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Weโ€™re making this! My garlic doesnโ€™t look like that

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/smurf341 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Holy... shit.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/38DDs_Please ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Iโ€™m making this TONIGHT!!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ArtSquirrel337 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What's the cost of beef shank where you are (or anybody else is)? I should probably ask for a baseline too, like the cost of chuck roast or ground beef.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Reddit4618 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What happened to the Matzoh Brie? (Fried Matohs)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SReznikoff ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] we talk about easy and delicious all the time but today we not only give you easy we not only give you impressive but we give you extra delicious because we're making beef ossobuco today's video is sponsored by the ncba the national cattlemen's beef association you know who they are boys they're the beef it's what's for dinner people and by the way i love the fact that they have stuck with that line one of the greatest marketing lines of all time but let's get to what we're doing beef also bucco is a go how about if i just show you stay right there beef shank looks like this are you impressed i get a little impressed when i see this kind of stuff but it comes from the leg big bone here and it's a cut that gets worked a lot because it's a part of the animal that's moving hence it's a little tougher but after what we do to it it will melt in your mouth oh and we're going to serve this with creamy roasted garlic soft polenta with mascarpone boom but these got to get going because they're going to take a couple hours of cooking it's very simple but it's a couple hours of cooking to get them where we want them shall we begin boys let's go this is a gorgeous site and let me point out one thing bone inside is bone marrow this is going to give a richness that you will not believe what i'm about to do is a little unnecessary i'm going to tie them with string to keep them nice and that's because when i go to present them put them on the the platter with the polenta i want them to be nice they're going to be so soft and anxious when we're done if the strings not there they might start falling apart and i don't want that so and one little loop around the middle of these guys should keep everybody nice and snug you know what i'm saying yes i know you know what i'm saying and repeat this can go fast all right now we'll just cut the ends off we don't need unnecessary string and next we're going to season them up just with kosher salt and pepper you can be generous look this is a big piece of meat it's gonna be insanely delicious by the time we're done i'm telling you this is the kind of thing that you bring out people are gonna be oh my god what have you made we'll flip we'll do the other sides a little bit more and now before we put them in the pan that's behind me getting hot we're going to give them a little light dusting with flour it'll help some browning to help our sauce thicken up a bit and it's this simple pick up one of the kids we'll give them some of that give them some of that a little edge flower and we continue when you're finished at this juncture off we go to our heating cast iron pan then we go with some good oil oh look at that and now our friends one at a time and we're just looking for some beautiful browning at this point we're not cooking them well i guess we are if you're gonna be technical about it but really it's more browning than anything else and like every campfire i've ever been to the smoke somehow has found my face it's coming right right at me it's gonna be good all right let's give these kids a turn like that oh pretty pretty oh my sweet another minute or so i know what i'm having for dinner all right let's get these guys out wow oh goodness all right vegetables go in next touch more oil and then our vegetables we go with some onion some carrot what do you notice about the carrot yellow and orange from thanksgiving and celery so we're gonna give this a couple minutes maybe three or four okay i know a couple generally means two i just went with it and i want you to notice what i'm cooking on i mean yes a cast iron pan but the grill i tell you all the time a grill is really a stove in an oven that is just outside take advantage of it that's beautiful all right time for a little garlic make a little landing spot right in a little shot of oil we're gonna let it get fragrant you know that you know that come on baby come on come on then we mix it in ah the smell i love the smell of cooking garlic in the morning okay a couple other things close put in tomato paste by the way that was three tablespoons but don't worry about it the recipe is below and this will get stirred through this will just help deepen the flavor of the whole thing gorgeously by the way we've got dueling construction going on house on one side has got some roofing house on the other side has got some renovations ready for our liquids we're gonna put in one bottle of dark beer this is a stout two cups of beef broth couple tablespoons should i talk louder max yes couple tablespoons of soy sauce or soy paste my preference is paste we're going to give this a mix we're going to throw in some thyme sprigs and then we're going to let this come to a boil perfect that's where you want it oh chancey has already said how great it smells chancey you just wait this is getting so much better now we take our little friends did i say little i didn't mean little i meant giant friends wow look if you're gonna have a beef shank make it a beef shank everybody sits in beautifully i can kill the heat underneath it this is unnecessary but i always feel like the right way to start a slow braise which is what this is called i like to put just a little bit of what's underneath on top it feels like it's the right thing to do everybody gets happy and now because i don't have a lid for this pan i'm going to use foil so i'm going to take a big double sheet and yes this is gonna be hot that i think i can deal this now goes into a 400 degree oven for two to two and a half hours until super tender i have a question is the noise that we're hearing right now obvious to you is it bothering you do you hear that uh jackhammering going on we're curious you guys know we feel the gardeners the roofing the whatever we think more than you but just curious just let us know below anyway so those guys are in the oven and they're very happy we're going to serve them on this roasted garlic polenta with mascarpone it's going to be stupid good but we have to roast some garlic first and you start with a whole bulb like this they're quite nice looking aren't they i love them all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take off about the top third of this thing to explode to expose all the clothes to explode so just cut down like that you can get rid of this extraneous useless paper i mean i suppose it holds it all together and then you do this then you take your your head with the exposed cloves put it on a double piece of foil give it a little juge of olive oil a little hit of salt and pepper and then you take your foil bring the sides up and you make this tight little package like this you want it to steam inside so you don't want any of the steam coming out and that will help soften caramelize make this the most gorgeous garlic ever that you will want on everything but especially our polenta oh i forgot the oven's already at 400 i'm just going to throw this in for 45 minutes and then take it out and we'll look at it it's like one of those little things fancy restaurants would give you your leftovers to take home in right there you go sir your leftover piece of bread the osobuco is almost ready let's make the polenta four cups of boiling water one cup of cornmeal and we're going to stir as we slowly add the cornmeal because we don't want it to clump and we certainly don't want it to stick so just do this take your time this is cooking ladies and gentlemen we enjoy this and if you don't enjoy this turn off right now and go to a restaurant because somebody else should be doing your work we're stirring all across the bottom of the pot we're making sure and the last goes in three two one nice now over the next 20-ish minutes maybe 25 this will thicken the polenta will become smooth and not gritty anymore so we can stop this and now turn it down because we don't want this rolling boil we want it to be a gentle kind of simmer and when it's at the point that it's perfecto then we'll add a couple things that will make it magnificent and we'll serve it with our you-know-what our gorgeous beautifully cooked gargantuan beef shanks so you don't have to continue stirring the whole time but i say every five six minutes or so come back give it a few stirs just to make sure nothing is sticking and it's doing its thing in a most loving way it's time to make the polenta great but remember this somebody could say yes yes thank you hate asking if that's a rhetorical question come on remember this obviously we do i wanted to hear i like to hear stop your swearing so this is cool because it's hard to do this when it's not but watch it's insane the change that happens to garlic when you roast it 400 degrees 40 minutes i want look every little bit this guy come on come on buddy there you go but i can't put it into the polenta quite like that so let's give it a quick mash to help incorporate roasted garlic best thing ever so we'll take our roasted garlic and by the way you're going hey sam that's like a giant head of it so i'm going to start with about half and if you think it looks like too much just know that roasted garlic is way sweeter and lovelier so this will go in our polenta along with about a quarter of a cup of mascarpone just think triple processed cream cheese it's richer it's thicker it's very good and if you didn't have that could you use regular cream cheese max yes of course you could we'll put about a quarter of a cup of butter in that soft butter we'll get our big spoon look at this this is my favorite part this melting-ness oh everything goodness gracious lads look what we have done this is the perfect foil for what i'm about to bring out couple things before we hit it one will be some picked thyme just those little leaves none of the stalks nice pinch of kosher salt and pepper because the polenta is fairly plain even though we've added lovingly to it oh boy oh boy oh boy mother may i all right oh come on now somebody say is it time for the uh ossobuco that's a rhetorical question of course it's time for the awesome book i'm gonna go get it right now all right it's time and one two and today's monster look at you goodness gracious and i think a gentle hint of that would oh man way to get the bone marrow out of those bones all right well look what are these for the strings remember the strings and you can see they've started to bust out of their strings so the string is a good thing to do right i'll get the other ones and then here's what we've got looking at us well for a start you've got bone marrow just the most delicious bone marrow right here waiting to have a bite of i'll do that now and then i think we want to serve like this this is very hot so let me do this and do this and do this let's put some polenta here oh goodness gracious and now how is this gonna happen oh come on the bone i love the bone though stay with me bud come on there's something about the presentation of this with the bone that makes me super happy oh okay now spoon with the holes in it for some of these vegetables oh boy oh boy just like that and then a little bit more parsley and then this guy oh boy can you believe it somebody asked me what's for dinner what's for dinner clowns beef also bucco is what's for dinner and now we have a bite and i'd be remiss if i didn't try a little bit of the polenta first just with a little bit of vegetable on it oh boy by the way if you are old and have no teeth this polenta should be what you eat from now on because it's fantastic but really the start of the show is this come on let's take a look at what's going on here the old no teeth demographic is one of our largest so this is what happens after a couple hours that that that's a little polenta a little taste of polenta some vegetable that's what your hard work did and by the way the hardest part of your work was waiting to be able to have a bite two and a half hours you can do it oh my god the melting beef now with the polenta the bone marrow from these massive bones has cooked and braised right along with everything else and added an amazing richness i don't know what to say anymore just let me say thank you to the national cattlemen's beef association or as we call them around here the uh the ncba ladies and gentlemen of the ncba i applaud your work because it got us this so thank you everybody at home get on this let me tell you could there be a more perfect holiday dish to serve your guests no and here's the genius part it's in the oven way before they come and then all you have to do is bring it out like this make the polenta early bring it back to life a little extra butter it's not gonna hurt anybody warm it up oh my gosh you will be the star of the holiday i gotta go eat my face off right now all right everybody so welcome back to sam's giveaway 2021 it's wednesday we have two more uh uh things to give away today and then of course yes more on friday so don't worry about it there's many more chances in fact on friday there will be 32 more chances so this giveaway and i've got it written down right here uh the first one is the not not taco party right here in san diego not not tacos lots of fun we'll just have a ball goes to sheila adams congratulations sheila okay and wait the next one is the pit barrel cooker that's wait do you see how amazing ribs are when they come off the pit barrel and this goes to michael and michelle aikens yes congratulations i'd applaud with two hands but i'm holding the thing with the other all right um sheila adams and michael and michelle aikens congratulations you guys and uh hope you love the stuff and again we'll put your names you're gonna reach out we'll vet you and you'll be on your way to eating and cooking fabulously see you friday tons of stuff tons [Music] [Music] you
Views: 1,585,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, osso buco, beef osso buco, sam the cooking guy osso buco, delicious, sam the cooking guy delicious, sam the cooking guy beef, sam the cooking guy beef osso buco, cooking dinner, sam the cooking guy dinner, sam the cooking guy one dinner, sam the cooking guy guests, sam the cooking guy impress, sam the cooking guy impress guests
Id: Sqog5ILMAV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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