The Best Way To Clean A Horribly Dirty Oven [Before And After]

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today we are going to show you a tutorial  on how to do an oven cleaner this is my   absolute favorite way to clean the oven  my grandmother taught this to me years ago   i enjoy it so much because normally in the past  i used to just turn on that you know clean clean   feature yeah that's what i use a lot yeah but it  stinks up the house at least char in the bottom   i just think it doesn't get your oven as clean  right and i like mine really clean sure so what   we have today are the ingredients and supplies  that you need for this pro this oven cleaner   so this is one of the great things about this it's  all stuff that i normally have in my house anyways   so you've got your white vinegar your dawn baking  soda you'll need a couple of measuring cups   something to stir with a bowl we like these little  scrubbies they're crocheted emmeline does them and   they're fabulous she gifted me a couple of them  she's working on a video so let's see if she's got   that done um and then rags you'll want old rags  because by the time this is done these are gonna   the rag portion is gonna be pretty well  destroyed these throw in the washing machine   and you can just use them all over again which is  why we love those so much the other thing is this   bowl looks pretty big for what we're doing and  we can put all of this in there and it wouldn't   fill up the bowl but what you're going to find  is the baking soda when it interacts with the   dawn and the vinegar is going to bubble and  foam up so we use a little bit larger bowl   just so that we don't end up with  a mess everywhere yeah i mean just   think uh the volcanoes when you're in elementary  school you know vinegar baking soda and then the   bubbles even adds more so kind of fun um so take  a look at my oven we have been waiting an extra   long time so that we could make this really good  now my oven is a tool that i use all the time and   it's going to be awesome you guys have seen us  using it right tons and that's just videos yeah   yeah this is this is scary so really bad right  now even on the racks it's horribly grimy   and on the front here i don't know how well you  can see it we'll do some closer in shots in just   a few minutes but i'm super excited to try this  because i've been looking for something natural   okay so we're going to begin mixing up the paste  it's essentially going to be a very gooey paste   um that we then are just going to dab  on what's great about this cleaner   it's really no scrub we are literally  going to dab this on and walk away   and come back in like an hour they say  you can leave it completely overnight   i will usually do about an hour this one's  pretty dirty we're just gonna leave it on and   get around back to it we'll do some other things  and then this afternoon yeah so maybe we'll tell   you how long later i mean because then you'll  know that it cleans a really dirty oven but   we'll see okay so the first thing you need is one  fourth of a cup of distilled vinegar your white   vinegar vinegar i i've even used apple cider  vinegar just whatever vinegar you have around   then we need half a cup of dawn and this is  gonna be easier to take that off and just   pour it in oh sure just unscrew i buy such a  large amount yeah i buy my dawn i use it all   the time for so many different things i buy it in  bulk and this is my refill this is my small one   i buy it in the industrial like yeah because i  love it my favorite dish soap because i use it in   everything it's really effective someday i'm going  to teach you how to whiten your whites with it   i've got a great i need that white whitening  recipe okay next we need one and a half cups   of baking soda we have a one cupper we're gonna  put in a cup and then we're just gonna kind of   estimate the half um and then this is going to  start foaming as soon as she drops the baking   soda in here so we see it go beautiful as we  stir it's going to kind of foam up a little more   and what we're going to do is this is going to  create a thick paste see how that's doing that   you want to give it a stir i know that's pretty  fun actually it is my kids actually like to happy   that my kids would probably like this it's a fun   they like to see the fact that they don't have to  do any scrubbing also guys this works really good   on bathtub grime and like shower dry yeah i use  this mixture this is my go-to cleaning mixture and   it doesn't strip paints it doesn't do anything i  mean so it's gentle but effective yeah i even use   minus the baking soda i even have a variation  of this to wash your car with waterless car   wash because when we were living down in  california there was water shortages right   okay what do you think okay that's perfect let's  open the oven sounds good okay so now you have a   close-up of the oven this is so simple all  we're gonna do is bring our bowl down here   and our scrubbies um for for we're going to clean  the racks also but we need to pull them out first   because they're going to be in our way you can  just feel the grime on these oh they're really bad   i'm actually really excited to do this i've been  telling marie we need to get your oven cleaned   with our stuff but we wanted to let it get really  bad okay because now you'll be able to really see   how well this works yes exactly so you just want  to take your scrubby and i start in the back   otherwise i end up with it all over my  stomach this is not a scrub this is a dab   you just want to get it on here just dab it on  get it nice and thick and what it's going to do   is it's eventually going to kind of dry  as it as the hours pass and then we'll   the washing it off it will literally  just wipe off there will be no scrubbing as far as the top goes avoid your elements um  you know that you shouldn't have much around them   you can wipe off those a little later i think  the majority of everything is down at the base   yeah and the front here because that's where  your that's where everything falls [Music] and all these little edges of where the things  go i'm literally just making sure it dabs   on there and i'm barely running my hand there is  no no scrub there's no scrubbing to this which is   my favorite part right okay now we're going to  i think this is hard bottom like we could have   pulled out some of this like had we wanted but we  don't care it'll just come out it'll just come out okay i'm gonna start your doors here and  then we'll move it into the other one because   are we going to need some more for we  made yeah yours is pretty dirty yeah   i'll get some more yeah double batch great okay so we got our second batch here so  don't be afraid to make more if your oven needs it   now when i've cleaned my oven my oven is a  little smaller for one i have just a standard   size maurice is a little oversized here um one one  bath does pretty well but we weren't letting mine   prepare for a video either you're gonna and  it's it we're putting it on pretty thick here   it doesn't have to be this thick  we're kind of doing it because this   one is grimy but we want you to show that  there is no there's no scrubbing to this   we're literally going to leave this on and we're  going to walk away from a cup for a couple hours   and when we come back you're  going to see magic literal magic [Music] okay marie i'm super excited about how your  oven is turning out me too me too so this is   this is going to be fabulous i just can't  wait you can already see like the grease the   drip everything is melting like look at that  chunk ran down and it cleaned it as it went   right right like no scrubbing required the first  thing we need to do is we need to remove the racks   and you can see there's just the stuff's coming  right off of them as well racks are kind of   tricky because they're so the you know edges  of them and they're they're round like round   bars and everything you know they're a  little more difficult to kind of scrub   but you know you could have just put those in  the if you have a deep enough and big enough   sink you could have also just stuck these  in the sink and done them right in there the next thing is is well i'm gonna give you some  information okay we need to scoop out as much as   we can before we start adding too much bubbles  we ended up doubling this batch of oven cleaner   and so you know we have a whole cup of dawn dish  soap and you know the tiniest little teaspoon goes   so far with donuts right like we could fill  your house up with bubbles with it yeah yeah   so let's start by just coming in  here and scraping stuff straight   off the worst of it now you see how this is  kind of dried that's what it's supposed to do   you know the longer you leave it the more  dry it's going to be we're just trying to   scoop some of these chunks out of here and  we've left it for a couple of hours now yeah [Music] this stuff is just scooping up yeah it's great so you could put this into your water but  you would have to be changing out your water   frequently so we decided to just pull a  separate bowl here and scrape it into that and then we'll be doing the  water and rags afterwards and this stuff is just coming right  off i mean look at all of this [Music]   that's quite a bit there i think so let's shift  to the rags now okay here take this one thank you   so we can do this one of two ways we can take  the rags and just soak them up and start wiping   but honestly it may be good if we rinse  those out and do one wet scrub over   to try to get everything moistened sure because  it will come off easier so we're gonna just   wash those rags real quick the scrubbies you  just use that to get it nice and wet [Music]   now that everything is pretty wet we  are going to move to our wet rags and   we can cover more surface area with these and i'm  going to kind of work my way in first just like   that yeah start with this door so we can lean  on it a little more that's what i was thinking   it's times like this when you're really  glad that uh you're doing youtube videos with a partner right two of us so if you've got little chunks that are just  being stubborn a magic eraser works um it's not   quite as natural as what i like but it's pretty  effective usually your oven wasn't quite as bad   and this wouldn't have been a problem i've used  this on my oven oodles of times and never had   any problems getting those off but that's just too  many layers baked on and if we if we probably did   another layer second time right a second time  on just that door there might have helped that   you may need to switch your water  a couple of times during this   like i said we have essentially endless  soap here [Music] but can you believe   how great this is for the fact that all we  did was walk away for a few hours [Music]   at this stage when we're starting to get down  to the lesser amounts of soap it's really good   to use cold water in your in your bucket because  it will reduce the amount of bubbles so see that   how now that i'm down and with straight cold water   the amount of bubbles has reduced and we have  that oven door looking noodles and oodles better   now i'm getting in here down these sides again  i've scrubbed these off pretty well and now   we're just getting down to the bear and all of the  stuff off the side of the oven is completely gone so now i still have a couple of little  black specks that are that are really   being tenacious here and sticking on so  i'm just gonna take a brand new razor   you have to be careful though because a lot of  times um there'll be like linings and stuff on   here that you don't want to scratch but just be  gentle if you're gonna use this technique [Music] some of this uh residue that we're getting off  this is from previous oven cleaners when we   weren't using an all-natural method and we turned  on your cleaning plate so now this is this is not   just something that this method missed this was  actually baked onto here and is now coming up   and it's been loosened because of our natural  cleavage method right but because it's so bad   that's why we're having to use the razor blade  so we're showing you guys all kinds of methods   today we were hoping it would all just like melt  off but evidently we're at a different level here exactly when you use a razor blade and it chars  like this that's how we know it's the   oven cleaner if this was the food that and  the grind from an actual cooking session   it would have balled and been gummy at this  point because when we were first cleaning off   this stuff it was a lot more gummy so that's  how we know that this is from the oven cleaner [Music] right look at that that is the non-cleaning  part from today right that's how much   was left after the oven cleaner  last time yeah not bad at all   no it's not bad at all but that's gross to still  have that in there it is when and that's because   we normally use the oven cleaning method and then  just like wipe out the big stuff on the bottom so   we're going to be a little bit more  thorough about this in the future [Music]   i still get to find one that  you can just put on and leave   i'm waiting for the day abracadabra there's  always a little bit of work involved yeah wouldn't be life if there wasn't [Music]   you're going to see that as we were doing  this it dripped through from the craft so   that you'll want to open up your oven door  and you'll want to your drawer underneath it   and you'll want to clean that off not let it  fall into whatever items you keep in your drawer   so we are now done with the oven look how  clean it is i'm not afraid to touch it yeah   exactly it's fabulous now i'm not gonna let it  get that bad again but with the tools that we   used and the solution that emma line gave me  we were able to get this clean in a relatively   short period really short amount of time had  we started just scrubbing in on this with water   and scouring pads and things we would have been  at this all day the fact that we could leave it   for a few hours and then come back and it's been  less than an hour to completely scrub out entirely   dirty oven now the worst part was probably  cleaning these racks we found that steel wool   was the best thing to help with that now  if you have a deep enough sink you could   even dilute this solution a little bit with just  water in the bottom of your sink and lay these   down inside that would really help my marie has  a has a split in her sink so it doesn't work for   hers my sink at my house i just pull my racks  out and just lay them right down in the bottom   and just make this solution dab it all over it  add water to keep it moist and then when i come   back i can usually just pick up my racks and this  stuff has come off pretty well we also noticed   that because of the cooking uh oven cleaner the  racks had that same gunk that was on the bottom   plasticky feeling so uh coated onto these and we  really scraped that off so that the next time we   go to clean marie's oven it's not gonna be bad  at all honestly i don't think i'm ever gonna use   that cleaning segment again i think i'll just  do it like this this is a much better method   well we hope that your oven is now  sparkly clean uh just as ours is [Music]   you
Channel: Wisdom Preserved
Views: 1,433,036
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Keywords: dirty oven, cleaning oven with baking soda and vinegar, the best way to clean a dirty oven, teh best way to clean a dirty oven, oven cleaning hacks, clean oven with baking soda and vinegar, oven cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, oven cleaning, how to clean my oven, oven cleaner, Best way to clean oven, diy cleaner, teh best way to clean a dirty oven before and after, the best way to clean a dirty oven before and after, the best way to clean a dirty oven bedore and after
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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