Raising The Standards In The Brotherhood Of Believers by Dr E V Hill

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[Applause] thank you my brother thank you so much thank you let us spread it our Father and our God we have stood for the purpose of preaching and we pray that it would please you to let us preach not for fame nor glory but at the end that someone here will be saved and will be brought closer to you but we ask it in Jesus name Amen thank you I want first of all to welcome you to not only Los Angeles but to welcome you to South Central Los Angeles right in the heart of where it's happening you're right in the center of one of the greatest communities on earth we have everybody from everywhere in south-central you're surrounded by the Bloods and Crips and you have my protective custody we're glad to have if anybody bothers you just say I'm a promise people made the ticket and move on [Applause] I want to personally thank coach McCarthy Randi and all of the staff for bringing us together again to what has to be one of the greatest rallies we've ever had in South Central Los Angeles and I'll take responsibility for the next statement and that is in spite of the fact that there is no front-page coverage it means that Jesus drew us here and not the media and we have an agenda so high so powerful so mighty until the angels of heaven is broadcasting this meeting all over the earth and we're going to see fruit from wherever we have come from and so we're glad to be here god bless you and God keep you I wish you just stay here and let's have Church in the morning mounds line and give me your tithes and we'll be glad to help I want to call your attention to Paul second letter to the church at Corinth Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth the fifth chapter beginning with verse 17 therefore now you've got to cooperate with me because these words are shouting words chapter 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation shower old things have passed away behold all things have become new now all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the Ministry of reconciliation shout that is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation therefore we are ambassadors for Christ shout as though God were pleading through us we implore you on Christ's behalf be reconciled to God ciao well he had made him who knew no sin to these sins for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him amen one of the British truths and the greatest thing that has happened to me is that I have been reconciled to God I am a child of God I am a son of God and it does not yet appear what I shall be I am reconciled I am put together I am hand-in-hand with God the Father through Jesus Christ God has done many things for mankind but he has never done anything greater than fixing it so that God and man could be at one with each other once again Adam stumbled and fumbled the ball and that was complete disconnection that was complete onward silly ation between God and man but God through His blessing and through his brain fixed it so and only God could do it angels couldn't do it Abraham couldn't do it Moses couldn't do it I couldn't do it you couldn't do it but God was in Jesus Christ reconciling us unto himself and we come tonight to say glory that we are reconciled we are a group of men for the most part who have been brought back together to God who is our Father and behold now are we children of God hallelujah and praise God the in Griffin side is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us our sins have not been imputed unto us they have been forgiven we are no longer strangers to God we no longer have to fear Him he is our Father and we are his children but the same God who reconciled us has made us ministers of reconciliation the same God who saved us has sent us out to save the same God who brought us unto Him has sent us for to bring men and women boys and girls unto Him we are ministers of reconciliation it is our job it is I - it is the expectation of the problem that every one of us who are here will not only be saying but we will cause others and others and others to accept Jesus Christ and to become reconciled to God and for the hip is and the most Radiesse question a matter that could be discussed among this group of men here a simple in this arena last Friday a symbol in the arena in Detroit some 75,000 that it was my privilege these are the decision-making Mir these crowds will determine the destiny of our homes our future and our country God is not dependent upon the on reconcile God is not dependent of all the setup God is that even dependent upon Congress the Senate Nava house God has made us ministers of reconciliation and unsaved politicians no matter how popular they are I'm not the answer to the questions that's causing our country to fall down it is the word of those who are saved to save others and we are saved and so that could be the way of person for me to discuss with you tonight then the fact we are ministers we are ambassadors we are ministers of reconciliation I mean by that that I challenge every one of us including myself that from this moment all the fees the heartbeat of every one of you who are here tonight is that of bringing mankind together with God and one another now there are several areas of reconciliation that must stop right now one is everyone here must make it your objective to place Jesus Christ as Savior and law before every one you meet everybody here that you see must make it the burden of your heart to save those that are lost not just to go to church not just to drop your child off at church but to actually learn how to share your faith with others and share that faith the greatest session that you can have with the center is not houses and land sylvan ago stocks the bomb but where are you got to spend eternity and so if you're like one who has already learned how then you go away from here seeking the best of literature seeking the best of guidance on just how to share your faith number two the greatest need once we are saved once we are reconciled to the Father the greatest need then is reconciliation among ourselves let there be no misunderstanding he that has a vertical relationship with God has to have a horizontal relationship with all men of all colors of all races and of all free Chris Stanek generally reaches out it reaches out and no man no woman can say that they really have a relationship a reconciled relationship with Jesus to the Father who does not have a burden for that reconciliation with other of mankind of inner race and if any color I want to be very practical the Church of Jesus Christ must rise above the thirst for ethnicity only the Church of Jesus Christ cannot be a place where hatred and Prejudice is encouraged or tolerate [Applause] talking about that because we are the key there on the laws that can be passed to make this up to correct this error that Satan has placed among us but there is power Holy Ghost power that can correct this heal there is salvation in the heart of a man who will literally become converted at this point there is nobody in this town are in this country that hated white folk any more than I had I could have taught Angela Davis rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael how to do it I hated white people I had justifiable reasons I thought and still think I was born in the rugged awful segregated south I was called the boy I was blocked on every corner I could hit a ball so hard that it would take the committee to find it but I couldn't move up I was colored I had the best hog at every fat Stock Show in my County but I could only compete in the colored division I stood with holes in my shoes on snowy and icy ground while buses passed by me picking up only the white students and we had to walk in the ice I hated white people it stayed with me burning in my heart we even prayed a night riches against white for a night riches law guild and devil and it stayed in me until my freshman year of college where for the first time I met a white Christmas I had never met one before I knew white churchman a new white preacher but I never hadn't met a white Christian and I was forced to ride across East Texas Arkansas all into Tennessee with two white Christians and three Negroes I knew I would find out he was a hypocrite I knew that eventually when we would get to a place where I would have to eat in the back he would eat up frock and desert us I knew it was going to happen I knew he was a pretender but the longer we rode the more I discovered that he had something I didn't have and today because I met dr. Debbie a power of Dallas text then the director of Baptist Student Union today I am a converted believer in Jesus Christ who does not hate a single white person in the world and that's an accomplishment for me and there is a reason I met Jesus I accepted Jesus and none of you out there can use the excuse of segregated hearts if you have had a conversion and a confrontation with Jesus Christ he wiped it out he wiped it out and I don't even remember when I stopped hating white folk all of a sudden it just didn't make any difference I'm reconciled to God can all men are my brothers not that has gotten me into trouble for I help move from a boy to white men but [Applause] and you whether you are white as snow or blackest bro we all in it together that is another reconciliation field all and you'll find churches you want to build all your cathedrals you want to build them but if there is one stench of a spirit of animosity on the basis of race it is a mockery to God number two we must deal with reconciliation of not only entire racial groups but in truck we have got to somehow work out the problem in our families let me share with you again a personal experience I not only hated white folk but I hated my daddy I meant my daddy to know him for the first time when I was 16 years old he left my mama when I was a year and a half and my mama my mother had to try to reel four children in San Antonio Texas for children making $12.50 a week I learned to hate my daddy some kind people took me to the country and helped my mother rear me I was reared in a two-room log cabin it was cold I know what it is to be cold I know what it is to be hungry I laid it all on my daddy if daddy were here I wouldn't be cold I wouldn't be hungry because I was by myself read by old people other groups that had four and five brothers with Jeff Holman beat me up because my daddy would not be reconciled with my mother and I knew that if my daddy were here it wouldn't happen it was pronounced that I would never be nobody because I was just a semi offering boy who went from house to house begging for jobs in return for meal because the people who read me Papa died at 11 and mom and I stayed in a coal law cabin I graduated from high school they said I would never be nothing I graduated from high school president of my class the highest academic student in my class the valedictorian of my class the only one in my class [Applause] I went on to college but I graduated out of that log cabin I went on to college I had never had horses I thought chemistry was a course of music but I finished the top ten students in my class at the University they said I would never be nobody but I hated my dad I was called to a church I was called to the ministry but I hated my dad I was called to a church one of the second oldest churches in Houston but I hated my dad and one day my cousin called me and said dad you have to go see you dad no no no I don't have to go see nobody I don't have no dad Papa's dead she said but your real dad I don't have no real dad she said if it's not right your past of your church go see you dad I said I'm not going she said he just had a stroke and there's nobody to do anything and all men let me testify to you tonight when I had to get up from my past Oriole desk and go to a hospital and visit a man that I had hated for many years and to find him an alcoholic and define him in a stroke condition and to pick him up and to put him in my car and to bring him into my own house with my wife and child and put him in my bed and take care of my own daddy whom I hate it don't ever send a child of yours through that that's that's hell on earth but while I was there and while he was grumbling and while he was full of antagonism and while he was talking about I'm gonna pay you back for whatever you doing for me and I said shut up I don't need your money but while I was there I began to see myself my wife began to say only reason why you don't like him he's just like you he's just like you that story you don't like and God forced me to take care of him and in the takin care of him I began to see him I began to like him I began to being dealt with by the Holy Spirit I fell in love with him I took care of him and I preached his funeral I became reconciled in my own family [Applause] who are mean out here who are not reconciled in our families be saying but be ye reconciled want to another beginning with their child you have not talked to that's born you have not been with that girl you have not helped raise nor feed not take care of be reconciled but then we have to move it a little closer as Christians we've got to become reconciled not only in our families but our hands must go out to be reconciled and minister to those that we do not consider a part of our immediate family the Christian must never use the word those folk we are those folks drunkest alcoholics pill prostitute hungry homeless they belong to our family [Applause] and for real Jesus died Jesus did not just die for those way he died for those way down and there is somebody here tonight that wasn't save way up he saved you way down not too many blocks from here we have a kitchen called the Lord's kitchen originally I was a name it pastor heals kitchen but I saw so many in line and a dream then I woke up and named it the Lord's kitchen it would take the law to feed all of them and the night we open and the people got in large lines and we feed to free meals a day our people said who are feeding them pasta they didn't say thanks they saw Erica they did this they did that they wouldn't take off the head and I said to them and what would you expect here are people at the bottom of the ladder men who thought they were going to be senator of California now in a soup line I'm not worried about attitude I'm working about worried about the Christian attitude so tonight I come to challenge you in the name of Jesus be ye reconciled to God yes every one of us don't leave here without accepting Jesus Christ who brings you in the right relationship with the father but go further than that go find someone out of your immediate community out of your racial group and test yourself see if it makes a difference and if it does get rid of that junk put it behind you come on up to the bigger world in which there is no East no West no to no Gentile but all in Christ Jesus to bring into Jesus go find the backslider bring it in Jesus go find the hungry feed them the naked clothe them but we are ambassadors we are ministers of reconciliation tomorrow now do it now now in this closing moment and I can't see all of it but I want every one of you that in your own heart you know that you have not exactly rid yourself and don't you feel ashamed don't you feel embarrassed but there is a little tickling in your heart about this racial problem you must confess that you've stayed your distance because there is this little problem I want you to repent it tonight I want you to put it behind you and I don't believe it'll be in the headlines of LA time but I want 75,000 men to leave here saying because I'm reconciled to God I'm reconciled to my brother and there will be in me no more never again will I ever let the color of a man's skin make a difference I have in the past and I'm looking for those to repent tonight like I have openly repetitive if you hear just stand up quickly and say yes that has made a difference in the past I'm ashamed of it but I'm not ashamed to repent if you hear just stand yes yes yes yes you can't do it no more and that must be the headline seventy-five thousand me and said no more [Applause] ministers of reconciliation turn around and come around and shake hands with somebody that has a different color and said no more brother I'm right on with Christ
Channel: Fundamental Baptist Sermons
Views: 1,029
Rating: 4.3333335 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christian, fundamental, baptist, sermons, heaven, street, of, gold, hell, fire, eternal, damnation, for, god, so, loved, the, world, john, 3:16, how, to, be, born, again, saved, salvation, quickened, peace, love, joy, king, james, bible, kjv, 1611, 1769, hill, ev, old, time, revival, preaching, kjv1611
Id: Wu0yNBYcql8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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