Giving My Man The Hair He Deserves

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is the Peugeot sees the beach had you'll miss so a lot of people have been requesting this video exactly it honestly makes so much sense for today because Judaism in an ending cave for like days because he has a series called last-minute trips so he's just been slaving away and I wanted to do something really nice for him just give him the hair that he deserves I've dyed hair extensions and put them in my hair they were tapings but I've never dyed clip-in extensions and then put them on like a short buzz cut and I am ready for a challenge I hope you don't mind just hanging out with me today for a little bit because it's just like one of those days I'm like desperately trying to get Julian to pay attention to me but like he's very busy right now nothing says pay attention to me quite like dyeing him some bright yellow hair extensions and then demanding that he let me put them in his head my right legs the minute my non-binary friend I mean I'm not gonna do it the right way I'm gonna do it how I want to do it but in this house we do what we want so when I was at the beauty supply store a girl named Kat arendelle I met her in line she's a makeup artist and she literally was like let me give you my discount code for this store cuz I'm a makeup artist in this economy she saved me $60 so like a thank you you were an angel sent from heaven the way that I did this last time and according to a lot of YouTube videos is you just like you paint them like the hair but I don't feel like doing that today I feel like doing something a little bit more tactile you know what I'm saying so I'm gonna put them in a bowl cover it and dye it squish it up here it is I've already abused it a little bit by taking it out of its package you know I was real rough with it but like welcome to the world [ __ ] when I look this up I didn't know that you could get these little clips into like really short hair but the women and men of YouTube have proved me wrong it is amazing that they can clip them into like really short hair it looks really good so I have high hopes that this is gonna work I know you guys do too for those of you that have been requesting this and although I wish that this could be like a full genna's ratchet salon video or is here with me it's honestly it's kind of nice to just hang out and have this soothing relaxing craft experience on this humans hair that I don't know where they are and who they are and where they came from but like thank you for eating a diet full of like really nutritious things and growing all this hair because I can't grow it myself and cut it off if you're a hairdresser look away because I'm gonna piss you off oh it's like hair mustard I think it's like a really thoughtful thing to do for someone's to make them some hair I first see problems I guess there's a reason why people don't do this oh this is clearly not a good plan but I'm also like kind of lazy just want to do the fun parts without any of the like the meticulous work parts someone else's hair and it's not even on a head just cover it in mustard and call it a day I think this looks right if anything comes out uneven honestly it's not my fault it's the hares fault I'm not doing anything Julian really deserves some beautiful long luscious hair because he's a really good man and he doesn't judge me which is honestly all into the back imagine your real stress you got a big presentation coming up at work here comes your girlfriend from the other room with a pile of beautifully colored hair and says give me that head [ __ ] I'm here to meet your dreams come true color saturation is great why would I sit around paint a thousand hair extensions if I see any blonde parts I'm gonna be pissed because this method that I'm using is impeccable perfect amazing like I think that I nailed that so I'm just gonna leave this here for a little bit and then I'll wash them out shampoo condition them and then I'll probably blow dry em and [ __ ] it's gonna take a while but it's gonna be worth it because Julian is gonna look like he deserves oh hello is it a mess yes but does it deserve love and respect just like everybody else she sure does who is she you boiling away Gavin - I wore my fair share of weeks my Charlie you had an older sister you got tormented as hell and I had a collection of dresses and wigs I think that we're learning this is why you don't do it like this don't worry I'm gonna have them looking real regular I did all this for you Julian you deserve it everybody asked for this I'm doing right by the people that watch this channel and also by your head you will look elegant this is a mess one time my dad took us to our cottage for 11 days and we didn't brush my hair for 11 days come on I got back to my mom's house she was [ __ ] pissed that it looked like this oh this person took all our vitamins it's hair guys it's just hair it's fine this is fine I just can't wait to take this big clip and just were sit in the back of his book and he deserves it it's gonna be a look I mean some of the tops are still a little wet so like just disregard that look at this color match though it's pretty good oh yeah it is now the moment you all have asked for it I don't really know like where to put these oh my god it works it works don't pull on it though I'm scared if you just like haha that looks like the most exquisite mullet who is she you're telling me that or to decide for that myself you look amazing like the most fashion-forward hick don't start with this got my dry cleaner if you think that looks good wait until you see the back way to go from here are you okay your princess like so amazing you do look like a princess honey put her in neutral cuz we're rolling oh my god it is an abomination Julian how's it work like a mess like an absolute mess you could come in you look like a discount Hulk Hogan hey brother hey brother it feels pretty fabulous honestly and the illusion is there because it's exactly the same color but like this is you can just clip these in and go you know what I'm saying they're temporary they're fun I'm a busy woman on the go you are but nothing will slow me down not no man you look so good like who is she don't do that oh you haven't seen your opponent yet it's a late felon you're in the Octagon he walks up and start the lights turn on you see this it's so natural you can't even tell they're extensions Oh [Music] care for some espresso it's Virgo season don't take things and leave them where they don't belong sorry someone just went all the way down through my throat can I get you a hat the exact minute first of all put these on no no take your glasses home okay I look like Bret Michaels all right got to tell someone that they're eliminated on rockinbleau sorry for Evans actually three four times but I'm like a also don't you dare touch my [ __ ] baby Anna cuz I'm bald oh I will fire you but he is fun right it feel so fun next you look amazing I'm Liam Neeson and I lost my daughter but I'm also kind of alright I lost my daughter I found her and now I'm sorry burglar summer chic mostly high fashion bars I go into bars that people are dressed really nice in and I take the money behind the register but I can't just walk in like anything I gotta blend it with your exception sing what's your name olive juice olive juice yeah a ll space Oh F space Ju I see does the outside finally match the inside Julian cuz you look beautiful beach to the outside matches the top are you giving me a ponytail yeah like an re pony do you wanna do that really quick I'll put him all right on the top yeah yeah here man oh my god like we would need to work on where these go cuz very good but like this love means look number ponytail to pull your hair to the side oh my god oh my god this is fun I like this one I ain't got no tears not to cry so I'm picking it up pick it up pick it up pick it up anyways subscribe stay a mom thank you thank you No thank you so much I know this took a lot but it was worth it for you right because now your boyfriend looks like this back off back off ladies back up ladies I'm hers thank you for giving me the heritage making me feel weird I hope you guys like this since this is what you wanted and you asked for so I hope you're all very happy because I'm pretty happy with how that came out it looks good why make sure you subscribe to my channel I put a noob is a Wednesday / Thursday that's not for close by ok
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 8,587,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, giving, my, man, boyfriend, the, hair, he, deserves, extentions, clip, in, long, blonde, bleach, dye, yellow, pravana, neon, match, color, coloring, dying, short, how to, tutorial, fail, ratchet, rachet, salon, style, pony, tail, ariana, grande, blond, funny, funniest, best, julien, solomita, at home, diy, hairs, flat, iron, straight, blow, dry, kitchen, self
Id: 6t41dgYCQjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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