Making The Best Of A Mess - Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr

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hello my friend I'm Timothy Fleming senior the pastor Malcolm a Baptist Church in Atlanta Georgia thanks for tuning in today words from a senior pastor yes I've been out here pastoring a long time preaching 54 years passing supported seven years so I've been out here a long time I've seen a lot of things I've seen old church and I've seen how the new churches emerging it's been a blessing to live the see through saying I'm not that old I'm only 66 years old I just been preaching since I was 11 years old and pastoring since I was 19 years old pastor six judges during my ministry so I know a few little things some things are not in books by the way you can learn it from experienced experienced in the greatest teaching and I'm so grateful that since I've been doing these table talks or worrisome a senior pastor I've been getting response from all around the world and I'm hearing good reports and thank you for those good comments it encouraged me to continue over this when I know that what I'm doing is blessing somebody we're not here to condemn and make you feel bad get enough of that from some preacher I'm here to try to help you in and move you to another level and get you to feeling good about yourself some people don't see it that way so I'm pleased you think well you need to convict and condemn them well that's true in many ways the people do need to be convicted to get better but some people don't take it that way sometimes you can drive people away being a little too hard the Bible says feed my sheep not beat my sheep so I'm here to try to make you feel a little better because if some people feel better they'll get better think about that I'm telling you why I'm doing these stable talk and there are some people in very famous people I've been told and I'm getting this message of looking at us right now I'm Hollywood stars and famous people who are on happened looking forward well I have a word from you I'm thanking all you people out in you about I heard from you yes Europe is listening and looking I'm grateful for that because many churches in Europe are becoming very empty because many people and youth have forgotten God and that's where it all started so we've got to get this word out Jesus is coming and it's coming soon we're here to try to lift you up okay now today I'm going to talk about how to live in a messy situation in other words making the best of a bad mess how to make the best of a bad mess I may say how to make the best of a Misco some people in a myth but not in a bad myth and some people are in our bad mess you understand what I'm talking about but how do you make the best of a mess where are we going to get into it tonight but look friends I want to use today let's go sometimes I don't use the text because these are talks and it's like counseling you and and trying to move you up to another level where I can get you more into church I'm aware of the fact that some people don't go to church but never will go to church and this this social media is going straight into your home and I'm hoping that you can just sit down you want to have a cup of coffee over your Bible you dress the way you want dude I don't care because we're going straight into your house today and I'm hoping that anytime at night way over the mid night you can get up and look at these words from a senior pastor it will really come for you so let's go to the book of Genesis today I'm going to be talking from one of my favorite characters in the Bible I have two Bible characters that I really love preaching and teaching that's Joseph and Jobe oh boy I love teachers from those two men they really touch my life and when I get down I go back and read that story it just delivers me all the time and really both of these guys got in a message situation today by the way look at Genesis chapter 39 and I want to just keen on verse 2 and maybe three and four tonight look it says here Genesis 39 verse 2 and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man listen did you see that write that down on the line that the Lord will riches and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master being gyptian a slave being prosperous and I thought we belong to say the Masters prospered but a slave being prosperous already that speaks of powerful worry you can be prosperous and you are the slave in fact there's possibility that some slaves might be more prosperous than the master that's a whole other sermon but think about that what God can do the Lord made Joseph prosperous house that's a good word on what makes people prosperous it's not always money that makes you prosperous not always caused and closed now I'm not against people who teach go God believes in your being possible prosperity is more than money cause and closing and all these luxury things those are things but prosperity is so deep we need to define it when you can wake up in the morning and you have your good mind you already prosperous you already prosper when you got your good health and strength you're already problem when you know God is you're already prosperous oh my friends some people think that they got to have a car to be prospered call you when you can get around and move around you process because you know what sometimes you live and take you where your car can't take you by the way so you prosper that you can walk you can get on a bus raining yo hey you're already problem when you got legs to walking if you don't even have your leg you can live ways to get around without leave you're already prosperous when you got your good mind you're already prosperous your prosperous in many ways you got family you got friend a big house that make people happy I'm probably talking to somebody looking at me right now in Hollywood they got me as and and walking around throwing everything on the floor but to go crazy Solomon says all is vanity that doesn't give you happiness you want it and as you get it it doesn't mean anything because things doesn't make you happy you know got to know who you are when I'm getting in that in a minute Maidan table look what says in verse 3 and his master song that the Lord were with him who Joseph and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand so the master saw that he was getting prospered because of Joseph's process oh that's powerful this is making the best of a mess already you can help yourself by if you want to message up while you do things and make the job make more when the more they make the more they can give you you should look at it that way I've heard people say I'm not working to make no man rich why not because the more you make it rich and he knows are you the one making them rich you're going to end up getting some of the blessing you have more than your head we take negative thoughts and we go ahead with stinking thinking and then we wonder why things getting stinky and we wonder why pain not happening for you keep wondering why you don't get a raise you wonder why people don't want to promote you they don't see that you care and you got to make up in your mind what I want more I need to do things and make them have more because people and business to make money not to be your friend and they want to make money we heard I said that this is so powerful already getting at how Joseph built with a messy situation he was prosperous but how he began problem he made his master prosperous and he meant at being prospered I'm going somewhere in a minute and look what it says in verse 2 and Joseph found grief in his sight his master and that what happened and he served him underline this and that he made him the overseer the master not meeting the overseer over his house at all that he put in his hands with God let me get into my message today this is all really good me moving fast how to make the best of a myth number one I want to tell you how to make the best of a miss let's accept the fact and admit you in a mess now a lot of people can't handle a bit because they don't believe in a mess some people are in a mess and some of it is a mess you called and some of you didn't create the mess but just in it up in a mess think about this I'm sure some of you looking at me right now saying revving I'm in a mess I can't pay my bills and I can't take care of my family and I don't know why I'm in this mess how am I gonna make it in this mess well looking what got you in a mess but you got a confession in a mess now if you keep going around saying I lied in no mess I'm doing fine I'm just having a few probably and you'll never be able to make it in this mess because you don't believe it's a mess you got credit cards more than you bring in you're in a mess amen you and your husband just can't get along same house won't speak to each other marry each other going in different arrest direction have a house but don't want to come home because a home is more than a house and a house doesn't make a home but but a home makes the house so you got this big old house you got wall-to-wall carpeting wall-to-wall Hill going on room is Hill going to everywhere you go in here that's my man I've known some people living in a little small apartment very happy because they're into each other and I've seen people with 15 and 20 rooms can't stand each other that's unless you know what a real mess is is sometimes you make that magic don't wanna admit you in that mess you can't pay some of those bill because you don't want to use those credit cards and got yourself in this mess and I already know a lot of you out there and I'm Esther causing these credit cards and you got to learn that you can't buy everything you you see and everything you want you got to get control of the flesh or you're gonna get in a mess that's what's fast in here the controls the flesh you you you almost stopped and invited the feed to soul and then you feed the soul the soul controls the body don't love the body controlling the soul that's why you're in trouble you have the sole control of the body you're in a man need to be controlling your ID oh man this is so powerful what gets you in a mess you don't want to confess you in a mess you may be going around saying I don't need no help on drills I'm fine quit when I get ready then why don't you quit you can't create the cause you home you stuck your in a mess you would like to quit and here's the problem you don't want to admit you're addicted to drugs so you refuse to go to rehab you refuse to go to people who can help you you don't want nobody to talk to you you're bullheaded you're stubborn and you're rebellious and you keep saying you don't have no problem and you know you have a problem you in a mist you can't get hit because you won't confess you in a mess that's a mess oh it's a lot of things that people don't want to consist in admit they got some design that does got them in a lot of trouble has been very dangerous to get involved you got it when you were young and some of you got in a gang and now you can't get out you'll miss if you try to get out there probably kill you you become a member of something that really has tied you down you've sworn your life you throwing your life away you become committed to that thing and now you want to do other things you're a mess the NMS but sometimes is the choices you make and sometimes you make that mess but I'm not here to condemn you about the mess I'm trying to tell you how you can get out of this because you've got to confess you in a mess you are in a mess you can't keep no friends everybody you meet you run them away you you keep meeting all these different women and you can't never find a wives you complete me man you can't find nobody please you please you because you had a mess you have not learned how to control some things about you that drive people always some of you are lonely because you choose to be you don't want to submit you don't want to give in you do you too egocentric and your ego is just destroying you you won't listen to nobody and when you want to listen you're in a mess that's the worst thing can be said about you in any situation it when you won't listen God can reach your man when he won't listen you know man's in a mess yes we ever miss rienne amidst this economy is in a misery everything about you around you you see it's a myth but you don't think we can straighten this country out till we drop our pride and confess we're in a mess then I miss with all these walls with a mess of this terrible stuff and some of it we created when we went over and knocked out Iraq we didn't plan nothing for those soldiers when they returned home they came home and they had no food no job at home destroyed and not it became eiseley Johnny that's really little I record on it we didn't plan nothing for the people they had missed messages about us that we tried to destroy them we got the fire way to get to those people that America's not the enemy but they thinking that's what it is people get in a mess and we don't want to come yes we made a mess oh praise God help the Holy Ghost you got to confess you in a mess before you can get here and when a person won't confess you can't help them so next thing to help you deal with a mess if your enemies don't get messy that's number two don't get messy a lot of folks in a mess and they are missing in their nests you intimate and you miss it sometimes you probably got in a mess because you miss it just message it didn't see people just miss it everything they do they create how about it look like every move they make they have something they just gossip they keep a mess on a job and some time is bad when a room get brighten up when you leave it it's bad that a room can get brighten up when you leave it's bad when people see you and when you leave they Hollow thank God they're gone and it's bad when people see you coming to the house and they say old God look who's coming you know what they see mess messing on the phone messy at home messy on the job messy some people are bitter you know why a lot of people miss it girl number one they like attention and when you like a lot of attention you can lose everything friend when you want too much attention you can destroy yourself you can't be the center of attraction there's more you're not all the person in this world sometimes we think that every time you look at a meal you've seen how great bowel and you know and you want all this attention and we know what a person want alive attention I need to tell you right now sometimes when a person want a lot of tension they can't get enough one decide that when you want a lot of attention and you want to be the center of attention you can't get enough enough is not enough for you people can give you this give you that you still got your mouth out you can lick that old folks say you'd be crying with crying with a loaf of bread under your own you can't be pleased when people message they love the D the center of attention why misery loves company and misery gets company by the week people like to talk all about their problems because they want sympathy and you tell in your business but you don't realize when you're telling you things about somebody to get attention you also put in people in your business and you have to keep folk out of your business because when they get in your business is gone they're going to mix everything and then they're going to get on you and talk about you doing this you're doing to keep them out of your bit especially church folk be careful what you pray when you're praying publicly because they're listening and hey after you get through telling God about what you want God to do about your home and all your situation it becomes phone ministry then if they own the phone talk did you hear what you say she's going through keep church folk arching business baby but when you like a lot of tension when you're self-centered you get messy because all that draws attention on you praise God and then your ego gets anyway when you're missing you want to be important and sometimes people get messy that showed a bad and bully hey I'm bad strong and get out of my way you better feel me these are some of the things that why some folk are so method they are getting to attention somewhere else so they try to get it somewhere they want to be big powerful and seen think about this is this tight blood is right I'm trying to help you don't get message don't don't come down on level of method people who trying to keep you in a mess don't get messing with them don't fight them back when they're trying to just come out to you sometimes you get more hurt in the bellow than just walking off old folk you said the bad grimaces better say they go there to say they're late alright so you may need to walk off sometime from some fire often till you don't ever try to correct the fool when you're talking to a fool you know the food don't try to correct the fool you're going to make a fight in the enemy sometimes you have to agree with a crazy fool to keep from making them a worst enemy yes he okay yeah right go on because they not once you die don't go fight somebody we want to call spot my friend it's not worth them taking out a gun shooting you ball cause body let them just have it it's more pleasing you keep going most of those poor souls ago we don't want to walk and just going and pulsing away and walk on in the mall it's not with okay you beat me to it have it and don't don't don't get in the argument with people or riding along or somebody got in front of you and you're going to get out cussing and fight it my worth you being dead these people probably got problems mad about something probably got fired off a job and they they're looking for a fight even on the highway just fact that you drove and giving on them Tom you know how we do these these bad things you I don't want to show you these fingers but listen suppose a person who's really mad about something stops and get behind you and I heard that seen that done to and shoot you they already met they're not worth it killing people over another people mad and you don't need to get messy because they're messy am I helping somebody help me who the ghost can I get a witness why don't you click on as a you right River yeah just agree with me you're right I don't need to get like them because they already down and they want to bring you down you know when people not going or where they can stop you and sometimes people will try to stop you get messing with you and make you message to stop you they don't want to see you some prosper they look they want to show people that the sight of you they don't that people don't know they want to try to put you in the dilemma that make you get fussy and cussing and fussing and using profanity on the job and even in your church and then things go and look at you shop there wow I didn't know you could talk like me I seem pre-shopping should I know you cush like that I didn't know you could get mad like this oh you let people who are messy make you messing that's what you did you want using your head you can't go that way everybody know they lie all the time everybody know they're bad people and you can't let them bring you down and get you down you got to watch it don't get messy don't go back with bitterness after people some of you all do a lot of mess of thing when you go through these divorces and then you go around and get all messy and and you start fighting each other when it's already over if you're gone you're just going go on somewhere and leave each other alone go go don't fight nobody back look you have more in front of you than what you have is not always what you lost is what you got left if I was going back killing some girl because she went on to another boy now you got to sit in prison for the rest of your life can't get nobody there her go on with her life who's nobody probably I have seen young kids I've seen young beautiful young girls hang themselves because a boy told them he didn't want them anymore what were you doing before you met him okay you were doing all right can't you do that again after you lose them a lot of times we keep thinking about people that we love with what were you doing before you met them you were making it and you are going to make it up a little bit they're not God start worshipping these guys and stop worshipping these women and thinking that your life is torn up because they want to move on or you call them doing something then that would you just going crazy over them listen some of them don't even have nothing and you going crazy over them telling have nothing for you kill yourself open you pull yourself together lady this yours ever find somebody else I'm along don't get messy don't be tracking him down or coming over on inviting you come trying to surprise people you're going to get surprised you're smothering people you're trying to control them you can't control grown people they don't do what they want to do with you got to sleep you got to go somewhere sometimes you can't follow them all the time you acted messy you're making them feel like they stalled and then nobody making them feel like that but you know help me older girls I'm already talking to somebody who beginning to wake up listen you need to repeat this they are not worth me losing my mind because when you lose your mind lose all you got you know what they're going to do go on somebody else got good sense frickin fill that clean prison or move hey gonna duck you in a half gone you lost your mind over them don't get messy don't be fighting me in the courtroom when it's over the kids going to get affected because when you go to shared blood and flinging blood everywhere it's going to get on the kids they go get blood on them and they're going to thank they're to blame they're the cause of this divorce you need to become friends they look sorry we couldn't make it but we can be friends you know why you don't need to get messy and these divorces you might need each other and I've seen that habit I've seen the time when that divorce person had to call out and help with a bill and it went right over and helped you this listen don't burn bridges you can't make it go on you might meet and some people have become the best friends they just couldn't get along but they bet all dissin I'm not advocating divorcing you know I don't teach that I've been mad 1 1 48 years but there's been time we got in some rough moments but we stuck it out marriage is not what people think it is it's a struggling match I'm not talking about how beautiful in marriage here they don't fuss they don't fight never I guess so when you're not speaking each other but marriages are struggling it takes something to get it and it takes something to hold it and you got to look for times when people going to fall make a mistake cause you living together you're looking at the same person all day every day and that's not easy all the time when the other strangers coming around things can go wrong but you've got to remember who is your setting when you go to get message you're affecting those kids and go peacefully and go back and see about your kid let them know it's not because you always just couldn't make it and when you get missing oh yeah there was some message kids and they start thinking is their fault please god that's a blessing become friend and go on with your life don't get message and with one time of Deacon was messing with the pastor one time and the pastor didn't know how to handle it because always opposing everything he tried to bring before the church this bigger would oppose he's just fighting the past all the time passive he wanted to explode but he had a little control of how he did it Hey one night the Deacon was lit up posing in the pastor says you the foul spirit I rebuke you in the name of Jesus I just follow you I had to follow you morning cost you better not cost you better not do this and the Deacons here by the church was shot so the big is a relative pasta of course I will opposing you but you just call me all these demos and these spirits you'll have to get that bad the pastor said oh I was talking to you I was talking to me I would you I was pretty the little me from evil Lord deliver me from even see I wasn't talking to you he said I was talking to that spirit and he me that was about to rise up because if I had control him and reduced it you would be Lionel absolutely good pretty good well okay he he it was a messy situation but that Papa rebuked the devil the demon the preacher the Deacon thought that preacher was talking to him no he was talking to himself I got to control myself don't get messy they move on to another point about Jews I like this when the Bible says how do you deal with a myth is that you continue to do the right thing don't do the wrong thing I know that seems similar to what I just said but what but this follow me work with what you have left julep Brothers has sold him he is in a house of a flea he didn't have time to be fussing and cussing about how they wronged him nursing a wound oh you can't get out of it there's no wound talking about what somebody did to me hot air hurt me he could have been sitting right all the Lord of Mercy Lord it told me I did it on the where he thinks I'm dead Lord you just you just you wronged me and I don't know why to cry sometime I don't know why I'm just sighs sometimes I don't know well this is going wrong this sit around pitiful lord what am I going to do know Joseph pulled himself together at our slave and became the best slave who helped Nev old it goes he came the best-laid he worked with what he had and use what he had okay you're in prison you can't get out why are you going to go hurt somebody in jail and you're already in jail that didn't get you out I'm talking to some of you in me why do you want to have a gang in there and a gang is what got you in trouble a gang is what got you in there why you want to hurt somebody because hurting somebody is what got you behind boss you don't need to be getting there trying to cause trouble you need to be in there trying to do better that's what you need to be trying to do that you're not a mess so how you gonna deal with this getting messy no take advantage of a disadvantage take advantage of what's going on and they come better you got to understand where I'm going use on it you might find a way out you don't know what they might do even if you've got life in prison at least you ought to be able said well I am going to make the best of these bad days in here that I am NOT going to be locked up on the outside and inside you might be locked up on the outside but don't get locked up on the inside I think being in prison on inside and worse than being in prison on the outside where am I going Joseph knew how to handle Joseph Joseph didn't let nothing steal his identity as who he was Joseph knew how to strategize and not keep wiggling in a mess but we get out of a Miss by being kind doing his job showing that he can handle whatever situation he's in and still do good you know what I need to throw this out here for free sometimes you can be in a role play but not being wrong sometimes wrong can come to you but you were not wrong and not being wrong sometimes can get you in wrong did you get that not be wrong can get you in wrong places so sometimes you can be doing the right thing you're not wrong and end up at the wrong place wow that's deep itself so what do you do when you're not long and in everyone well you take advantage of what you've got and keep not being wrong you're going to do nothing wrong to get in this wrong you know you could be just picking somebody up and meant no harm on the street and they get in the car with you and you riding down the street and the cops stopped and they out for somebody but then they stop the two of you and it's such the person that got in your car and he has cocaine and you didn't have any now you weren't wrong but now you're in the wrong situation what happened they lock both of you up and I didn't do anything I just picked this guy up as a friend so what's he going to do you don't get out fighting the cops I ain't doing that nerve I'll be talking to me like that that's the worst thing you want to do is disrespect a cop I'm talking to all you people that sometimes get in trouble when I see some of you all on TV how you talking back to officers screaming don't put your hands on there you don't do those things you call somebody shoot you you you're trying to make wrong worse respect the law I'll stop by cops and I didn't know I made a wrong turn and he said drove up to me give me your life and I yes sir yes sir it said to me that I'm a very careful making sure I had my hand nowhere but reach it straight for that I use both hands and open the glove the pot ain't got my billfold and held it up so I'm not thinking that he's thinking that I'm reaching down and up it gave him my license kept my hands up on my steering wheel anybody asks I said no sir I said I'm very sorry sir I didn't know I really was in a hurry that I really did pay attention I didn't yield here you didn't yield I just kept going and it wasn't very odd but and one style I didn't have my seatbelt on well I was in the role but the point is I'll get you don't try to get hostile with the cops like you were in charge of man as a weapon on him that he's the law am i hitting somebody look you've got to do the right thing and Joseph knew Joseph he wasn't go get in there and get hostile because he's in prison he took advantage of what he had left and what that is he said he served he served he didn't talk back to the master I supposed to be doing as you didn't hire me do that baby when you want a job you better shut up and do what they tell you to do you're not sleeping you're just working you can't be choices when you need money and am I talking somebody that's why why you don't have no job because you go there to sarcastic you got a number you got rent to pay you got calling out to pee you got a bill bit you'll have time for all this egocentric stuff and talk about what you don't want to do and then go do look I don't care what they have me doing along I'm getting my money because I'm going there for my money I need a job some of y'all want a job but no work Oh Oh God a lot of people want a job but no words listen friend Joseph said I got a job and I'm going to worry simple I repeat want a job but no way and what happened because he was in a mess he knew there was no way I let miss that man what hard I'll tell you something prosper people always work hard lazy people stay broke lazy people don't ever prosper when you look at some of the wealthiest people and I've been around few rich millionaires and I always ask them how do you get all this will you nobody tell me all of them hardwood grim hard way I said really oh you don't know how it used to be hot broke out was and how I slept in the street I look at pilot Perry for example here's a man who was homeless one time raised up in New Orleans coming a homeless and now he's a multi-millionaire being here maybe look talking about my dear he took that talent and he he he shook up this country around the world with this comedy and look no he's making movies got plays didn't got a place right up street for my church he just bought some twenty million dollars property or more then look what this man did and we talked to him he said I I was in I miss our homeless but I didn't get messy I kept working hard I kept using what I had I used a talent I had I can do I can make people laugh and funny hard work and you know what he said wherever is just as hard for me knives it was to get here I have to work hard to keep my money when I had to work hard to get it that all rich folks tell me that it's hard to keep your money I think we just heard from president here mister truck say the other day that he's beginning to find out how hard it is to be President they were just saying that on the news of the day he said I didn't know it was just difficult I have no life now my own really I can't drive or call they won't let me go nowhere alone I can't walk the street I can't jog I can't do nothing I said myself I wanna canteen use bathroom without somebody probably not by somebody standing there so I'll on the Friday Wow listen friend now you see that running his company is different from running the nation it's hard no one I've been to two presidents I've been around to press I was invited the White House with Jimmy Carter president and I was invited to the White House with President Clinton you go on our website look at it on youtube or whatever and you see me standing there with mr. Clinton and I had this conversation privately with him and he was telling me the hard work of being the president you may get three or four hours of sleep you got to get up mr. Carter told me he had to get up at 3 o'clock in the morning one city can only get four hours of sleep big corporation coming in at 6 o'clock in the morning from every way all the coca-cola all these big places coming in the president got to meet with them all day long then you take a little hour to lunch and then you got a luncheon another meeting then you got all these meetings in the afternoon and afternoon sorry for rushing I'm just trying to hurry but here's the problem that's why they get old quick you know what it's hard work and if you work hard you get bless but if you're lazy you're not going away because you're looking for a handout I don't know what it is but this generation are young people kind of shaking me up the day from when I was coming along we had to work hard to get nickels and dimes maybe technology and all that stuff this advancement that you all got when I was a student in philosophy extended line eight hours to get registered now you can go online and register and technologist done all this but it's also making some folk lazy and that's the danger this generation they not even exercise yes kids are playing on the games all day long but they sitting there in front of computer all day long true but they're not moving this body they're not running they're not jogging and not playing sports and this that's why so many kids getting cancer and diabetes be not doing that we got to get this work if they going machines put people out of work by the way technology's doing a lot of this danger to these young people and they come on the job they think oh I just get a paycheck for free but America's built on hard work and other cultures work hard hard work will get you somewhere hard worker he died I don't lie on I get them and come over here every day if I'm not out of time here at my manager I don't sit around I come to see yet who gonna see it you'll thing like you nobody is gonna see about your house like you you got to be there hard work Jesus a what while is dead because night cometh when no man can work Joseph came out of a mess wrong he was sitting around on welfare I'm not against where found gets a little farewell on welfare by the way we're fair the great thing it is not just black people there's more Caucasian people and other people of other races more we're fed a black afro-americans so a lot of folk is on welfare it's supposed to be designed to hit the chicken and hand the cap and say like this but we got to put people back to work but how they're gonna put them back the way we got controls go back to the cause of the problem they need to be educated that's one of the thing that they should have done when they freed the slaves should have made into one I'm going to scoop and I leave them hanging out there because bigness is dangerous and now you got to deal with a bunch of folk who don't know what to do I've been trained we got to have funding to get me give these kids a free college education some countries are doing that the kids can't come up with the money what about the slow learner you can't make it a fast learner when you slow they'll need to be tutoring anything to be program the government needs to the help the people get on their feet and then give them a job and make them work but then you can't a man and then get mad with him for walking with a crunch you're crippling listen Fred we got to get this work at Joe's up we talk but whatever isn't with you in do your best and that's how he got promoted he made the best out of a best let me taste something else how to make the best out of miss less I'd be too long here you got to see beyond where you are you have to have a vision of the future you can't just look at I'm in jail now you have to look at I'm coming out I will be free I know I will you have to have your faith build up see faith will help you build up something in you to never give in your faith got to believe in God and you you first got to have faith in you now a lot of you all either have faith in God but you don't have no faith in you I don't know if you know what I'm talking about all you do is sit there and read the Bible and look at TV shows and Christian TV show by the way night and day God until you do that God told your witness listen that's not the work of the church listen my friend how many doors you knocked on how many people you tried to witness to that's the work of the church so I'm going to do insurance work but not the work of the church prime fish cooking chicken and dinner for the church that's choice work that's not the work of the church where the judge is witnessing till you all you do is sit there no that's not it that's not going to do it you got faith in God but you have no faith in you so you sit there and not prospering you got our faith in you too you got to believe in God and believe in you that helping somebody you have to pick yourself up and say to yourself I'm not going to just sit here I'm going to get this high I'm going to get this car I want to get this thing I see it because God promised it to me I receive that confirmation and I'm going to walk to it you're some prophet come to town and tell you I see you're gonna get this big house you fall out on the floor you say they're just going to come and he can tell you how you're gonna get it and that's where that's where it's tricky you can tell you how you're gonna get it he didn't tell you my how to work two jobs you didn't tell you're gonna have the budget that you can't buy everything you got to change your lifestyle you can't just have all these fine cars and then he'll all these nice houses he may pay well may you have to use your car name get your new house you don't have the money about two new things you didn't tell you how to push back on this to get back yes is there but you know when Godfrey the children of Israel how to Egypt and they got crossed in the enemy territory God showed them some place and you know the Bible said God fit now take it take it then fight for oh god you say you're going to lead us in oh yeah that is go get it fight oh I don't think you've got there you have to believe that your future is there have faith but you got to see some the yah where you are Joseph said to himself I'm telling you he did not see the prison won't be his life forever he wouldn't interpret nobody's dream he said this is just a beginning where I'm going I'm going to the top and I'm going to work hard and do the right thing because this is not my destiny I have a better future his face you know what he had he had his eyeglasses you know faith is like having your eyeglasses on without my glasses I can't hardly see certain things around me I can see but I can't read it like I used to when I was younger let me put on my glasses oh wow my even this camel looks clear now Wow in the foot some of you right now you can't see nothing because you don't have your glasses on put on your faith glasses and then you can see what you couldn't see you can look at your old house burning down on and say yes I see a brand new one tomorrow you can look at your pink slip in your hand and put on your glasses yes I feel a little ja tomorrow you can look at your bad health in the doctor see it's something you won't be here but a few days they said and put on my glasses oh wow I see I'm healed tomorrow you can look at a desert today and say it's dry oh god it looks bad put on your glasses wow I see a flower garden so faith and enable you to see what your physical I cannot see faith and you'll still geography put on your glasses baby and you will see something God got for you that you can look beyond confusion and see peace look beyond filth and see cleanses and that's what Joseph did he made the best of his bed because he saw something better than where he was am i helping somebody help the holy goes mold past them borders you to see yep holy go save me sure I want to tell you something else you can make the best of a mess when you know that the God we serve can deal with message he/she wishes a God my God he's not missing but God can handle miss God can use me you don't believe me look at the life of Moses Moses was in a mess but God took his miss even when he killed an Egyptian he ended up on the backside of the desert and felt he was in a mess all gone God showed up in a burning bush and say oh yeah you think you miss it you think you forgotten I'm about to use you in your message situation God took Moses and sent him back to the people he were running from I like to say he left as a fugitive and went back as a prosecuting attorney Oh watch out preaches I know you're shouting I wanna preach God sent him back he used it God can use less info well you know we bobbing used a hole for the spies and you such the lineage of Christ go back to her by the way God can you miss his situation the dry bones in the valley was a mess and he's eco felt little hopeless but God asked him can debone here if Ezekiel had been sarcastic he would have tried to say well yes if we can go home and study about these bones instead of what did this they can live no Ezekiel was smart he must have been a politician he said only you know you better put it back in golf and when you can't handle it baby so God was waiting on his response can these bones live again testin easy easy cue music it was not only you know some things only God know then God took these messy bone and made a living on me God is a God of the mess and your life I miss good things busted all around you just scattered all around you scattered mine scatter personality scalloped deals around you family scattered go I can step in and say here you the word of the Lord and bring bones together God can bring you back together because he's a God of the message folks I'm a living witness I've been in a message city of wishing old man was in a mess you went on this because God deal with message situation he sent it son God so loved the world he didn't send no committee God so loved the world he didn't write no resolution God so loved he gave His only begotten Son Jesus came here to get us out of a mess got among this to reach men to get mr. Yan miss God can take you in the part of house where you been busted up and mould you back together because you the god of domestic situation focus on God to deal with a mess that's what Joseph did because the Bible said he kept his eyes on God he pleased the Lord he pleased the Lord and he's Lord and a beyond the please his master let's go on here now just bite down here I want to tell you this if you want to make the best of a mess create happiness around you if you ain't ought to have it situation make yourself happy well how do you make yourself happy do things that you like to do to help you from going crazy some people in a situation they can't go nowhere the Ender situation they came wrong they they don't believe in running so what he got to do do some things that make you feel good about you do something that make you happy I know old lady that I barely hear she was over a hundred years old she had outlive all the children and husband and she took like into a doll the doll Bacall Pancho she loved that doll so like that doll and probably at heart big German Shepherd she would get her a check every month and she would go buy the dog steaks buy the doll ice cream there's others Africa what you're doing that she's on buying baby I buy my baby some food and so you think you're not buying you need stake no I'm buying for puncher and yes that dog made her happy and that dog would eat you up if you went near her mother Perino well my members remember I think she lived to be about a hundred seventy eight years old I'm not sure but he were over a hundred she lived that long she found something to live and you know they have said old people live longer the help it now I know some of y'all so me now I understand that you you just got an old and grouchy and mean and fuzzy and that's why you told me you don't love nothing it's better you got it you got to grow old gracefully not grow old better because you're getting old you listen can't nobody get no younger than you've been then young people talking about you you thought you got some known them you know what ladies you can't get no younger than I've been and you may not get it old as I am you got something all y'all people when you live that long they may not make it but they came here no longer than you've been so old and happy that you outlive some folks woo you better be faithful you even woke up and knew you were waking up uncle complain about what's happening to your body just be glad you woke up am I having a lot harder fire happiness that that dog kept her living she had something live I used to love dr. Shu oh I love doctor shooting I loved hearing dr. Stanley sometime I tell you about shooting got to stand it they grabbed me and I can sit there and don't want to move I love dr. shootable see in his own unique way to say what is happiness happiness is having something to do Oh block a meal are you going over to I love you I can just sit there and listen dr. stack there's another one of my favorite he has a unique gift he can just keep flowing we just keep flowing you just keep just helped me on the edge of my seat just isn't worth it it's just always some people go ahead all of got different gifts but there's something I just like listening to and I won't say nobody listened to but you know what dr. Schuler said happiness is having something to do that you don't ever go to bed and not knowing what you're going to wake up for you need to go to bed knowing you're going to wake up to something to do something oh I'm running out time but look find some way to make yourself happy if I don't care buddy number getting up in the morning doing a good early-morning walk when you retire get up and walk we go to bed when you want to and get it when you please but find something you like to do make yourself happy Ronnie Eva folk read read books be write in a book if you in jail it might become a best-seller try to create things you might find a cure to some of these diseases and it might get you out don't waste your time usual time man Bella stayed in prison what 27 years locked up on an outside but not locked up on inside he was free internally you find something to make you happy in a non happier situation now you know what I don't know problem you like watching certain stories if that makes you happy get up and watch that you at home your special blessing you can do it you don't have to go to work watch your favorite stolen just cool for your cousin perfect don't bring up the food cooker is it all my still room sit down find something you've got to have outlets a lot of people don't realize in the afro-american community why we so emotionally in Caucasian people get turned off and that's okay if not how you're worshipping who you worship some people have different way of worship in church some like the shout run up Dinah Isle and please God so I'm like to sit and quiet don't want to move that's your preference that's fine you're getting the word each way them away you go - you can sit still until a line in you can open your mouth and tell a lot you know you'll have to tell a lot setting up all you have to do is borrow here and still lie or then you open your mouth line and lie see so you can sit still and be the devil you can be shopping and be the devil you can sit stealing via Christmas and you shop and be a critic God done hell no problem we have the problem but in a virile American community is about how they survive people shout it I came up in that era and I know about the rhesus and I know about the Lynch and I saw that in my hometown and Macon Georgia when I was a kid and I remember going to the white side and the black side and we call color and we couldn't go in certain places we were not integrated we got integrated my 12th year at high school so I know about those days the listen church was all we had to let out in at one time though we'd have no freedom to go no way so church was more than just having church Church was more than just going there to talk to God and praise God Church was an outlet and a lot of white people don't understand that why what mode you know African people preacher don't preach the way some of us preach they black - but it's the cultures what they were brought up in so we developed this toning and the hooping in the heart other form of rhythm because it was cold connect it wasn't given out of cold that preacher had the same preaching giving codes if you studied all is but that's singing got in the kitchen so the defendant could communicate with the singing slaves and all of of an outlet how you going to survive somebody beating and selling your children and killing if you didn't have an outlet it was the way they survive still we saw him surviving out let they shouted they got it out they didn't hold it in and sometimes people have to trying to keep up with that identity all the things are different in the Jews and I for American Jews kept up with our identity I don't care how they've been treated they didn't forget their heritage and their forefathers teaching that's what was robbed from us we have lost our identity we don't know I said we don't know that we came from kings and queens when we will capture the slave with a royal people and we lost a lot better than when you don't know you identity you don't know who you also try to be somebody else you can't be then you start hating what you are in the way you are you don't know who you are we got to study this deeply it's about identity and the Jews kept over their identity they know their forefathers they know the Old Testament and we have lost that we need to find out who you are and that one thing I need to say about Joseph he knew he was a slave but he knew who he was he didn't lose its God and his I did I'm talking some deep stuff here now find something to do to survive and that making sense now I got about one more point I want to bring out here if you are in a bad mess like Joseph was in don't roll over and die because death is breathing in your face you don't have to guide the cold decibels whispering in your ears you don't have to guide to cause death you can feel his breath on your face that's just a shadow of death the shadow of a thief doesn't steal it just tells you yourself a shuttle of a dog doesn't bite it just tell you he's around just because the doctor said you don't have but a few days a little doesn't mean you think they die but if you roll over and just die kill yourself bring yourself down thinking bad talk seeking revenge you will die early listen to me don't you die until something kill you you'll fight to live don't roll over and give in go to some healing service go to all of them at one time a girl was young twelve year old girl got sick and she got cancer and make the story short and the parents tried to do everything to savor the nobody could help us the cancer they said was eating away all the tissue there's a 12 year old girl it's a poo little girl couldn't walk anymore with in a wheelchair and somebody took them to kathryn kuhlman service where the parents didn't know Kathryn Kuhlman but they took her they said go to the healing center I'm leaving on that when you dare to do what you have to do when you bad enough you better believe in something a lot of you all I get on believe in annoying but get in better shape you believe in it being somebody don't believe in triple if something bad happens you start going but listen what happened the Paras didn't want to go but these religious people who believe in healing and miracles kept telling come we taking you to the service so the mother finally got up with the husband took the daughter there who's in a wheelchair to this healing server that Kathryn Kuhlman I believe in my heart and now I'm just me talking I think two of the most most powerful women that ever lived with Kathryn Kuhlman and why I need a Bynum strange women through themselves like Paul they did their time for marriage and time to settle down and be a mother they took powerful in the anointing there's a price when you go that high in no anointing Kathryn Kuhlman we don't see much of her graveside she didn't want to be talked about integration Kevin for all that stuff but one of the most powerful woman ever live and the most powerful black woman I ever met whether you like it or not to me I need a bottle there's something unique about this woman power and anointing but there's always a price or the noise but they took this woman to captain i buy them has preaching anointed captain Cooper had healing anointing two powerful women if you do a study on them they sold out to God and listen that is a price thousand Coomer walked in said somebody is healed over here in a wheelchair of canceled well apparently didn't want to tell the girls she had counseled anyone I don't know so the mother said to the daughter claiming the girl just look and she came back he moves he came back and that's it --kavitha of someone is being healed right in this section of kamsa stand up now said a girl all son said mom I won't stand they look you won't stand I feel like I can stay she stood right up been in a which I couldn't walk see the mom I feel I can walk and one of the person who were working for Kathryn Kuhlman came by and so I said cool on stage can tell her she got up Walt is true she got up and walked right up the stage and went to running and felt no pain and came back later me had on Kathryn Kuhlman's show doctors couldn't find I film y'all on believing that but if you have Kristen you believe in the accident or the church that they did it nobody said God stop doing that but man God never said he's you stopped healing that man's call listen you all roll over and die they call that go to healing service eat right I eat to my blood type do with diabetes I don't know medicine yet in 15 years keep my weight down after that eat into your blood type is a form of diet do you know where find out what your blood type is we can go online and find out what foods you don't suppose it you know you fight to live you know and unless you got a handle of Miss and listen friend and drink a lot of water by eat something sweet I may drink me two glasses of water behind it Don Louie he'll still taking medicine I think my water is God's blessing but what is God miracles and you eat that garlic yeah you did got it for high blue even wrong garlic in the morning on him stomach fight high blood go reach such about what's in that garlic that little garlic clue all right but listen friend the woman that was had an issue blood then roll over and die because she was dying the Bible says she went to all the doctors she kept getting one but she kept trying and finds she heard about the real doctor in town yes Jesus and she didn't set out and well and tried all these I've had been sick 12 years that doctor didn't do nothing that dot oh they are going nowhere I'm tired of I'm broke I don't have no money huh but something spoke to her I think doc told us stay home you can't go down there face came and said so what the one you need to go see not asking for nobody and doc Toula Wallman don't go down there getting in that crowd you're going to be laughing they said you've been laughed at before go doc told a woman you're crazy they gotta say you're crazy you know you can't do that they said they always said you're crazy go and do something crazy doc told a woman yeah but you're not supposed to touch a rabbi and the rabbi you got full put your hands on speed said go down enjoy anyhow touch until they stop you doubt said woman the doctor told you to stay out of crowds is bad for you faith said it's not always in a crowd you got the group of y'all on the crowd push your way to stop said the doctor told you to be still faith said there's another doctor saying come unto me all you do leaving here too late and I give you rest Dolph said you got to want what you came you can't walk face it lean on Jesus don't sit woman don't you touch that man they said touching down said woman don't you touch that man they said touch him one down said doctor don't you don't you don't you know face attendant doesn't doesn't doesn't touch it she touched him Oh try to Jesus says somebody touch me there always are somebody among all the bodies get me happy now I'm going to preach who am I talking to somebody hipster who goes whoo you don't lie down and give in because people say give in don't you die to something kill you you make the best of a bit you know what I don't say this thank you for another email from heaven sometime God helped you let you get in on this get you out of them here you know that sometime I miss is the best teaching to keep you out of this in other words sometimes you got to get in trouble to stay out of trouble reason why some of you keep getting in trouble you never been in trouble and flying out with trouble eaters so when you really get yourself locked up in jail and see what it like when they lock you up and you can't come out me next time you stay out of there you go to sleep I go back in there are those foods go around playing crazy I'll get you around crazy people then you're really good hit a crazy place and go hey you're bad when craveable call you crazy bad were a fool call your food in you become a real fool if you keep acting food and your being there with foods off then you know don't be acting food am i talking to somebody today sometimes God hasn't let you get in a mess to keep you out of a mess so you become bigger than the mess and all the way you're going to learn to stop being messy and getting in this is maybe you need to get getting a real mess that God permits you to get in to bring or get you to a level and education you never had sometimes God will let you get in a mess and bring out what's in you somebody say a child I bring out was in you was in you yeah I'm sure you know a little kid I have you saying things people know you don't talk that way wanting a kid a hardheaded can't permit you say faith in public what they bring out are you some friend you know what I thought I would deliver for their hair you're fuzzing in public then you know you're not gonna be screaming at that kid in public pick yourself up all right why kill them pray out of yourself you try to hide well you know what God will bring out of you some things he want to come out of you I close with this like a lemon lemon but all the way you can get the juice out you're just squeezing watch it now this is what trouble does to a child of gone god no you have something wonderful in you nobody don't see it so here take you like a lemon here cut off a part of you with trials tribulations and death then finance financial difficulties stone here that's that night he couldn't off a little pieces not here finish with his nipples in hand with tires and tribulation and what's coming out of here juice all the way God can get some things out of some of us you had to squeeze it because if you just take a lemon hold it up nothing coming out so God said I got to squeeze you to bring the juice out are you getting it and hey I've been squeezed can you can you lift your hand for years I've been squeezed who's squeezing you God gods and they bring up hey when when when they lie on you and you keep on loving them tell them that's my juice baby tell that juice when the devil come tell you to give up and you rebuke them you keep going that's my juice coming out when the devil come at you and tell you to quit shouting in church and you get up and shout in a high tell them that ain't nothing but my juice your feet that's juice the devil tell you don't say nothing churches you get up and say hallelujah that's my juice devil tell me don't preach and I get up there and preach to the top of my voice baby I want you to look at my juice that's my juice that's my preaching you I I know some preachers shouting right now it's dark I'm going to use that thing it's a difference all right we're all learning from each other right nothing is original but the original hey when I don't give up and I keep in - I don't make no mess but in my mess I look to God and he's squeezing me that's my juice oh don't put no more on me - Mike that I can bear I'm on berry juice coming out but you know what see the good part about it when God did through squeezing me and getting all the prayers use out of me and all the praise use out of me and all the hallelujah juice out of me I'm saying to make some me and God taking all my lemon juice and I'm finna give somebody some lemonade in other words I'm going to share with you what I've gone through and be a blessing in somebody's life did you enjoy this today well look I want you to share it you know what I have some other thing to say but no preacher said I'm going to quit but I'm not through not through I'm just going to quit because I'm too long and I get carried away when got hey I really just looked at a little outline I just let God use me today and put it in the feeling hey man you got the you got the ticks you got the you got the subject the full points and conclusion and I want you to learn from Joseph he held on the guard didn't make no you took the made the best of a myth and his myth like told you some Tiger getting you mr. promotion him and I could hear julep he became secretary house because he became second ruling region when his brothers who were message thought they'd gotten rid of him 20 years went by that was a famine in Egypt and they had to go buy corn and guess who they had to meet to get the corn they saw Joseph they didn't recognize him but he recognized him then God gets through with you you won't look like what you've been through and they had to come back to the man they sold that they thought was dead and this is what Joseph said when he saw it brother - I'm not going to kill you all here he identified himself and they was strong he said you know what you meant for bad garden it's good and here's what he said if you had hated me you wouldn't sold me if you had sold me I want to ended up and my Master's part of her house if I had me in F in that house part of a wife wouldn't attempt me and told allow me said I tried to rape her if she hadn't lied I wouldn't have been put in prison if I had been in prison I wouldn't admit the Baker and the butler who were feral service and when I had been in it to meet them I wouldn't have interpret their dreams and saw what was the blessing and destruction if the butler and the Baker had not seen me and when one father the butler got a bit of Pharaoh but Pharaoh had a dream I wouldn't let Pharaoh to interpret Pharaoh's dream and if I hadn't met Pharaoh and clever his dream I wouldn't be second ruler in Egypt so listen God can take your mess and promote you and sometimes it takes some hard times to put you to another level can you say praise God okay yourself thank you Jesus can you can you lift your hands right neither the Lord I'm free I'm free from me I will let myself go I will honor you I would take the mess coming to me I have to take it to make it I'm not getting wheat I'm not going to give in I'm not going to get cribs I'm not going to let the enemy fool me I'm going to focus on you Lord I'm coming through this mess I'm coming out of this mess and when I come through and out of it I'll give you a glory I give you the glory Lord for praises is how you handle a mess stop praising God I loo hi Lou hi Lou I dare you to please God and in your mess he will bless you keep praising listen friends oh I feel a little morning in here listen friends do you feel something I just felt it because when trees are good now I'm gonna come now how does it come down blessings come down that might include that but you get blessed then you can have a depression oh listen worries I'm a senior pastor that's all to go viral today you can't go you just share it somebody need to hit it making the best of a bad man somebody is in a mess somebody need to hear this message they're human I don't care how famous you still human you spread the gospel by just sharing it you touching somebody by sharing it and I want you to share this mitt I'll listen I've been around with a fire town I might trying to get popular I got bet on being team worried networking everywhere else for years and I'm getting as I get older now I don't want to do never be a blessing I'm not preach to get famous on boy hey I don't water wore some geometry or whatever you call it there and still that I want on the water on what jealous will do what the bigger the walls spoken word Estelle over the gym W became a stuff I've had the spotlight I'm not looking for that I just love what I'm doing now just sitting here looking at you talking look if you want to make a contribution I'm not asking for no money you give it to my church so I can keep spreading become a partner some you might want to give a contribution not worry about after church they can kill me I'm fine I'm happy I'm not trying to get rich I just want to be comfortably and do what God said do praise God today make a donation to the minister say I've blessed by what you said you saved my life you saved me from killing myself you did your worries lifted me go listening about other sermons on there about no pain no gain if a lot of them own worries from a senior pastor and I like that last one when they counted out become the counted on go look at that so on Facebook when you count it out they come to Connor oh they counted Jesus out but then they later have to count on it it's about a resurrection story and the one that really went Vow how to have a healthy self-image you might find that on there it's a lot of them somebody been telling me I need to put them into a book form or something but hey go on YouTube look at them go on Facebook and look at them go mile combo Facebook page Mount Carmel Baptist Church face face it could be empty or mo UNT Mount Carmel Baptist Church facebook my facebook but I'm limited I'm told of so many really my friends they said it's maxed out we're going mild comma Facebook and listen to these words from a senior pastor some of them on YouTube like today and listen it's going to heal you preaching is great but you know what we preach a man but we got to teach them to keep them in and look I want you to share this I want the world I've heard that people in you are listening to this this is a side of me I never did I I was always known for being a preacher and it preachers what I love most but I've just recently started coming more into teaching and that's what's working to date people love teaching so this is a difference.i preacher on Sunday morning sometime I teach but Wednesday night you come on Wednesday night you're gonna hear me teaching like this but get both if you like preaching you like teaching come worship with us with our church I have church every Sunday more than 9:00 a.m. we had 27 55 cameras a row over here in southwest Atlanta joy we're not very far from Greenbaum all okay so you come over here 27:55 Hamilton Road you can check us out on our website that EMC BCM ATL dot R I think I'm sitting there right that's probably information right up there before you how you can go on our website and check us out that's where MCB see that's the Mount Carmel backyard M CBC ATL dollar you're go online read up more about our ministry we got more about us and what we doing you can also if you're looking for into my sermons I have an Amazon store now a lot of people be looking for some of my sermon that I've been preaching down through the years snakes in the church what jealousy would do the drunk Church holding on the heaven with hell is on your back just to name a few of the sermons I did has been Award winners and you'll find a lot of my son and my old count me yes I'm that preacher walk around with little balls on singing if you can find that preserving that music doing Black History Month growing you to see a lot of the my sermons and and songs on YouTube now but also view looking for my product since so many stores are going on a record store going out of business now you're growing I Amazon store online go type my name and go online to my Amazon store you'll find all my sermons you'll find all my music but you can also go to and you can go online and order a lot of my music not sermons on all my music old count meetings you know that's something I did call rebel Fleming's greatest hits that being a combination of all of my some of my hit song it's two cities in that package called the Rev inflaming greatest hits they compiled some of my best songs and put them on two CDs you can get that online my greatest hits just the name on one of my last recording calls some they knew most people don't know about that got a lot of great reviews I'm taking old stuff singing that kind of little modern you know it there's a different style of me some jazzy some kind of upbeat music - young man came in here and grabbed me and put me at a studio and said we want to show another side of you - the world has not seen other than old count meeting and they got in there and got me riding and when I went to playing around with my voice with them and you know I had no idea was is my best recording it's called something new I have a press CD out did you know it is number one in makeup they wake up every morning play in my press for all you radio announcers they were looking for some prayer to put on your radio station you call us head to church and we'll send that to you free so you're playing are you going YouTube and download my prayers and put them on your radio station some of my sermons can be downloaded and put on your radio stations now okay but you can go to and go online and order them yourself and they'll send it straight to your house how about that CD Baby and Amazon store you can also go to I - and download some of my music now it's out there just go look for it okay can't go to stores all the made up so made up clothes but now we provided that online now don't forget come worship with me we have service here at Cameron's role every Sunday at 9 a.m. we have gone to one servant we don't have 7:45 and 10:30 normal we have on nine o'clock service we just started back this year and my members love it we love it you're not around 11:30 11:15 11:30 I knew they were gonna like them they shocked me my members crazy about this early morning 9 o'clock service I didn't think they were coming but they come and they like going people on like stand shows long now I think it's because of technology technology change us in a lot of ways people just don't like standing church all day no more like they used to where we stayed in there all days but with nowhere else to go amen so now they like to get out and go shopping and go do I love these Sunday brunch on my time my wife and I go to these nice Sunday brunch downtown before it closed on Sunday right out the church loving it and yay get into it come over and watch it with us at 9:00 a.m. you know come over here at 11 o'clock we'll be gone it will be gone so I want to also say this I love a location on Mother Church where we reopen it a few years ago doing very well with that you can come visit us at 7 6 8 Martin Street and now our new service time there is 8 a.m. starting Sunday come to summer heels 7 6 8 Martin Street at 8 o clock I service we're going to have service from 8:00 to 9:30 we want to be out at 9:30 just 1 hour and a half stretcher just free I have no quality air that's pretty powerful young people praise and worship and the word praise worship any word because some members still like slender schools so we're going to have sunday school at 7:15 so the doors will open at Summer Hill at 7 a.m. some people like getting up early and coming on the church and out of 90 let me tell you why I want to do that I used to work night shift and there are a lot of people who work night shift all you nurses and doctors are people that work in night shift and want to still go to church well hey you can leave from 11:00 to 7:00 leave your job at 7:00 it comes straight on overcome just dress the way you are don't try to change and dress up in nothing we don't care how you dress you just come on anyhow come on to Summerhill at 7 o clock the doors open come to sunder school it's 7:15 to 8 o clock then the service starts at 8:00 and out at 9:00 there and go right on home and go to bed you be in the bed before 10 o'clock go to bed and get your wrist working that night ship off you just love coming early and you want to get up around 9:30 from the summer here one of us will be there I will be there all my son but you're going to enjoy all right my friend I thank you so much for tuning in today and I pray that what I said as worried so much senior pasta has changed your life god bless you see you next time
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 20,847
Rating: 4.7979798 out of 5
Keywords: timothy flemming, rev timothy flemming, mt carmel baptist church, the upward look, great black preachers, black preachers, black pastors, Psalm 121:1-2, Atlanta Greatest Preachers, Award Winning Sermons, Famous Black Preachers, Famous Preachers, whale swallows a man, Baptists (Religion), Great Sermons, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship), jonah, famous sermons, renowned black preacher, telaevangelist, baptist preacher, flemming preaches, great sermon builder
Id: 1lwsWmM9JfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 23sec (5603 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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