My family's Kielbasa recipe, one of the best Polish sausages.

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today my dad and I are gonna make a kielbasa recipe that has been in our family for several generation disco Bosma forms let's get it on [Music] [Music] in this video we're gonna show you the complete end-to-end process of making kielbasa from scratch that's going to include grinding up the meats mixing all the spices stuffing it in casings and smoking this sausage we're gonna do over 25 pounds of Cabasa the u.s. can definitely scale this down if you want to make a smaller batch at home also I did want to point out a little background about kielbasa so cabassa in poland literally just means sausage and can kind of refer to any type of sausage they're a bunch of varieties in Poland eventually I want to visit today I've not been but in the US when we make kielbasa it's generally going to refer to what we are making today which is a smoked pork sausage usually in kind of a u-shape with some pretty basic spices though simple kielbasa is one of the most flavorful and delicious sausages out there and in a lot of Polish families it's enjoyed around Christmastime or Easter time actually my dad was telling me while we're making this video that he remembers helping out when they made over a thousand pounds of kielbasa during Easter at the family meat shop but I think it has to know for the backstory sit back relax and let's make 25 pounds of kielbasa when it comes to making kielbasa there's three primary processes that we have to do first up let's talk spices and the meat which is going to contain mixing the spices grinding the meat and binding the sausage now this co-pastor recipe was written down by my grandpa on paper from 1966 which is over 50 years ago and we had it framed a couple years back a couple cool things that point out so this recipe is for a hundred pounds of pork today we're only doing 25 pounds so imagine this much kielbasa times four also the recipe that we use today is exactly the same except for marjoram the reason why well back in World War two times there was a shortage on marjoram so it was not included and kind of got left out over the years but my dad has since added the marjoram back in for the meat itself you ideally want a 7230 lean to fat ratio now typically this is all pork for this one my dad did actually add an extra little bit of beef with about 20 percent lean beef this recipe could also be done with venison or whatever meat you choose the key is having that 7230 lean to fat ratio let's make some Kobus here are the percentages of spices by weight based on the amount of meat so however much meat you have just multiplied by the percentages to get your spice output you're gonna roughly mix the spices together and now we're going to pour these all over the meat one very important thing to point out if you're a grinded your own meat like we are use very cold even almost frozen meat the reason why is because the meat will grind infinitely better you want it to come out in a clean grind like this if the meat is in the fridge and then the temperature has risen a bit before grinding the fat can be kind of pasty and mushy which can lead to a weird texture kielbasa once the spices are completely mixed we're gonna go over to the grinder now this is a heavy duty meat grinder but other options can be out there for smaller meat grinder or if all else fails you can actually hand chop sausage it does take a long as time but you can do it with this meat grinder it makes running through 25 pounds of meat absolute clockwork see how it's like individual events with a meet ground up the last thing when you do is bind the meet the importance of binding sausage is the texture in the final product if we were to skip this step you would end up with a kind of crumbly sausage as opposed to a nice homogeneous one to do that my dad poured water into the spice bowl to catch those excess spices and then pours the water into the ground meat and starts to work it together we don't use specific measurements for the amount of water that you need this is more of a Byfield thing to see how much you want to add so what he is doing is mixing by hand then adding water and adjusting as he goes at the end of the process this is what the texture should be like notice how it clumps together and even sticks to his hand without following that is what you were looking for at this point what you have is fresh kielbasa it's just not stuffed or smoked my favorite lunch of ours when making sausage is to save a little or if you get a casing blowout you can fry this up into a nice burger and enjoy insanely delicious with that first phase done let's move to stuffing so stuffing sausage really just contains putting it into the casing twisting it into links and then drying the sausage before smoking to create sausage links this is done in a casing these can be natural made from animal intestines or artificial ones made from collagen in cellulose which you decide to use it's up to you though my dad prefers the natural casings these were 35 millimeter hog casings to stop the sausage we do so in an ethnic manual sausage stuffer with a crank this one holds around 10 to 12 pounds of sausage I'll have a link to this one though there are plenty of other smaller options out there fill the sausage by plopping it into the container you want to slam it down so no air pockets create because that'll mess up the stuffing when it pushes out once filled there's an airlock top that gets cranked down to push the sausage out you're gonna slightly crank that sausage stuffer until it just appears at the end of the tube and now we're going to slide the casing over it crank the sausage stuffer and guide the sausage out in a circle and there you have one message kielbasa link just repeat this process until you're all out of meat filling up the container with more sausage as needed and here's a cool little POV shot of the sausage coming out of the stuffer let me quickly time-lapse the rest of this in probably less than five minutes we have all the stuff is stuff and now there's one thing to do before we turn it into links what we need to do is just remove some air pockets and we do this with this little spiky stabber thing and you'll notice that there is little air pockets within the sausage but all you have to do is just go over this and all the air will dissipate out and now we can turn it into links to create links all you have to do is twist the casing you kind of pinch the sausage together and then just twirl it this plumps together the sausage and creates a natural hanging point with the sausage all twisted now we're going to let this dry a little bit before smoking we place the sausage on these rods that we replaced right in the smoker notice how the casings are kind of sleek and wet we want to remove that so the smoke adheres better to the casing in the smoker also make sure you get all your camera angles in there so basically just load it up and now we're gonna speed along this process by placing a fan to move the air over them so it dries out a little bit faster this is what the sausage should look like about three or so hours later now let's talk about the final step smoking smoking is really as simple as setting up in a smoker and blooming the Cabasa my dad has a large smokehouse but there are plenty of different smoking options you could use you could do this in a weber grill set up for smoking I have a video showing the set up or you could get a small electric smoker [Music] [Music] [Music] to do this for the Lord smokehouse we set up the rods in the smoker and start a fire we set a fire in this side component and it feeds through to the ventilation at the bottom of the smokehouse providing heat and smoke to the sausage we're looking to smoke these until the internal temperature reads 150 degrees Fahrenheit so we'll meet you back here in a couple hours open it up and this is what the sausage are looking like you can see it has that beautiful kind of mahogany red color and now there is one final step before these are done and that is looming blue meat is cooling down the sausage with water we do this by pouring water over the sausage but this could also be done by putting it in a bowl of water or something like that what this does is a couple things number one it cools down the outside sausage so it doesn't continue cooking number two it keeps the casing nice and plump and it also brings out the color of the Cabasa a little bit with the sausages covered in water now we're going to throw them in this walk-in cooler to store before packaging [Music] what we typically do if story and freezing or sending off to a friend or family member is setting up a nice vacuum pack to help retain the freshness fill up the bag label it pop it in the vacuum sealer and you're good to go now I'm gonna take a couple of these into the kitchen slice them up and see what they look like see how we have that nice cohesive texture that's because we did that binding process where we mixed the meat now a lot of commercial kielbasa you see has a really smooth bind almost like a hotdog to get that you would spend much more time mixing and binding the sausage however we prefer this kind of semi coarse texture that actually eat these typically they are served with sauerkraut or crisped up and put in a bun I didn't have any of these on hand so I just threw some in a pan they crisp up super nice fatty juicy with spices and smoke the flavors absolutely on point goes really well with mustard and there we have some finished kielbasa from scratch so it's gonna wrap it up for the video hopefully you guys enjoyed learning about Cabasa and I would definitely go about making this one at home if you want to I mean obviously there's a lot of special equipment that my dad has because he's very into charcuterie and all these things but you could definitely do this at a very easily with an at-home version by you know picking up some ground pork mixing those spices you could just make those little kind of kielbasa burgers if you wanted to those are delicious in their own right but yeah hopefully you guys enjoy this video subscribe and like the video if you enjoyed and I will catch you all in the next one peace
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 693,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make kielbasa, polish sausage, best polish sausage, polish sausage recipe, kielbasa recipe, how to make sausage, how to stuff sausage, how to stuff kielbasa, smoked sausage, how to smoke sausage, smoked kielbasa, polish comfort food, polish kielbasa, how to make kielbasa sausage, kielbasa sausage, how to grill sausage, sausage stuffer, stuffing kielbasa, smoking kielbasa sausage, polish, polish food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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