Bravest Patients On Bondi Rescue Ever?

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that's the worst thing that could ever happen to a man oh look at that right [Music] that's going to rip out hospital medical center hospital hospital [Music] local resident paul has come to the tower with an injury no lifeguard has ever seen before i saw this guy come shuffling towards me and then next minute he's just gone i've just been bitten on a beep beep by imagine he's poor his poor girlfriend or poor wife she won't be getting any love for a bit that's the worst thing that could ever happen to a man how why what was going on he was very lucky that there was intensive care paramedics that were already in the town that had just treated a patient and they said it was the most horrific thing that they've ever seen there was no blood he wasn't that much in pain so there's only one thing i can think of he would have been in shock i've seen a lot of weird injuries but that's the worst to avoid any confusion the paramedic clarifies how serious the injury is the dog has torn the skin from the base down to the tip who owns the dog yeah he's my mate's dog it was an accident i don't know if i could really describe what i saw but um it wasn't bleeding at all so that's probably lucky but yeah i would hate to see that ever again have you ever had any of this before um imagine and never return to working order again you'd be heartbroken [Music] paul's mate doesn't help the situation i just heard there's a lot of chinese whispers of how it really did happen i heard it was a chihuahua a little bit of labradoodle i reckon as a female for sure paramedics arrive to take paul to hospital no one misses out on inspecting the injury themselves i've seen the pictures of the aftermath and after surgery and he's bloody brave that's for sure [Music] weeks after a dog bit him in a very private place local resident paul has returned to reveal all right oh it must have been a scary day oh it was it was freaking out is this the dog yeah it didn't mean no harm it was an accident so what's the guy what happened because he was used for a swim as i went to dive over him he must have thought there was a ball there and he's jumped up and nipped me and um i didn't want to look in the water so i swam back in and i've looked and i've freaked out a bit luckily there was an ambulance here and you guys helped me out so yeah so how many stitches did you end up getting oh there's about 100 around 100 marks so yeah such a mellow dog yeah like i said it was an accident he's a good boy you know lifeguards are given an opportunity to inspect the repair work performed by doctors [Music] they've done a good job yeah give it to the doctors they've fixed you up good materials hospital i can't even really notice it yeah thanks man [Music] oh yeah yeah all right you're a special one come through this seats for you a sea urchin is a little sea creature with all these little sparks that come off it and they kind of hide in the rock crevices yeah very nicely i couldn't believe how many sea urchins were in his foot that's the worst i've seen i went to jump off the jump rock and i came back and then my wife came took me over sea urchin spikes carry toxin and are extremely brittle like needles of fine porcelain they easily break usually once they've penetrated the skin what's your name buddy cameron cameron i'm harrison i'm your surgeon for today jesse and harrison start the delicate operation removing the spines one at a time these are real tricky because they're so small and poor cameron here once he steps and then um they just snap off it's just yeah tweeze is your only hope otherwise you might have to go to the medical center and try and get them out the little worry i took it on mate he was like a little soldier he he didn't complain once about pain and now at one stage i was digging into his foot that was the biggest one in there right i feel so sorry doing that to cameron because he was in a lot of pain but we just had to get them out especially you know as quick as we can i'm pretty positive i've got all of them out [Music] jesse and harrison have taken 45 minutes to remove all the spines from cameron's good foot mate you're an absolute legend it's like nothing else you've ever felt before like miniature knives just going into your foot and then when they're pulling them out just like someone's just pushing them in even deeper sometimes the smallest injury can get the biggest reaction [Applause] 14 year old bondi local richard slipped on rocks i was walking over a new flat rock like near the apartments and there's the rock that slanted like this and i slipped off and then i got caught on another bit and it went straight down i didn't break off and stretch the skin there's no choice the nail must go it's actually stuff that's gonna rip but richard is the only one brave enough to do it i can't get it yank it yank it yank a bad infection could leave richard even worse off with no toe at all that was you or not me you're gonna keep that keep it man see this bit of skins all right glove that works thanks go ahead and put it on your pillow you never know you might get a toenail thing thanks part of a lifeguard's job to expect the unexpected on australia's busiest stretch of sand there's always something new [Music] english backpacker phil was enjoying his first swim at bondi when he got a nasty surprise a stray fishhook became embedded in his foot um it sort of like jolted me so i thought oh [ __ ] it's like a jellyfish maybe you know how the hulk's got a little bit of sticks back yeah yeah so you pull that back oh yeah it's gonna rip it straight yeah i know you need that hospital or medical center hospital hospital all right you can either get there yourself or you get an ambulance have you have travel insurance yeah but i do not want to start using all that i'll just get complicated but it's going to get complicated if we leave it any other way it's just one of those things right for a man familiar with piercings the hook isn't causing too much pain tom's humor may be harder to bear come down to bondi beach for allegedly swimming you get snagged yep right in case you're not catching on we're uh we're fishing for one liners here yeah i'm not biting get it [Music] even danny joins in with the merry punsters catching the day here oh that's bloody deep it comes out about here it comes up to about here goes in and out that's right in there [Applause] [Music] thank you once at hospital phil will be tagged treated and released she keep holding hold in the ring i had to force her get up get up
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 286,409
Rating: 4.9600921 out of 5
Keywords: best lifeguard rescues, bondi olympics, olympics, olympics 2021, olympics 2020, bondi rescue, bondi rescue 2021, best of bondi rescue, lifeguards saving peoples lives, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach rescue, best moments bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue injuries, bondi rescue sea urchin, bondi rescue funny moments, bondi rescue harrison, bondi rescue flat rock injuries, bondi rescue jesse, bondi rescue dog attack, bondi rescue worse injuries
Id: 8CQ_z5lDmkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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