Malcom Reed’s Killer Hogs Competition Team at Memphis In May 2018

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all right this is coming right down the River Road Memphis in May 2018 Wednesday morning still early about 9:45 something like that things are starting to shake all the cooks meetings will be today and still pork stew got a bunch teams set them up these are the Riverside spots prime real estate nificent a rivers rolling it's just a beautiful view that's what really makes this contest special is being right here on the river that's why we love it mr. Wayne good morning gentlemen hangout done and we're coming up on crosstown and then our booth is right here killer homes there's a red trailer scaled it down a little this year but hey we're gonna get it all set up in a few minutes and it'll be looking good we are sitting on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River it is Memphis in May World Championship barbecue cooking contest you're a killer hogs booth s 328 in the shoulder division this year we've got a great view right here so we get a little breeze off the river it's not as bad nor spot smells wonderful down here you can get all the Roma the barbecue in the air it's got the downtown Memphis just the place to be if you love barbecue some days the first of the insular turn-ins they're doing the best booth contest they're doing hot wings we're doing tomato base sauce and vinegar based sauce I've got two that I'm putting in we've won with the first place with the vinegar sauce two years ago we're hoping to repeat that you know we got some cold drinks iced down over there we're just gonna have a good Thursday hit bits of Maine getting ready for the main event let's start up tomorrow with a meat inspection then we can start working on those shoulders tomorrow's when we actually bring in our contest meet our shoulders that we're cooking for the Maine contest after we get them here and get them iced down they'll come by and inspect them and then we're turning loose to work on we can inject them saw some seasoning whatever we want to do to get them cooking we usually start about noon prepping our shoulders we'll get them up i injected seasoned up later that afternoon we'll get them home probably bout five o'clock on a Friday night no cook all night the shoulder category goes first on Saturday so it's a long process I think our judging is probably like 10 o'clock 9:45 10:00 o'clock something like that I got a double check and I want to miss my turn Ian's will do a blind box entry and then we'll have three judges come by they'll sit here's this table I'll be standing up they'll be sitting in front of me and we'll present them we'll show them the grills show them how we cooked everything and I'm most important I'm gonna feed them some of the best shoulder they ever had you know a lot of love goes into these shoulders reason why they're so good reason why I think they're the best it's because we take the time we source of good quality meat we use good products on them put good clean smoke on them and then we just baby I'm not going home smoking here tomorrow I'm staying with these shoulders until the last judge and finals has that last bite then I'm gonna get broke down and then it may be time to go home after we win this thing but to help me cook shoulders of course I've got Waylon got my wife Michelle behind the camera y'all never see her but she's a big part of what we do I've got the swine live guys we may be a man down I'm in Jamie he's up in Cincinnati having to have surgery this week his brother Marc's gonna be here help us get these shoulders done Eddie Reid he's always with us here at Memphis somebody's longtime killer I've got my man Julian from California in town he always comes and helps us out here at Memphis in May we're also doing the ancillary contest this year for beef and for exotic and I've got David Magnuson his son Ryan coming they're specialists when it comes to cooking the beef category they came in and won it last year first try ever at Memphis in May they cooked a bone-in filet it was out of this world he's gonna do the same thing this year and he's also doing some deer tenderloin wrapped in bacon for the exotic and that was a fantastic dish we got it we got a good crew of folks that come help us out now we're just now getting started to me and this is my first beer on Thursday I guess it's about it's beer time writes eleven o'clock is it 11:00 foggy it's almost 11:00 a.m. first beer of the day and I'm ready to go and it's gonna be a fun week one people got started yesterday but well you know we had to keep this business forever I couldn't come out here and party yesterday with it we'll make up for it on Thursday and Friday it'll be time to get serious so it is about what 10 o'clock p.m. Friday night at Memphis in May 28 teen down here on the river fixing a Windows shelter category got my main man Mark Weiser swine life mark we go in it flat out shoulders are looking good we've got a moan out there they've been on probably about four hours we've got a couple more hours we're gonna wrap them getting some good color on them now you know it's babysitting time we got them to check down about 225 240 somewhere around there we'll wrap at midnight at least 6 hours and smoke then we gonna take them up to about 190 to something like that hold them a little bit had a good crowd today we tried to scale down this year but it's given a handful it's been brilliant full we've had visitors all day and Salieri's went good we're just kicking it man this is us 10 o'clock it's time to just hang out here to trailer watch a little college softball we'll stage up our ramp here in a little bit and get our thermometers out and put her pajamas on a gig bag but this ace they've got in that order we might yeah it may be time to get all unnecessary before we read before we wrap I'm gonna get parallel to the ground stretch out a little bit hide mark what's going down I'm gonna wrap your show about midnight when a fire stays done it's a pro great ago in them about to get our full one on down Martin said I get home color on gotta get busy so it's Saturday morning it's about eight o'clock here we're getting things set up for our own site judging this is the final day of Memphis in May 2018 and we're here cooking shoulders at Memphis in May man this is what it's all about this is what we've been waiting all year for and it's probably the the most the most fun day of the year and it's also the most nerve-wracking because you know we put all this hard work stayed up all night got a little bit of sleep just try to take some naps baby do shoulders all night but I have my thermal works probe hooked up to them and we just watch them they come on in this morning and now we've got to get ready for the judging it will be building the blind box here in a little bit and then we're also got three judges coming by so kind of tight in our area trying to make it look neat presentable and then we're gonna feed up some of the best shoulders that they've ever ate and that's my whole goal is to really wow these judges right now it's a shell behind the camera guy don't ever see her but I got my man Eddie Reed here he's getting our display cooker cleaned up here a man Mart William still back on the trailer he's getting those cookers running good and cleaned as we're getting ready to glaze I'm hearing a little bit glaze all these shoulders that we've got cooked up got a little bit more cleaning up to do we still got a couple hours before the judges are gonna be here and we're waiting on the rest of the people to get here Waylon ain't showed up yet eight o'clock don't know where he is he supposed to be bringing coffee and donut any minute they're gonna pull up we're all going giving it Bart no partner all right here it is the aftermath Nevison May 28th 10 we found out we finished 24th of shoulders so not where we wanted to be but hey we'll take it we'll give them next year won't we wasn't congratulations to the shed a mississippi team doing it again boys night out finish the second place in hog that's also long time long time overdue a shout-out to J Tennessee mojo J and Jamie great they finished 10th and ribs those Jays first time to walk the stage david magnus got 8th and exotic so we were happy about that all in all Benson made was a great weekend it's always hard it's always fun now the fun part clean up but as you can see we've about cleared out our space everybody's here at the traffic jam all you got left is hooking up and rolling out until next year we'll do it all again let's get ready to go home and do some Memorial Day cooking we'll see y'all next year we got Austin on here though he's ready he's going down to shut it down and then he's going on the tail hunt that's what he told us you want on the tail hunt there's plenty of it out here he can't find it was amazing cut it off the river it's a copy but number two's Longshanks
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 119,313
Rating: 4.9607701 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, memphis in may bbq, killer hogs bbq, killer hogs, Memphis in may, barbecue Memphis, memphis bbq fest, memphis bbq festival, champion barbecue, competition bbq, memphis in may bbq fest, killer hogs team, competition bbq team, competition barbecue
Id: dUdYww1nXDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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