"The Hard Headed Preacher" (Live Sermon), Timothy Flemming

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ah peel all right ah be all right I want us to turn tonight to the Book of Jonah Jonah in the Old Testament the Book of Jonah chapter 1 now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah - son of Amethi em saying arise go to Nineveh that great city and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before me verse 3 but Jonah rose up to flee unto Tashia from the presence of the Lord and went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tosha so he paid the fare thereof and went down into it to go with them on to Tosha from the presence of the Lord I want to talk tonight about the hard-headed preacher the hard-headed preacher how tragic it is what a man becomes hard-headed when it comes to the commands of God it's bad to be hard-headed for all of my life I've often heard my mother make the statement when it comes to one of my brothers not me now a hard head makes a soft behind it's a dangerous thing to be hard-hitting the Bible plainly demonstrate the tragedy the results of hard-headed people Adam was really hard here Bible said he didn't Hawken to him he Hawking to his wife and he really was hard-headed he didn't listen to what God had to say and how he paid a tragic price some theologian said that when Cain and Abel were walking alone with Adam and Eve they passed by the Garden of Eden and they saw that beautiful place and one of the boys asked Adam said dad did we used to live there Adam responded yes until your momma and I ate ourselves out of a home being hard-headed Saul walk like a king talk like a key yet like a key but he allowed his power to go to his head and became jealous of a little boy named David and he would not obey God when God gave him commands he became hard-headed Israel ended up wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years not because they were lost not because God didn't want them there into 40 years but they were just hard here they were rebellious and God said I'm just going to allow a generation to down before I lead them into the Promised Land and even getting in the Promised Land all the reason why Israeli ended up divided and lost all that they had and now been scattered all over the world because God called them stiffening rebellious people hard he half-baked cook on one side roll on the other side God even call him a backslide and healthy I didn't call you know here for now that's what the Bible see helpful is a young cow kicking back don't want to obey ha here and I'm afraid that's what's Tanner Church today not unsaved people what's keeping the church from growing is hard-headed believer all of either why the tide and offering is not coming in not because some of you all don't have it you just hard here I didn't get no any minute and it's a dangerous thing to be hot here and in our Texas tonight we are dealing with the hard-headed preacher did you say preacher yes preacher he paid a great price because those who know God and don't do his will get whipped with many strike God don't read it judged all believers who know better and refuse to obey I didn't come here to play with you tonight I come here to let you know that could it be that we are suffering today because of your head being so hot could it be that you don't have the money you need because you didn't know how to act when you had money could it be that some things are happening to you ever result of your disobedient pothead spirit could it be it's your wife didn't leave you because you didn't act like but you just had a hard head could it be your husband left you not because you look bad but you just got all hard somebody say help me Jesus a hard head can get you in trouble and that's what happened to the man Jonah he was not a hard-headed unbelievable but he was a hard head believer and the Bible says the word of the Lord came unto John now that's very good in itself that's some good things I have to say about this preacher number one he was called it didn't say a song came to him it didn't say another person came to him you know a lot of folk been called and preached by the wife you got an anointing on you that doesn't mean you a preacher some folk been called by somebody in the church that told them they got a head like a preacher what does a preacher head look like some people been called by the milk called by church members but you better make sure the word of the Lord King see some folk wit and song will sing and that's one thing I got to say about Joyner he was called by Lord he wasn't called by other people he was called by God and another thing I like about Jonah Jonah was a good preacher in fact Jonah wasn't sure enough good preacher I don't know nobody who can go in a city and preach the same sermon I call it a month's notice the same sermon and make the whole city repent and make a whole the key repent you got to admit that man could hoop and reason why I said it could hoop the called the Bible said Jonah went there and cried unto Nineveh he didn't go there lecturing he didn't go there speaking he cried I believe Jonah ran way back and pull that thing and that's what a whale bet if we do for you it will make you preach all you thought that came preach go in a whale's belly and it will make you preach and I've been met Jonah was somebody's preacher because he converted a whole city to the Bible saying the word of the Lord came when the joiner said arise and go to that great city called Nineveh and cry out against that city now there are several reasons why Jonah didn't want to go you got to understand why Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh why Jonah was a hard-headed man well number one you need to understand something about Nineveh he did not want to go to Nineveh because of the influence of Nineveh Nineveh was the capital city of Assyria and these people in Nineveh were vicious cruel people let me tell you something a model call it a great city because you have to understand when God say a great city it has to be a great city Nana Ville had 350 towels around it Nineveh had walls that were a hundred and twenty feet tall and they were all so wide that you could put three chairs on top of the world that was that was pretty wide and they were extremely thick never had plush gardens in Nineveh for Nineveh was a rich city it was a great commerce place never was known for gold Nineveh was known for civil never was known for his fine buildings and his walls that terrified the enemy none of all remind me of the great city of Babylon had walls that terrified the enemy but not only was net about a rich commerce place Nineveh was a wicked place when people came from Nineveh to your city they would burn up all the trees so that you couldn't rebuild the city and to say I'm none of up they would stop up all the whales so you couldn't have no water when they left when Nineveh came in our Syrians came in your city they would fillet your body they would take your skin and peel it off and use your skin for declaration none of our the people from Nineveh when they would take you and fillet you they would take your skull and wash it off and hang your skull up in their house for declaration or whenever came to the city they would take all the babies and line them up in the streets while a parish stand and stand and watch and run over all the babies with that chariot wheels that's how mean people were in middle when never came and conquered their enemies they would take the blood of the soldiers and mix it with the wine and celebrate and drink wine with human blood and say that taste should look good that's just I mean people were in minimal when you came when never claiming it meant trouble in your city they would take some soldiers and cut off the toes and cut off the fingers and cut off their ears and cut off the news they would take the king and drag him all through the streets and then behead him this the officials in the city they would take a crosses and make them sharp at the bed and stick the pole up into your bow and hang you up on the street for the birds and the file to come and heat up your flesh I'm talking about minimum and when you think about how mean people were in minimum now you know why Jonah didn't want to go in fact if God had to call me to go to minimal I think I would have put on a fast I think I would have prayed a little while - I don't know I probably would have tried going somewhere else because you see when you know the history of Nineveh you can understand why Jonah didn't want to go because Jonah was scared to go to nineveh jonah knew if he had not succeeded in preaching they would have murdered him in Nineveh and another reason why jonah did not go to Nineveh because Nineveh the assyrian were the enemies of Jews they were the enemies of the Hebrews and he did not want them to be saved he felt that God should have murdered two people in minimum because of the cruelty the car they were heathen because they were ungodly he just felt that he shouldn't have gone there because they were his enemy and I just need to throw this in for free that's just a way some church folk rock you know I wouldn't be surprised there's some thought when they get their help they want to move on the other side of town when they see you something or so mad with you they don't want to see you blessed do you know some folks hate to see you have a new cop some foe hit you see you got a new job some folks don't wanna see you blessed and sometimes people won't shower thing with you because they don't want to see you overcome and you got to understand Jonah did not walk Nineveh to get saved because they were his enemy but God is teaching Jonah that sometimes you got to run back to the you running from see Moses God sent Moses back to his enemies I'd like to send Moses left as a fugitive and went back as a prosecuting attorney God said go back to your enemies you see you got to love your enemies you know why God wants you to love your enemies because it worries in the dead it's hard for enemies to see you loving them when they know you've been treating you wrong it's hard for fault to love to understand your love when they've been lying on you and you hook them in Jesus name it's hard for your enemies to understand you when they've been putting you down and you building them up it's hard for folk to fight you back when you've been kind to it so that's why you ought to love your enemies and another reason why you ought to love your enemy because the mornings seem to kick you in the back the further you stick being in front of them you can't kick a man in the back and he's behind you every time you hit him and kick you forward they pushing you where God wants you to be you got to love your enemy because when you love your enemies God steps in and make your enemies make peace with you when you love your enemies God will prepare table lot in the actions of but god I put food on your table in their presence up when you love your enemies you're letting God fight you back so God was telling Jonah love you enemies for the battle is the Lord so Jonah didn't want to go because he didn't love the people in Nineveh and then another reason why Jonah didn't want to go but because he knew God was a God of mercy he says it Inditex he said I didn't want to go because I knew you would spam your mercy you see that's what we need to know about God I don't care what people do to you God still got the last word and God still got mercy I found out some folk do stuff to you because they just don't know no better you'd be surprised and know how ignorant some people are to your situation am i right about them so Jonah didn't understand that that some things about God's mercy but yet he did know that God was a forgiving God he knew if he had preached and Nineveh got on their knees God was going to spare the city and he didn't want to go and preach because he didn't want them delivered you know some folk of pray and if some folk had that way they put a tornado over your house and the son over there but aren't you glad God is not like me it's just like our own slave that it escaped the plantation and it caught up with John and they brought him before the judge and old John was shaking the judge looked at Johnson John what's your shaking for I'm gonna give you justice John so that's what's worrying me I don't need no justice right now I need mercy some of us right now you're in a situation you don't need nothing but mercy so Jonah knew God was a God of mercy now they look a little further that Jonah the Bible said that's why he didn't want to go but let's see how he became hard-headed and messed up number one Jonah bought a ticket going to touch him that is he was trying to go somewhere else do his own thing ah he's not the only Jonah in the house tonight the whole lot of folk when they don't want to do what they supposed to do always getting on the ship going to Tasha I went on people sit around lazy and don't want to go to school you get on the ship going to Tosha talking about I can't find no money but you should be looking for a grant when a man don't want to pay his bills you get on a ship going Natasha and won't go fine no job when a woman don't want a crook she get on a ship going to Tosha sending nothing in the house to cook when choir members don't want to come the choir rehearsal they get on the ship for Natasha come on I don't have a ride but downtown Evan we pay everywhere paying your bill I'm talking about when you don't want to do what you need to do you can always find a ship going to Tasha and I want to throw this in for free in and strain that when Jonah wanted to get a ship going to Tosha a ship was available shiftin ego out but once or twice a year how come this ship will happen to be available when Jonah warded the room because when the devil see you trying to get out the wheel and go he'll always get you a ship you better watch it when the devil provide you our ship he's trying to fix it so you can run away from God so Jonah got the money and paid his way that's a neat thing about Jonah the Bible said and he paid his way not as good and bad he didn't try to slip on the ship so he had to been pretty good he did pay his way but the bad thing about it uh he paid his way to get on the ship that is the same when you wanna do what you want to do you always gotten money for it you don't pass off but always crying about I'm broke always crying about I don't have no money but I didn't find out when foot one of Dukes up and they want to sure don't do it they come up with money from a mattress they come up with money from a hole I don't know how he come up with that money but I find I was foot crying about I don't have no money you let somebody come to town that they won't see and they'll come up with that money you let somebody come to town wiggling and half naked down at the Fox Theater we'll find that money to go watch somebody walking around with no clothes I find out I won't bring it home now oh don't get mad at me you clean you don't have no money but I can't even get no gas because you're in hell our line I knew I hit a nail there somebody already scratching scratching strengthens record can't pay your bills and I never understood need foot right here on section e talking about I don't have nothing and then what I've got a cell phone though he had modifiable somewhere Texan you find money to do whatever you want to do and Jonah had the money to run from the and he paid his way sin always cost you whatever you run from God you got to pay away when you run off with somebody's wife and go away you don't have no business going you got to pay for that whole team look at the name uh seeing will caution gas seeing go caution your red buddy click or cost your grocer money anytime you get out of the will of God it'll cost you your health it'll cost you your my sin is expensive look at somebody pay it close to seeing Jonah had that pain is week and then the next thing when your man leave God every step Jonah made he went down every time you leave God you go down look at all these down Jonah head Jonah went down to jump Jonah got a ticket and went down you
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 179,052
Rating: 4.6048112 out of 5
Keywords: rev timothy flemming sr, hard headed preacher, mt carmel baptist church, Atlanta, Ga, Gods Strength Records, Atlanta Greatest Preachers, Award Winning Sermons, Famous Black Preachers, Famous Preachers, Sermon (Literature Subject), Baptists (Religion), Great Sermons, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship)
Id: Rh5mJxXqQTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2012
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