Breakfast Sandwich Taste-Test with Eggslut's Alvin Cailan | Sean in the Wild

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They kept talking about NYC and thought this place was in NYC, but it is not.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NiceGuyMike ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What's #4?!?!?!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cakeeater808 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans coming at you from chefs club counter in Goleta the brand new home of one of the most talked-about breakfast sandwiches in the entire country involves needs of the neighborhood LA's infamous egg [ __ ] is already drawing wraparound minds in Manhattan and today I'm joined by the man behind the brioche bun Alvin kai-lan is here to talk about what makes the perfect breakfast sandwich what is the perfect PC in your opinion for me has to be hot has to have good bread if the breads stale or if it sucks ruins your whole experience and then obviously gooey egg you know nice sauce good cheese and bacon you eat with your eyes first so for me breakfast sandwich in the morning to get your day going has to look beautiful you want to be like [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna get down on that you know today we're doing a little taste test on some of the most popular breakfast sandwiches on the market I've been around the breakfast sandwich block a few times you and me both but we're gonna do a little autopsy on each and every one of these and then we're gonna hop into the kitchen and make a little egg [ __ ] action yeah this is the money right there that American cheese as a breakfast sandwich chef what are its traits what are its weaknesses well the strength is is that it so they put crack in it it's great when you're drunk and I'm glad that they have it all day now I'm not gonna hate on it too much cuz I still love it still my heart I'm giving it a solid four point three for the price the assistance II it always delivers on what it promises I'd say three point eight three for it being great in nostalgia eight for it to be like sinful I always feel like they're trying to do this like high-end artisanal sandwich it always comes out like a mass-produced kind of crummy cheap food item that they'd serve on like a Delta flight and that's this right here which is shudder not American cheese so it's just when you bite into it just dry right like at least if you had American cheese and be like kind of soft and gooey this is one one five I would love to have a croissant that is a bun that's awesome but it fails everywhere else a little bit softer I'm kind of an easy teacher right I'm gonna give it a two point six because I do like the bread bacon action can use some work they actually give you a substantial amount of bacon that's like three slices not bad all right next up we have a bagel breakfast sandwich it doesn't look like much Oh mines you can see it's like astronaut food guys gravity yeah and then there's that like canned egg thing or it's like comes in the can they just slice it nothing sriracha can't fix that bagel is terrible I'd say three five maybe since I'm a bagel freak and the bacon has two smokiness to it I'm gonna give it a three point three that's like a certain quality to it where like it doesn't even matter what you order off of their breakfast menu like it'll all more or less taste the same and that's kind of what I got from it so this is this is what I'm excited about so stacking this up your classic NYC Dec bodega sandwich right here that weights up like this like the egg is like picture [ __ ] but it's so good the ratio is on point the egg the cheese the bacon just cut through the layers and then you have sort of this like stepped on bread situation yeah it's like perfect amount of bread enough filling and - and you bite through it I'm getting hints I'm getting notes of all the other things that they've been cooking on there yeah the only thing I'm missing is a mayonnaise packet and me sitting on the curb but I'm a nun in Cyprus I feel like I know where this is going what are you giving it out of five yeah I mean as closest I pay a four point eight I'm giving it a solid four point nine just uptick a little bit to keep my soft teacher thing going bodega to bodega they all seem to do it the same way they all seem to do it right this is like home we've had sort of these you know little starters but we need that good good that first thing in the morning that hangover cure time for an awkward segue to the kitchen now me and Alvin are back in the kitchen we're gonna make the best damn breakfast in which you've ever seen in your life with a little menu item eggs like calls the Fairfax it's our boy and so our sandwiches are go to that starts off how every best scrambled egg starts which is a cold pack like no heat nothing to grab a couple eggs let's see if I can do it a little bit better this time our main man Oscar in the back he's having fun with this yeah look at that you don't want to salt it you just want to leave it like that add a little bit of butter and then this is where you start mixing it no again cold pan this is like the bamboozlement of it all because people think you add cheese to it or like cream but it's really just keeping the the butter cold it emulsified in the in the eggs so when you get it to like this point where it's like some white we'll go ahead and throw it on the heat and you notice I haven't seasoned it at all and the butter hasn't broken from the eggs yet so it's not like oily the trick to making really good eggs besides slow and slow and spinning it all the time is if it looks like it's a little undercooked in the pan it's already done hit them with the chives and chives and eggs for me are like the best thing when you in you mix it together it's almost like truffle I like to take it off the heat so it doesn't conceal cook these look like some good-ass eggs yeah there are buns on here just a little just a little bit little just a shot it's like give and then once it gives you have our sriracha mayo no scale no big deal and you throw that bad boy on there this has no bacon I can't cross those lines here in New York man like they think I can cheese a sacred you leave it as is it's definitely a if it ain't broke don't fix the type of thing but we're introducing soft scramble which some people don't like they're a little squeamish on it because they've never had it you're probably thinking oh man like that's just going to fall apart when I eat it but when you grab the cheese again we use cheddar then we just melted a little action but a little yeah action this is like we call this the finesse it's like a cheese wheel you know and then that believe it or not oh I'm Mach yeah it keeps it together lastly we grab these caramelized onions add a little sweetness how many of these do you think you've made in your life we do about 40,000 sandwiches a month at in downtown and I've done it for the past five six years so a lot and then you just lit it BAM forty thousand egg sandwiches worth of practice behind you I know that I'm in good hands there it is here it is very IG friendly eggslut time to take a bite mm custardy egg you got that spicy sriracha mayo on it the bun perfectly toasted breakfast sandwiches you can't really mess them up you want an Egg McMuffin go get an Egg McMuffin right but you want the real real one we got to get that hangover cure let's the eggs love right there finesse it's finesse
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,938,669
Rating: 4.8944039 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), eggslut, los angeles, l.a., breakfast sandwich, alvin cailin, chefs club counter, bacon egg and cheese, sean evans, sean in the wild, egg slut, grand central market, eggslut sandwich, alivin cailan
Id: 7Jvsj8cTS_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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