How to make a Beautiful Draped Beach Ball Flower Pot in Ga.U.S.A.

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good morning I'm Helen from Georgia and I'm out here on this beautiful the sun's trying to shine it's it's a little cloudy I hope it doesn't rain but I'm out here and look ya'll i'm using my cup and i'm gonna use a different one every time i come out here because people sending me cups and i want to use them and this one is a thermos it's you you put it in here and lady was afraid the birds flying over my drop something to him I cook and I was worried about that myself because sometimes they they fly all over here especially when I'm not here right right here when I leave him walk somewhere they'll come over all over here where I'm at but they won't do it what I'm sitting here but this will keep my coffee warm and it will keep the birds from dropping so a surprise oh thank you so much for being so thoughtful and kind and y'all I'm I'm don't start a new project today I'm thinking about trying something new and how do you like my flower boys aren't they beautiful that's hibiscus over there and they're blooming and it's but you know what my birds are mad with me the other day a few days ago it rained and it rained and it rained all their feeders was full of water they couldn't eat they don't like it when there's there's water in there and and it was it just rained and like every day and and my birds would come up and they'd look in there and they'd eat the head down and they wouldn't they was all ruffled up they didn't like that and it got okay and it quit raining and I cleaned out my feeders and and put some you see that they have got mad I guess and they haven't come around that much I think they're still mad with me I think they think I'd done something doing but I can't help it when they when they won't when their water is their feeders have water in it I come out and Eve yet but that days they uh they would stand in and they would look around they could get they just didn't know what that thing's anyway I was sitting in my house yesterday and I had a little bowl of seeds up there guy took him out they were weird a little bit and I put him up down the porch and they was birds coming up down my porch eating and a dog came flew up there on my front porch right in front of my door I'm so they they're amazing they they do strange things you cannot predict like I've got seeds out here now and you see any birds no I don't know where they are but it's it's mating season and they they're building nests and doing all this stuff and it changes their routine I guess you know let me have a sip of coffee that does keep your coffee will warmer because it usually will get cold pretty fast when you're sitting out here when you're sitting out here oh okay today if it doesn't rain I am thinking about something that's a dangerous thing a while back I went to a dollar store and I bought this balloon I'm gonna blow it if I can't it's a it's pretty big and I'm gonna let me see if I can blow it I'm gonna make a flower pot I'm gonna blow it up and put it like this and I'm gonna I'm gonna put some draped step over it and I have it in my mind but there's a little bird just flew right there I have it in my mind what I'm thinking about doing but it might not turn out the way I'm thinking let me let me see if I can blow it up that's a big old blue okay let me try let me get a sip of coffee for do that everything is so pretty and it's cloudy and I hope I hope I can get this stuff draped on here and I can put it around there let it dry okay let me see if I can glue this this is a giant balloon y'all see it okay it's a beach ball that's what it really is I I tried some balloons but I thought I'd try this this time cuz I want to see I wanna come ah we're gonna see how it looks when I get through Oh Lord where's that I think you stopped up you may have oh oh oh my goodness I might never get this thing I don't think I can get this thing over I just don't don't feel like the airs going in it right take me a while to do this and we have a sip of coffee and y'all see that pretty bird on that cup while I'm blowin it won't be much longer I got it started it's bad done [Music] okay look at that beautiful let me to have another sip of coffee I took a lot of air gracious but it's so pretty okay I really can't uh explain how I'm don't don't put it like this and I'm gonna drape it and I'm gonna make a flowerpot yo y'all you just have to see how what I'm doing as I go with me because I don't know either I'm just out here trying some things that I think might look good and it y'all might like and this is a pretty balloon even if it doesn't work it's a beautiful balloon and I don't what I'm what I'm going to do is I'm gonna mix my seed man up and this I'm not gonna use sand in this mix this is gonna be a draped I'm gonna put cement in water and they little pan and I'm gonna dip the pulp in there and put it on here and then when it dries I'm gonna take this out and lift this out of the mold that it's made if that works like this bird back here is having a distress sounds like he's mad about something birds everywhere flying around but they're not here there's one little bird just leave back there but bluebirds in the Redbirds and all the other birds are somewhere doing jump and I don't know anyway and my dogs they they they don't like to come around when I'm doing this either okay I'm going I hope are you I'm so my mind is so set on what I'm gonna do with this and how it's gonna get the air in it but I made it every bit of that air in there so I guess my lungs must be pretty good to be 81 years old anyway uh I'm gonna be a yo y'all have coffee with me please and enjoy our tea or whatever you like to drink hot chocolate or Oh Pepsi Cola whatever whatever y'all like to drink I hope y'all are enjoying watching my video and having a fellowship time together because I feel like y'all are my family and people tell me they feel like I'm part of their family so you know is that not awesome to be a little person in a little town never hardly been out of Georgia and I have met so many people from all walks of life and all over out of this country in other countries that watch my videos that is so amazing to me that people are watching my videos and I have 66 thousand subscribers as of right now but maybe I think maybe this weekend it'll be 67 and I am so blessed and so pleased with all everyone that subscribes and shares and takes a little bail and everything thumbs up and all that you do to watch my videos just it's awesome and Cody make it work and I hope it doesn't rain but I think while I'm well I'm for a few minutes I think I'm going I showed y'all last fall I have a little cane patch back there and I batted it you have to cut the cane down and put it in a hole you have to dig a hole and you have to put your cat well I put straw down then I put my cane on top of that straw and then I put straw over at the cane again and then I put the dirt back over it and you put something over it but I just keep it just kind of keep the light out and everything you know just keep it moist and damp down there it keeps your cane alive till next year because cane is something that doesn't have seeds not Lucy did you plant you have to have a stalk of cane right that I'm gonna show you when I go around there and dig it up I'm gonna show you how how you dig it up and get it out of the bidding that I put it in to save it from the coal because it will freeze and it will die and I'm gonna dig it up and I'm gonna plant it back and show y'all how to do that some people might not care about that but some people aren't interested in nature and planning and all this stuff that I love I love it I grew up on a farm I was small but I remember all the things that was there my daddy and my mama picked cotton I had in the field they grew corn they planted the garden my daddy planted cane and that's how I found out about all this stuff as I I was raised on a farm and and my daddy done all that stuff he fished and I love to fish one day I might go fishing and show y'all how I catch fish and I can catch fish too I really can I don't get to go because you know I I wear what Cody Mike can take me whenever he gets some time off but since he's working and everything it's just a lot to uh for him to do is half time for everything he does and everything and the things that I need him to maybe help me do but anyway I'm gonna do that this summer I'm gonna take y'all on a fishing trip with me and I'm gonna catch some fish I hope so let me get around here and start on this I get off on all kind of stuff and y'all don't probably know what's going on but anyway I'll show you if y'all just keep watching I'll show you what I'm doing so I'm gonna go around here now and dig this cane up if I can find it it's covered over and I got to find where I put it it's around there I know I know about where it's Africa but I got to get around there and do it so I'll uh be right back don't go away and yo y'all be a blessing I want to be a blessing to people and I want to bless people like they bless me that that comes forth if if somebody blesses you then you bless them and that's how the Lord wants us to act and be a be a blessing and be a light to others and and let them see that who you serve an awesome awesome God thank you lord and I'll be right back when I get around it I hope the air don't want this balloon while I'm around they're doing that maybe it won't [Applause] [Applause] okay everybody this is where my cane is playing I'm gonna try to find it where I put it oh I've got all my stuff use let me see if I can [Applause] okay I put this tire in here let me show you I needed help got out here pop it earlier I see it don't have to be careful it's all really good routes on it thank this this is women Cain is buried right baited right down here down here yep Morrison [Applause] here's the oh there's a piece on the brain right does it look that great right this minute it has been so wet I hope it's okay it looks like something as idiot now this is something looks like has me eat down in there but there's a little piece right there that's alive I'm just going down this was not the way it was supposed to turn out at all I think it has been so wet but look it looks like something well that's life everything does it turn out the way you play miss you just have to not give up you just have to keep long try here's our hopefully from what is here we have some corn it bears on there [Music] [Music] all we can do now is wait and see if we have any cane come up this was not supposed to be this way supposed to come out big long stalks but it get something under the ground got it down there I think right in there and the rock some love it but y'all this is my this is my little tub Gardens that's squash and this is squash this is squashing this tub and this is some potatoes that I plan it they're coming up so anyway we'll see how the cane turns out I'm finished with my cane was it what I was planning something happened to the cane I don't know if some something underground has eat almost all of it but they didn't eat the knots like that place where the little sprouts come out they didn't eat that but some may come up hopefully I'll have a little bit of cane so thank you so much for watching I am hot I've been chopping and doing all that stuff anyway thank you all so much and and I'm gonna go in and cool off just a little and then I'm gonna come back out and do my part thank you all so much for watching my videos they don't always turn out the way you think so that's life so I know what I know how life is unpredictable but the Lord is always with us and he'll never leave you nor forsake you that's what I live by thank the Lord see you in a little bit okay I'm back out here I came out here a little earlier and I got my things out and was going starting well it started raining then it quit so I don't know where to start or not but I've already got my things together so I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can start this project and uh what I'm gonna do now yes I'm going I cut this I put this ball in this bowl go put some sand in it i sweet sweet lady drop me some saying that's pretty saying that's not that's not my George you're saying right there uh okay I'm going this is the part it's gonna be down in there okay I got that now I'm gonna I'm gonna move this little me in it this is what I'm going great over this got raindrops already on it where it started raining so I jerked it up and carried it over there and put it away [Applause] okay what I'm gonna do is someone's coming out just wonderful oh I'm gonna set this here I'm trying to think this out I'm gonna put this around this is six cups of cement I'm gonna prove water in it I've measured it so I'm just not showing y'all how I measured it and all that I'm just gonna put the water in it now and move my camera up closer okay this is six cups have just seen me at no sand in it just see me I'm gonna put some of this Oh it's a cement bonding adhesive acrylic for the fire you pour it in cement it makes it stronger and stiffer they say I'm gonna put some in this because I won't it still cuz I can get it [Music] zoom back out now because I'm too busy all I'm just trying to figure it out as I go that's what I'm doing I'm trying to figure it out as I go this is this is the club that I'm going to dip in this cement right here okay got it saturated ah yes don't cut this little part here off because I don't like it it's it's the same and I don't want it showing I'm gonna put it maybe somewhere else I don't know yet I may change this I don't know I'm just trying through things that are that I want to try okay this camera cut up again and yo I went and load another I went and bought another memory card and I thought maybe that would work but it didn't so I don't really know what to do now I thought maybe that could be it but it wasn't but I think that's gonna be beautiful I think it is but which I do think a lot of things is beautiful that may not be beautiful to everyone oh I'm I'm gonna sorta let this dry now and I'm gonna put a rock up here I got a big round rock somewhere I don't know where it is right this minute I'll find one cuz I know I have one I've got a whole kind of things here's a piece of cement I'll put it up here to hold that down where it won't I think that's gonna be beautiful okay I'm gonna stop it it all the clouds have gone don't own buy it rain for just a few minutes and then it stopped so I came back out here to finish up this part of this project that I'm doing and I think it's gonna be beautiful beautiful so see y'all when this dries probably a day or two before this drives good so I'm gonna I'm gonna rest a while now I've had a kind of hard day but I enjoy doing this but I'm sort of uh I'm gonna go in there and sit down in and rest and uh wait for this is dry so I can come back out and show y'all and finish it up and I know it's gonna be beautiful y'all have a blessed blessed day subscribe and share and click the little bail and the thumbs up and everything so that's what they say anyway anyway thank y'all and I think this is beautiful and we're gonna see I'm how beautiful it is when it dries see y'all see y'all in a day or so good morning everyone the sun is shining but it is kind of cold we had some storms around Georgia and around in other areas yesterday but we didn't have I don't know but anyway we're here and we're saying make my sound bad and I want to show you all my coffee cup I'm using my my red bird coffee cup this is the other red bird coffee cook that I have so I'm gonna use both of them I don't let y'all see that I'm using my red bird coffee cups and it's it's 45 degrees that's a little solder and easily maybe it'll blow some power the way but anyway beautiful day it's beautiful if it's not raining and bad things are happening so it's a beautiful day even though it's a little chilly and it's some people had some devastating storms tore their homes apart I saw that on TV this morning that some people were just totally destroyed their home but I pray for those people that lost their homes but I'm so thankful that the Lord spared me and didn't see fit for it to come through here so I'm gonna take this this is my great pot that I made the other day and it's been drying around there and I'm gonna take it out of the mold now and see how it looks you know you remember I blowed this big balloon up and I put this falls over make some green grout and something for doesn't like that if they get too loud out time okay I want to get started and take this apart and see what it how it looks and what I thought I'm gonna paint it or something I'm home decorating and let's let's get started I'm doing that see that see what what's up under there I don't know I'm anxious to see myself what what how it turned out because I've never done that before and I've never seen this this thing here done just like this before so we're gonna see how it looks and I think I'm gonna zoom out just a little bit get the full effects what's happening if I can are y'all having coffee this morning I hope y'all are having coffee with me and my Redbirds and all my birds and all most beautiful things that I have out here everything is so green and pretty and it's early in the morning and the sun's coming up it'll be right here for long so I'm gonna hurry up and get this off and that y'all see it let me set my cup over here okay now I'm gonna take it out try to for the see what got to do don't really know this is where you need some help don't have it okay dad at this boat see now I'm going yes I'm going to take evolution Oh Lissie if I turn it over it's got sand in it hey get it out there's the pan with the sand in it oh where there's a will there's a way I say look you're still in it I got to take it out and say well report it see what happens I may have to I don't know yeah I think I gotta let the air out ahead of time getting the area I'm getting it out without letting air out y'all see there's my balloon it's not hurt really okay this is the inside of it okay now see it this is the inside you know may not be able to see it I don't know it it's so pretty oh oh I'm so proud now y'all I'm gonna paint it if the wind doesn't pull all the pain away [Applause] is that not awesome yeah so pretty I still got my pretty saying that was in my bowl okay I won't go in there now blowing I'm gonna go in here and get some paint and see what I decide I'll be right back don't go away okay I'm back I'm out here trying to decide what to do had to paint a flower pot and it's light as a feather it's not heavy I'm so pleased it's it's also it's not you know real heavy like cement is but I'm I'm thinking about painting with a brush because the wind is blowing in the spray paint will blow away all over everything so I'm trying to decide what to do in what color and all that so I'm gonna be just be experimenting a little bit y'all I'm thinking about using these waverly super pigment paint you this is this kind right here if you can see this is the let's start out with this and see because you can always change it if you don't like it oh let me put my hang up here so you can see it a little I guess you can let me turn the camera just a little bit where you can okay okay yeah I think I lost our but it's real dark this is a large pot just like it's pretty big now this is just experiment [Applause] I hope every once weekend was great I went to church and we had homecoming at our church oh he had Jenna afterwards Oh d'Or missed us we were I was trying to hurry to get my food in the church because I didn't want to be carrying much chicken and dumplings in there and it'd be storming and get wet and I got up there plenty of time to take it in took it in and went right back in the church and we had our service and then after church we went out to eat have our dinner rain and storm like we thought it was and we I I got finished it I decided to come on home before I came home it didn't never get bad it was a little Randy but it wasn't bad and I was expecting something you know they was talking about it was gonna be some rib and it was it was real bad weather in some areas oh it was it was some storms it towards the people's homes up but it fortunately it didn't oh it didn't do it here in so I was thankful that that it missed us I hated it it hit some areas but oh you know you have to take what what you get you hate for anyone to be destroyed their home and all but sometimes and I've been very fortunate about that kind of thing house they stole indeed it didn't do anything at my home but right down there in my woods where I walk it's not trees down and it really devastated my woods Cody went down good try to get fix where we go through there where I could go through that to the mailbox but I walk there every day is it makeup lost I have a post office box - I have that I have both of them see how that looks so far [Applause] oh and I watched the golf tournament in Augusta which is oh I don't know how many miles it is from here is like a hundred miles I guess I don't I don't know I'm not good on directions but it did name ever hurt there it didn't stop the golf tournament or anything and Tiger Woods won again you know I used to play golf I was the ladies champion at our golf course here at one time I was so thrilled but I don't have anyone to play the hidden house so I don't try to play I could still hit the ball I think but I haven't done it lately but I'm doing crafts now and I mean Joe and doing that I hope y'all can see it and I hope it's still going you this in here and y'all the birds still or Connie picky about coming up I don't know why but they well I do know why I know they test me that's why nature has its own way of doing things and that's okay because that's that's blye that's how life is you're not always don't have always good things you don't have good and bad so you just take what you have and be thankful that you have it and that you're still here to enjoy that's what I do I enjoy it I'm proud to be here and I'm so thankful for my viewers and my subscribers that I have that watch my videos it's such a blessing I have never never dreamed this wouldn't happen to me but it certainly has and I'm so blessed and thankful for each and every one it's like my family you know I've talked to people like not in person or anything but I have spoken to people sent me messages and from all over and I I found out things I never dreamed about even existed I didn't know that it was all of the wet year in some areas of the country of the world of what everybody is oh that's pretty put a little more dark I don't have to get me some more of this painting cuz I'm this is about all I got I didn't know it was bad out this is good and thick paint I may paint the inside because that's faster than trying to do this put a little fluid right now on it just just experiment [Music] so if if if y'all are able and you can get out and just do some crafts and stuff it is so much fun to get out and try to create something maybe that uh nobody no one else has created you know what you want you get out there and try to enjoy yourself trying to make something this beautiful and useful and easy this is easy there's different ways of doing everything you just try to find a way that suits you did okay y'all y'all guessed it my camera cut off again I just gotta live with it I guess but uh and they have a super copy I think I was telling y'all the Lord will not leave you alone he will be with you he'll help you along the way he doesn't want you to depend on him for everything but he will help you as long as you help yourself and I try to do that I try to just try to make the best of your life that you can everyone's not gonna be [Applause] completely happy with their situation but the Lord are happy with it if you help yourself so thank the Lord we have he empty assured us that we're never alone we are always we he has our best interest he didn't say if we gonna all be easy and it certainly is it but the thing about it is he never leaves us nor forsakes us so just always keep that in your mind that you you have someone with you that will not leave you or forsake you that will be there for you along your way of hardships of whatever you have and we're gonna love how hard chips yes we are but we make it through with the Lord's help and assurance that he gives us that he will never leave us or forsake us that's so awesome to know you wish other people would know that and would realize that that is option that we have if we choose that okay I'm gonna spray the inside of this pot with this spray paint right here rust-oleum it's uh I buy it from our wall store I don't know if I'm supposed to say all that or not someone has told me that you there's things that you don't need to say I don't really know what all that isn't oh let it go my mask owning spray a little bit in here so I while the winds not blowing so bad I put my mask on [Applause] I think you see what it looks like that's right pretty [Applause] as enough [Applause] I think it's just absolutely beautiful beautiful I'm gonna sit here and let it dry and the breeze will dry I hope I hope it looks pretty in the picture is it just right here I'm gonna let y'all see the inside of it I'm gonna let it dry now for a little bit and walk out here in the Sun yes a little chilly my birds are happy and that's all no clouds in the sky today just all blue house the Lord makes such beauty that people people can't explain and there's no way to explain the Lord just makes awesome things for us indoors so I'm gonna enjoy them all all I can I hope y'all do too then they have another sip of coffee with my new coffee cup [Applause] okay I'm gonna I'm gonna let him let the breeze I dry it for right now and I'll be back in a little bit to finish up my video so y'all can see it won't that be fun I don't go away I'll be back okay y'all how about this this is my pot and it's dry and it's beautiful it's beautiful I'll show y'all all the way around it and then I'll show y'all the inside of it is that not beautiful just oh some I think it is anyway which I always do but anyway is that not beautiful and it's not heavy it's real light it's easy to pick up and I think this is a good project for people it doesn't want to pick up to make a heavy object you know that you have to lift hard but this is it this is not heavy at all and there ain't it way this is not heavy it's like easy to make Oh [Music] anyway this is my finished project and this is my bird cup that I'm using I wanted to show everybody my pot and my cup that they drank my coffee this morning so thank you I want to thank y'all so much for watching my videos thanks so much and keep watching maybe I'll make something that y'all will like sometimes be a blessing to someone each day and bless bless others everyone needs a blessing and it would be so nice if we would bless each other see y'all y'all don't go too far away just wait I'll make another one pretty soon oh don't show y'all the inside of my pot let me see if I can get up here and do it let me take my camera loose okay now I've got my camera loose this oh my let me see if I can zoom out turned out awesome
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 284,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Draped Flower Pot, Beach Ball, acrylic painting, Portland Cement Mixing, Great Hobby, Portland cement
Id: 4U2ljTuKjKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 3sec (5943 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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