Chris Makes Breakfast Sandwiches | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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Take a shot every time he says umami

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/dimplezcz 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Birds of Prey really did capture just how amazing a breakfast sandwich is after a night of drinking

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Z_Zircon 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

They didn't show him eating the extra piece of cheese that he cut. We all do it; the secret cheese.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Lokaji 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is the type of recipes I love to watch. I know what all of the ingredients are, I have a lot of them on hand, and it still is a combination I would not have come up with on my own.

I'm excited to give this a try.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/delavenue 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

“You can obviously double-fist this.”

(cue the shocked lady from It's Alive!)

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/podappetitpodcast 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm not sure that quantity of cheese qualifies as healthyish, but I'm not complaining.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/LouBrown 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/efitz11 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

That look of “I told you so” after Delaney says “umami booster” is everything

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/leodanger 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did anyone else catch where Chris was trying to imply that Delaney was watching on his "something" for the food to be ready. We didn't really get to what because he got cut off. I just found that really funny because I see a lot of Delaney memes about him with secret cameras waiting for the food to be done and I know chris follows meme appetit on Instagram.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ManKnownAsD-Money 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
so listen go out live your life it's like it's trying to sabotage me I didn't think we were gonna have time to make healthiest breakfast sandwiches today but it turns out we do so so much the better for you and me and everyone else in this kitchen in New York there is the phenomenon of the kind of bodega sandwich like classic bacon egg cheese sandwich that's probably saved you from countless hangovers countless mornings of hang greenness I myself you know have like a deep-seated love and appreciation for that sandwich but you ask yourself the question what would it take to make that a little bit more healthy ish would probably be a little bit something like this so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna make onion bacon and interpret that how you will okay we're not like trying to truly make like some kind of meat substitute but there's a certain way that bacon kind of gives depth and kind of grounds the flavor of a bacon egg and cheese sandwich and onion you toss it little soy sauce a little garlic powder a little olive oil salt it takes on similar not identical a very similar kind of savory deep rich umami filled quality so normally when I cut an onion I go sort of along the longitudal longitudinal axis if that works today I'm gonna go the other way I'm gonna go across the equator I'm then gonna peel it and the reason I'm cutting it in this way is that what I don't want are kind of like big stringy bits of onion that are gonna be that are gonna kind of come out of this sandwich a little bit too easily this is gonna result in these kind of like really big nice petals of onion that are gonna kind of flatten and stay put and that's kind of essential to the construction of a good breakfast sandwich things shouldn't be sliding in and out and all around okay so I took the top off guess I could have done that first I might have made a little more sense no big deal I'm just gonna separate the petals of this onion I want to have like kind of big nice petals separate them all out into nice big rings pieces of onion could never actually be bacon right but they can take on a similar kind of really deep kind of rich umami quality to them in this case you know onion kind of goes that direction just in and of itself especially red onion which is like very pleasantly sweet it roasts up really tender and kind of has like a creamy quality to it I'm helping it along in this instance with a little bit of soy sauce which is also super you know kind of rich and savory so I'm just trying to like keep these rings and kind of like as intact pieces as possible that way after these are roasted we'll be able to kind of flatten them onto the sandwich and they'll kind of lay a little bit like a strip of bacon all right so onto this I'm putting just a tablespoon of olive oil to help the onion get kind of soft and jammy a little bit of soy sauce this is one teaspoon regular soy sauce that's gonna kind of Boop boost up the umami con quality of the onion and then garlic powder which the garlic powder is not necessarily a substitute for raw garlic but it adds garlic flavor in a very deep and precise way so it's a great addition to dry rubs it's a great addition to like blender sauces because it's not going to have that sharp in-your-face raw garlic quality it's gonna have a little bit more of a like a kind of low-level umami kind of richness to it then I'm just gonna also season a little bit of salt and then it's actually kind of pretty okay I'm just gonna toss these all together alright and these are gonna go in the oven set 350 oh did it again I don't know how cool that is or not thank you this is what they are going to become so red onion in particular because of that sugar content it gets sweet and jammy and unctuous in a way that most other onions just don't they kind of have a tendency to get kind of dry and sad whereas red onion has this luscious plumpness to it there is the lovely kind of deep and rich but it's almost smoky you know it almost tastes like it's been cured or kind of adulterated in some way the way bacon is so we have like our lovely kind of onion rings here that are gonna be you know clutch in our sandwich for adding just a little bit of that kind of depth to it I'm actually gonna just throw these aside on our speed rack here so when I was talking to Andy about this sandwich I was like what do you think a breakfast sandwich like a healthiest one has to have and he said it has to have something green in it and I racked my brain like green green like I mean yeah you can do like some arugula pesto are you making arugula pesto for your breakfast sandwich you're hungover or you you woke up too late or you're staying in and you just want to make something tasty for yourself you know I can think of so many days in my life that I probably would have been you know way better off like maybe 200% better off if I had something like this to kind of get me up and moving anyway point being why not use like an awesome green hot sauce that has a little bit of that like more kind of like vegetal kind of herbaceousness quality to it as opposed to just their standard red one and you could absolutely use red hot sauce for this it truly it doesn't matter that much because we're gonna bulk this up with some they talk herbs but a hot sauce actually has a lot of like the complexity that you're looking for in like kind of a condiment or dressing just ready to go so I didn't want this to turn into a big ask you know already you know you're kind of roasting your onions you're making some soft scrambled eggs I didn't want the sauce to be kind of a big labor-intensive element so I'm gonna use a couple tablespoons of this lovely green Cholula hot sauce I'm gonna round it out and thin it out just slightly with a little bit of olive oil and I put some freshly chopped herbs in it and that's gonna give us a really nice super easy condiment okay I'm gonna chop some herbs you could use dill cilantro basil whatever you have on hand I'm just gonna do a little mixing mix here any soft herb will be totally welcome got our herbage so to make Andy happy and because it was the right thing to do got a green sauce it's bright it's tangy it's really flavorful highly recommend all right so next step I'm gonna do a little soft scrambled eggs and while before I get the eggs going you couldn't just put this on a plain bagel and call it a day wouldn't be super healthy ish I have a particular affection for food for life's seven sprouted whole grain English muffins they are a little dry little cardboard II but you eat one and you definitely feel healthy like you feel honestly like maybe even virtuous I'm just gonna go ahead and toast these in the oven while we're working on our eggs you guys are like only making me do recipes that involve cracking eggs never live it down it does help if you do it with like slightly more room temp eggs I find how are these these are these are pretty good I mean I mean I can do it but like I'm not doing it on camera for America you know like there's two pieces of freaking shell in there literally don't know how anybody does it it's my Achilles heel it's fine you know it's my kryptonite and I just have to live with it all right well I took the shell out and I admitted that there was shell in there I did the right thing healthiest or not I think soft scrambled eggs need butter occasionally with I'm moving fast in the kitchen I want a little scrambled egg snack snack I will use olive oil let's face it it's just not as good so I don't you know won't try to over whisk it but a little bit of whisking is good oh wow this is some soft butter that's okay soft scrambled eggs soft butter they're like kind of in the same world there grab this um let's like kind of eyeball this and call it a tablespoon so like even a tablespoon of butter divided between you know among four eggs it's gonna make two sandwiches the flavor you get the benefit of like the richness that you know you're kind of adding to already rich eggs it's it's kind of key I like to put get the butter nice and melty it's like a little pre toast on the muffin very clutch thank you so as soon as the butter is melted I'm gonna drop these in you certainly need salt in your eggs I don't know that you always need pepper in your eggs maybe I'm in the minority but for this you know we already have that hot sauce going on in there so I'm moving this around I'm peeling getting the eggs off of the cooking surface pause for a sec season the little salts I'm just find like you know when you're whisking or moving anything like a little motion in the pan itself as well as moving it just really helps distribute the eggs and redistribute them across the surface of the cooking surface continually so nothing is kind of has the chance to overcook I'm just looking for a nice loose set and that's it I'm gonna be dividing this in half and to kind of two little two little portions to go on our muffins all right boom so next step everything's basically done I just want to get this cheese a little bit melty I'm gonna cut some pieces of cheese assemble sort of the sandwich partway melt it for you know three four minutes however long it takes to get that cheese kind of oozy and then we'll finish assembling from there it's gonna divide my egg you don't really have to worry about the egg overcooking at this point the cheese is gonna kind of inflate it a little bit so cheese on top the tops are already feeling plenty toasted to me so I'm just not I'm not gonna like Rito stem here it's gonna throw that in just until the cheese is melted and then I'm gonna finish assembling it all right so about like five minutes I just want to see a little bit of booze that's perfect all right so I was discussed everything's cool sauce is going on top all right all right sauce on top so this is what I'm saying like when you cut the onion like this you get a beautiful ring kind of stays put on there it's not gonna travel too far know what I'm saying crispy jammy chewy unctuous okay boom alright transfer it just off this hot little sizzle platter you can obviously double-fist this you know obviously even over a plate but the a got a certain point is gonna want to kind of drop out but there's something that we can take from you know the bodegas and delis that kind of specialize in this kind of sandwich and that is to wrap it and I know it sounds crazy like why are you gonna wrap a sandwich that you're just gonna eat yourself kind of like hunched over the counter you know on a Saturday morning at like 10:30 but it just keeps everything contained okay I get a sheet of parchment you know that's like about like you know 18 inches or so long fold it down on to the top fold in the sides okay BAM alright and then you're gonna sit there and say fat how do you eat it Chris aha here you can now cut it in half safely just like the pros won't try sandwich today's your day man as if you weren't like watching on your like well your method bodega this is our healthiest breakfast sandwich that we've got we've got like onion bacon TM with a little bit of soy sauce garlic powder salt olive oil yes and then soft scrambled egg a little bit of butter because you need it you and then just like a mild cheddar I'm giving me Oh ma'am I got to put that down um so good right so good bright vibrant all right woman all right get out of here you know there's like certain kinds of sandwiches and things that like you know you just associate with like eating out but like it's actually just like a super easy and awesome if you can make yourself so all right so listen go out live your life party like there's no tomorrow just know that there's always a breakfast sandwich available the next morning if you need it okay I used to do this thing where I would like do this kind of like you know and somebody once like made fun of me they're like yeah like Chris with this whole like boom boom boom and I was like no it's like you know come on
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,481,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bon appetit, test kitchen, breakfast sandwich, from the test kitchen, chris morocco, chris makes, chris bon appetit, chris makes breakfast sandwich, breakfast sandwich recipe, easy breakfast sandwich, make breakfast sandwich, making breakfast sandwich, how to breakfast sandwich, how to make breakfast sandwich, breakfast sandwich bon appetit, healthy breakfast sandwich, bacon egg and cheese, egg sandwich, egg sandwich recipe, bacon egg and cheese recipe, food
Id: F6ik8yFVyaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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