Tucker: You're not allowed to point out this is insane

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Ha! thanks for sharing. I needed a dose of sanity.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/freebasetarsier 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

You're not allowed? You're doing it on the biggest news show in the world, tuck. Stop crying so much

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bombastically 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

mOsT tRaNsPaReNt AdMiNiStRaTiOn EvEr

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zhobelle 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight happy friday since nobody reads books anymore all of us get all of our history from wikipedia it's convenient the problem is wikipedia is so politicized and dishonest that on a lot of topics certainly anything related to partisan politics it's not even really worth reading anymore there's just too much lying on the other hand there's a lot of stuff there it's a huge site and there are some gems remaining on wikipedia so if you have a minute this weekend take a look at the entry on mass hysteria through the ages before the authorities inevitably delete it as i'm certain they will and as you read the entry ask yourself if any of this sounds familiar to you there are lots of witch trials of course many of them many many many of them over many centuries there are plagues of spontaneous dancing mass ghost sightings fits of laughing and trembling and babbling that seized entire towns at once for no apparent reason it's all there and then there are more esoteric outbreaks of mass hysteria there's a medieval french nun who according to the entry quote inexplicably began to meow like a cat leading the other nuns in the convent to meow as well eventually all of the nuns in the convent began meowing together leaving the surrounding community astonished this did not stop until the police threatened to whip the nuns it's hilarious as you read it though at the time the nuns definitely did not see the humor in it they sincerely thought they were cats hysteria is like that when large groups of people start acting totally crazy the reference points disappear it all seems normal no matter how nuts it is so with that feature of human nature which never changes with that in mind take a look at this tape from yesterday's hearing before the house oversight committee the topic was legal abortion but because it is the year 2021 and we're all convinced we're cats the conversation soon turned to the newly established scientific fact that men can get pregnant watch this and i just wanted to acknowledge a lot of people are being left out of this conversation today because as we know people get pregnant and not just women but i hear people over and over and over again say women get pregnant but that's excluding people that should be a part of this conversation yeah you don't want to exclude anyone and it turns out that even in 2021 there are people out there who are still claiming that only women get pregnant and they'd better stop claiming that or else amando amanda presto just learned this presta was a writer at the daily wire and by the way a woman so she tweeted this thought crime assuming that she had biology on her side she wrote this quote demanding others call you by your preferred pronouns and growing out your hair does not make you a woman stop demeaning womanhood no amanda you stop demeaning pregnant men for her attack on the pregnant man community twitter shut amanda presto down we are cats and that's all there is to it and that's true across the ocean in great britain the head of the labor party in the uk is now declared that men too can have cervixes because of course they can meow a few days later a senior member of the labor party was asked whether she agreed that men can have cervixes she was asked on television watch this uncomfortable moment is it transphobic to say only women have a cervix good morning a good morning nick and it's great to talk to you i just think that this issue has just become so divisive and toxic and it pits people against each other both groups who face discrimination in society women and trans women and i just find this debate incredibly unhelpful and and and unproductive to be totally honest is it transphobic yes or no is it is it transphobic look i just i don't even know how to start answering these questions oh come on rachel reeves shadow commissioner whatever you are the labor party it's a simple question it's not a debate do men have cervixes but she can't bring herself to say it on the other hand she doesn't dare note the obvious which is that the entire conversation is completely insane so she breathes heavily she grumps quite a bit and tries to move on to the next topic the washington post is hoping to avoid moments of uncertainty like this so jeff bezos's newspaper has just issued a new style guidance to all of its reporters here's what it says quote if we say pregnant women we exclude those who are transgender and non-binary which of course is not defined so no more pregnant women in the washington post that's an outdated inherently offensive category like secretaries and housewives and this is true in hospitals too across the country some physicians are now punishing subordinates who recognize biological differences between men and women dr laura chong for example a pediatric trainee at the sydney children's hospitals network recently told the new york times that health care workers should not use terms like ovaries and uterus you can just say reproductive organs chong said and that's an order the problem is that it may actually be medically relevant whether somebody has ovaries and a uterus reproductive organs might not be specific enough but honestly in 2021 when we're all cats who cares curing disease may be important but is it more important than not offending the human rights campaign probably not that's a conclusion the cdc has reached the center just released a graphic pointing out that quote only 31 of pregnant people have been vaccinated not pregnant women pregnant people and then there's the lancet which not that long ago was considered a serious medical journal the lancer just released a cover with this headline quote historically the anatomy and physiology of bodies with vaginas have been neglected so that's the term you thought you were a woman now you're a according to the lancet a body with a vagina try to imagine a more dehumanizing phrase and then it's probably not possible to imagine it actually at yesterday's house oversight hearing gloria steinem showed up to prove that she's still alive and still relevant somehow for 50 years steinem has been as she describes it defending women in the 70s she wrote a piece for cosmopolitan magazine entitled if men could menstruate and then she was constantly reminding us this and this is a quote if men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament oh but now men can get pregnant so the script has changed a little bit here was gloria steinem who we should note is now a cat meowing telling us that absolutely anybody can get pregnant and therefore anyone can get an abortion watch what's happening in texas is not only a local issue or a women's issue it's a step against democracy which allows us to control our own bodies and our own voices remember when hitler was elected and he was elected his very first official act was to padlock the family planning clinics and declare abortion a crime against the state mussolini did exactly the same thing because they knew that controlling reproduction and nationalizing women's bodies is the first step in a controlling state an all-controlling state teresa gloria stein was always pretty dumb but back when she was 35 nobody noticed but rewriting history can't let you do that sorry you're not wikipedia actually adele hilter was an enthusiastic eugenicist just like margaret sanger who founded planned parenthood he encouraged abortion according to almost everyone who studied this jeffrey tumula for example law professor who's written a lot about the nuremberg trials hitler like gloria steinem supported abortion not just as a matter of physical autonomy but as a way to keep women working and contributing to the economy quote the nazis preferred that the eastern european workers not become pregnant so they would not be taken out of the workforce they took measures to identify pregnant workers and to encourage or pressure them into making use of the abortion services the nazis provided oh does that sound familiar so once again the goal is to reduce women to wage slaves it is more virtuous to work at jp morgan than it is to be a mother that's what they're telling you that's what ayanna presley is telling you she complained that abortion bans are tools of you guessed it white supremacy and the experts at the hearings yesterday agreed watch i think that it's very important for us to understand the intersection of racial justice policies and gender justice policies and reproductive justice policies because you don't understand why these bans on abortion are not about having more black and brown babies born they want more white babies to be born we're falling for it again rising to the bait being literal correcting insanity because you know it's it's kind of hard to resist there is no rational conversation about anything currently underway in the united states we have to say just again in the interest of fact checking that what you just heard is the opposite of the truth new york city is the biggest city in america it's got 8 million people the abortion rate in new york among african-american mothers is roughly three times the rate that it is for white mothers thousands more black babies are born in new york that are born every year so shutting down the abortion clinics in new york which no one's even proposing but if you were to do that you would have a lot more black babies than you have now we can't even get to that conversation because we can no longer agree that only women have babies now men have babies so for 50 years they told us men have no interest in whether or not abortion's legal because they can't have kids but now they can so we thought it would be worth weighing in on this according to the house oversight committee it is all for your own good watch i know firsthand that abortion saves lives for the thousands of people i've cared for abortion is a blessing abortion is an act of love abortion is freedom we need federal protection now abortion is freedom finally someone said it out loud what is it hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,187,906
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Keywords: carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight
Id: OnGT4nhS1uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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