okay Gui: So, there's a fall here that I wasn't a fan of Clint: Ooh... Gui: So it's New York City, it's 2 a.m Gui: Close to 15 degrees outside and it's about 10 feet... 15 feet Gui: They are like, "He's... you're gonna you're gonna hit and splat" Gui: I'm like, "Cool. This is gonna be great" Gui: "We're gonna put a little neoprene mat for you" Gui: And neoprene's like this thick, you know Gui: That neoprene was actually harder than the roof Niko: Really? Clint: What? Gui: Because when it's cold it stiffens up even more Gui: I did that maybe seven times Gui: I might as well should have just been landing on the ground without it Gui: Because it's not only just the impact, but then it's the freezing burn that comes after it Gui: Of your palms getting... scraping across your... your chest, get smacking Gui: And that wasn't fun, at all Clint: Here's my thing though Gui: Hmm? Clint: In the edit.... Well, you don't see the full thing Gui: Right, there's more to the chase than what they actually showed Gui: And they... they cut a good chunk of it out Gui: So i'm supposed to land on it... on a lower ledge, then jump to the stairs that you see over there Gui: And then i'm supposed to run and instead of go down the last flight i'm supposed to just jump Gui: And just try to make it, and that's what we do, but you know, you don't see it in the shot Gui: It just looks like I fell from on top of the ledge Gui: So again, you do a whole bunch of work and at times you're only going to get a third of it shown, you know, in the edit Gui: Charlie Cox is really cool though Gui: We were doing squats to stay warm Gui: He does squats before every scene, like, before they start action Gui: He... he pumps his heart up, he just gets it going Clint: Every... like no matter it's cold, no matter it's hot... everything? Gui: Yep Gui: I'm gonna tell him he should come on here Niko: Yeah? Gui: And then you guys should do an actor's react Niko: You think he would do that? Gui: I don't see why not [Phone chimes] Niko: Wait, hold on... hold on... hold on Niko: Charlie Cox just called me and he said, "Niko i'm not going to go on your show" Niko: "Until Corridor Crew gets 4 million subscribers" Niko: I'm like you know what, Charlie Cox? We're at 3.91 Gui: Whoah Niko: So we just need 90 000 subscribers Gui: Come on Niko: That's right guys Niko: Help us get Charlie Cox on the show, right now [Fly buzzing] [Smack] Gui: Hey Gui: Did you get it? [Gasping] Gui: You got it Oh my god Clint: Okay, close up Gui: Get it [Fly buzzes off] Everyone: Whoah! Gui: You got duked [Laughter] Niko: Clint punches like a pansy [Laughter] Clint: It's health bar is like down a little bit now Gui: It's half now Clint: Yeah Gui: It's moving a little slower now Niko: So Game of Thrones has some great sword fights and has some not great sword fights [Laughter] Niko: I remember being pretty disappointed with this fight scene Clint: "Whoah" [Grunts] [Laughter] Gui: Oh god Niko: These shots aren't really even showing any beat in particular, like, there you go, okay Niko: You show the block and then you show the swing and then... woohoo Gui: Like... what? Now his sword is all ready... and he's going for a thrust Gui: So I feel like they double cut that Gui: So that strike that we see... that overhand it Gui: The close-up that follows afterwards is actually for that strike Niko: Yeah, I agree 100%, that's just... that's the same move right there, play it again [Record scratch] Clint: What was that? [Laughter] Niko: She goes... [Grunts] Niko: And then she- Clint: Runs away Niko: Runs away [Laughter] Niko: "Just kidding, I'm back in the fight" Niko: Oh she won, she's bested him somehow Gui: No Clint: How? I like literally... how? Clint: Hold on... hold on... hold on... [Laughter] Gui: She kicked him in the back of the knee Clint: Like, actually, what happened... like really what happened? Gui: Spin moved and then she kicked him Niko: She kicked him in the... face Clint: This is all i'm seeing Clint: Like Gui: I feel like Clint: That's all I'm seeing Gui: She did that move once and they made it look like she did it twice Niko: Yeah Clint: Okay, that's probably what it was, and then somehow he's down Clint: I still don't know how he's down Gui: Right here Gui: It's right... kick Clint: Dude... blink [Laughter] Gui: Kick [Grunts] Clint: In the most like- Niko: And then it cuts to her on the impact for some reason Clint: The most backwards, like, far away angle for a kick Niko: Also the hound is like the toughest motherf****** in Westeros Niko: He gets bonked in the chin with her toe and now he's down Niko: Yeah, it's actually it's like it's actually giving me a headache trying to watch this and like analyze it Gui: I'm trying to follow it Niko: Like, it's cut so roughly and like yeah, just none of the angles flow like they're forcing Niko: They're forcing it really hard Clint: Yeah, like I can't breathe watching this [Pained yelling] Clint: Yeah, this is better than the Sword fight Gui: Yeah Clint: But it's still it's getting a little... oof... getting a little Gui: Oh, now we're jumping Niko: It feels like a camera crew was just told to get a couple angles of a fight scene Niko: So they did and then there's just no cohesion Clint: You think they were just out there? Clint: They're like, "all right, we gotta film all this stuff" Clint: "You guys just just film this section, just film the fight scene" Niko: I kind of feel... I don't know man Niko: Like it was really... this is a big build-up and I think it was just a case of like, you know Niko: Both the actors wanted to do the scene themselves Niko: Some people just don't quite have it yet for sword fighting, you know Niko: When they did the Matrix, you know, Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne Niko: They all had to train for like months and months and months, and I feel like this is like a couple weeks Gui: And it's also TV Niko: It's also TV Gui: There's been good fights on this show Gui: The Battle of the Bastards Gui: That was very well done Niko: It was an amazing fight scene Gui: And Niko: The trial by combat Niko: Oh, that's a good fight scene Gui: Liang is dope, the same dude choreographed and doubled, uh, for that fight scene Gui: He is in Mission Impossible Fallout, he fought Henry Cavill and- Gui: Yeah, so... they've captured stuff way better than that Niko: Let's just say they didn't have a lot of time on set Niko: You know, I would I would ascertain they maybe had a day or two to shoot this entire scene Niko: Gui? Gui: Yes? Niko: What would you do to make the scene better? Gui: I would get the shots that you need with your actors, your big points, and then I would use the wides that they have Gui: Where they're using the stunt performers and let that be the... the brandishing of the fight choreography and then cut in for the more visceral Gui: Intimate scenes that come on later on, but then it's up to the editor to make that come to fruition Gui: And I don't think it happened here Gui: And I get what they're trying to do because these are two very important characters to the story Gui: And they want to show them both being powerful Gui: But they're trying to get to the point of Brienne being able to win, her being a better fighter Gui: They could have played more to that and showed how she has to be smarter Gui: She has to be more strategic than just also being a brawler, or if they want her to just be a brawler Gui: Then they should just clash swords Gui: Somehow they both get disarmed and get right to the point of the nitty-gritty where they're punching and headbutting one another and then show Gui: Who has the best who, who has the most heart in that aspect Niko: What I would do is I would make it almost just like a uh Niko: Like a samurai showdown, where it's like, two dudes stare at each other talk Niko: Look Niko: Like they shot their hands up in the swords, the blades shining in the sunlight, the sweat dripping down the chin Niko: And they yell, they right each other Niko: "Bling bling bling" and they break apart again, and it's just like two or three hits Niko: And I wouldn't worry about the choreography at all because clearly the choreography isn't that good Niko: It would just be entirely about the emotion Gui: Setting up a fight and doing a fight Gui: On tel-, for television and doing it for film or you, you have different time with your actors in comparison Gui: They also have to... they're probably trying to shoot multiple things at the same time Gui: Because it's shot in so many different places and I wonder if this was a splinter unit trying to get this fight together Gui: So, I give them some sort of leeway, but they got way too much money and budget for game of thrones to look like this Ashton: I saw someone die late last night Have you been taking your medication? Ashton: You don't get it... she's here Ashton: She followed me here You're not in your right state of mind Ashton: Look [Fly buzzing] Niko: Gui catch the fly, catch the fly, it's orbiting you, wait for it Niko: There it is [Fly buzzing] [Blowing] [Smack] Oh! Niko: You did it! you did it, he's right there [Laughter] [Clapping] [Second fly buzzes] [Laughter] Niko: Oh my gosh Niko: Gui, thank you so much for joining us Niko: Guys follow Gui on instagram, if you have not Niko: He has some awesome stuff, ask him some questions. Maybe he'll respond [Smacking] Clint: What the... ? Clint: Did you get it? Christian: I got it Clint: Oh my god Niko: Oh sh- Clint: How many are there? How many are there?
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,991,944
Rating: 4.9533548 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, breakdown, analysis, behind the scenes, movies, vfx, vfx artists react, stunt double, Daredevil, Kung Fu Hustle, Game of Thrones, Brienne, The Hound
Id: qZ5ddfbur5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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