Father James Altman Speech - Monsters In Mitres

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[Applause] [Music] let us pray in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen heavenly father send your spirit down upon us like the dewfall to fill us with the grace we need to be witnesses of our faith and to martyrdom and we ask for this grace in jesus name amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen there's a couple quick things before i get going before i get wound up firstly well i realized they were going to play some music but i didn't know what it was until just a minute ago i said something from the blackhawks and i had glocks except that you know i was born in michigan in my heart bleed or my i bleed red wings that's okay go hawks secondly a quick shout out i know that john henry weston lifesight news is here and michael voris and church militant are here they've been so incredibly supportive of me personally but certainly of all faithful catholics they have been a voice of truth that has that also have been cancelled by the way by the left-wing nazis in the media so a big shout out to them and then lastly while i was sitting over there listening to all the great speakers david and i reenacted that popcorn scene over in detroit and jason is a hero of mine he has courage i can't even dream of and you only heard a little bit of his story when i sat there in that high school a decade ago listening and watching him that i'll never forget he's a hero and he's still a hero he's still doing so much putting his own life at risk to help us that's why i came here today to help you through by helping us and then last would be the last preparatory remark i was as i'm sitting over there listening to all these speakers i something came to me that we're all parts of the body and we speak from a different perspective we each have a certain vigor in our speech and manner and tone you know and you know i do and i thought i was saying to myself well what part of the body am i you know a finger toe whatever and all it came to me i'm the fist [Applause] if anyone doubts that give me about 10 minutes i'll remove all doubt but a fist to knock some sense into the heads of the miters who are acting a little too much like another body parts well grace and peace you all this day staying out so long coming in the middle of the day beautiful son thanks be to god to support all canceled priests of which i am now honored to be among so they're family here's a simple foundation to the brief comments i will make today so please keep this in the the forefront of your minds as i speak because i get a lot of grief about this one and it regards the word obedience and a lot of you've heard me talk about the rule of a lot a lot of people have a lot to say about a lot of things they know nothing about and this is one of them they have no clue what the word really means and ironically these same people who try to invoke the word obedience against me seem to be the same people who pretty much told almighty god to take a hike regarding artificial contraception and think it's a-okay for joe biden or lori lightfoot to commit sacrilege by receiving the holy eucharist obedience understand clearly that obedience is not blind subservience and the clear example of this would be the the people who hid and frank were not being obedient to the civil government but the people who killed anne frank were being obedient to the silk of government obedience is not blind subservience and as the great martyr i heard his name come up earlier saint maximilian kolbe said our duty to obey our bishops ends when they stray even slightly into error because then they are not doing the will of god thank you maximilian colby so what what that means in real life priests are being canceled because they dare to be catholic because they dare to speak the truth because they dare to hold fast to the sacred tradition handed down to us like saint paul told us clearly hold fast to it 2 2 timothy's 2 15 hold fast our sacred tradition is known as the deposit of faith it is the unchanged and unchangeable truth and the job description of a bishop i don't or a cardinal or pope is to defend and protect the deposit of faith you don't have the right to change it not one word [Applause] and to serve and to serve they've forgotten their job is to serve the priests and support those priests who preach the truth and teach the same deposit of faith unadulterated not persecute and cancel them which they have done which is why we're here today i'm here not because i'm so special i i'm just a sinner rather to use myself as an example of what these monsters and miters do to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of priests who are less able to defend themselves from those monsters in mitres and listen closely now this is this is like a sound bite i'm here to help the priests who are unable to defend themselves against these monsters whose miters will be their great millstones that will drag them down to the hottest bowels of hell their miters are their millstones period so let us let us talk now about the error and the failing to do god's will that we do not have to obey and i will use three clear examples one william callahan bishop of the cross two blaze stupid she's an easy one bishop of chicago and three jorge bergoglio bishop of rome as to william in my diocese there are 200 000 catholics i just looked it up the other day there's like 158 parishes and william decreed that only eight people could attend holy mass on sunday even as a thousand people could go into walmart at a time and as was mentioned earlier even as could go to planned parenthood in the liquor stores and the pot stores so here's a little bit of math i did the math some priests just locked their churches anyway and didn't let anyone in but let's say each parish had two sunday masses each with eight people that means approximately at most 2 500 people would receive holy communion on sunday in the diocese of lacrosse which means william's decree denied access to holy communion to 197 500 catholics every single sunday over three months that's two and a half million denials of the holy eucharist william patrick callahan repent and that's just that's just a tiny fraction of denials of all bishops in the u.s soup which was one of the great offenders by the way by the way i'm here speaking to you today right last time i was in chicago speaking it was only 200 people right soupish takes time out of his busy schedule to write a letter to my bishop ripping into my bishop for the fact that i came down here speaking in a civil area to without seeking his permission hey blaze i got a little movie quote for you i'm back william blaze and all the rest of you miters in america you have wounded the body of christ you accused me of doing it oh no bishops you wounded the body of christ and until you publicly repent of locking the churches and denying people access to sacramental grace that our eternal souls depend on and require your miter is your great millstone and satan is cackling with glee second the second example play blaze i hardly know where to start with that monster in the mitre like his canceling father call check for doing what he should have done like his allowing the utter sacrilege of holy communion to non-catholics i believe rahm emanuel was one of them at cardinal george's funeral and as you know most recently laurie lightfoot now you know her backstory don't need to go into it but for today for today let's talk about his promotion of the jab as a moral duty i will point to the great bishop strickland of tyler texas who just in the last day reiterated catholic truth that he will never take a jab [Music] that started and created from a murdered baby so memo to blaze supich and every other bishop who supported the jab publicly or including those who were silent because your silence is complicity publicly repent or your miter will be your great millstone dragging you down to the bowels of hell that you have earned and finally third example for hebrew gleal bishop of rome no longer the vicar of christ he throughout that title as with blaze i hardly know where to start but all we need to know about him is found in one word pachamama but apart from that in a few other low lights of his papacy like celebrating the 500th anniversary of heretic luther by putting him on the vatican stamp like the sacrilege of putting a beach ball with us pepsi logo on it on the altar next to the tabernacle of the real presence of our lord and and like his godless efforts to crush traditional catholics just this week it was reported that he has put out there some rat poison that the ten commandments are not rigid so memo to jorge bergoglio bishop of rome the ten commandments were written in stone for a reason jorge bergoglio and jesus the lord who you have betrayed like judas proclaimed not the smallest part of the law would be abrogated until he comes again and so your pictures of jesus embracing judas our absolute heresy get those out of your office jorge bergoglio and get him out now memo jorge bergoglio repent of the pachamam of luther's stamp of the beach ball of attacking traditional catholics and from attacking the unchanged and changeable truth of the deposit of faith for we know as the ten commandments or your miter also will be the great millstone that drags you down to the bowels of hell you so justly deserve if you don't repent see i i told you just give me 10 minutes so your family your family what i said is true but the monsters and writers don't like to hear it so they cancel we who speak it and for your information they do it with what they call decrees decrees are simply a piece of paper upon which they issue their fiats pieces of paper that kick faithful priests out of the rectories and take away their meager incomes leaving them essentially penniless and homeless but dear family i think i can speak for every canceled priest when i say we shall not sell our eternal souls for a piece for a root a price of a roof over our head or food on the table oh no we will not well william the bishop of lacrosse issued his pathetic decree against me treating me worse than a heinous criminal released from prison you know i was a lawyer i know what i'm talking about heinous criminals don't have as many restrictions placed on them as that miter tried to place on me one of his decrees was i was not to celebrate the holy sacrifice of the mass for you i was not to baptize your babies i was not to leave the diocese without his permission and and this is huge i most certainly was not supposed to speak publicly again like to you here today [Applause] that is the way all these monsters and miters these sorority sisters in the usccb that is there's there's a lot of meaning in what i just said there that's the way they silence and cancel the voice of truth so one more memo to william and every other monster in a miter here's what you can do with your decree and just watch the left go nuts the same left that thought it was really cute when nancy pelosi did what she did yeah here's what i have to say about the decree toilet paper is worth more than your decree because at least toilet paper can clean up the type of mess you're making i see so i'm sitting over there and thoughts kept coming back to me so i i was normally writing on one side of the page you can see it's kind of scribbled and then i there's an arrow that goes to the back and then i started on the back and then i got down here and i had to go to the side and then i had to go here and then i went upside down again so if if there's discontinuity well the thing is what can you william or any other monster miter do you can't lay asize me because you bishops didn't lay a size child molesters you covered up for the child molesters and you covered up to this day for the bishops who covered up for child molesters and your silence is complicity you didn't lay asize child molesters bishops let us get that straight in our heads bergoglio re first of all benedict sidelines mccarrick bergoglio his longtime good friend rehabilitated theodore mccarrick known child molester known seminarian molester known priest molester theodore mccarrick he rehabilitated him and then he sent him off to china to sell the chinese catholics down the river i could go into a lot on this but just look up bishop they said the archbishop cardinal vizzinski of poland who told the nazis we're no this is not possible you do not get to name the bishops what did mccarrick do in china but let the chinese communists name the bishops yeah i said somebody said unbelievable i know it you could you can't make this stuff up she can't layer size me william and you can't excommunicate me because you did not to this day excommunicate or voice publicly that baby murdering politicians like biden and pelosi that they should be excommunicated you can't excommunicate me when you're not excommunicating baby murderers william you didn't lay aside child molesters you didn't excommunicate baby murders and this is where i have to start turning the page and and william william along with timothy dolan and 28 other bishops of the u.s are being sued for covering up seminarian sexual abuse at the knack william and the rest of you people in glass houses should not be throwing stones you know yes all of you sorority sisters at the usccb nothing i say no watch because this is the accusation you're going to hear from this point forward oh he undermined their authority he held them in contempt listen nothing i could possibly say undermines your authority or causes contempt in the hearts of faithful catholics nothing i say is is a shadow of what you you have done a good job of undermining your authority and casting the catholic church into disgrace you've done a good job of that all by yourself you did it i only talk about it soda family i beg you to support your canceled priests as so many of you have supported me already let your voices resound through every chancery in this nation not one more penny not exactly not one more penny and then turn your generosity as best you can toward the coalition for cancelled priests who are helping out so many many others the family i've been called to serve god we all have been called to serve god and we can do that by supporting those faithful fathers of the church who fed you during the pandemic is that when it was about time for me to leave the parish after the decree just before the decree i said to the people no matter what happens dear family you know i loved you because i fed you as for those bishops that didn't defund them every last penny defund those who denied you sacramental grace and know and know that we cancelled priests will never ever leave you wanting for sacramental grace and we will never leave you hungry for the bread of life ever again god bless you all in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen oh wait amen i'm supposed to do it this way that's in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen and now now one last thing to help you see in yet another way that we are not alone as i've heard that from around the world thousands and thousands of snail mail letters thousands and thousands i'm not alone we've been starving you're feeding us we're not alone so that we know we're not alone that god is with us we know this and faithful servants from around the world also are with us i have i can't even read my own writing now or else i'm just worked up i have the special treat the privilege of introducing to you a short video from a very cool guy we can't get the video on the screen oh no why don't we say a prayer to who what can we say [Laughter] oscar and i and a few others have been working really really hard it's on my cell phone today yeah i know over the last couple days to end with a very very special message from a very very cool guy i've been texting with the past couple days who've had the privilege of being in this company a few times he humbly asks that i don't praise him because he knows as we all do that we're sinners so i won't praise him i could and i saw him in action and i don't know that i'm gonna run into much more of a humbler man than him but i'll only point out that sinner though he is though we all are he is a true and faithful son of the one true church which is why he makes eternally profound movies that lift our souls to heaven and he made the single most difficult movie i i hardly can bear to watch the passion of christ so the family he did give us something i don't know if we're gonna get to see it it's it's less than five minutes but just know and give thanks to god for mel gibson [Laughter]
Channel: Caritas in Veritate
Views: 57,984
Rating: 4.9118819 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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