Making Millions in Humankind

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this is effectively equivalent to us building a house for 500 000 gold and then if the house gets burnt down even by ourselves we get a payout of 1 million as we're going to be burning the city down to the ground multiple times it makes sense for us to call this gigaslow yes perfect ladies and gentlemen do you like money because of course i like all quintessentially posh and british sounding people love money so what if i told you there was a way to make infinite money basically doing just about nothing beyond punching yourself and maybe setting fire to your own home that's right today ladies and gentlemen we're uncovering fantastic ways to make infinite quantities of money using insurance fraud i know it's absolutely fantastic insurance fraud is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time feeling like you don't have enough money why not throw yourself in front of a car of course make sure it's your own car then set fire to your car blame it on someone else and get a lovely insurance payout the sky's the limit with insurance fraud and today we're going to be implementing the basic principles of insurance fraud into the video game of humankind now many of you are going to be sat there thinking hang on a second spiff this is a forex grand strategy game set from the neolithic era to the modern era what on earth has this got to do with insurance fraud well ladies and gentlemen it turns out you actually need to look at history to understand how this level of fraud works because when you probably think about the great money makers of ancient times you might think about the romans you might think about mansa musa but no you're wrong the greatest money makers in all of human history are the vikings that's right those lovely norsemen why on earth are these long beardy booty boys the greatest money makers of all time is it because they're good at pillaging foreign lands and making money no it's because they know how to commit insurance fraud by far the easiest way to infinite money so today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be starting a brand new game of humankind to demonstrate how you too can commit insurance fraud and make fabulous quantities of cash at the same time so without further ado make sure you sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand none of that filthy bean broth no only the finest leafy soups are allowed here and hey if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now without further ado let's dive in and play a game of human kind as myself a very very rich and fancy sausage right now we're going to start a brand new game on a fantastically large map just with some ais now we can up the difficulty a little bit it doesn't really make much of a difference we can put it to nation you can do this exploit on any difficulty it makes no difference honestly the ai in this game is merely just a simple stepping stone to simply demonstrate how stupidly overpowered i've now become right so without further ado i think it's time for us to throw ourselves into the game so welcome into the lovely world of humankind it's looking very jazzy today as we once again start out with our very bland early hunting party as we need to explore the landscape and move ourselves out of the neolithic era as fast as possible of course we're going to be relying on just the ai exploration sadly the developers tone down the auto explore cheese that you could use in previous iterations of this game to basically teleport yourself through the fog of war to infinite free food i know it was very rude of them to turn off the most overpowered feature in the game so instead we're just gonna go and have to burn down this little deer sanctuary well welcome back ladies and gentlemen a staggering 103 turns have passed in this game and we've finally reached the point where we can start breaking everything with the most overpowered district in the game brought to you by none other than the norsemen and hey look it's me a very spiffy looking viking i look fantastic now why are the norsemen so special well they're special for a few reasons and honestly all of these reasons make them by far the most overpowered civ in this game however no one's using them to be stupidly overpowered so here's how you break the game with norseman now what makes the norseman so stupidly powerful is that they get a very special unit early which allows them to get to the new world basically first that's right the wonderful uncolonized lands of presumably america can finally be yours as the vikings and you can do it an entire era ahead of everyone this is of course ridiculously powerful as you get to claim the entirety of the new world due to the very poorly balanced way this game is balanced however the true power of the norseman comes from this district here the naust or norst it's a very basic district it's a harbor that gives food and money but what makes it so stupidly powerful is that it has one very broken mechanic plus 50 gold when you ransack that's literally just it you get 50 gold if you ransack something now of course this makes sense vikings generally made a large amount of their money from ransacking their enemies there's just one issue in this game you don't have to ransack your enemies no no no no you can ran attack anything and worst of all if you ransack in your own empire it only takes one turn now if we were to ransack our own empire right here as you can see it will give us 22 gold this is pathetic we need more than that and so consequently we're going to start operation breaking this game's balance and all begins with our first mouse to be built in our capital and then we're gonna want a few more over here so we'll get one built there another built up there and then the final one built down here fantastic you legitimately want one in every single coastal region you have as you can see i've been settling in a very unique fashion pretty much entirely along this coastline this is because you guessed it you can buy now's for just 45 influence fantastic but we'll even go over here to our wonderful city of carthage which doesn't exactly look like carthage and will start plonking down even more nasts there we go splendid now of course we want to rush these guys all to the start of the production queue because these bad boys are going to help us break the game now already we haven't exactly built any nails but next turn the production on them is going to start and this is when something very stupid happens because we are going to start committing insurance fraud by effectively burning down our own empire i know it might sound counter-intuitive but it's actually an incredibly viable strat because it only takes one unit one turn to burn down any tile in your empire but why would you do that there's absolutely no reason to do it there's no gains for burning uran empire we'd only gained 22 gold to effectively burn down something that cost 1 391 gold to build not exactly a good trade however this is where the nast comes into the picture as it's gonna start doing some majestic things right now this turn it's time for us to start breaking the game as we're going to start building our first few now so now i think last time we actually built one yet we did we built a single nast and now if we were to ransack one of our own tiles you'll see we'll get 72 gold that's much better than the 22 gold we were going to get however it of course can be improved so that's exactly what we're going to do we need to get more now down on the ground how we going to do that well in all of our lovely little outposts here we can actually build ourselves announced of course it's minus 10 stability but stability doesn't matter on an outpost and hey we can just build that for 58 influence and does it of course count of course it does look at that we now get 122 gold to ransack our own lands now we're just gonna build another one out here then click on this region and build another one out in this region down here on the coastline in the south we'll build another one move along a square we'll build another one of course the fantastic thing about all of this is that these districts only cost us 46 influence to make and they build instantaneously meaning they don't take any time at all which is a lovely trade so bam there we go there's mouse in now all of our coastline outposts and so now if we were to ransack our own tile you'll notice we'll get 422 gold that's pretty good but of course we can make it better now ideally it's time for us to start actually moving out and exploring this brave new world so that's exactly what we're going to be doing we're going to start settling our last few outposts on the coastline over here as well as also down on this southern coast and then we should be in a fine position to start occupying more and more lands oh wait we can of course build an outburst here yes let's do that a brand new outpost lovely that's room for another nast which is of course another 50 gold for every ransack there we go another region of course it's space for another nast and that's exactly what we'll do now if we were to burn down our own terrain we'll get 672 gold much much much much better and certainly a good way of making money and our faith can also be upgraded lovely now there's not exactly much that we need to upgrade in our empire i mean especially we don't need any way of gaining additional money that's just completely useless so instead we'll pick up a skew gluttony this makes all of our land units faster which is a lovely bonus to have oh my goodness and we've just opened up trade negotiations with the english and they have access to tea ladies and gentlemen fantastic let's buy it oh that's glorious more tea i will even buy some sage why not fantastic we've bought an exceedingly large quantity of luxuries from the english now here's an interesting thing about the city of phoebe due to the sheer lack of districts we have in this city we can actually do something pretty incredible you see it actually only takes us one turn to build an entirely new district and the reasoning is very simple as you can see it cost us 207 production to make a district this city produces 465 the reason it's so cheap is because before we became the norseman we were the egyptians who have a minus 10 district construction cost and then we also built the pyramids of giza for a further minus 25 discount on construction this in total gave us a minus 35 discount but this of course stacks with the car virginians who then provide a minus 25 purchase discount all of it kind of works out and creates something very silly which allows us to start doing this you see what we're going to do is burn down our own garrisons here each garrison is going to give us 772 gold a very decent quantity of gold so we're just going to burn down all four garrisons and next turn you'll notice something very interesting our gold will go from 452 to something a little bit more so there we go well then we just burned down all of those garrisons and you notice oh we got a nice bit of money uh 772 from this one 772 from this one 847 from these two ones it was fantastic and now we have 3870 gold in the bank but of course we need to fix up our mess and that's fine because the issue with burning down garrisons is that they leave pesky ruins which get in the way but don't worry garrisons won't get in our way for long because using the wonders of imperial power ladies and gentlemen there's a way to perpetually print money out of thin air oh fantastic we've even finished off our lovely religion tree uh we're gonna pick up rey's monuments because why not the additional science is always useful and we're gonna probably be building a wonder or two i don't see why not so well bam there we go our religion is now properly finished and ready right okay we're back ladies and gentlemen some lovely time has passed and we've conquered this city over here from the ai called ceremium the yeah okay you know this this bad boy is going to get renamed as we're gonna be burning the city down to the ground multiple times it makes sense for us to call this gigaslow yes perfect now what is so special about gigaslow well gigaslow is a relatively brand new city meaning it doesn't exactly have much stability but even more importantly districts are ridiculously cheap because there's hardly anything in this city the less districts exist in the city the cheaper districts are to make and districts are already very cheap for us to make about minus 35 cost however we just picked up a brand new civic in public happiness which means commons quarters are now 50 cheaper to make this is very very good because a 50 discount on commons quarters makes them only 80 production to build in this relatively brand new city that's fantastic so here's where some very magical money-making things are about to happen now as you see right here we have a mercenary horseman which we technically stole from these guys and then used to kill them standing on top of a commons quarter now a commons quarter costs us 80 production to build however we can actually burn this bad boy down for 1072 gold so we'll do exactly that and then over here we're about to build a common squad for 593 gold or if we just wait one turn now we're not going to wait one turn we're gonna buy this commons quarter for 500 gold and then we're going to burn it down for 1 000 gold now you can probably guess that there's a minor issue here this is effectively equivalent to us building a house for 500 000 gold and then if the house gets burnt down even by ourselves we get a payout of 1 million this kind of equation shouldn't work and yet it does consequently we're going to cheese the ever living hell out of it so as you can see we have 175 gold in the bank we end our turn those commons quarters get melted down to the ground and oh dear what a shame we now have 2500 gold and oh the commons quarters burnt down well the exciting things about commons quarters is unlike all the other districts you don't need to clear the ruins to build on top of them i have no idea why this is the case but hey it just works so what we're going to do is place down some more commons quarters we're going to put these guys to the front of the queue and buy them for 557 gold and 572 gold now don't worry ladies and gentlemen we get more money back from burning them down consequently this is effectively free in fact you know what i'm even going to move this scout over onto the island so that in a few turns time we can start building more commons quarters and burning them down so for that single turn we turned a profit of about 1 000 gold but of course this system can be scaled up the best thing about insurance fraud is not when you do it on a small scale but when you do it on a giga scale consequently we're also going to build ourselves an outpost right here on this lovely tiny little island it's gonna take two turns to build but we can get ourselves another nest on it and as we've just built two brand new commons quarters you guessed it ladies and gentlemen we're going to burn them down again for some reason now these commons quarters are worth 1297 gold to burn down so that's pretty good we just end our turn and we're bam all 4271 gold nice now what are we going to do well you guessed it place down two more common quarters exactly where the last ones were and oh would you look at that they're still nice and cheap to make so we build them up again and we schedule them for demolition getting 1297 gold every time we do it now the thing is you can even do this in your own territories for example we can build a lovely commons quarter right here it'll cost us 903 gold to make which is you know a little bit costly but it's okay we can build it and then we can burn it down for 1297. the same can be done here 931 to build you get it built and then you just burn it down fantastic and perfectly balanced so how's gigaslow doing gigaslow it's of course a burning inferno and a mess but it's my lovely burning inferno and a mess consequently we're gonna build another commons quarter and another commons quarter and another commons quarter and in fact using our money we're going to buy this lovely public fountain which will do wonders to the local stability the local stability which is generally just focused entirely on watching buildings get burnt and rebuilt again so 575 gold 633 gold 606 gold you get all of those things built lovely stuff the town is looking glorious and then of course what do you do once you build all of those lovely buildings well you burn them to the ground again so that's exactly what we're going to do all of them are going to get burnt into the ground fantastic but here's the thing making money from burning things into the ground is pretty good but what if we could do something even better well allow me to introduce you to um to slaves now the thing is about slaves is that they're actually ridiculously overpowered because of this lovely thing over here war slaves war slaves is a policy which generally isn't going to help many people in most of their games however this time it's overpowered because we get plus one bonus population per ransack that seems pretty good ladies and gentlemen we've got a fantastic offer from spifco that's right the first 5000 people to like this video will be guaranteed spiffco commons quarter insurance the system's very simple we'll take out an insurance policy on your home and then burn it to the ground and double our money you won't be entitled to anything but we will be entitled to our profits so why not sign up today to spifco home anti-insurance after all who needs a roof over your head when you've got an additional 700 000 gold to spend anyway onwards with the money printing now of course the acquisition of unpaid interns is usually relatively difficult and of course highly illegal but actually in gigaslow it's surprisingly easy simply build yourselves a few commons quarters in your own terrain rush them straight to the front using the money that you have and then ransack them again this time you'll notice we get one population and 1290 gold every time we've ransacked now that's a little bit crazy because we're not ransacking anyone else's terrain and yet next turn this city is going to go from five population to eight population so we're going to come over here and watch gigaslow as we press enter and watch as miraculously free people just appear out of thin air alongside an additional 3700 gold because as you can see we're up to 11k gold this is very very very good this is about 50 turns worth of income that we've just basically summoned out of thin air so naturally we're just going to continue it build another commons quarter another commons quarter another commons quarter and you know what we should probably get more units in on this so we're going to actually start printing a few scouts scouts cost 560 gold but don't worry after a couple of pillages they'll pay for themselves back so we're going to build a commons quarter over there and the commons quarter over here lovely stuff and we're just going to spend some gold and rush all of these into existence lovely stuff and once again ransack and pillage your own terrain because why not and oh yes we can actually build ourselves another announced over here it's only 71 influence lovely stuff it's now ours so that means we're actually going to be getting even more money from these raids lovely stuff just how much money oh that's an extra 50 gold lovely stuff i'll have to reset all of these ransacks for it to actually process so we're bam there we go now we get even more gold and would you look at that we straight back up to 10k despite us spending a lot of money getting some additional scouts so well ma'am it's time for us to get even more commons quarters built into this town so we'll just buy all of them into existence and now we're going to ransack it now because we have five commons quarters built this means we're going to be making 6735 gold per turn on top of an additional five population each turn we don't even have space in gigaslav for all of this population but hey we're gonna find a way to fit them in anyway i mean fantastic we got the worst possible event in the universe in this random lake here our travelling warrior found a goody spot that managed to give us an entire coal but of course this cod costs us 20 gold per turn and we can't disband the cog because it's not in our territory oh my god i hate this how this is the dumbest feature so bam we managed to ladies and gentlemen we've now got another five people living in gigaslow and we've got 15k in the bank so naturally it's time for us to build you guessed it all of the commons quarters back again but you know what we can actually start expanding our operations further and honestly we might as well so i'll build two more spots for these i'll even buy through all of these constructables we'll get all of them built in lovely stuff as you know we can get another one in why not there we go we'll squeeze one in there lovely stuff 800 gold it costs but we'll get 1 300 for burning it down so we're just gonna need three additional scouts to man all of those oh yes and we also need to burn down all of the existing ones now the thing is it's actually much easier to ransack your own terrain because it will always only take one turn to pillage your own terrain however it will cost you actual turns like maybe five or seven turns to ransack enemy terrain this actually makes it much much much more efficient to just simply pillage your own lands and enjoy fantastic profits in doing so legitimately there's no reason to actually go out and pillage anyone else's lands all right there we go fantastic we've got everyone set up in gigaslow so we're just gonna spend our gold build up all of these new commons quarters buy them through there we go lovely stuff and now we're just going to have them all get burnt down to the ground i love insurance fraud it's fantastic other things you'll actually turn a greater profit the faster the game speed you have the reasoning is very simple on faster game speeds districts are much much cheaper to actually buy out however the amount of gold you're getting per pillage actually increases as well this makes pillaging your own land drastically more valuable for a large quantity of these commons quarters it cost us 600 for them to be built and then about 1 400 for them to be burnt down this basically means we're doubling our money on faster game speeds you can be tripling or quadrupling your own money the only downside is you're playing on a faster game speed now the game really wants me to move into the next era but there's honestly just no reason for us to do this after all i want to keep building the nas for as long as i can because they're ridiculously powerful and money is power now of course you don't need to stay as the norseman for the entirety of the game because once you have enough mouse down that's all you really need oh my goodness went up to 16 grand fantastic stuff right gigaslow let's get building all of those districts again oh poor gigaslow the population is now up to 24 out of what should be a maximum of 16. like we're just squeezing people on top of each other at this point but hey it doesn't matter we'll give them a lumber yard that'll make them happy right then we'll buy up all of these commons quarters fantastic stuff my goodness [Laughter] this is gonna become a mess isn't it oh dear oh dear now one of the very crazy broken things you can do here is when you have a city with a large enough population there's certain modifiers that will just give you money based off of people living in a city like for example science per population a city money per population in a city influence per population in the city all of these things stack with the fact that we are just basically printing people into this land every turn we've ransacked all of this terrain we get eight people just appearing out of thin air in gigaslow so naturally we're going to build ourselves a library for plus one science per population we'll buy that now there you go this city's up to 81 sides that's pretty good but of course it's time for us to start ransacking again so let us begin the burning of all of the commons quarters lovely stuff no one will understand the logic behind what we do here but trust me there is at least some logic ah it's glorious glorious crazy madman logic and now we're going to found an outpost over here to stop the greens from basically taking it although i think they're my friends yeah we're in the lights that's fine this is nice our total science is 766 but hey it's gonna get better you know i'll be back in a bit once we've scaled this operation up even further well it's turned 144 and uh we've just basically achieved complete and underperfection we've built an additional free nose and this means our money-making has just gone up by an additional 150 gold it's starting to get very very very very very stupid i honestly have no idea why the developers thought hey you know what would be a smart idea what if you could just burn your own stuff down for money because all it takes is for us to simply build all of these very cheap commons quarters select all of our lovely units and get 1500 gold for just setting fire to our own houses we are just simply printing money and population out of thin air and best of all there is just no way to stop a play from doing this i mean what even is the counter they're just quite simply isn't one they're doing it in their own terrain you have no way of seeing if they're actually doing it all you know is that for some reason they have a never-ending supply of gold we can even do it in this city over here and carthage because hey it's ridiculously cheap it costs us 858 and 878 to buy some commons quarters and then we get 1 500 for burning them down now that's a nice profit margin the thing is if you also want to be extra cheeky you can even convert influence into gold how do you do this well it's very simple we can spend 77 influence to improve one of these luxury resource deposits and then we can just burn it down in a single turn and get 1500 gold out of it now that's a pretty decent conversion 77 influence into 1 500 gold is very spicy right there are now 35 people living in gigas loud despite their technically only being space for 21 but hey it doesn't matter because we end our turn and we're bam we've just made 20k gold up to 31 000 gold oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear we've completely broken your game haven't we now the thing is the game doesn't know how to process this the game thinks we've only made 12 000 gold throughout the entirety of the game this is because the game doesn't understand raiding income because the developers you know just didn't program that in but we are now making stupidly large quantities of money so much money it is ridiculous we can buy every single mercenary army on the map this guy here 1000 gold this guy here 988 gold we can buy both of those armies and just conquer this city no problem easy peasy lemon squeezy oh my god they've got another army over here why don't we just conquer this city and probably give us another city to mess about with raising stuff into the ground so sure right we're gonna hire this mercenary army and this mercenary army and this mercenary army and then we're gonna go and have them attack the people that we bought the armies from now that seems fair but until then i need to still keep printing money over at gigaslow everyone's favorite money-making metropolis now with 46 people living there but there's more people living there than the capital now the ai cheats how many have they got in their capital they've got 21 and the leading ai has 29 in their largest city wow okay right we are definitely choosing the ai my goodness this is fantastic stuff indeed all right this turn we're going to be making more money than ever before as you can see we've got just under 40 000 gold in the bank but when we end our turn as we've now conquered a new land and we now actually have four more pillages over here things are starting to look even greater but you know what we can do we can probably even expand this operation just a little bit with another commons quarter there and there it costs 815 gold and 838 gold to push through but that's okay we'll make our money back so we'll just move one cross movement there one crossbowman there and set them both to pillage now you'll now notice we get 1600 gold for every pillage this makes it even more profitable also mega slow is an up to 78 people living there so we're just gonna end our turn and we're bam it's up to 88 people living there and we have 68 000 gold in the bank that's pretty good my goodness that is actually really really good we might as well go and you know just murder some random locals so let me get some crossbowmen here like in a great swordsman lovely stuff just buy them all out we can probably also add in a couple spearmen as well fantastic now we've got ourselves an entire military that we'll just march on over here and attack this random ai with also if you think it's too tedious to place down all of these comments quarters it's not you can just hold down shift and basically just layer them everywhere it's nice and easy only takes a few seconds of clicking and we're bam there you go that's all the commons quarters built then you just need to simply click on them set them to be raised to the ground and watch as the money then floods on in it really is as simple as this ladies and gentlemen to have near infinite quantities of money now using this money we theoretically could maintain just about whatever we like now i'm afraid it's time for us to actually move on from the norseman civic and instead pick our next civilization now of course we could you know become the venetians and focus on the money-making but there's actually no need for that instead we're going to become the ming why on earth we can become the ming is it because we like their bonus no it's because we have the grand tea house and tea is the most important thing of all time a place of great tranquility beautiful craftsmanship and soothing aromas perfect for the exchanging of ideas oh it's fantastic i love it i want grand tea houses no look at the swanky spiff it looks great so fantastic stuff we'll go and switch into that lovely sieve next turn and you know what we can also get building a few more lovely commons quarters there we go bam bam bam lovely stuff and then just sack you and just sack you lovely stuff all right now it's time for us to end our turn on turn 150 and move into the next game i know it's fantastic and exciting also we conquered malacca alaska is very special because the districts are ridiculously cheap look at this 680 to build all of these commons quarters don't mind if i do oh it's fantastically affordable i can't wait to bankrupt this city anyway let's end our turn and gain some more money ah it's tea time and we're bam we're into the next era lovely stuff we can even actually claim a wonder or two machu picchu taj mahal topeka palace top cappy palace oh it's all glorious stuff naturally we're going to pick up the taj mahal for plus 50 money out of carb city sadly this doesn't involve sacking if it involves sacking it would be glorious no no actually instead we should probably claim the notre dame now because we suddenly have a lot more influence things are going to get a little bit crazy for a start you'll notice in this city here we're now producing 223 influence this is because the population of the city generates one influence each and then that's actually doubled again because we're the ming actually i think it is i have no idea it's something like that that actually might be the japanese i don't know but anyway we're gonna build ourselves a lovely grand tea house over here because why not bam there we go that gives us stability and influence yes oh my goodness we make minus 2 000 food per turn but due to the way the game works we can only lose one population per turn so the city is up to 101 people living in vegas loud now this is just stupid oh but i love stupidity oh and fantastic we actually finished off malacca lovely stuff that means we'll just transfer all of our forces to stand around this lovely little city and then we can begin the great part of this lovely tiny inconsequential city oh it's going to be fantastic now this grand theos is especially fantastic i love the look of it but honestly the strange thing about the situation we're in is we're not actually even playing this in the most efficient way possible you see we should actually have one additional civic however for some unknown reason it just hasn't fired and i have no way of forcing the game to fire it because the game's a little bit broken and that civic is called army wages army wages is in the military tree and it gives you some very very very powerful things powerful thing number one you can decide whether to have paid wages or plundered wages paid wages basically means that you get more stability on a city and on a garrison pretty cool plundered wages however means that any army that is ransacking has plus full combat strength and gains 50 percent more money that's right an increase in 50 percent now that civic hasn't fired and i don't have a way of firing it but if it had then we'd be able to gain an additional 50 of 1678. that's an extra 839 gold meaning we'd get a grand total of 2517 gold from every single ransack we did now when we times that quantity by the amount of plundered terrain we have in total 27 commons quarters that we plunder every turn and that means our buy turn income is 67 959 gold [Laughter] now that is perfectly balanced now this exploit actually goes even further than just making like 60 000 gold per turn by just burning your own buildings as you can actually take this into an additional step because we're also printing population every time we do this and our cities are growing at a ridiculously fast rate this means that in the next era there's a whole bunch of sieves that we can pick up for example the siamese that would give us plus one money per population we can whack this in a few cities and be making additional 2000 gold per ton it's nice but it's not great instead there's the french who are plus one signs per population which is pretty powerful however they're the french and so we cannot play them the germans likewise give plus one industry per population which is really really powerful but they're the germans we can't play them and then there's the british who give you money but hey we don't need money anymore but there you have it ladies and gentlemen that's how to completely and utterly break a game using insurance fraud simply build up an absolutely fantastic glorious empire and then burn it down to the ground every single turn repeatedly repeat this process over and over again and for some reason your local hype vikings will be so happy they'll give you 50 gold every time you do it and we've got a lot of hype vikings meaning money making is easy and if only we had that plus 50 gold from raiding now that oh that would be glorious but what can you do with all of this gold well you can do pretty much whatever you like one thing that can get quite silly is that you can basically stop anyone from invading any of your territory by just simply placing down a huge quantity of these encampments there we go i've just placed down a metric quantity of them and we'll bam we'll just buy all of them into existence lovely stuff fantastic glorious now good luck trying to take this city it is now the most fortified city in the known universe you know i'll rename it welcome to cadia ladies and gentlemen good luck trying to take down those wolves oh and also a grand tea house of course everywhere needs a grand tea house lovely right well there you have it ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and hey why not consider subscribing so that you see more of our glorious game breaking content if you have any lovely nostalgic childhood games that you'd like to see us break and damage then by all means hop down into the comment section with your very own suggestion and we'll be more than happy to ruin whatever nostalgia you had as always thank you very much to each and every one of our amazing patrons whose names are listed on screen now look at these amazing sausages who make all of these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much and have you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,244,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, game exploit, montage, video game, funny, british humor, spiffing brit, humankind, humankind game, humankind exploit, humankind cheat, humankind norse, insurance fraud, insurance, INSURANCE FRAUD IS OVERPOWERED, insurance scammer, overpowered, humankind overpowered, humankind gameplay, humankind let's play, humakind perfectly balanced, strategy game, exploit the game, game
Id: gsDChRcH9JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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