A Fool On A Mule In The Middle Of The Road, Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr.

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get to the texts tonight and tell you about a man in the text tonight who was a food his name was bailing bailing was a prophet who had foresight and insight and he could see things ahead now he was a prophet and he was really a man of God but he loves money in other words he was a prophet looking for a prophet and the Bible tells us that the fools you know the fools we talk of much about foods but I want to tell you the news about going there was a time we used to see mules and some of you remember the mules and people often talk about some people stubborn as a mule many people been killed by Muse who were farming in the day when we didn't have attracted and news were very great access one time and if you own a mule you hold something in fact we were promised when they freed of their slave for the acres and the moon and I'm still looking for my 40 acres at my muse I don't care if she's sick I want my Moo and today we have never received our 40 acres when we were free and a meal well I Got News for you today there are no news today millions of gold out of existing and been replaced by cars and automobiles but the mules are gone but look like the fools or hip state when oil invite means no more b-but sure here buy some foods my brother Sousa you meet him all day long then I don't know news they walk in food and fact now some food ride around in these cars one time we had a little young boy when he got a call and he act like a fool every time he'd go around a corner he just reached and racing racing we used to tell him man you're gonna run into something he said hey I know every tree on this corner but one day he made a treaty didn't know him [Applause] fiving like a food the Bible says that Israel had been free in Egypt and now that the Israeli mission by three millions of moving through traveling going on to the promised land they were going places and everywhere these Hebrew went they conquered but God told them when you get to Moab don't bother them God told him for a certain reason not to bother the bull by days and some places God told him when you go through don't destroy them just move on and they they gonna be all ready he just got a promise up God had in mind that he didn't want them to wipe him out but these Hebrews were moving a king by the name of Balaam Baylock the king of the full bodies heard that these Israelites were coming his way and he became afraid he was afraid because he heard of an unheard voice that had been talking to them in the midnight he was afraid of them because he heard of an unseen God that had been visible with them though he was invisible he had heard of this all up liptint powerful God that had drowned it fells army when they went through the Red Sea he heard that that was a god that nobody knew much about but he was feeding them manna from heaven he heard about them didn't oh sweet water that was bitter he heard that God shaded them in his son and night for them in the night with the clouds and he was afraid of them and I want to stop by and tell you for free that the devil has always been scared of God's people and I don't know why you all afraid of him you have more power than see because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world and you don't need to feel these folk go around talking about what they do to you you need to tell them that God i sir can work back on you what you trying to work on me the devil is afraid that's why he hates you that's why he hates our praying child you ought to be so powerful that the devil need to think twice before he put his hands on you when the devil get ready and this was you here on a cell or not this one they pray too much you ought to live a life so when Satan get ready to mess with you he need to think twice because you trouble o demons but some of y'all sitting on him pay you no mind is telling them to mess with just gonna trouble him there be of all night long the devil walk free and be like well Fred of these Israelite now here's what it did since he knew he couldn't whip them with his armies he heard about a prophet named Balaam so he said let's go to this preacher and tell him he can put a curse on these Israelites because Balaam had a gift but he misused it and a lot of folks have anointing that they miss you they don't use it for the right thing and you can have us singing different uses for the wrong thing you can have our preacher gift and use it for the wrong thing you may have a shouting gift and use it just to be seen so uh you got to understand he had this guilt and what he cursed he cursed it and who he blessed he blessed it and you don't know about these folks you go give your rent money to you know always in the Zoroastrianism and zodiac and you know when I would come along when you meet a young lady and said baby what's your name and you're taking a not not baby what's your sign your first side doesn't match you you want to keep on moving but I would tell somebody sign let me tell you somebody sign a side and when you find a Negro won't worry look at somebody say that's the sign baby when you find a woman woke up now that's the side where they Capricorn Pisces whatever you call folk not getting where they don't cook until they read the sign so you can imagine I don't know he's kind of full I don't need to go to nobody they tell me who my enemies all when I know I got plenty you don't need nobody telling your enemies I'll tell somebody you have plenty of them and they were believing in this man who could Christ you don't believe me that some religious people still do believe the key believe in bringing along a man who had power to curse they always use them to say crush these enemies brain plagues on them so that we will defeat them they Kings caring people around like that so they believed in that Psalm still do you know the positive work and so Balaam said go see a Balaam the Prophet and tell him to curse these in her life so I can imagine one day Balaam was sitting in the house talking with Miss Baylor and after while some people came up and knocked on the door and Miss Balin went to the door I imagine sir who is he and they said we are here to see Prophet Balaam and I miss you said honey some folks get to do it won't see you what they want I don't know but I think he better come see there's a lot of money on a wagon out here King bill are sell a whole lot of wealth money to bathe them to come curse these God's people and the Bible said I can imagine Balaam God everyone said what you want who are you they can say we are Prince's from Moab prophet Baylor what you are we will talk to you all right open the door what you want gentlemen well we want to come in and sit down and share something with you our King Center with you come on in gentlemen they came in sat down said what can I do for you well I'll be like our King they lost sent us here with all the wealth and he told us we want you to do something for our favor and what is that he wants you to wealth you see out here on our wagons in our new he's gonna pay you well if you come down and curse these Israelites Balaam said oh like that you I don't know about curses yeah I heard that these are God's people we understand that big lot but hey we could pay you well if you just come on after the devil hook of Poker something Balaam said look bad answer you all spend the night spin yeah yeah just being at night let me go talk to God in prayer that's all rid of food water go to God and ask God can he curse God's people you know some church folk think they got lice in the virtue and let me tell you I can imagine Palin went to God in prayer and said oh lordy oh lordy you know I'm your child you know why I love you lord I want you to come talk to me tonight and I want you to tell me what to do these folk guy here got a little money for me I know your answer prayer because I've been asking you to make a way out of no way and I think you answered my prayer oh you probably tune that thing and God showed up said what you won't Bailey Lord I want you to give me permission go out and crush your people God said what I can't do that my people I promised Abraham that who bless his sea will be blessed and who curses sea will be courage I promised Abraham this promised land flowing with milk and honey you can't do that the world thank you Lord you got up that morning told the gentleman not listen you all I talked to God and bread the Lord told me I can't go all the wealth in the wall y'all got ten make me do that they went on back home to talk to King Balaam bet I said what did he say he said he can't come they didn't tell the truth they didn't say God told him he couldn't come see you got to watch who bring your news so he said failing walk up and be awesome preacher thank you stuff increase the money double the gold double the jewelry Dominic put morning and go back see them and so they double a wagon they double of everything on the wagon and they came back again Balaam look I told them I'm not going you open the door tell me what you want now listen here now we know you told us that you couldn't come and all that but our key centers back thought you might change in my changing my mind but look we got triple the morning we had before look look what the King said he saw that he said oh you'll come in spend the night [Applause] what a food god already told him no now he comes back to go to God again that's the food and then he told them to spend the night listen you don't flirt with temptation he shouldn't have allowed him to come back to spend the night because when you flirt with temptation you'll fall in it listen if there's somebody you know you have a weakness to you don't be hanging around them with coffee breaks and all other break you just keep on moving the Bible says short all appearance of easy sleep run if you know you've got a weakness to your appetite you don't be trading with food and temptation I don't know why you all of sit around and autumn black-eyed peas ox tails collard greens which a little bit busy bee if you tonight some of you all will Auto collard greens black-eyed peas sweet potatoes neck bone fried chicken and then order a diet coke [Applause] what you want to diet coke you all have a piece of chalk I'm taking one hand and slimfast number see you or didn't know any meds at night I just lost 10 supporters River but when you flirt with it you will fall and he was flirting with temptation now he's in trouble and then all fenomena money here together him going back to go oh lordy call on you Jesus Oh fuel your children simmer before you then buy off a little foreign official but I buy because every me got the bow and every tongue got to confess throw your loving arm all around this properly up on every lead inside that's a black man print this brilliant daughter then it then your madness tuning that painting or learning you know I got to pay my bills I got a final notice of the day and I told you I need some money Lord let me go down and crush your people and like the rest of y'all when you hit the lottery I pay my tithe [Applause] hey nothing if I win I pay my so here you go big and go and then go I came back what you won't never be loved I know you told me no the first time but I know you can change your mind God said gone gone baby just go on down there why did God tell him to go on you know why God totally going when they told him not to go it's his permissive will God permits some things that happened but it wasn't his wheel from the beginning see everybody wants it where's God why he let all these starving white lady all these children get killed that's not the will of God that's his permissive wheel it will never God's will for us to die it was never God's will for us to get sick but because man disobeyed God permit things to happen and God sometime will let you do some stuff to walk into something to show you what your hard head will get you so God said since your heart built bent on going I'm gonna let you go on anyhow and show you what your friend there run into because the hard head makes fun so God said oh go on and I thank God the reason God was telling that he was just reading his heart better when he heard that word good god oh yeah the Bible said Balaam got up in the morning I don't think that Joker went sleep at all what was wrong with Balaam this morning some money nothing wrong with a preacher warning some money Oh looking at me so funny way he evil he caught as ever and they had got it he wanted money you call yourself a child of God and you want some tea oh you're not fooling me sitting out there looking all sanctimonious and looking at me like that let me tell you something if a man without their saying here give a million dollars or whoever beat everybody out here this truck will be empty you're just like a woman one time at my church claimed she couldn't walk sitting around in a wheelchair couldn't never get her to come to church it wasn't real my legs bending I can't get out look I said you can't come to church now I just can't come on one day the mailman pass the house on the first and then leave her check that one I got out that wheelchair and rag and hey you miss my house I thought you couldn't walk that money made oh whoa [Applause] everybody wants some money and numerous stories told one time about a woman went to a pass and said brother pasta I want you to do something for me said what is it I want you to preach my dog funeral he said what preach your dog food go with ya insulting me I don't preach no dogs still be asking me some mess like that she said that's okay pastor I just want to let you know I can somebody else but I have in my will whomever preach my dog feeling will get half of my access he said you in termina daughter being born again though got religion [Applause] while you said adore being born I [Applause] remember when I had a little church in the country I had three churches in the country and then I got called to Faith Tabernacle of here in Decatur and I wouldn't come to Atlanta I didn't want to come to LA I want to keep my little Church in making Zion Hill fired here a little Church man they love me that's the church relevant global pastors so I won't stay as I know they love me so much Susan Fleming and I they just can't eat us up then I would just drive up here every Saturday nights and preacher Faith Tabernacle and run back to make him go they love me so much they change the served at 2:30 so I wouldn't leave so when I finally came didn't know about Mount Carmel and I looked up one sign that saw some people in my audience I never seen and they were a whole roll I mean I preached that morning I asked my Dickerson who are they there's old people from Mount Carmel and so what they're doing anyone else stealing trying to steal our pastor I went on back to maker then I got this call never new words never new welcome got lost trying to find it coming they said will you come preach for us we about to call at passing the churches just tore up they they got three folk in the run and it really don't want neither one of them I said well I said well that's more common it's of your barn Street but simple the church when the cold past our passive in past six months now and we ready to call pastor but we want them to heal you before we call I got a church up there and then indicate I can't come on Billy it get mad they said we're just coming one Sunday I said ok I came that Sunday morning Deacon had to meet me and showed me how to get down there I went down then I went into Church just 24 years old we're doing sat in the pulpit and I got up and preached power from on high on YouTube you know look at it and I preached that more than and they went Wow one time and I went on back to making and preach to my little church the next week I got a call from the channel Deacon board pastor Fleming as yes sat down we have met together and the church heard you that morning and they have voted to call you to be our pastor I played hard I said well no I I got the prove it and when I hung up that for myself good good good [Applause] [Music] my wife saw me on and I said go in the other room what's going in play I said no I'm going in pack [Applause] nothing wrong with me and I left them I'm not like another preacher when they were trying to call him out of church and they called him and is it true he said the people from Florida column said oh we're getting you $500 a week if you come pastor us and we'll get your car and he told him said no I've been the past all of this little church and I loved him to my heart and I will never leave them the bigger ball went out back and voted river in Florida and said increasing they went back and Tom said we give you $1,000 a week we'll put you in a brand new house and we get you a brand new car every three years he went back and told in the church you know I play that night in the spirit [Applause] the spirit told me I'd need to move always put it on the spirit that's wrong we'll have it some money here's a danger what do you love money fall don't preach for that all those want to progress I wanted to progress and move my family house better not get anybody I worked on a job and I loved it but when I got a better offer I went on some whales don't you but nothing wrong with you progress and God not against you having money the Bible said the love of money is the root of all evil but the lack of it is - God is a poor God to say he's rich and he doesn't want you to have nothing god will prosper you God will give you the desires of your heart God will give you new house God will give you a new car God will give you take from the wicked and give to the ratchet had to be broke to be a child of God praise God now back down here so you see he he warded it for the wrong reason he wanted to curse somebody to get the money that's the wrong reason for that gift so now look at him line he gets up that morning and here you go now on his new ride on down look at him and I am writing obey them got permission from God I'm sure he went down the road thinking about all that money and starting to sing [Music] you know how y'all act we just got somebody go to singing it can't see this is it look at him right oh thank you Jesus oh thank you long I'm gonna get the blessing so the baling like just some new shoes God get her a new outfit don't buy me some new moves because this one getting old look at it oh thank you though after a while that mu star is me you wouldn't move yuck imagine you know how folk in the country talk to a mute Oh mark you y'all looking at me you you came right out of juice you joy don't talk my pudding old man talking on you they waited talk of the moon they don't say moo moo oh him oh wow that's the new back mill went in the field home back here BAM hit the MU the MU saw an angel standing in Balaam pad with a sword ready to cut that fool head off and there's something the MU had more religion and he had I always heard about a stubborn mule but I see an old wise mule and a stubborn prophet and the new wouldn't pass that angel then he snatched her out the field back and then he tried to go a little further with the mule and the mule got caught between the angel and some walls and Balaam hit another maker go but the new wouldn't pass old was decided and she pushed bailing them up against the wall and crushed his foot you're always in it with a crushed foot when you're stubborn and disobedient some of y'all got a crushed foot now you gotta live with something that you got to put up with something now because you got a crushed foot for your disobedient God will put something on you got the little bit because you're so mean and stubborn he ended up with a crushed foot and then he kept the middle again back after a while he tried to get the moon to go forward then the angel came closer and caught him between rocks in a path that they couldn't go either way and then the new stopping dinner roll on him and he got so mad he hit that nool again back and after a while let me turn around and said what others I did say what the hell you hitting me for I didn't say that I didn't see it I didn't see that you don't know I didn't see that but I'm sure that new turnaround said that's matter with you know me like that am I not dying haven't I been your ass all these years well that's what the worse it embeddable said Balaam died on his hands and his hairs got him told I didn't like that they said and Balaam got on his ass and rolled on them and his ass told him off go read it so the ass turn around set what's wrong with you am I not your why you beating me like that and you know what Balaam said you mugged me and if I had a sword I kill you now I know he's a food baby if I was riding over the moon and the moon turn around start talking to me I want the new the money and the side and I wanna let that break the never return but a fool we're trying to download put a live now that's why I know a fool no way at all I'm gonna turn around trying to all the little merely talking periods of mr. ed in the Old Testament [Music] well the mom or cuz y'all can't take no more this what why did God get this why what happened here and why beat him didn't see nothing Balaam couldn't see nothing because his eyes were closed the news solid but then the Bible said God opened batum eyes and he saw the angel why did God make them you talk sometimes God will make what you rattled talk back to you to protect you sometimes God will put in the angel in your way not to hurt you but protecting you from running into something worse some of you ride on your mule of education some of your riding on your mules are good look from your ride and all your news of good looks something riding on your Moodle friend something riding on your news of your job some of you riding all free but God wouldn't let that thing you ride on talk back to you and when God let thing shake you up that you depended on he's not trying to hurt you baby he's trying to keep you from walking into something sometimes all that bad things happen to those to protect us [Applause]
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 10,797
Rating: 4.8163266 out of 5
Keywords: Baptist, Church, Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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