Sleeping In The Wrong Woman's Lap Part 1 Pastor Flemming

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our life for you today if you will stand and turn to the book of Judges chapter 16 Judges chapter 16 verse 19 and she made him sleep upon her knees and she called for man and calls him to shave off the seven locks of his head and she began to afflict him and his strength went from him I'm going to talk about sleeping in the wrong woman's left sleeping in the wrong woman's lap oh how could in the devil's barbershop either one look at your neighbor's a neighbor what lap are you in some of you all did say nothing but you in some kind of limp as the flowers depends upon water for growth as great doors depend upon small hinges to open and close as calls depends upon gas to run and doctors depend upon medicine for healing wounded bodies so does man and every living creature depends upon sleep to stay alive and active Wester says that sleep is a period of rest in which most conscious mental and physical activities of the body is suspended it is a strong power that rules the body once it takes hold the feet stop walking now eyes stop looking the tall stop talking the ears stop hearing the hand loose their skills and the snoring begins sleep is a wonderful thing and nobody can live without it sleep is meat for the hungry drink for the thirsty rests for the weary a home for the homeless a friend to the friendless and a comfort for those who have trouble ha and it depresses who they're angry brown and decide forget thy sorrow and when sleep takes hold debris forget their losses and the hurt forget their pain sleep also brings everybody on a common and equal level it makes the Shepherd equal to the Sheep makes the Y's equal to the foolish it makes the queen equal to the washer woman the rich equal to the poor the saints equal to the center the criminal equal to the judge and the mighty high equal to the mighty low every living creature on this earth have to sleep the files in L help sleep the welven ocean deep have to sleep the fish of the car Apollo's of the deep sleep the serpent in the slime of the earth sleep the beasts in the wild jungle sleeps the swine's and the wallow holes sleep the Eagle which mastered the sky sleeps the sheep in the green pastures and the cattle resting on a Thousand Hills sweep the chicken in the barnyard have to sleep the dog on the porch help to sleep the fool and the philosopher the soldiers and the sale of the priests and the pop of the king and the clown and the problem and the foreman as well as a pool port all of them have to sleep just think how life would be if no living thing or living creature had to sleep how full of torches the nights would really be if those who lost their loved ones never slip what if the Lions didn't sleep how many lies would be told but note no matter how many lies you tell you got to quit line and get some sleep what if the thieves didn't sleep how many flat-screen TVs will be stolen what if the whole mall girls didn't sleep uh-huh how much all huh whole mugging would go on no matter how bad a good people might be they all have to stop doing what they're doing and get some sleep all the blessing of sleep we could never deny and none of us should ever try to do without it the rich man could live without servants but not without sleep the king could live without royal attendants but not without sleep the scholar could live without his or her knowledge but not without sleep the athlete could live without his training but not without sleep the boxer could live without his boxing gloves but not without sleep the singer can live without a voice but not without sleep the preacher can live without a pulpit but not without sleep the driver could live without corn but not without sleep the teacher can live without a classroom but not without sleep Flemming can live without banana pudding but not without sleep Vangelis Meralco live without hallelujah but not without sleep brilliant man can live without Amen but not when I sleep nobody in here couldn't live without sleep you could not live without it you can live without the sense of touch sight hearing smelling but nobody in here today can live without sleep life without this complete relaxation of sleep is impossible and unthinkable but as important and necessary as sleep is there are times where sleep can be sinful and shameful like many other blessing from God it can be a blessing but if we misuse it it can turn against us for example fire is a blessing with fire we can cook our food and warm our bodies but if somebody misuse it they can burn your house down just like water is a blessing it can clean our bodies and Criseyde thirst but if it is misused it can drown a little child just like wine can be a blessing for stomach eat but if it many miss you you become tend to come a wine here just like drugs some drugs is a healing to us but if we miss you that you can become a dope head just like nuclear power that can be used for our houses to light up our cities but if you misuse nuclear power it can become a nuclear weapon and blast us off the globe sort of it is with many things that God has given us if it blessed us and we miss use it it can become a curse this horrible shameful and the thing can be used by the devil proverbs says he that sleeping and harvest if a son that causes shame I come a time when everybody's life when everybody must sleep but then never time when you must not sleep the policeman must sleep but not win thieves are loose break it in people hold the firemen got to sleep but not win the city his own father soldiers must sleep but not when he's on duty a mother got to sleep but I don't want you sleeping when the beaver baby got high fever wife got sleep but not when the husband come home from a hard day's work in North dinner on the table husband got to sleep but not when he ought to be out on a job so he can pay his bills the doctor got to sleep but I don't want him asleep while I'm on the operating table and he got an ice in his hand church members got to sleep but I want you to sleep while I'm preaching right now look at somebody say Amen Labor's on the job must sleep but you're not supposed to be sleeping while you're on the clock captain's must sleep but not when he's reported that has been reported than an iceberg it's adrift in the storm cloud pilot got to sleep but I want him sleeping while I'm in midair Shepard must sleep but not when wolves and coyotes are snatching the little one from the fold Jean I had to sleep but he should not have meant asleep when God ordered him to go to Nineveh and he went to Tosha five version had to sleep but not while the bridegroom tarath the disciples of Jesus had to sleep but they should have been asleep when Jesus said watch with me for just a little while while I go free in the garden of gethsemane there come a time when everybody got to sleep but then there's a time when you must not sleep solemnly and slowly with his index finger extended Napoleon Napoleon born Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte outline a breach a stretch of country on a map of the world there he grown said Napoleon he's a sleeping giant let him sleep don't wake him up because if you wake him up he will shake the world when Napoleon said this 150 years ago he was talking about China he said China ills a sleeping giant don't wake him up because if you wake him up he'll shake the world and now today that prophecy is true so it is with the church today the devil is saying the same thing about us they have a great giant sleeping don't wake him up if you wake him up or weaker she will shake the world the devil want us to sleep and keep on sleeping so my brothers and sisters we need to wake up in fact you need to look at somebody right now say wake up the devil is not worrying about us Tyler the devil is not worrying about us witnessing the devil is not worried about how well we preach the devil is not worried about how well we sing all the delegates word about is when we wake up the devil wound us to sleep so it is with this man of our text today Samsom had sleep but he should not have been asleep in the devil's laughs the story of Samson and Delilah is one of the most remarkable and tragedy love stories ever recorded in the Bible it speaks so much about life today it is fear with love at first sight loss money on to the table lies games deception falsehood sex beauty sweet-talk whining and down it tells so much about the devices of the devil to bring down God's anointed and make those who are saved to fall from grace because we're saved by giri's and become a disgrace the story tells us so much about the lapse of the word that Christians need to watch out for there are so many laps the devil got there the lap of pride God said he hates surprise look when you walk around with an arrogant attitude thinking you own the world and don't even help to sing that's the lap of pride can't get a Amen out of you some of you right now on your faces you're like I use a seal sign on my door that the hotel do not disturb right now some of you all are saying right now don't disturb me I'm not an MNC but you ought to look at somebody said neighbor if you can't stand a men's you need to move to another Pew because when I sat here that's a name in Pew don't get caught up in the lap of pride some of you are caught up in the lap of fame and popularity you want to be famous you want everybody to be around you you love being in the spotlight you like people looking at you and you come to church wanting to be famous amen everybody don't come for worship to worship some folk come for worship to be what sure some folk come only for a position and when they lose that position they go off talking about I will lead to another church outgrew the ministry no you outgrew your position because you came for fame and popularity that's the wrong left some of us in the world of pleasure that's the lap of the world all you do is party party and party with rip money I said with rip money you book it all night in the Red Rooster now you crowing like the rooster come on we ain't got no here in the weeds pleasure all night some of you are into material achievement some of you are in the lap of intellectuality all you think about is your education and all you brag about is way you bid to school but I Got News for you it's bad to go get a PhD and forget to praise Him daily it's bad to go get off BS and forget the hell Bible study it's bad to get all you education and don't remember God for managing all about rocks and don't know the rock of ages' man can do all about flowers and don't know the rules of self man can know all of my lights and don't know Jesus the light of the world man can travel up four and five six lane highways and don't know the way the truth in your life a man can know all about everything and don't know the main thing man can all about jewelry and don't know the pearl of great price man can know how to cook all kind of bread and don't know the bread of life man can drink all kind of water and don't know Jesus whose water in a thirst Elaine you can know everything about the world and don't know nothing about God don't you get in the lap of intellectuality remember then some of you are in the lap of money all you think about is money money is your goal money honey is all you think about but I got news for you when you get in the money left I want to know something and clean bath money can buy a house but it came by home money can buy a crowd but it came by a friend money can buy a woman but it came by wife money can buy a man but it came by husband money can buy books but it came by since money can buy your heart transplant but it came by puing hook but it can buy medicine to stop you from putting your tongue but money came by nothing to stop you from lying there's some things money cannot buy so don't put your head in the lap of money now if you study the life of Samson you see so much about setting what put him in the wrong laughs number one that's kind of look at what got him in the room laughs well that's first of all examine he was a womanizer he was a he-man with a sheep problem not a she man with her he problem but a he man with a she problem he fell from hero to zero because he had no control of his passion he was a womanizer he loved women the strongest man in the world but he loved women yes if Daniel was afraid me and him Moses was the meekest me and if Solomon was the wisest me then Samson was the strongest man but out of all that strength he couldn't handle women and he's not the oldest Samson in the house some of you-all all right some of you act all right but you just can't handle women and when let me tell you something buy something with women if it was a nice church-going woman that went to church every Sunday at the school and graduated and got her degree and got her a nice house and got her a nice car and look like she will hold it and anointed South Ned won't her but if she would want to know who Sherman had tattoos tattoos all over then Shiva one of those women had a tattoo on her neck and a tattoo uh-huh and had a ring or a tongue uh-huh and go all over her mouth and walking around smacking joy Mangano Samsonite that's my car no over it it won't no decent woman he want a trashy woman and that's who he was attracted to and I don't know what it is myself oh they just are tracked it to no good for I don't know where did my son some of you some of you women you just like some no-good Joker won't work snap y'all upside the wall all on drugs you'll stay with them but a nice decent man that's the old stretch man baby I don't know what it is my some of you women want some no-good Negro I always say I don't understand how I willing to go get a $200 outfit and yet a $80 hairdo and been $50 for her nails and get $200 shoes and go to a nightclub and pick up a two said negro I don't know what he is about some folks just are attracted to no good foot and Samsa didn't want no church woman Sampson didn't want no good woman he wanted a bad mama jamma and that's what got him in the wrong leg another thing that puts out something wrong laughs he put looks in the place of valya he was going oh hi a woman look and looks a ball character is a dangerous thing he said she looked good she pleased me and I want her because she looked good but how many you all know today don't Marin on body by the way they look some of you all are in love it looks but let me tell you something looked have never cleaned up no house look st. never made up no bed looks they never cook no breakfast looks doesn't do nothing Magellan look and some of you right now in love with looks the Bible said he went down and saw a woman your eyes can get you in trouble what you think that Adam and Eve put out the God the eyes looking at the fruit am i right about it what do you think that messed up life he went down and saw Sodom a garage the green grass and he ended up with his whole house up in smoke what do you think wouldn't miss lot in trouble she looked back and became a pillar of salt I say your eyes can get you in trouble what do you think messed up Peter walking on the water he looked at and saw the wind boisterous your eyes can get you in trouble you need to be careful what you look at and the Bible has plainly told us that when a person you that eyes staring at the wrong thing you can it up in the wrong lap I'm telling you you got to be careful what you look at and he was going on look she was a good-looking woman but some of the most beautiful folk in the world or some dangerous leaks am i right about it nothing that messed up Samson that got him in the room left he talk too much and he knows she's a prostitute but what happened in her lap he talked too much some of y'all be alright if you just shut yo mouth in fact you know what God knew how dangerous your tongue was he put three locks on it he gave you some tough cause to hold it down the second lock he put on it he gave you some teeth to keep it in and the third lock he put on it as your lips and I'd all these three locks that come out in there huh and did you not know everything way I don't fall but the Tong fo guys at them steps get short minded people between never Lobaton we're now old and sick still telling I told everybody yo tone you got to be careful who you tell your business to one time a man stay by talking too much man one time walking down the street and he saw a talking turtle turtle looked at him and said boy you talk too much he leaked down said ok you see eyes you talk too much he looked down said that's a turtle a talking turtle say what's your name he said don't worry about my name I just want to tell you talk too much he took off running took all run ran down the street met another man say man you know what I saw talking to him man said man I'll help time all their food oh no man man man isn't real I saw a talking tongues bro look I'm telling you the truth if if this turtle doesn't talk you can kill me dad I'm telling you I'm talking to her man so all right I'm gonna go and see what you want you went on back nine head to the turtle he's a top turtle turtle when signa kick the old turtle poop top turtle turtle wouldn't say nothing a man said now why did you fool me down here I told you I was busy you know what you told me you said if that turtle doesn't talk I can kill you took out a gun bang shot it and walked on off and while he was lying there dying that turtle said I told you you talk too much Oh look as your name and say you better watch your mouth
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 123,905
Rating: 4.6795654 out of 5
Keywords: Timothy Flemming, church, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, pastor, Sleeping in the wrong woman lap Rev. Timothy Flemming, film, Famous Pastor, Famous black pastor, love, Baptists (Religion), Christianity (Religion), hope
Id: Xqx90bBoIl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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