BEST PICKLED EGGS EVER, and how to make them.

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hello everybody welcome back to our channel today we're going to be making pickled eggs we're going to put these in mason jars and count them up have them for the wintertime some of the things that you're going to need for this project is apple cider vinegar you're going to need some white vinegar you're going to need salt you're going to need sugar your jars of course your choice of fresh veggies i love carrots i have never seen anybody put carrots and pickled eggs before but if you've never had a carrot that's been in with a pickled egg then you are missing out some fresh jalapenos i've got some purple onions got yellow onions i got some fresh cloves of garlic some of the spices that i like to use and this is really up to you we've got crushed red pepper ground cumin ground cayenne pepper yellow mustard seed some old bay seasoning black peppercorn celery seed and new orleans cajun seasoning not every jar will have the exact same spices in it so you have to watch the video all the way through to see what we put into each jar and i've got a few other vegetables that i'm going to put in with it too i've got to run up to the garden real quick and grab some fresh bell peppers and some fresh sweet banana peppers i'm gonna toss those in i've got some little baby onions i might put in there and another little treat is radishes toss a radish inside of a jar of pickled eggs and you've really got a treat but i appreciate you guys watching today just sit tight and hang on we're fixing to get into these eggs let me show you real quick uh we have got oh those are hot uh i can't really see down in that water they're just starting to boil i've got 12 dozen eggs that we're gonna put well 12 dozen minus one i dropped one so we've got 12 dozen minus one eggs that we're going to pickle today so here we go our eggs have started to boil i'm chopping up a few fresh vegetables just to kind of get things ready um the brine will be the last part that we do and i'm a little pushed for space i'm on the grill but i was going to show you with these carrots you don't have to peel them you don't have to have the the little peeler to do that you can just take your knife and scrape them just go down the sides just a real quick trick i always wash mine off and then just write down the sides these carrots are tender and you just scrape the sides right off the outer layer is off and if you don't want to do that wash them eat the skin that's fine either way but i just wanted to show you a really quick trick to get the skin off of a carrot without actually having to peel it when i'm cutting my onions up i like to use some bigger chunks because they will fall apart just a little bit when you put them in the jar but i like to use bigger chunks when you put these in the jar and you get ready to get them out later on it's a little easier to get out but and it's a personal preference if you want a minced you can mince them but every now and then you know i like to bite into a big crunchy onion when i'm having my pickled eggs also you can see i've already got my jalapenos sliced up and my carrots are ready to go i got to work on my onions i've got another purple onion to chop up and then i gotta get my cloves of garlic so i'll have some of that all set aside and i still gotta run up there and grab those banana and bell peppers our eggs have been boiling long enough i went ahead and turned them off and i'm slicing up my purple onion i just love purple onions that's a big beautiful onion i like to have a hamburger about that size and lay that on there um our eggs are yeah looks like our eggs are done i'm just gonna let them hang in there for just a couple more minutes while i finish slicing this up and get my garlic and we'll get the eggs out and go from there if you can see down in there we have country eggs we don't buy our eggs from the store we got plenty of chickens and country eggs are fresh farm fresh you know what your chickens eat so therefore you know what kind of eggs you've got and i've taken them off and one thing you want to do is pour the hot water out replace it with cold water that stops the cooking process and i usually do that a time or two i'll fill it with cold water and then pour it out then fill it with cold water again and pour it out do that two or three times it it helps your eggs to cool and you can't crack a farm fresh egg and peel it until it's completely cool so that'll speed up that process for you if you don't have a garlic press don't worry about it you really don't need one for this process as you can tell by most of my vegetables that i've cut up i like bigger pieces of vegetables and that's just a personal preference this recipe is not a a thing that you have to go by exactly it's just a guide you should personalize it with what you want in it with your own pickled eggs i like to chop my garlic up in a little bigger pieces because like the onion it's going to come apart a little bit when you pop put it in your in your jars so just uh chop it up don't worry about needing a garlic press or having to go find one or do all that um i have one and i've used a knife way more than i ever used the garlic press unless i'm doing pasta sauce or something like that but you just chop your garlic up in big pieces and you'll be good well i guess as they say it's time to get cracking we have a large number of eggs and to me this is the the longest process i like cutting up the vegetables i've got them covered up right now because we are outside got my spices over there i had to move just a little bit we were expecting some rain and then just as soon as i moved my grill under the shade sun comes back out and no rain so maybe we'll get some rain shortly but i'm going to crack these eggs and we'll go from there all right we've got our eggs peeled that was a long process to peel 144 boiled eggs and i'm about to start stuffing the jars i'm going to put just a little bit and get started and we'll show you how to do that all right usually about three eggs in the bottom of a quart jar i'll drop about three eggs in there a chunk of peppers a chunk of onions two or three jalapenos and my favorite is the carrots i love carrots a little bit of fresh garlic and then you'll do another layer of eggs and three or four eggs and then just go back and forth just a little of this a little of that and and you don't have to follow this exact recipe we're just going to give you an idea of what to put in you can put your own things in make it your own one of my other favorites besides the carrots is to put in fresh okra you don't want to put it in whole well you can put it in hole if you want to uh i like to slice mine just a little bit just like these peppers just slice them i'm going to stuff the rest of these jars and then i'll show you what spices we put in okay back again time to make the brine we've got our jars all stuffed we have everything in there i'm gonna do the spices while the brine is actually cooking uh so let's get started on the brine you're going to use half vinegar and half water but the vinegar is going to be half apple cider vinegar and half white vinegar so half apple cider and half white that makes up your one part vinegar and the other is water so if you're going to use a quart of vinegar then you're going to need a quart of water but your vinegar has to be half and half or half apple cider and half white this is already mixed up from the last time i done it so i can pour that straight in [Music] and i will need an equal amount of water i'm going to grab that real quick and we'll be right back with you and time to add the spices i've got some yellow mustard seed just drop a little bit in each jar um i have a built-in measuring cup here in my hand um now you're you're looking for just a you know just a sprinkle in each jar you're not wanting a ton just enough to give it a little bit of flavor your black peppercorns i really like those i'm going to say a teaspoon full or so of black peppercorns some people like to put this in before they put their eggs and vegetables in that's fine i like to wait until last and do it because the vinegar bath that i'm gonna pour in i've got my brine cooking right now with the vinegar and water that i'm gonna pour in i'll go right over the top of this and wash it down to the bottom anyway so i just let it do that that's our black peppercorns we've got a yellow mustard seed crushed red pepper love peppers uh you're not gonna get too much of that in there to suit me but thinking then again yo this is your recipe you do it to taste you do exactly what you want to do i went ahead and added the celery seed you just want a pinch of celery seed uh just a pinch of cumin the ground cayenne red pepper i'm gonna add some of that in there i really like the spices in my pickled eggs and if you let this go and set uh for a while the spices will get stronger in it you need to wait two weeks it takes 14 days for this to set up and work so that's the only bad part about making pickled eggs is you have to wait two weeks to eat it so i'm going to finish these jars off and we'll get to the next step one thing i forgot to tell you about is you're going to want to put about a teaspoon of salt in the top of each jar before you add your brine to it this is just your preservative helps to save the life of your pickled eggs and your vegetables one reason you put your vegetables in now instead of waiting until later or mixing the vegetables in with your with your brine is if you want a crunchy vegetable when you're eating your pickled eggs this is how you get it if you cook your vegetables in with your brine and pour it in your vegetables are going to be soft and mushy they're not going to be fresh tasting so by doing this uh you'll get a lot fresher taste and i don't water bath these when i'm done put the lid on it and that's it if you're not or if you're not comfortable doing that excuse me you can water bath them 15 minutes for quartz um and then you're good to go but i never water bath mine they seal and they last well i have saved saved them for as long as eight months i've never been able to save a jar any longer than that we eat them too fast but i know that these are good for for a long time okay working with the brine again i'm making 16 quarts of pickled eggs so you're going to need with that about eight quarts of brine your brine is going to be about half of whatever you're making so if you're making 10 quarts you're going to need five quarts of brine um and i'm making 16 quarts so i'm going to use about two or two and a half cups of sugar um i just put that in already and then also in my brine i like to use about one teaspoon of salt for every quart that i'm making so about 16 uh teaspoons of salt and i'm just gonna estimate that got one of those good old-fashioned built-in measuring cups kind of measuring spoon or measuring whatever one more for good measure this is like i said not an exact science we're just getting you uh close take this recipe and make it your own as far as what you want to add into it and what you don't want to add into it there's lots and lots of different things that you can do our brine is getting hot but it is not boiling yet that's what we're looking for we want that brine to be boiling hot and then we'll dip it out and pour it into each one of our jars [Music] okay looks like our brine is boiling you want to be very careful this is extremely hot the quicker you can do this the better off you'll be so eventually i'm gonna have to put the camera down and and do the work but wipe the rim off so that you don't have anything on there and you're ready to seal your jar get that good and tight and that's all there is to it we'll do one more here [Music] make sure your vinegar and water brine is boiling really good and hot it's not boiling it's not hot enough the reason for that is so that it seals your jar you want to make sure your jar seals your eggs will keep for a pretty good while even though your jar doesn't seal don't worry if the jar doesn't seal don't throw it away it's not like green beans it's not like canned corn it's a pickled product the vinegar will will make it last so let me seal the rest of these up and we'll finish this job and here we are we have 16 quarts well i'm only showing about 14 there but we have 16 quarts of pickled eggs this is our finished product these are fantastic just to snack on i love to eat them with pinto beans and cornbread and fried taters but just take this recipe and and make it your own add what you want to and take away what you need to to make it suitable for you i appreciate you watching our channel please check out some of the other videos and don't forget to subscribe with your notifications turned on have a great day
Channel: Earl Claborn
Views: 11,680
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Id: MDwxDlxztTU
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Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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