HEAVY SAFE Found In Abandon Storage Unit I Won

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oh my god wait what oh wow there you go where were you hiding out [Music] what is going on guys this is way to Floyd's ventures yet again another storage units this is going to be really cool guys have not gone on this units got it online sorcerers calm and we're ready to rock guys paid five hundred and twenty dollars for this unit kind of an expensive unit hoping we get it back it's a five by ten I'm here in Portland Oregon by the way and those of you who are new with this channel make sure you hit the subscribe button below right hand side make sure you hit the thumbs up on the Bell so you guys know when I do these I tend to do storage units once a week so let's see what happens today guys and let's see hopefully we get some good stuff and as always comment below with what you think we found it helps me a lot appreciate you guys okay so this is the lay of the land here this is the storage unit obviously I can see the guitars over there and from the picture I can see some useful instrument over here and it's not much else other than boxes like a big old rug over there so we're gonna get into this and try to do a box white box got it kind of hurry so we're about an hour away from the house so let's see what happens let's see what happens - just so you know mom is here she is gonna help out today she's the camera person and let's do this alright alright guys we're just gonna start at the very beginning and we'll kind of hurry through this but remember as always we'll do an unboxing at the house - so all right so we've got a bunch of books here not exciting but I do sell on Amazon I do have a local book buyer that buys these as well and he loves the soft back books so we're gonna put this over here let's go to the next all right another book help I'll let you see wow that is awesome huh that is really really cool China 2012 all right let's we got the first box second box what's the Bible what is this oh well it's a journal just a journal it's a nice one oh that's interesting know what that thing is don't know what's try to stop smoking I think yes smoke so I wouldn't know what if they have expiration dates on these things good what else we got it here what else we got here all right we have one more bag in this box we have a lot of food so if we get hungry see alright let's go on to the next we have some baby wash and ooh I'll take this this is grill you put like your veggies Oh that'd be good yeah you do a lot of that just as king Oh chef Tom the chef shirts all right aren't we cheating a little bit on their mind there's no cigarettes in there looks like there's a guitar accessories there we also guys are here it's in kind of bad shape but it's dirty what's the name of it it's a Jay Tanner Jay Tanner's cursor or something it's uh electric guitar guys those okay all right let's go through here looks like we just have some personal paint peed in Larson traps huh not sure I stayed on yes oh by the way whoa reseller sent me a bunch of knives mom so I know I was happy for you yes I appreciate you I forgot my knife all right so let's get to you here this looks like we have a bunch of CDs CDs a lot of them here so definitely incentive music right here remember we paid five hundred and fifty bucks for this unit hopefully we find some good stuff in here oh we have comic books in here they're very collectible yes gosh um some I am will go through these in more detail guys when we get over is on some of them yeah so we'll go into these in more detail and after I feel all will put everything in the box trip box rookies is down below there all right so let's talk to the next one looks like a bunch of CDs comic books and some crafts arts and crafts stuff here next looks like we just have a bunch of clothes somebody worked at plaid pantry oh they don't go for a ton of money Yvonne he's too but it's a bunch of clothes in here guys and old Mac Church walk up to these I definitely do so close all clothes and continue on all right we found one of these this is accordion right yes I think it's called that they can correct me and it's missing a couple buttons here but yes is connect let's just say I'm not musically inclined here anyways since we're not we don't know how to work this thing no somebody does okay this is really cool mom you wanted one of these yes I did I think music sounds good on vinyl yeah and I bet it works too he was into music so I'm also look I don't know exactly how much this thing goes for but we can just look up the model number on eBay so we're getting closer to paying the unit off Wow is this homemade it sure looks at meat it and see carefully and see what it uh it's homemade yeah so this is probably ionic rawhiders yeah Wow this is a horn yeah that's deer horn yes we're good now the combination of everything in here guys loose collar Wow okay let's continue here so it looks like we have some scarfs in here we have a little made in Europe figurine it's kind of cool oh we have some you can make blankets and stuff right yes yarn I'm always game for now that is a note sapiens that know this guy oh he must have made his own figurines you know like him [Applause] look just some random marbles some wearables actually sell some more marbles this it feels like brass to me well it's gonna cool huh - candleholder yeah not much else is here guys pretty empty 50 ft let's continue here let's go to see you wow this is really cool that's for a band isn't it yeah the marching band only but this looks old-school to me oh no you got from Goodwill for 10 bucks but hey yeah this is uh I don't know anything about marching bands this is crazy though there are some more hats in here well this was let's just say it's had better days maybe he was an actor that you look like different this is beautiful though oh that's really cool looks like for a stage possibly possibly for a stage guys can see it it's all in here they've got another one in here too that's really cool we're just all box by box guys is in here hope we're gonna have to give this personal I always give all the pictures back we have two plates this must been a college student to please Polly needed yeah nanny's got a pan yep basics tools of the trade I remember he was a chef so maybe get good good here let me see so we've still have the sugar which is awesome looks like I'm gonna use forever Wow it's awesome it's really cool to Vegas oh wow get some coins and they're getting closer to five hundred fifty bucks alright so not bad let's let's continue so we need to get some goodies in here though cuz we do need to we have a lot of we have a lot of room we need to make up although that a few instruments I think is good here here mom you gonna hold that bad boy I'll show them what's in here oh that's probably not an Iron Man just yeah just a phone this guy that's it that's a joker Wow something on it really cool out lock these things up and so on what car is really good for selling like kitchen stuff and all right what do we have a joker and the joke's on us right now so no we get hungry oh gosh we can start a fire we have an umbrella some vhss Joker more vhss know what that thing is all right off to the Knicks bucks this hey Mike what do we have here oh now we're getting somewhere maybe Wow can you guys hear that Wayne so it's just us handcrafted I think it's made in China it's really interesting though huh that's really cool that is cool there's the top you have a straps too yeah you need stuff right Oh what is in here this is a romantic oh wow look at this look I don't know if it's made to look old yeah I probably made to look old some pictures I want to give those back this is a box I can do with one hand but pearls want to see if does a real drain them against our teeth yeah I'll show inside mom I've got a bunch of coins in there guys so that's a really cool box though wants to go through that remember guys we're gonna always do follow-up videos so at the house we can go on these deeper oh oh somebody was a hunter I bet this for a little bit well just see shall we then you pull up eBay pull up the salts and cops on this bag yeah this game Wow well then we go to souls we've granted everything's there so this game sold prions for 60 bucks and that was on the 11th good 10 11 so there it's all there I bet it is though cuz people that are like so I mean right there that helps out with a little bit of a unit and I'm not sure how much the guitar is worth or the turntable so want to see on those let's go what is this bad boy he likes his wine this is wine yeah doesn't fine that's a cool picture yeah this is made in Holland this is cuter oh that's my pewter I like that well it's got an initial on the front I know pewter goes for a little bit right I think so oh yeah rest in peace my max I know you're not getting the next show yeah this is Disney 2004 right this may go for some money right wow it's nice this may go for some money wow that's awesome I don't know exactly how much that guy goes for figure it out some I know some [Laughter] guys put in the in the comments what you guys think all this stuff is worth he was really into pirates yeah I mean obviously that's the common theme here with pirates you know yep this is very old but it's kind of greasy alright well let's be careful with you sir you made me worse money I don't know and we have I know this is going to be working with it I don't know I think it is I've sold a lot of pewter stuff oh man this is heavy I think it has a us on the front of it oh just a bunch of patches on here Bomber Jacket Tomcat I mean it's obviously got a lot of yeah but somebody will still want that x-ray jeans jacket all right we have a bunch of food in here that seems to be a common theme you may play The Simpsons interesting purplevelvet yeah it's all oh wow let free made in India their breath yeah no no I think oh did you see the dust pop off nothing always the treasure heads all right yep alright let's see what's in this big boy here a pair shoes Skechers look at the clothes here actually so books there's a mug yeah you have them for sale already yeah so many low OH let's show them inside shall we there's no book no maybe it's like a journal on all terminal just let it a von holster it says James something it's kind of any of these no wonder they broke there's nothing reps repping them oh I know Samantha knows way more and we have an HP wants to go through this at the house you don't have that one no nope some somebody vomits well for good money but good portion of Oman I don't suffer oh man good thing I have a dolly oh my god Wade oh wow there you go what were you fighting at huh where were you hiding you've gotten them before but I don't think no if you've got one that big no I this one's heavier duty so some those of you guys don't know you get a lot of a lot of safes in storage units and some of the cheap black ones you can hit on the corners and they'll break but a lot of times there's not nothing in there I've only had one safe with stuff in it but like you can see the sticker still in here $485 so this was kind of an expensive safe so I know that you can probably get something like this picked and resell just the safe alone oh boy I have to take it to like a like a shop that you know sell safes that can pick it in to show that you bought the storage unit try suckers heavy no they won't but I mean it's looks almost looks nor see here let's see if some random yes I'll take it to a guy and see if we can unlock it and so I'll put it towards the end of the video hopefully but no it looks heavy don't worry yourself that is awesome now I am so excited I just I just want there to be something in there this time what's up because some few times there wasn't yeah oh that's cool I love journals he must been a journal or you look don't want his journals back and he loves like the older style too but you know oh here's some more you know I we really do have to have someone look at those this one he paid 80 bucks for back in row eight so yeah I've got him on here looks like it's focused - yeah I saw a Batman when the first bunch wants it want to check that out this guy what let me show them I don't know how much these things go for cuz i dont actually sold one but i'm hoping for you hoping this thing is a mac looks like a mac yeah this rose here we go oh wow it is a Macintosh so it's a Macintosh Plus this is pull this thing out yeah yeah I mean I honestly don't know how much these things go for cuz I've never got one out of a unit I never picked one but I mean it looks in really good condition right Wow obviously I can check real quick and see if they're going for anything but that is incredible who knows this unit is something I'll to check here you take the camera off to check let me get this guy over here remember guys we're trying to go through everything here for you and then we'll go there you go casually through it here and then so it's kind of like you're here opening it yourself yes and then when you get home you go through it more we're trying to give you the full experience put TVs in here and it doesn't look broken so got a new TV that's in there I almost wanted to say how many TVs you have in your house but I did want every room oh those aren't cool those are my old motorcycle glasses aren't they oh god I don't I don't know for sure I'm just guessing folks let me know looks like those old ones yeah oh wait those do something for you into skulls bring it down here I want to show the people let's show the people look at these oh oh they're looking a really good condition too don't they yes they do they look shiny yeah I have no clue they're in their original box yeah good shape that's awesome you learned a lot doing storage units and hopefully we'll never learn at all Wow oh I love swords oh you don't let oh that is like on the last Kingdom that is very cool don't let the neighbors see it he loves them tell me close up oh I don't know if it's focusing but it is it look like it's focusing on this in all right all right so we have one oh do we have more all right yeah it all quick now that's more of a pirate this is a wood this is wood I mean honestly oh there's a little insignia I don't think they can see that anyway I think we need to take off all that focus on that damn let's yeah all right so that helps then we have this really heavy rug down here there's a few rugs I see this I wonder if hobo I think that one in the back might be Oh he's watching I hope everybody are wait does have a knife oh I was watching he has a box of knife thank you to be careful it's a nice let's go find him boxing here he likes Barbie dolls I was shocked too okay now she did say he went back east oh that's uh The Wizard of Oz hope they're all there I think that's Batman yes 1982 oh that's that woman we have a collector he left for the east coast she said and hasn't come back in eight years but he paid on it until just recently that's a special Barbie of some kind it's a it's a medieval lady Barbie it's not even opened don't know that yeah it's not open now that's awesome what is that red skunk scarecrow yeah scarecrow he's missing his hair but I'll bet we'll find it this one's an 88 oh my gosh oh that means all of them probably are The Wizard of Oz people this one says Disney but I don't see a date time I'll find one oh now we can see what's in the bottom oh my gosh guys you guys wanted a closer look right yeah there there's probably a space in another box let's open up this one real quick yeah and then I'll put all this stuff on top yeah good idea I'm anxious to see now that I know he clicked oh oh it's the keyboard an old keyboard keyboard is that to the Apple yep Apple yeah the old Apple I wonder if he has everything Wow oh this is all the Apple stuff we have to complete everything here Wow yeah yes oh my gosh dude and book mom bringing it here we have all the discs to it - that's are we so weird Wow I meant gonna do some research on to see how much stuff all right guys let's get I'm gonna get a little bit of this under control and then we'll be right back with you guys I'm gonna get a lot of these boxes out of here second actually we're in a small area let's see fragile I see a lot of cool stuff so hang tight guys all right guys we are back sorry we had to mom gosh oh we got everything loaded on that cart there so let's go and do this this cart start working on this stuff here all right so let's just start with this right here all righty this box is personal remember all the personal stuff were keeping behind oh there's some naughty stuff in here we've been finding a lot of naughty stuff lately cool playing cards yeah I don't know if we are we supposed to show you might want to cover up that one DVD there thank you all right guys we'll go through this box of dad at the house because it's a it's got a lot of adult cell on here we don't want to get what's in there we're gonna have to check and see if there's any money on there guys ever get anything like that that's what I call and see if there's any still up on the gift cards is like it's not expired the students actually know it's very eclectic through several classes a bunch of his pictures we're do some more I think we're gonna do good in in those will have them probably I'm not to take a few people yeah we got to find out harbour class classics all right so nothing too exciting here guys wants to go through this at the house comics which is this one says closed probably but what type of there might be other things too we don't know okay these are prescription pills they're all prescription and we know they're expired it's been eight years um yeah so they long story short I guess he moved to the East Coast he's gonna paint on the scene for eight years and haven't been in here yet so there's a mouth architektur SNL s now it's between the soldiers we can show that huh I'm trying to show them the best I can remember an amateur Oh your professional does its own sewing yep we're going to go through this box at the house a lot of clothes guys and some personal but no food clips you bitch Jayde yeah now you gotta be careful these box not very ooh here we go wow that's a pretty set that's a pretty that is it's kind of Victorian I guess I think he's I think he's so did everything or he had a girlfriend look sewed I don't know this is all fabric yeah some clothes let's just leave this here hold up through this at the house all right all right mom not making them sick are you I hope I'm not all right they'll let me know I know it's cool Oh get it cooler in there are they new their new look at the soles on those things Wow so let's go out these because I know there's something under them [Music] so those are interesting tapestry bad or something oh this is a old sewing machine you have sold some of Kobe Rama does look at this little portable ones yes you have wow that's awesome that one looks a little better than some that you sold yeah something for something here wow they're in there guys I don't know how much these things go for but man you feel like really good quality and they have the inside Wow you don't usually see they have the food yeah they're keeping it in good shape you must be pretty expensive see you guys are free are they for riding horses or what I'm carving that is no people I kind of like that box I think it's gonna be a good one yeah and there was an extremely good condition you know are we gonna make our money no I have it I hope so I know we never you know you never really know till you get home and go through it oh I already know we're making our money back all right guys what is that what the hell is this oh my god it's something for to make something I don't know what that's perfect don't you guys just love my intelligent comments but it's all here it looks brand-new let him see the brand maybe they can help us with it he's like a tattoo kid or something or like a same thing more dolls yeah these are some creepy look they look old like my grandmother's yeah he definitely so cuz she didn't mention a girl oh I like the ship that's really cool oh we have the key to the city oh this is kind of heavy it's musty brass looks like brass a bobblehead I'm not sure who it is Wow well what do you think mom knows pretty good huh I think it was I can't wait to see what everybody else things says plate says kitchen oh well you got it just in case I better photograph it there we go okay now we can't go by what the boxes say this is all arts and crafts and kind of stuff guys we're gonna go through the house it's in the silver box Wow interesting [Laughter] see a lot of here a lot of enthusiasm noise okay so bathroom label bathroom guys well we're not going by the labels anymore no this bathroom Oh what yeah I do need some I like the color too it could be I like different colors I'm worried about trying something that's eight years old though this is but by birth my hair off or something it's pretty meticulous ly packed sorry I like the way it sucks oh man I gotta look at this rug too maybe that rug does look older than the others that are in here it's a good good condition set all right it's been a long time since we've seen a microwave in the unit usually we you can see them all the time okay what do we got we got Peter Pan poster be careful with it it might be old well we yeah we we uh play we also saw plaid pantry Oh what is that I bet he made it oh yeah he made it it's Wayne's Halloween costume for next year Oakley [Applause] let's got a bunch of that practice up yeah stuff that he made his own fruit bar why don't we give that back with his personal stuff they won't take it oh no only take stuff that's absolutely personal like to me that is no I agree yeah if I could I'd like because there's probably no value unless he's like a famous sprang ibis or something but there's some value I'll share it with us all right can they see inside the box yes they can I was to actually what is that it's all what is that like Campbell weird all right guys so I am going to pack this stuff up on this other card over here and then we will continue with these boxes all right stay tuned guys do - all right we're back in the commercial break mommio on any show so we have this loaded here and that loaded we're not going to take it back to the truck yet we're going to get through this stuff kind of stack it over here just to show you what's in the unit feels like raining really hard out there so okay this is all personal stuff guys awesome more collectible stuff yes what is that like this is Star Wars or Star Trek sorry 1993 that makes sense 1993 Wow Batman Batman cards we have another week yeah it looks like it wasn't selling wigs lately falling no it's it's the whole thing from Beauty and the Beast oh he was on Saturday Night Live two small wigs another conehead oh the missus Wow how old are these 1993 Coneheads look at how many those are still new in the package alright yep some unused just wow guys look here's another Joker he broke but I'm gonna have to be really gentle another one yeah are cute is that r2d2 yeah 1993 all right we gotta be really careful with this thing so let's put this back we are gonna make some good you guys even if I get a crappy unit I'm gonna show you guys like the good the bad and ugly cuz I could care less you know about being perfect well you can't be perfect with a storage unit because you don't know what you got till you get in it that's what I'm saying guys so yeah the last like five or six units you've seen are like really good and have the last ones you've been showing a lot of it's already been selling something falling out this and a locket of some kind oh there's a wig [Laughter] what kind of shoes does that say they are it's my sports made in Japan Oh guys and a big hand this just must be the Halloween box yep Wow and another kilter oh he's cool yeah and you didn't put the foxes very good on the bottom okay I'm sure there's a lot more goodies in there but we will uh let's go through what the house don't need a knife with these boxes Oh what the heck that's for isn't that for a fire I thought I think it's like metal you know but this seems like it was just a costume this is a costume box so wants go through this at the house alright let me show sorry guys mom mom's working on the camera skills alright so let's go over here and see what's going on shall we Wow this one's heavy this one says paper so it looks like it's all personal yeah it's all personal this is gonna have to go back I'm still gonna look at the papers here mom come over here and I'll scoot your oh that's cool you like that one just doesn't shine look more papers I don't think the binoculars are in there now it feels like there's a lot in here we're gonna skip through all this there's a lot of costume stuff in here ooh here's a whole Marvel Cup 2011 so it's not like extremely in the white box Wow another storm attained some potpourri oh that's a serger yes Wow Atmos that's a very tiny table though I was expecting something so pretty and we go is awesome serger that is an awful tiny surgery somebody's gonna watch oh okay are they in there are not in there I'm hoping they're in there different than the other ones yeah they'd they've again like really good shape and I don't know how much these things go for but he kept them extremely nice well we're doing the singing his name is call for sole advisor he's like basically the godfather of shooting Teddy books will spare you guys we'll go through this at the house alright let's go through a couple more and then we're gonna clear this out there's some random stuff in here but hey these may be worth some money no are they bidding Co something like that are they like grills flat grills no these are like how they paint expressly oh yeah yeah they're like walks yeah and a bunch of CDs guys I can't unfortunately [Music] these boxes are really good all right mom you should know about this box all right what is that stuff it's a lot of tangled up yarn with a bunch of other stuff but got a lot of yarn in here is that this is a gas man really old gas mask I wonder what was happening in this okay fully valid this one that's be careful with because it's some pitchers woke up through this guy's at the house some pitchers we're getting there some books there's a chest down here but want to open that up what's in the woods jewelry well it's a jewelry box and there is jewelry in here there's jewelry in here but guess what guys you're not gonna show know why there's all kinds of jewelry rings watches but guess what you guys got to watch the next video oh my god [Music] it's a stay tuned type watch I'll try it in the footage to get the what I'm trying to show them everything what am i showing them a blank a big pillow we have some games ooh no sorry it's always sorry candy link and a bunch of clothes what does a guy q interview of none it's solely games game game pieces Canada guys don't discount clothes seriously some of those like leather bomber jackets I might build make some money yes big books guys we're little burn out of books we won't take them out this guy's will do this at the very hands we do have the another he met split leg playing Sims certain puck and we have a microwave all books no you don't wear gum I love to read and I read books I like the feel of a book better than on my tablet just random random stuff in there that's interesting that could be an old one from the 50s mom used to wear those oh he was making cars it's got rubber tires though maybe like a robot what is that sonic massager no I would for your it's an unusual man's Locker all right well let's go through the rest of the house for sake of time we have one more line old box should I guess books or clothes I saw them I cheated all right guys this is the storage units hopefully you guys liked it we're going to do another fall of a new book through everything individually thanks for coming guys make sure you take the subscribe button we'll do a lot more of these hopefully weekly and thanks a lot guys yeah
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 97,408
Rating: 4.6348286 out of 5
Keywords: abandon storage unit, abandon storage unit i won, abandoned, challenge, heavy safe, heavy safe found in abandon storage unit i won, live storage auction, real life storage unit auction, real storage auction, safe, safe found in abandon storage unit, storage auction, storage lockers, storage unit, storage unit i won, storage wars, storagewars, treasure, treasure hunting, buy, sell, unclaimed baggage auction, airport luggage auction, i won, storage unit haul videos, auctions, cash, money
Id: dMi1wAFXlqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 48sec (3708 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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