Malachi Martin - The Storm Breaks Part 4

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all right so it's uh a christian marxism with a christian veneer that's right if you attend any division of the best communities in latin america which is six hundred thousand now they travel on the car they say this castrates the people jesus was a revolutionary he was killed because he was against the witch and he was all the words about jesus leading them and the way the truth and the life take up the cross of war this is marxism they have turned uh the truth upside down because one of christ's basic messages was that his message and his kingdom was not of this world but they have made it now and that's why paul vi made the error too in his own way misguidedly declaring that now we will work this man for a better world but this is not the mission of the church and that's what john paul two has never heard he knows exactly what salvation means now the the it is very clever of marxism because as you know what it did in latin america is it penetrates christian culture and that is why say nicaragua uh had the support of the jesuits and carbonite and dominican contestants and in latin central america it is rare to find a priest who is not marxist in his in in his priesthood in his so-called pastoral care and while the jesuits in managua awareness school for marxist tactics let's take a look though uh at the situation uh here in the united states and in my country in canada there the bishops put out these statements from time to time on defense and economics are marxists behind those statements because there seems to be a lot of left-wing terminology in these marxists they have been mark science the essence of marxism is this but let's quite clear between us the essence of marxism don't look beyond the human horizon you men are capable of imperfectability providing that you get the capitalist jackals off your back the people they are the source of power they're the source of perfection and of happiness don't look to anything transcendent everything is immanent to you all your powers are there but you've just been hindered by the rich and the oppressive capitalist lackings that's the essence of marxism the rest of it the workers paradise the poor syrian revolution those are all historical appreciations which can be changed as gorbachev has to other phraseology to reasonableness and tolerance and lack of fanaticism but the essence is i want you to look at this word only don't accept salvation from one eye there's no message from beyond the stars there's no salvation out there jesus is a man we are men that's the essence of marxism now the bishops in this country and in your country and in europe consequently exclusively on sociological and political and uh military questions like nuclear disarmament and on the environment and on aids and condoms let me use that awful word of which nobody knows the origin um and everything else are purely and simply acting as social engineers and there is no pastoral care there is a princess i read with horror of the pastoral letter of cardinal mahoney of los angeles on the blessed eucharist i assure you it could be read by the dalai lama accepted it is totally and simply a sociological document and uh apart from other blotches and cardinal mahoney's behavior like absolving people from any obligation to go to mars on monday after christmas day because they won't go anywhere he said uh some respect likewise say listen we want to commit adultery tomorrow would you please resolve this because we're going to do it anyway this is not catholicity this is an inner and in imminent this world attitude to make do with the social conditions that there are we women want to be preached why not they have their rights i want to be a homosexual why not it's your right it's another lifestyle because it's all imminent you can make it happen this is the essence of marxism we have been penetrated could it be then that the common thread that what has happened since the second vatican council is that the church uh has been secularized that humanism has replaced catholicity it has but the key to that is just one person one intelligence satan lucifer he has successfully sold the bill of goods to the majority academy bishops namely that their job now is to align the catholic people with the movement of peoples towards human perfection in a very interdependent society of nations that is what they have they've been sold and they will not do anything that violates that and that's why you can safely describe our bench of bishops in this country about 300 of them as the uh the religious arm of the left wing of the democratic party it turns the line right down the line and it seems that they're spineless like on the issue of abortion and various other liberalizations that have occurred since the 1960s on divorce or what have you they have been totally spineless in opposing those movements gently and the compromises they made were terribly embarrassing now because for instance when governor cuomo of this state new york came out in favor of abortion funding and he procures abortions by financing them there is no condemnation he's a public figure he now from the very beginning should have made it clear anybody who votes for abortion fighting procures abortions in other words just as sure as the surgeon procures the abortion or the wife who submits to abortion or the husband who pays for it anybody who does is that communicate can't receive the sacraments you can go to mars or he or she can go to mars but until they confess it and repent in public they can't receive the sacraments that should have been applied holy balls in the very beginning it wasn't so when bishop marr of san diego excommunicated or declared that the the candidate for election i forget her name killer or something like that in california uh on account of our abortion behavior or favoring of abortion could not receive the sacrament everybody howled how dare you interfere with the political rights from the very beginning she made it clear this is not a question of political wise this is religion this is our step they didn't they didn't you know one main failure there this is the team we should i think hit upon god is this when jesus left us visibly he didn't give us armies didn't brothers empires he probably hated by the way he promised the world would always be against them but he said you are one thing you are the spiritual weapon my grace the one thing the bishops have not used is their spiritual weapon their the grace at their disposal let me give you an example recently here in the last four weeks saint patrick's cathedral was difficult by the homosexual organizations they invaded it they interrupted the mass they broke the host into pieces and threw it in the ground and they were insulting and they had they had placards which were blasphemous cardinal john o'connor purified the church canonically but he never once never once decided to use the spiritual weapon of consequences to the immaculate heart of mary what he should have done what many advised was that he consecrate the homosexual community of new york to our lady of the macklin heart asking for grace they be converted because the only power we have is that grace they haven't used that grace they have not used that grace they have not used the spiritual weapon and therefore the official weapon is lying dormant and we are at sixes and sevens we don't know what to think we're just hurt and we want to be americans and we want to be like everybody else and we want to be at peace with everybody catholics have joined the world in other words that's right that's right that's the bill of good soul you've got to be part of it otherwise why be fanatic you're not american you're not canadian not good citizens you've got to be part of it that's the bill of goods that's been sold by one archangelic intelligence now when lucia was speaking with our lady in one of her visions there was a very poignant moment when our lady said to her look my child don't be surprised if at a certain moment a certain diabolical disorientation affects the best of mine at this equilibrium so that they no longer judge according to the voice of my son and of peter and you know when you regard the way the bishop's directed and the way priests act and the way theologians act and the way the deaths sometimes make awful errors talking out of two sides of their mouth you realize that there is a disorientation they no longer know what is just to be catholic they no longer know they no longer have the catholic instinct and why it's safe to say that we no longer have a catholic people what we have is this we have one on one groups who still hold who are still catholic and amongst my associates in the united states and abroad the first question we ask about anybody who who looms up on the horizon for the first time with an appointment or a book or whatever we say catholic and we don't mean actually being baptized we mean is he still of the faith does he believe that he practices what he believes does he live it out does he say the word does he go to mars does he go in confession does he uphold the patreon authority because that is the clock tetra and authority that is the aim of the entire revolt of the bishops to get rid of the peclean authority and it's almost government of impractification it looks like that there's really only pockets of uh catholicism left throughout the world just pockets just pockets and anybody who doesn't realize that by now is has his head stuck on the sand because the church has not been blanketed it's very easy in the church it's composed of an organization of dioceses and parishes and the pipeline into that comes from rome through the bishop the bishops have occupied all the choke points of that pipeline and they have piped into it a new structure the noisordo the rcia a few people in canada have experienced the rcia what is that that is the new way of christian initiation and if you read the manual baptism in another form you'll find out that it's full of the most amazing amalgam of naturalism environmental love a bit of voodoo some witchcraft some weaker as we call in this country wicca some protestant traits but absent is genuine catholicism and then we have in addition to rcia we have a thing called renew which is a a form of renewal they call us and it means cheaply that the idea of a priest offering the mass is out that the people now have the power that they decide what prayers to say and they decide what their approach to sin is this has been piped into schools and parishes so that it has blanketed the catholic church in the united states and abroad has changed people without there been knowing they've been chased to be led by pied pipers out of the church you know if you went around england in 1530 and said to anybody are you catholics of course not careful by 1630 several men had worked on them and he which one in said are you currently of course they have for that time they no longer had mars they long had in your obedience to the pope they're no longer a sign of the creature we always create uh recited that long had the virtues they had there were problems with them but they did not know it they were anglicans then wrong ordered priests they no longer die attacking us confession baptism uh holy orders anointing of the thick that was all gone and they didn't know it similarly with the mouth of the catholic people they don't know they don't how could they know the institution is still there that's right it's the grand illusion we have cardinals and bishops and priests and nuns and conflicts and monsters and principles and catholic libraries and catholic colleges and catholic books but it's an illusion so it's a facade behind which there is nothing that would be even permitted by past popes or the past judgment wouldn't be permission it wouldn't be simply allowed that they'd kick you out of your ear let's go back to pope pius xii from this point did he foresee that something like this was going to happen yes that's why he refused to have a general counsel he threw something like that and why he was insistent on two or three things no truck with marxism no even talking with marxism utter separation and waiting and blocking them and why he tried to set up an underground church in uh in russia itself and he did have he had uh five um bishops and certain apostolic administrations in style in russia until they were betrayed a man came down once said he was a russian orthodox entered roman seminary and was trained was ordained and went back to russia he was a russian spy with all the names and overnight everything disappeared the walls taken and killed and that liquidated past the 12th attempt to have a number of belgium in the soviet union but that was one point he stressed marxism another point he stressed was our lady he stressed this devotionally it finally became sort of a joke amongst the bishops who already losing their faith that uh you couldn't get near him unless you were saying the rosary but by that time the work of the deal had started and devotion was diminishing
Channel: Caritas in Veritate
Views: 6,639
Rating: 4.9829426 out of 5
Id: 0jKEtEJ_mLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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