How To Run Your Iso Butane Camp Stove On Propane!

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hey everybody welcome back today I'm going to show you how to run your little isobutane stove on a one-pound propane bottle alright thanks for coming back today thanks for watching I want to show you something that's really kind of handy the this is a whole exotic camp stove adapter they run about fourteen bucks fairly simple fairly simple item and what they'll do is they'll adapt your propane bottles your one pound propane bottles to your little Lyndell valve for all of your different camp stove and we're gonna test them all out today I'm going to show you what it works well with and what it doesn't work well with but pretty much what I like about this is it gives you more options and more options as a prepper or survivalist is always good it also can help you run this these kind of stoves when it's a little colder out than usual we all know these things don't perform well in the extreme cold and these do propane vaporizes at minus 44 degrees Fahrenheit isobutane vaporizes at plus 31 degrees so this will freeze up faster than this this will freeze up don't get me wrong I've had them freeze up hunt me but this will freeze up a lot slower than this one so I'm going to show you how this works pretty much it is cheaper you got to remember these are 230 grams and they're run gosh I want to say anywhere from five to seven bucks to ten bucks online you know if you buy it at the wrong place if you buy them in the stores they're usually close to that - I've seen some for seven or eight dollars these you can get two for six dollars at Walmart or seven dollars now I think and they're fairly inexpensive and it's more volume you're talking about 230 grams as opposed to a one pound propane now propane butane mix gives off a good hot flame and again I'll show you what it doesn't work for but it burns very hot very quick and this is cheaper to use and it has a bit of a higher pressure so you will get higher flames so you want to keep that in mind when using it on your stoves some stoves can probably take the higher flames like these call piqué ones these are pretty sturdy but when you're using something like a little tiny BRS titanium you want to keep that in mind higher flames hotter temperature might melt it you know generally probably not a problem but it might work it might happen so it's a good idea to keep an eye on it first thing we're going to start off with well is this guy here this is just a look SATA do and you're gonna take the Lindale fiddling down there it's me and it screws on very easily so there you go bring this over here and I'm gonna screw this on here again this isn't a perfect solution but it does give you more options for your stoves okay I think that's pretty well set up I don't I forget if the sparker works on this one yeah so let's use this one and there you go I'm gonna move the camera up a little bit here you can actually see it and you do have a little bit of a higher flame this can go much higher [Applause] because again the pressure inside this bottle is a little bit higher than the pressure inside DS so as you can tell it works and it works very well and if you're just cooking works great let's test it out with the other stoves real quick all right the BRS titanium here we go I have to say this is really this made by Lucas odd is really machined well I don't have any you know cross-threading worries or anything like that it really snaps on there real easy slides right on now the nice part about this is still using the propane I can simmer that really really really low see hello that is so it's just like using the isobutane it still works the same it's still simmers very low it'll just give you a little bit of a higher higher flame so you want to keep an eye on that let's switch out to the last one this is the Coleman peak get on there there we go and again this one two simmers very low so you can have a nice low flame or start it up turbo it's a little less controlled in this one I keep it right about there for cooking gives you a nice steady flame I suspect this isn't as pressurized as the others as designed the same as the others where you get a really like a blowtorch flame so when you turn this one up just kind of blobs all over the place and it's not as efficient now let me show you what this won't work for you guys remember a while back I did a review on a little lantern that sits on these little isobutane canisters I have it over here and it will work okay but I want to show you the difference let's put it on here first go there we go forgot lighting it on tops a little bit easier lighting on the bottom but it wasn't behaving so you see how nice that works you know a nice bright white light there working very well so let's turn that off and try it on the propane and again I suspect the differences are the fact that the gas it's not at the same composition probably not at the same temperature and mix so you don't get as good a flame okay let's try this again now I want you to see what's happening I got the leg off I'll take this light off - you're not getting as good light here and you're getting a lot of flame out from the sides so is it working yeah it's working but it's not working as efficiently and that's just the difference in compositions of the gas so in something like this yeah it won't work when you're looking for just plain fire to cook on works great you know so you got more options you have the situation where you may not be able to find isobutane you know for it to be out at the stores or maybe you're can't hiking and you're on a trail when you come across one of those little trailhead stores and they don't have any isobutane but they have this so it gives you options reason I'm getting it is I'm looking into getting a remote canister stove for the vehicle kit I realized that I have everything in there about a propane stove so one of those cheaper and expensive kind of remote canister kits and if you haven't seen them they basically look like a stove kind of similar to this but they have a little thing that goes over here to a canister what I want to do is use it with this I feel a lot more secure with one of these in the car than these that will you know maybe in the heat might leak it won't be in there full time it's more of a car camping type thing but that's what it'll be for so I want to pick that up and try it with the remote canister stove anyway this is a very inexpensive item they run about 14 bucks I think they're $13.99 I will put a link down below in the description to see what you can pick one up and another thing when you're shopping for these be careful because some of them the same item made in the same factory was a different coloring and they're charging 39 dollars for it or $35 or 42 dollars and then some of them are eight dollars and they look like they'll fall apart if you put anything on him so the reason I chose Lux lotta is I've used enough of their gear to know their gear is pretty decent it's good to go I haven't had real problems with looks out of stuff so that's why I chose it that is the lick SATA camping stove adapter like I said it's 14 bucks now again this is gonna be a heavier carry and you're not gonna carry this in a bug-out bag or something but for our car kit or car camping or over landing or just an overnight camp somewhere it definitely gives you more options so if you're bugging out saying and you got your kit in your car and your bug out bag in your car which is generally how I think most of us plan on bugging out you know at least to start till the gas runs out um you have an option you have a way to power your stove and it's not heavy you know this is a very light object I guess maybe four ounces or so you stick this in your gear and you're always ready for a situation where these become either unusable because of cold or unavailable and well you can get a tease so what I'd like to do we're coming to the end of two winter here we may have a few more cold days what I'd like to do is on the next really really cold day I want to take this out and try it but we may not get another really cold day like we've had so if I don't get to do that we'll test it next year I guess that's really cold I want to see how it holds up now I've had these frost up when I'm using them in a propane heater you know the little mr. buddy single propane heater thing I have had them frost up but they still keep working so that's the option with that this will give you a little more runtime in the cold whereas this one anyway that's the video for today this is the luxottica camping stove adapter they're about 14 bucks links down below in the description don't forget to check out our amazon store everything in the store is pretty much what we review give or take a few things and you can check it out and if there's nothing in the store you like just click that link search in the search bar for whatever you normally purchase on Amazon won't cost you anything extra and it helps out our channel a whole lot and we really do appreciate those of you that have been doing it and don't forget to check out our thrive life link I've got some more thrive videos coming up it's um I've been trying to work them in it's been a little hard because of all the other stuff that I had to review and there's stuff going on with buying a new car and getting it outfitted everything so I have more thrive videos coming rather soon so if I get check out that link to if you're interested in getting started up in some freeze-dried food it's really high quality stuff I know I sell it I'm saying that but I'm telling you I've asked other people who've tried it it's way better than most freeze-dried stuff anyway folks thanks for watching I appreciate that you guys take your time out of your day to watch us don't forget to click and click like and share and subscribe if you liked the video and stay safe and stay prepared
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 87,079
Rating: 4.9241495 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out, bug out bag, overland camping, camp cooking, stove for bug out, bug out preps, prepping stove, survival stove, iso butane stove, butane stove, propane adapter, bugout cook gear, prepping cook gear, preps
Id: 0D-6TiCDQPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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