Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Ed Sheeran
Views: 2,792,368,839
Rating: 4.8580923 out of 5
Keywords: Ed Sheeran, Perfect, Ed Sheeran Perfect, Ed Sheeran Official Video, Perfect Official Video, Ed Sheeran music, Ed Sheeran Lyrics, Perfect Lyrics, Ed Sheeran 2017, divide, Ed Sheeran divide, Ed Sheeran third album, Ed Sheeran 3rd album, Ed Sheeran songs, Pop, Pop Music, Official Music Video, Ed, Sheeran, Ed Sheerin, EdSheeran, Ed Sheran, English Songs, English Song, I Found a Love, Dancing In the dark, you look perfect tonight
Id: 2Vv-BfVoq4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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Jerry Sheeran
Not exactly the pinnacle of skiing or ski-related videos, but I thought it was neat to see Hintertux in a music video.
Well hes much better at singing and songwriting than skiing...but that guy hucking a backflip off the little roller in the beginning? highlight of the video right there.
Sorry wut? Did anyone else find this odd? Like why is a ski trip the setting?
The only bit of that video that made any sense to me was the bit where they were struggling to ski down one of the baby slopes and the girl falls over.
The rest of it was just, weird and out of place.
Like come on, who carries a pizza up to some remote lodge in the night and expects it not to be frozen solid by the time they get back.
....Goiing out in pyjamas at night? Must have a deathwish