The late Rev. Aric Bernard Flemming funeral

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may we pray our Father our Father our Father our Father thou who rules and super rules our world thou who wrapped the draperies of the rainbow around the shoulders of the star and called it a calm and peaceful day thou who looked out in space caused world's to twirl and every planet in space took its proper place thou who twenty two years ago wrapped a special spirit in flesh while in glory put it on a boat in glory and allowed it to ride the sea of destruction for nine long months through the womb of sister Flemming got off in Macon Georgia on my birthday July the 22nd 22 years ago here we are standing in the need of thee our Father you know how we've been wrestling trying to get some understanding we know that we're not on the same level that you are and so we can't see what you see but we've been trying to just understand with the five senses and the spirit of you that we have in all of us and I thank you for telling me soon this morning that ah Eric was special and he had specificity marked on it and looking back through history it seems that your greatest people you allowed to stay here in this world just a little while Alexander the Great wasn't here but 33 years Martin Luther King little while Leo Daniels a little while even your son Jesus a little while preached for just three years and our preach too and we we we thank you for the special spirit we thank you for letting him preach to us two years thank you for letting him teach us for two years look down on his father will never have a test like this one again in his life give him power like never before [Applause] wish I knew something else to say Lord but thank you you know we thank you thank you but let him be here thank you for his anointing yeah thank you for a special power thank you [Applause] [Music] have you any river that see uncrossable have you in amount that you can specialize [Applause] [Music] in the-- that seems impossible and he can do what no other power can do [Music] have you any affliction that sees incurable the doctor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy ghost doctor holy ghost doctor holy ghost dr. Pope doctor [Applause] holiday jokes doctor [Applause] God specializes be specialized if you see destroy this nobody seems to King a cigar and he can do the Holy Ghost I do [Applause] or right second Corinthians 5:17 and in second Corinthians five and 17 you would find it written deep in these words therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new we are men United in Christ who are strong believers in the Word of God dedicated and committed to be completely obedient to his commandment to love the Lord our God with our minds our hearts our souls and our strength and to love our neighbors as ourself and all the brothers shall say and at this time we would have a special song to pay tribute to our abiding brothers and every Monday night do we oh good times and me when we were saying [Music] we thought you will be with us forever but forever [Music] [Music] [Music] well b0 is God to leave but all we know is where we be and what we win we go be the worth all the way [Music] heart will take with us the memory to be the sunshine and in the rain [Music] I will take with us some memories to be enough sunshine and in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to take this opportunity to bring these men off I want the mayor of our city to come and already predict this soon coming me my good friend bill camera come on I'm with him every step of the way these are my friends and I want them to say a word to you Fleming this is living watching you to try to pick up some string I don't know why this was touched me the way it is but I do know that elven Bell may be the Chief of Police was not above the law he needs a license to preach [Applause] Fleming family family this is really kidding me I didn't really even know all right that well I mean I knew him we had met I knew him by sight heard him preach one morning sitting here all that knew he was at Morehouse and knew that he was Timothy Fleming's and business warming son I've always tried to wrestle with the the meaning of things and so I literally gotten out of my niece when I heard about this and prayed trying to understand why in god's name he would take an ORAC and leave murdering lying thieving no-good scourge of the earth walking these streets I told God I did not understand that and I don't go around telling folks that God talked to me but whatever it was that responded [Applause] said to me that is a minute you don't need to understand don't go to that funeral trying to interpret anything just tell them what I tell you to say so I'm gonna do that I said God you know this this could have been my family God said mean it it was I said God this this could have been my son and he said it is for every auric we lose there are two things we need to do number one we've got to wrap our arms around the other oryx and show them we appreciate them now not when they're like this to do it now and number two febri Arak we lose we've got to lift up a hundred who are wandering lost souls in the society with too many guns and too much doping too much hopelessness I've been Fleming in the family god bless you we have our work cut out for us [Applause] - Reverend Flemming you know there is no greater burden than the loss of a child all the other things God puts on us nothing come close Louisiana I'm not a preacher I'm a Christian and I wrestle with what I could say why Eric why now mrs. Fleming Reverend I don't have the answer I looked at you rapping Erica and I was reminded my own brother his daughter died when she was 10 years old and I asked the same question then why and all I can think about is that he was lost and now he's found we had him here for a long time and we enjoy the time he was here I had the opportunity to hear some of Arc's sermons and I knew he was gonna be a great preacher but more important than that he was a great person it was the fact that he reached out and he formed this wonderful group of young men where the TV cameras today to show of these young men who are doing so much good in our community tonight when you get home your turn on the TV and they will be leading young black men away in handcuffs why aren't they here to show these young black men who are praising the Lord and Eric did that for us and so to Reverend Fleming and mrs. Fleming I I still remember Eric running over in Martin Street just a young boy not a preacher yet and my heart goes out to you and I can only say that when I got the word I went into my son's bedroom and grabbed him squeeze and everybody here ought to do the same thing because in the words of the old Negro spiritual yesterday is God sweet Jesus tomorrow may never be mine so help me dear law to take it one day at a time I want to stop in the middle of these because I'm too pasture and then I'm the father to present two men that have known me since I was a ten year old boy preacher and I want my pastor more Dane me when I was 19 years old with the first pastor there when my son was born marry us taught me how to marry having jail bills who gave arak his first revival in making it my hometown come my pastor I have two fastest one in Macon and one here in Atlanta could not be here I didn't want him to know about this and don't hit him that's William horn Boris but this is the pastor knew me before Atlanta knew me faster Fleming's mrs. Fleming and to our fellow ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ Sarek friends who have come to share the homegoing of young man who love to know Eric you had to learn he came to us this year to do a youth revival just as happy came in in the afternoon the seminar each evening for us he's a very powerful energetic young man and I'm happy to see revenue swimming is as far as he is this evening you see he understands whatever God is as wheel if it had been left to us this evening or it would still be alive and and the wreck could not have injured him it's the will of God he could have been on the porch but this is the way he came to go this was before the foundation of the world that this is this is the way that onic was supposed to go yes I've known this family for a long time there's something about this family there many of us do not know and I'm not going to tell you today it's between reven Fleming and I and we love each other even though I'm senior pastor I'm still pastoring and yet we love each other when he caught when I got the news on Saturday night my wife and I walked in the house and sons I don't like Trudeau the telephone rang this is the news and I received it for a movement I couldn't move I said to the young lady that says no no no no are you joking she said there are mills I would not joke with you about this this is true for a moment I was in Spain but if and I said to myself not this is God's wheel in spite of all that is said and done God called him home and this I learned the poem if it asks us to be done never leave until it's done be the lave of Greater small do it will or not at all and that's it this man has been one of my closest friend and making either way I've gone past it six churches in my 32 years of preaching and this man was the one who gave me my first revival when I was 13 years old and knew my wife and our people I'm so happy to see him he used to talk to me like a father cuz I had no preacher father who was a preacher I know that preached in the family only person in the Fleming family I had no preaches to turn to so that made me kind of lonely and I had such far friend that's why I was a best friend I think there's a preacher and I never had a real close preacher friend but this was my friend I won't him to just say a few words to you dr. Flemming to his family I'm indeed happy to have these few moments to express my appreciation to Fleming family and his great friends and this great church I'm not a stranger hitting my Karma dr. Fleming Lourdes brought my karma to my Salem Baptist Church and played a great part and retiring me there 1970 30 years of hard-working heartbroken by now and I would thought that it wasn't best for me to go up in the pulpit on Sunday morning making excuses I'm sick at this ticket this kind of medicine so I just said I'm coming out coming out on behalf of young man he's sitting over there now not I'm saying today that it's not what's lost but what's left [Applause] the Lord took everything look what's left and many of these tragedies is coming about everybody's going practice but look beautiful wife two more sons and I see one more there the god is good yeah no I'm no one room for him in from somebody told me to rub that say you love young purchase there's somebody trying to keep him around here and make them is replace got a whole lot of big ropes round that he put one round your neck telling when you ever come that's it when I find him and brother older barbershop so we got together and we've traveled on together and God has blessed him he was trying to make up his mind yet might come Baptist Church then oh then to insid over then he's on ice edition boy you get your things on a goat wagon just could you [Applause] how many ride in another we're learning about the we arrived on the ladder some of them talking about what college he went to I said where they don't know you stepped on the back door in the back do it listen you guys go now some of them talk about the preacher's son the preacher's son there I'm making me got four five wonder why the preacher's son caught up in these tragedies we don't think about some of those songs that caught up in your family hmm I hope I help threes for songs and I've had my baby boy was graduated from Frankfort Kentucky State College and soon as he got out dude his mind left no it's mine and effort and I could go on sell whole lot so that's my baby boy what's class musician and then my son his birthday is on the 15th of this month he were born when I was building the heart from the ground up started with $7 he went off in Boston and build a mansion up there and some little separation come back home with nothing but a shoe [Applause] [Applause] but there is not but there is nothing impactful that God cannot I'm so glad his best wisdom that's wisdom clay come here my good friend who didn't even know my son but heard the word Reverend Jesse Jackson who called me Sunday morning and I'm surprised that he become let us hear dr. Kleve is my good friend and brother and dr. Clemmens and all of our pledge a that's a civil here at this time good friend reppin Jasper William dr. Alexander my state president him to this family they're just something gone you are not to miss this is one of them I just had to be represented here today yeah I apologize dr. Flemming being late my plane was late and I got to leave I apologize again I have a flight and three o'clock I must be back in Chicago but when Jessa told me he had talked to dr. Alexander on Sunday morning and talked to you and that time you had lost your son I just started making plans to be here and when I look around at all the support that you have I mean not only do you have a great family and had a great son even though I did not know him but you got good support and the Lord is on your side I got off the plane while ago and I was trying to give them the address I forgive me if you will a camera took Kevin here 27:55 cameras on the road we don't know about that start asking two or three of the cab drivers nobody knows when I said dr. Flemming did yeah it pays to be known sir get in the car I looked at you and Reverend Jasper William in there others here you all have sons that will preach it I don't have one the Lord been good to you man he's been wonderful and thank God that he wasn't caught up in a lot of mess I mean sons and daughters got to get them off a dope go get him out of jail they don't count that I won't work man you got must be proud of and it's not how long we need but how will we live Mateusz to live 969 years didn't do nothing I hate when you come something just live a long time taking up space breathing good air all the folks to breathe it's that little line between born and death there really time not how long some time a person can live a short time and they do so much that blessed is the man the dies and the Lord yay give full set the spirit they shall rest from the labor you don't hear me and that works do follow them man I'm going to my seat then God don't give me the street strip I never had to preach one of my job I preach of a mother's feel my father's yeah uh-huh another the Lord and your days so share your spent be and when I saw this group here that he had been teaching that he been leading a span of young men again for me you'd help me I'm going back and try to stop something like this at fellowship is that right god bless you that's all I didn't have to say anything my doctor feminine fleming if you have to excuse me in about a half an hour but i hate this - this is the best that I can do let me get back to that because I must be back in Chicago for a meeting tonight but I just wanted to be here man with you and somebody said that you said a while ago some people don't have to say anything just that presser can I get a witness yeah me more than anything in the world and the loud promise to be with you yeah don't you mean walk through the valley of the shadow of death as I wanna do it is there anybody have no he'll do it will he help of Allah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's say Amen all we have in a whole lot of sermons here today I want you now to hear thank you long I want you to hear now from novel president the biggest black convention in the state of Georgia the biggest black Baptist man in the state of Georgia one that has always known me from a baby I wore dr. Cameron Alexander to come and there's one more person it's gonna come to rev them cause well reven or mrs. Flemming the Fleming family and members of this church it's all of the preachers that are present I bring you greetings from Oh God lives I have known Riven Flemming since he was tan Fleming's seen I did not have the fortune to know is marvelous but I know and feel for the part I want to say that Eric has done something in his death that he couldn't do in his lifetime he has made another Friday important [Applause] there was a Friday [Applause] on a hill far away and here we are at another Friday to Friday's two sons the Sun rejected hits sign meant daaamn nature went wild but first Friday this Friday schedules were changed [Applause] our planes after weight SiC visits have been put on hold and great preachers from all over this country made their way to this caliber at calm as preachers as Christians we must remember that Friday does not have a period behind it it's only a comma and that means that God has something else to say there's only one day that separates Friday from Sunday and crucifixion from resurrection if we can just make it through this day and not be concerned about what we don't understand conclude that will understand it better bye and bye joy comes early in the morning if it was up to you when would you die what what month would you select what day of the week what hour of the day what city would you select who would you want to die with what would you die from God knew that we could make that kind of decision so he left it up to himself because he's God all by himself Eric is cold cold cold us from a political campaign right dab in the middle of it to remind us what's really important we are not at City Hall [Applause] for we serve a God who is never up for reelection [Applause] we try to name them tuberculosis pneumonia we try to give a name to death cancer heart trouble we try to name there accident and we call death of tragedy we even have the audacity to suggest that somehow God could be wrong [Applause] God is never wrong we are we are you can't name death the Bible says number your needs and applies your heart to wisdom because all you have or die's the other morning Eric ran out of days I want Tim to come here Eric's best friend come up here loke doesn't talk much but Ari told me just two weeks ago daddy my best friend preacher whatever a preacher confine a friend is not a preacher you got a friend he doesn't watch a church [Applause] I love you thank dr. Flemming gave me an opportunity to speak about art I can remember when art preached one of his sermons and it went caught up in a spider's web he was describing how as Christians get caught in webs and then he went a little deeper he sat down and studied what made God tick if you didn't him you missed him I tell you he was a bad boy [Applause] our Commission man I can remember we would go down to the naked argue he was a good preacher but he he'd never let him went to his head I mean if you call art to preach in the back though here do it for you cuz he loved to preach I tell you he love to preach thank you we have from President Bill Clinton's office brother to was in a letter and then someone from the governor's office will you come quickly now isn't this a great celebration give God some parties giving honor to God to pass the Fleming sister Fleming Kenneth Timmy Isaac said in the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord Bernard died the nation pause for a moment and for a moment we got a glimpse of heaven but argh died we saw the Lord when the Fleming family heard we all hurt for as long as I've known myself I've known art Fleming's father at the age of 10 Reverend Fleming played in my yard and preached at my church so close and so precious as their family to me Robin Fleming on last year you met a man who later became President of the United States and the vice president stood in this pulpit what I remember most about those meetings was what you said to them you asked the president did he know the Lord and I want to pray for you and on this day at this hour they want to pray for you a letter from the president the White House November 4th 1993 the revenue mrs. Timothy Fleming 27:55 Chemical Road Atlanta Georgia dear Reverend and mrs. Fleming Hillary and I were sorry to learn of your son's death we hope that the love and support of your family and friends will sustain and comfort you during this difficult time you are in our prayers sincerely Bill Clinton [Music] let us read the obituary silently for the grisly plays [Music] you
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 126,672
Rating: 4.6664371 out of 5
Keywords: Great Black Preachers, Black Preachers, Sermon, Speakers, Famous Preachers, Famous Black Preachers, Atlanta, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Georgia, 1993, Classic, Funeral, Rest in peace, Jesus, God, CHurch, Timothy Flemming, Aric Flemming, Timothy Flemming Sr, Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr., Famous Funeral, Preachers Funeral
Id: Wh8TswXiFkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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