How to edit your First Video in Davinci Resolve

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hey guys Nikki and welcome back to another video this video is for beginners only in DaVinci Resolve so if you've ever wanted to jump into video editing not on your phone or a tablet and on a computer in a proper video editing software then this video is for you I'm gonna cover all the basics so you can get in and get started and start creating your own videos whether it's for family or friends or I've known just a hobby on the side this video is for you alright guys so you want to make your first video edit it together for the very first time you need proper editing software like DaVinci Resolve the first step to editing any video is doing some some sort of organisation now we're not going to go super in-depth into this because let's face it this is gonna be a very person edit but what we're going to want to do is whether it's on a Mac or a PC you're gonna create a folder somewhere you can access really easily call it whatever you want my video and in this folder you're gonna put everything you want to use so move all the video clips over from your camera or phone onto this file here and any music that you think you want to use is well chuck it in this folder I have grabbed my music from epidemics and which is just a subscription service for royalty free music but there is a bunch of sites out there and a bunch of free options as well but create that folder move all your media into that folder and what we're gonna do is from there we're going to open up DaVinci Resolve now if you haven't downloaded DaVinci Resolve already you can just type DaVinci Resolve 16 into Google and you'll be able to download it straight from here and I'll leave this link in the description of the video so you can download it but what we're gonna do is open up DaVinci Resolve ok and so when you open DaVinci Resolve up it's going to come to this project browser now this is basically every past project that you have ever created and by default it also gives you an untitled one that you can just go from straight from there or you can create a few folders if you would like to so you can organize it as you can see here I put some of my YouTube videos into a separate folder that I can double click to go into and we can just go back through the file system here back to home and then you know I put put them into different folders to categorize now the easiest way is just to double-click on the untitled project that will automatically have been created for you so let's just do that there and it's going to open up DaVinci Resolve and by default it's going to open up into the Edit Page and as you can see we have our untitled project and what we're going to do quickly is just go through how DaVinci Resolve is set up so the way DaVinci Resolve works is it's split up into seven different workspaces all work differently so they're down the bottom here and yours may be labeled but you should at least have these icons so we're going to start from the very very left so we're just going to click on that and move to this workspace and this is the media workspace alright if you hover over it it's going to show you what workspace it is now the media workspace is purely and simply for importing all of your media and organizing it works very well like a file browser and we're going to use this section to import our footage from the folder on the desktop into DaVinci Resolve moving to the right we have our cut page we're not going to be looking at this in this video but this is just a really quick editing section in DaVinci Resolve it's kind of like a sort of bare-bones version of the edit page so moving further across to the Edit Page this is where we're going to cut our video and piece it together add the music and all that sort of stuff and again like I said the cut page is similar to the Edit Page but it's a little bit more bare-bones a little bit more simple but for this video we're actually going to be using the Edit Page moving on from there we have our fusion tab which always takes a little bit longer to load fusion is for visual effects and motion graphics we will not be looking at this at all today but if you want to see some of my other tutorials on fusion there are a bunch here and I'll leave them linked somewhere in the video moving from the right of that we have our color tab again it takes a little bit longer to load this is where all the color grading and all the film looks are applied and all that sort of stuff this is very advanced software here with lots and lots of different pages to edit your footage with but there are some basic actions we will learn in this video moving to the right of that we have our Fairlight audio tab which is an advanced audio mixing software in built into DaVinci Resolve we will not be touching that in this video it will not be needed or that all the audio editing we can do is in the Edit Page and last but not least is the deliver tab right at the very very end here and we will be using this to export our video into a final playable clip that we can share to our friends and family or post on to various sites on one YouTube Vimeo Facebook all that sort of stuff so like I said we're going to start by importing all our media so we're gonna head on over to the media tab and as you can see it's split up into a few different panes and the ones we really want to look at is this top little square here this viewer and then the bottom section so the easiest way to look at it is this top section here is what viewable on our actual computer so this is the file structure of my macbook yours will show the file structure of your computer or your Mac whichever you run on and then I have some certain favorites down here that I have assigned you won't have that just yet down here this is our master folder and this is specifically what's already in the project currently we have an import of anything so there's nothing there now if your screen does look a little bit different you may have it that looks a little bit like this that's just because you can extend certain tabs and you can turn them on and off by clicking on here but we'll just keep it at default so if it doesn't look like this you might need to just press this button here which you can see just sort of shrinks the bars down a little bit like so so what we're gonna do now is navigate to wherever your file is mine's on the desktop so I can just navigate straight to it like there and you can see here just like in our file browser we have our structure and here's the folder that we created it starts we're going to double click on that and what we're gonna do is drag and highlight all our clips and audio and we're just going to drag and drop right into the bottom generally this warning is going to come up and if we read it says the clips have a different frame rate than the current project settings would you like to change the timeline frame rate and the video format to match this is going to appear whenever your videos that you have filmed do not match the current project settings so the easiest way they're just what we're going to always do is go don't change and then we can manually change it if we would like so some of these clips were filmed in slow motion so 120 frames a second or some amount are in 4k and they do not match the current project settings to get to our project settings we go to our little cog down in the bottom right corner so if we click on that quickly you can see we have our master settings now generally if you're creating a project it will always default to 1920 by 1080 at 24 frames a second so that is 24 frames a second it is quite standard for that film Inc look 1920 by 1080 obviously being full HD so these are generally the settings we should keep we do not really need to mess around with any of this for your first video but if you want a 4k timeline and you want to export a 4k video all you need to do is hit this drop down and scroll down where we have our Ultra HD option that is totally up to you but we're gonna leave all our footage and our project at stock settings so we're just going to cancel out of that alright so what we're going to do now before we do anything is we're going to save this project so I'm going to go file save project and we can now rename it so what we're going to call this is my video and we're just going to save it like so and now you can see it's updated up the top there in my first video and if we ever want to go back to our project folder structure you know where we can pick our project yeah we just hit this little Home icon here and now you can see we have out my first video as labeled as such I'm just going to close out of that alright so now we're going to jump on over to the Edit tab like I said we're not going to be looking at the cut fusion or Fairlight page so we're going to go straight to the edit tab and it looks very very similar to how the media tab looks except the bottom section down here is replaced with our timeline so looking at the way this is laid out we have our different tabs up the top that reveal or hide different sections so the media pool is going to reveal the current media we have imported into our project that we just did the effects tab is going to show what effects transitions video audio effects that we can apply that are built in to DaVinci Resolve the Edit index is going to be basically a list of the changes that we make to the footage below and we can take a look at this in a little bit later and the sound library is not something we need to look at right now as you can see we'll all have no library connected if you just open this for the first time but you can have DaVinci Resolve connected to a music library and you can just search for through DaVinci Resolve which is super super helpful but for your first video we're just going to leave it at the media pool now again like the media tab if this is taking up the whole length down here we have this button here and that just shrinks it down and that works on both sides alright so we're just gonna have the box there on the right hand side we have that is the most common tab to have open because it is sort of like the options that you have the parameters that you can change for your video clips we'll look at that in a second we've got the metadata tab which literally if we have a clip selected we'll just show the information of that particular clip then we have the mixer alright the mixer is just going to open or close the audio settings down there what we're gonna do is we're going to leave it on the inspector and we're going to have it dropped up like so so hopefully your project will kind of look like this so what we're going to do is we're gonna right click in this section here and what we want to do is create a new timeline so we're gonna right click timeline create a new timeline and we can call it whatever we want so start timecode is an important number of video tracks audio tracks none of this is too important for your first video just name it something and then go create and now you can see down the bottom here we have our audio track our video track and we have our timeline in here so now we can start dragging our footage onto our timeline so if you want to review your footage and look at it maybe you filmed a really long clip of maybe a kid of yours like kicking a soccer ball and you only a little bit of the footage what we can do here is we can double click on the footage and now we can have see we have two viewers the right-hand viewer is what is in our timeline currently obviously nothing is there so we don't see anything the left-hand viewer is what is selected on the left hand side and we can scrub through it just like you would expect we could and if I double click on anything else we can scrub through that footage as such and it works even for audio so we can scrub through audio so the great thing about being able to do this is if there is a section of the footage that we don't like we can just cut it out so if I look here it gets a little weird at the end there gets a little wonky all right now we can do this with two hotkeys I and O alright or this one here mark in and this one here mark out so what I want you to do is with your first clip find the point where you want your footage to start and once you've found that you're gonna hit the I key on your keyboard you can see here adds this dot this dot is where the footage will start when we drag it into our timeline and we can move that click on that dot and we can move it around and you can see that the source viewer here changes in real time to show us where that starts and then we can drag along and find where we want the footage to stop so I think the footage just stopped there and we can click o and again we create our new dot and this is now the section between these two dots is what we can have in our viewer down here so let's add some footage to the timeline we can do it one of three ways okay so we can click and drag straight from here and straight on to the timeline and all bring is the section between the white lines here which is the white dots there now you can see we have our clip and if we scrub over it with the timeline we see it represented in the right hand viewer let's delete that and have a look in another way it's gonna have the exact same effect it's gonna bring the exact same base footage down like so or if we don't want to take the audio if we hover over this viewer here you can see we get this little box and waveform so we can either drag the a form that's only going to drag the audio or we can drag the video and it's only going to drag the video the video down so choose which if you want to do I think for this one we're only going to bring the video down so I'm going to click that and I'm gonna drag it down to the bottom here and now we have our footage and what we're going to do now is I want you to do that for the rest of the clips that you have in your that you have imported so I want you to set some in and out points and bring the footage down so I'm gonna click on this one and I've got this sort of rotating shot and I'm just gonna go and look so I kind of like this bit here alright so I'm gonna set the in point here scrub forward a little bit and I'm gonna hit my out point and again I just want to bring the video in for this one we're just gonna drag it straight down I'm gonna do the same for this clip here cool alright so I reckon what we're gonna do is when I hit hi there scrub forward a little bit and just leave it there hit OH and just going to drag just the video clip again down into the timeline and then I've got one more bit of footage and I think what we'll do is we're just gonna grab this one here so just a little bit of a walking clip hit the i key just scrub forward a little bit and hit the O and then we're gonna drag that footage down so now if we scrub through the timeline you can see that we have all our footage playing on the right-hand viewer now we can either hit play and it's going to play all the footage back or spacebar which is the nice easy shortcut so by hitting spacebar you see it's going to play our footage cut to the next clip cut to the next clip now depending on how fast your computer is it may be a little bit choppy so if it is a little bit choppy you can tell by I playing it back it kind of doesn't play back in real time it's a really easy fix all you want to do is go back to playback go proxy mode just go half resolution all that's going to do is display this half the resolution of what you recorded it in and it just makes it a little bit faster for your computer to handle it so you've got a low card machine like me that's what you can do there so that's just playback proxy path all right or you can turn off or if it's really really slated and go to port of resolution alright so we have our video clips the sections that we want we have it on our timeline our video is starting to come together let's add some music to this so I'm gonna drive drag this music clip and I'm just going to drag the whole thing so I'm going to click and drag down and drop it into the timeline on our audio track now currently you can see that all we have is this green bar if you want to see the waveform of the audio you just need to click this button here the timeline view options and this button here that's going to show you the waveform of that so that so timeline view options click that little button there audio waveforms now you can see the waveforms on the audio and if we press spacebar let's turn this up a little bit play it back [Music] all right now hopefully you can start to see a bit of an issue is that if when we get to the end of this clip though we have a lot of song and we can move left and right walls grab this thing and move it down you can see we have a lot of song left to go alright so what we're going to do is we're actually going to delete the last bit of this song to do that we're gonna grab our blade tool here the first editing tool we're going to learn so as you can see if you hover over any of these tools here not only will it tell you what it's called but it also gives you the keyboard shortcut I'm currently set to the default so it should be the exact same as your settings so we're gonna select the blade tool or hit the letter B on our keyboard and you can see that when we hover over our footage we get a blade and a red line so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hover over the end here where the clip meets where the end of the video meets the audio and click alright now what we can do is go back to our arrow key so selection mode click that and now we have this clip here that has been separated from the rest of the audio alright and really easily all we're going to do is click that and hit delete alright so now I think what we'll do is we're going to add a few transitions in between our video clips so that we have a more interesting video and to do that we're going to go to our faqs library up the top right on at the top left hand corner and we're going to scroll to the top where it says video transitions we're going to click on that one there and you can see we have a few different options if we scroll down we've got quite a few and really all you need to do is click and drag in between video clips that's literally all you need to do and you can see that it's represented there by this white box of where the transition is going to go and all I want you to do with these ones is play around with different options so I'm going to do an additive dissolve for the first one we're gonna click and drag and if we want to play it back we can just go here and hit spacebar so you can see this twisting effect there maybe what we'll do for the next one is across dissolve we're going to drag that one over there and if we play it back here okay and as you see my computer's struggling to do all this at once so we have that cross dissolve and then maybe we want to do something really out there we're gonna do an IRS when do that on this click here and if we arrow across you can see that we have that transition now these transitions are controllable so if you want to zoom in to the timeline you can use these plus and minus buttons and it will zoom in to wherever your playhead is okay and all you need to do is you'll see that the cursor will change when you get to the section that you can increase and you can just make it longer or shorter and you get like a real-time preview in the top right hand corner alright so go through and change the length of the transitions play around with different ones if ever you want to delete them it's really really simple you just click on it and hit delete as you would think and then you can just drag something else in so we could just do a band wipe instead and we might even mean that one's smaller and then you can hover over then you can see sort of what's going on with that one there okay so play around with the different transitions in DaVinci Resolve these are all stock transitions so have a play see what you like but you know that's pretty much how you add transitions to the to your video now there is one thing I think it'd be nice if the audio faded in and out to do that is really really simple if you hover over your audio clip you'll notice these little white markers at either end if you click and drag those you'll notice that it gives this weird little sort of gradient and it'll pull over basically what this is doing is changing the volume of the clip so the volume is starts up here and then it ends down here so if we were to play that in real time in here it slowly but surely fades off and obviously we can extend that sort of longer fade which looks pretty good so let's drag this one over here so now we have a little bit of a fade at the start as well alright so now we've cut our video together and put the clips down on the timeline that we want we've added a bit of music a few transitions all we really need to do now is just render this out export it to a single video file that you can start to share with people so all we're gonna do now is jump across to the very last tab down the bottom which is the deliver tab and what we can see here is very again the whole don't--you're result is very similar layout we've got these different boxes that we can drop down and all this sort of stuff down the bottom here we have our timeline that we can scrub through and hit spacebar play through this little section in the middle is a little bit different this is clips so this is just our individual clips and hopefully you can see that the playhead is jumping around so we can play individual Clips if we would like to so what we're going to do is in the custom setting we're gonna rename this one so my first video we're gonna browse to a location it's going to bring up your file browser let's go to the desktop let's go my video let's create a new folder so call this one like your export or let's call it your final and just go create it'll automatically select that folder we're gonna go save so now so now here in the location you can see where we're saving our video to we can scroll down there are a lot of other settings to change but literally this is all we need to do all right so you rename it choose a location then we're going to go add to render queue alright that's not going to export it just yet that's just going to put it over here it's ready to be sent out all you need to do is hit start render and let it do its thing alright and now the if you can tell that it's finished it says completed took 20 seconds if we minimize DaVinci Resolve we head to that file location final now you see we have our video we press spacebar [Music] and there you go guys that's how you edit your very first video inside of DaVinci Resolve there you go guys so nice quick and easy hopefully you learned a little bit from this video like I said it's purely for beginners so hopefully you did take something away from this and him go out on your own and do your own thing and make sure you subscribe to the channel if you want to learn more about video editing we do a lot of that here and until the next video see you up you
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 21,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit your first video in Davinci Resolve 16, beginners guide to Davinci Resolve 16, how do you import video clips into Davinci Resolve 16, how do you export a video from Davinci Resolve, how do you add a transition in Davinci Resolve 16, first time users guide to Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial, how to edit video in Davinci Resolve 16 for beginners, what is Davinci Resolve 16, should I edit in Davinci Resolve 16, thatmoderndude, how to edit your first video
Id: -gT-srcpC6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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