The Best HAM AND CHEESE Sandwich Ever Made | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends today I'm making one of my favorite ham and cheese sandwich you're gonna love it it's a Coke machine I'm going to show you exactly how to make it remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're making Croc machine right now with their Bree Monae sauce amazing [Applause] okay well let me show you how easy it is to make this Croc Monsieur actually we're going to make a Madam egg at the end of it is without the egg without the egg and cork Madame is with the egg this is the kind of ham and cheese sandwich friends you decide to make in advance and you serve it for lunch you can prepare everything ahead in yourself for lunch you bake it in the oven when everything is ready it's not the ingredients cheese ham sandwich you make in five minutes this one you gotta make a a Mornay sauce what I think about this now morning sauce kinda like a macaroni and cheese on the sandwich it's gonna be delicious I'm gonna show you how to make it I am using for this friend what is called a panda me I'm gonna get to this in a minute let me sir let me first make the sauce the sauce as I was telling you is a monkey sauce for those of you that have seen my macaroni and cheese you've seen it mac and cheese same deal friends and the morning sauce is what is a bechamel with cheese what are the classic sauce very simple the Magus got a butter right there and then it's got a flower right there so it's got two ounces of uh of uh of butter and uh and one ounce of flour and we're making a little Roux you see roux and this is what we we are referring to a rule we're going to make it a soft rule I got two cup of milk right there I got a little bit of cream and at the end I got cheese cheese I got parmigiano with John right there grated and I got grated um uh gruyere cheese you can use Swiss cheese whatever you want you need whatever cheese you want really that's the whole idea about making a Monet sauce you know you make your Mac and Cheese use whatever cheese you want same deal here right and and I got brie cheese you can never have too much cheese right so we're gonna cook the roux just a little bit and then I get into the bread deal and um let me tell you this is amazing sandwich friends I promise you this to me has to be they find us a ham and cheese sandwich you can possibly make it I don't think you can make a better one than that now if you got a better recipe out there friends please send it in all right so look we got a hot milk in there and this is two cup of milk and we're gonna mix this up now you I have a heart because it goes faster but my friends you can do it with cold milk it just takes longer for it to cook you see and uh and and then at the beginning it might be a little bit lumpy it's going to look like a little lumpy because the the um the flower doesn't get incorporated as easily but don't worry about it just mix it up really good you see so milk uh flour and butter so so far don't taste like nothing I mean nothing right so we're gonna put a little salt and pepper now you're supposed to use white pepper but you know I don't like white pepper my mom would not appreciate that no no black pepper in the white sauce it empty and interfere with the Integrity of the sauce yes ma'am but then she's not here because she was here we'll be in big trouble so a little more soft friends and then we're gonna put the cheese low heat you know it's a very very low heat I'm gonna put the gruyere cheese measure carefully and then a little bit of parmigiano with John if you're going to use parmesan friends you got to use Regina oil and that little brick or whatever cheese you want that's the beautiful thing about making a sauce like this friends you use whatever cheese makes you happy whatever cheese makes you happy and we're going to cook all this up and then at the last minute I'm going to show you how to uh idea the yolks the yolk is what's gonna make it richer and it's going to allow us to get a nice color when we put it in the oven so we're gonna cook all this we're going to add a couple of ounces of cream cream and butter That's my kind of recipe yes all right so we're gonna let that cook for a minute I'm gonna get to the bread we'll keep an eye on it though We're not gonna let it burn the bread friends we gotta get a um a perfect you would think it's a square but it's not a square because most of the mold you use to make a pen to me are uh are not exactly Square they're more like a rectangle so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut a slice very thin It's Not About The Bread as much as offending me it's a wonderful way to do you use a sandwich with bread I've been promising you I'm going to make a recipe on the pen to me and I never do but I am going to do it I promise you because I use it a lot so it's very simple very simple to make we're going to cut the crust now don't try to cross the way though you can use it for breakfast it's delicious for breakfast now we have a perfect rectangle all right so we're gonna do we're going to take all this out because I already got it and then what you do friends with your with your bread you you pop them on a cookie sheet and you you get them light golden brown in color and uh and the reason why you want to do that is because if they're too soft um they're gonna get soggy so what I do is kind of like when I do the French toast things for a minute or two let's get let's keep it on that sauce friends let's keep an eye on that sauce the cheese is gonna melt let me tell you you don't want to do this you put macaroni in there pop that in the oven you're gonna have a macaroni and she's like oh baby this is beautiful you see look a little more a little more cream the cream you put in as you need it okay and this right there I love a morning so there's nothing like it so now look guys we're gonna put Ham on this sandwich and you see they don't come in a little package like that see the package fits perfectly how do they how do I do it in a package yeah I like to make it look nice you know I know some people say I'm too in all about stuff but but why not so how do you make it how do you make a fish like a nice little package like that very simple first you put the side right there you know you start right there right and then you you fold it right and then you fold it in half I mean not in half you fold away where it fits right there right and then you fold it again all right so now you take another slice I'm not going to do the whole thing because I already made them but this time you do it on the opposite side you see right you do it right there up start at the end and then you fold your pieces right so now it fits and then you go like this and then you go like this and you see and then you pack it in you pack it in because now you want some nice package of ham because if you don't then you got a big buck in the middle you got more in the middle of what deal you got your perfect things Okay so I know I pay attention to little detail but trust me the detail is what makes a difference friends at the end of the day I want things to look perfect so look we're looking good here maybe a little bit more cream and I think we got it so now we're gonna put the egg and the egg is very important the egg is what's gonna allow us to give this beautiful golden color so I got those beautiful free range eggs they're so yellow look at this they're so yellow so now we're gonna put them in and we're gonna immediately really really quick mix them friends because you don't want to scrambled eggs in there you see look at all of a sudden the sauce is turning really beautiful yellow and this my friends is a morning sauce then I promise you yeah you're going to want to eat it just like this just like this it's amazing and it's so simple to make right it was nothing you know there's none of the stuff I teach you it's difficult it's difficult I don't want to teach you difficult things otherwise you're not gonna do it what's the sense of doing it I'm not going to take this morning sauce and I'm gonna turn it off make sure you give it a time to cook a little bit make sure it's nice and smooth if it's not smooth don't be afraid to use your mushroom blender in there let's say you know just your immersion blender and then I'm going to show you how I do this you put it in a bowl now it's super hot you can't use it right now not to make the sandwich can't use it you can use it for macaroni and cheese you can use it to rub all over your body it's a little too hot also be careful and then and then look do this now it's very important I gotta take a plastic sale man friends because if I don't do this if I don't put the plastic wrap on top of it let me put the ham over there by the way the Hem I'm using is called a bourbon hem delicious I buy it at my grocery store Publix fabulous look it's very important you put the plastic wrap my friend not on top of the ball on top of the sauce if you don't put on top of the sauce your sauce is gonna get a skin and you won't be able to take it out of that skin see see what I'm doing right there friends and then you want to refrigerate this until it's cold you want to refresh you ready until it's cold because you can't use it right now it's too hot it's too liquid so I got one I made this morning I got it I made it this morning and it's right there so now friends see you look no skin see no skin because I put the plastic on it pretty simple right you notice everything is so simple when you see when you know it when I tell you you go what's easy nothing friends nothing we do is complicated you see now when you watch a uh when you watch a a doctor operated or uh I don't know some people do things they takes for years to learn cooking anybody can do it I promise you my friends some chefs are going to say that maybe these guys they know me in the uh the professional chef anybody can be a great cook all right so now we're gonna put the whole thing together okay so what we're going to do here we're going to put a little sauce on it very little though We're not gonna put a lot oh I got I got spoons right here because if you put too much of it's going to slide all over the place see look look see what you got right there friends you see now you got it you can handle it you see you put a little bit of sauce don't put too much because if you do as much as you want to you can put some more at the end your your your ham and everything is going to go all over the place so you don't want to put too much in there you see just like this we're gonna put more at the end so there's probably enough sauce right there for uh 10 sandwiches and a macaroni and cheese so you may want to cut the recipe in half I like to make extra because I can feed everybody you see so now look now we're going to take our hand my friends and we're going to put it right here and now but see not how easy it is to put the hand because it's all ready to go you see there's always a reason why we do things oh let's put a little sauce in there friends let's put it in the sauce we don't want to put too much now otherwise it's gonna slide everywhere I promise you the sandwich gonna slide everywhere if you put too much when you bake it we're gonna put a little more Grier though they can never have too much Goodyear right or or swiss cheese or a cheddar cheese or whatever cheese you want you see in the fact that we have debris in the um we have debris in the um um in the sauce you don't need to worry about it we're going to put a little bit on it on this side very little okay just a little like I said if you put too much of it it's gonna go all over the place and we want to push it push it friends push push it push it because you don't want a sandwich to be so high it's so high then it's difficult uh to eat you see remember now this is not a sandwich you're going to grab see push it push it down nice and now friends we're going to finish the whole thing by now we can put a lot of sauce you see because now I don't care if it goes all over the place quite a contrary see quite a contrary Let It Go Everywhere no I don't because I'm gonna eat this with a fork and a knife okay I don't plan on eating this hey you'll come back over here I don't plan on eating this with uh grabbing it and eating like a regular sandwich okay especially if you're going to put a cork Madame you're going to eat it with a fork and uh and a uh and a knife okay put a little extra don't worry it's gonna go everywhere it's gonna run everywhere but that's what we want all right and now I'm friends we're going to put a little more and we're going to pop it in the oven I got an oven 450 degree friends very hot oven so we're gonna clean up and when we come back a few minutes before it's ready I'm gonna do the egg I'm gonna show you how I do the egg for the Croc Madame you can just leave it like that 450 degrees this could take a long time for us could take about 15-20 minutes in the oven maybe maybe a half hour depends how hot your oven is okay we're gonna pop it in the oven which oven do I got this one right there and when we come back we're going to put the egg on it we're going to cut it and we're going to eat it be back in a minute okay friend the sandwich is almost ready a few more minutes I'm gonna get the egg ready for the Croc Madame uh I usually just crack an egg and put it in the pan and I'm sure it'll be perfectly fine but I like it to be perfect so what I do is I take a cookie cookie cutter and I put it on a non-stick spray on it and I put it in here right in my fry pan I use a non-stick fry pan and I cracked my egg and I'm gonna put it right in there right in the middle that's it and you know what the egg is always deciding it wants to fight me so he goes it doesn't go exactly in the middle right there but it's going to get there eventually and if it there you go if it doesn't stay there it's not that big of a deal see I messed it up a little bit but it's okay just don't do it like that little pepper little salt now you can also if you want a little foam you can put a little bit of nutmeg in there fresh nutmeg certainly don't have to and a touch of cayenne pepper be careful now because too much of this you'll be sorry just a kiss a Guyana want to cook the egg or leave it alone the pan is about 200 we're gonna cook it slowly by the time the egg is done I'm gonna take it out of there we're gonna put it on top of the cork Madame and in a minute the sandwich should be ready friends I'll be back in a minute okay friends the clock machines are ready I'm gonna take them out of the oven foreign look at this beautiful so now you see there's a little bit of a sauce that fell and and burned a little bit here no big deal take it out that's the whole purpose of it take it out clean it up nice you see with a spatula and I'm going to take him and I'm going to move them oh they're really hot move him right there so you see if you have it a ready in advance and you're doing this for lunch or or a nice dinner tell you what there's nothing wrong with that you have a radio in advance at the last minute all you got to do is buff them in the oven they're all ready to go so we're going to continue this we're gonna let him cool we'll let him cool and in a minute we're going to cut into it just gonna let him cook it too hot I'm not gonna I'm not eating this right now I'm gonna burn myself be back in one second okay friends well they are kind of cool enough right now so we got two o'clock machine oh one crock of my shoe and where are you and one cup madame how cool is that very simple right we're gonna cut it got it right in there right in the middle of it oh boy let me see let's go right in there and cut it oh right in there friends oh yes look at this look at this friends look at this look at this is that beautiful or what now that's let me take this out of the way that's a beautiful madama you can skip the egg obviously um but remember now that's something you're serving it with a fork and a knife okay because you can't you can't grab that and either but I couldn't die is that beautiful or what friends you know how delicious that's gonna be I'm gonna take a little piece okay I can't take a whole big thing um I'm telling you to use a fork and then I and I'm going with my fingers I have no malice um I made a mess but it is amazing my friend and it wasn't too hot so I didn't burn myself for once friends I hope you make this beautiful coffee machine and you enjoy your mama preparing in advance of popping in the oven for dinner or for lunch it's amazing thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel friends don't forget to subscribe we need subscriber we're getting to a million really really soon so we're looking forward to it and uh and and thank you again for watching we love you guys thank you bye [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 978,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: croque monsieur recipe, how to make croque monsieur, croque monsieur recipe easy, croque monsieur, croque monsieur sandwich, croque madame, how to make croque monsieur recipe, ham and cheese sandwich, french croque monsieur recipe, croque madame recipe, croque monsieur sandwich recipe, ham and cheese recipe, ultimate ham and cheese sandwich, Sándwich de Jamón y Queso, Receta de Sándwich de Jamón y Queso, Recette de sandwich au jambon et au fromage, Sandwich jambon-fromage
Id: LwqoYzgu_OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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