MORE GOLD & TINY CHICKEN HUNTING! - Slime Rancher Drone Update

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let's just jumble them around there we go that that looks nice and jumbled okay now we wait and we watch everybody my name is Finn Pryor way back where Blaine slime rancher nah playing on the PlayStation down just play on my computer all right I got all my stuff I don't have the cool DLC though which is such a shame I really can't wait for all that DLC to make its way to PC if it does if it does apparently people have said it's gonna it's like rumors and stuff I really hope it does because I want those you know the Pirates and I want like the super heroes and all sort of stuff it's gonna be really cool but today we're looking for the party Gordo I don't know where he's at I didn't even know what ornaments we've got I don't know what's going on there these guys are just going around selling stuff at the moment though and I'm getting a ton of cash but I've bought everything so there's like there's nothing to do there's nothing going on there hasn't even really been any news as far as like the updates and things like that a concern but you watch I'll record this video and then there'll be some news it usually happens it always happens when I complain that not much is going on and then I speak too soon and then there's news coming out all right let's stuff in here I don't even know what I'm doing what are you doing why you just stuck there not even moving ran doing your chores go clean your room make you bet all right so the ranch is looking pretty tidy at the moment I'm happy with it what are these guys doing then doing nothing they're just hanging out drooling sleeping who knows what let's go have a look out in the ranch and see if we can find some stuff now I'm looking for party crates and and I'm collecting chickadees all right as I find them I'm just gonna try and collect a bunch just heaps and heaps of chicken to see how many I can hold in my gun hopefully I don't you know drop into the ocean at some point lose them all Archie goose maybe there we go we're just gonna get lots lots of chickadees one thing I wondered alright was do the chickadees have like their own little you know like a timer you know what I mean like a timer to when they actually pop into like the size of a hand hand and whether they're all different so if I if I keep them in my my gun here you know for a period of time maybe like overnight or something like that do all their little timers reset and then they'll all pop at the same time that's what I want to know because if they do it would be fun to like Phil coop or something like that with a whole bunch of chickens and then watch them just like explode all at the same time like a little chicken popcorn that would be the best I'll tell you what this game definitely runs a bit better on PC than it does on PlayStation that's for sure alright I'm found any pie crates either but I'm getting some chickens we've got six it's not a bad effort alright hang on let's climb this tree I'm just gonna get all up on it and go this way and chicken who's over here no there's not see I figure if I do this if I just go around to the the range you know mean a tiny little planet here and look for these chickadees we'll probably find the party Gordo as we do it Endor party crates and party ornaments alright indigo quarry time and hey hey what was that there's a rockslide and a whole bunch of chickadees just got spat out of the dirt quick let's get him let's get him three hens all right you guys have the hands I don't want I didn't even want to pick ports I have nothing to buy anymore I've bought Hayes golf one with something I can hit the golf line with I don't have anything yeah but you grew eight three ports yes I hate it with a chicken oh that's cool I didn't know you could do that there's some stuff right that you shoot at a gold slime and it does nothing it just bounces off him he's like nah bro nah that doesn't hurt try again champ hey is a party fun cool alright so we have gold ports as well that's a pretty decent effort I'm gonna keep going this way those slimes look a little bit annoyed don't they the party slimes cuz they've been there and there's no party anymore but they're still hanging round like this a party or guys chicken stuck in the wall I can't get him out of these it's stuck he's just gonna rock quick get him an someone save him alright let's go to here maybe we can get him out of there come on I guess she had that buddy get you oh it's not working you kind of get him out he's stuck for life oh yeah budgie matter there with my little the shooter thingy what do they call it I don't know the force field I have no idea hang on a minute we'll get him out of there come here ha I need you to do a job let's get this tar I'm gonna send this one on a mission I know yeah it's biting me just bite me it's like when you play with your cat and you play with your hands and you can't bite your hands it's exactly the same thing is he still awake alright get in it didn't work alright now that the other chickens again he's dead I can hang on let's see if we can shoot another one down there to push him in oh no it's getting worse all right we need to get some chickens all right rescue mission let's get the hint Hey chiggers all right we're kind of karyam Oh cuz there's stony Cheetos I think they're in no no okay Oh way to go but I know where he went how many chicken oohs its thirty chicks okay that's not too bad we're gonna have a bunch of different types of of chicken who's that kind of sucks I just was kind of hoping that they're all just Chico's but then I remember that they turn into different hand hands don't they they turn into different ones like stony ones and I screw it up okay all right it's fine it's fine let's go down here try and find some more well there's some come here come here so lucky slimes some way I can hear him oh and this top Bruzzi hey what are you doing up here fighting up on the thing I wish you could back them up you know what I mean that'd be the best why isn't someone made a mod for that that's what I want to know make a mod so that you can vacuum up the gold slimes and the lucky slimes make it part of the multi mod I don't care it would just be a cool mod to have it seems like it would be something that would be easy to do but then again I know pretty much nothing about modding so I've got no idea hey there's the first party crate finally what do we got here whoo - crystal ornament okay I dig it I like the crystal ornaments they're pretty cool there's another one right there another party creek let's grab it on the way through I missed I missed way to go there it is I know boom ornaments I'm less excited about that I'm gonna leave that right there you don't leave it what are these chickens doing where's the where's the chicken oohs maybe we'll find some out here some hand hands we haven't found the party Gordo yet though wherever he is hey hey get in here get in the gun get out of the way where do you go oh there is all right smack him up we have 11 chicken oohs [Music] it's a party crate it is not just a regular crate nor ripping on it and not much in it except for at a baseline that's kind of cool okay gonna go over this way look out slimes you guys seen your hands hey he's potty slime that's cool I kind of like the fact that I haven't gotten rid of all the party slimes and they're still getting round maybe the chicken ooze will turn into hand hands inside my gun and the gun will explode now that what happened but that'd be cool with the deers all right let's keep going I still haven't found this this party salon hey get any other way you know it here this party crank crystal one I'm collecting them I've got to get all the whole set I still don't have the saber ornament yet but yeah I'm starting to think that the sable ornament just doesn't exist that they haven't made it which is strange you think they would another one get in here buddy nice my collection grows ok so last week the party Gordo was up there so he's obviously not gonna be out there today let's go over this way to the ancient ruins we'll check out the ancient ruins have a bit of a fly around and then we'll go check out the moss blanket yeah this is definitely one of my favorite soundtracks out in the ancient ancient ruins here I actually have and this is how much of a fan of a slime rancher I am I actually have the soundtrack on like record I've got like the record set let's got all the all the songs and stuff from the game and check it on my record player and I'll listen to it it's very soothing and relaxing in the morning Oh ends nice score is that an ornament this this is a hand hand ornament right there what is that doing there that's a really weird spot for it I have no idea how they got there I didn't do it I didn't put it there Oh hands been eaten it's chicken ooh and a couple more chicken oohs okay no luck in the ancient ruins let's just have a sleep and we'll get rid of these crystal ornaments let's just put some in the trees there we go I've got a couple up here nice there's not up there yet oh but there are some over here so we've definitely had the crystal ones before in the party got a run it wasn't just Christmas time all right let's sleep till the morning I'm gonna sell these gold plots for a quick bit of cash not that I need it all right let's go to the must blanket which this one I think yeah there it is this one okay there he is he's right there there goes any kind of surprise it's just right there it could see him straight when i teleported through that's fine okay we'll get to him in a minute because we don't have any food at the moment though I've men I've got loads of loads of stuff in these apiaries around some contributors and some Brian check what are we gonna near that was terrible that's a crystal ottoman I'm really not too fast about collecting the ornaments this time because I've got them all and they're not even like the cool you know rare decorative kind like the stripey ones the clouds or anything like that it's just another slime it's just two slimes all right let's put some stuff in the party Gordo's gold let's see if we can get some carrots in his face from here can't even see him hey I've got a grace limelight what how do we get day 225 and bin unlocks a grey slime lamp for no reason whatsoever I didn't even get an achievement or anything that would triggering you know what I mean what what is that a bit that's weird that's so super weird you saw it guys I wasn't doing anything I wonder what it takes to build a grey slime lamp not that I'm a big fan at all of the the slime labs I mean they're all right but there's some other stuff that you can decorate with that looks a little bit better Oh alright ain't chicks chicken oohs hello I think that's some over here there we go no not you they're more always a couple yeah get in there was a couple more as well and few more that's pretty good we've got im7 a quick look things are spitting out everywhere we've got 30 all up if my math is correct [Music] hey he's having a swim we're gonna don't drown they're cheap we'll let him hang out there that's fine let's look for those are the rest of the hand hands Hasini outta here alright a couple more carats for our friend here there we go dude I think we only need a few more now oh this carrots over here - all right let's get him they almost bounce up he's smart where are they all right open up champ hey there we go what are we gonna rain Bo warned iment it's okay this is bus the rest of the see if we get any rare ones otherwise this is gonna be a decorated tree cuz I couldn't be bothered picking these things up and I don't have a lot of space to carry the mother [Music] not no rare ones except for just this one here this one rainbow ornament all right rainbow ornament can go right there there we go I'm gonna do a quick run around the glass desert and pick up some painted chicks and then I'm gonna go pop them all in a coupe and we're gonna watch them explode it's gotta be awesome oh nice it's a gilded ginger get them out of here give me this thing yeah fan of gilt ginger that's awesome the only problem with that is I can't carry it damn I'm gonna have to go back home to drop it off because I can't carry the guilt of ginger and the painted chicken news at the same time okay nice where are we sticking this gilded ginger hmm where we gonna put it probably around here somewhere I think this might be full load yep it's definitely food hang on let's just pop it there for a minute all right let's get these spicy tofu's put them here you guys can eat them cuz they're delicious if you peel the ginger but okay in there there we go got one gilded ginger okay well I managed to raid the the ancient ruins a bit and the moss blanket and the glass desert and we've got a whole bunch of different chicks this is gonna be great all right so I'm gonna go out here I could really do with emptying out one of these coops couldn't I we have so many chickens look at them all all there's loads there's loads that's awesome all right how am i how much Rowan's doing let's stock them up have I just got the one drone sir another one it's another one okay good dudes go do some jobs go do your jobs all right I'm gonna turn all right there's a lot of ports there so you're gonna get those plots who's the poor guy he's the poor guy hey that's working pretty well so this thing is spitting chickens into here tabby slimes jump in eat them and then drop plots that is really cool so many han hens awesome I'm glad it's working I'm gonna put another drone down - what can he do are you getting plots from champ we get them from he's getting them from outside plots okay I'm gonna get this guy to get drones I'm sorry get plots from Corral's and put them in the silo I'll plot collectors there we go silo activate okay well I was gonna put the chicks in there but there's kind of no point it's already full could probably use one of the coops out here I'm going on all right let's demolish this coop for a moment the marsh cool darling get it out of me get in net get in there we go alright let's build another coop purchase okay now I'm gonna fill this with chickadees this is gonna be great let's do it all the chickadees look at him trying to get back in is that great no I prefer the life of the coop get me back in there Finn I missed the barbs and the mesh and the weird donut thing in the middle oh this is gonna be great spread them out a little bit spread a man all right I'm hoping it's gonna jumble them up let's just jumble them around there we go that looks nice and jumbled okay now we wait and we watch it's got to be great we just have to wait for the hopefully they all turn into chickens at the same time crazy I feel like I'm watching chicken nuggets cook or something you know what I mean or I'm watching corn kernels just like sat in a pan and waiting for the first one to go oh we could probably speed this up here we go grow into healthy hands and Bruce Rose that's right we're gonna get roost rose as well twice as fast perfect all right here we go now we wait the question is will they all go at the same time or will they sort of I'd be at all different times like one after the other at the same speed that they came out of the back gun I don't know the anticipation is real oh oh they doing it they go in one at a time at the same speed that they were shot out of the gun look at him oh man I was hoping that was gonna be way more than that there's still a few but not as many as you would have hoped now it's just cramped look at that it is crammed full of chickens I reckon we need to do that with like 200 or something you know what I mean or even more I reckon we could get more all right I think I might try that for the next video maybe with some mods we could fill this thing right fill to the brim and see if we can spit them out like super fast and it'll be like an explosion I'm gonna give it a crack if you guys have any other crazy ideas like that let me know in the comments but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 252,520
Rating: 4.8452435 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Drones, drone update, drones update, slime drones, slime rancher update, new slime rancher, slime rancher mod, drone mod, glitch slime, slime rancher glitch slime, gilded ginger
Id: -OdOS7Um0Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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