Laying Out New Residential Neighborhoods (Verde Beach #4)

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[Music] hello and welcome back to a city planner place city builders where we are building the city of verde beach and today i want to focus on rapid population expansion as you might recall in the previous episode we built the lewis lumber company and there are roughly uh 1500 jobs in this in this particular industry and we only have about 900 of those jobs filled a big reason for that is that we just don't have population to to support that many jobs and one of the things that a senior planner once told me is that housing is where jobs go to sleep at night and one of the reasons he phrased it like that is often housing is a lot less popular than building jobs but when you have jobs without housing everyone needs to drive to your community to work and the housing in your community gets really expensive so we're going to build a bunch of housing today but i do want to respond to a couple things that i saw in the comments first and foremost uh we have some roadway naming issues so i want to remedy those this is aspen street let's pull that through um and one of the comments that i thought was funny is we don't have an elm street so it's hard to have a nightmare on elm street if we if we don't have elm street so we need to have that and that's a great uh tree name so there we go um one of the other comments i saw was that we're not really maximizing our output we have this furniture factory and we have lots of planed timber and paper but we're not using it as effectively as we could be so we have this pulp mill right here we also have this biomass pelt plant they're both making paper and they're in close proximity to this we should be utilizing that uh resource we also have these engineered wood plants so we have a lot of capacity to make these goods so we might as well do that i also want to to make sure that we're exporting these goods as quickly as we can so i'm going to set this to empty so we're going to export the uh unique factory products as quickly as we can and make them as fast as we can and hopefully that will remedy some of our issues but i did notice as i went through here that a lot of our raw forestry products because we have so many fields all of these areas are filling up so we're going to want to take care of that too so i'm going to add some more storage for that but not before i do one major thing that i missed and that is i forgot to put a maintenance building within this area and that's a huge omission i'm missing a bonus there um and it's ultimately going to make this area less effective than it should be so i'm going to remedy that now [Music] so i wouldn't necessarily consider this the best location for this building ideally this would be centrally located unfortunately we're not able to centrally locate it at this point without a lot of decommissioning of existing structures and i just i don't think that the efficiency boost is worth the damage to the industry area so we're gonna leave it [Music] the other thing like i mentioned is we're gonna need some more storage facilities for all of our uh all of our raw materials so in experimenting with this one of the things that i realized is that these uh dirt roads with the location of them here we actually end up in a situation where we can't fit a lot of buildings and i don't want to run into issues so i'm going to upgrade these right off the bat and i thought river river street would be really a premier roadway in the community so i'm going to use trees along all of river street so i'll just upgrade that right away off the bat and then to keep the traffic off river street i want to make sure that i am facing all of these buildings that i'm going to be placing towards towards evergreen street i don't i don't want all of this freight traffic on river street if at all possible and we're gonna be limited in the number of facilities that we can place and that's okay i'm probably gonna go through and fill these in with trees at some point in time but not right now because right now i've got a lot planned for today one of the other things that was mentioned is that for this neighborhood here first of all this is a neighborhood that as i mentioned in the previous episode was planned by the lewis lumber company for its employees this is something that's pretty common uh where i live oscar meyer had a whole neighborhood planned for oscar mayer employees and a lot of corporations did this whether it's ford uh a number of corporations back in the day that's how they would make their jobs attractive make it easy to afford a home afford a vehicle afford a good middle class lifestyle uh with your wages from your employment at the company so we're gonna we're gonna emulate that here we're going to rename this neighborhood um i'm thinking louis shores and we're going to set some policies here that i think will make this neighborhood more attractive for its residents so first we are not going to want a bunch of truck trips coming through this area you can already see that those are occurring so the way to prevent that will be to set a policy to restrict those sorts of trips in this neighborhood so let's take a look and we want to ban heavy traffic in this neighborhood the other policy i think that would be beneficial here would be the schools out policy the jobs in the lewis company are not louis lumber company are not high education jobs so we're going to want to make sure that these uh the people that live here are not um highly educated uh or well-educated and that is certainly something that could happen down the line so i think with that we've made some needed changes to this area and i'll probably leave this alone for today we could certainly benefit from having another interchange over here and i think we're going to do that at some point but that time is not necessarily now so for now i'm going to go through and upgrade the road network and the way that i'm going to do that is i want to take almost all of the roads in the community and upgrade them to uh paved roads i'm going to also plan a bike network through here really bare bones at this point and taking a look i've looked at this already and i think so we have we have river first second uh third on this side oh a third's right here uh fourth and then fifth is a nice east-west connection that goes basically from the eastern edge of the city all the way through our industrial districts that would seem to be a very good place to have bike amenities that could travel through the entire community so it might seem a little weird to have a bike trail through here but this is also the edge of our neighborhood here unfortunately in some cases we're going to have to do a little bit of uh shuffling of of some of the buildings that we have or the roadway network to make this work and that's gonna be a common theme as i go through this so i'm gonna take a few minutes and take care of this now and at the end i'll recap where i had to make changes to the network to make things work because there are going to be a couple places i know where things just aren't going to fit within the existing network you kind of see some of those as i'm going through so i'll start that now [Music] okay so in this area i just had some oddities uh with the roadway network so i had to clean that up a bit now i can resume here and finish out the zoning in this or the road upgrades in this area okay and this is going to be kind of an unfortunate area we have our main industry building and it is not fitting so i was afraid that would happen at some point i am going to do something a little unrealistic and just see if i could potentially move this i can't so the next best option is to move the road which is something i'm not all that excited about but i think it's pretty necessary if we want this all to fit in as well as it can that was pretty painless it just took a little bit of work i could leave the fire department where it is but i think that getting it on the road would be beneficial from a from the standpoint of the looks really nothing more than that [Music] okay because i deleted those couple sections of west river street i knew that there was going to be some issues with the roadway naming so i wanted to go through and fix that i know that 5th street is going to have the exact same problem because what i did so let's just go through and make that change everything is fixed now now most of the forestry area roads i'm going to leave as they were i did notice though that i have a small segment of local road right here for no apparent reason so i'm going to upgrade that to you know just make it look a little i guess a little more natural and i think there's one segment of dirt road in there that just is unreasonable in my mind so i'll make that one change here i'm gonna leave these other ones though this is the primary way to get to the highway so that you'd figure that that would have a little bit more priority in terms of converting it so now we're into our neighborhood and this is where i want almost every street to be upgraded so this is the edge of the neighborhood and one of the things i already know is going to be a problem is this water tower i normally wouldn't want to move this but in this particular instance i'm going to mainly for aesthetic purposes there's there's really no other reason for it [Music] so now i'm just going to go through this neighborhood and upgrade basically every road i see and i'm going with this basic two-lane road with grass mainly because of cost at this point this is 50 cents a cell 40 cents a week update or 50 to sell 40 cents a week up upkeep this is 8 cents more per cell upkeep and 10 dollars more for construction not a huge difference but it adds up over time and even though our budget's in a really good spot i still want to be cognizant of what's happening because we are potentially going to be at a place where the rapid expansion could sap our budget and lower the amount of money that we have available to us in the city's coffers there are going to be a couple instances where i'm not able to upgrade the dirt roads into paved roads and when those situations occur i'm going to simply eliminate the dirt road we don't want to keep any of these dirt roads in the urbanized area if at all possible [Music] so looking here i'm pretty sure that i'm not going to be able to make this connection but i'll give it a shot anyway yeah i'm not going to make that connection there oh i can't do it here though or appeared that i could [Music] and that grade is absolutely ridiculous we can go without it it'll be fine i like the connectivity but not that much and on the on the positive side we get a little bit more room for more housing so we will take it cartography is another one where we're gonna see this issue i think this one i have a little bit more space and may be able to improve it the roadway just needs to be in a slightly different location that's okay i can deal with that not crazy sloping issues there so i like that we're good we're going to repeat this over on the other side i think that we're going to leave the old industrial area kind of untouched for the time being with the exception of making some of these roads i mean actually you know what we're upgrading these we'll just upgrade them and leave them the basic roads we don't need these to be all that nice [Music] and last but not least i want to upgrade main street we have some options available to us now and this is our you know our pride and joy our our main thoroughfare and we want it to be attractive i've also noticed that i've inadvertently put industrial roads on uh uh semper verde boulevard uh through the residential areas and that was not uh on purpose so i'm gonna make those upgrades now now i am gonna stop those upgrades right here and the thought process there is we could have a nice pedestrian connection through this area maybe make this a park at some point and have a connection into the new neighborhood up here i do plan today on expanding into this area filling this entire area in and starting to make a plan for some of these areas around here as in the previous episode i mentioned that lumber is really the pride and joy of this community it's what it draws this identity from so i think it would be natural to have a nature preserve within close proximity of the core of the community now i know that right now this is the old town it'll probably get the old town policy at some point and will be you know an old part of the community it's not going to be the downtown core necessarily um there'll be added density in the future but i i see this more as kind of a legacy part of the community that's kind of hip and cool to be in but not necessarily where the downtown springs up so that said i want to protect some of this area over here and the downtown eventually will likely spring up along the banks of the water right here or over here or maybe even this entire area and preserving some of the natural environment would make this a would be a really attractive thing uh in the downtown area so that's that's what i'm thinking right now so to do that before we get started with any zoning of of properties i'm going to go back to uh or or neighborhood layout for that matter i want to to take a look at this area and start to you know block off areas where the forest is really dense so i'm pulling up this natural resources map and i think i'm just going to ring this with a road so i'm going to use the freeform tool and just kind of follow this dark green area right now [Music] okay so that might look crazy right now but in the future what this is going to be is the boundary of the natural preserve we're going to work our grid into this pattern and this is what will be the outline of that so i think it's going to be a really unique place that will be really good for the residents of the community that said we've got to get there and we're nowhere near there right now one of the problems that i have with the city right now is they have this this interstate that kind of just comes into the city it just kind of ends and i think that this is fairly unreasonable and one of the liberties i suppose that i'm going to take is i'm going to eliminate this back it up to here and put in a three-way basic interchange that is provided with the game and use that as kind of our launching point for the city and this is going to open up some opportunities to extend the grid create a more natural roadway network and in my mind uh kind of a little bit more natural development pattern [Music] and i didn't quite get the layout right so i'm gonna redo this that's pretty unreasonable but so is having a pre-built interchange so we'll just live with that [Music] so here there's an opportunity to respect roadway hierarchy by uh using a two-lane road so i'm gonna do or not roadway hierarchy sorry uh to respect uh lane mathematics so we're gonna do that right now and now all of our lanes make sense so that's a benefit to us in my mind so over here what i want to do is i think i'm going to round about at this point and immediately convert it into a six lane road with decorative trees and on that road in the future i'm going to line it with fences so that it's operating like a high-speed road without with limited access and there'll be some opportunities that connect back into our roadway network because of that roundabout so i'm going to make a quick roundabout now real simple one probably a 10 by 10 and i'm going to use the dirt roads to do that [Music] now these can be a little bit finicky one of the reasons for that is if you don't upgrade these roads and kind of have a cross through there your roundabouts can kind of bow out and get weird luckily nothing like that happened here and we're okay so i'm going to leave this road out here because i don't want to forget about it in the future i'm also going to line it up with that park road a little bit and then potentially with the railroad [Music] so this in the future will be an extension into the downtown area we can block this off make a couple key connections in here maybe have a collector that tees into some locals something like that i think we're also going to have a connection a local road connection into this roundabout from over here but one of the main reasons i wanted to do this is now i can extend my new grid across the road the highway was going to be a major barrier and all of these roads were going to be really short and weird so now we don't have to have that and that's a good benefit in my mind so i am going to start the grid i'm going to make sure that i'm using the same kind of road that we have been using and kind of continue that through now there are a couple roads that i want to meet up in a unique way and that's right here we have oscar and winston street those i want to kind of make a triangle that'll kind of naturally occur so i'm going to do a little bit of gritting right now [Music] i think i'm going to use this as another launching pad for another grid [Music] so kind of have the same pattern the construction cost is a little bit different now so i was using 300 as my reference point now at 750 because these roads are more expensive so i wouldn't want a runway connection here to have another stop on this collector but i do want to keep this transition here because i'm going to have a path through here in the future [Music] i'm noticing that this grid is not ideal here so i'm going to extend this up a little bit further deviate from our previous grid and instead of going up 12 i'm going to go up 13 in this particular area because it just happens to work just a little bit nicer i'm going to leave some spaces here uh first we're going to make some connections into this area and then secondly these can be natural spaces or park spaces trees that can be used to buffer from the highway and i think that's important to to reserve those spaces at least along the highway maybe not as important along this collector in fact those connections on the collector are probably pretty important so anyway we're gonna continue our roadway network so it it certainly doesn't necessarily fit my mo to want to just build this gigantic street network but i've given this some thought and one of the problems in this game is you don't have the opportunity to do any sort of uh you know real long range roadway planning um part of the reason for that is it's just not not really tools to be able to manage that kind of uh a process so this is at least one way that i can accomplish that i can create plots for neighborhoods by you know drawing this out and what i'm going to do after i'm done with this is make a plan for some of the services lay down some of the path network and then create neighborhoods based on when everything was developed and i think that that's gonna give this more of a sense of history and i think that's important [Music] this is not an ideal uh intersection but we're gonna keep it anyway i did notice that i over upgraded some of the roads over here and even though it's already placed the maintenance cost is still higher and i still want to use my same rationale that i was providing before and keep a consistency of the visual uh of the of the network in this area so i'm just going to go through double check make sure that i didn't make any mistakes and from there i think that it's going to be important to go and take a look at the roadway network and see where naming should be [Music] so okay so we've got a lot of this naming corrected now there's still some issues obviously um rename this road for instance [Music] uh to keep up with our naming scheme but i think we're in a lot better spot at least all of the streets are logically named at this point and that is as good as anything else with some of these so i'll leave that there if you see any of these that you want a new name for please call it out let me know let me know what the street is and what you want it to be called and out i'll be happy to make those changes so for the time being though i think i'm going to leave it as it is so next up i need to put some pads in we've been you know completing this path network i could also extend this these neighborhood streets over you know what i might just do that now real quick before the pass [Music] and now that i'm in the industrial district i recalled one thing i wanted to do i wanted to take a look at this area and see if there was anything i could do to make it a little less desirable [Music] unfortunately i don't think that i have any policies that make it less desirable at this point so what i might do is just bump up the taxes on this area or on that area of the economy in general now i don't think that this is going to impact the factories yeah it shouldn't impact the factories it should just impact this industrial area and i want to have a general industrial area i just don't want it to be right here that's that's all that i don't feel great about killing it off myself so we'll just raise the taxes and see what that does we will see all right up next lots and lots of trail connections we'll start over here at peter street [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so from there i think that we are in a pretty good spot with our neighborhoods we're going to want to get infrastructure in place as well so i'm going to do that quickly now [Music] okay i think that should cover most of our parcels next i guess i want to take a look knowing that this area over here is a little bit closer to the forestry industry area there might be some opportunities to divide these roads up and create some smaller lots that said i maybe it's not that big of a deal in this particular instance i did notice one missed trail connection i'll make that real quick okay now i i want to look at every single city service and make sure that we're covered this is right off main street now so i would not want to place any major buildings on main street but just off main street we could you can see that our fire coverage is lacking particularly over in our new area and i think i might remedy this over in our new area again i don't want to focus this on a collector but on a local road absolutely i think that we're going to need fire service up in our new neighborhood along with police service yeah we're we're okay right now but we're certainly gonna be low soon and though the coverage is good over in our in our lumber industry there is or there the crime is low the coverage is bad over there so this will help remedy that i also want to take a look at schools um so we do not have schools over here that's going to prevent those buildings from leveling up might not be the greatest this school is to serve that area and i know that we're going to need another one to serve this new neighborhood so before i have to demolish a bunch of buildings i'm going to put new schools in place and actually i don't have a public library so we'll kind of make this an educational core of kind of an educational hub for our community i'd eliminate this trail and give this one a little bit more thought we'll need to reorient that high school that would never happen um okay so we have that let's take a look at our trails back here give kids some options for how to get to and from school in the library [Music] some that might be a little bit overkill but that's that's okay i'd rather it be overkill than under doing it if that makes any sense okay so we have that we're also going to need uh some medical facilities right now i think we have one small clinic that's not going to do it we are getting to be a larger community so i think i want to get this close again close to the main drag without actually being on it [Music] so we'll put that right there i think we'll put a trail behind it that fits really nice within this grid you'll be able to see that right off from main street or william miller street whoops that is much better so william miller street no more uh next up let's see what else we would need i think that that's going to be it to get us going i do want to mix some commercial nodes in here so one of the locations i think is probably better than any other for this type of activity would be this little triangle parcel area between wood fifth and evans street and brown street this would be an area that someone could get them with work and you know grab groceries or hit up a bar or what have you so that's that would seem to be at least in my mind a fairly natural location to have this kind of use uh juice mix in there so makes sense to me i also want some neighborhood commercial mixed in so i'm just gonna mix that in a couple different locations so you have some shops a book shop maybe a bookstore a barber things of that nature that people would want in their neighborhood maybe even like in this area a little main street type corridor a local main street not a not a formal one and then in this area we haven't really discussed what i'm going to be doing here but i think that this again is going to be residential the problem is there's a lot of pollution over here and that's going to be a limiting factor so we're going to want to do is kind of have a buffer so i might again have another kind of main street commercial area coming through here and i might do this one a little bit different we don't have a leisure industry yet in the city i think this is an opportunity let's add a buffer between this kind of grittier area [Music] and this will be our first specialization and it will not be a leisure because that's not going to work so this will be uh an organic and local produce area and i think that we're going to use this as kind of a jumping point to make this a nicer area anyway [Music] and i will change the roads over here to be a little bit nicer [Music] thought being this is really close to a pretty significant nature reserve and in the future people would be very interested in living over here not only that the access to the downtown area to main street is is is really outstanding in this area so why wouldn't people want to live over here and with that i think we can start laying down some some residential districts it's obviously our core need at this point so we might as well start laying those down i do want to zone up main street though first so i can kind of be sloppy and go quickly and zone this entire area [Music] and once i'm done with that i am going to create neighborhoods [Music] i wanted to be very intentional with those initial districts because i knew that most of what we're going to zone over here is going to be residential at least here in america if you look at an aerial of a city you'll notice that most of the city is zoned low density residential and that is by design mainly because if given the preference at least here in america most people would choose to live in a single family neighborhood for better or for worse there are certainly issues with that but it's a preference and we're going to accommodate that preference and last but not least we have some of these areas over by the river in our new neighborhood we're going to to build those out as well now we've done a great job of creating all these neighborhoods without actually naming them or defining them so i want to think about when these were developed and create neighborhoods based on that so i know that the this neighborhood over here came in episode two because of the cemetery so i will use that as kind of a definer of this neighborhood [Music] and this was from the uh the original platt it's i think what we'll call this area [Music] now i know that i'm not great at making these districts pretty i'm gonna try to do a little better right now i know that's a catchy name if you guys have anything better please let me know down in the comments i know that you can do better than i just did i think for the rest of these i'm just gonna let the game generate some names and let you guys sound off in the comments about what you think the new name should actually be okay so i know that summit district is new today kent heights is old episode one here's another episode two area whoops and then we have our new neighborhood now i think you can see two distinctive grid patterns going on through here and i'm going to use that to define the neighborhoods and in the future we might actually set district policies to change the look of these neighborhoods and you know what why do it in the future why not just do it now so i will set some policies to change the look of these based on what i think the value would be of these areas in the [Music] future [Music] okay so i think sterling park just knowing that it's close to the 7th street district is going to be a a higher end eco-minded community so we're going to use self-sufficient buildings over here grove park is going to be well served by a number of uh amenities i think this could be a high-tech housing area but not yet we're not there population wise so maybe we won't be doing a lot with with policies just yet oh there's some uh oh taxes are too high oh that's that's unfortunate um well if you don't like it there's a there's a solution that you might not like that solution being leaving the city all right i'm gonna look through here are there any places that aren't occupied got him all right so we have that now another thing i want to think about is uh we have this highway that's right along this residential area i really think we want to be aware of that and get sound walls put up so that that sound isn't disturbing those neighborhoods it was also mentioned over here that it could be a nice separator i don't think that this would happen in a residential or in an industrial area that said i don't like how close those buildings are so i will do it i can take some liberties in this particular area while this is all developing out i'm going to pump up the speed and i want to take a look at the park we currently have a three-star park and i think we could kick this up high by increasing entertainment value in the comments someone even mentioned you know it's it's really a shame that i am not focusing uh more kid-centric amenities within the park and i agree that's a problem so i do wanna to get that worked out before i'm able to get there though we're gonna need to to get some more entertainment value within this park area that didn't take long and what we've what we've received is the climbing frame so i think it might be nice to have uh some of those kind of concentrated in an area so i think i'm going to make another kind of jog off the park and put these child-centric amenities in one location and that reminds me i put the cafe by the main gate and someone mentioned in the comments not a great place for it maybe having a cafe with a great view of oh a great view of the water and a significant jump up to be able to take a look let's see uh this little flatter over here ah just a little bit not not enough to make a difference let's do a bit of grading to fix this much better now we just need to smooth this out to make the landscape a little bit more natural okay so [Music] now let's take a look at that park and get those children's amenities in there look at that everyone's thrilled values in this area shooting to the moon [Music] okay so we are a little short in entertainment to be able to level up to the next level so what i think we're going to need to do is add a couple more of these gazebos you know look out onto the water that would be an ideal place to be able to do that and i think another pier would be helpful or another pier too so we have pure one there pier two oh did i put this in yeah i put the same ones pier one pier one meant to kind of lump these together oh shoot as i as i do that i demolished the road and level up right away perfect [Music] okay so fix that and we have our last park building available to us which is the trampoline park okay now i want to do a little bit more landscaping here i'm not entirely thrilled with what i did to start out with at least on the outside on the inside i mean on the outside i think it's fine let's do a little bit of work in here [Music] okay and i think this looks a lot better now looks a little bit more natural we have clumps of trees places you could sit and read a book underneath take a load off and have a little bit of shade because this is a warm place after all it is tropical oh oh they're going right through the fence to get into the park do not like that let's fix this quickly [Music] okay that's better much much much better so founders park is a five-star park now and we are having lots of issues now with our industrial district which is wonderful so we are going to need to add an industrial district in the future but not right now right now we've got our big industry area we're fine i just want to get this out of here i want that i want to encourage the buildings to leave on their own i do wish that i could target this policy towards this area i guess i've never figured out how to do that necessarily i don't know that it's possible in vanilla if it is let me know in the comments maybe i'm missing something i don't know um all right now our utilities are going to start to break down a little bit which is not entirely unexpected so let's start giving that some more consideration so what do we have available to us geothermal power plants oil power plants coal power plants and more wind turbines you know geothermal does not pollute it would seem to have some synergy with this district over here that said i don't really have a good location for it right now short of having it over here at the end of this road aspen street and honestly i don't think that's a terrible location for it so i might just include it over here all right and i want to clean up these grades a bit at least as best i can it's not perfect but it's okay so we've got that i'm guessing we're going to be low on water yep that was pretty obvious that that was going to be the next issue i think that we could have another water tower over here [Music] and now i'm guessing that our trash collection is again an issue it's very close so i do think yeah we get this waste disposal unit that turns waste into electricity with some noise and and pollution that might be a route to go um we'll see but for the time being i think our boom our biggest need is to have water over here um it's really just to fulfill these needs that we see in the community so i'm gonna continue to zone some of these areas all right big town so campuses i.t clusters leisure specialization which is what i was missing before a whole bunch of new policies including uh policies related to tax um do we get high tech nope that's 85 i think high-density districts office districts universities toll roads lots of good stuff so i'm pretty excited about all the stuff we're unlocking that's going to make the next episode a whole heck of a lot of fun and with that i think that we're gonna leave it here uh we've certainly got some problems but we're growing at a rapid clip we uh i've really increased our population people are getting happy we've got our park in a good place we've got our industry district looking better um let's see making some good profit yeah at 9 500 a week and our factory 3600 so pretty good we do have some traffic issues in this area let's take a look at our traffic yeah we're backing up pretty good over here uh a big reason for that is we just you know i mentioned we don't want so many access points over here potentially um might need to do some traffic fixes create an interchange over here we still got this terrible cloverleaf with traffic that's not even going to this city traffic that's going through this city terrible that's to have our biggest traffic problem not even be serving this city that's that's horrendous we will need to remedy that soon that'll probably be a mini episode um but i like where we're at right now including all of our industry leaving the city in this particular area based on our policies it's our choice and we have nudged and encouraged them to leave and they have decided to leave in kind that's fine and i think that the rest of it's going to leave soon too and then we can start looking at more residential in this area this is going to be a very desirable area for residential uh once we get some of the not so desirable uses out of here there are still going to be some i mean we still have this inland water treatment plant that is just kind of in an unfortunate location but it could be a lot worse [Music] all right so with that i think we're going to end it here today so thank you so much for watching i hope you've enjoyed this episode if you did please consider hitting the like button if you're not subscribed to my channel please consider doing so if you want to be notified when i release new videos please consider hitting that notification bell because you'll be notified as soon as i release new videos i've also just launched discord server consider joining me there i'm there basically every night um i pop in from here to there and sometimes throughout the day just depends on my availability so thank you so much and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 263,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines residential layout, cities skylines residential road layout, cities skylines residential design, cities skylines neighborhood design, cities skylines residential demand, cities skylines residential, cities skylines neighborhoods, cities: skylines, cities skylines, city planner plays cities skylines, urban planner plays cities skylines, Verde Beach, unmodded cities skylines, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines ps4
Id: 9jV5CQzz8AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.