Memphis In May Rib Recipe - Competition Rib Recipe

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hey welcome to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm at Memphis in May the World Championship barbecue cooking contest Super Bowl of swine got my buddy Mark Williams from swine life here with me and we're competing in the rib category this year it's Friday but we wanted to do a rib video today Memphis and may style show you what we're turning in tomorrow it's kind of a practice run for us we're gonna get our recipe down and we're gonna let y'all see how we do it so you can do it at home let's get to cooking now here at Memphis in May we're cooking twenty-four racks of ribs for judges there's three rounds of judging with the blind judging the first round of preliminary on-site and then if you make finals you've got to do it all over again and we need plenty of slabs to cook from we'll actually start cooking ribs at two different times we'll stage them so we have them getting ready at different times throughout the day that way we ensure that we had the best to choose from when it comes to giving a judge or rack of ribs so here at Memphis in May we cook baby back ribs the baby back rib is up higher on the rib cage it sits right on the loin they're also called loin backs and you can see they have a pretty good curve to them you can't just start with baby back ribs right out of the package we've got to do some trimming on them the first thing we do is always remove the membrane if you use a paper towel you can slide your fingers right underneath the bone grip it with that paper towel and rip it right off just like marks doing and then when I get them I want to cut these ribs down and so what I'm gonna do is just kind of count off the bones the best-looking ones and about right here I'm gonna come straight across and now we've got a good-looking rack of baby back ribs you don't have to do a whole lot to the loin side unless there's a lot of meat on top we want it kind of even all the way across so it cooks at the same rate and that's the perfect slab of baby back ribs this is the one that I want to go in my box I love them when the bones are straight that's okay if they have a little curve to them but you can see as these ribs cook I can easily cut between each bone and if you're looking for ribs and you're picking them out for a contest you always want to pick the straightest bones you can possibly do one reason why we do so many racks so once we have all these ribs trimmed we've got them cut down to the shape we want the membranes off the back it's time to get our first seasoning on them and here in Memphis I always put a little bit of mustard on as a binder but it also gives me that color that I can know I'm getting rub on all the surface area if I could still see mustard I missed a spot it's going to help get an even layer across these ribs the first thing we're going to do to is get some savoriness on them and this is where the swine live rub comes in mark this is one y'all made it has got some really great tones in it it has a little bit of sugar but it's not really a sweet rub and so we're gonna put these on the back first and let it sweat in and you can go pretty heavy with it I mean it's not gonna overpower at all so a medium coat is about perfect we're gonna layer some different rubs on it this backside is what those judges are going to taste first and that's where we're gonna pop them with the flavor so we have the first layer of flavor on the swine life rub we're gonna let this sit for about five minutes you'll see the moisture start coming out in on the rubble kind of disintegrate into it so once that swine life melts in you can see it kind of tanks up I want to hit them with a little spicy layer and this is where my hot rub comes in has a great color but it's also gonna give us a punch of heat because the judges I want them to get a little sweet a little spicy and a lot of flavor so we're using the combo and you can see we've kind of got the mustard completely covered up so you know that you've got good coverage of your seasonings when you can't see the yellow so after that hot rub blends in we're just gonna flip these ribs over then we're gonna work on the top side this is the money side this is where we got to make them look really good so we're gonna start with some mustard all right mark hit them with the grind and we're gonna go about the same a good medium coat on them one that savoriness first on this appearance side I'm just giving it a light tap just to help that rub melt in just a little bit so now we're adding their final layer and this is the sweet element the barbecue rub it's got three different kinds of sugars in it and it's also got that pretty red color that's gonna make these ribs pop so now we're just going to let these ribs hang out here at room temperature let those rubs start working that's starting that cooking process and we're gonna get old Jolene fired up mark what'd you do this morning to get it ready just a small batch of charcoal just never get a good bed of coals that way gets that post up rolling and we start aDNA tearing the Hickory as we cook throughout the day you know so we're gonna use Hickory cherry wood the fruit and a hardwood for flavor the Post Oak is driving that beat to you it's driving the heat we'll put a log of it on about every 45 minutes and then we'll scatter a few chunks out over the hot coals to give us a little boost to smoke to really get some good barbecue flavor into these loin back ribs all right so we got Jolene up to temperature she's running right where we want her mark we're gonna start loading these ribs on the pit now when you put a slab of ribs on you want to make sure you lay it like you want it to cook it needs to be straight and I bunch it up just a little bit to where it's gonna cook exactly like it's laying now mark let's close them up but no Jolene do her magic so it's been an hour for the head of student supposed to put a little bit more heat in the fire she's been running 275 no problem at all so we just added a stick we're gonna check them make sure they look good not getting too dark got great color even with this Jambo being this fool is still cooking even from front to back I mean you can even open up this side and they got pretty well the same color we may sprint from here in about 30 45 minutes but I think we're looking pretty good alright it's been about an hour and a half so they got really really good color we're going to spray them a little bit kind of keep them wet that way that kind of soak up more that smoke and keep them good and moist and now would be a good time if you need it too if you see any light spots they may be that fast rendered more in other places you can touch up a little rub like I say right now it's all about appearance still running 275 we're good so we've been on two hours we've sprayed those ribs at the 1 hour mark you can see the color on them is beautiful and they're starting to dry out I don't want them to get any darker but I wanted that rub to stick to so if you could take your finger touch on that rub it's not coming off the rubs adhere to the meat that's a great telltale sign that it's time to wrap up when you get them starting to turn dark like this that's where you want to stop them and now we want to get them tender so we're gonna take some of these off we're gonna get them all wrapped up show you how we do it man that's good that's beautiful so we've got the color on our ribs now we're gonna wrap them up to get them tender and this is what's critical when you're doing a Memphis and May style rib we've got to get them tender now that we've got the flavor on them and I'm just starting with some parquet margarine some brown sugar our foundation we've got that richness that sweetness and I'm gonna pop it with some heat I've got some cherry apple habanero glaze this is a cosmos product and then I've got to pop them with a little bit of vinegar acidity and that's where I'm using my vinegar sauce it's got some spice in it as well we're just doing a drizzle of each of those and we're gonna take the rib and go bone down right in it now for these comp really since we're the liquids cooked out of the ribs you want to pick all that off you want to clean these ribs up because these are for judging if we want them to look as best as they possibly can on the backside of the ribs I'm happy with the flavor we have on them in the color and if I put too much it'll want to disintegrate the rib from the back so the only thing that I'm putting on the back side is a hit of the vinegar sauce and I'm just gonna drizzle it over the back and it's going to keep it from getting too sticky on the back side it's gonna add a little bit of moisture but it's gonna keep them from cooking apart they're gonna look just as good on the back side as they do the front side now all we have to do is wrap them up bring the foil over we're not wrapping them up like super tight package I'm just gonna fold in the end and then bringing it back over twice fold and bring it back over now I can get back in the ribs easy to check that internal temperature when it comes time so now we got the first round wrapped we're going meat side down the ribs will stay meat side down in the wrap till we get them tender it's gonna take probably about an hour and a half we're gonna check them at the hour mark will show you what they look like once we get them all wrapped up and get them tender so our ribs have been rolling for about an hour and this is the point you have to check them we're trying to nail the doneness on them I'm wanting to be kind of flexible in the foil and I'm looking for an internal temperature 202-204 right in that range and I wanted to see some disintegration right away I can tell these don't they're not ready yet they're still a little tight do you see we're getting a little bit of pull back with the backs looking good we're only getting about 185 so we still got a little ways to go I'm thinking another half-hour probably on these we'll look at another one just in case a little more disintegration on this rack and this one we check multiples say this racks done bones loose on it it's got the disintegration this is the point we're going to hold off so I'm gonna pull the ones off now that I found one it's done there may be some more so I've got to check them all as these ribs get done I pull them out and I'm putting them in these little small coolers they're just little party stacker cheap coolers but they're excellent for holding ribs and I'd like to give them an hour rest before we glaze them it gives the ribs time to calm down those juices to kind of go back into them and they turn out better if you hold them just for a little while so we've been holding the ribs after we took them off the Jambo we got them tender for about an hour now we're getting ready to glaze them this is where we're gonna get them pretty it's that final touch we're gonna do two so for the glaze I'm starting with half a bottle of my vinegar sauce then we're gonna add a whole bottle of regular killer hog sauce and then to give it a little bit of a sweet kick I'm using the rib candy my Texas pepper jelly this is the apple cherry habanero and this stuff is spicy they make it extra hot but trust me this one's hot enough we're gonna get this mixed up so as soon as we get them out we're gonna put them on foil boats and we're just taking a looming them full doubling it up and kind of folding it to where it's a boat shape this is going to make it easier to transfer to the grill on the back side I'm gonna hit them with a little bit of the dry rub to kind of get some of that color back from having them wrapped and then we're going to come over with our glaze that we've warmed up just a little bit and we're gonna brush the backsides of them and it makes a big difference I mean it puts all that color right back on them because you know when you cook them in the foil I mean they've got a ton of heat on them all that pressure is building up from being wrapped up tight and we get some very tender but it changes the color so we're gonna get all that back and now mark if you'll flip them over we're gonna do the same treatment to the topside we'll just take the rub give it a little light coat here brings all that color back and then we're gonna take our sauce we're gonna brush it right on and it's gonna blend everything in once we put it on some heat you can't beat that color though it does look really good sunlight brings it up big tough I mean that's beautiful that's gonna be a contest ready rib right there bring it on the next one all right now that we've got them glazed we're gonna start working them back on and shift so mark get them back on some heat man we still got a little smoke rolling here on Jolene still running 275 that's why it's not gonna take long to set this sauce you can tell I hope you hear the background noise the party at Memphis have made history alrighty no Friday night all right so they've been old for probably about 20 minutes glazing the color is phenomenal you cannot beat that color right there you're gonna get them back here let me I can do a little cutting oh and the Saracen folks up all right so mark brought me some of these ribs back here to cut we let them glaze for about 30 minutes and I'm gonna turn them over show you how I'm gonna cut them for Memphis and May I would drop the edge bone and we're doing double cut ribs double cut means it's a two bones section with meat bone meat bone meat and that's the piece that I would serve to a judge so the next one we're going to come in we're gonna drop the bone try to make the clean cut come right up against the bone and get us another two bone piece then we're gonna drop another bone and get us our last two bone piece right here and that's how you want them and you know that I've got to try one of these ribs I'll get another rack here and you don't think they're tender they got the wiggle but they will break like this just right down the middle that is perfect rib and you give them to a judge you want to be able to take these ribs get those bones and get that perfect tear then I want to take this one we give them two bone pieces because I want to see them take the rib and pull that out and then coming here and get that bite oh my goodness if that's not a delicious rib I don't know what it is Memphis in May saw saucy got it all over me hey we got to do this again tomorrow to win this thing having fun on the river I mean look at that bone is clean hey go mark try that that's very good it's got the flavor it's got the heat it's got the sauce got the savoriness it's a good rib so I'm about 15 minutes away today here on Saturday of the contest we cooked another set of ribs this morning this is what they look like on the grill we've got to decorate it up judges are going to come by and we're going to feed them each a slab of these ribs appreciate y'all checking out the video this week you got to try this Memphis in May baby back rib recipe if you like what we're doing follow us on YouTube subscribe to the channel you can find us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter you can even check out our podcast every week when we wrap all this fun stuff that we do we'll see y'all next time the perfect nificent my rib to me it's gotta have some pork flavor it's got a taste like pork it's gotta have a little bit of that smoke you need that hickory wood Memphis is a hickory Tam you need the dry rub flavors you know the traditional barbecue notes but then you need a little sweet and you don't want any of them to overpower the others they got to all come together to give you that overall perfect rib and that's what we strive to do here killer hogs you just make a really good red that's gonna be you know one of the best you've ever ate you you want to do one together do one to get the other red one together
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 928,100
Rating: 4.9377918 out of 5
Keywords: competition ribs, competition rib recipe, memphis in may, bbq ribs, smoking ribs, baby back ribs recipe, how to cook baby back ribs, Malcom Reed, Howtobbqright, how to bbq right, bbq competition, bbq competition ribs, bbq comp ribs
Id: jHlnHVtXTuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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