Shawty Lo’s funeral and wake service by Rev Timothy Flemming

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I'm sure those words were uplifting to you seeing the pain of these children that's been weeping over their father's home going sure they feel a pain that some of you probably don't feel we knew him as an artist they knew him as a father what they knew about him we would probably not know we come at this hour to celebrate this homegoing of a man that has touched the lives of millions across the nation the effect of that has been shown today by their hundreds and hundreds of people that came through just to view the body that will align all the way out across the parking lot waiting at 4 o'clock to come in and the many many hundreds that came through today that did not tarry but just wanted to get a glimpse of the man that touched their lives with his music rap music is an art like all other music whether we like some of the words or the living in it or not we have to respect the fact that it's an art and it's an art that the afro-american community has created it is something that we have given the world that should make us all a proud of and this is the kind of person that like a today who gave us art who gave us something that people across the nation dancing to and singing to it's enough and you are the race that created it just like other music that the afro-american music community has created we gave the world the spirituals out there in the fields from hard time singing sometimes I feel like a motherless child and as the slaves were singing still away nobody knows the trouble I've seen then it moved from that to blues blues music is nothing but sad music like the spiritual world sad music about growing at home blues music was sad music about a relationship you could sing still away in church but if your man didn't come home last night you could have seen men well people who started singing what you called blues music see you later alligator as marina and I recalled the diesel research of the Greek Bessie Smith I want to pick food and many others began to sing the songs about the relationship that we were going through and then Auto Blues came jazz and jazz and came gospel naturally behind the blues music was gospel and then gospel became jazz and nobody today can define jazz when no other race has heard black folk singing jazz music they called it jackass music and when it became popular over in Europe they stopped calling a jackass music and call it jazz you created that and as we move from jazz a young man got saved by the name of Thomas a Dorsey and when he lost his childhood and wife at childbirth he played for morini and Bessie Smith and he got save and he went home and took blues and jazz and kept it up in Cola gospel and he sat down and wrote a song I'm precious Lord take my hand lead me on and help me to stand and as a result of spirituals and came blues and jazz and gospel came rock'n'roll and I love rock and roll young men come along like Little Richard singing to the fruity good golly Miss Molly you created that and out of that music came Jackie Wilson and other legendary singers and that rock and roll affected a life of Elvis Presley's and all of those singing you ain't and but a hound oh then it moved on from rock and roll and it became pop music and I love pop music kept right on going and going and going from rock and roll to pop and became jazz and became rap today and as a result of what you have given the world this is one of the person that created the rap music that started in the church and it came from hard times and now the whole world is singing rap music from China to Russia a generation has changed I speak today about a young man who has touched somebody and what do I say about this kind of music sometime music is more important than a speech sometime a song will change your whole generation when I was just a young teenager back in the 60s and early 70s though Martin Luther King boys began the ring around the country we heard him but nobody grabbed us and nobody's talked about it like James Brown James Brown changed us when we start integrated in schools and start us becoming proud of who we were and he starts singing I'm black and I'm proud and that music from different artists like this grab the ears of us when we were young and a shame of our hair and we started wearing our froze and picking their hair and start wearing at 10 in the whole world I'm black and I'm proud and not only am i black and I'm proud but black lives better to us today that's why we're here give a tribute to a young man who gave us up and has given the world something that has touched the lives of millions have you touched anybody the most important they have you touched anybody some little young man that's born in the ghetto who started like he did in the ghetto and pink he rose to fame said to the world whether you like it I'm gonna be somebody that's what he did he became somebody he found a better way than sitting in prison he found a better way than just getting old dope he found a better way to do something with it like than sitting around feeling sorry for himself and learning how to pick yourself up and rise from your potentials and created and use what he had and it needs to be a message to every young black person here who feel there's no hope who pumping dope in your brain instead of hope in your brain you need to be telling somebody I don't wanna rob I just want to talk you ought to be telling somebody I can't be somebody no matter where you're born there's not where you're born is not waiting from what is where you're going I've gotten so excited about him I forgot the program I'm already preaching the thing I want to see that I learn about this man while we open our doors I learned something about him that shocked me when I waited me back in my study then he his father level children and I heard that he took care of all I've learned that he's been abandoned them that they wore his heart and that he thought about him and loved his children 11 some of you all can't take care of - whatever you say about a person this one I admire about him he loved his children and we must invest in our children don't go so high you forget about the people behind let them see that I had a daddy who came from the ghetto and made something you don't have to be what you're appointing and you don't have to be what people say you going to be you can be somebody take what's there and work it and use it like Mary McLeod Bethune who took nine and students they laughed at her and said she would argue this woman in the world she took all her Gallinas and made it beautiful and created one of the greatest colleges right there in Florida she did Hank Aaron gave us the bat and he gave it the best swing knocked over 732 three home runs Joe Lewis didn't have no more than a third of fourth grade education but he took his fist and knocked out max Miller what do you have use what you got you can't rise above to get old because you don't have the family with the money you take some rap and you get it and you get you bump on on up in some Millions my word the day to you today I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord I want to share with you this thought repeat after me and hold your head up that's what I want to say Oh your head up when Flint Michigan called for him we came together they came to me this church and I came up with an idea all the brothers and sisters are dying and the world pay them no mind I got on the phone and I called some people to pull him in with me and we brought over 450,000 gallons of water from around this si 18-wheeler trucks over 15 volunteered to deliver the water to Flint Michigan I flew to Flint and deliver that water to the mayor I wanted to make an impression in the press met me and it finally got word to the White House and then Obama went to see for himself we made a difference because we came together we heard the cry of our people in my plea was all the churches just bring some water and let the churches sing warm and as a result now water is coming to Flint from all over the nation by churches and other religious groups and when I went to Flint and saw the devastation in that city I brought this same word to a local church when they met me with the press my word was to them as it is to you today whole you hear him one day I was proven is to sit on the panel is one of the judges for Miss Georgia contest it was called a Miss Georgia beauty contest they asked me to come downtown and and sit on the panel and I did as one of the judges that beautiful young women came actually it was I think Miss America black I forgot I was Miss America and young women came down that was so beautiful and talented and we had to sit then and decide which would be the winner as i sat there one young lady came down she was beautiful she had to tell him she had the voice she had it all and I said that's the one I know that's the one and when they got through all coming through they sharp me the other judges didn't pick her they picked a young lady from the Virgin Islands beautiful talented young lady and I asked them why didn't you pick the young lady you know you know in your heart she won and you know what he looked at me and said rebel when she walked out on stage she kept looking down and she were walking watching her step and that disqualified when you walk out on stage you don't walk out you got to walk out with your head now I come by to tell you young people oh yeah here Bible said lift up your eyes to the hills from whence cometh your help o my help cometh from the Lord I'm gonna give you a couple of points why you need to hold your head up you know why you need to hold your head up that's what the devil want to mess up the devil wants to mess up your head that's what people planning on us why they didn't want us to read and go to schools because when you start reading you stop thinking and right now what we're doing as young people letting people mess up your head your head is so important that's where you see from that's what you listen to from that's what you smell that's what your tastes you can't do nothing without a head and when you see a headless man that's not a man that's a monster don't let nothing mess up you're here because without your head you can't live and what I see this happening to most of us today we're permitting folks to get to you here you got a hold your head up because that's a central part of your body like Malcolm X said read locked up in prison he took a dictionary and masked up most of the words and he was just as eloquent as Martin Luther King with a PhD because he would not let prison mess up his head Mandela was sitting sat in prison for 27 years but wouldn't let nothing get to is here you gotta be careful who you let get to your head because your head can become brainwash yeah be careful what you listen to and who you listen to sometimes the people that's talking in your head or the very folk who want you here when things happen like this and a family suffer and you leave this world who will be there everybody with you when you're famous everybody say they're your friend when you're riding high but they'll pair with a friend but don't you fold if you fall you'll find out who your friends are just by dawn I want to tell you why I want you to hold your head up because that's what messing up people today when I see a lot of our young women women or small that a woman is naturally smaller than the main girls are born smart and when you let some man mess that up baby you finish and I don't care how are you smiling and how he talk baby baby I'm gonna watch you here look at somebody said if you don't use your head somebody would use their head on yours a man can't get caught up in a moment because she's a fine mamma jamma she might be fine as wine she may strut like a peacock her skin might be smooth and velvet her eyes may sparkle like diamonds her lips may be red like peach that been painted by the fingers of the noonday Sun and she may be able to look like a coke bottle bomb but don't let her mess up your hair bro don't ever miss if you don't let beautiful you everybody looking good and everything good - you ain't good for you you've got they hit a rock fire - no if somebody call our head down is about a defeated when your head is down because you have no job when your head is down because you're in the ghetto when your head is down because your daddy not there and you won't even be your own daddy you don't need no man to make you bill man you got to know who you are you have to know your man you don't need nobody they don't want to be there pick yourself up get a grant tell somebody I want to go to school I want to write I want to be somebody you don't have to have people's support to be somebody sometime listen to me I've been here 41 years past and I've been preaching 54 years I'm not over I just been preaching long sometimes the fact that you didn't have nobody made you be somebody some time to practice don't buddy gave you nothing means you get up and get some time the fact that you didn't have no support made you create support it made a man out of you because sometimes when people give us everything we want it runs us look beyond the daddy that was not bad and be a man pick yourself up because when you walk around when they head down you are a defeated soldier yeah oh you were here though hold your head up because when you go up high some folk can't go there some people can't go there and some people can't hang with you when you get on the level with this brother being they can't go up there and appreciate your talent but I'll tell you something when you hold your head up and go up you go on a level where some folk can't go and they can't hurt you you have to get beyond racism get beyond anyway get beyond jealousy get so high that when you write your song they're not hitting your thoughts get so high that you fall on a level and some folk can't touch you by what they say man one time was flying he was flying a bit jet plane and a Viper got on the plane and that snake rose up and he was saying and a woman scream is on this plane and worried got to the pilot he said tell everybody to keep your seat and fasten your seat belt Paula said be still and don't move they just kept pouring in here he went higher he went higher and he kept going up so high he got him out to do that his snake couldn't stand and a snake flipped over and died if you go high and high and high some snakes around you're gonna flip over and die don't let nobody change you haven't created nothing good we'd be surprised to know that people may talk about the rap music we sang and wish they had it you'd be surprised that people who will talk about it and go home and listen to it we had all the racist folk don't like what we have two other nations like it and then we like it think about that I'm trying to speak positive thoughts in your life today you don't have to look like other people you can look like yourself and be beautiful I'm trying to get you to see what he gave us what you gave the world breath it's our music and you know where it came from the church you all don't know the history it came back you want to hear some rap it came from the Baptist preacher y'all got that muff and the chanson wreck well you better run better run better run you better write better write better up you better run through the city or you better on well it's got coal bullets from the mountaintop and he's placed the lorry move to the octave is equipped with combatant was in motions his mind said what was gonna come before my cooking my heart then hand wrap out on the woody starting the black church and whatever you do don't forget the people and the place that stood by you the church the preacher that you hate and talk about you shouldn't ever forget us we want all the boys you ever had when nobody else could speak more than clean was a teen was a preacher Jesse Jackson a preacher all of them preachers even Hosea Williams was drop some time and still single and the black church with all the place we could go for a civil right they bomb what our churches and why would you rather forget us we opened the door if the preachers that put you know why the preacher was the only boys in the black community that ever had you couldn't sing you couldn't speak you were killing but they did have true and have a preacher my plea to you don't forget your church don't forget the place that the only thing we old as our reason our church but all we own I was very shocked to learn that in rap artists pull all the black folk together their support citizen trust bank back in the 90s I led a protest against banks I did that's what I did for you in Atlanta as citizen trust bank Joel re authenticated in city we put $90,000 in citizen trust banks and I was begging all the black churches to come with me and put all our money in that Bank on Pete mouth it drew the press from all over the nation they will not give us money to build churches we had to buy other folk searches and I wanted to say to them we can build our own as a result of that the bank's wouldn't lend me no money to build his church I shook up some folk and avila zone I had to get a company and raise money with bonds and they tell me a rap artists bottle out our bonds they raise money and I raised five million dollars and fooled a bank and led four other churches with me my old Nebo the church down the street rising star and Reverend JD Barnett I said come with me and we'll build from the ground and they cursed me out because I led that protest against them but we did it now as a result of that they are mega churches because they wouldn't lend small black business and churches no money now they are doing it and you helped mega churches today and I was shocked to see history repeating itself I don't know his name that when he called all the people to save our banks I heard 10 million dollars or more when in citizen trust bank then how this robot is dealing and think about you hear me tonight I met with SCLC the other week and my Charter to them was that we got to tell our young people nor that by marching we got to show up and be there with them and here's the point they're very great most important point today that we as Afro Americans that create the music come together and stand together and support one another and when you tell the message to our children tell them they can be somebody tell them they can rise beyond their potential and courage more our people to put money in our own community invest in our community and as a result young boys and girls will have jobs and as a result young black Americans will go to school where you couldn't go as a result those that didn't have what you have today look back and see when you were there and empower them that they don't have to go to we you had to go that is a better way and that comes from holding you here and say that I'm somebody can you say you man thank you much I wanted this message to be short because we want to be out before 9 o'clock I'm going to give about 10 minutes and I'm gonna let a couple of any of the family member that probably won't say anything tomorrow come up if you wish to say something we're gonna take about five if it anywhere the framers are artists in here I don't know but they kind of leopard to me the flow the way I was sunshine who's a great inspiration to us would you like to just come see anything or you just want to be quiet just want to say nothing tonight but I would give the opportunity with what I would like to say in a tribute to him tonight you can comment this time God in the house in the name of Jesus you know why everybody in here tonight everybody in tonight not only cover shorty low what he have done everybody of the night because he shook Bank hand up in the name with Jesus and what charlo did you know was there and this smile tells everybody the name with Jesus I'm 60 years of being a Charlie Sheen everyone even this son of the name with you and Matthew 25 God came one man five talents he increased you gave another man to we increase you said one man one he buried this job in the name will Jesus whatever you do don't tell me I don't care if your window man I don't care whatever your situation here don't bury your doubt you know why people sitting here tonight and why did crying over shoulder low I'm gonna tell you why crying over shoulder and yeah my 17 to 9 the Bible say the hottest faculty wicked Idol or such of the heart just of my man of God - its way the guys out it was something not only that my son fatten him shop boy that was rolling to hope we wanna know my standing in the name with you it spite of everything so starting low family and Deuteronomy 30 fold the last days you know I was keep your hair you have your you have your location so look I enjoy family others might not be here to support you but I'm here cuz you're my number one pick and I know if you keep your hand you know by XE she just pushes one thing you got my mother you have my daddy I love you support you could and keep your hand bouncing to the church to Carlos family to the whole church his extended family me being a fellow feel my boy you know it's a nice me deeply to stay here but you say it's something earlier we start with the last person we stopped with you you said something earlier pestle yes about this man about the number kids yeah ain't far behind and it's crazy cuz me meaning this man had a combo not too long ago I'll say it bro you know what I really respect the fact that you weren't scared or standing from the world and show your love for your kids your family and it touched me deeper than just to be talking to a another talented rapper from Atlanta it felt like I was talking to a real man what more of us need I had to look up to in our community you know understand ain't no cry right now gonna say I'm awake them by myself you know I used to being poor whole life photon order I just doing the bus with my granddad mr. Lewis and I played for 80 weeks so I don't know the type of connection I got to West Side and that man right though I've just I want his family to be strong god I ask that you shirt and his family shipping the tides of his founded his extended family help us all this is a trying time for the city for his family and I ain't gonna take too much time letting you look may you continue to live on to us all man thank you no BJ but urado gonna swim I got I gotta say some stuff about Sonny low well quick what when I moved here from Jersey I did an event I had a couple of artists the post that showed up nothing showed up shut it Louis showed up so he was a real individual you know I'm saying so I had to be here today see that's one DJ as we here show you though I Love You Man I want everybody at you if you're a fan I love the family I know I went up queen is in here but I love you Queen his sister I was introduced to him from his sister Queen and I just want to say this I will play this right now go to iTunes pick up his music it was a real individual he came out with no other artists came out to my event so recipes to study low and a rest peace to everybody in here they lost somebody like you know that's a real individual I said y'all sir so love and respect all right baby I lost my son a great preacher lying there and we know the pain and as a result of what he saw when he saw his older brother line there killed by a drunk driver he know the pain and result whatever did it devastated his life my son it's something on his heart because you are most of you are his generation you're not my generation my season was in this day this is its time he probably sees something about you that I can't see you at my age and I'm going to turn it over to him before we leave today everyone before you leave I want everyone to really stand still stand still don't everyone hear me out today we are at a wake and we have heard many many great words tonight we've heard many comforting words many of step forward and express how great of a father he was and a friend but I want to do this one thing before we get out of here tonight because the verse the Word of God says as we read earlier that life played very softly from that life is just like a vapor it's here one minute but it's going the next my dad said something in just a moment ago I was in the car with my mom as we were drilling behind my oldest brother at first I was in the car with him and then by some interesting circumstance I ended up having to get out of the car and we were just right behind them when he got hit and killed by a drunk driver we were the first one right there on the scene to witness his body as it's called laid in a ditch with a van plowed in that side he was 23 years old and he believed that his whole life was ahead of him let me ask you a question today how many of us in this place believe our whole lives are ahead of us I'm looking at a lot of young people I'm looking at people that Jesus shed his blood for on the cross he died for you he took your sins upon his back because the Bible say every lie that we tell we supposed to suffer the wrath of God for every time we steal every time we fornicate every time we do that which God says is a sin we supposed to suffer for it inhale and I'm gonna appeal to someone tonight before we get out of here because I don't know if I'll ever see you again I don't know if you'll ever grace the doors of a church or get this opportunity again my heart is heavy tonight it's heavy tonight because they have somebody in this place that if you were to leave this earth right now heaven will not be your resting place we can't get into heaven by doing good things the Bible says that is not by works but it's by faith in Jesus the Christ somebody in here you are letting the devil destroy your life through drugs and alcohol somebody in this place tonight you allowing the enemy to rob you of your future because of the pain of a molestation and a rape somebody in this place right now the enemy has his hand on you and that's why you can't sleep at night that's why you try to drink your pain away that's why you try to smoke your hanging away because you don't have any peace you don't have any joy Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly he said come unto me o that a heavy laden and burden I will give you rest God desires to give you a future young man he decides to give you a future young lady and I don't care what anybody says when God put his hand on your life there's nothing no-one can do to stop what the Lord is about to do but it starts with you saying Jesus I need you Jesus I can't make it without you Lord I'm tired of trying things on my own and living in life my way god I want to surrender to you today God because only in Christ do I have a future only in Christ do I have a heavenly home I want everyone in this building to stand to your feet and I want you to close your eyes when you get on your feet tonight I want you to close your eyes and this is what I want you to do and it's not protocol and let me tell you that now I got some training it's not protocol to open the doors of a church at a Funeral or at awake is not if somebody is a professor in here you're critiquing me whatever I know what ain't protocol but right now you know what the heart of God is burning for somebody in this place because he loves you he loves you he loves you jesus said I died for you I hope I died for you I love you too much I know somebody in here say well if God loved me how come he didn't come through God said why do you think you're still alive today through all the hail the older the chaos through all the craziness why do you think I spared your life you know you belong get in the grave but I can't do a lot for a reason I love you I love you and I want you to be with me I want you to check your heart tonight my Bible tells me I can't make it into heaven unless I have a relationship with Jesus and it tells me that I will not see heaven if I got hatred in my heart I cannot the Bible tells us that we cannot live a life of seeing and still see our saviors face and I'm not condemning anybody for your mistakes because I make up we all make up but my appeal to you right now is where does your soul stand with God can you say if you were to die and leave this place right now I know I will make it into health we talk about the life but we forget that life is like a vapor but eternity is forever once you leave this place your soul goes either to heaven or it goes to him is are you ready to stand before God are you ready to stand before God tonight I want you to bow your head and close your eyes right now Lord Jesus right now god I pray in this house that you will speak to someone's heart Holy Spirit that you will just speak to someone's heart there's a young lady in this place right now God has placed his hand on your life and you've questioned over and over and over again where is he where is God how come God didn't protect me from the things that were going on in my life and I'm here to let you know tonight that Jesus says to tell you he loves you he loves you he has his arms wrapped around you even right now as I speak there's some people in this place right now God has a plan for your life everybody in this room God has a plan for your life he wants to bless you and he wants to do when incredible things in your life it ain't about how much money you make it ain't about how many cars are houses because the Bible say life that's not consistent to a bunch see things you can't take none of that with you when you leave this place the question is do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior tonight have you surrendered your life to them and I want to give someone an opportunity glory to God if you're in this place tonight you know God spared you you were supposed to get shot but God kept you you were supposed to die in that car accident but God spared you you aren't supposed to be here tonight don't play gal don't gamble with your soul tonight if you're in here right now and you want to turn over a new leaf make a new beginning tonight let God take control of your life listen to me I don't have to wait the Sunday morning and I don't need formalities Gerber to God we can do this right here right now and if you were in this place and you know God is calling you you know God is dealing with you you know God is trying to get your attention and he's telling you don't play around because tomorrow is not promised today is that they get your right life right with God today I want you to make your way down here you can come around here just just get as close down here to the altar as you can tonight I'm appealing to somebody come down here and just get us close to the altar I want you to get us close to the altar as you can tonight come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on all over this building all over this building come down here get us get us close to this altar God has a plan for your life God has a future for you God loves you and he said he's getting ready to do some things in your life he's getting ready to bring some healing into somebody's heart tonight come on somebody come on down here to this altar tonight there's somebody in this place saying God I'm tired of drinking my life away I'm tired of smoking my life away I'm tired of throwing my life away God back it's time for me to say Jesus help me tonight god I surrender my life to you tonight come on somebody else in this building get us close to the altar as you can come on get us close to this altar as you can tonight come on come on come on somebody else in this building don't sit there and try to make up your mind because God already has his mind made up concerning to you his thoughts and plans are to bless and prosper you to give you an expected end come on somebody he's waiting on you tonight somebody else is still making your way down here to the altar yeah we'll let you come down but I have to say this time I have to say this tonight I have to say this tonight thank you Lord Jesus there's not a soul in this building that Jesus didn't shed his blood for and you know my Bible says that when you cry out to him he will hear Nancy he were here he will answer you and Jesus is a healer deliver to God he's a healer thank you Lord Jesus he's a healer tonight thank you all I want everybody to say that when we say Jesus thank you for healing my heart tonight come on close your eyes lift your hands and tell them Jesus thank you for healing my heart tonight I want you to tell them Jesus I can't make it without you Jesus I need you I surrender to you I give you my heart I give you my mind take my life make it what you will use me for your glory I want somebody to say this tonight say Jesus I forgive everyone that has ever hurt me I released them and I accept your love for my life I thank you that I am brand new I'm a new person in Jesus name Amen come on church let's give God some praise tonight
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 14,023
Rating: 4.7721519 out of 5
Keywords: Shawty lo, Viewing and wake, Shawty lo viewing and wake, Mt carmel baptist church, Rev dr timothy flemming sermon, bank head legend, shawty lo funeral, shawty lo remains, shawty lo body, shawty lo dead, shawty lo casket, shawty lo children, d4l, laffy taffy
Id: X9glmpEr5_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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