BECOMING A MONSTER | Undertale Genocide #1

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Tommy's my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to undertale now I know what I said at the end of the pacifist run that I wasn't gonna play the game again and I really really wasn't I wasn't going to come back to the game at all not for videos anyway I was thinking about doing the genocide route in my spare time and I did start it I did side to genocide route my spare time before the last video went up before the ending of the actual class was ending went up so like a lot of stuff was going on inside my mind I was just going to do the genocide room on my own I got as far as killing toriel at the start and then I realized when the other episode ran up that so many people wanted to see the genocide route like almost every kilometer was people asked me to do to genocide route or disappointed that I wasn't gonna do it because not only that he wanted to see my reaction to some of the characters dying but they also wanted to see or the wanted me to like experience some of the stories which I want to see for myself as well there's apparently a big chunk of the story still missing and there was some stuff that I missed at the end of the last when I could have went all the way back to the ruins and talk to as real who talks about the story as well that I didn't do that it no I could do so there's still a whole lot left in the game have to discover and I know it seems a bit annoying to some people first off who don't like the game that I'm coming back to it I'm sorry I know you'd rather see me move off to something else but this is something that's happening I love this game so much and I don't it's the end yet I don't want this whole like community and feeling and the fan base and everything to go away from this game yet I feel like there's still more to explore out of it also I heard the genocide indie or a genocide route is shorter I might put it down a bit more cuz a lot of the stuff is gonna be the same so I might chop out some bits and just do that more pertinent parts so it doesn't go on for 10 more episodes it's not gonna go on for 10 more episodes trust me well if something at the end doesn't get him right away but there's just there's a whole lot left to do in the game and I want to go back and do it also I do know that the main enemy of the game the main protagonist name from the last time is Chara so I call it that again that's there's frisk and there's Chara that's Chara was the one that you named Sam in the last one so yeah I do know some stuff about the genocide route just from like popular culture and Facebook and Tumblr everything's wrong on my face so I didn't know that the character will call charges ferret and frisk so Chara was the one that fell into the underworld first and they're the one who died the one you're the one you play as was frisk who is a different character who just managed to look like Chara so we're gonna reset Chara and we're going to start the genocide route from the start so from my understanding the genocide route is that you have to steal every creature in an area so there's a certain amount of enemies in each area that you have to kill when you kill them all it will tell you how many are left in an area except the ruins and then the music starts to play differently or when you get into battles it'll say but nobody came so there's a lot left to do some of it I kind of know and some of it I don't so I'm curious to find out more of the story and I just loved this game so much and I wanted to play more of it so hopefully you're all ready to go on this little bit of a journey again hey don't you have anything better to do so he's acting differently now because I've already started the genocide route but they went back and reset it so he reacts differently because he remembers what you've done because flowey is the one or Azrael is the one who's able to it like remember the timelines he's able to remember the different saves that you're going through don't you have anything better to do is like let's just fight or you know what's going on at this point yes yes yes so I wonder what happens now if I actually dodge you can a dodgy little white friendliness pellets Chloe we got it your douchebag we got it actually you're not really a douchebag hey buddy let's try again okay no to polish no I don't feel like oh you know what's going on here don't you you just wanted to see me suffer oh no he's kicking him void here come on toriel save us yay I like the little sound he makes him the flame hits him so cute what a terrible creature torturing such a poor innocent youth do not be afraid my child I'm toriel caretaker of balloons so I don't know if we should be skipping all the dialogues most of it is the same or if people want to hear me like retool the dialogue I don't know wait I cuz I don't want i annoy people either come I will guide you through the catacombs so this way this should be like masters I kind of know what I'm doing this time do the shadow of the ruins looms evolve filling you with determination HP fully restored sweetness thank you door looks like a face welcome to your new home innocent one let me to educate you on puzzles toriel to be the puzzle master was the first time I played the game I didn't realize that her name is a play on the term tutorial I don't know why I do that I just like doing it only the fearless may proceed brave ones foolish ones both walk not the middle road okay Justin promises gotta be stuff that I'll miss in this too like some secrets here and there that I'm gonna miss so I'm sorry about that Rick what's the next one me too splendid and proud of you thanks go Bob good Mama's best mom except I gonna have to kill you sooner that's gonna be sad I'm even gonna track the dory I don't think the dummy actually counts as like part of the genocide route so genocide just means killing everything all characters all creatures all bosses everything everything has to die and that's one of the reasons people wanted me to play it because you have to kill some of these characters that you become so attached to and that's gonna be very hard to do dummy mom how serious means your ago the dummies are not for fighting they're there for talking we do not want to hurt anybody do we there's another puzzle in this room wonder if you can solve it of course I can you worry about mom amen okay so now I have to fight people yes but I don't know if I have to fight them before a certain time if I have to fight them before I I think it's you have to kill every creature in the area before you go on to the boss so toriel will be the boss in this area why would I have to solve this puzzle on my own you're the one who drags me through it oh well who cares but yeah this is something that I was contemplating a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot whatever I was going to do this or not and I kept saying to people who asked me are like Twitter and Tumblr that I wasn't going to do it because I don't know I felt like yeah a lot of it was rehashing the same stuff and I know a lot of people who see it that way but there's a lot different in this and it's completely different than the way you'd normally played oh I love this music too much to let it go so quickly the series ended that was so sad and I just don't want it to be over so soon I wanted to keep going I wanted to do the genocide route to see what it had to offer and I felt like I could actually blast who would have put a little a lot quicker in like 5 or less episodes I imagine have you ever get through the genocide room because I know a lot of stuff as well I'm gonna keep it in for this episode just so everybody gets me acclimatize wait you're behind this I know you're there called mom greetings my child do not worry I did not leave you I was merely behind this pillar of the whole time thank you for trusting me however there was an important reason for this exercise to test your independence yeah okay keep talking that's all the same so yeah to reapply but I speak with the days I probably leave this episode unedited and then after that or the frankness in here maybe because I kill them after that then I probably end up quit now bigger chunks where I'm just walking around and just showing certain fights because I feel like there's no point in going through it all this is Toria yes I were supposed to leave I know and I'm gonna take all the mods to candy take another piece of candy you took more candy how disgusting take a candy you took another piece you'll see like the scum of the earth take another piece Kenny ah you took too much too fast the candy spills onto the floor come on oh well let's try to fight people come on here we go ah winsome approached meekly oh I could already spare him what else wanted to plate the genocide room because now I get to use all the items that I was getting I get to use all the armor properly and I get to use all the weapons properly which is a bigger deal but I don't forget to get more than 20 [ __ ] health good office listen just keep going around here another pencil okay see I'm very confused that the genocide run as to what I'm supposed to be doing properly again I know I'm source been killing everything but I'm not sure if there's a certain way to do it I'm cinnamon or butterscotch is it cinnamon yeah let's go and set them in this type I had a feeling when humans fall down here strangely I often feel like I already know them twins fully when I first saw you I felt like I was seeing an old friend for the first time strange is it not well thank you for your selection you have seen me before hello this tutorial you cannot dislike butterscotch do you I know what your preference is but you would you turn up your nose okay ask the same Shh Godot Inc okay see I don't know if there some enemies in certain areas more women's mouths tea house a perfect attack nice I'm doing a whole 30 damage but oh you don't have any allergies do you what am I asking no reason no reason at all I know we do I know I don't never mind sorry okay I know I said I wasn't gonna edit out any parts but there's a lot of like just moving around and killing enemies like they do they I've done the puzzle in here already but there's a lot of just killing enemies to satisfy a quota and then when the save messages just say determined rather than saying that you're filled with determination and stuff like that then you'll know that you can move on so you have to kill all the enemies in an area before you fight to find the boss in the area and then your that's when the genocide route is fulfilled so rubble grinding in this what I do I get five exp and four goal and I'm at level three and I've 28 health I am not used to having so much health and money whenever I was doing it before I was 20 I have no money yay knowing that the mouse will get one day get the cheese fills you with determination it's up to the table poor little mouse one day you'll get the cheese don't worry little buddy eyes cry now his tears actually makes sense no God I forgot what your tears actually it oh Christ Napster look calm down bro would you spot your ghost pick it just looking alone really not feeling up to it right now sorry that's the block is wishing they weren't here me too nasty it's alright hey I gotta kill him you do know you can't kill ghosts right we're sorted in court for you know I was just lowering my hates me because I didn't want to be rude haha sorry I just made this more awkward pretend you beat me oh I lost an experience point that's the block be a bro bro wait what's down here oh wait a bake sale yes I definitely want to do this doesn't actually do I but guys now I'm gonna fight I have to fight full fat this time instead of sparing her so does that affect that I have no idea I'm not encountering any more enemies either normally strange let's just save anyway none of the projects are here hello I just realized that it's been worth I've cleaned up I was not expecting to have company so soon they're brought me a lot of things lying about here and there you can pick them up but do not carry more than you need someday you might see something you really like you would want to leave room in your pockets for that used to be frog gets in here I saw a flower did you see him yeah oh soon wonder if I go back will we see him again so that was one of the things in the second episode that whatever is going through you were able to see flower here and there but oh I didn't know the scenarios in which you showed up so he that keeps an eye on you sweets the special toys in this area and there's a ribbon down here I think yep you found faded ribbon wait the plated ribbon wait rivers our defense plus three if you're cuter monsters won't hit you as hurt I'm a cutie huh let me take off a bandage wait suppose we venture towards in this area I kill them all okay we flip the switch anyway just in case where are the hallways at there was definitely about Detroit down here he's gone cuz I killed people I know I remember this puzzle now yay oh I do I it was it was the red one right no it was this one what am I talking quick no yeah click the switch yeah you hear up tickety clack it's right now hmm look at me go and then you press the red one clickety clack and then you press the water on the left i clickety clack I'm a genius oh okay I think genocide is in full effect no it just says determination all the music changes that's awesome now you're getting counters with it you says but nobody can oh oh I like this no I'm a scary little baby look at me now look at little chair ago yeah yeah I get it that's kind of annoying the whole now you keep saying that I'm getting encounters but nobody Hey just say no encounters hi ma'am okay now I can do this puzzle well you see well you see God same thing okay there's such a dirt that music is really creepy though Jesus stop that game you were freaking me out really really really scary sounds man this is all nice it here again okay so take me to my room all this stuff is gonna be same I should rub my head no I'm gonna have to kill you soon that sucks I'm gonna sleep yeah and we saw in their path the true pacifist ending that she came into the room and I put it on the floor and left again so that he actually got to see the way it happened oh wait does the mirror actually change anything now it's not a yellow flower no wait but I've seen these things before you've seen this type of fight before but do not know its name yeah I've seen them a lot everywhere supposed to be a waterfall it's me Chara didn't it's a it's it's you before or it's me wait would there's the yellow flower wowie taifa a group of wetland flowery plants with brown oblong seed pods our water sausages that we know the name of them the cactus truly the most Andheri of plants actually don't know how to pass that word wait will it say it now if I go to the sausage oh it is a water sausage ah it's a cool little lamb a cool little detail also I think something happens when I go into the kitchen so yeah I know some stuff that goes on in the genocide room because again my frequent tumbler a lot and I see a lot of gifts a lot of pictures a lot of talk about these things so I kind of do it yeah where are the knives Kara's a badass and I going to know the first human the fell out its frisk and Chara those are the names that I thought that tumblr had given them at one point but it turns out that that's the name of the characters canonically in the game but the person that you named in the game is actually the first human who fell in I'm not the person you're playing us so you're naming the first fallen human not the character you're playing as whereas your playing is frisk all the time unless you do the genocide route which changes some things I'm already I see yes we've lot of books do you want to learn about snails oh yes she talked to you I wanted to be a teacher they should becomes a teacher in the ending but you want something when can I go home this this is your home now would you like to hear this book I'm reading okay so I don't know if I've to be a [ __ ] all the time so I'm just gonna keep asking Hoshi as she says about the snails anyway how to exit the ruins I have to do something stay here nope nope nope I'm gonna beat you out of the room actually gone anyway so we can speed up all these encounters now and all that all most of the dialogue is all the same anyway until you start killing people see this is all the same anyway so no one will ever be able to leave again now be a good child and go upstairs no musics back ah every human that falls down here meets the same fate I've seen it again and again they come they leave they die your naive child who leave the ruins özgür will kill you what do you say they the other bosses as well oh man so I've killed toriel already because I wanted to do to genocide ruin my own and then I realized I was playing it wrong do you know something that I do not oh god I was skipping the dialogue ok now all the dialogue is the same she knows that I have killed her before no that is impossible sorry got mom Toria blocks away whoa you really hate me that much I killed her one hit Jesus Christ okay so I didn't I was gonna do the genocide ruin my own I said I was gonna do videos on it but then as I said there was a sheer overwhelming response of people saying please do the genocide route so I decided that like this channel is all about like experiences and me and you guys all together so I thought why not just do it again and keep the experience of undertow going so I went in a kilt Oriole before that already before I had seen what the response of the other video was and it did she did not die in one hit that's that was completely different it took ages to kill her but now it she died in one hit because I realized I wasn't doing the genocide route properly anyway I had to kill all the monsters I was just killing everything I ran into we're still going along normally so now I know what I'm doing now I see who I was protecting keeping you here not you so sure she thought that she was protecting me by keeping me it oh well I thought I could move towards her heart whoa oh god what's flowy gonna say no now the music is gone oh god this is tense genocide is different there's a whole like different atmosphere about it because I you have to really like embody the whole like I'm going to kill everybody cuz that's what it's supposed to be about that your character has suddenly become like I don't know if they are aware of what's going on from before or if they just feel like they want to kill everything I know cuz frisk wouldn't do that Carroll would or Kara maybe it's Kara I don't know I'm gonna say Chara sorry no you're empty inside just like me in fact your chatter we're still inseparable after all these years see he knows what's going on he knows that I'm the first human that fell down because that was the person in the tapes then it was Chara who heard they made asgore sick and then they got sick and then they died and Azrael brought in to the surface we're in a floury brought in to the surface and then he got attacked I can't I can't remember the specifics of it even more powerful than you and your stolen soul let's destroy everything in this wretched world everyone oh god that was dust Orioles face everything in these worthless memories let's serve all to dust whoa he just said that's a wonderful idea and now it's not like hey I'm here to stop you now it's kinda like let's do this together I hate it but I kinda like it I kind of like this whole mentality maybe it's cuz I'm crazy really take I'm curious why Toby Fox we got it we've seen all this before curious to see how hot sands reacts now also now this makes sense there's a camera hidden in the bushes coz alpha is looking at you this isn't the music that was here before is it I know but the branch has to break which is really cool yeah and now we get to talk another reason I want to do this as well it's cuz now we get to talk about sands because this is where sands comes into play because sands has always been like a little bit of a mischievous character and I've kind of known a lot about him for a while again because of the internet what ah he's just he's the coolest character in the game and then the true pacifist route doesn't show you that it doesn't show your Hawaii he's the coolest it kind of does and if but it you really find out in this human oh I already turned around okay so that's the same coz or me it was like turn around and greet me the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick it's always funny that's your cue to laugh or to emote at all gee lady know how to pick em ha oh he's talked about toriel oh she's dead okay that's fine everyone's got their own sense of humor so this is all you watch for you ones right now but you know I don't really care about caption anybody now my brother papyrus he's a human cotton fanatic hey actually that's him over there I have an idea let's go through the state thing Yeah right through my bro made the boss too white to stop anyone behind I could be neatly shaped lamp I didn't go behind it okay I guess you don't have to sands have you found a human yet yeah really wow this is all new what that worked out huh oh my god are you just gonna stare at me or just conveniently shape lamp well I'll be straightforward with you my brother really like to see a human so you know really helped me out if you kept pretending to be one he knows if you keep pretending to be a human but not really also remember house Lansley goes one way but always ends up in the other direction it was like let's go to groobie's he went to the right we ended up with the left anyway that's one of the reasons why he's so cool because sans is not normal he's not like a usual character he was one who had all the science books and I don't like I don't really feel like much of the stuff that I'm talking about anymore is spoiling things as soon as the game is already over but it's implied that sans can teleport because of that sixteen left now just even say you're filled with determination now it's just like you've 16 enemies left to kill in this area fill them snow drink okay it's so weird to come back and play all these monsters now have you fought something like Omegas Bowie and see how easy all these guys are well let's say 15 left No yes so I feel like I have to just keep grinding the music is different as well the music is slower oh this is the guys fishing rod yeah they like call me here's mine over because he put out a line hey sir I think I just have to kill the wall before I fight papyrus so sands when's this human showing up I want to look my Sunday best all right least my choose a pretty good don't you only have one outfit yeah but I could style my hair you don't have here oh right great see why don't you look over there Thank You dessert turning the other way as well behold oh my god why are you telling me to look at it run what in front of the rock oh my god I have no idea what that is well it's not a rock not no my process of elimination that means it's a human if it's not a rock that means it's a human right human prepare yourself for Fighting's for logics dangers puzzles capers capers being captured and other sorts of fun activities refreshments will be provided if you dare and you don't even bat an eye huh Oh sans nose that's why science is one of the coolest characters because he knows what's going on but I don't know if he can stop it or not who knows there's some narration on this cardboard box you observed a well-crafted sensation who can have built this you ponder I bet it was that very famous Royal Guardsman not yet a very famous Royal Guardsman it was papyrus all along okay let's kill all the enemies in here then die I stopped looking at your ice cap no more I have to fight dog oh now dick did something move wasn't my imagination I can only see moving things Hey I guess I'm shivering Orson who's there that makes more sense now because last time I was like wait brain wave to say Taylor how do I dodge his attacks because it was the blue attack I wasn't used to it back then killing these guys super easily you won you're on 30 XP and 30 gold oh no he doesn't show up okay I'm gonna defeat all the enemies in this area and then I'll come back Oh God you can keep taking snowman pieces stop please you got the Snowman piece I'm gonna use this a useless pile of snow oh god i litteraly at the Snowman awesome it was dumb last time I was like I have to talk to him actually finish the game you know in order to stop you thank you this one quite shocking you must be having culture shock back her they just walked forward on their own I didn't do that you see where I come from it's a loving tradition she suffers through horrible puzzles for no reason so I just walk back there let's [ __ ] scary a human that likes puzzles sans you know would make my brother happy if you played along no I ain't playing along I'm afraid and all ghosts that's it ghostbusters hey okay so some things are different signs is normally up there isn't he and I'm not doing there it's slow ball in the hole pause the thing now I don't fight people need to fight them okay so I might do all the dialogue right before I get the sand forgets a papyrus cuz when you when you fight for fire sin is too late to kill everybody human I hope you're ready for and where's the puzzle right there the ground trust me there's no way they'll skip this one now I move in the sands nothing whoops knew I should have put down jr. jumbled and said yes you don't like word searches huh me neither I'm over 40 pages letter guy hey what was back up to the top right I forget we go search cuz I can't miss anything which kind of sucks cuz I have to be on I have to be on point oh yes it was dog race and dogging me right so now if there's Hill them to some of these people are gonna be happy to kill because they just pissed me off and I fought like that stupid dummy guy actually no he kill himself so I don't know this is all like super fast now tenly okay let's kill them all here we go hello doggies would you like to die for me what's the smell where is that smell if you're a smell identify yourself Little Italy little afternoon today Lou let's do this return to me kill first five tough I have a tough globe now as well oh [ __ ] I forgot you're a tax one lose all blue no dude dude ever talk talk now so I can like attack a bunch of times keep sent me to Prezi I hate this attack I always sucked at dodging it last time ah good god I'm every killing so quick mail and soft fur oh god that's super fast [ __ ] sorry sorry sorry okay hit that time I am just destroying people dad already whoa all these puzzles are completed the players just even here to like tell me how to do this one spooky okay you're here for this one there's minute on in the background remember I said at the start very soon when they made him was like weren't you at the puzzle hey it's the human you're gonna love this puzzle I'm not moving them it was made are you serious they keep walking through my puzzles they're supposed to let me explain them them with my dangerous gates well maybe they don't like James everyone likes capes what about a knight doesn't she hate puzzles she hates puzzles but she loves States that makes sense what do you think puzzles or jets okay this is normally the part where you either agree or disagree and depending on your answer we say something great in response why don't you do this puzzle yourself okay we're gonna have to do half of these puzzles then what's the note say it's illegible Oh chicken scratch okay this might be fun if you tried them no I'm more of they're like killing everything whoa six left there's no statues here these sweet ones the statues like with the lung lesser dogs race or greater dog breeder dog I think [ __ ] I messed it up okay no no damn it I wasn't supposed to do that you're supposed to fix it by doing like this I remember this puzzle it gave me some problems before so now we don't know how long to like make these episodes I did it wrong again why did you keep going you're supposed to stop when you hit like this what normally happens where did you say going maybe I press the ball no now you're working there you go no you're doing it yay good go keep on a slide yeah and then you come up with snowing yet I doubt that the thing is going to be open this time either a mysterious door does I think that's what the credits were about if you dodge Oh says what's up nothing whoa so you what I mean sans can teleport that's awesome say are you following me no but I supposed to find a grift fort here there is a grift why am i safe Boosh leave me alone no you leave yourself alone everybody else your head looks like the day termination extraction machine everyone I went into the true lab there was a big giant machine that looks like a goat head that extracts the termination that looks like your face you get back so people all decorated the grift run poor little dude let's go someone decorate him they'd rather kill you get it yeah but the music sounded loud I thought of something inside my house excuse me I really doubt that this is gonna be open now it's a door come on out great a dog me and you got some tussling to do yeah I know you're cute but it's time to die actually might be getting a little too into this and supposed to feel sad right about killing all these creatures ah change raised before exactly 400 cycling dog oh man my love increased its my level of violence that's my levels I'm little ate already Jesus Christ did you count as one of the six left I'm not sure I'm more concerned with like getting numb I'm more concerned with getting the score of killing them all now rather than like worrying about who I'm killing that'll change though because it's the boss characters that I'm gonna be sad about killing not just wait how many is that that comedian talking about sans whoa he's like concerns can you know the tops all my characters kind of starting to realize that comedian he knows what's going on didn't tell me how many enemies I left though that would have been helpful that godlet human this is your final and most dangerous challenge behold the gauntlet of deadly terror now little dougie when I say the word it will fully activate this is all the same only the tiniest chance of victory will remain are you ready because well what's the holdup I'm about to activate it now let's do it come on where's that uh doesn't look very activated probably going to walk through it and it won't be fun at all this human thing well without traps and fire exactly it's weightless maybe you were right to be lazy about puzzles right about something really you're still completely wrong so I won't waste this puzzle on you I just have to appreciate the friend I already have a valuable life lesson why now I want to see you flower you're still here if I was going to show up yep oh nice oh how many times that actually happens in the game then that I just haven't been realizing Snowdon doesn't sound as cheery anymore not with this music going on anyway where are the people they're not even here take I can take things steal it took 758 G from behind the counter there's a note here please don't hurt my family oh my god that is awesome the characters aren't even here okay you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put all the monster candy in here spider doughnut and blah blah blah and a bicycle I'm just gonna steal everything or take I'm gonna take yeah well I guess it's the same thing I feel so good about this I mean terrible okay I need to equip the manly bandana cuz that's a better defense and do I have any more room in my box no okay um determination so I'm gonna drop the faded ribbon so I don't think I need them the in there's no over here oh you're here it's merely a decoy leave upstairs I can't even go upstairs oh my god this is creepy let me none of the characters are here what if I knock on the door hey what's the kid you're here yo everyone ran away and hid somewhere man Alice gonna be so dumb sometimes ha ha don't they know we've gotten dying to protect this whoa there's nobody here he can't go through the fire exit because you're not made of fire Oh cuz grill bees made of fire oh this is so unsettling the rocks are even gone no answer remember before it was like oh what a nice knock oh yeah the river person isn't there anyway like what a nice knock I wonder if I wait can I hear it again the diet guys throw in this ice cubes isn't even there man have you played the genocide route as your first route well I mean the first time you played you'd probably end up just killing a few of them I'm not going back and making sure they're all dead but if you played like the proper genocide route the true genocide route on your first try you'd miss so much you come here and wonder why the whole place is empty I'm assuming for hire assistant here it's a mail box overflowing with unread junk mail also there's a secret it's locked there's a secret door behind there it's locked oh yeah that was always locked anyway and it's locked from the inside who's in there okay oh man this is gonna be sad oh he does show up I thought he was gonna show up there for a second hi papyrus Oh human Hey quit moving while I'm talking to you some things the same first you're a freaking weirdo but the way you shamble about from place to place the way your hands are always covered in dusty powder that's like monster Souls they turn into like dust it feels like your life is going down a dangerous path however I - see great potential within you everyone can be a great person if they try and me I hardly have to try it all yeah again I'm not doing this the characters just moving on the rod hey quit moving this is exactly what I'm talking about human I think you are in need of guidance someone needs to keep you under straight and narrow but worry not hi papyrus will gladly be your friend and shooter I will turn your life right around Bernie bro I see you are approaching are you offering a hug of acceptance acceptance Oh wowie my lessons are already working I - welcome you with open arms where is the sparing you I can just spare him instantly there's no music huh do they all die in one hit well that's not what I expected your [ __ ] head came off but still I believe in you you can do a little better even if you don't think sir hi I promise no dude this is messed up it's so it's really cool as well oh man that was sad it's really cool as well cuz so much is different like almost every single screen is different in the genocide room which is in some insane attention to detail most games are like oh you can wait this way you can play it that way but most of the game is almost the exact same like lots of this has been different so far science isn't even here now yo are you sneaking out to see her too awesome she's the coolest right I want to be just like her when I grow up hey don't tell my parents I'm here ha ha it's strangely silent even the echo flowers aren't saying anything a team left oh man okay we're gonna leave this first episode of the genocide route here garden full of births this is awesome this is completely different I thought I thought first of all I didn't know like almost all the dialogue was gonna be different but I thought it was just like whatever you encounter you killed but like you have to like actively seek out lots of enemies and kill them all and I didn't know I was gonna tell you like 18 left and stuff like that or determination but this is super super uncomfortable and creepy but I kind of like it at the same time I'm curious to see where the rest of her plays out and how the characters interact differently but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like within the face Lego boys and hazel Road Shh thank you better knock the block okay we're gonna check our the music in this game is awesome that's the block attack change defense n this month with us to seem to have a sense of humor oh so again for this first episode I'm probably gonna leave in Eliza to stuff and then and like later episodes I'll only leave in some very very important parts because little with the series go on forever again but oh I'm excited
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 12,766,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Undertale, Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), Undertale Gameplay, Walkthrough, Let's Play, Playthrough, Undertale Jacksepticeye, Soundtrack, OST, characters, funny, funny game, RPG, indie RPG, indie game, best indie games, jokes, enemies, story, webcam, facecam, reaction, PC, Undertale PC, Steam, Download, Sans, Papyrus, Voices, Toriel, Steam (Software), puzzle, puzzle game, part 1, Genocide, killing everyone, genocide route, sad, evil, scary, killing all bosses, killing papyrus
Id: PlbkpzDwfJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2015
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